Chip Directional Couplers 3W & 5W The content of this specification may change without notification 7/01/09 EIA Size 0805 Termination Resistor Designed-In Chip Directional Couplers Features 1: I de al a pp li cati on s i n m ob il e ph on es, an d sm al l est chi ps a vai lab le . 2: A 2 00 mW t e rmi na t i on resi st or i s de sig ne d in . Of f e r com pe t it ive pr i cin g. 3: Cou pl i ng an d in ser t i o n lo ss ar e pr o vid ed acco rdi ng t o a cust o me r s spe cif ica t i on . Dimensions, Schematics (4) (4) (3) (3) (1) (1) Coupled Output Port (2) Coupled Termination (3) Output Port (4) Input Port (2) 2.0 0.7 max. Unit : mm (1) (2) Characteristics Style No. DCS214A-0900-G DCS214C-0900-G DCS214E-0900-G DCS214G-0900-G DCS214K-0900-G DCS214M-0900-G DCS214S-0900-G DCS214A-1500-G DCS214C-1500-G DCS214E-1500-G DCS214G-1500-G DCS214K-1500-G DCS214M-1500-G DCS214S-1500-G DCS214A-1700-G DCS214C-1700-G DCS214E-1700-G DCS214G-1700-G DCS214K-1700-G DCS214M-1700-G DCS214S-1700-G DCS214A-1900-G DCS214C-1900-G DCS214E-1900-G DCS214G-1900-G DCS214K-1900-G DCS214M-1900-G DCS214S-1900-G DCS214A-2100-G DCS214C-2100-G DCS214E-2100-G DCS214G-2100-G DCS214K-2100-G DCS214M-2100-G DCS214S-2100-G DCS214A-2400-G DCS214C-2400-G DCS214E-2400-G DCS214G-2400-G DCS214K-2400-G DCS214M-2400-G DCS214S-2400-G Frequency Range [ MHz ] 800~1000 800~1000 800~1000 800~1000 800~1000 800~1000 800~1000 1400~1600 1400~1600 1400~1600 1400~1600 1400~1600 1400~1600 1400~1600 1600~1800 1600~1800 1600~1800 1600~1800 1600~1800 1600~1800 1600~1800 1800~2000 1800~2000 1800~2000 1800~2000 1800~2000 1800~2000 1800~2000 2000~2200 2000~2200 2000~2200 2000~2200 2000~2200 2000~2200 2000~2200 2300~2500 2300~2500 2300~2500 2300~2500 2300~2500 2300~2500 2300~2500 Insertion Loss [ dB ] 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.4 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.6 max. 0.3 max. 0.8 max. 0.6 max. 0.4 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.8 max. 0.3 max. 1.0 max. 0.8 max. 0.6 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.9 max. 0.4 max. 1.2 max. 1.0 max. 0.7 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 1.0 max. 0.5 max. 1.5 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.4 max. 1.2 max. 0.6 max. 1.8 max. 0.4 max. 0.4 max. 0.4 max. Coupling [ dB ] Directivity [ dB ] 21.0±2 17.0±2 20.0±2 15.5±2 27.0±2 24.0±2 22.0±2 17.0±2 12.5±2 15.5±2 11.0±2 23.0±2 20.0±2 18.0±2 16.0±2 11.5±2 14.5±2 10.0±2 22.0±2 19.0±2 17.0±2 15.0±2 10.5±2 13.5±2 9.0±2 21.0±2 18.0±2 16.0±2 14.0±2 10.0±2 12.5±2 8.0±2 20.0±2 17.0±2 15.0±2 13.0±2 8.5±2 11.5±2 7.0±2 19.0±2 16.0±2 14.0±2 15 min. 13 min. 15 min. 10 min. 15 min. 15 min. 15 min. 11 min. 10 min. 13 min. 8 min. 13 min. 13 min. 13 min. 10 min. 9 min. 12 min. 7 min. 12 min. 12 min. 12 min. 8 min. 9 min. 10 min. 7 min. 12 min. 12 min. 12 min. 8 min. 8 min. 10 min. 6 min. 12 min. 12 min. 10 min. 8 min. 8 min. 10 min. 6 min. 12 min. 11 min. 11 min. VSWR (max.) 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.30 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.35 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.35 RF Impedance [Ω] 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Max.Input Power [W] 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 3 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 3 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 2 max. 3 max. 2 max. 2 max. Operating Temperature Range : −30~+85 C American Accurate Components, Inc. 188 Technology Drive, Unit H, Irvine, CA 92618 Tel: 949-453-9888 Fax: 949-453-8889 Email: 1 Chip Directional Couplers 3W & 5W The content of this specification may change without notification 7/01/09 EIA Size 0805 Chip Directional Couplers Features 1 : Id e al ap plica tio n s in mob ile ph on es, an d sma lle st ch ip s a va ila bl e . 2: Co up l in g a nd i n se r ti o n lo s s a re pr o vid ed a c co rdi ng to a c u sto me r s s pe ci fi ca ti on . Dimensions, Schematics (4) (4) (3) (3) (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2) 2.0 0.7 max. Unit : mm (1) Coupled Output Port Coupled Termination Output Port Input Port (2) Specifications Style StyleNo. No. DCS2141-0900 DCS2141-0900-G -1500 DCS2142-0900-G -1700 DCS2143-0900-G -1900 DCS2144-0900-G DCS2142-0900 DCS2145-0900-G -1500 DCS2146-0900-G -1700 DCS2141-1500-G -1900 DCS2142-1500-G DCS2143-0900 DCS2143-1500-G -1500 DCS2144-1500-G -1700 DCS2145-1500-G -1900 DCS2146-1500-G DCS2144-0900 DCS2141-1700-G -1500 DCS2142-1700-G -1700 DCS2143-1700-G -1900 DCS2144-1700-G -2100 DCS2145-1700-G -2400 