Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC68HC05BD3D/H TECHNICAL DATA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MC68HC05BD3 HC05 MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC705BD3 MC68HC05BD5 TECHNICAL DATA !MOTOROLA !MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS 2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 5 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 7 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR 8 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 9 LOW POWER MODES 10 OPERATING MODES 11 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 12 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13 MC68HC705BD3 14 TPG MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 5 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 6 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 7 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 8 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR 9 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 10 LOW POWER MODES 11 OPERATING MODES 12 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 14 MC68HC705BD3 15 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: TPG 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC705BD3 MC68HC05BD5 High-density complementary metal oxide semiconductor (HCMOS) microcontroller unit All Trade Marks recognized. This document contains information on new products. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. All products are sold on Motorola’s Terms & Conditions of Supply. In ordering a product covered by this document the Customer agrees to be bound by those Terms & Conditions and nothing contained in this document constitutes or forms part of a contract (with the exception of the contents of this Notice). A copy of Motorola’s Terms & Conditions of Supply is available on request. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and !are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Customer should ensure that it has the most up to date version of the document by contacting its local Motorola office. This document supersedes any earlier documentation relating to the products referred to herein. The information contained in this document is current at the date of publication. It may subsequently be updated, revised or withdrawn. MOTOROLA LTD., 1996 TPG For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Conventions Register and bit mnemonics are defined in the paragraphs describing them. An overbar is used to designate an active-low signal, eg: RESET. Unless otherwise stated, blank cells in a register diagram indicate that the bit is either unused or reserved; shaded cells indicate that the bit is not described in the following paragraphs; ‘u’ is used to indicate an undefined state (on reset). TPG For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE (MC68HC05BD3D/H) Motorola wishes to continue to improve the quality of its documentation. We would welcome your feedback on the publication you have just received. Having used the document, please complete this card (or a photocopy of it, if you prefer). 1. How would you rate the quality of the document? Check one box in each category. Excellent Organization Readability Understandability Accuracy ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Excellent ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Tables Table of contents Index Page size/binding Overall impression Poor ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Comments: 2. What is your intended use for this document? 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Too little detail SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS SECTION 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS SECTION 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS SECTION 5 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER SECTION 6 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION SECTION 7 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE SECTION 8 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR SECTION 9 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET SECTION 10 LOW POWER MODES SECTION 11 OPERATING MODES SECTION 12 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 13 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 14 MC68HC705BD3 SECTION 15 MC68HC05BD5 ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Too much detail ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Comments: 6. Have you found any errors? If so, please comment: 7. From your point of view, is anything missing from the document? If so, please say what: TPG ✂ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Illustrations ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Poor For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ✂ 8. 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Currently there is some discussion in the semiconductor industry regarding a move towards providing data sheets in electronic form. If you have any opinion on this subject, please comment. 14. We would be grateful if you would supply the following information (at your discretion), or attach your card. Name: Position: Phone No: FAX No: Department: Company: Address: Thank you for helping us improve our documentation, HKG CSIC Technical Publications , Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd., Hong Kong. TPG – Finally, tuck this edge into opposite flap – For More Information On This Product, Go to: 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Features.................................................................................................................1-1 2 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS 2.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS.............................................................................................2-1 2.2 Pin Assignments ....................................................................................................2-2 2.3 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS.......................................................................................2-3 2.3.1 Port A ...............................................................................................................2-3 2.3.2 Port B ...............................................................................................................2-3 2.3.3 Port C ...............................................................................................................2-4 2.3.4 Port D ...............................................................................................................2-4 2.3.5 Input/Output Programming...............................................................................2-4 2.3.6 Port C and D Configuration Registers..............................................................2-5 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Registers ...............................................................................................................3-1 RAM (MC68HC05BD3)..........................................................................................3-1 RAM (MC68HC705BD3/MC68HC05BD5).............................................................3-1 ROM (MC68HC05BD3) .........................................................................................3-2 ROM (MC68HC05BD5) .........................................................................................3-2 EPROM (MC68HC705BD3) ..................................................................................3-2 Bootstrap ROM ......................................................................................................3-2 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MOTOROLA i For More Information On This Product, Go to: 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4.1 RESETS ................................................................................................................4-1 4.1.1 Power-On Reset (POR) ...................................................................................4-1 4.1.2 RESET Pin.......................................................................................................4-1 4.1.3 Illegal Address (ILADR) Reset.........................................................................4-2 4.1.4 Computer Operating Properly (COP) Reset ....................................................4-2 4.2 INTERRUPTS........................................................................................................4-3 4.2.1 Non-maskable Software Interrupt (SWI) ..........................................................4-3 4.2.2 Maskable Hardware Interrupts.........................................................................4-5 External Interrupt (IRQ)..............................................................................4-5 Sync Signal Processor Interrupt.................................................................4-7 M-Bus Interrupts.........................................................................................4-7 Multi-Function Timer Interrupts ..................................................................4-8 5 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 5.1 5.2 5.3 MFT Counter Register ...........................................................................................5-1 MFT Control and Status Register ..........................................................................5-1 COP Watchdog......................................................................................................5-2 6 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 6.1 6.2 PWM Registers .....................................................................................................6-1 General Operation .................................................................................................6-1 7 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 7.1 M-Bus Interface Features ......................................................................................7-1 7.2 M-Bus Protocol ......................................................................................................7-2 7.2.1 START Signal...................................................................................................7-3 7.2.2 Slave Address Transmission ............................................................................7-3 7.2.3 Data Transfer....................................................................................................7-4 7.2.4 Repeated START Signal ..................................................................................7-4 7.2.5 STOP Signal ....................................................................................................7-4 7.2.6 Arbitration Procedure .......................................................................................7-4 7.2.7 Clock Synchronization .....................................................................................7-5 7.2.8 Handshaking....................................................................................................7-5 7.3 M-Bus Registers ....................................................................................................7-5 TPG MOTOROLA ii MC68HC05BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 7.3.1 M-Bus Address Register (MADR) ....................................................................7-6 7.3.2 M-Bus Frequency Register (MFDR).................................................................7-6 7.3.3 M-Bus Control Register (MCR) ........................................................................7-7 7.3.4 M-Bus Status Register (MSR)..........................................................................7-8 7.3.5 M-Bus Data I/O Register (MDR) ......................................................................7-9 7.4 Programming Considerations ................................................................................7-11 7.4.1 Initialization ......................................................................................................7-11 7.4.2 Generation of a START Signal and the First Byte of Data Transfer..................7-11 7.4.3 Software Responses after Transmission or Reception of a Byte .....................7-11 7.4.4 Generation of the STOP Signal........................................................................7-12 7.4.5 Generation of a Repeated START Signal ........................................................7-13 7.4.6 Slave Mode ......................................................................................................7-13 7.4.7 Arbitration Lost .................................................................................................7-13 8 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR 8.1 Functional Blocks...................................................................................................8-1 8.1.1 Polarity Correction............................................................................................8-1 Separate Vertical Sync Input ......................................................................8-2 Separate Horizontal Or Composite Sync Input ..........................................8-3 8.1.2 Sync Detection.................................................................................................8-3 8.1.3 Free-running Pseudo Sync Signal Generator ..................................................8-4 8.1.4 Sync Separation...............................................................................................8-4 8.1.5 Vertical Sync Pulse Reshaper..........................................................................8-5 8.1.6 Sync Signal Counters ......................................................................................8-5 8.2 VSYNC Interrupt....................................................................................................8-5 8.3 Registers ...............................................................................................................8-7 8.3.1 Sync Signal Control & Status Register (SSCSR).............................................8-7 8.3.2 Vertical Frequency Registers (VFRS) ..............................................................8-9 8.3.3 Line Frequency Registers (LFRs) ....................................................................8-9 8.3.4 Sync Signal Control Register (SSCR)..............................................................8-10 8.3.5 Horizontal Sync Period Width Register (HPWR)..............................................8-10 8.4 System Operation ..................................................................................................8-11 9 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 9.1 Registers ...............................................................................................................9-1 9.1.1 Accumulator (A) ...............................................................................................9-1 9.1.2 Index register (X)..............................................................................................9-2 9.1.3 Program counter (PC) ......................................................................................9-2 9.1.4 Stack pointer (SP) ............................................................................................9-2 9.1.5 Condition code register (CCR).........................................................................9-2 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MOTOROLA iii For More Information On This Product, Go to: 9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 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Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 9.2 Instruction set ........................................................................................................9-3 9.2.1 Register/memory Instructions ..........................................................................9-4 9.2.2 Branch instructions ..........................................................................................9-4 9.2.3 Bit manipulation instructions ............................................................................9-4 9.2.4 Read/modify/write instructions.........................................................................9-4 9.2.5 Control instructions ..........................................................................................9-4 9.2.6 Tables...............................................................................................................9-4 9.3 Addressing modes.................................................................................................9-11 9.3.1 Inherent............................................................................................................9-11 9.3.2 Immediate ........................................................................................................9-11 9.3.3 Direct ...............................................................................................................9-11 9.3.4 Extended..........................................................................................................9-12 9.3.5 Indexed, no offset ............................................................................................9-12 9.3.6 Indexed, 8-bit offset .........................................................................................9-12 9.3.7 Indexed, 16-bit offset .......................................................................................9-12 9.3.8 Relative ............................................................................................................9-13 9.3.9 Bit set/clear ......................................................................................................9-13 9.3.10 Bit test and branch...........................................................................................9-13 10 LOW POWER MODES 10.1 10.2 10.3 STOP Mode.........................................................................................................10-1 WAIT Mode..........................................................................................................10-1 COP Watchdog Timer Considerations.................................................................10-2 11 OPERATING MODES 11.1 11.2 11.3 User Mode (Normal Operation) ...........................................................................11-2 Self-Check Mode .................................................................................................11-2 Bootstrap Mode ...................................................................................................11-4 12 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Maximum Ratings................................................................................................12-1 Thermal Characteristics ......................................................................................12-1 DC Electrical Characteristics...............................................................................12-2 Control Timing .....................................................................................................12-3 M-Bus Timing ......................................................................................................12-4 Sync Signal Processor Timing.............................................................................12-5 TPG MOTOROLA iv MC68HC05BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 13 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 13.1 13.2 42-Pin SDIP Package (Case 858-01) ..................................................................13-1 40-Pin DIP Package (Case 711-03).....................................................................13-1 14 MC68HC705BD3 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.3.1 14.3.2 14.4 Features...............................................................................................................14-1 Memory Map........................................................................................................14-1 EPROM Programming .........................................................................................14-1 Programming Control Register (PCR)............................................................14-3 EPROM Programming Sequence ..................................................................14-3 DC Electrical Characteristics ...............................................................................14-4 15 MC68HC05BD5 15.1 15.2 15.3 Features...............................................................................................................15-1 Memory Map........................................................................................................15-1 DC Electrical Characteristics ...............................................................................15-3 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MOTOROLA v For More Information On This Product, Go to: 11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA vi MC68HC05BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 9-1 9-2 10-1 11-1 11-2 11-3 12-1 14-1 15-1 TITLE Page Number MC68HC05BD3/MC68HC705BD3/MC68HC05BD5 Block Diagram ......................1-2 Pin Assignment for 40-pin DIP Package.................................................................2-2 Pin Assignment for 42-pin SDIP Package ..............................................................2-3 Parallel Port I/O Circuitry ........................................................................................2-6 Memory Map ..........................................................................................................3-3 Power-On Reset and RESET Timing......................................................................4-2 Interrupt Stacking Order .........................................................................................4-4 External Interrupt Circuit and Timing ......................................................................4-6 8-Bit PWM Output Waveforms................................................................................6-2 M-Bus Interface Block Diagram ..............................................................................7-2 M-Bus Transmission Signal Diagram ......................................................................7-3 Clock Synchronization ............................................................................................7-5 Flowchart of M-Bus Interrupt Routine.....................................................................7-10 Sync Signal Processor Block Diagram ...................................................................8-2 Sync Signal Polarity Correction ..............................................................................8-3 Sync Separator.......................................................................................................8-4 Sync Signal Counters Block Diagram.....................................................................8-6 Vertical Frequency Counter Timing ........................................................................8-6 Typical Monitor System Operation..........................................................................8-12 Programming model ...............................................................................................9-1 Stacking order ........................................................................................................9-2 WAIT Flowchart ....................................................................................................10-2 Flowchart of Mode Entering .................................................................................11-1 Self-Check Mode Timing ......................................................................................11-2 MC68HC05BD3 Self-Test Circuit..........................................................................11-3 M-Bus Timing........................................................................................................12-4 MC68HC705BD3 Memory Map............................................................................14-2 MC68HC05BD5 Memory Map..............................................................................15-2 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MOTOROLA vii For More Information On This Product, Go to: \ 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA viii MC68HC05BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LIST OF TABLES Table Number 2-1 2-2 3-1 4-1 5-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 11-1 11-2 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 14-1 14-2 15-1 TITLE Page Number I/O Pin Functions ....................................................................................................2-4 Configuration for PC6 and PC7 ..............................................................................2-5 Register Outline......................................................................................................3-4 Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses ..........................................................................4-4 COP Reset and RTI Rates .....................................................................................5-3 M-Bus Prescaler .....................................................................................................7-6 Vertical Frame Frequencies ....................................................................................8-9 MUL instruction.......................................................................................................9-5 Register/memory instructions.................................................................................9-5 Branch instructions .................................................................................................9-6 Bit manipulation instructions...................................................................................9-6 Read/modify/write instructions ...............................................................................9-7 Control instructions.................................................................................................9-7 Instruction set .........................................................................................................9-8 M68HC05 opcode map...........................................................................................9-10 Mode Selection.....................................................................................................11-2 Self-Check Report ................................................................................................11-4 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC05BD3 ................................................12-2 Control Timing ......................................................................................................12-3 M-Bus Interface Input Signal Timing.....................................................................12-4 M-Bus Interface Output Signal Timing..................................................................12-4 Sync Signal Processor Timing..............................................................................12-5 MC68HC705BD3 Programming Boards...............................................................14-1 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC705BD3 ..............................................14-4 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC05BD5 ................................................15-3 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MOTOROLA ix For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA x MC68HC05BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MC68HC05BD3 HCMOS microcontroller is a member of the M68HC05 Family of low-cost single-chip microcontrollers. This 8-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) contains an on-chip oscillator, CPU, RAM, ROM, parallel I/O capability with pins programmable as input or output, M-Bus serial interface system (I2C), Pulse Width Modulator, Multi-Function Timer, and Sync Signal Processor. These features make it particularly suitable as a multi-sync computer monitor MCU. The MC68HC05BD5 is functionally equivalent to MC68HC05BD3, with increase RAM and ROM. The MC68HC705BD3 is an EPROM version of the MC68HC05BD5. All references to the MC68HC05BD3 apply equally to the MC68HC705BD3 and MC68HC05BD5, unless otherwise stated. References specific to the MC68HC705BD3 are italicized in the text and also, for quick reference, they are summarized in Section 14. References to MC68HC05BD5 are summarized in Section 15. 1.1 Features • Fully static chip design featuring the industry standard 8-bit M68HC05 core • Power saving Wait mode • 128 bytes of on-chip RAM for MC68HC05BD3 256 bytes for MC68HC705BD3 and MC68HC05BD5 • 3.75K-bytes of user ROM for MC68HC05BD3 7.75K-bytes of user ROM for MC68HC05BD5 7.75K-bytes of user EPROM for MC68HC705BD3 • 24 bidirectional I/O lines: 14 dedicated and 10 multiplexed I/O lines. 4 of the 14 dedicated I/O lines and 6 of the MUXed I/O lines have +10V open-drain O/Ps. • 16 channels PWM outputs: 8 dedicated, +10V open-drain PWM channels and 8 multiplexed with I/O lines of which 6 of them have +10V open-drain outputs. • M-Bus Serial Interface (I2C-bus†) • Multi-Function Timer (MFT) with Periodic Interrupt • COP watchdog reset † I2C-bus is a proprietary Philips interface bus TPG MC68HC05BD3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 1-1 17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Horizontal and Vertical Sync Signal Processor • Self-check mode • Available in 40-pin DIP and 42-pin SDIP packages DDR A • 8 PA0 - PA7 7.75K-Bytes EPROM for MC68HC705BD3 DDR B 128 Bytes for MC68HC05BD3 256 Bytes for MC68HC705BD3 & MC68HC05BD5 SELF-CHECK ROM - 224 Bytes for MC68HC05BD3 & MC68HC05BD5 only PORT B RAM PB0 PB1 4 PB2* - PB5* BOOTSTRAP ROM - 480 Bytes for MC68HC705BD3 only 7 M68HC05 CPU PWM0* PWM1* PWM2* PWM3* PWM4* PWM5* PWM6* PWM7* 0 ACCUMULATOR 7 0 PWM INDEX REGISTER 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 PC0/PWM8* PC1/PWM9* PC2/PWM10* PC3/PWM11* PC4/PWM12* PC5/PWM13* PC6/PWM14/VTTL PC7/PWM15/HTTL STACK POINTER 0 DDR C 4 PROGRAM COUNTER RESET RESET 7 0 1 1 1 H I N Z C CONDITION CODE REGISTER SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR (SSP) MFT (with COP) EXTAL OSC ÷2 XTAL VSYNC HSYNC POWER M-BUS VDD PORT D IRQ/VPP PORT C 15 0 0 DDR D Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... USER ROM 3.75K-Bytes for MC68HC05BD3 7.75K-Bytes for MC68HC05BD5 PORT A 1 PD0/SDA† PD1/SCL† VSS * +10V open-drain † +5V open-drain if the pin is configured as SDA or SCL Figure 1-1 MC68HC05BD3/MC68HC705BD3/MC68HC05BD5 Block Diagram TPG MOTOROLA 1-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 18 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS This section provides a description of the functional pins and I/O programming of the MC68HC05BD3 microcontroller. 