AMIS-- 49587 Product Preview Power Line Carrier Modem ON Semiconductor’s AMIS--49587 is an IEC 61334--5--1 compliant power line carrier modem using spread--FSK (S--FSK) modulation for robust low data rate communication over power lines. AMIS--49587 is built around an ARM 7TDMI processor core, and includes the MAC layer. With this robust modulation technique, signals on the power lines can pass long distances. The half--duplex operation is automatically synchronized to the mains, and can be up to 2400 bits/sec. The product configuration is done via its serial interface, which allows the user to concentrate on the development of the application. The AMIS--49587 is implemented in ON Semiconductor mixed signal technology, combining both analog circuitry and digital functionality on the same IC. 281 1 PLCC 28 Lead CASE 776AA 52 QFN52 8x8, 0.5P CASE 485M Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Power Line Carrier Modem for 50 and 60 Hz Mains Fully compliant to IEC 61334--5--1 and CENELEC EN 50065--1 Complete Handling of Protocol Layers Physical to MAC Programmable Carrier Frequencies from 9 to 95 kHz in 10 Hz Steps Half Duplex Data Rate Selectable: 300 – 600 – 1200 – 2400 baud (@ 50 Hz) 360 – 720 – 1440 – 2880 baud (@ 60 Hz) Synchronization on Mains Repetition Algorithm Boost the Robustness of Communication SCI Port to Application Microcontroller SCI Baudrate Selectable: 4.8 – 9.6 – 19.2 – 34.4 kb Power Supply 3.3 V Ambient Temperature Range: --40°C to +80°C These Devices are Pb--Free and are RoHS Compliant* MARKING DIAGRAMS XXXXYZZ AMIS49587 C587--NAF ON ARM XXXXYZZ AMIS49587 C587--NAF ARM: Automated Remote Meter Reading (Télérelevé) Remote Security Control Streetlight Control Transmission of Alerts (Fire, Gas Leak, Water Leak) e3 52 1 Typical Applications • • • • ARM ON XXXX Y ZZ e3 = Date Code = Plant Identifier = Traceability Code ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 3 of this data sheet. *For additional information on our Pb--Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. This document contains information on a product under development. ON Semiconductor reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2009 December, 2009 -- Rev. P2 1 Publication Order Number: AMIS--49587/D AMIS--49587 1 APPLICATION 1.1 APPLICATION EXAMPLE 3V3_D VDD VDDA 3V3_A TX_OUT T_REQ NCS5650 TXD TX _ENB RXD BR0 RX_OUT Application m Controller BR1 RX_IN RESB AMIS--49587 1:2 REF_OUT MAINS 3V3_A ALC_IN Meter Interface VSS VSSA XTAL_OUT XTAL_IN M50HzIN Figure 1. Typical Application for the AMIS--49587 S--FSK Modem 2 AMIS--49587 Table 1. ORDERING INFORMATION Temperature Range Package Shipping† AMIS49587C5871G --40°C -- +80°C PLCC--28 (Pb--Free) Tube AMIS49587C5871RG --40°C -- +80°C PLCC--28 (Pb--Free) Tape & Reel AMIS49587C5872G --40°C -- +80°C QFN--52 (Pb--Free) Tube AMIS49587C5872RG --40°C -- +80°C QFN--52 (Pb--Free) Tape & Reel Part No. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specification Brochure, BRD8011/D. Table of Contents Detailed Hardware Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Clock and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Transmitter Path Description (S-FSK Modulator) . . . . 22 Receiver Path Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Communication Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Detailed Software Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Configure the AMIS--49587 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Obtaining Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Configuration of the AMIS-49587 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Send and Receive Network Data with the AMIS-49587 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Retrieve Statistical Data from the AMIS-49587 . . . . . 52 Package Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Application Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Normal Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pin Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PLCC Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 QFN Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Detailed Pin Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 DC and AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 AMIS--49587 2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2.1 Stresses above those listed in this clause may cause permanent device failure. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2.1.1 Power Supply Pins VDD, VDDA, VSS, VSSA Table 2. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SUPPLY Rating Absolute maximum digital power supply Absolute maximum analog power supply Symbol Min Max Unit VDD_ABSM VSS --0.3 3.9 V VDDA_ABSM VSSA --0.3 3.9 V Absolute maximum difference between digital and analog power supply VDD --VDDA_ABSM --0.3 0.3 V Absolute maximum difference between digital and analog ground VSS --VSSA_ABSM --0.3 0.3 V Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 2.1.2 Non 5V Safe Pins: TX_OUT, ALC_IN, RX_IN, RX_OUT, REF_OUT, M50HZ_IN, XIN, XOUT, TDO, TDI, TCK, TMS, TRSTB, TEST Table 3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS NON 5V SAFE PINS Rating Absolute maximum input for normal digital inputs and analog inputs Absolute maximum voltage at any output pin Symbol Min Max Unit VIN_ABSM VSS* --0.3 VDD*+0.3 V VOUT_ABSM VSS* --0.3 VDD*+0.3 V 2.1.3 5V Safe Pins: TX_ENB, TXD, RXD, BR0, BR1, RESB, RX_DATA, TREQ, CRC, TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT Table 4. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 5V SAFE PINS Rating Symbol Min Max Unit Absolute maximum input for digital 5 V safe inputs V5VS_ABSM VSS --0.3 6.0 V Absolute maximum voltage at 5 V safe output pin VOUT5V_ABSM VSS --0.3 3.9 V 2.2 Normal Operating Conditions Operating ranges define the limits for functional operation and parametric characteristics of the device as described in the Receiver Block Diagram Section and for the reliability specifications as listed in the Local Transfer and Configuration Commands (LTC) Section. Functionality outside these limits is not implied. Total cumulative dwell time outside the normal power supply voltage range or the ambient temperature under bias, must be less than 0.1% of the useful life as defined in the Local Transfer and Configuration Commands (LTC) Section. Table 5. OPERATING RANGES Rating Power Supply Voltage Range Ambient Temperature 4 Symbol Min Max Unit VDD 3.0 3.6 V TA --25 70 °C AMIS--49587 2 1 ALC_IN VSSA 3 TX_OUT RX_OUT 4 VDDA REF_OUT 3.1 PLCC Packaging RX_IN 3 PIN DESCRIPTION 28 27 26 M50Hz_IN 5 25 TX _ENB RX_DATA 6 24 TEST TDO 7 23 RESB TDI 8 TCK 9 21 BR0 TMS 10 20 BR1 22 CRC AMIS--49587 TRSTB 11 19 T_REQ RXD TXD VDD VSS XOUT XIN TX_DATA/ PRE_SLOT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Figure 2. Pinout Table 6. AMIS--49587 PLCC PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name 1 VSSA 2 RX_OUT 3 RX_IN 4 P: A: D: I/O Type Description P Analog ground Out A Output of receiver low noise operational amplifier In A Positive input of receiver low noise operational amplifier REF_OUT Out A Reference output for stabilization 5 M50HZ_IN In A 50/60 Hz input for mains zero cross detection 6 RX_DATA Out D, 5V Safe Data reception indication (open drain output) 7 TDO Out D Test data output 8 TDI In D Test data input (internal pulldown) 9 TCK In D Test clock (internal pulldown) 10 TMS In D Test mode select (internal pulldown) 11 TRSTB In D Test reset bar (internal pulldown, active low) 12 TX_DATA/ PRE_SLOT Out D, 5V Safe Data output corresponding to transmitted data or PRE_SLOT signal (open drain output) 13 XIN In A Xtal input (can be driven by an internal clock) 14 XOUT Out A Xtal output (output floating when XIN driven by external clock) 15 VSS P Digital ground 16 VDD P 3.3 V digital supply 17 TXD Out D, 5V Safe SCI transmit output (open drain) 18 RXD In D, 5V Safe SCI receive input (Schmitt trigger input) 19 T_REQ In D, 5V Safe Transmit request input 20 BR1 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection 21 BR0 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection 22 CRC Out D, 5V Safe Correct frame CRC indication (open drain output) 23 RESB In D, 5V Safe Master reset bar (Schmitt trigger input, active low) 24 TEST In D 25 TX_ENB Out D, 5V Safe 26 TX_OUT Out A Transmitter output 27 ALC_IN In A Automatic level control input 28 VDDA P 3.3 V analog supply Power pin Analog pin Digital pin Test enable (internal pulldown) TX enable bar (open drain) 5V Safe: Out: In: In/Out: IO that support the presence of 5V on bus line Output signal Input signal Bi--directional pin 5 AMIS--49587 3.2 QFN Packaging NC NC TX_OUT ALC_IN NC NC 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 VDDA VSSA RX_OUT 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 46 47 RX_IN NC 52 51 REF_OUT NC M50Hz_IN NC NC NC NC RX _DATA TDO TDI TCK TMS TRST NC NC 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 AMIS--49587 NC NC TX_EN TEST RES NC CRC BR0 BR1 NC T_REQ NC NC 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 NC NC RXD NC TXD VDD VSS NC XOUT TX_DATA / NC PRE_SLOT XIN NC 18 15 17 16 14 Figure 3. QFN Pin--out of AMIS--49587 (Top view) Table 7. AMIS--49587 QFN PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name I/O Type 1 M50HZ_IN In A 50/60Hz input for mains zero cross detection 6 RX_DATA Out D, 5V Safe Data reception indication (open drain output) 7 TDO Out D Test data output 8 TDI In D Test data input (internal pull down) 9 TCK In D Test clock (internal pull down) 10 TMS In D Test mode select (internal pull down) 11 TRSTB In D Test reset bar (internal pull down, active low) 16 TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT Out D, 5V Safe 17 XIN In A Xtal input (can be driven by an internal clock) 18 XOUT Out A Xtal output (output floating when XIN driven by external clock) 20 VSS P Digital ground 21 VDD P 3.3 V digital supply 22 TXD Out D, 5V Safe SCI transmit output (open drain) 24 RXD In D, 5V Safe SCI receive input (Schmitt trigger input) 29 T_REQ In D, 5V Safe Transmit Request input 31 BR1 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection 32 BR0 In D, 5V Safe SCI baud rate selection 33 CRC Out D, 5V Safe Correct frame CRC indication (open drain output) 35 RESB In D, 5V Safe Master reset bar (Schmitt trigger input, active low) TEST In 36 P: A: D: Power pin Analog pin Digital pin D Description Data output corresponding to transmitted data or PRE_SLOT signal (open drain) Test enable (internal pull down) 5V Safe: IO that support the presence of 5 V on bus line Out: Output signal In: Input signal 6 AMIS--49587 Table 7. AMIS--49587 QFN PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin No. Pin Name I/O Type 37 TX_ENB Out D, 5V Safe 42 TX_OUT Out A Transmitter output 43 ALC_IN In A Automatic level control input 46 VDDA P 3.3 V analog supply 47 VSSA P Analog ground 48 RX_OUT Out A Output of receiver low noise operational amplifier 49 RX_IN In A Positive input of receiver low noise operational amplifier 51 REF_OUT Out A Reference output for stabilization 2, 3, .. 50, 52 NC P: A: D: Power pin Analog pin Digital pin Description TX enable bar (open drain) Pins 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19,23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 52 are not connected. These pins need to be left open or connected to the GND plane 5V Safe: IO that support the presence of 5 V on bus line Out: Output signal In: Input signal 3.3 Detailed Pin Description VDDA VDDA is the positive analog supply pin. Nominal voltage is 3.3 V. A ceramic decoupling capacitor CDA = 100 nF ±10% must be placed between this pin and the VSSA. Connection path of this capacitance to the VSSA on the PCB should be kept as short as possible in order to minimize the serial resistance. REF_OUT REF_OUT is the analog output pin which provides the voltage reference used by the A/D converter. This pin must be decoupled to the analog ground by a 1 mF ±10 percent ceramic capacitance CDREF. The connection path of this capacitor to the VSSA on the PCB should be kept as short as possible in order to minimize the serial resistance. VSSA VSSA is the analog ground supply pin. VDD VDD is the 3.3 V digital supply pin. A ceramic decoupling capacitor CDD = 100 nF ±10% must be placed between this pin and the VSS. Connection path of this capacitance to the VSS on the PCB should be kept as short as possible in order to minimize the serial resistance. VSS VSS is the digital ground supply pin. 7 AMIS--49587 GROUND CDA CDREF 3,3V SUPPLY 5 6 1 28 27 26 VSSA 2 VDDA 3 REF_OUT 4 25 24 22 9 21 10 20 11 19 VDD 23 8 VSS 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CDD Figure 4. Recommended Layout of the Placement of Decoupling Capacitors for PLCC--28 RX_OUT RX_OUT is the output analog pin of the receiver low noise input op--amp. This op--amp is in a negative feedback configuration. RX_IN RX_IN is the positive analog input pin of the receiver low noise input op--amp. Together with RX_OUT and REF_OUT, an active high pass filter is realized. This filter removes the main frequency (50 or 60 Hz) from the received signal. The filter characteristics are determined by external capacitors and resistors. A typical application schematic can be found in paragraph 50/60 Hz suppression filter. M50Hz_IN M50HZ_IN is the mains frequency analog input pin. The signal is used to detect the zero crossing of the 50 or 60 Hz sine wave. This information is used, after filtering with the internal PLL, to synchronize frames with the mains frequency. In case of direct connection to the mains it is advised to use a series resistor of 1 MΩ in combination with two external clamp diodes in order to limit the current flowing through the internal protection diodes. RX_DATA RX_DATA is a 5 V compliant open drain output. An external pull--up resistor defines the logic high level as illustrated in Figure 5. A typical value for the pull--up resistance “R” is 10 kΩ. The signal on this output depends on the status of the data reception. If AMIS--49587 waits for configuration RX_DATA outputs a pulse train with a 10 Hz frequency. After Synchronization Confirm Time out RX_DATA = 0. If AMIS--49587 is searching for synchronization RX_DATA = 1. +5V R Output VSSD Figure 5. Representation of 5V Safe Output 8 AMIS--49587 TDO, TDI, TCK, TMS, and TRSTB All these pins are part of the JTAG bus interface. The JTAG interface is used during production test of the IC and will not be described here. Input pins (TDI, TCK, TMS, and TRSTB) contain