DIODE MODULE DWF(R)70BB30/40 Power Diode Module DWF(W)70BB is designed for three phase half wave rectification, which has three diodes connected in a three phase bridge configuration. The mounting base of the module is electrically isolated from semiconductor elements for simple heatsink construction. Output DC current is 70Amp (Tc=106℃) Repetitive peak reverse voltage is up to 400V. 80 21.5 5-M5 40.0 6.5 ● TjMax=150℃ ● Isolated mounting Base reliability by unique glass passivation − + (Applications) AC, DC Motor Drive/AVR/Switching -for three phase rectification 1.1 11 11 1.1 67.0 60.0 DWF 35.0 25.0 3.2 ● High 21.5 10.0 DWR Unit:㎜ ■Maximum Ratings (Tj=25℃ unless otherwise specified) Symbol Item VRRM VRSM Ratings Unit DWF(R)70BB30 DWF(R)70BB40 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 300 400 V Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 360 480 V Symbol Item ID Average Forward Current (D.C.) D.C. TC:106℃ Conditions Ratings Unit 70 A Surge Forward Current 1cycle, 60HZ, peak value, non-repetitive 1400 A I2t I2t Value for one cycle of surge current 8100 A2S Tj Operating Junction Temperature −40 to +150 ℃ Tstg Storage Temperature −40 to +125 ℃ VISO Isolation Breakdown Voltage(R.M.S.) A.C. 1minute 2500 V Mounting(M5) Recommended Value 1.5-2.5(15-25) 2.7(28) Terminal(M5) Recommended Value 1.5-2.5(15-25) 2.7(28) N・m (㎏f・B) 200 g IFSM Mounting Torque Mass Typical Value ■Electrical Characteristics Symbol Item Conditions IRRM Repetitive Peak Reverse Current Tj=150℃ at VRRM VFM Forward Voltage Drop Tj=25℃,IFM=220A,Inst. measurement Rth(j-c) Thermal Impedance SanRex Junction to case(1/3 MODULE) Ratings Min. Typ. Max. Unit 12 mA 1.15 V 0.55 ℃/W ® 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: semi@sanrex.com DWF(R)70BB30/40 80 Power Dissipation Pav(W) Forward Current I(A) F 103 Maximum Forward Characteristics Tj=25℃ 5 2 102 5 2 1. 5 2. 0 50 40 30 20 10 Per one element 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Average Forward Current vs. Allowable Case Temperature Cycle Surge Forward Current Rating (Non-Repetitive) Single Phase Six Phase 50 Per one element 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1500 Per one element Tj=25℃ start 1000 Three Phase 80 60Hz 500 0 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 Time(Cycles) Average Forward Current(A) Transient Thermal Impedance θj-c(℃/W) Six Phase Average Forward Current(A) 100 0. 6 Three Phase 60 Forward Voltage Drop V(V) F Surge Forward Current I(A) F Allowable Case Temperature Tc(℃) 150 1. 0 Single Phase 70 0 0 1 10 0. 5 Average Forward Current vs. Power Dissipation Transient Thermal Impedance(max) 0. 5 5 ×10-1〜101 Junction to Case Per one element 0. 4 0. 3 0. 2 2 ×10-2〜5 0. 1 0 5 0 10 2 2 5 5 10-2 2 101 5 10-1 2 5 Time t(sec) SanRex ® 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516)625-1313 FAX(516)625-8845 E-mail: semi@sanrex.com