2.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 40-pin DIP PIN No. 42-pin SDIP PIN No. VDD, VSS 5, 6 5, 7 IRQ/VPP 15 16 RESET 4 4 7, 8 8, 9 PA0-PA7 23-16 24-17 PB0-PB5 14-9 15-10 PC0/PWM8 to PC5/PWM13 26-31 27-32 PIN NAME XTAL, EXTAL DESCRIPTION Power is supplied to the MCU using these two pins. VDD is power and VSS is ground. In the user mode this pin an external hardware interrupt IRQ. It is software programmable to provide two choices of interrupt triggering sensitivity. These options are: 1) negative edge-sensitive triggering only, or 2) both negative edge-sensitive and level sensitive triggering. In the bootstrap mode on the MC68HC705BD3, this is the EPROM programming voltage input pin. The active low RESET input is not required for start-up, but can be used to reset the MCU internal state and provide an orderly software start-up procedure. These pins provide connections to the on-chip oscillator. The oscillator can be driven by a AT-crystal circuit or a ceramic resonator with a frequency of 4.2 MHz. EXTAL may also be driven by an external oscillator if an external crystal/resonator circuit is not used. See Figure 11-3 for values of crystal circuit external components. These eight I/O lines comprise port A. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port A lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. These six I/O lines comprise port B. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port B lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. PB2 to PB5 are +10V open-drain pins. These six port C pins are +10V open-drain type. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port C lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. These pins become PWM output channels 8 to 13 by setting the appropriate bits in Configuration register 1 ($0A). TPG MC68HC05BD3 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-1 19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2 PIN NAME 40-pin DIP PIN No. 42-pin SDIP PIN No. PC6/PWM14/VTTL, PC7/PWM15/HTTL 32, 33 33, 34 PD0/SDA, PD1/SCL 24, 25 25, 26 3-1, 38-34 3-1, 40-38, 36, 35 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PWM0 to PWM7 HSYNC, VSYNC 2.2 39, 40 41, 42 DESCRIPTION These two port C I/O lines are shared with the PWM and Sync Signal Processor. Configuration for use are set by the Configuration register 1 ($0A) and Configuration register 2 ($0B). These two port D I/O lines are shared with the M-Bus lines SDA and SCL. When configured as M-Bus lines in Configuration register 2 ($0B), these pins become +5V open-drain pins. These eight pins are dedicated for the 8-bit PWM channel 0 to 7. These two pins are for video sync signals input from the host computer. The polarity of the input signals can either be positive or negative. These two pins contain internal Schmitt triggers as part of their inputs to improve noise immunity Pin Assignments PWM2 1 40 VSYNC PWM1 2 39 HSYNC PWM0 3 38 PWM3 RESET 4 37 PWM4 VDD 5 36 PWM5 VSS 6 35 PWM6 XTAL 7 34 PWM7 EXTAL 8 33 PC7/PWM15/HTTL PB5 9 32 PC6/PWM14/VTTL PB4 10 31 PC5/PWM13 PB3 11 30 PC4/PWM12 PB2 12 29 PC3/PWM11 PB1 13 28 PC2/PWM10 PB0 14 27 PC1/PWM9 IRQ/VPP 15 26 PC0/PWM8 PA7 16 25 PD1/SCL PA6 17 24 PD0/SDA PA5 18 23 PA0 PA4 19 22 PA1 PA3 20 21 PA2 Figure 2-1 Pin Assignment for 40-pin DIP Package TPG MOTOROLA 2-2 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 20 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PWM2 PWM1 PWM0 RESET VDD NC VSS XTAL EXTAL PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 IRQ/VPP PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 2 VSYNC HSYNC PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 NC PWM6 PWM7 PC7/PWM15/HTTL PC6/PWM14/VTTL PC5/PWM13 PC4/PWM12 PC3/PWM11 PC2/PWM10 PC1/PWM9 PC0/PWM8 PD1/SCL PD0/SDA PA0 PA1 PA2 Figure 2-2 Pin Assignment for 42-pin SDIP Package 2.3 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS In the User Mode there are 24 bidirectional I/O lines arranged as 4 I/O ports (Port A, B, C, and D). The individual bits in these ports are programmable as either inputs or outputs under software control by the data direction registers (DDRs). Also, if enabled by software, Port C and D will have additional functions as PWM outputs, M-Bus I/O and Sync Signal Processor outputs. 2.3.1 Port A Port A is an 8-bit bidirectional port which does not share any of its pins with other subsystems. The Port A data register is at $00 and the data direction register (DDR) is at $04. Reset does not affect the data register, yet clears the data direction register, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a one to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode. 2.3.2 Port B Port B is a 6-bit bidirectional port which does not share any of its pins with other subsystems. PB2 to PB5 are +10V open-drain port pins. The Port B data register is at $01 and the data direction register (DDR) is at $05. Reset does not affect the data register, yet clears the data direction register, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a one to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode. TPG MC68HC05BD3 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-3 21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.3.3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2 Port C Port C is an 8-bit bidirectional port which shares pins with PWM and SSP subsystem. See Section 6 for a detailed description of PWM and Section 8 for a detailed description of SSP. These pins are configured to PWM output when the corresponding bits in the Configuration register 1 are set, except PC6 and PC7. PC6 and PC7 are configured to SSP outputs when the corresponding bits in the Configuration register 2 are set. The Port C data register is at $02 and the data direction register (DDR) is at $06. Reset does not affect the data register, but clears the data direction register, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a one to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode. 2.3.4 Port D Port D is a 2-bit bidirectional port which shares pins with M-Bus subsystem. See Section 7 for a detailed description of M-Bus. These pins are configured to the corresponding functions when the corresponding bits in the Configuration register 2 are set. They are +5V open-drain I/O pins when used as M-Bus I/O. The Port D data register is at $03 and the data direction register (DDR) is at $07. Reset does not affect the data register, yet clears the data direction register, thereby returning the ports to inputs. Writing a one to a DDR bit sets the corresponding port bit to output mode. 2.3.5 Input/Output Programming Bidirectional port lines may be programmed as an input or an output under software control. The direction of the pins is determined by the state of the corresponding bit in the port data direction register (DDR). Each port has an associated DDR. Any I/O port pin is configured as an output if its corresponding DDR bit is set. A pin is configured as an input if its corresponding DDR bit is cleared. During Reset, all DDRs are cleared, which configure all port pins as inputs. The data direction registers are capable of being written to or read by the processor. During the programmed output state, a read of the data register actually reads the value of the output data latch and not the I/O pin. Table 2-1 I/O Pin Functions R/W 0 0 1 1 DDR 0 1 0 1 I/O Pin Function The I/O pin is in input mode. Data is written into the output data latch. Data is written into the output data latch and output to the I/O pin. The state of the I/O pin is read. The I/O pin is in an output mode. The output data latch is read. TPG MOTOROLA 2-4 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 22 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.3.6 Port C and D Configuration Registers Port C and Port D are shared with PWM, M-Bus and SSP. The configuration registers at $0A and $0B are used to configure those I/O pins. They are default to zero after power-on reset. Setting these bits will set the corresponding pins to the corresponding functions, except PC6 and PC7. For example, setting SCL and SDA bits of register $0B will configure Port D pins 1 and 0 as M-Bus pins, regardless of DDR1 and DDR0 settings. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Address bit 7 Configuration Register 1 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 2 State on reset $000A PWM15 PWM14 PWM13 PWM12 PWM11 PWM10 PWM9 PWM8 0000 0000 Address bit 7 Configuration Register 2 $000B HTTL bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 VTTL bit 1 bit 0 State on reset SCL SDA 0000 0000 PC7 and PC6 are shared with both PWM and SSP. When HTTL and VTTL in $000B are set, PC7 and PC6 are configured as HTTL and VTTL outputs respectively, regardless of the status of PWM15 and PWM14 in $000A. That is, HTTL and VTTL settings override PWM15 and PWM14 settings. Table 2-2 Configuration for PC6 and PC7 PWM15 0 0 1 1 HTTL 0 1 0 1 Result of PC7 PC7 HTTL PWM15 HTTL PWM14 0 0 1 1 VTTL 0 1 0 1 Result of PC6 PC6 VTTL PWM14 VTTL TPG MC68HC05BD3 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 2-5 23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2 DATA DIRECTION REGISTER BIT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INTERNAL MC68HC05 CONNECTIONS LATCHED OUTPUT DATA BIT OUTPUT I/O PIN INPUT REGISTER BIT INPUT I/O (a) TYPICAL PORT DATA DIRECTION REGISTER 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DDR 7 DDR 6 DDR 5 DDR 4 DDR 3 DDR 2 DDR 1 DDR 0 Px2 Px1 TYPICAL PORT REGISTER I/O PORT LINES Px7 Px6 Px5 Px3 Px4 Px0 (b) VDD NOTE: (1) IP = INPUT PROTECTION (2) LATCH-UP PROTECTION NOT SHOWN PORT DATA & P PORT DDR PAD + N IP INTERNAL LOGIC (c) Figure 2-3 Parallel Port I/O Circuitry TPG MOTOROLA 2-6 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MEMORY AND REGISTERS The MC68HC05BD3/MC68HC705BD3/MC68HC05BD5 has a 16K-byte memory map consisting of registers, user ROM/EPROM, user RAM, self-check/bootstrap ROM, and I/O as shown in Figure 3-1. 3.1 Registers All the I/O, control and status registers of the MC68HC05BD3 are contained within the first 48-byte block of the memory map (address $0000 to $002F). 3.2 RAM (MC68HC05BD3) The user RAM consists of 128 bytes of memory, from $0080 to $00FF. This is shared with a 64 byte stack area. The stack begins at $00FF and counts down to $00C0. 3.3 RAM (MC68HC705BD3/MC68HC05BD5) The user RAM consists of 256 bytes of memory, from $0080 to $017F. This is shared with a 64 byte stack area. The stack begins at $00FF and counts down to $00C0. Note: Using the stack area for data storage or temporary work locations requires care to prevent the data from being overwritten due to stacking from an interrupt or subroutine call. TPG MC68HC05BD3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 3-1 25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.4 ROM (MC68HC05BD3) The user ROM consists of 3.75K-bytes of memory, from $3000 to $3EFF. 3 3.5 ROM (MC68HC05BD5) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The user ROM consists of 7.75K-bytes of memory, from $2000 to $3EFF. 3.6 EPROM (MC68HC705BD3) The user EPROM consists of 7.75K-bytes of memory, from $2000 to $3EFF. 3.7 Bootstrap ROM This is available on the MC68HC705BD3 device only. It stores the on-chip program for programming the user EPROM. TPG MOTOROLA 3-2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 26 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. $002F $0030 I/O 48 Bytes $0000 $002F $0030 Unused $007F $0080 $00C0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $00FF $0100 I/O 48 Bytes Stack 64 Bytes $0000 Unused Unused $007F $0080 $00C0 $00FF Port A Data Register Port B Data Register Port C Data Register Port D Data Register Port A Data Direction Register Port B Data Direction Register Port C Data Direction Register Port D Data Direction Register MFT Control and Status Register MFT Timer Counter Register Configuration Register 1 Configuration Register 2 SSP Control and Status Register Vertical Frequency High Register Vertical Frequency Low Register Line Frequency High Register Line Frequency Low Register Sync Signal Control Register Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused MBUS Address Register MBUS Frequency Divider Register MBUS Control Register MBUS Status Register MBUS Data Register Unused Programming Control Register HSYNC Period Width Register Reserved PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 PWM8 PWM9 PWM10 PWM11 PWM12 PWM13 PWM14 PWM15 I/O 48 Bytes $002F $0030 $007F $0080 User RAM 128 Bytes MC68HC705BD3 MC68HC05BD5 MC68HC05BD3 $0000 $00C0 Stack 64 Bytes $00FF User RAM 256 Bytes User RAM 256 Bytes $017F $0180 Stack 64 Bytes $017F $0180 Unused Unused Unused $1DFF $1E00 Bootstrap ROM 480 Bytes $1FDF $1FE0 $1FFF $2000 $1FFF $2000 $2FFF $3000 Unused User EPROM 7936 Bytes User ROM 7936 Bytes User ROM 3840 Bytes $3EFF $3F00 $3FDF $3FE0 $3FEF $3FF0 $3FFF Self-Check Program 224 Bytes Self-Check Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes $3EFF $3F00 $3FDF $3FE0 $3FEF $3FF0 $3FFF Self-Check Program 224 Bytes Self-Check Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes $3EFF $3F00 Unused $3FDF $3FE0 $3FEF $3FF0 Bootstrap Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B 3 $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $3FFF $3FF0 $3FF2 $3FF4 $3FF6 $3FF8 $3FFA $3FFC $3FFE Reserved Reserved MFT MBUS SSP IRQ SWI RESET Figure 3-1 Memory Map TPG MC68HC05BD3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 3-3 27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-1 Register Outline Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3 Register Name Port A data $0000 Port B data $0001 Port C data $0002 Port D data $0003 Port A data direction bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 undefined PB5 PB4 PB3 PB2 PB1 PB0 undefined PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 PC0 undefined PD1 PD0 undefined Address bit 7 $0004 DDRA7 DDRA6 DDRA5 DDRA4 DDRA3 DDRA2 DDRA1 DDRA0 0000 0000 Port B data direction $0005 Port C data direction $0006 DDRC7 DDRC6 DDRC5 DDRC4 DDRC3 DDRC2 DDRC1 DDRC0 0000 0000 Port D data direction $0007 MFT control and status $0008 DDRB5 DDRB4 DDRB3 DDRB2 DDRB1 DDRB0 --00 0000 DDRD1 DDRD0 TOF RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN RT1 RT0 ---- --00 0000 0-11 MFT timer counter $0009 MFTCR7 MFTCR6 MFTCR5 MFTCR4 MFTCR3 MFTCR2 MFTCR1 MFTCR0 0000 0000 Configuration 1 $000A PWM15 PWM14 PWM13 PWM12 PWM11 PWM10 PWM9 PWM8 0000 0000 Configuration 2 $000B HTTL SCL SDA 00-- --00 SSP control and status $000C VPOL HPOL VDET HDET SOUT INSRTB FOUT VTTL VSIN 0000 0000 Vertical frequency high $000D 0 0 0 