internal pull--down resistance. TDO is an output. When not used, the JTAG interface pins may be left floating. TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT is the output for either the transmitting data (TX_DATA) or a synchronization signal with the time--slots (PRE_SLOT). More information can be found in paragraph Local Port. XIN XIN is the analog input pin of the oscillator. It is connected to the interval oscillator inverter gain stage. The clock signal can be created either internally with the external crystal and two capacitors or by connecting an external clock signal to XIN. For the internal generation case, the two external capacitors and crystal are placed as shown in Figure 6. For the external clock connection, the signal is connected to XIN and XOUT is left unused. XTAL _IN RX XTAL_ OUT 24 MHz CX CX V SSA Figure 6. Placement of the Capacitors and Crystal with Clock Signal Generated Internally The crystal is a classical parallel resonance crystal of 24 MHz. The values of the capacitors CX are given by the manufacturer of the crystal. A typical value is 30 pF. The crystal has to fulfill impedance characteristics specified in the AMIS--49587 data sheet. As an oscillator is sensitive and precise, it is advised to put the crystal as close as possible on the board and to ground the case. XOUT XOUT is the analog output pin of the oscillator. When the clock signal is provided from an external generator, this output must be floating. When working with a crystal, this pin cannot be used directly as clock output because no additional loading is allowed on the pin (limited voltage swing). TXD TXD is the digital output of the asynchronous serial communication (SCI) unit. Only half--duplex transmission is supported. It is used to realize the communication between the AMIS--49587 and the application microcontroller. The TXD is an open drain IO (5 V safe). External pull--up resistances (typically 10 kΩ) are necessary to generate the 5 V level. See Figure 5 for the circuit schematic. RXD This is the digital input of the asynchronous SCI unit. Only half--duplex transmission is supported. This pin supports a 5 V level. It is used to realize the communication between the AMIS--49587 and the application microcontroller. RXD is a 5 V safe input. T_REQ T_REQ is the transmission request input of the Serial Communication Interface. When pulled low its initiate a local communication from the application micro controller to AMIS--49587. T_REQ is a 5 V safe input. BR1, BR0 BR0 and BR1 are digital input pins. They are used to select the baud rate (bits/second) of the Serial Communication Interface unit. The rate is defined according to Table 28: BR1, BR0 Baud Rates. The values are taken into account after a reset, hardware or software. Modification of the baud rate during function is not possible. BR0 and BR1 are 5 V safe. 9 AMIS--49587 CRC CRC is a 5V compliant open drain output. An external pull--up resistor defines the logic high level as illustrated in Figure 5. A typical value for this pull--up resistance “R” is 10 kΩ. The signal on this output depends on the cyclic redundancy code result of the received frame. If the cyclic redundancy code is correct CRC = 1 during the pause between 2 time slots. RESB RESB is a digital input pin. It is used to perform a hardware reset of the AMIS--49587. This pin supports a 5 V voltage level. The reset is active when the signal is low (0 V). TEST TEST is a digital input pin. It is used to enable the test mode of the chip. Normal mode is activated when TEST signal is low (0 V). For normal operation, the TEST pin may be left unconnected. Due to the internal pulldown, the signal is maintained to low (0 V). TEST pin is not 5 V safe. TX_ENB TX_ENB is a digital output pin. It is low when the transmitter is activated. The signal is available to turn on the line driver. TX_ENB is a 5 V safe with open drain output, hence a pull--up resistance is necessary achieve the requested voltage level associated with a logical one. See also Figure 5 for reference. TX_OUT TX_OUT is the analog output pin of the transmitter. The provided signal is the S--FSK modulated frames. A filtering operation must be performed to reduce the second order harmonic distortion. For this purpose an active filter is realized. Figure 7 gives the representation of this filter. Transmitter (S--FSK Modulator) FROM LINE DRIVER C4 ALC _IN R3 ALC control C3 R2 TO TX POWER OUTPUT STAGE R1 C2 C1 TX_OUT LP Filter ARM Interface & Control TX_EN VSSA Figure 7. TX_OUT Filter ALC_IN ALC_IN is the automatic level control analog input pin. The signal is used to adjust the level of the transmitted signal. The signal level adaptation is based on the AC component. The DC level on the ALC_IN pin is fixed internally to 1.65 V. Comparing the peak voltage of the AC signal with two internal thresholds does the adaptation of the gain. Low threshold is fixed to 0.4 V. A value under this threshold will result in an increase of the gain. The high threshold is fixed to 0.6 V. A value over this threshold will result in a decrease of the gain. A serial capacitance is used to block the DC components. The level adaptation is performed during the transmission of the first two bits of a new frame. Eight successive adaptations are performed. 10 AMIS--49587 4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 DC AND AC CHARACTERISTICS 4.1.1 Oscillator: Pin XIN, XOUT In production the actual oscillation of the oscillator and duty cycle will not be tested. The production test will be based on the static parameters and the inversion from XIN to XOUT in order to guarantee the functionality of the oscillator. Table 8. OSCILLATOR Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit fCLK --100 ppm 24 +100 ppm MHz 60 % Crystal frequency (Note 1) Duty cycle with quartz connected (Note 1) Start--up time (Note 1) Tstartup 50 ms Maximum Capacitive load on XOUT XIN used as clock input CLXOUT 50 pF Low input threshold voltage XIN used as clock input VILXOUT High input threshold voltage XIN used as clock input VIHXOUT 0.7 VDD V Low output voltage XIN used as clock input, XOUT = 2 mA VOLXOUT 0.3 V High input voltage XIN used as clock input VOHXOUT VDD --0.3 V Max Unit 20 mA 40 0.3 VDD V 1. Guaranteed by design. Maximum allowed series loss resistance up to 80 Ω. 4.1.2 Zero Crossing Detector and 50/60 Hz PLL: Pin M50HZ_IN Table 9. ZERO CROSSING DETECTOR AND 50/60 Hz PLL Parameter Test Conditions Maximum peak input current Symbol Min ImpM50HZIN --20 Typ Maximum average input current During 1 ms Mains voltage (ms) range With protection resistor at M50HZIN Rising threshold level (Note 2) VIRM50HZIN Falling threshold level (Note 2) VIFM50HZIN 0.9 V Hysteresis (Note 2) VHY50HZIN 0.4 V Lock range for 50 Hz (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (50 Hz) Flock50Hz 45 55 Hz Lock range for 60 Hz (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (60 Hz) Flock60Hz 54 66 Hz Lock time (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (50 Hz) Tlock50Hz 15 s Lock time (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (60 Hz) Tlock60Hz 20 s Frequency variation without going out of lock (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (50 Hz) DF60Hz 0.1 Hz/s Frequency variation without going out of lock (Note 3) MAINS_FREQ = 0 (60 Hz) DF50Hz 0.1 Hz/s 25 ms Jitter of CHIP_CLK (Note 3) ImavgM50HZIN --2 2 mA VMAINS 90 550 V 1.9 V JitterCHIP_CLK --25 2. Measured relative to VSS. 3. These parameters will not be measured in production since the performance is totally dependent of a digital circuit which will be guaranteed by the digital test patterns. 11 AMIS--49587 4.1.3 Transmitter External Parameters: Pin TX_OUT, ALC_IN, TX_ENB To guarantee the transmitter external specifications the TX_CLK frequency must be 12 MHz ± 100 ppm. Table 10. TRANSMITTER EXTERNAL PARAMETERS Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min 0.85 0.76 Typ Max Unit 1.15 1.22 Vp Maximum peak output level fTX_OUT = 23.75 kHz fTX_OUT = 95 kHz Level control at max. output VTX_OUT Second order harmonic distortion fTX_OUT = 95 kHz Level control at max. output HD2 --56 dB Third order harmonic distortion fTX_OUT = 95 kHz Level control at max. output HD3 --58 dB Frequency accuracy of the generated sine wave (Notes 4 and 6) DfTX_OUT 30 Hz Capacitive output load at pin TX_OUT (Note 4) CLTX_OUT 20 pF Resistive output load at pin TX_OUT RLTX_OUT 5 TdTX_ENB 0.25 0.5 ms Automatic level control attenuation step ALCstep 2.9 3.1 dB Maximum attenuation ALCrange 20.3 21.7 dB Low threshold level on ALC_IN VTLALC_IN --0.46 --0.36 V High threshold level on ALC_IN VTHALC_IN --0.68 --0.54 V Input impedance of ALC_IN pin RALC_IN 111 189 kΩ PSRRTX_OUT 10 (Note 7) 35 (Note 8) dB Turn off delay of TX_ENB output (Note 5) Power supply rejection ration of the transmitter section kΩ 4. 5. 6. 7. This parameter will not be tested in production. This delay corresponds to the internal transmit path delay and will be defined during design. Taking into account the resolution of the DDS and an accuracy of 100 ppm of the crystal. A sinusoidal signal of 10 kHz and 100 mVpp is injected between VDDA and VSSA. The digital AD converter generates an idle pattern. The signal level at TX_OUT is measured to determine the parameter. 8. A sinusoidal signal of 50 Hz and 100 mVpp is injected between VDDA and VSSA. The digital AD converter generates an idle pattern. The signal level at TX_OUT is measured to determine the parameter. The LPF filter + amplifier must have a frequency characteristic between the limits listed below. The absolute output level depends on the operating condition. In production the measurement will be done for relative output levels where the 0 dB reference value is measured at 50 kHz with a signal amplitude of 100 mV. Table 11. TRANSMITTER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS Attenuation Frequency (kHz) Min Max Unit 10 --0.5 0.5 dB 95 --1.3 0.5 dB 130 --4.5 --2.0 dB 165 --3.0 dB 330 --18.0 dB 660 --36.0 dB 1000 --50 dB 2000 --50 dB 12 AMIS--49587 4.1.4 Receiver External Parameters: Pin RX_IN, RX_OUT, REF_OUT Table 12. RECEIVER EXTERNAL PARAMETERS: Pin RX_IN, RX_OUT, REF_OUT Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input offset voltage 42 dB AGC gain = 42 dB VOFFS_RX_IN 5 mV Input offset voltage 0 dB AGC gain = 0 dB VOFFS_RX_IN 50 mV Max. peak input voltage (corresponding to 62.5% of the SD full scale) AGC gain = 0 dB (Note 9) VMAX_RX_IN 1.15 Vp Input referred noise of the analog receiver path AGC gain = 42 dB (Notes 9 and 10) 150 nV/√Hz 0.85 NFRX_IN Input leakage current of receiver input ILE_RX_IN --1 1 mA IMax_REF_OUT --300 300 mA PSRRLPF_OUT 10 35 AGC gain step AGCstep 5.7 6.3 dB AGC range AGCrange 39.9 44.1 dB Analog ground reference output voltage VREF_OUT 1.52 1.78 V SNAD_OUT 54 VCLIP_AGC_IN 1.15 Max. current delivered by REF_OUT Power supply rejection ratio of the receiver input section Signal to noise ratio at 62.5% of the SD full scale AGC gain = 42 dB (Note 11) AGC gain = 42 dB (Note 12) (Notes 9 and 13) Clipping level at the output of the gain stage (RX_OUT) dB dB 1.65 Vp 9. Input at RX_IN, no other external components. 10. Characterization data only. Not tested in production. 11. A sinusoidal signal of 10 kHz and 100 mVpp is injected between VDDA and VSSA. The signal level at the differential LPF_OUT and REF_OUT output is measured to determine the parameter. 12. A sinusoidal signal of 50 Hz and 100 mVpp is injected between VDDA and VSSA. The signal level at the differential LPF_OUT output is measured to determine the parameter. 13. These parameters will be tested in production with an input signal of 95 kHz and 1 Vp by reading out the digital samples at the point AD_OUT with the default settings of T_RX_MOD[7], SDMOD_TYP, DEC_TYP, and COR_F_ENA. The AGC gain is switched to 0 dB. The receive LPF filter + AGC + low noise amplifier must have a frequency characteristic between the limits listed below. The absolute output level depends on the operating condition. In production the measurement will be done for relative output levels where the 0 dB reference value is measured at 50 kHz with a signal amplitude of 100 mV. Table 13. RECEIVER FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS Attenuation Frequency (kHz) Min Max Unit 10 --0.5 0.5 dB 95 --1.3 0.5 dB 130 --4.5 --2.0 dB 165 --3.0 dB 330 --18.0 dB 660 --36.0 dB 1000 --50 dB 2000 --55 dB 13 AMIS--49587 4.1.5 Power--on--Reset (POR) Table 14. POWER--ON--RESET (POR) Parameter Test Conditions POR threshold Power supply rise time 0 V to 3 V Symbol Min VPOR 1.7 TRPOR 1 Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 2.7 V ms 4.1.6 Digital Outputs: TDO, CLK_OUT Table 15. DIGITAL OUTPUTS: TDO, CLK_OUT Parameter Test Conditions Low output voltage IXOUT = 4 mA VOL High output voltage IXOUT = --4 mA VOH 0.85 VDD Symbol Min Typ Max Unit 0.4 V V 4.1.7 Digital Outputs with Open Drains: TX_ENB, TXD Table 16. DIGITAL OUTPUTS WITH OPEN DRAIN: TX_END, TXD Parameter Test Conditions Low output voltage IXOUT = 4 mA Typ VOL Max Unit 0.4 V Max Unit 0.2 VDD V 4.1.8 Digital Inputs: BR0, BR1 Table 17. DIGITAL INPUTS: BR0, BR1 Parameter Test Conditions Low input level Symbol Min Typ VIL High input level 0 V to 3 V Input leakage current VIH 0.8 VDD ILEAK --10 V 10 mA Max Unit 0.2 VDD V 4.1.9 Digital Inputs with Pulldown: TDI, TMS, TCK, TRSTB, TEST Table 18. DIGITAL INPUTS WITH PULLDOWN: TDI, TMS, TCK, TRSTB, TEST Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min Low input level VIL High input level VIH 0.8 VDD RPU 7 Symbol Min Pulldown resistor (Note 14) Typ V 50 kΩ Max Unit 0.8 VDD V 14. Measured around a bias point of VDD/2. 4.1.10 Digital Schmitt Trigger Inputs: RXD, RESB Table 19. DIGITAL SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUTS: RXD, RESB Parameter Test Conditions Rising threshold level VT+ Falling threshold level VT-- 0.2 VDD Input leakage current ILEAK --10 14 Typ V 1-- mA AMIS--49587 4.1.11 Current Consumption Table 20. CURRENT CONSUMPTION Parameter Test Conditions Symbol Min Current consumption in receive mode Current through VDD and VDDA (Note 15) IRX Current consumption in transmit mode Current through VDD and VDDA (Note 15) ITX Current consumption when RESB = 0 Current through VDD and VDDA (Note 15) IRESET Typ Max Unit 60 80 mA 60 80 mA 4 mA 15. CLKARM is < 12 MHz, fCLK = 24 MHz. 4.1.12 Main Modem Characteristics Table 21. