HP-803xx 3W Emitter Power LED Series Features Highest Flux Very long operating life ( life >> 50000 hr ) More Energy Efficient than Incandescent and most Halogen lamps Low voltage DC operated Instant light (less than 100 ns) Superior ESD protection Package Dimensions O 7.40 Notes 1. Drawings not to scale 2. All dimensions are in millimeters . 3. Tolerance is ±0.1mm unless otherwise noted. 4. Protruded resin under flange is 1.0mm max. 5. Lead spacing is measured where the leads emerge from the package. 6. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 7. Precautions for ESD: STATIC SHIELD Electricity and surge damages the LED. It is recommended to use a wrist band or anti-electrostatic glove when handling the LED. All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25C Parameter Symbol Max Unit Power Dissipation PD 3 W Pulse Forward Current IPF 1000 mA Forward Current IF 700 mA Reverse Voltage VR 5 V Operating Temperature Range Topr - 40 to +85 C Storage Temperature Range Tstg - 40 to + 85 C Flux Characteristics at 700mA , Junction Temperature, TJ= 25C Color Model Typ.(lumens) Angle(degree) White HP803NW 55 lm 120 Warm White HP803WW 45 lm 120 Blue HP803NB 16 lm 120 Cyan HP803CN 40 lm 120 Pure Green HP803PG 55 lm 120 Amber HP803NO 36 lm 120 Red HP803NR 40 lm 120 Optical Characteristics at 700mA , Junction Temperature, TJ = 25C Color CCT / λD λ λ/T 7000K -- -- 3300K 3800K -- -- 460nm 470nm 475nm 25 0.04 Cyan 490nm 505nm 515nm 30 0.04 Pure Green 520nm 530nm 540nm 35 0.04 Amber 587nm 590nm 595nm 20 0.05 Red 620nm 625nm 645nm 20 0.05 Min. Typ. Max. White 5000K 6000K Warm White 2850K Blue Electrical Characteristics at 700mA , Junction Temperature, TJ = 25C /W Forward Voltage Color Thermal Resistance, V/T Min. Typ. Max. White 3.8 v 4.0 v 4.2 v 15 -2.0 Warm White 3.8 v 4.0 v 4.2 v 15 -2.0 Blue 3.8 v 4.0 v 4.2 v 15 -2.0 Cyan 3.6 v 3.8 v 4.2 v 15 -2.0 Pure Green 3.6 v 3.8 v 4.2 v 15 -2.0 Amber 2.8 v 3.0 v 3.2 v 18 -2.0 Red 2.8 v 3.0 v 3.2 v 18 -2.0 Junction To Case Notes 1. Minimum luminous flux or radiometric power performance guaranteed within published operating conditions. maintains a tolerance of ±10% on flux and power measurements 2. Dominant wavelength is derived from the CIE 1931 Chromaticity diagram and represents the perceived color. maintains a tolerance of± 1 nm for dominant wavelength measurements. 3. CCT ±5% tester tolerance. Precautions For Use Over–current–proof Customer must apply resistors for protection, otherwise slight voltage shift will cause big current change Burn out will happen Typical Electrical / Optical Characteristics Curves Spectrum Distribution Relative luminous intensity(%) 100 Blue Yellow Amber Pure Blue 80 Green Red 60 Cyan 40 20 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 Wavelength (nm) Spectrum Distribution Forward Current VS. Forward Voltage 800 Yellow/Red 600 400 Blue/Green W hite 200 0 0 2.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Relative Luminous Inttensity(%) Forward Current IF (mA) 1000 Lum inous Intensity VS. Forward Current 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 200 Forward Voltage(VF) -Volts 400 600 800 1000 Forward Current IF (mA) Radiation Diagram Forward Current VS. Ambient Temperature 20¢X 1000 10¢X 0¢X 30¢X 750 40¢X Yellow/Red 500 1.0 0.9 50¢X Blue/Green White 0.8 60¢X 250 0.7 70¢X 80¢X 0 0 50 100 150 Ambient Temperature (¢X C) 200 90¢X 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 Reliability Test Items and Conditions No. Item Test Conditions Test time Ac⁄Re 1 Solder Heat 260±5C 5 sec 0⁄1 2 Temperature Cycle 100cycle 0⁄1 3 Thermal Shock 20 cycle 0⁄1 4 High Temperature Storage 85C 1000 hrs 0⁄1 5 Low Temperature Storage -35C 1000 hrs 0⁄1 6 DC Operating Life IF 700mA 1000 hrs 0⁄1 7 High Temperature⁄High Humidity Ta 60C R.H 90 . 1000 hrs 0⁄1 Judgment Criteria -40C 25C 105C 25C 30 min 5 min 30 min 5 min -40C 105C 5 min 5 min Forward Voltage Vf Vfmax Increase <1.2x Reverse Current IR IR max Increase <2x Luminous Intensity Flux Iv Decay < 50% Note Measurement shall be taken after the tested samples have been returned to normal ambient conditions. Soldering heat reliability DIP Please refer to the following figure Soldering heat 260¢ JMax. 5¢ Jwithin 5 sec 245¡ Ó ¢ J Preheat ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK, A-1040 Vienna, Austria, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 76, Top 9/1 Tel.: +43-1-586 52 43 - 0, Fax.: +43-1-586 52 43 44 e-mail: office@roithner-laser.com http://www.roithner-laser.com