VF12 VF11 VF10 VF9 VF8 0000 0000 Vertical frequency low $000E VF7 VF6 VF5 VF4 VF3 VF2 VF1 VF0 0000 0000 Line frequency high $000F HOVER 0 0 0 LF11 LF10 LF9 LF8 0000 0000 Line frequency low $0010 LF7 LF6 LF5 LF4 LF3 LF2 LF1 LF0 0000 0000 Sync signal control $0011 VSIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 Unused $0012 Unused $0013 Unused $0014 Unused $0015 Unused $0016 MBUS address $0017 MAD7 MAD6 MAD5 MAD4 MAD3 MAD2 MAD1 MBUS frequency divider $0018 FD4 FD3 TXAK 0000 000- FD2 FD1 FD0 ---0 0000 SRW MIF RXAK 1000 -001 MD2 MD1 MD0 undefined ELAT PGM ---- --00 MBUS control $0019 MEN MIEN MSTA MTX MBUS status $001A MCF MASS MBB MAL MBUS data $001B MD7 MD6 MD5 MD4 Unused $001C Programming Control $001D HSYNC period width $001E HPWR7 HPWR6 HPWR5 HPWR4 HPWR3 HPWR2 HPWR1 HPWR0 0000 0000 Reserved MD3 0000 0--- $001F TPG MOTOROLA 3-4 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 28 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-1 Register Outline Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Register Name Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0PWM $0020 0PWM4 0PWM3 0PWM2 0PWM1 0PWM0 0BRM2 0BRM1 0BRM0 0000 0000 1PWM $0021 1PWM4 1PWM3 1PWM2 1PWM1 1PWM0 1BRM2 1BRM1 1BRM0 0000 0000 2PWM $0022 2PWM4 2PWM3 2PWM2 2PWM1 2PWM0 2BRM2 2BRM1 2BRM0 0000 0000 3PWM $0023 3PWM4 3PWM3 3PWM2 3PWM1 3PWM0 3BRM2 3BRM1 3BRM0 0000 0000 4PWM $0024 4PWM4 4PWM3 4PWM2 4PWM1 4PWM0 4BRM2 4BRM1 4BRM0 0000 0000 5PWM $0025 5PWM4 5PWM3 5PWM2 5PWM1 5PWM0 5BRM2 5BRM1 5BRM0 0000 0000 6PWM $0026 6PWM4 6PWM3 6PWM2 6PWM1 6PWM0 6BRM2 6BRM1 6BRM0 0000 0000 7PWM $0027 7PWM4 7PWM3 7PWM2 7PWM1 7PWM0 7BRM2 7BRM1 7BRM0 0000 0000 8PWM $0028 8PWM4 8PWM3 8PWM2 8PWM1 8PWM0 8BRM2 8BRM1 8BRM0 0000 0000 9PWM $0029 9PWM4 9PWM3 9PWM2 9PWM1 9PWM0 9BRM2 9BRM1 9BRM0 0000 0000 10PWM $002A 10PWM4 10PWM3 10PWM2 10PWM1 10PWM0 10BRM2 10BRM1 10BRM0 0000 0000 11PWM $002B 11PWM4 11PWM3 11PWM2 11PWM1 11PWM0 11BRM2 11BRM1 11BRM0 0000 0000 12PWM $002C 12PWM4 12PWM3 12PWM2 12PWM1 12PWM0 12BRM2 12BRM1 12BRM0 0000 0000 13PWM $002D 13PWM4 13PWM3 13PWM2 13PWM1 13PWM0 13BRM2 13BRM1 13BRM0 0000 0000 14PWM $002E 14PWM4 14PWM3 14PWM2 14PWM1 14PWM0 14BRM2 14BRM1 14BRM0 0000 0000 15PWM $002F 15PWM4 15PWM3 15PWM2 15PWM1 15PWM0 15BRM2 15BRM1 15BRM0 0000 0000 3 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 3-5 29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA 3-6 MEMORY AND REGISTERS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4.1 4 RESETS The MC68HC05BD3 can be reset in four ways: by the initial power-on reset function, by an active low input to the RESET pin, by an opcode fetch from an illegal address, and by a COP watchdog timer reset. Any of these resets will cause the program to go to its starting address, specified by the contents of memory locations $3FFE and $3FFF, and cause the interrupt mask of the Condition Code register to be set. 4.1.1 Power-On Reset (POR) The power-on reset occurs when a positive transition is detected on the supply voltage, VDD. The power-on reset is used strictly for power-up conditions, and should not be used to detect any drops in the power supply voltage. There is no provision for a power-down reset. The power-on circuitry provides for a 4064 tcyc delay from the time that the oscillator becomes active. If the external RESET pin is low at the end of the 4064 tcyc time out, the processor remains in the reset condition until RESET goes high. The user must ensure that VDD has risen to a point where the MCU can operate properly prior to the time the 4064 POR cycles have elapsed. If there is doubt, the external RESET pin should remain low until such time that VDD has risen to the minimum operating voltage specified. 4.1.2 RESET Pin The RESET input pin is used to reset the MCU to provide an orderly software start-up procedure. When using the external reset, the RESET pin must stay low for a minimum of 1.5tcyc. The RESET pin contains an internal Schmitt Trigger as part of its input to improve noise immunity. TPG MC68HC05BD3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-1 31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. t VDDR VDD VDD THRESHOLD (TYPICALLY 1-2V) XTAL PIN1 toxov Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 4064 tcyc tcyc INTERNAL CLOCK2 INTERNAL ADDRESS BUS2 INTERNAL DATA BUS2 3FFE NEW PCL 3FFF NEW PCH NEW PC 3FFE OP CODE 3FFE 3FFF NEW PC PCL OP CODE PCH tRL =1.5tCYC 3 RESET NOTES: 1. XTAL is not meant to represent frequency. It is only used to represent time. 2. Internal clock, internal address bus, and internal data bus signals are not available externally. 3. Next rising edge of internal clock after rising edge of RESET initiates reset sequence. Figure 4-1 Power-On Reset and RESET Timing 4.1.3 Illegal Address (ILADR) Reset The MCU monitors all opcode fetches. If an illegal address space is accessed during an opcode fetch, an internal reset is generated. Illegal address spaces consist of all unused locations within the memory map and the I/O registers (see Figure 3-1). Because the internal reset signal is used, the MCU comes out of an ILADR reset in the same operating mode it was in when the opcode was fetched. 4.1.4 Computer Operating Properly (COP) Reset The MCU contains a watchdog timer that automatically times out if not reset (cleared) within a specific amount of time by a program reset sequence. TPG MOTOROLA 4-2 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Note: COP time-out is prevented by periodically writing a “0” to bit 0 of address $3FF0. If the watchdog timer is allowed to time-out, an internal reset is generated to reset the MCU. Because the internal reset signal is used, the MCU comes out of a COP reset in the same operating mode it was in when the COP time-out was generated. The COP reset function is always enabled. See Section 5.3 for more information on the COP watchdog timer. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 4.2 INTERRUPTS The MCU can be interrupted by different sources – four maskable hardware interrupt and one non-maskable software interrupt: • External signal on the IRQ pin • Multi-Function Timer (MFT) • M-Bus Interface (MBUS) • Sync Signal Processor (SSP) • Software Interrupt Instruction (SWI) If the interrupt mask bit (I-bit) of the CCR is set, all maskable interrupts (internal and external) are disabled. Clearing the I-bit enables interrupts. Interrupts cause the processor to save the register contents on the stack and to set the interrupt mask (I-bit) to prevent additional interrupts. The RTI instruction causes the register contents to be recovered from the stack and normal processing to resume. Unlike reset, hardware interrupts do not cause the current instruction execution to be halted, but are considered pending until the current instruction is complete. The current instruction is the one already fetched and being operated on. When the current instruction is complete, the processor checks all pending hardware interrupts. If interrupts are not masked (CCR I-bit clear) the processor proceeds with interrupt processing; otherwise, the next instruction is fetched and executed. Table 4-1 shows the relative priority of all the possible interrupt sources. 4.2.1 Non-maskable Software Interrupt (SWI) The software interrupt (SWI) is an executable instruction and a non-maskable interrupt: it is execute regardless of the state of the I-bit in the CCR. If the I-bit is zero (interrupt enabled), SWI is executed after interrupts that were pending when the SWI was fetched, but before interrupts generated after the SWI was fetched. The SWI interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory locations $3FFC and $3FFD. TPG MC68HC05BD3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-3 33 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. $00C0 (BOTTOM OF STACK) $00C1 UNSTACKING ORDER Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 $00C2 • • • • • • CONDITION CODE REGISTER 5 1 4 2 ACCUMULATOR 3 3 INDEX REGISTER 2 4 PROGRAM COUNTER (HIGH BYTE) 1 5 PROGRAM COUNTER (LOW BYTE) STACKING ORDER • • • • • • $00FD $00FE $00FF (TOP OF STACK) Figure 4-2 Interrupt Stacking Order Table 4-1 Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses Register – – – SSCR MSR MFTCSR – – Flag Name – – – – MIF TOF RTIF – – Interrupt Reset Software External Interrupt VSYNC M-Bus Timer Overflow Real Time Interrupt – – CPU Interrupt RESET SWI IRQ SSP MBUS Vector Address $3FFE-$3FFF $3FFC-$3FFD $3FFA-$3FFB $3FF8-$3FF9 $3FF6-$3FF7 MFT $3FF4-$3FF5 – – $3FF2-$3FF3 $3FF0-$3FF1 Priority highest lowest TPG MOTOROLA 4-4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 34 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.2.2 Maskable Hardware Interrupts If the interrupt mask bit (I-bit) of the CCR is set, all maskable interrupts (internal and external) are masked. Clearing the I-bit allows interrupt processing to occur. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Note: The internal interrupt latch is cleared in the first part of the interrupt service routine; therefore, one external interrupt pulse could be latched and serviced as soon as the I-bit is cleared. 4 External Interrupt (IRQ) The external interrupt IRQ can be software configured for “negative-edge” or “negative-edge and level” sensitive triggering by the IRQN bit in the Multi-Function TImer Control and Status register. Address bit 7 MFT Control and Status $0008 TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0-11 IRQN 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Negative edge triggering for IRQ only Level and negative edge triggering for IRQ When the signal of the external interrupt pin, IRQ, satisfies the condition selected, an external interrupt occurs. The actual processor interrupt is generated only if the interrupt mask bit of the condition code register is also cleared. When the interrupt is recognized, the current state of the processor is pushed onto the stack and the interrupt mask bit in the condition code register is set. This masks further interrupts until the present one is serviced. The service routine address is specified by the contents $3FFA & $3FFB. The interrupt logic recognizes negative edge transitions and pulses (special case of negative edges) on the external interrupt line. Figure 4-3 shows both a block diagram and timing for the interrupt line (IRQ) to the processor. The first method is used if pulses on the interrupt line are spaced far enough apart to be serviced. The minimum time between pulses is equal to the number of cycles required to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 cycles. Once a pulse occurs, the next pulse should not occur until the MCU software has exited the routine (an RTI occurs). The second configuration shows several interrupt lines wired-OR to perform the interrupt at the processor. Thus, if the interrupt lines remain low after servicing one interrupt, the next interrupt is recognized. Note: The internal interrupt latch is cleared in the first part of the service routine; therefore, one (and only one) external interrupt pulse could be latched during tILIL and serviced as soon as the I bit is cleared. TPG MC68HC05BD3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-5 35 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. IRQN bit & + 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... & VDD Q D IRQ pin External Interrupt Request I BIT (CCR) C Q R Power-On Reset + External Reset External Interrupt being serviced (read of vectors) (a) Interrupt Function Diagram EDGE SENSITIVE TRIGGER CONDITION IRQ tILIH tILIL tILIL The minimum pulse width tILIH is one internal bus period. The period tILIL should not be less than the number of tCYC cycles it takes to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 tcyc cycles. LEVEL SENSITIVE TRIGGER CONDITION If after servicing an interrupt the IRQ pin remains low, then the next interrupt is recognized. Normally used with wired OR connection. Wired ORed Interrupt signals Normally used with pull-up resistors for wired-OR connection. IRQ (b) Interrupt Mode Diagram Figure 4-3 External Interrupt Circuit and Timing TPG MOTOROLA 4-6 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 36 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Sync Signal Processor Interrupt The VSYNC interrupt is generated by the Sync Signal Processor (SSP) after a vertical sync pulse is detected as described in Section 8. The interrupt enable bit, VSIE, for the VSYNC interrupt is located at bit 7 of Sync Signal Control register (SSCR) at $0011. The I-bit in the CCR must be cleared in order for the VSYNC interrupt to be enabled. This interrupt will vector to the interrupt service routine located at the address specified by the contents of $3FF8 and $3FF9. The VSYNC interrupt latch will be cleared automatically by fetching of these vectors. 4 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Refer to Section 8 for detailed description of Sync Signal Processor. M-Bus Interrupts M-Bus interrupt is enabled when the M-Bus Interrupt Enable bit (MIEN) of M-Bus Control register is set, provided the interrupt mask bit of the Condition Code register is cleared. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $3FF6 and $3FF7. Address bit 7 M-Bus Status Register $001A MCF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 MAAS MBB MAL bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 SRW MIF bit 0 State on reset RXAK 1000 0001 MIF - M-Bus Interrupt 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – An M-Bus interrupt has occurred. An M-Bus interrupt has not occurred. When this bit is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU if MIEN is set. This bit is set when one of the following events occurs: 1) Completion of one byte of data transfer. It is set at the falling edge of the 9th clock - MCF set. 2) A match of the calling address with its own specific address in slave mode MAAS set. 3) A loss of bus arbitration - MAL set. This bit must be cleared by software in the interrupt routine. MCF - Data Transfer Complete 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A byte transfer has been completed. A byte is being transfer. MAAS - Addressed as Slave 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Currently addressed as a slave. Not currently addressed. TPG MC68HC05BD3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 4-7 37 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Then CPU needs to check the SRW bit and set its MTX bit accordingly. Writing to the M-Bus Control register clears this bit. MAL - Arbitration Lost 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 Lost arbitration in master mode. No arbitration lost. Refer to Section 7 for detailed description of M-Bus Interface. Multi-Function Timer Interrupts There are two interrupt sources, TOF and RTIF bits of Multi-Function Timer Control and Status Register. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $3FF4 and $3FF5. Address bit 7 MFT Control and Status Register $0008 TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0011 TOF - Timer Overflow 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. No 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. This bit is set when the 8-bit ripple counter overflows from $FF to $00; a timer overflow interrupt will occur, if TOFIE is set. TOF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. RTIF - Real Time Interrupt Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A real time interrupt has occurred. A real time interrupt has not occurred. The clock frequency that drives the RTI circuit is E/16384, giving a maximum interrupt period of 8.19ms at a bus clock rate of 2MHz. A CPU interrupt request will be generated if RTIE is set. RTIF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. Refer to Section 5 for detailed description of Multi-Function Timer. TPG MOTOROLA 4-8 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 38 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER The MFT provides miscellaneous functions to the MC68HC05BD3 MCU. It includes a timer overflow function, real-time interrupt, and COP watchdog. The external interrupt (IRQ) triggering option is also set by this module’s MFT Control and Status Register. 5 The clock base for this module is derived from the bus clock divided by four. For a 2MHz E (CPU) clock, the clock base is 0.5MHz. This clock base is then divided by an 8-stage ripple counter to generate the timer overflow. Timer overflow rate is thus E/1024. The output of this 8-stage ripple counter then drives a 4-stage divider to generate real time interrupt. Hence, the clock base for real time interrupt is E/16384. Real time interrupt rate is selected by RT0 and RT1 bits of MFT Control and Status register. The interrupt rates are E/16384, (E/16384)/2, (E/16384)/4, and (E/16384)/8. The selected real time interrupt rate is then divided by 8 to generate COP reset. 5.1 MFT Counter Register The MFT counter register (MFTCR) can be read at location $0009. It is cleared by reset. 5.2 MFT Control and Status Register Address bit 7 MFT Control and Status Register $1C TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0011 Register bit definitions: TOF - Timer Overflow 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. No 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. TPG MC68HC05BD3 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 5-1 39 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. This bit is set when the 8-bit ripple counter overflows from $FF to $00; a timer overflow interrupt will occur, if TOFIE (bit 5) is set. TOF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. RTIF - Real Time Interrupt Flag 1 (set) – Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 0 (clear) – A real time interrupt has occurred. A real time interrupt has not occurred. When RTIF is set, a CPU interrupt request is generated if RITE is set. The clock frequency that drives the RTI circuit is E/16384 giving a maximum interrupt period of 8.19ms at a bus rate of 2MHz. RTIF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. 5 TOFIE - Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – TOF interrupt is enabled. 0 (clear) – TOF interrupt is disabled. RTIE - Real Time Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Real time interrupt is enabled. 0 (clear) – Real time interrupt is disabled. IRQN - IRQ Pin Trigger Option 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Negative edge triggering for IRQ only Level and negative edge triggering for IRQ RT1, RT0 - Rate Select for COP watchdog and RTI See Section 5.3 on watchdog reset. 5.3 COP Watchdog The COP (Computer Operating Properly) watchdog timer function is implemented by using the output of the Multi-Function Timer counter. The minimum COP reset rates are controlled by RT0 and RT1 of MFT Control and Status register. If the COP circuit times out, an internal reset is generated and the reset vector is fetched (at $3FFE & $3FFF). Preventing a COP time-out is achieved by writing a “0” to bit 0 of address $3FF0. The COP counter has to be cleared periodically by software with a period less than COP reset rate. The COP watchdog timer is always enabled and continues to count in Wait mode. TPG MOTOROLA 5-2 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-1 COP Reset and RTI Rates RT1 RT0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Note: Minimum COP reset period COP E clock = 2MHz E/16384/7/1 57.344ms E/16384/7/2 114.688ms E/16384/7/4 229.376ms E/16384/7/8 458.752ms RTI period RTI E clock = 2MHz E/16384/1 8.192ms E/16384/2 16.384ms E/16384/4 32.768ms E/16384/8 65.536ms RT0 and RT1 should only be changed immediately after COP watchdog timer has been reset. 5 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 5-3 41 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA 5-4 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 6 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PULSE WIDTH MODULATION The MC68HC05BD3 has 16 PWM channels. Channel 0 to 7 are dedicated PWM channels. Channel 8 to 15 are shared with port C I/O pins, and are selected by the respective bits in Configuration register 1. PWM channels 0 to 13 are +10V open-drain type; therefore a pull-up resistor is required at each of the pins. 6 6.1 PWM Registers Each PWM channel has an 8-bit register which contains a 5-bit PWM in the MSB portion and a 3-bit binary rate multiplier (BRM) in the LSB portion. The PWM channel data registers are located from $20 to $2F. bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0BRM2 0BRM1 0BRM0 0000 0000 $002F 15PWM4 15PWM3 15PWM2 15PWM1 15PWM0 15BRM2 15BRM1 15BRM0 0000 0000 Address 0PWM $0020 bit 7 bit 6 bit 4 bit 3 0PWM4 0PWM3 0PWM2 0PWM1 0PWM0 : : 15PWM 6.2 bit 5 General Operation The value programmed in the 5-bit PWM portion will determine the pulse length of the output. The clock to the 5-bit PWM portion is the E clock and the repetition rate of the output is hence 62.5KHz at 2MHz E clock. The 3-bit BRM will generate a number of narrow pulses which are equally distributed among an 8-PWM-cycle. The number of pulses generated is equal to the number programmed in the 3-bit BRM portion. Example of the waveforms are shown in Figure 6-1. Combining the 5-bit PWM together with the 3-bit BRM, the average duty cycle at the output will be (M+N/8)/32, where M is the content of the 5-bit PWM portion, and N is the content of the 3-bit BRM portion. Using this mechanism, a true 8-bit resolution PWM is achieved. TPG MC68HC05BD3 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 6-1 43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The value of each PWM Data Register is continuously compared with the content of an internal counter to determine the state of each PWM channel output pin. Double buffering is not used in this PWM design. 32T=16µs Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... M=$00 T M=$01 6 31T 16T M=$0F 16T 31T M=$1F Pulse inserted at end of PWM cycle depends on setting of N. T T=1 CPU clock period (0.5µs if CPU clock=2MHz) M = value set in 5-bit PWM (bit3-bit7) N = value set in 3-bit BRM (bit0-bit2) N xx1 x1x 1xx PWM cycles where pulses are inserted in a 8-cycle frame 4 2, 6 1, 3, 5, 7 Number of inserted pulses in a 8-cycle frame 1 2 4 Figure 6-1 8-Bit PWM Output Waveforms TPG MOTOROLA 6-2 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE M-Bus (Motorola Bus) is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus which provides a simple, efficient way for data exchange between devices. It is fully compatible with the I2C bus standard. This two-wire bus minimizes the interconnection between devices and eliminates the need for address decoders; resulting in less PCB traces and economic hardware structure. This bus is suitable for applications requiring communications in a short distance among a number of devices. The maximum data rate is 100Kbit/s. The maximum communication length and number of devices that can be connected are limited by a maximum bus capacitance of 400pF. The M-Bus system is a true multi-master bus, including arbitration to prevent data collision if two or more masters intend to control the bus simultaneously. It may be used for rapid testing and alignment of end products via external connections to an assembly-line computer. 7.1 7 M-Bus Interface Features • Compatible with I2C bus standard • Multi-master operation • 32 software programmable serial clock frequencies • Software selectable acknowledge bit • Interrupt driven byte-by-byte data transfer • Arbitration lost driven interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave • Calling address identification interrupt • Generate/detect the start, stop and acknowledge signals • Repeated START signal generation • Bus busy detection TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-1 45 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Internal bus 8 Control register Status register MEN MIEN MSTA MTX TXAK MAL SRW MIF RXAK Frequency divider register Address register M-Bus interrupt Interrupt Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MCF MAAS MBB Address comparator M-Bus clock generator sync logic SCL control SCL START, STOP detector and arbitration 7 START, STOP generator and timing sync TX shift register RX shift register TX control RX control SDA control SDA Figure 7-1 M-Bus Interface Block Diagram 7.2 M-Bus Protocol Normally, a standard communication is composed of four parts, 1) START signal, 2) slave address transmission, 3) data transfer, and 4) STOP signal. They are described briefly in the following sections and illustrated in Figure 7-2. TPG MOTOROLA 7-2 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 46 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MSB SCL 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 0 0 1 Acknowledge bit 1 No acknowledge SDA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... START signal STOP signal MSB SCL 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 0 Acknowledge bit 0 1 1 No acknowledge SDA START signal repeated START signal STOP signal 7 Figure 7-2 M-Bus Transmission Signal Diagram 7.2.1 START Signal When the bus is free, i.e., no master device is occupying the bus (both SCL and SDA lines are at logic high), a master may initiate communication by sending a START signal. As shown in Figure 7-2, a START signal is defined as a high to low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer (each data transfer may contain several bytes of data) and wakes up all slaves. 7.2.2 Slave Address Transmission The first byte of data transfer immediately following the START signal is the slave address transmitted by the master. This is a seven bits long calling address followed by a R/W bit. The R/W bit dictates the slave of the desired direction of data transfer. Only the slave with matched address will respond by sending back an acknowledge bit by pulling the SDA low at the 9th clock; see Figure 7-2. TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-3 47 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7.2.3 Data Transfer Once a successful slave addressing is achieved, the data transfer can proceed byte by byte in a direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data can be changed only when SCL is low and must be held stable when SCL is high as shown in Figure 7-2. One clock pulse is for one bit of data transfer, MSB is transferred first. Each data byte has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. Hence, one complete data byte transfer requires 9 clock pulses. If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master, the SDA line should be left high by the slave, the master can then generate a STOP signal to abort the data transfer or a START signal (repeated START) to commence a new calling. If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after one byte transmission, it means an “end of data” to the slave. The slave shall release the SDA line for the master to generate STOP or START signal. 7 7.2.4 Repeated START Signal As shown in Figure 7-2, a repeated START signal is to generate a START signal without first generating a STOP signal to terminate the communication. This is used by the master to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. 7.2.5 STOP Signal The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. However, the master may generate a START signal followed by a calling command without generating a STOP signal first. This is called repeat START. A STOP signal is defined as a low to high transition of SDA while SCL is at a logical high; see Figure 7-2. 7.2.6 Arbitration Procedure This interface circuit is a true multi-master system which allows more than one master to be connected. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, a clock synchronization procedure determines the bus clock. The clock low period is equal to the longest clock low period among the masters; and the clock high period is the shortest among the masters. A data arbitration procedure determines the priority. A master will lose arbitration if it transmits a logic “1” while the others transmit logic “0”, the losing master will immediately switch over to slave receive mode and stops its data and clock outputs. The transition from master to slave mode will not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, a software bit will be set by hardware to indicate loss of arbitration. TPG MOTOROLA 7-4 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 48 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 7.2.7 Clock Synchronization Since wire-AND logic is performed on the SCL line, a high to low transition on SCL line will affect the devices connected to the bus. The devices start counting their low period and once a device's clock has gone low, it will hold the SCL line low until the clock high state is reached. However, the change of low to high in this device clock may not change the state of the SCL line, if another device clock is still in its low period. Therefore synchronized clock SCL will be held low by the device which releases SCL to a logic high in the last place. Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time (see Figure 7-3). When all devices concerned have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock SCL line will be released and go high. All of them will start counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period will again pull the SCL line low. WAIT Start counting high period SCL1 7 SCL2 SCL Internal counter reset Figure 7-3 Clock Synchronization 7.2.8 Handshaking The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfer. Slave device may hold the SCL low after completion of one byte transfer (9 bits). In such case, it will halt the bus clock and force the master clock in a wait state until the slave releases the SCL line. 7.3 M-Bus Registers There are five registers used in the M-Bus interface, these are discussed in the following paragraphs. TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-5 49 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7.3.1 M-Bus Address Register (MADR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 $0017 MAD7 MAD6 MAD5 MAD4 MAD3 MAD2 MAD1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MAD1-MAD7 are the slave address bits of the M-Bus module. 7.3.2 M-Bus Frequency Register (MFDR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 $0018 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset FD4 FD3 FD2 FD1 FD0 0000 0000 FD0-FD4 are used for clock rate selection. The serial bit clock frequency is equal to the CPU clock divided by the divider shown in Table 7-1. 