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Value Unit 3.0 to 3.6 --0.7 to + 0.3 V V Max peak output level 1.2 Vp HD2 --60 dB HD3 --60 dB ALC Steps 3 dB ALC Range (0 ... --21) dB Maximum input signal 1.15 Vp Input impedance 100 kΩ Input sensitivity 0.4 mV AGC steps 6 dB AGC range (0 ... +42) dB Positive supply voltage Negative supply voltage Maximum 50 Hz variation 0, 1 Hz/s 300/360 (Note 22) 600/720 (Note 22) 1200/1440 (Note 22) 2400/2880(Note 22) baud baud baud baud Frequency minimum 9 kHz Frequency maximum 95 kHz Frequency deviation between pairs >10 kHz 40 (Note 16) 60 (Note 17) 80 (Note 18) dB dB dB Data rate Programmable carrier (Note 21) Frequency band Dynamic range Narrow band interfere BER (Note 19) 10E--5 Maximum 50 Hz variation 0.1 Hz/s 16. FER = 0%. 17. FER = 0.3%. 18. FER = 8.0%. 19. Signal between --60 dB and 0 dB interference signal level is 30 dB above signal level between 20 kHz and 95 kHz. 20. Input at --40 dB, duty cycle between 10 -- 50% pulse noise frequency between 100 to 1000 Hz. BER: Bit error rate FER: Frame error rate (1frame is 288 bits). 21. Carriers frequency is programmable by steps of 10 Hz. 22. 60 Hz mains frequency. 15 AMIS--49587 5 INTRODUCTION 5.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION digital. At the back--end side, the interface to the application is done through a serial interface. The digital processing of the signal is partitioned between hardwired blocks and a microprocessor block. The microprocessor is controlled by firmware. Where timing is most critical, the functions are implemented with dedicated hardware. For the functions where the timing is less critical, typically the higher level functions, the circuit makes use of the ARM 7TDMI microprocessor core. The processor runs DSP algorithms and, at the same time, handles the communication protocol. The communication protocol, in this application, contains the MAC = Medium Access Control Layer. The program running on the microprocessor is stored into ROM. The working data necessary for the processing is stored in an internal RAM. At the back--end side the link to the application hardware is provided by a Serial Communication Interface (SCI). The SCI is an easy to use serial interface, which allows communication between an external processor used for the application software and the AMIS--49587 modem. The SCI works on two wires: TXD and RXD. Baud rate is programmed by setting 2 bits (BR0, BR1). Because the low protocol layers are handled in the circuit, the AMIS--49587 provides an innovative architectural split. Thanks to this, the user has the benefit of a higher level interface of the link to the PLC medium. Compared to an interface at the physical level, the AMIS--49587 allows faster development of applications. The user just needs to send the raw data to the AMIS--49587 and no longer has to take care of the protocol detail of the transmission over the specific medium. This last part represents usually 50 percent of the software development costs. The AMIS--49587 is a single chip half duplex S--FSK modem dedicated to power line carrier (PLC) data transmission on low-- or medium--voltage power lines. The device offers complete handling of the protocol layers from the physical up to the MAC. AMIS--49587 complies with the CENELEC EN 50065--1 and the IEC 61334--5--1 standards. It operates from a single 3.3 V power supply and is interfaced to the power line by an external power driver and transformer. An internal PLL is locked to the mains frequency and is used to synchronize the data transmission at data rates of 300, 600, 1200 and 2400 baud for a 50Hz mains frequency, or 360, 720, 1440 and 2880 baud for a 60 Hz mains frequency. In both cases this corresponds to 3,6,12 or 24 data bits per half cycle of the mains period. S--FSK is a modulation and demodulation technique that combines some of the advantages of a classical spread spectrum system (e.g. immunity against narrow band interferers) with the advantages of the classical FSK system (low complexity). The transmitter assigns the space frequency fS to “data 0” and the mark frequency fM to “data 1”. The difference between S--FSK and the classical FSK lies in the fact that fS and fM are now placed far from each other, making their transmission quality independent from each other (the strengths of the small interferences and the signal attenuation are both independent at the two frequencies). The frequency pairs supported by the AMIS--49587 are in the range of 9--95 kHz with a typical separation of 10 kHz. The conditioning and conversion of the signal is performed at the analog front--end of the circuit. The further processing of the signal and the handling of the protocol is CLIENT Application SERVER Application SERVER Application SPY Application TEST Application AMIS--49587 in MASTER mode AMIS--49587 in SLAVE mode AMIS--49587 in SLAVE mode AMIS--49587 in MONITOR mode AMIS--49587 in TEST mode Major User Type Minor User Type Figure 8. Application Examples AMIS--49587 intended to connect equipment using Distribution Line Carrier (DLC) communication. It serves two major and two minor types of applications: • Major types: ♦ Master or Client: A Master is a client to the data served by one or many slaves on the power line. It collects data from and controls the slave devices. A typical application is a concentrator system. Slave or Server: A Slave is a server of the data to the Master. A typical application is an electricity meter equipped with a PLC modem. • Minor type: ♦ Spy or Monitor: Spy or Monitor mode is used to only listen to the data that comes across the power line. Only the physical layer frame correctness is checked. When ♦ 16 AMIS--49587 ♦ 5.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION the frame is correct, it is passed to the external processor. Test Mode: The Test Mode is used to test the compliance of a PLC modem conforms to CENELEC. EN 50065--1 by a Continuous broadcast of fS or fM. The block diagram below represents the main functional units of the AMIS--49587: Transmitter (S--FSK Modulator) Communication Controller TX_ENB TO Power Amplifier LP Filter TX_OUT Transmit Data & Sine Synthesizer D/A TxD RxD T_REQ BR 0 Serial Comm. Interface ALC_IN TO Application Micro Controller BR 1 Receiver (S-- FSK Demodulator) RX _OUT FROM Line Coupler RX _IN AAF AGC S--FSK Demodulator A/D 5 Test Control REF REF_OUT Watchdog Zero crossing Clock Generator & Timer PLL Timer 1 & 2 OSC Data RAM AMIS--49587 VDDA JTAG I /F TEST RESB POR Clock and Control M50Hz_IN RX _DATA CRC TX_DATA / PRE _SLOT Local Port ARM Risc Core VSSA VDDD VSSD XIN Program ROM XOUT Interrupt Control PC20091019.2 Figure 9. S--FSK Modem AMIS--49587 Block Diagram 5.2.1 Transmitter ”repetition with credit” function (also known as chorus transmission). The clock generator makes use of a precise quartz oscillator master. The clock signals are then obtained by the use of a programmed division scheme. The support circuits are also contained in this block. The support circuits include the necessary blocks to supply the references voltages for the AD and DA converters, the biasing currents and power supply sense cells to generate the right power off and startup conditions. The AMIS--49587 Transmitter function block prepares the communication signal which will be sent on the transmitting channel during the transmitting phase. This block is connected to a power amplifier which injects the output signal on the mains through a line--coupler. 5.2.2 Receiver The analog signal coming from the line--coupler is low pass filtered in order to avoid aliasing during the conversion. Then the level of the signal is automatically adapted by an automatic gain control (AGC) block. This operation maximizes the dynamic range of the incoming signal. The signal is then converted to its digital representation using sigma delta modulation. From then on, the processing of the data is done in a digital way. By using dedicated hardware, a direct quadrature demodulation is performed. The signal demodulated in the base band is then low pass filtered to reduce the noise and reject the image spectrum. 24 bit @ 1200 baud 20 ms Figure 10. Data Stream is in Sync with Zero Crossings of the Mains (Example for 50 Hz) Clock and Control According to the IEC--61334--5--1 standard, the frame data is transmitted at the zero crossing of the mains voltage. In order to recover the information at the zero crossing, a zero crossing detection of the mains is performed. A phase--locked loop (PLL) structure is used in order to allow a more reliable reconstruction of the synchronization. This PLL permits as well a safer implementation of the 5.2.3 Communication Controller The Communication Controller block includes the micro--processor, its peripherals: RAM, ROM, UART, TIMER, and the Power on reset. The processor uses the ARM Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 17 AMIS--49587 indicates if Receiving is in progress, or if AMIS--49587 is waiting for synchronization, or of it configures. CRC indicates if the received frames are valid (CRC = OK). TX_DATA / PRE_SLOT is the output for either the transmitting data (TX_DATA) or a synchronization signal with the time--slots (PRE_SLOT). architecture optimized for IO handling. For most of the instructions, the machine is able to perform one instruction per clock cycle. The microcontroller contains the necessary hardware to implement interrupt mechanisms, timers and is able to perform byte multiplication over one instruction cycle. The microcontroller is programmed to handle the physical layer (chip synchronization), and the MAC layer conform to IEC 61334--5--1. The program is stored in a masked ROM. The RAM contains the necessary space to store the working data. The back--end interface is done through the Serial Communication Interface block. This back--end is used for data transmission with the application micro controller (containing the application layer for concentrator, power meter, or other functions) and for the definition of the modem configuration. 5.2.5 Serial Communication Interface The local communication is a half duplex asynchronous serial link using a receiving input (RxD) and a transmitting output (TxD). The input port T_REQ is used to manage the local communication with the application micro controller and the baud rate can be selected depending on the status of two inputs BR0, BR1. These two inputs are taken in account after an AMIS--49587 reset. Thus when the application micro controller wants to change the baud rate, it has to set the two inputs and then provoke a reset. 5.2.4 Local Port The controller uses 3 output ports to inform about the actual status of the PLC communication. RX_DATA 6 DETAILED HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 6.1 CLOCK AND CONTROL M50Hz_IN Zero crossing PLL CHIP_CLK Clock Generator & Timer Figure 11. Clock and Control Block 6.1.1 Zero Crossing Detector PRE_SLOT PRE_F RAME_CLK FRAME_CLK BYTE_CLK BIT_CLK Clock and Control PRE_BYTE_CLK output of this block is the clock signal CHIP_CLK, 8 times over sampled with the bit rate. The oscillator makes use of a precise 24 MHz quartz. This clock signal together with CHIP_CLK is fed into the Clock Generator and time block. Here several internal clock signals and timings are obtained by the use of a programmed division scheme. According to the IEC 61334--5--1 standard, the frame data is transmitted at the zero crossing of the mains voltage. In order to recover the information at the zero crossing, a zero crossing detection of the mains is performed. A phase--locked loop (PLL) structure is used in order to allow a more reliable reconstruction of the synchronization. The OSC XIN XOUT frequency. In case of direct connection to the mains it is advised to use a series resistor of 1 MΩ in combination with two external clamp diodes in order to limit the current flowing through the internal protection diodes. M50HZ_IN is the mains frequency analog input pin. The signal is used to detect the zero crossing of the 50 or 60 Hz sine wave. This information is used, after filtering with the internal PLL, to synchronize frames with the mains 18 AMIS--49587 Clock & Control 3V3_A FROM MAINS 1 MΩ M50Hz_IN Debounce Filter ZeroCross PLL CHIP_CLK Figure 12. Zero Cross Detector with Falling Edge Debouncer The zero crossing detector output is logic zero when the input is lower than the falling threshold level and a logic one when the input is higher than the rising threshold level. The falling edges of the output of the zero crossing detector are de--bounced by a period between 0.5 ms and 1 ms. The Rising edges are not de--bounced. VMAINS VIRM50HZIN VIFM50HZIN t ZeroCross tZCD tDEBOUNCE = 0,5 .. 1 ms 10 ms Figure 13. Zero Cross Detector Signals and Timing (Example for 50 Hz) 6.1.2 50/60 Hz PLL Table 22. CHIP_CLK IN FUNCTION OF SELECTED BAUD RATE AND MAINS FREQUENCY The output of the zero crossing detector is used as an input for a PLL. The PLL generates the clock CHIP_CLK which is 8 times the bit rate and which is in phase with the rising edge crossings. The PLL locks on the zero crossing from negative to positive phase. The bit rate is always an even multiple of the mains frequency, so following combinations are possible: BAUD[1:0] MAINS_FREQ 00 01 10 50 Hz Baudrate CHIP_CLK 300 2400 Hz 600 4800 Hz 1200 9600Hz 11 2400 19200 Hz 00 360 2880 Hz 01 720 5760 Hz 1440 11520Hz 2880 23040 Hz 10 11 60 Hz In case no zero crossings are detected the PLL freezes its internal timers in order to maintain the CHIP_CLK timing. 