DCS2146-1700-G DCS2145-0900 DCS2141-1900-G -1500 DCS2142-1900-G -1700 DCS2143-1900-G -1900 DCS2144-1900-G -2100 DCS2145-1900-G -2400 DCS2146-1900-G DCS2146-0900 DCS2144-2100-G -1500 DCS2145-2100-G -1700 DCS2146-2100-G -1900 DCS2144-2400-G -2100 DCS2145-2400-G -2400 DCS2146-2400-G Frequency Range Frequency [MHz][ MHz ] Range 800 ~ 1000 800~1000 1400 ~ 1600 800~1000 1600 ~ 1800 800~1000 1800 ~ 2000 800~1000 800 ~ 1000 800~1000 1400 ~ 1600 800~1000 1600 ~ 1800 1400~1600 1800 ~ 2000 1400~1600 800 ~ 1000 1400~1600 1400 ~ 1600 1400~1600 1600 ~ 1800 1400~1600 1800 ~ 2000 1400~1600 800 ~ 1000 1600~1800 1400 ~ 1600 1600~1800 1600 ~ 1800 1600~1800 1800 ~ 2000 1600~1800 2000 ~ 2200 1600~1800 2300 ~ 2500 1600~1800 800 ~ 1000 1800~2000 1400 ~ 1600 1800~2000 1600 ~ 1800 1800~2000 1800 ~ 2000 1800~2000 2000 ~ 2200 1800~2000 2300 ~ 2500 1800~2000 800 ~ 1000 2000~2200 1400 ~ 1600 2000~2200 1600 ~ 1800 2000~2200 1800 ~ 2000 2300~2500 2000 ~ 2200 2300~2500 2300 ~ 2500 2300~2500 * Correspondence W - CDMA American Accurate Components, Inc. Insertion Insertion Coupling Coupling Directivity Directivity VSWR VSWR RF Impedance RF LossLoss [dB] [dB] [dB] (max.) [Ω] [ Ω ] [ dB ] [ dB ] (max.) dB ] 0.3 [max. 15.0±2 10 min. 1.2 50 0.3 max. 15.0±2 10 min. 1.2 50 0.8 max. 10.5±2 7 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 17.0±2 10 min. 1.2 50 1.0 max. 9.5±2 6 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 13 min. 1.2 50 1.4 max. 8.5±2 6 min. 1.5 50 0.3 max. 22.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 17.0±2 10 min. 1.2 50 0.3 max. 24.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.4 max. 12.5±2 9 min. 1.2 50 0.3 max. 27.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.6 max. 11.5±2 8 min. 1.2 50 0.8 max. 10.5±2 7 min. 1.3 50 0.7 max. 10.5±2 8 min. 1.2 50 0.4 max. 12.5±2 9 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 13 min. 1.2 50 0.3 max. 15.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 15.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 18.0±2 11 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 14.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 13.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 23.0±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 22.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 1.0 max. 9.5±2 6 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 18.0±2 11 min. 1.3 50 0.6 max. 11.5±2 8 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 16.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 14.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 15.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 16.5±2 10 min. 1.5 50 0.3 max. 15.0±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 18.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 14.0±2 8 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 21.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 24.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 1.4 max. 8.5±2 6 min. 1.5 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.7 max. 10.5±2 8 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 18.5±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.4 max. 13.5±2 10 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 17.5±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 15.5±2 10 min. 1.6 50 0.3 max. 17.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 17.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 16.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 20.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 27.0±2 15 min. 1.3 50 0.3 max. 15.0±2 10 min. 1.7 50 0.3 max. 23.0±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 17.0±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 21.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 20.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.4 max. 14.0±2 8 min. 1.8 50 0.3 max. 20.0±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 16.0±2 15 min. 1.5 50 0.3 max. 19.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 0.3 max. 19.5±2 15 min. 1.4 50 Max. Input Max.Power Input [W] [ W ] Power 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. 5 max. Termination Termination Resistor [Ω] [Ω] Resistor 24 24 24 43 24 51 24 51 43 75 43 68 43 24 43 43 51 51 51 51 51 75 51 68 51 24 51 43 51 51 51 51 51 75 51 68 75 24 75 43 75 51 75 51 75 75 75 68 68 51 68 75 68 68 68 51 68 75 68 68 Note Note * * * * * * Operating Temperature Range : −30~+85 C 188 Technology Drive, Unit H, Irvine, CA 92618 Tel: 949-453-9888 Fax: 949-453-8889 Email: 2