7 Table 7-1 M-Bus Prescaler FD4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FD3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FD2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 FD1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 FD0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DIVIDER 22 24 28 34 44 48 56 68 88 96 112 136 176 192 224 272 FD4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FD3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FD2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 FD1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 FD0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DIVIDER 352 384 448 544 704 768 896 1088 1408 1536 1792 2176 2816 3072 3584 4352 For a 4MHz external crystal operation (2MHz internal operating frequency), the serial bit clock frequency of M-Bus ranges from 460Hz to 90,909Hz. TPG MOTOROLA 7-6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 50 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7.3.3 M-Bus Control Register (MCR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 $0019 MEN MIEN MSTA MTX TXAK bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 Register bit definitions: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MEN - M-Bus Enable 1 (set) – M-Bus interface system enabled. 0 (clear) – M-Bus interface system disabled. MIEN - M-Bus Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – M-Bus interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – M-Bus interrupt disabled. This bit enables the MIF (in MSR) for M-Bus interrupts. 7 MSTA - Master/Slave Select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus is set for master mode operation. M-Bus is set for slave mode operation. Upon reset, this bit is cleared. When this bit is changed from 0 to 1, a START signal is generated on the bus, and the master mode is selected. When this bit is changed from 1 to 0, a STOP signal is generated and the operation mode changes from master to slave. In master mode, a bit clear immediately followed by a bit set of this bit generates a repeated START signal without generating a STOP signal. MTX - Transmit/Receive Mode Select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus is set for transmit mode. M-Bus is set for receive mode. TXAK - Acknowledge Enable 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Do not send acknowledge signal. Send acknowledge signal at 9th clock bit. If cleared, an acknowledge signal will be sent out to the bus at the 9th clock bit after receiving one byte of data. If set, no acknowledge signal response. This is an active low control bit. TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-7 51 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7.3.4 M-Bus Status Register (MSR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 $001A MCF MAAS MBB MAL bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset SRW MIF RXAK 1000 0001 The MIF and MAL bits are software clearable; while the other bits are read only. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MCF - Data Transfer Complete 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A byte transfer has been completed. A byte is being transfer. When MCF is set, the MIF (M-Bus interrupt) bit is also set. An M-Bus interrupt is generated if the MIEN bit is set. MAAS - Addressed as Slave 1 (set) 7 – 0 (clear) – Currently addressed as a slave. Not currently addressed. This MAAS bit is set when its own specific address (M-Bus Address register) matches the calling address. When MAAS is set, the MIF (M-Bus interrupt) bit is also set. An interrupt is generated if the MIEN bit is set. Then CPU needs to check the SRW bit and set its MTX bit accordingly. Writing to the M-Bus Control register clears this bit. MBB - Bus Busy 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus busy. M-Bus idle. This bit indicates the status of the bus. When a START signal is detected, MBB is set. When a STOP signal is detected, it is cleared. MAL - Arbitration Lost 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Lost arbitration in master mode. No arbitration lost. This arbitration lost flag is set when the M-Bus master loses arbitration during a master transmission mode. When MAL is set, the MIF (M-Bus interrupt) bit is also set. This bit must be cleared by software. TPG MOTOROLA 7-8 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 52 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SRW - Slave R/W Select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Read from slave, from calling master Write to slave from calling master. When MAAS is set, the R/W command bit of the calling address sent from the master is latched into this SRW bit. By checking this bit, the CPU can then select slave transmit/receive mode by configuring MTX bit of the M-Bus Control register. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MIF - M-Bus Interrupt 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – An M-Bus interrupt has occurred. An M-Bus interrupt has not occurred. When this bit is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU if MIEN is set. This bit is set when one of the following events occurs: 1) Completion of one byte of data transfer. It is set at the falling edge of the 9th clock - MCF set. 2) A match of the calling address with its own specific address in slave mode MAAS set. 7 3) A loss of bus arbitration - MAL set. This bit must be cleared by software in the interrupt routine. RXAK - Receive Acknowledge 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – No acknowledgment signal detected. Acknowledgment signal detected after 8 bits data transmitted. If cleared, it indicates an acknowledge signal has been received after the completion of 8 bits data transmission on the bus. If set, no acknowledge signal has been detected at the 9th clock. This is an active low status flag. 7.3.5 M-Bus Data I/O Register (MDR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $001B MD7 MD6 MD5 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 uuuu uuuu In master transmit mode, data written into this register is sent to the bus automatically, with the most significant bit out first. In master receive mode, reading of this register initiates receiving of the next byte data. In slave mode, the same function applies after it has been addressed. TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-9 53 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Clear MIF Y Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TX Last byte transmitted? TX/RX? Y N RX N Last byte to be read? N Master Mode? Arbitration Lost? Y Y Clear MAL Generate STOP signal N MAAS=1? Y N 7 RXAK=0? N Last 2nd byte to read? Y N MAAS=1? RX Y ACK from receiver? Y Generate STOP signal Y TX TXAK=1 Write to MDR TX/RX? Read from MDR Write to MDR N N SRW=1? N Y Set RX mode Set TX mode Dummy read MDR Write to MDR RTI Figure 7-4 Flowchart of M-Bus Interrupt Routine TPG MOTOROLA 7-10 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 54 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 7.4 Programming Considerations 7.4.1 Initialization Reset will put the M-Bus Control register to its default status. Before the interface can be used to transfer serial data, the following initialization procedure must be carried out. 1) Update Frequency Divider Register (MFDR) to select an SCL frequency. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2) Update M-Bus Address Register (MADR) to define its own slave address. 3) Set MEN bit of M-Bus Control Register (MCR) to enable the M-Bus interface system. 4) Modify the bits of M-Bus Control Register (MCR) to select Master/Slave mode, Transmit/Receive mode, interrupt enable or not. 7.4.2 Generation of a START Signal and the First Byte of Data Transfer After completion of the initialization procedure, serial data can be transmitted by selecting the master transmit mode. If the device is connected to a multi-master bus system, the state of the M-Bus busy bit (MBB) must be tested to check if the serial bus is free. If the bus is free (MBB=0), the START condition and the first byte (the slave address) can be sent. An example program which generates the START signal and transmits the first data byte (slave address) is shown below: SEI BRSET CHFLAG TXSTART BSET BSET LDA STA CLI 7.4.3 ; 5,MSR,CHFLAG ; ; ; 4,MCR ; 5,MCR ; ; #CALLING ; MDR ; ; ; 7 DISABLE INTERRUPT CHECK THE MBB BIT OF THE STATUS REGISTER. IF IT IS SET, WAIT UNTIL IT IS CLEAR SET TRANSMIT MODE SET MASTER MODE i.e. GENERATE START CONDITION GET THE CALLING ADDRESS TRANSMIT THE CALLING ADDRESS ENABLE INTERRUPT Software Responses after Transmission or Reception of a Byte Upon the completion of the transmission or reception of a data byte, the data transferring bit (MCF) will be set, indicating one byte communication has been finished. The M-Bus interrupt bit (MIF) will also be set to generate an M-Bus interrupt if the interrupt is enabled. Software must clear the TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-11 55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MIF bit in the interrupt routine first. The MCF bit can be cleared by reading the M-Bus Data I/O Register (MDR) in receive mode or writing to the MDR in transmit mode. Software may serve the M-Bus I/O in the main program by monitoring the MIF bit if the interrupt is disabled. The following is an example of a software response by a master in transmit mode in the interrupt routine (see Figure 7-4). ISR BCLR BRCLR 1,MSR 5,MCR,SLAVE ; ; ; 4,MCR,RECEIVE ; ; 0,MSR,END ; ; ; DATABUF ; MDR ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BRCLR BRSET TRANSMIT 7.4.4 7 LDA STA CLEAR THE MIF FLAG CHECK THE MSTA FLAG, BRANCH IF SLAVE MODE CHECK THE MODE FLAG, BRANCH IF IN RECEIVE MODE CHECK ACK FROM RECEIVER IF NO ACK, END OF TRANSMISSION GET THE NEXT BYTE OF DATA TRANSMIT THE DATA Generation of the STOP Signal A data transfer ends with a STOP signal generated by the master device. A master in transmit mode can simply generate a STOP signal after all the data have been transmitted. The following is an example showing how a STOP condition is generated by a master in transmit mode. MASTX BRSET 0,MSR,END LDA TXCNT BEQ LDA STA DEC BRA END BCLR EMASTX RTI END DATABUF MDR TXCNT EMASTX 5,MCR ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; IF NO ACK, BRANCH TO END GET VALUE FROM THE TRANSMITTING COUNTER IF NO MORE DATA, BRANCH TO END GET NEXT BYTE OF DATA TRANSMIT THE DATA DECREASE THE TXCNT EXIT GENERATE A STOP CONDITION RETURN FROM INTERRUPT If a master receiver wants to terminate a data transfer, it must inform the slave transmitter by not acknowledging the last byte of data. This can be achieved by setting the transmit acknowledge bit (TXAK) before reading the 2nd last byte of data. Before reading the last byte of data, a STOP signal must be generated first. The following is an example showing how a STOP signal is generated by a master in receive mode. MASR DEC BEQ LDA DECA BNE RXCNT ENMASR RXCNT NXMAR ; LAST BYTE TO BE READ ; CHECK LAST 2ND BYTE TO BE READ ; NOT LAST ONE OR LAST SECOND TPG MOTOROLA 7-12 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 56 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LAMAR BSET 3,MCR BRA ENMASR BCLR NXMAR 5,MCR NXMAR MDR RXBUF LDA STA RTI 7.4.5 ; LAST SECOND, DISABLE ACK ; TRANSMITTING ; LAST ONE, GENERATE 'STOP' ; SIGNAL ; READ DATA AND STORE Generation of a Repeated START Signal At the end of data transfer, if the master still wants to communicate on the bus, it can generate another START signal followed by another slave address without first generating a STOP signal. A program example is as shown. RESTART 7.4.6 BCLR BSET 5,MCR 5,MCR LDA STA #CALLING MDR ; ; ; ; ; ; ANOTHER START (RESTART) IS GENERATED BY THESE TWO CONSECUTIVE INSTRUCTIONS GET THE CALLING ADDRESS TRANSMIT THE CALLING ADDRESS 7 Slave Mode In the slave service routine, the master addressed as slave bit (MAAS) should be tested to check if a calling of its own address has been received (Figure 7-4). If MAAS is set, software should set the transmit/receive mode select bit (MTX bit of MCR) according to the R/W command bit (SRW). Writing to the MCR clears the MAAS automatically. A data transfer may then be initiated by writing to MDR or a dummy read from MDR. In the slave transmit routine, the received acknowledge bit (RXAK) must be tested before transmitting the next byte of data. RXAK, if set indicates the end of data signal from the master receiver, the slave transmitter must then switch from transmit mode to receive mode by software and a dummy read must follow to release the SCL line so that the master can generate a STOP signal. 7.4.7 Arbitration Lost If more than one master want to acquire the bus simultaneously, only one master can win and the others will lose arbitration. The losing device immediately switches to slave receive mode by M-Bus hardware. Its data output to the SDA line is stopped, but internal transmit clock still runs until the end of the data byte transmission. An interrupt occurs when this dummy byte transmission TPG MC68HC05BD3 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 7-13 57 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... is accomplished with MAL=1 and MSTA=0. If one master attempts to start transmission while the bus is being controlled by another master, the transmission will be inhibited; the MSTA bit will be changed from 1 to 0 without generating STOP condition; an interrupt will be generated and the MAL bit set to indicate that the attempt to acquire the bus has failed. Considering these cases, the slave service routine should test the MAL bit first, and software should clear the MAL bit if it is set. 7 TPG MOTOROLA 7-14 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 58 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 8 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR The functions of the SSP include polarity correction, sync separation, sync pulse reshaper, sync pulse detectors, horizontal line counter, vertical frequency counter, and free running signals generator. In addition, interrupt can be generated for each vertical frame at a user specified horizontal line number. The processor accepts either composite or separate sync inputs. For separate sync inputs, the HTTL and VTTL outputs are identical to the incoming horizontal sync with negative sync polarity. As for composite sync input, reassembled horizontal sync pulses can be inserted during the vertical sync period. The VTTL output is triggered by the leading edge of the incoming vertical sync pulse, and the sync pulse will be widened by 9.5µs. Both HSYNC and VSYNC inputs have internal filter to improve noise immunity. Any pulse that is shorter than an internal bus clock period, will be regarded as a glitch, and will be ignored. Note: 8.1 8 All quoted timings in this section are based on the assumption that the internal bus frequency is 2MHz, i.e. tCYC =0.5µs. Functional Blocks The architecture of the Sync Signal Processor is shown in Figure 8-1. Each of the functional blocks are described in the following paragraphs. 