19 AMIS--49587 V MAINS VIR M 50HZIN t 6 bit @ 300 baud ZeroCross t ZCD PLL in lock CHIP _CLK Start of Physical PreFrame* 10 ms *The start of the Physical Subframe is shifted back with R_ZC_ADJUST[7:0] x 26 mS = tZCD to compensate for the zero cross delay Figure 14. Zero Cross Adjustment to Compensate for Zero Cross Delay (Example for 50 Hz) The phase difference between the zero crossing of the mains and CHIP_CLK can be tuned. This opens the possibility to compensate for external delay tZCD(e.g. opto coupler) and for the 1.9 V positive threshold VIRM50HZIN of the zero crossing detector. This is done by pre--loading the PLL counter with a number value stored in register R_ZC_ADJUST[7:0]. The adjustment period or granularity is 26 ms. The maximum adjustment is 255 x 26 ms = 6.6 ms which corresponds with 1/3rd of the mains sine period. XTAL _IN CX 0 ms 0000 0001 26 ms 0000 0010 52 ms 0000 0011 78 ms … … 1111 1101 6589 ms 1111 1110 6615 ms 1111 1111 6641 ms CX VSSA Figure 15. Placement of the Capacitors and Crystal with Clock Signal Generated Internally Compensation 0000 0000 XTAL _ OUT 24 MHz Table 23. ZERO CROSS DELAY COMPENSATION R_ZC_ADJUST[7:0] RX For correct functionality the external circuit illustrated in Figure 15 must be connected to the oscillator pins. For a crystal requiring a parallel capacitance of 20 pF CX must be around 30 pF. (Values of capacitors are indicative only and are given by the crystal manufacturer). To guarantee startup the series loss resistance of the crystal must be smaller than 80 Ω. A parallel resistor RX = 1 MΩ is recommended to improve the clock symmetry. The oscillator output fCLK = 24 MHz is the base frequency for the complete IC. The clock frequency for the ARM fARM = fCLK. The clock for the transmitter, fTX_CLK is equal to fCLK / 2 or 12 MHz. All the transmitter internal clock signals will be derived from fTX_CLK. The clock for the receiver, fRX_CLK is equal to fCLK / 4 or 6 MHz. All the receiver internal clock signals will be derived from fRX_CLK. 6.1.3 Oscillator The oscillator works with a standard parallel resonance crystal of 24 MHz. XIN is the input to the oscillator inverter gain stage and XOUT is the output. 20 AMIS--49587 6.1.4 Clock Generator and Timer The timing generator is the same for transmit and receive mode. When AMIS--49587 switches from receive to transmit and back from transmit to receive, the R_CHIP_CNT counter value is maintained. As a result all timing signals for receive and transmit have the same relative timing. The following timing signals are defined as: The CHIP_CLK and fCLK are used to generate a number of timing signals used for the synchronization and interrupt generation. The timing generation has a fixed repetition rate which corresponds to the length of a physical subframe. (see paragraph Send and Receive network data). Start of the physical subframe R_CHIP_CNT 2871 2872 2879 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 63 64 65 CHIP_CLK BIT_CLK BYTE_CLK FRAME_CLK PRE_BYTE_CLK PRE_FRAME_CLK PRE_SLOT Figure 16. Timing Signals CHIP_CLK is the output of the PLL and 8 times the bit rate on the physical interface. See also paragraph 50/60 Hz PLL BIT_CLK is active at counter values 0,8,16, .. 2872 and inactive at all other counter values. This signal is used to indicate the transmission of a new bit. BYTE_CLK is active at counter values 0,64,128, .. 2816 and inactive at all other counter values. This signal is used to indicate the transmission of a new byte. FRAME_CLK is active at counter values 0 and inactive at all other counter values. This signal is used to indicate the transmission or reception of a new frame. PRE_BYTE_CLK is a signal which is 8 CHIP_CLK sooner than BYTE_CLK. This signal is used as an interrupt for the internal microcontroller and indicates that a new byte for transmission must be generated. PRE_FRAME_CLK is a signal which is 8 CHIP_CLK sooner than FRAME_CLK. This signal is used as an interrupt for the internal microcontroller and indicates that a new frame will start at the next FRAME_CLK. PRE_SLOT is logic 1 between the rising edge of PRE_FRAME_CLK and the rising edge of FRAME_CLK. This signal can be provided at the digital output pin TX_DATA_PRE_SLOT when R_CONF[7] = 0 (See paragraph WriteConfigRequest, field TX_DATA_PRE--SLOT_SEL) and can be used by the external host controller to synchronize its software with the FRAME_CLK of AMIS--49587. 21 AMIS--49587 6.2 TRANSMITTER PATH DESCRIPTION (S--FSK modulation technique is used. In the analog domain, the signal is low pass filtered, in order to remove the high frequency quantization noise, and passed to the automatic level controller (ACL) block, where the level of the transmitted signal can be adjusted. The determination of the signal level is done through the sense circuitry. MODULATOR) For the generation of the space and mark frequencies, the direct digital synthesis (DDS) of the sine wave signals is performed under the control of the microprocessor. After a signal conditioning step, a digital to analog conversion is performed. As for the receive path, a sigma delta Transmitter (S--FSK Modulator) TX_EN ALC_IN ALC control TX_OUT LP Filter ARM Interface & Control D/A Transmit Data & Sine Synthesizer fMI f MQ fSI fSQ TO RECEIVER Figure 17. Transmitter Block Diagram 6.2.1 ARM Interface and Control Table 24. FS AND FM STEP REGISTERS The interface with the ARM consists in a 8--bit data registers R_TX_DATA, 2 control registers R_TX_CTRL and R_ALC_CTRL, a flag TX_RXB defining transmit and receive and 2 16--bit wide frequency step registers R_FM and R_FS defining fM (mark frequency = data 1) and fS (space frequency = data 0). All these registers are memory mapped. Some of them are for internal use only and cannot be accessed by the user. The processing of the physical frame (preamble, MAC address, CRC) is done by the ARM. ARM Register Hard Reset Soft Reset R_FS[15:0] 0000h 0000h Step register for the space frequency fS R_FM[15:0] 0000h 0000h Step register for the mark frequency fM Description The space and mark frequency can be calculated as: • fS = R_FS[15:0]_dec x fDDS/218 • fM = R_FM[15:0]_dec x fDDS/218 6.2.2 Sine Wave Generator Or the content of both R_FS[15:0] and R_FM[15:0] are defined as: • R_FS[15:0]_dec = Round(218 x fS/fDDS) • R_FM[15:0]_dec = Round(218 x fM/fDDS) Where fDDS = 3 MHz is the direct digital synthesizer clock frequency. After a hard or soft reset or at the start of the transmission (when TX_RXB goes from 0 to 1) the phase accumulator A sine wave is generated with a direct digital synthesizer DDS. The synthesizer generates in transmission mode a sine wave either for the space frequency (fS, data 0) or for the mark frequency (fM, data1). In reception the synthesizer generates the sine and cosine waves for the mixing process, fSI, fSQ, fMI, fMQ (space and mark signals in phase and quadrature). The space and mark frequencies are defined in an individual step 16 bit wide register. 22 AMIS--49587 0 when AMIS--49587 is in transmit mode. When going from transmit to receive mode (TX_RXB goes from 1 to 0) the TX_ENB signal is kept active for a short period of tdTX_ENB. The control logic for the transmitter generates a signal TX_DATA which corresponds to the transmitted S--FSK signal. When transmitting fM TX_DATA is logic 1. When transmitting fS TX_DATA is logic 0. When the transmitter is not enabled (TX_RXB = 0) TX_DATA goes to logic 1 at the next BIT_CLK. must start at it’s 0 phase position, corresponding with a 0 V output level. When switching between fM and fS the phase accumulator must give a continuous phase and not restart from phase 0. When AMIS--49587 goes into receive mode (when TX_RXB goes from 1 to 0) the sine wave generator must make sure to complete the active sine period. The control logic for the transmitter generates a signal TX_ENB to enable the external power amplifier. TX_ENB is 1 when the AMIS--49587 is in receive mode. TX_ENB is BIT_CLK TX_DATA TX_RXB TX_ENB TX_OUT tdTX_ENB Figure 18. TX_ENB Timing 6.2.3 DA Converter After hard or soft reset the level is set at minimum level (maximum attenuation) When going to reception mode (when TX_RXB goes from 1 to 0) the level is kept in memory so that the next transmit frame starts with the old level. The evaluation of the level is done during 1 CHIP_CLK period. Depending on the value of peak level on ALC_IN the attenuation is updated: -- VpALC_IN < VTLALC: Increase the level with 1 step -- VTLALC ≤ VpALC_IN ≤ VTHALC: Don’t change the level -- VpALC_IN > VTHALC: Decrease the level with 1 step The gain changes in the next CHIP_CLK period. An evaluation phase and a level adjustment takes 2 CHIP_CLK periods. ALC operation is enabled only during the first 16 CHIP_CLK cycles after a hard or soft reset or after going into transmit mode. The automatic level control can be disabled by setting register R_ALC_CTRL[3] = 1. In this case the transmitter A digital to analog ΣΔ converter converts the sine wave digital word to a pulse density modulated (PDM) signal. The PDM signal is converted to an analog signal with a first order switched capacitor filter. 6.2.4 Low Pass Filter A 3rd order continuous time low pass filter in the transmit path filters the quantization noise and noise generated by the ΣΔ DA converter. The low pass filter has a circuit which tunes the RC time constants of the filter towards the process characteristics. The C values for the LPF filter are controlled by the ARM micro controller. 6.2.5 Amplifier with Automatic Level Control (ALC) The pin ALC_IN is used for level control of the transmitter output level. First a peak detection is done. The peak value is compared to 2 thresholds levels: VTLALC_IN and VTHALC_IN. The result of the peak detection is used to control the setting of the level of TX_OUT. The level of TX_OUT can be attenuated in 8 steps of 3 dB typical. 23 AMIS--49587 6.3 RECEIVER PATH DESCRIPTION output level is fixed to the programmed level in the register R_ALC_CTRL[2:0]. See also paragraph. WriteConfigRequest. 6.3.1 Receiver Block Diagram The receiver takes in the analog signal from the line coupler, conditions it and demodulates it in a data--stream to the communication controller. The operation mode and the baud rate are made according to the setting in R_CONF, R_FS and R_FM. The receive signal is applied first to a high pass filter. Therefore AMIS--49587 has a low noise operational amplifier at the input stage which can be used to make a high pass active filter to attenuate the mains frequency. This high pass filter output is followed by a gain stage which is used in an automatic gain control loop. This block also performs a single ended input to differential output conversion. This gain stage is followed by a continuous time low pass filter to limit the bandwidth. A 4th order sigma delta converter converts the analog signal to digital samples. A quadrature demodulation for fS and fM is than performed by the ARM micro, as well the handling of the bits and the frames. Table 25. FIXED TRANSMITTER OUTPUT ATTENUATION ALC_CTRL[2:0] Attenuation 000 0 dB 001 --3 dB 010 --6 dB 011 --9 dB 100 --12 dB 101 --15 dB 110 --18 dB 111 --21 dB Remark: The analog part of AMIS--49587 works with an analogue ground REF_OUT. When connecting AMIS--49587 to external circuitry working with another ground one must make sure to place a decoupling capacitor. RX_OUT Receiver (Analog Path) FROM DIGITAL LOW NOISE OPAMP RX_IN Gain 4th Order ΣΔ AD LPF TO DIGITAL REF_OUT REF 1.65 V Figure 19. Analog Path of the Receiver FROM TRANSMITTER Receiver (Digital Path) fMI fMQ fSI 2nd FROM ANALOG Quadrature Demodulator f SQ IM Decimator Noise Shaper st 1 Decimator Sliding Filter fM f MQ Compen-sator 2nd QM Sliding Filter IS Sliding Filter Decimator fSI TO GAIN 2nd AGC Control Abs value accu fSQ Decimator 2nd Decimator QS Sliding Filter fS SOFTWARE Figure 20. Digital Path of the Receiver ADC and Quadrature Demodulation 24 AMIS--49587 6.3.2 50/60 Hz Suppression Filter minimum number of external components. Pin RX_IN is the positive input and RX_OUT is the output of the input low noise operational amplifier. The pin REF_OUT can be use as an analog ground (1.65 V) for the external circuitry. AMIS--49587 receiver input provides a low noise input operational amplifier in a follower configuration which can be used to make a 50/60 Hz suppression filter with a R2 C2 Received Signal C1 RX_OUT RX_IN 2 Receiver (S-- FSK Demodulator) LOW NOISE OPAMP 3 TO AGC R1 REF_OUT 4 1, 65 V CDREF REF V SSA Figure 21. External Component Connection for 50/60 Hz Suppression Filter attenuation of 85 dB at 50 Hz is obtained. Figure 21 represents external components connection. In a typical application the coupling transformer in combination with a parallel capacitance forms a high pass filter with a typical attenuation of 60 dB. The combined effect of the two filters decreases the voltage level of 230 Vrms at the mains frequency well below the sensitivity of the AMIS--49587. RX_IN is the positive analog input pin of the receiver low noise input op--amp. Together with the output RX_OUT an active high pass filter is realized. This filter removes the main frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) from the received signal. The filter characteristics are determined by external capacitors and resistors. Typical values are given in Table 26. For these values and after this filter, a typical Vin/Vrx_out (dB) 20 --20 --60 --100 --140 10 100 1k Frequency (Hz) 10k Figure 22. Transfer Function of 50 Hz Suppression Circuit REF_OUT is the analog output pin which provides the voltage reference used by the A/D converter. This pin must be decoupled from the analog ground by a 1 mF ceramic capacitance (CDREF). It is not allowed to load this pin. The low noise operational amplifier can be bypassed and powered down by setting the bit R_RX_MOD[7] to 1. In this mode the pin RX_OUT must be used as input of the AGC. 25 100k AMIS--49587 6.3.5 A/D Converter Table 26. VALUE OF THE RESISTORS AND CAPACITORS Component Value Unit C1 1.5 nF C2 1.5 nF CDREF 1 mF R1 22 kΩ R2 11 kΩ The output of the low pass filter is input for an analog 4th order sigma--delta converter. The DAC reference levels are supplied from the reference block. The digital output of the converter is fed into a noise shaping circuit blocking the quantization noise from the band of interest, followed by a sinc5 decimation and a compensation step. 6.3.6 Quadrature Demodulator The quadrature demodulation block takes the AD signal and mixes it with the in--phase and quadrature phase of the fS and fM carrier frequencies. After a low pass filter and rectification the mixer output signals are further processed in software. There the accumulation over a period of CHIP_CLK is done which results in the discrimination of data 0 and data 1. Remark: The analog part of AMIS--49587 is referenced to the internal analog ground REF_OUT = 1.65 V (typical value). If the external circuitry works with a different analogue reference level one must be sure to place a decoupling capacitor. 6.3.3 Auto Gain Control (AGC) 6.4 COMMUNICATION CONTROLLER The receiver path has a gain stage which is used for automatic gain control. The gain can be changed in 8 steps of 6 dB. The control of the AGC is done by a digital circuit which measures the signal level after the AD converter, and regulates the average signal in a window around a percentage of the full scale. The AGC works in 2 cycles: a measurement cycle at the rising edge of the CHIP_CLK and an update cycle starting at the next CHIP_CLK. The Communication Controller block includes the ARM 32 bit RISC processor operating in the 16--bit Thumb mode, its peripherals: Data RAM, Program ROM, TIMERS 1 & 2, Interrupt Control, TEST Control, Watchdog & Power On Reset (POR), I/O ports and the Serial Communication Interface (SCI). The micro--processor is programmed to handle the physical layer (chip synchronization), and the MAC layer conform to IEC 61334--5--1. The program is stored in a masked ROM. The RAM contains the necessary space to store the working data. The back--end interface is done through the Local Port and Serial Communication Interface block. This back--end is used for data transmission with the application micro controller (containing the application layer for concentrator, power meter, or other functions) and for the definition of the modem configuration. 6.3.4 Low Noise Anti Aliasing Filter The receiver has a 3rd order continuous time low pass filter in the signal path. This filter is in fact the same block as in the transmit path which can be shared because AMIS--49587 works in half duplex mode. It has a circuit which tunes the RC time constants of the filter towards the process characteristics. The C values for the LPF filter are controlled by the ARM micro controller. When switching between receive and transmit mode (and visa versa) the tune circuit does not need to be updated. 26 AMIS--49587 TX_ENB Communication Controller Data RAM Program ROM Serial Comm. Interface TxD RxD T_REQ BR0 BR1 ARM Risc Core Local Port Timer 1 & 2 POR TO TRANSMIT FROM RECEIVER RX_DATA CRC TX_DATA / PRE _SLOT RESB Watchdog Test Control Interrupt Control TEST TRSTB TCK TMS TDO TDI Figure 23. Communication Controller 6.4.1 Local Port indicates if the received frames are valid: the cyclic redundancy code (CRC) is correct. TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT is the output for either the transmitting data (TX_DATA) or a synchronization signal with the time--slots (PRE_SLOT). The controller uses 3 output ports to inform the actual status of the PLC communication. RX_DATA indicates if AMIS--49587 is waiting for its configuration, if it is in research of synchronization, or if it is receiving data. CRC 27 AMIS--49587 Table 27. OVERVIEW FUNCTIONALITY LOCAL PORT Port Function Value Explanation Remark RX_DATA Data reception 10 Hz Waiting for configuration Output is oscillating 0 After Synchro Confirm Time--out 1 Research of synchronization CRC TX_DATA / PRE_SLOT CRC OK 0 TX_DATA PRE_SLOT 1 During the pause between 2 timeslots when a correct frame is received See paragraph Send and Receive Network Data with the AMIS--49587 0 Transmit of fS R_CONF[7] = 1 1 Transmit of fM 0 See Figure 16: Timing Signals 1 See Figure 16: Timing Signals 6.4.2 Serial Communication Interface (SCI) ♦ The Serial Communication Interface allows asynchronous communication. It can communicate with a UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter, ACIA = Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter and all other chips that employ standard asynchronous serial communication. The serial communication interface has following characteristics: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Half duplex. Standard NRZ format. Start bit, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. Hardware programmable baud--rate (4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 baud). 0--5 V levels with open drain for TxD. 0--5 V levels for RxD and T_REQ. AMIS-- 49587 TxD RxD Serial Comm. Interface T_REQ BR0 ARM Risc Core BR1 Application Micro Controller RX_DATA CRC Local Port TX_DATA / PRE_SLOT Communication Controller Figure 24. Connection to the Application Microcontroller 28 R_CONF[7] = 0 AMIS--49587 BR0, BR1: Baud rate selection inputs. These pins are externally strapped to a value or controlled by the external application micro controller. 6.4.3 Serial Communication Interface Physical Layer Description The following pins control the serial communication interface. TXD: Transmit data output. It is the data output of the AMIS--49587 and the input of the application micro controller. RXD: Receive data input. It is the data input of the AMIS--49587 and the output of the application micro controller. T_REQ:Transmit Request input Request for data transmission received from the application micro controller. IDLE (mark) Table 28. BR1, BR0 BAUD RATES BR1 BR0 SCI Baud Rate 0 0 4800 0 1 9600 1 0 19200 1 1 38400 LSB Start D0 MSB D1 D2 tBIT D3 D4 8 data bits D5 D6 D7 IDLE (mark) Stop tBIT 1 character Figure 25. Data Format 6.4.4 Arbitration and Transfer AMIS--49587 answers within the tPOLL delay with the status message in which the application micro controller can read if the communication channel is available. If the communication is possible, the application micro controller can start to send its local frame within the tSR delay. It should pull up the T_REQ signal as soon as the first character (STX) has been sent. If the beginning of the local frame is not received before the tSR delay was issued, the AMIS--49587 ignores the local frame. At the end of the data reception sent by the application micro controller on the RxD line, the AMIS--49587 sends a byte on the TxD line in order to inform about the status of the transmitting <ACK> (=0x06) or <NAK> (=0x15). Remark: If the application micro controller only wants to know the state of the AMIS--49587, it has just to pull up the T_REQ signal after the reception of the status message. In order to avoid collisions between the data sent by the AMIS--49587 and the application micro controller, the AMIS--49587 is chosen as the transmitting controller. This means that when there is no local transfer, the AMIS--49587 can initiate a local communication without taking account of the application micro controller state. On the other hand, when the application micro controller wants to send data (using a local frame), it must first send a request for communication through the local input port named T_REQ (Transmitting Request). Then the AMIS--49587 answers with a status message. 6.4.5 Transfer from Application Microcontroller to AMIS--49587 When the application micro controller wants to initiate a local transfer, it must pull down the T_REQ signal. The 29 AMIS--49587 T_REQ tPOLL TxD Status Message ACK tSR RxD t ACK Local Frame from Base Micro Figure 26. Transfer from Application Microcontroller to AMIS--49587 6.4.6 Transfer from AMIS--49587 to Application Microcontroller If the length and the checksum of the local frame are both correct, the AMIS--49587 acknowledges with an <ACK> character. In other cases, it answers with a <NAK> character. In case of <NAK> response, or no acknowledgement from AMIS--49587 in the tACK time--out, a complete sequence must be restarted to repeat the frame. When the AMIS--49587 wants to send a frame, it can directly send it without any previous request. T_REQ TxD Local Frame from AMIS--49587 Local Frame from AMIS--49587 tACK t WBC tACK NAK RxD Local Frame from AMIS--49587 t WBC ACK Figure 27. Transfer from AMIS--49587 to Application Microcontroller application micro controller or a framing error when an <ACK> character is awaited is considered as an acknowledgment. If the length and the checksum of the local frame are both correct, the application micro controller acknowledges with an <ACK> character. In other cases, it answers with a <NAK> character. In case of <NAK> response from the Application micro controller, the AMIS--49587 will repeat the frame only once after a delay corresponding to tWBC (Wait Before Continue). A non response from the 6.4.7 Character Time--out in Reception The time between two consecutive characters in a local frame should not exceed tIC (Time--out Inter Character): tIC Character Character Figure 28. Character Time--out 30 t AMIS--49587 After this delay, the frame reception is finished. If the length and the checksum are both correct, the local frame is taken in account otherwise all previous characters are discarded. The time out Inter Character (tIC) is set by default at 10 ms after a reset. The time out Inter character (tIC) is modified by the bit 7 of repeater parameter in the configuration frame: ♦ ♦ bit 7 = 1 --> the tIC value is constant at 10 ms, bit 7 = 0 --> the tIC value represents 5 characters depending on the communication speed (defined by two local input ports BR0 and BR1). See Table 29: Timings for Time--out Values. Table 29. TIME-OUT VALUES Time-out Meaning Value Tpoll Delay max. awaited by the base micro between the T_REQ pull down and the status message transmission (delay polling) Tsr Delay max. awaited by the AMIS--49587 between the end of the status transmitting and the reception of the STX character in the base micro frame (delay status/reception) 200 ms Tack Delay max. awaited by either the AMIS--49587 or the base micro between the end of a transmitting and the reception of the ACK or NAK character sent by the other (delay ACK). 40 ms Twbc Delay max. awaited by either the AMIS--49587 or the base micro between the end of a reception and the transmission of the next frame (delay waiting before continue). 5 ms Tic Delay max. awaited by either the AMIS 49587 or the base micro between two characters (delay inter characters) Programmable with bit 7 of the repeater parameter in the configuration frame 6.4.8 Watchdog 20 ms Bit 7 = 1 Bit 7 = 0 10 ms 4800 baud 10 ms 9600 baud 5 ms 19200 baud 2.5 ms 38400 baud 1.25 ms interface. See also paragraph Configuration of the AMIS--49587. An overview of the accessible configuration registers is given below: R_CONFIG register configures the AMIS_49587 in the correct mode. The R_CONFIG register is controlled by the embedded software and can be accessed via a WriteConfig_Request. The watchdog supervises the ARM and in case the firmware doesn’t acknowledge at periodic times, a hard reset is generated. 6.4.9 Configuration Registers A number of configuration registers can be accessed by the user by sending a WriteConfig_Request over the SCI Table 30. R_CONF[9:0] (See Table 41: Configuration Parameters) ARM Register Hard Reset Soft Reset Description R_CONF[7] 0 -- TX_DATA_PRE_SLOT_SEL R_CONF[5:3] 000 -- MODE R_CONF[2:1] 00 -- BAUDRATE R_CONF[0] 0 -- MAINS_FREQ Where: TX_DATA_PRE_SLOT_SEL: MODE: BAUDRATE: 0: 1: 000: 001: 010: 011: 1xx: 00: 01: 10: TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT is PRE_SLOT output pin TX_DATA/PRE_SLOT is TX_DATA output pin Initialization Master Mode Slave Mode Reserved Test Mode 6 data bits per mains period = 300 baud @ 50 Hz 12 data bits per mains period = 600 baud @ 50 Hz 24 data bits per mains period = 1200 baud @ 50 Hz 31 AMIS--49587 11: 48 data bits per mains period = 2400 baud @ 50 Hz 0: 50 Hz 1: 60 Hz R_FS and R_FM step registers are defining the space and mark frequency. Explanation on the values can be found in paragraph Sine wave generator. This register can be accessed via a WriteConfig_Request. MAINS_FREQ: Table 31. FS AND FM STEP REGISTERS (See Table 41: Configuration Parameters) ARM Register Hard Reset Soft Reset Description R_FS[15:0] 0000h 0000h Step register for the space frequency fS R_FM[15:0] 0000h 0000h Step register for the mark frequency fM R_ZC_ADJUST register defines the value which is pre--loaded in the PLL counter. This is used to fine tune the phase difference between HIP_CLK, CIP_CLK and the – to + zero crossing of the mains. Explanation on the values can be found in paragraph 50/60 Hz PLL. This register can be accessed via a WriteConfig_Request. Table 32. ZC_ADJUST REGISTERS (See Table 41: Configuration Parameters) ARM Register Hard Reset Soft Reset Description R_ZC_ADJUST[7:0] 02h 02h Fine tuning of phase difference between CHIP_CLK and rising edge of Mains zero crossing R_ALC_CTRL register enables or disables the Automatic Level Control. In case ALC is disabled the attenuation of the TX output driver is fixed according to the value in R_ALC_CTRL[2:0]. Explanation on the attenuation values can be found in paragraph Amplifier with Automatic Level Control. This register can be accessed via a WriteConfig_Request. Table 33. ALC_CTRL REGISTERS (See appendix C) ARM Register Hard Reset Soft Reset Description R_ALC_CTRL[3:0] 00h 00h Control register for the automatic level control Where: R_ALC_CTRL[3]: R_ALC_CTRL[2:0]: 0: Automatic level control is enabled 1: Automatic level control is disabled and attenuation is fixed Fixed attenuation value hard reset is active when pin RESB = 0 or when the power supply VDD < VPOR (See Table 14 Power On Reset). When switching on the power supply the output of the crystal oscillator is disable until a few 1000 clock pulses have been detected, this to enable the oscillator to start up. The soft reset initializes part of the hardware. The soft reset is activated when going into initialization mode for the duration of maximum 1 CHIP_CLK. Initialization mode is entered by R_CONF[5:3] = 000. The concept of AMIS--49587 has a number of provisions to have low power consumption. When working in transmit mode the analogue receiver path and most of the digital receive parts are disabled. When working in receive mode the analog transmitter and most of the digital transmit parts, except for the sine generation, are disabled. When the pin RESB = 0 the power consumption is minimal. Only a limited power is necessary to maintain the bias of a minimum number of analog functions and the oscillator cell. Table 34. FIXED TRANSMITTER OUTPUT ATTENUATION ALC_CTRL[2:0] Attenuation 000 0 dB 001 --3 dB 010 --6 dB 011 --9 dB 100 --12 dB 101 --15 dB 110 --18 dB 111 --21 dB 6.4.10 Reset and Low Power AMIS--49587 has 2 reset mode: hard reset and soft reset. The hard reset initializes the complete IC (hardware and ARM) excluding the data RAM for the ARM. This makes sure that start--up of hardware and ARM is guaranteed. A 32 AMIS--49587 7 DETAILED SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Figure 29 depicts a typical PLC network with one master and 2 slaves. Each AMIS--49587 is controlled by an external CPU over a RS232 interface. See paragraph Serial Communication Interface Physical Layer Description for a description on hardware signals and timings. LCC layer External CPU RS232 MAC layer Physical Layer AMIS49587 Physical Layer AFE PLC Master or Client Power Line AFE MAC layer RS232 AMIS49587 LCC layer External CPU PLC Slave or Server Physical Layer AFE MAC layer AMIS49587 RS232 LCC layer External CPU PLC Slave or Server Figure 29. Typical PLC Network Architecture This document describes how the RS232 frames need to be composed to: ♦ Get status information from the AMIS--49587 ♦ Configure the AMIS--49587 ♦ Send and Receive network data with the AMIS--49587 ♦ Get performance and data path statistics from AMIS--49587 This is the state of the AMIS--49587 after a hardware reset or after a reset command has been sent to it. Each mode has its own configuration parameters and subset of commands. 7.2 OBTAINING STATUS MESSAGES Opposite to all other commands over the serial interface, the status message is retrieved from the AMIS--49587 by a hardware event only. To get the status message the serial driver on the external CPU needs to pull the T_REQ HW pin low, like described in paragraph Serial Communication Interface Physical Layer Description. Whenever the external controller sends a command to the AMIS--49587, the T_REQ HW pin should be pulled low to get a new status message from the MODEM. Only when the status message indicates that the buffer is not busy, the command may be send. The AMIS49587 is the master on the serial interface and needs to be queried to get access to the bus. The format of the status message depends on the active configuration of the AMIS--49587 (not set, slave, master or monitor). 7.1 CONFIGURE THE AMIS--49587 The AMIS--49587 can operate in different configurations: ♦ Master or Client configuration: A Master is a client to the data served by one or many slaves on the power line. It collects data from and controls the slave devices. ♦ Slave or Server configuration: A Slave is a server of the data to the Master. ♦ Spy or Monitor configuration: Spy or Monitor mode is used to only listen to the data that comes across the power line. Only the physical layer frame correctness is checked (preamble and SSD, see Figure 34 Power Line Data Frame Structure). When the frame is correct, it is passed to the external processor. ♦ Not set configuration: No valid configuration command has been passed to the AMIS--49587 after reset. No power line communication is possible. Table 35. SERIAL PORT STATUS FRAME LAYOUT START 33 Status_Data AMIS--49587 Table 36. Field Byte Length Value Description START 1 3Fh Character (”?”), indicating start of status message. Status_Data 4 Byte String 4 bytes encoding different status bits Important: Frame in little endian format (LSByte first) STATUS MESSAGE IN NOT SET MODE Structure Byte Content Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 Start 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Data 1 x x x x x x Not SET X 3 Data 2 4 Data 3 RSV[7:0] SVN[7:4] Where: Not SET RSV[7:0] SVN[7:4] SVN[3:0] x SVN[3:0] Indicates if AMIS--49587 has received a valid configuration Reserved Software Version Number: major release Software Version Number: minor release Not Used 7.2.1 Status Message in SLAVE or SERVER MODE: STATUS MESSAGE IN SLAVE MODE Structure Byte Content Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 Start 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Data 1 x x x Not LOCKED NEW Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY 3 Data 2 TS_Nb[2:0] x x x ALARM _EN PLL _LOCK 4 Data 3 DEP[2:0] Where: Not LOCKED NEW Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY TS_Nb[2:0] Alarm_EN PLL_LOCK DEP[2:0] MDC[2:0] REP[1:0] x MDC[2:0] Indication if AMIS 4958x is Unlocked Indication if AMIS 4958x is New Indication of synchronization with mains Indicates if AMIS--49587 has received a valid configuration Indication if PLC buffer is busy Time slot counter Alarm detection status PLL lock status Delta Electrical Phase Minimum Delta Credit Value Repeater Mode Not Used 34 REP[1:0] AMIS--49587 7.2.2 Status Message in MASTER or CLIENT MODE: STATUS MESSAGE IN SLAVE MODE Structure Byte Content Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 Start 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Data 1 x x x x x Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY 3 Data 2 x x x ALARM _EN PLL _LOCK 4 Data 3 TS_Nb[2:0] InvalFrCnt[7:0] Where: Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY TS_Nb[2:0] Alarm_EN PLL_LOCK InvalFrCnt[7:0] x Indication of synchronization with mains Indicates if AMIS--49587 has received a valid configuration Indication if PLC buffer is busy Time slot counter Alarm detection status PLL lock status Invalid Frame counter Not Used 7.2.3 Status Message in MONITOR MODE: STATUS MESSAGE IN SLAVE MODE Structure Byte Content Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 Start 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Data 1 x x x x x Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY 3 Data 2 TS_Nb[2:0] x x x ALARM _EN PLL _LOCK 4 Data 3 DEP[2:0] x x x x x Where: Not SYNC Not SET Buffer BUSY TS_Nb[2:0] Alarm_EN PLL_LOCK DEP[2:0] x Indication of synchronization with mains Indicates if AMIS--49587 has received a valid configuration Indication if PLC buffer is busy Time slot counter Alarm detection status PLL lock status Delta Electrical Phase Not Used 7.3 CONFIGURATION OF THE AMIS--49587 The serial port frame format is the same for RX and TX and is different from the status data frames. Table 37. SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION AND DATA PATH FRAME LAYOUT <STX> Length Command User_Data 35 CHK AMIS--49587 Table 38. Field Byte Length Value <STX> 1 02h Description Start of text delimiter Length 1 03h .. 250 Length of the Command, User_Data fields and CHK. Command 1 00h .. FEh Command code User_Data 0 .. 247 Byte String Zero to 247 data bytes. CHK 2 0000h .. 65535 The checksum of the local frame is the result of the addition of the elements of the frame, from length up to the last UserData byte, or up to the Command byte if there is no UserData byte. The CHK is sent with LSB first. Important: Frame in little endian format (LSByte first) Table 39. SUMMARY OF FRAME DELIMITERS Character Definition ASCII Code <STX> Start of text; first char of frame 02h <ACK> Acknowledgment 06h <NAK> Non Acknowledgment 15h Start of Status Message 3Fh <?> Power On Reset SET, Monitor Validate Monitor Cfg ResetRequest/reset Validate Master Cfg NOT SET WriteConfigNew_Request/check config data ResetRequest/reset Reset Reset Validate Slave Cfg Reset Invalid Cfg SET Slave ResetRequest/reset Figure 30. PLC MODEM State Diagram 36 SET Master AMIS--49587 Table 40. CONFIGURATION COMMANDS AND RESPONSES Command Unsolicited* Initiator Valid Command in Mode: Code Reset_Request no Application micro controller () Master / Slave / Monitor/ Not Set 21h WriteConfig_Request no Application micro controller (Data_Config) Master / Slave / Monitor/ Not Set 71h WriteConfig_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (Data_Config_Echo) Master / Slave / Monitor/ Not Set 72h WriteConfig_Error no AMIS--49587 (Error_Code) Master / Slave / Monitor/ Not Set 73h AccessDB_Request no Application micro controller (DB_Data_Id) Master / Slave 41h AccessDB_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (DB_Data_Id_Echo) Master / Slave 42h AccessDB_Error no AMIS--49587 (Error_Code) Master / Slave 43h *An unsolicited message is a message that is originating from the AMIS--49587, based upon an AMIS--49587 internal event. The message is not provoked by a prior command sent by the external processor. The state diagram in Figure 30 shows how a PLC MODEM can be placed into one of the 4 main modes by issuing a WriteConfig_Request message with accompanying configuration values. Most configuration parameters can be changed after the MODEM is in a ‘set’ mode by the AccessDB_Request message. All settings can be undone by sending the Reset_Request message. 7.3.1 Reset_Request External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter Reset_Request(0x21) Mode is changed to Not Set Figure 31. Sequence Diagram for Reset_Request Use the Reset_Request to bring the MODEM in a ‘NOT SET’ mode. No power line data transmission is possible; it is as if the MODEM comes out of reset. The MODEM does only reply with the <ACK> (=0x06) character, no additional data is sent from the MODEM. <STX> 0x03 (Length) 0x21 (Reset_Request) 37 CHK AMIS--49587 7.3.2 WriteConfig_Request External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter WriteConfigNew_Request(0x71) [Config data error| Command not allowed| Test mode] WriteConfigNew_Error (0x73) On success, mode is changed to Master, Slave or Spy [Config data OK&& Command allowed&& !Test mode] WriteConfigNew_Confirm (0x72) Figure 32. Sequence Diagram for WriteConfig_Request Command can be issued at any time (If the status message allows it to be send) and will bring the MODEM in a ‘SET’ state if the configuration data is correct. Depending on the configuration data, the final state of the MODEM will be Master, Slave or Monitor. <STX> 0x26 (Length) 0x71 (WriteConfig_Request) Data_Config CHK With Data_Config, 36 bytes of configuration data as laid out in Tables 41 and 43. Table 41. CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS Field Length Value First Initiator MAC Address (FIMA) 2 bytes 0001 to 0FFF Last Initiator MAC Address (LIMA) 2 bytes 0001 to 0FFF XXXX XXXX Local MAC Address Active Initiator Address 2 bytes 2 bytes Description Slave: First value for Initiator MAC address Master & Monitor: don’t care Slave: Last value for Initiator MAC address Master & Monitor: don’t care 0FFE or Slave Mode: New 0001 to (FIMA--1) FIMA to LIMA Slave (Registered) Master XXXX Monitor 0000 Master, Slave (unlocked) FIMA to LIMA XXXX Slave (locked on an initiator) Monitor Time--out--synchro--confirm 2 bytes 0000 to FFFF Slave: In seconds. (Not used in Master mode) Time--out--frame--not--ok 2 bytes 0000 to FFFF Slave: In seconds (Not used in Master mode) Time--out--not--addressed 2 bytes 0000 to FFFF Slave: In minutes (Not used in Master & Monitor mode) XXXX Monitor: Don’t care Mac--group--addresses 10 bytes 0000 to 0FFF Slave: 5 MAC group addresses (Not used in Master mode) Fs 2 bytes 0000 to FFFF Step Register for the Space Frequency Fs Fm 2 bytes 0000 to FFFF Step Register for the Mark Frequency Fm R_ZC_ADJUST 1 byte 00 to FF 38 Value according to the voltage level of the 50 Hz information for the input of the PLL. AMIS--49587 Table 41. CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS Field Length Value 4 bits (b7 to b4) XXXX Number of repetitions of a Phy Alarm 0000 Disable Phy Alarm functionality R_ALC_CTRL→Value Max_Transmitting_Gain→Value 3 bits (b3 to b1) XXX Attenuation value in fixed mode R_ALC_CTRL→Value Max_Transmitting_Gain→Mode 1 bit (b0) 0 Automatic level control 1 Fixed mode R_CONF_TX_DATA_PRE_SLOT_SEL 1 bit (b7) 0 The output pin is the PRE_SLOT signal or Mode = Master 1 The output pin is the transmitted DATA (for Radio) This bit is not used (adjust length at 1 byte) NbAlarm Description Pad 1 bit (b6) 0 R_CONF→MODE 3 bits (b5 to b3) 001 Master mode for client station 010 Slave mode for server station 011 Monitor mode to spy and test of the DLC communication 00 300 baud @ 50 Hz or 360 baud @ 60 Hz 01 600 baud @ 50 Hz or 720 baud @ 60 Hz 10 1200 baud @ 50 Hz or 1440 baud @ 60 Hz 11 2400 baud @ 50 Hz or 2880 baud @ 60 Hz 1 bit (b0) 0 mains frequency = 50 Hz 1 mains frequency = 60 Hz 1 bit (b7) 0 This bit is not used (adjust length at 1 byte) 1 bit (b6) 0 Method V6, favors FSK 1 Method V3, favors ASK 1 bit (b5) 0 Disabled 1 Enabled Must be set to 0 (Synchronization on sub--frame preamble) R_CONF→BAUDRATE R_CONF→MAINS_FREQ Pad Search method SINC Filter 2 bits (b2, b1) SYNCHRO--Type→Mode 1 bit (b4) 0 SYNCHRO--Bit→Value 3 bits (b3 to b1) XXX SYNCHRO--Bit→Mode 1 bit (b0) 1 Must be set to 1 (Fixed synchro bit) SearchInitiatorGain or Min--ReceivingGain Mode 1 bit (b7) 1 Search Initiator Gain selected 0 Min Receiving Gain selected Search Initiator Gain or Min--Receiving Gain 3 bits (b6 to b4) XXX Value of the gain for Intelligent Synchronization or Min Receiving Value Min Gain of reception = (value * 6 db) Max--Receiving--Gain→Value 3 bits (b3to b1) XXX Max Receiving gain value in limited mode Range of reception = (value * 6 db) Max--Receiving--Gain→Mode 1 bit (b0) 0 Non limited Max--Receiving--Gain 1 Limited Max--Receiving--Gain 0 Constant of 10 ms 1 5 characters depending on communication speed 0 Disables the transmitting of bad CRC frames 1 Enables the transmitting of bad CRC frames X Monitor: Don’t care Time out Inter Character TIC Bad CRC transmitting 1 bit (b7) 1 bit (b6) 39 Synchro--bit value (in chip clock) in fixed mode AMIS--49587 Table 41. CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS Field Pad correcting FSK + Length Value 1 bit (b5) 0 Enables the Pad correcting 1 Disables the Pad correcting X Monitor: Don’t care 0 Disables the improvement of FSK 1 Enables the improvement of FSK X Slave and Monitor: Don’t care 0 Enables the Master Synchro 1 Disables the Master synchro X Slave and Monitor: Don’t care 0 disabled 1 Enabled 1 bit (b4) Synchro Master Synchro without Gain Min 1 bit (b3) 1 bit (b2) Repeater 2 bits (b1,b0) Time--out--search--initiator 2 bytes Description X Monitor: Don’t care 00 Never Repeater or Mode = Maste 01 Always Repeater 10 Not Repeater (accept frame ISACall) 11 Repeater (accept frame ISACall) XX Monitor: Don’t care 0 to FFFF XXXX In seconds Master, Monitor: Don’t care 23. When a time--out is written with a 0x0000 value using either the WriteConfig_Request or the AccessDB_Request command, this time--out will not be activated. 24. After a AccessDB_Request for either the Time--out--not--addressed or the Time--out--frame--not--ok, the new value is immediately taken in account (the time--out is restarted) except when the local MAC address is NEW and the initiator MAC address is nobody. 25. The envelops are calculated using square root values or absolute values, depending on the baud rate and on the main frequency. The following table describes the different modes: 300, 600, 1200 bps 2400 bps 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz Synchro Square Root Square Root ABS ABS Reception Square Root Square Root Square Root ABS 26. When FSK+ option is enabled, new thresholds are calculated. Than if the two envelops are under the threshold, the envelop which has the smallest gap with his threshold is used to determinate which bit is received. Or, if the two envelops are over the threshold, the envelop which has the biggest gap with his threshold is used. 7.3.3 WriteConfig_Confirm <STX> 0x26 (Length) 0x72 (WriteConfig_Confirm) Data_Config_Echo CHK When the complete set of configuration parameters has been evaluated and stored by the MODEM, it replies with success and echoes the configuration data for the external processor to see if all parameters are correctly stored. 7.3.4 WriteConfig_Error <STX> 0x04 (Length) 0x73 (WriteConfig_Error) Error_Code, Table 43 CHK An error is raised when the external processor issues a WriteConfig_Request command in which the fields listed in Table 42 are modified with respect to the previously issued WriteConfig_Request command. All other data fields of the WriteConfig_Request may be changed. 40 AMIS--49587 Table 42. NON CHANGEABLE PARAMETERS AFTER AMIS 49587 IS SET Field Length Value Description 1 bit (b7) x No action 3 bits (b5 to b3) xxx No action 2 bits (b2,b1) xx No action 1 bit (b0) x No action R_CONF_TX_DATA_PRE_SLOT_SEL R_CONF→MODE R_CONF→BAUDRATE R_CONF→MAINS_FREQ Table 43. WriteConfig ERROR CODES Error Identifier Error_Code ERR_UNAVAILABLE_MODE 21h ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_COMMAND 22h ERR_ILLEGAL_LOCAL_MAC_ADR 23h ERR_ILLEGAL_INITIATOR_MAC_ADR 24h ERR_UNAVAILABLE_COMMAND 25h 7.3.5 AccessDB_Request External CPU AMIS49587 Command Interpreter AccessDB_Request (0x41) [Data fields can’t be changed now] AccessDB_Error (0x43) [Data fields can be changed] AccessDB_Confirm (0x42) Figure 33. Sequence Diagram for AccessDB_Request <STX> 0x07 + length of data (Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) Data Field Identifier (Table44) Data CHK Note that although the name of the AccessDB_Request command suggests only write operations are possible, there are subcommands to read from the data base. Each AccessDB_Request command is answered by the MODEM with either a AccessDB_Confirm or AccessDB_Error frame. For better readability, the AccessDB_Confirm frames and explanation are listed here and not grouped into a separate chapter. 41 AMIS--49587 Table 44. DATA BASE ENTRIES THAT MODIFY THE CONFIGURATION Field Name Ident Description FIMA/LIMA 0000 Changes the value of First Initiator MAC Address (FIMA) and Last Initiator MAC Address (LIMA) LocalMacAdd/InitMacAdd 0001 Changes the value of Local MAC Address and Active Initiator Address Time--out--synchro--confirm 0002 Changes the value of the TO synchro confirm (In seconds.) Time--out--frame--not--ok 0003 Changes the value of the TO frame not ok (In seconds) Time--out--not--addressed 0004 Changes the value of the TO not addressed (In minutes) Mac--group--addresses 0005 Changes the value of the 5 MAC group addresses Min--delta--credit 0007 Read the value of the Min delta credit and then set to 7 Max_Transmitting_Gain: Mode and Value (R_ALC_CTRL) 0008 Changes the mode and the value of the max transmitting gain SYNCHRO--Type:Mode SYNCHRO--Bit:Value 0009 Changes sychro mode and the synchro bit value Max--Receiving--Gain: Mode and Value 000A Changes the mode and the value of the Max Receiving gain Repeater 000B Changes the repeater state Frequency 000C Changes the value of the frequencies Fs and Fm Time--SearchInitiator 0011 Changes the value of the TO Search Initiator (In seconds) ReadConfig 0012 To get an echo of the current configuration of the FPMA Read SoftVersion 0013 Read the version of the FPMA Min--ReceivingGain Value 0014 Changes the value of the Min Receiving Gain Gain--SearchInitiator 0015 Changes the value of the Gain--SearchInitiator FIMA/LIMA This request is used to modify the value of the FIMA and LIMA addresses. The values of FIMA and LIMA must be in the field 0001 to 0FFF, and must be compatible with current value of LocalMacAdd and InitMacAdd. Request Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0000 FIMA (2 bytes), LIMA (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0000 FIMA (2 bytes), LIMA (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) LocalMacAdd/InitMacAdd This request is used to modify the value of the Local Mac Address and the Initiator Mac Address. The values of LocalMacAdd and InitMacAdd must be in the field 0001 to 0FFF, and must be compatible with current value of FIMA and LIMA. Request Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0100 LocalMacAdd (2 bytes), InitMacAdd (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0100 LocalMacAdd (2 bytes), InitMacAdd (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) TimeoutSynchro This request is used to modify the value of the timeout synchro confirmation. The Timeout Synchro Confirm is set in seconds. Request Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0200 42 TO Synchro Confirm (2 bytes) CHK AMIS--49587 Confirm Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0200 TO Synchro Confirm (2 bytes) CHK TimeoutNotOK This request is used to modify the value of the timeout Frame Not OK. The Timeout Frame Not OK is set in seconds. Request Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0300 TO Frame Not OK (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0300 TO Frame Not OK (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) TimeoutNotAddressed This request is used to modify the value of the timeout Not Addressed. The Timeout Not Addressed is set in minutes. Request Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0400 TO Not Addressed (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0400 TO Not Addressed (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) MacGroupAddress This request is used to modify the values of the 5 Mac Group Addresses. The Mac Group Addresses must be in the field LIMA(not included) to 0FFB. If the first address of the 5 MacGroup addresses is set to 0xFFF, every frame with destination MAC address in the field LIMA(not included) to 0FFB will be transmitted by the FPMA. This makes it possible to manage more than 5 MAC address of group by the external micro controller. Request Format: <STX> 0x0E(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0500 Mac Group Addresses (5 *2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x0E(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0500 Mac Group Addresses (5 *2 bytes) CHK Min Delta Credit This request is used to read the Min Delta Credit in the AMIS--49587. Once the request sent to the AMIS--49587, the Min Delta Credit is automatically set to 7. The AMIS--49587 answers with the value of the Min Delta Credit (before it was set to 7). Request Format: <STX> 0x05(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0700 CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0700 Min Delta Credit (1 byte) CHK MaxTransmittingGain This request is used to modify the Max Transmitting Gain of the AMIS--49587. The Max Transmitting Gain can be reduced from 0 to 21 dB by step of step 3 dB. The data value for the request is in the field 01 to 0F by step of 2, it indicates an attenuation of ((N -- 1) / 2) dB. The data value for the Confirm is in the field 00 to 07, indicating an attenuation of N * 3 dB. Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0800 Transmitting Attenuation (1 byte) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0800 Transmitting Attenuation (1 byte) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 43 AMIS--49587 MaxReceivingGain This request is used to modify the Max Receiving Gain of the AMIS--49587. The Max Receiving Gain can be set from 1 to 42 dB by step of step 6 dB, or unlimited. The data value for the request is in the field 01 to 0F by step of 2, it indicates a Max Receiving Gain of ((N -- 1) / 2) * 6 dB; or 00, which indicates an unlimited Max Receiving Gain. The data value for the Confirm is in the field 00 to 07, indicating a Max Receiving Gain of (N * 6) dB, or 08, which indicates an unlimited Max Receiving Gain. Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0A00 Max Receiving Gain (1 byte) CHK 42h (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0A00 Max Receiving Gain (1 byte) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) Repeater This request is used to modify the repeater state of the AMIS--49587. The repeater state can be Repeater: 0x00 No Repeater: 0x01 Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0B00 Repeater State (1 byte) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0B00 Repeater State (1 byte) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) Frequency This request is used to modify the values of the frequencies Fs and Fm used for the PLC communication. To calculate the value of the data field, read paragraph Sine Wave generator. Request Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0C00 Fs (2 bytes), Fm (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0C00 Fs (2 bytes), Fm (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x09(Length) TimeoutSearchInitiator This request is used to modify the value of the timeout Search Initiator. The timeout Search Initiator is set in seconds. Request Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x1100 TO Search Initiator (2 bytes) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x1100 TO Search Initiator (2 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x07(Length) ReadConfig This request is used to get an echo of the configuration of the AMIS--49587. Request Format: <STX> 0x05(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x1200 CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x29(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x1200 Current configuration (36 bytes) CHK Read Version Soft This request is used to read the soft version of the AMIS--49587. Request Format: <STX> 0x05(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 44 0x1300 CHK AMIS--49587 Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x1300 Soft Version (1 byte) CHK Min- ReceivingGain This request is used to modify the Min Receiving Gain of the AMIS--49587. The Min Receiving Gain can be set from 1 to 42 dB by step of step 6 dB, or unlimited. The data value for the request is in the field 01 to 0F by step of 2, it indicates a Min Receiving Gain of ((N -- 1) / 2) * 6 dB; or 00, which indicates that the Min Receiving Gain is not used. The data value for the Confirm is in the field 00 to 07, indicating a Min Receiving Gain of (N * 6) dB, or 08, which indicates an unlimited Max Receiving Gain. Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x1400 Min Receiving Gain (1 byte) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x1400 Min Receiving Gain (1 byte) CHK 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x1500 Gain Search Initiator (1 byte) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x1500 Gain Search Initiator (1 byte) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) Gain Search Initiator This request is used to modify the value of the Gain Search Initiator. Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 7.3.6 AccessDB_Confirm Like already described in AccessDB_Request, on success the MODEM answers with a AccessDB_Confirm frame. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) DB_Data_Id_Echo CHK 7.3.7 AccessDB_Error If any error occurs during AccessDB_Request, the MODEM answers with a AccessDB_Error frame. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x43 (AccessDB_Error) Error_Code Table 45. AccessDB_Request ERROR CODES Error Identifier Error_Code ERR_UNAVAILABLE_RESOURCE 0x11 ERR_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED 0x12 ERR_UNAVAILABLE_MODE 0x21 ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_COMMAND 0x22 ERR_ILLEGAL_LOCAL_MAC_ADR 0x23 ERR_ILLEGAL_INITIATOR_MAC_ADR 0x24 ERR_UNAVAILABLE_COMMAND 0x25 45 CHK AMIS--49587 7.4 SEND AND RECEIVE NETWORK DATA WITH Note that IEC 61334--5--1 specifies that the maximum length of a MAC layer frame is only 38 bytes. The maximum number of bytes that the AMIS--49587 accepts in one transmit command is 242 bytes. The AMIS--49587 takes care of splitting these 242 bytes in smaller chunks, encapsulate them in correct frames and send them over the power line. The “Frame Indicator” and the “Number of the subframe” fields are omitted when the MAC frame is sent to the external processor since they don’t contain useful information to the LLC layer. THE AMIS--49587 The data path should be implemented like specified in IEC 61334--5--1. The MAC layer is implemented by the AMIS--49587, the LLC layer should be implemented by the external processor (See Figure 29). Figure 34 shows how a complete frame like it shows up on the power line (Physical Layer Frame) is composed of a MAC Layer Frame, taken care of by the AMIS--49587, encapsulating a LLC Layer Frame that should be provided by the external processors LLC layer. Physical Layer Frame MAC Layer Frame LCC Layer Frame Preamble 0xAAAA Delimiter 0x54C7 Frame indicator 16 bit Initial Credit 3 bit # Subframes 16 bit Current Credit 3 bit Header 56 bit Delta Credit 3 bit M_SDU 208 bit Source Address 12 bit Destination Address 12 bit PAD # bit as needed FCS 24 bit Pad Length 8 bit Figure 34. Power Line Data Frame Structure (IEC 61334--5--1) Table 46. DATA PATH COMMANDS AND RESPONSES Command Unsolicited* Initiator Valid Command in Mode: Code MA_DATA_Indication √ AMIS--49587 (MAC_Frame) Master / Slave 50h MA_DATA_Request no Application micro controller (MAC_Frame) Master / Slave 51h MA_DATA_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (Transmission_Status) Master / Slave 52h MA_DATA_Indication_Bad_CRC √ AMIS--49587 (MAC_Frame) Master / Slave 53h ISA_Request no Application micro controller (Data_ISA) Master / Slave 61h ISA_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (Transmission_Status) Master / Slave 62h SPY_No_SubFrame √ AMIS--49587 (SpyData) Monitor A0h SPY_SubFrame √ AMIS--49587 (SpyData, PHY_sdu) Monitor B0h SPY_Search_Synchro √ AMIS--49587 () Monitor C0h SPY_Synchro_Found √ AMIS--49587 (SpyData) Monitor D0h Spy_Alarm_Found √ AMIS--49587 (SpyData, AlarmPattern) Monitor F0h Spy_No_Alarm_Found √ AMIS--49587 (SpyData, AlarmPattern) Monitor E0h Synchro_Indication √ AMIS--49587 (Synchro_Data) Master / Slave 10h Desynchro_Request no Application micro controller () Master / Slave / Monitor 11h AccessDB_Request no Application micro controller (DB_Data_Id) Master / Slave 41h AccessDB_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (DB_Data_Id_Echo) Master / Slave 42h AccessDB_Error no AMIS--49587 (Error_Code) Master / Slave 43h *An unsolicited message is a message that is originating from the AMIS--49587, based upon an AMIS--49587 internal event. The message is not provoked by a prior command sent by the external processor. 46 AMIS--49587 7.4.1 MA_DATA_Indication External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter AMIS4958x Phy MAC layer Received data OK MA_DATA_Indicator(0x50) Figure 35. Sequence Diagram for MA_DATA_Indication The MA_Data_Indication is sent from the AMIS--49587 (Client or Server) to the external controller to deliver the received DLC frame. Frame Format: <STX> Length MA_Data_Indication > MAC_Frame CHK 7.4.2 MA_DATA_Request External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter AMIS4958x Phy MAC layer MA_DATA_Request(0x51) MA_SendData Send OK MA_DATA _Confirm(0x52) With status success Send NOK MA_DATA _Confirm(0x52) With status fail Figure 36. Sequence Diagram for MA_DATA_Request The MA_Data_Request is sent from the external controller LLC layer to the AMIS--49587 local MAC sub--layer to request a DLC frame transmission. This request must be received by the AMIS--49587 in the time--slot preceding the transmitting one. When the AMIS--49587 receives in the same time (same time--slot) an MA_Data_Request from the external controller and a frame made up of one sub--frame with a repetition credit at zero from the mains, it ignores the frame received from the mains. In all other conflict cases, it refuses the application micro controller request. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x51 (MA_Data_Request) 47 MAC_Frame CHK AMIS--49587 Table 47. DESCRIPTION OF THE MAC_Frame FIELD Field Name Length Value Initial Credit 3 bits b7--b5 0h to 7h Initial Credit Current Credit 3 bits b4--b2 0h to 7h Current Credit = Initial Credit Delta Credit 2 bits b1,b0 0h to 3h Delta Credit is Received Delta Credit for Slave mode and 0 for Master mode 12 bits b23--b12 Not used Slave Mode (Filled by MAC layer) Source Address Destination Address 000h to FFFh Master Mode 12 bits b11--b0 000h to FFFh Destination MAC address of the target station DLC 1 byte Not used Pad length M_sdu Description Filled by MAC layer up to 242 bytes MAC service data unit, the application data from the LLC layer implemented in the external processor. 7.4.3 MA_DATA_Confirm frame transmission on the mains and before the beginning of the repetition (if the credit is higher than zero). The Transmission_Status byte contains a value corresponding at this positive or negative acknowledgment. The different values for the Transmission_Status field are described Table 48. The MA_DATA_Confirm is sent from AMIS--49587 to a external controller (SLAVE or MASTER) either as positive acknowledgment when a MA_DATA_Request has successfully been transmitted by the physical layer, or as negative acknowledgment when the transmission has been refused. The positive acknowledgment is sent after the Table 48. TRANSMISSION STATUS Field Name Value Description OK FFh No error has been found LM_TU1 00h MA Data Confirm NEG Resources Temporary Unavailable at the MAC sub--layer LM_SE 03h Syntax Error at the MAC sub--layer LM_TU2 0Ah Command not authorized or Asic is not synchronized on the mains LM_TU3 14h PLC buffer not free or Asic is busy Resources Temporary Unavailable at the MAC sub--layer LM_TU4 1Eh PLC buffer not free or Asic is busy Resources Temporary Unavailable at the MAC sub--layer Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x52 (MA_Data_Confirm) Transmission_Status CHK 7.4.4 MA_DATA_Indication_Bad_CRC The MA_Data_Indication_Bad_CRC is sent from the AMIS--49587 (Client or Server) to the external micro controller to deliver an erroneous frame. This command is only used if the Bad CRC transmitting option is chosen during the configuration. The frame with errors can be used by the external controller to analyze the faults. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x53 (MA_Data_Indication_Bad_CRC) MAC_Frame CHK 7.4.5 SPY_No_SubFrame The SPY_No_SubFrame is sent by the AMIS--49587 local PHY layer to indicate that a sub--frame has not been received correctly, due to either a method not found, or a non recognition of the Start Sub--frame Delimiter (SSD). Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xA0 (SPY_No_SubFrame) 48 SpyData CHK AMIS--49587 Table 49. DESCRIPTION OF THE SpyData FIELD Field Name Length Description S0 2 Bytes Value of the zero signal envelope N0 2 Bytes Value of the zero noise envelope S1 2 Bytes Value of the one signal envelope N1 2 Bytes Value of the one noise envelope Threshold 2 Bytes Indicates the threshold value for ASK method or the FSK factor. Method 1 Byte Indicates the found method: 0 ⇒ No method 1 ⇒ ASK0 2 ⇒ ASK1 3 ⇒ FSK (S0 ≅ S1) 4 ⇒ FSK0 (S0 > S1) 5 ⇒ FSK1 (S1 > S0) PAD 1 Bit (b7) 0 Synchro_bit Value 3 Bits (b6,b5,b4) Synchronization bit value when synchronization was found PAD 1 Bit (b3) 0 Reception Gain 3 Bits (b2,b1,b0) Indicates the gain value (0 to 7) used during the synchronization 7.4.6 SPY_SubFrame The SPY_SubFrame is sent by the AMIS--49587 local PHY layer to indicate that a sub--frame has been correctly received. All information concerning the reception conditions (SpyData) and the data (PHY_sdu) are supplied in this command. For the format of the SpyData field, see Table 49. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xB0 (Spy_SubFrame) SpyData Field, PHY_sdu CHK 7.4.7 SPY_Search_Synchro The SPY_Search_Synchro is sent periodically by the AMIS--49587 local MAC sub--layer to indicate synchronization is in progress. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xC0 (Spy_Search_Synchro) CHK 7.4.8 SPY_Synchro_Found The SPY_Synchro_Found is sent by the AMIS--49587 local MAC sub--layer as soon as it has correctly found synchronization when it was receiving a sub--frame. Thus, it is now synchronized and it is waiting for another correct frame for confirmation. For the format of the SpyData field, see Table 49. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xD0 (Spy_ Synchro_Found) SpyData CHK 7.4.9 Spy_Alarm_Found The SPY_No_Alarm_Found is sent by the AMIS--49587 local MAC sub--layer at the end of a time--slot, when it has not found an Alarm indication in the pause time. For the format of the SpyData field, see Table 49. The AlarmPattern has a length of 2 bytes. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xF0 (SPY_ No_Alarm_Found) 49 SpyData, AlarmPattern CHK AMIS--49587 7.4.10 Spy_No_Alarm_Found The SPY_Alarm_Found is sent by the AMIS--49587 local MAC sub--layer as soon as it has correctly found a Alarm indication in the pause time. For the format of the SpyData field, see Table 49. The AlarmPattern has a length of 2 bytes. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0xE0 (SPY__Alarm_Found) SpyData, AlarmPattern CHK 7.4.11 Synchro_Indication External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter SLAVE ONLY Synchro_Indication(0x10) Figure 37. Sequence Diagram for Synchro_Indication The Synchro_Indication is sent by the AMIS--49587 in order to indicate that something has changed in the synchronization state. The field Synchro_Data contains the change reason and data corresponding with this change. Frame Format: <STX> Length 0x10 (Synchro_Indication) 50 Synchro_Data CHK AMIS--49587 The Synchro_Data field contains a synchronization event description of 1 or 2 bytes with accompanying data. Table 50. Synchro_Data FIELDS Event Description, byte 1 Event Description, byte 2 Length and Synchro_data Description Remark 1 byte: Pad 2 bytes: Signal S0 2 bytes: Noise N0 2 bytes: Signal S1 2 bytes: Noise N1 2 bytes: ASK Threshold or FSK factor 1 byte : Method 1 byte : Synchro--Bit and Gain values 0x01 Synchronization Found 1 byte: Pad 2 bytes: Source MAC Address 2 bytes: Destination MAC Address 0x02 Synchronization Confirmed 0x04 0x01 Synchronization Lost Time--out not addressed has expired 0x04 0x02 Synchronization Lost Time--out frame not OK has expired 0x04 0x03 Synchronization Lost Time--out synchro confirm has expired 0x04 0x04 Synchronization Lost Addressed by a wrong initiator 0x04 0x05 Synchronization Lost External desynchro command 0x04 0x06 Synchronization Lost Search Initiator active 2 bytes: Local MAC Add 2 bytes: Initiator MAC Add Slave mode 2 bytes: Local MAC Add 2 bytes: Initiator MAC Add Master and Slave mode 2 bytes: Local MAC Add 2 bytes: Initiator MAC Add Master and Slave mode 2 bytes: Source MAC Add 2 bytes: Dest. MAC Add Slave mode 2 bytes: Local MAC Add 2 bytes: Initiator MAC Add Master and Slave mode 2 bytes: Last initiator MAC Address received 2 bytes: Current initiator MAC Address choice Slave mode 7.4.12 Desynchro_Request External CPU AMIS4958x Command Interpreter SLAVE ONLY DeSynchro_request(0x11) Figure 38. Sequence Diagram for DeSynchro_Request The Desynchro_Request command is used by the external controller to enforce the not synchronized state in the AMIS--49587 and therefore it starts looking for a new synchronization. Frame Format: <STX> 0x03 (Length) 0x11 (Desynchro_Request) 7.4.13 AccessDB_Request Field Name PhyAlarmRequest Ident 000F Description Request the transmission of a Phy Alarm 51 CHK AMIS--49587 PhyAlarmRequest Description: This request is used to send a physical alarm pattern. No data is transmitted to indicate the number of repetitions, the AMIS--49587 already knows this number because it is in its set of configuration data. Request Format: <STX> 0x05(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0F00 CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0F00h Number of alarm Transmissions (1 byte) CHK 7.4.14 AccessDB_Confirm See paragraph AccessDB_Confirm. 7.4.15 AccessDB_Error See paragraph AccessDB_Error. 7.5 RETRIEVE STATISTICAL DATA FROM THE AMIS--49587 Table 51. STATISTICS COMMAND AND RESPONSES Command Unsolicited* Initiator Valid Command in Mode: Code AccessDB_Request no Application micro controller (DB_Data_Id) Master / Slave 41h AccessDB_Confirm no AMIS--49587 (DB_Data_Id_Echo) Master / Slave 42h AccessDB_Error no AMIS--49587 (Error_Code) Master / Slave 43h *An unsolicited message is a message that is originating from the AMIS--49587, based upon an AMIS--49587 internal event. The message is not provoked by a prior command sent by the external processor. 7.5.1 AccessDB_Request The AccessDB_Request command can be used to read data path statistical information from the AMIS--49587. Like in all other AccessDB_Request commands, the specific identifier of the data that is to be read needs to be provided: Field Name Identifier Description Invalid--frame--counter 0x0006 Read the value of the invalid--frame counter and then set to 0 Counters 0x000D Read the value of the data counters:Counter Crc Ok, Counter Crc Not Ok, Repeater counter, Transmit counter, corrected frames counter, and then set to 0 or not DataStats 0x0010 Read the value of the Data statistics, and then set to 0 or not. Invalid Frame Counter This request is used to read the Invalid Frame Counter of the AMIS--49587. Once the request sent to the AMIS--49587, the Invalid Frame counter is automatically set to 0. The AMIS--49587 answers with the value of the Invalid Frame Counter Request Format: <STX> 0x05(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0600 CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0600 52 Invalid Frame Counter (1 byte) CHK AMIS--49587 Data Counters The Data Counters request is used to read the value of the data counters in the AMIS--49587. It contains one byte which is used to know whether the counters must be reset or not (00: no reset, 01: reset) after reading them out. There are 6 counters coded on 4 bytes each, which indicates: 1. number of CRC OK frames received 2. number of CRC not OK frames received 3. number of repeated frames 4. number of transmitted frames 5. number of corrected frames (with option Pad Correcting) 6. number of frames with bad Frame Indicator received Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x0D00 Request Counters (1 byte) CHK 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 0x0D00 CRC_OK (4 bytes), CRC_NOK (4 bytes), Rep_Frames (4 bytes), Tr_Frames (4 bytes), Corr_Frames (4 bytes), FI_NOK (4 bytes) CHK Confirm Format: <STX> 0x1D(Length) DataStats The DataStats request is used to read the value of the current data statistics in the AMIS--49587. The request contains one byte which is used to know whether the counters must be reset or not (00: no reset, 01: reset) after reading them out. If the AMIS--49587 is synchronized the counters consist of 30 bytes: 1. The value of signal and noise (S0, N0, S1, N1) for the last subframe received (4 * 2 bytes) + the method and gain used to demodulate this subframe (2 * 1 byte) 2. The method, gain and SNR (S0/N0, S1/N1) on the 5 last time slots in reception mode (5 * 4 bytes) + 1 byte to know the actual position in the table If the AMIS--49587 is not synchronized the counters consist of 36 bytes: 1. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the signal for each frequency (I0, Q0, I1, Q1), 2. for the 4 last calculated time--slots (4 * (4 * 2 bytes) ) 3. The current position in the board (1 byte) 4. The software reception gain (1 byte) 5. The hardware reception gain (1 byte) 6. The R_ALC value (1 byte) Request Format: <STX> 0x06(Length) 0x41 (AccessDB_Request) 0x1000 Reset Counters (1 byte) CHK 0x1000 Signal_noise_subframe (10 bytes), SNRreception (20 bytes) CHK 0x1000 I0,I1,Q1 (32 bytes), Pos (1 byte), GainSoft (1 byte), GainHard (1 byte), R_ALC (1 byte) CHK Confirm Format: If the AMIS--49587 is synchronized: <STX> 0x23(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) If the AMIS--49587 is not synchronized: <STX> 0x29(Length) 0x42 (AccessDB_Confirm) 7.5.2 AccessDB_Confirm See paragraph AccessDB_Confirm. 7.5.3 AccessDB_Error See paragraph AccessDB_Error. 53 AMIS--49587 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PLCC 28 LEAD CASE 776AA--01 ISSUE O 54 AMIS--49587 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS QFN52 8x8, 0.5P CASE 485M--01 ISSUE B D A NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS 3. DIMENSION b APPLIES TO PLATED TERMINAL AND IS MEASURED BETWEEN 0.25 AND 0.30 MM FROM TERMINAL. 4. COPLANARITY APPLIES TO THE EXPOSED PAD AS WELL AS THE TERMINALS. B PIN ONE REFERENCE E DIM A A1 A2 A3 b D D2 E E2 e K L 2X 0.15 C 2X 0.15 C A2 0.10 C A 0.08 C SEATING PLANE A3 A1 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 0.80 1.00 0.00 0.05 0.60 0.80 0.20 REF 0.18 0.30 8.00 BSC 6.50 6.80 8.00 BSC 6.50 6.80 0.50 BSC 0.20 -----0.30 0.50 REF C D2 14 52 X L 26 27 13 E2 39 1 52 X K 52 40 e 52 X b NOTE 3 0.10 C A B 0.05 C ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303--675--2175 or 800--344--3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303--675--2176 or 800--344--3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: N. American Technical Support: 800--282--9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81--3--5773--3850 55 ON Semiconductor Website: Order Literature: For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative AMIS--49587/D