8.1.1 Polarity Correction The polarity correction block of the sync signal processor accepts the input sync signals (HSYNC/VSYNC) and converts them to negative polarity signals, regardless of the polarity of the inputs. The following describes the methodologies used in polarity correction. TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-1 59 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. VSIN FOUT V FREQ. REGISTER $0D $0E Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... VSYNC COUNTER VSYNC POLARITY CORRECTOR MUX HSYNC SYNC DETECTOR VDET VSYNC RESHAPER VFREE COMPOSITE POLARITY CORRECTOR VTTL MUX R S CLK GEN. HFREE SYNC SEPARATOR & INSERTION $11 8 SYNC SIGNAL CONTROL REG. SOUT R V MUX HTTL H INTERRUPT CIRCUIT HSYNC COUNTER INTERRUPT LINE FREQ. REGISTERS SYNC DETECTOR HDET $0F $10 Figure 8-1 Sync Signal Processor Block Diagram Separate Vertical Sync Input To test the polarity of the input sync signal, the duration of the low pulse is examined. If the low period is longer than a specific value (512µs or 1024tCYC), as in the case of positive polarity input sync, the input sync will be inverted before output. For negative polarity input sync signal, it is anticipated that the duration of the low pulse would be shorter than the specific value, and the input sync signal passes through to the output without inversion. This polarity correction is a continuous process, and the error margin is equal to the maximum permissible sync pulse width specified (512µs or 1024tCYC). At power-up or system reset, negative polarity at input is assumed. TPG MOTOROLA 8-2 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 60 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Positive polarity pure horizontal sync signal Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Negative polarity pure horizontal sync signal Positive polarity composite sync signal Negative polarity composite sync signal Figure 8-2 Sync Signal Polarity Correction Separate Horizontal Or Composite Sync Input Since the input at HSYNC can be either a pure horizontal sync signal or a composite sync signal, different methodologies are used in polarity correction. 8 Unlike the polarity correction for VSYNC, both the high pulse and low pulse of the sync signal at HSYNC are examined. If the pulse, either active high or low, is longer than a certain period (8µs or 16 tCYC), it will be regarded as a long pulse. If there are 8 consecutive low long pulses, the input sync signal will be confirmed as a positive polarity sync signal, and will be inverted. If there are 8 consecutive high long pulses, it will be confirmed as a negative polarity sync signal. The operation of this module is also continuous, and the error margin is equal to the period of the pre-set number (default is 8) of horizontal sync pulses. At power-up or system reset, negative polarity at input is assumed. 8.1.2 Sync Detection The sync detector determines whether the incoming sync signal is active. Both sync high and low pulse widths must be within the specific values to be regarded as active. HDET and VDET flags will be set if the HSYNC and VSYNC signals are active, respectively. TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-3 61 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 8.1.3 Free-running Pseudo Sync Signal Generator Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... If either HSYNC or VSYNC is absent, a free-running sync signal generator will be enabled. It generates a pseudo vertical sync at 63.5Hz (1/(tcyc x 31488)) and a pseudo horizontal sync at either 48.8KHz (1/(tCYC x 41)) or 62.5KHz (1/(tCYC x 32)), depending on the status of FOUT. This set of free running sync signals replaces the inactive sync signals at the inputs and will be fed to the VTTL and HTTL pins if the pins are selected for VTTL and HTTL function. 8.1.4 Sync Separation Figure 8-3 is a block diagram of the Sync Separator which includes the duration counters for the high and low pulses, a counter for the number of valid horizontal sync pulses, a register to hold the number of horizontal lines per frame, a logic block for horizontal and vertical sync pulse separation, a comparator, and a sync pulse insertion circuit. CLK HSYNC (After polarity correction) load Horizontal Sync Register in Horizontal sync pulse counter 8 reset out count Low pulse duration counter Comparator equal High pulse duration counter finish Sync separation logic Sync insertion circuit Hsync Vsync Figure 8-3 Sync Separator The Low pulse duration counter examines the low pulse width of the incoming composite sync signal. If it is within the horizontal sync pulse limit (8µs or 16 tCYC), a horizontal sync pulse is detected and the horizontal sync pulse counter is advanced. If the low pulse is wider than the limit, TPG MOTOROLA 8-4 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 62 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. a vertical sync pulse is detected, and the content of the Horizontal sync pulse counter is loaded into the Horizontal Sync Register before the Low Pulse Duration Counter is reset. Comparator compares the values of the Horizontal Sync Pulse Counter and Horizontal Sync Register, and gives the equal signal to the Sync Separation Logic. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... High Pulse Duration Counter examines the high pulse width of the incoming composite sync signal. If it is longer than a specific value (8µs or 16 tCYC), the vertical sync pulse has finished and finish signal will be given to the Sync Separation Logic. Sync Separation Logic passes the composite sync signal to the Hsync output, until there is an “equal” signal from the comparator. The Hsync output will then output a reassembled waveform by the Sync Insertion Circuit to emulate the HSYNC pulses, and the Vsync output is set to low at the coming falling edge of the composite signal. After the finish signal has been sensed, the Vsync output is fixed to high, and the Hsync output follows the composite sync input again. 8.1.5 Vertical Sync Pulse Reshaper For separate sync inputs, the vertical sync pulse width VTTL equals to the incoming vertical sync input. For composite sync input, the Sync Pulse Reshaper widens the VTTL pulse width by 9.5µs. 8.1.6 Sync Signal Counters 8 There are two counters (horizontal line counter and vertical frequency counter) to count the number of horizontal sync pulses and the number of system clock cycles between two vertical sync pulses. These two data can be read by the CPU to check the signal frequencies and can be used to determine the video mode. Figure 8-4 shows a more detailed block diagram of these counters. The 13-bit vertical frequency register encompasses vertical frequency range from approximately 15Hz to 125KHz. Figure 8-5 shows the vertical frequency counter timing. It indicates that there will be ±1 count error on the reading from the register for the same vertical frequency. 8.2 VSYNC Interrupt The Sync Signal Processor will generate interrupts to the CPU if the VSYNC Interrupt Enable (VSIE) bit is set, and the I-bit in the Condition Code Register (CCR) is cleared. The interrupt will occur at each leading edge of VSYNC. The interrupt vector address is at $3FF8-$3FF9, and the interrupt latch is cleared automatically by fetching of the interrupt vectors. TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-5 63 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. $0D $0E 13-bit Vertical Frequency Register ÷16 System Clock 13-bit counter Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... R Negative edge detector VSYNC R HSYNC Negative edge detector 12-bit counter $0F $10 12-bit Horizontal Line Count Register Figure 8-4 Sync Signal Counters Block Diagram 8 PH2 VSYNIN Counter signal reset Counter resets at 4 PH2 cycles after falling edge of VSYNIN PH2 ÷16 case1 PH2 ÷16 case2 Counter advances at the rising edge of the clock 1. The value of the counter will be loaded into the register before it is reset. 2. The Vertical Frequency Counter is clocked by a PH2 ÷16 clock. 3. Because of the asynchronous nature between PH2 and VSYNIN, the register will have one more count in case 2 than in case 1. Figure 8-5 Vertical Frequency Counter Timing TPG MOTOROLA 8-6 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 64 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 8.3 Registers There are seven registers associated with the Sync Signal Processor, these are described below. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 8.3.1 Sync Signal Control & Status Register (SSCSR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $000C VPOL HPOL VDET HDET SOUT INSRTB FOUT VSIN 0000 0000 VPOL - Vertical Sync Input Polarity 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – VSYNC input is positive polarity. VSYNC input is negative polarity. Vertical Sync Input Polarity flag indicates the polarity of the incoming signal at the VSYNC input. HPOL - Horizontal Sync Input Polarity 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – HSYNC input is positive polarity. HSYNC input is negative polarity. Horizontal Sync Input Polarity flag indicates the polarity of the incoming signal at the HSYNC input. 8 VDET - Vertical Sync Signal Detect 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – An active vertical sync is detected at VSYNC input. No vertical sync signal at VSYNC input; use internal generated Vsync for VTTL. Vertical Sync Signal Detect flag, if set, indicates an active input vertical sync signal has been detected. If cleared, it indicates there is no active signal, and the VTTL will output the internally generated Vsync signal. An active vertical sync signal is defined as: VDET = (VSYNC pulse width < 480µs or 960tCYC)·(VSYNC period < 65.5ms or 131x103tCYC) HDET - Horizontal Sync Signal Detect 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – An active horizontal sync is detected at HSYNC input. No horizontal sync signal at HSYNC input; use internal generated Hsync for HTTL. Horizontal Sync Signal Detect flag, if set, indicates an active input horizontal sync signal has been detected. If cleared, it indicates there is no active signal, and the HTTL will output the internally generated Hsync signal. An active horizontal sync signal is defined as: HDET=(HSYNC pulse width < 8µs or 16tCYC)·(9µs or 18tCYC < HSYNC period < 128µs or 256tCYC) TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-7 65 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SOUT - Sync Output Select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Use processed VSYNC and HSYNC inputs for VTTL and HTTL. Use internally generated sync signals for VTTL and HTTL. When cleared, the outputs to VTTL and HTTL are the internally generated signals. When set, the outputs are the processed input signals. This bit can only be set if both VDET and HDET are logic 1’s, and will be cleared automatically if VDET or HDET is not logic “1”. Reset clears this bit. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... INSRTB - Hsync Insertion Bit 1 (set) – No inserted pulses. Hsync remains high state during the vertical sync pulse. 0 (clear) – For composite sync inputs, emulated sync pulses will be inserted into the Hsync signal during the vertical sync pulse. For separate sync inputs, when this Hsync Insertion bit is cleared, sync pulses will continue to be the Hsync signal during the Vertical Sync Pulse. For composite sync input, when this Hsync Insertion bit is cleared, emulated sync pulses will be inserted into the Hsync signal during the Vertical Sync Pulse. In both cases, when this bit is set, there will be no inserted pulses, and the Hsync signal will be high during the Vertical Sync Pulse. Reset clears this bit. FOUT - Internal Hsync Frequency Select 8 1 (set) – 63.5Hz and 62.5KHz for VTTL and HTTL outputs respectively if internally generated sync signals are selected. 0 (clear) – 63.5Hz and 48.8KHz for VTTL and HTTL outputs respectively if internally generated sync signals are selected. This bit selects the frequency of the free running Hsync signal to HTTL pin if SOUT bit is cleared. When FOUT is set, 63.5Hz and 62.5KHz signals are output to VTTL and HTTL, respectively. When FOUT is cleared, 63.5Hz and 48.8KHz signals are output instead. Reset clears this bits. VSIN - Vsync Input Source This bit selects the source of the input sync signals. Reset clears this bits. 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Separated sync signals through VSYNC and HSYNC inputs. Composite sync signal through HSYNC input TPG MOTOROLA 8-8 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 66 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 8.3.2 Vertical Frequency Registers (VFRS) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Address bit 7 VFHR $000D VFLR $000E VF7 bit 6 VF6 bit 5 VF5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset VF12 VF11 VF10 VF9 VF8 0000 0000 VF4 VF3 VF2 VF1 VF0 0000 0000 This 13-bit read only register pair contains information of the vertical frame frequency. An internal counter counts the number of internal clocks between two VSYNC pulses. The counted value will then be transferred to this register. The data corresponds to the period of one vertical frame. This register can be read to determine if the frame frequency is valid, and to determine the video mode. However, the data is not valid if VDET bit is cleared. The frame frequency is calculated by 1/(VFR±1 x 8µs) or 1/(VFR±1 x 16tCYC). The table below shows examples for the Vertical Frequency Register, all VFR numbers are in hexadecimal. Table 8-1 Vertical Frame Frequencies VFR $03C0 $03C1 $03C2 $04E2 $04E3 $04E4 $06F9 $06FA $06FB 8.3.3 Min. Freq. 130.07 129.94 129.80 99.92 99.84 99.76 69.99 69.95 69.91 Max. Freq. 130.34 130.21 130.07 100.08 100.00 99.92 70.07 70.03 69.99 VFR $0823 $0824 $0825 $09C4 $09C5 $09C6 $1FFD $1FFE $1FFF Min. Freq. 59.98 59.95 59.92 49.98 49.96 49.94 15.262 15.260 15.258 Max. Freq. 60.04 60.01 59.98 50.02 50.00 49.98 15.266 15.264 15.262 8 Line Frequency Registers (LFRs) Address bit 7 LFHR $000F HOVER LFLR $0010 LF7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 LF6 LF5 LF4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset LF11 LF10 LF9 LF8 0000 0000 LF3 LF2 LF1 LF0 0000 0000 This 12-bit read only register pair contains the number of horizontal lines in each vertical frame. An internal line counter counts the horizontal sync pulses between two vertical sync pulses. The counted value will be transferred to this register pair. HOVER bit will be set if the incoming horizontal sync pulses between two vertical sync pulses are more than 4096 or there is no vertical TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-9 67 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. sync input. The data can be read to determine if the line frequency is valid and to determine the video mode. However, the data is not valid if HDET or VDET bit is cleared or HOVER bit is set. User has to determine whether the incoming signal is separate sync or composite sync. If composite sync signal is input, the actual number of horizontal lines is the value in LFR plus one; because the internal line counter that counts the horizontal sync pulses is rising-edge triggering. If the incoming signal is a composite signal, one horizontal line counting is missed. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 8.3.4 Sync Signal Control Register (SSCR) Address bit 7 $0011 VSIE bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 This is a read/write register. Interrupt will be generated at the leading edge of VSYNC if the VSIE bit is set, I bit in CCR is cleared. The VSYNC interrupt vectors are at $3FF8 and $3FF9, and the interrupt latch is cleared after the interrupt vectors have been fetched. VSIE - Vsync Interrupt Enable This bit enables and disables the Vsync interrupt. 1 (set) 8 – Vsync interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Vsync interrupt disabled. 8.3.5 Horizontal Sync Period Width Register (HPWR) Address $001E bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 HPWR7 HPWR6 HPWR5 HPWR4 HPWR3 HPWR2 HPWR1 HPWR0 State on reset 0000 0000 This 8-bit read only register contains the period of incoming horizontal sync signal. It is sampled by tCYC so the horizontal period is equal to HPWR x 0.5µs if tCYC is at 2MHz. As the incoming horizontal sync signal is asynchronous to the system clock, the SSP is designed so that the maximum counting error of HPWR is –2. User should use the LFR to calculate the HSYNC frequency if very accurate frequency detection is needed. If HPWR overflows, the HDET in SSCSR will be cleared. Therefore the minimum valid HSYNC is 256tCYC, i.e. 7.8125KHz if tCYC equals to 2MHz. Note: It is not guaranteed that the HPWR counting is correct for the first HSYNC period after the trailing edge of VSYNC. TPG MOTOROLA 8-10 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 68 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 8.4 System Operation The incoming signals can be either separate HSYNC and VSYNC or composite sync through HSYNC input. Polarity correction is performed before the sync signals go any further into the system. The sync pulse detection block continuously monitors the signals to see if the signals are active. If the signals are not active, the circuit switches to output the internally generated sync signals. This will protect the circuits behind from being damaged by inactive signals. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A typical monitor system operation is summarized in Figure 8-6. Note: User is required to check the HDET and VDET at VSIN=0 first. If either or both are not detected, user then set VSIN=1 to check HDET and VDET. It is because if the incoming signal is a valid composite signal, HDET and VDET are both read 1 even VSIN=1. Note: Each time if VDET is not detected when VSIN=1, user needs to clear VSIN to check VDET. If VDET is still not detected, user then set VSIN to check them again to decide what mode it is. 8 TPG MC68HC05BD3 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 8-11 69 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Clear 1st_time Init VSIN=0 A Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B VDET=0? Y Set VSIN=1 N Y Y VDET=0? HDET=1? Y N N HOVER=1? Set VSIN=1 Y B HDET=1? N N HSYNC too high No HSYNC signal Set Standby mode 8 VDET=0? Set SOUT=1 Y N Y Read registers HDET=1? N VSIN=1? Y Y 1st_time=0? N Y Set 1st_time=1 No HSYNC Set Standby mode HDET=1? N Clear VSIN=0 N Clear VSIN=0 Separated sync Set Normal mode No VSYNC Set Suspend mode Composite sync Set Normal mode No VSYNC No HSYNC Set Off mode A Figure 8-6 Typical Monitor System Operation TPG MOTOROLA 8-12 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET This section provides a description of the CPU core registers, the instruction set and the addressing modes of the MC68HC05BD3. 9.1 Registers The MCU contains five registers, as shown in the programming model of Figure 9-1. The interrupt stacking order is shown in Figure 9-2. 7 0 7 0 Accumulator Index register 15 7 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 1 1 1 H I N Z 0 9 Program counter 0 Stack pointer 0 C Condition code register Carry / borrow Zero Negative Interrupt mask Half carry Figure 9-1 Programming model 9.1.1 Accumulator (A) The accumulator is a general purpose 8-bit register used to hold operands and results of arithmetic calculations or data manipulations. TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-1 71 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Unstack Stack 0 Condition code register Accumulator Index register Program counter high Program counter low Interrupt Increasing memory address Return 7 Decreasing memory address Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 9-2 Stacking order 9.1.2 Index register (X) The index register is an 8-bit register, which can contain the indexed addressing value used to create an effective address. The index register may also be used as a temporary storage area. 9.1.3 Program counter (PC) The program counter is a 16-bit register, which contains the address of the next byte to be fetched. 9.1.4 9 Stack pointer (SP) The stack pointer is a 16-bit register, which contains the address of the next free location on the stack. During an MCU reset or the reset stack pointer (RSP) instruction, the stack pointer is set to location $00FF. The stack pointer is then decremented as data is pushed onto the stack and incremented as data is pulled from the stack. When accessing memory, the ten most significant bits are permanently set to 0000000011. These ten bits are appended to the six least significant register bits to produce an address within the range of $00C0 to $00FF. Subroutines and interrupts may use up to 64 (decimal) locations. If 64 locations are exceeded, the stack pointer wraps around and overwrites the previously stored information. A subroutine call occupies two locations on the stack; an interrupt uses five locations. 9.1.5 Condition code register (CCR) The CCR is a 5-bit register in which four bits are used to indicate the results of the instruction just executed, and the fifth bit indicates whether interrupts are masked. These bits can be individually tested by a program, and specific actions can be taken as a result of their state. Each bit is explained in the following paragraphs. Half carry (H) This bit is set during ADD and ADC operations to indicate that a carry occurred between bits 3 and 4. TPG MOTOROLA 9-2 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 72 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Interrupt (I) When this bit is set, all maskable interrupts are masked. If an interrupt occurs while this bit is set, the interrupt is latched and remains pending until the interrupt bit is cleared. Negative (N) When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was negative. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Zero (Z) When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was zero. Carry/borrow (C) When set, this bit indicates that a carry or borrow out of the arithmetic logical unit (ALU) occurred during the last arithmetic operation. This bit is also affected during bit test and branch instructions and during shifts and rotates. 9.2 Instruction set The MCU has a set of 62 basic instructions. They can be grouped into five different types as follows: – Register/memory – Read/modify/write – Branch – Bit manipulation – Control 9 The following paragraphs briefly explain each type. All the instructions within a given type are presented in individual tables. This MCU uses all the instructions available in the M146805 CMOS family plus one more: the unsigned multiply (MUL) instruction. This instruction allows unsigned multiplication of the contents of the accumulator (A) and the index register (X). The high-order product is then stored in the index register and the low-order product is stored in the accumulator. A detailed definition of the MUL instruction is shown in Table 9-1. TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-3 73 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9.2.1 Register/memory Instructions Most of these instructions use two operands. The first operand is either the accumulator or the index register. The second operand is obtained from memory using one of the addressing modes. The jump unconditional (JMP) and jump to subroutine (JSR) instructions have no register operand. Refer to Table 9-2 for a complete list of register/memory instructions. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 9.2.2 Branch instructions These instructions cause the program to branch if a particular condition is met; otherwise, no operation is performed. Branch instructions are two-byte instructions. Refer to Table 9-3. 9.2.3 Bit manipulation instructions The MCU can set or clear any writable bit that resides in the first 256 bytes of the memory space (page 0). All port data and data direction registers, timer and serial interface registers, control/status registers and a portion of the on-chip RAM reside in page 0. An additional feature allows the software to test and branch on the state of any bit within these locations. The bit set, bit clear, bit test and branch functions are all implemented with single instructions. For the test and branch instructions, the value of the bit tested is also placed in the carry bit of the condition code register. Refer to Table 9-4. 9 9.2.4 Read/modify/write instructions These instructions read a memory location or a register, modify or test its contents, and write the modified value back to memory or to the register. The test for negative or zero (TST) instruction is an exception to this sequence of reading, modifying and writing, since it does not modify the value. Refer to Table 9-5 for a complete list of read/modify/write instructions. 9.2.5 Control instructions These instructions are register reference instructions and are used to control processor operation during program execution. Refer to Table 9-6 for a complete list of control instructions. 9.2.6 Tables Tables for all the instruction types listed above follow. In addition there is a complete alphabetical listing of all the instructions (see Table 9-7), and an opcode map for the instruction set of the M68HC05 MCU family (see Table 9-8). TPG MOTOROLA 9-4 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 74 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-1 MUL instruction X:A ← X*A Multiplies the eight bits in the index register by the eight Description bits in the accumulator and places the 16-bit result in the concatenated accumulator and index register. H : Cleared I : Not affected Condition N : Not affected codes Z : Not affected C : Cleared Source MUL Addressing mode Cycles Bytes Opcode Form Inherent 11 1 $42 Table 9-2 Register/memory instructions Addressing modes # Cycles # Bytes Opcode Indexed (16-bit offset) # Cycles # Bytes Opcode Indexed (8-bit offset) # Cycles Opcode # Cycles # Bytes Opcode # Bytes Indexed (no offset) Extended # Cycles # Bytes Direct Opcode # Cycles Opcode Function # Bytes Immediate Mnemonic Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Operation Load A from memory LDA A6 2 2 B6 2 3 C6 3 4 F6 1 3 E6 2 4 D6 3 5 Load X from memory LDX AE 2 2 BE 2 3 CE 3 4 FE 1 3 EE 2 4 DE 3 5 Store A in memory STA B7 2 4 C7 3 5 F7 1 4 E7 2 5 D7 3 6 Store X in memory STX BF 2 4 CF 3 5 FF 1 4 EF 2 5 DF 3 6 Add memory to A ADD AB 2 2 BB 2 3 CB 3 4 FB 1 3 EB 2 4 DB 3 5 Add memory and carry to A ADC A9 2 2 B9 2 3 C9 3 4 F9 1 3 E9 2 4 D9 3 5 Subtract memory SUB A0 2 2 B0 2 3 C0 3 4 F0 1 3 E0 2 4 D0 3 5 Subtract memory from A with borrow SBC A2 2 2 B2 2 3 C2 3 4 F2 1 3 E2 2 4 D2 3 5 AND memory with A AND A4 2 2 B4 2 3 C4 3 4 F4 1 3 E4 2 4 D4 3 5 OR memory with A ORA AA 2 2 BA 2 3 CA 3 4 FA 1 3 EA 2 4 DA 3 5 Exclusive OR memory with A EOR A8 2 2 B8 2 3 C8 3 4 F8 1 3 E8 2 4 D8 3 5 Arithmetic compare A with memory CMP A1 2 2 B1 2 3 C1 3 4 F1 1 3 E1 2 4 D1 3 5 Arithmetic compare X with memory CPX A3 2 2 B3 2 3 C3 3 4 F3 1 3 E3 2 4 D3 3 5 Bit test memory with A (logical compare) BIT A5 2 2 B5 2 3 C5 3 4 F5 1 3 E5 2 4 D5 3 5 Jump unconditional JMP BC 2 2 CC 3 3 FC 1 2 EC 2 3 DC 3 4 Jump to subroutine JSR BD 2 5 CD 3 6 FD 1 5 ED 2 6 DD 3 7 9 TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-5 75 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-3 Branch instructions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Function Branch always Branch never Branch if higher Branch if lower or same Branch if carry clear (Branch if higher or same) Branch if carry set (Branch if lower) Branch if not equal Branch if equal Branch if half carry clear Branch if half carry set Branch if plus Branch if minus Branch if interrupt mask bit is clear Branch if interrupt mask bit is set Branch if interrupt line is low Branch if interrupt line is high Branch to subroutine Mnemonic BRA BRN BHI BLS BCC (BHS) BCS (BLO) BNE BEQ BHCC BHCS BPL BMI BMC BMS BIL BIH BSR Relative addressing mode Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 20 2 3 21 2 3 22 2 3 23 2 3 24 2 3 24 2 3 25 2 3 25 2 3 26 2 3 27 2 3 28 2 3 29 2 3 2A 2 3 2B 2 3 2C 2 3 2D 2 3 2E 2 3 2F 2 3 AD 2 6 Table 9-4 Bit manipulation instructions 9 Function Branch if bit n is set Branch if bit n is clear Set bit n Clear bit n Mnemonic BRSET n (n=0–7) BRCLR n (n=0–7) BSET n (n=0–7) BCLR n (n=0–7) Addressing modes Bit set/clear Bit test and branch Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 2•n 3 5 01+2•n 3 5 10+2•n 2 5 11+2•n 2 5 TPG MOTOROLA 9-6 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 76 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-5 Read/modify/write instructions Addressing modes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Indexed (8-bit offset) # Bytes Increment Decrement Clear Complement Negate (two’s complement) Rotate left through carry Rotate right through carry Logical shift left Logical shift right Arithmetic shift right Test for negative or zero Multiply Indexed (no offset) Direct Opcode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Function Inherent (X) Mnemonic Inherent (A) INC DEC CLR COM NEG ROL ROR LSL LSR ASR TST MUL 4C 4A 4F 43 40 49 46 48 44 47 4D 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5C 3 5A 3 5F 3 53 3 50 3 59 3 56 3 58 3 54 3 57 3 5D 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3C 3A 3F 33 30 39 36 38 34 37 3D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 7C 7A 7F 73 70 79 76 78 74 77 7D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6C 6A 6F 63 60 69 66 68 64 67 6D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Table 9-6 Control instructions Function Transfer A to X Transfer X to A Set carry bit Clear carry bit Set interrupt mask bit Clear interrupt mask bit Software interrupt Return from subroutine Return from interrupt Reset stack pointer No-operation Stop Wait Mnemonic TAX TXA SEC CLC SEI CLI SWI RTS RTI RSP NOP STOP WAIT 9 Inherent addressing mode Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 97 1 2 9F 1 2 99 1 2 98 1 2 9B 1 2 9A 1 2 83 1 10 81 1 6 80 1 9 9C 1 2 9D 1 2 8E 1 2 8F 1 2 TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-7 77 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-7 Instruction set Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Mnemonic 9 INH IMM DIR Addressing modes EXT REL IX IX1 IX2 BSC BTB H ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADC ADD AND ASL ASR BCC BCLR BCS BEQ BHCC BHCS BHI BHS BIH BIL BIT BLO BLS BMC BMI BMS BNE BPL BRA BRN BRCLR BRSET BSET BSR CLC CLI CLR CMP Address mode abbreviations BSC Bit set/clear IMM Immediate BTB Bit test & branch IX Indexed (no offset) DIR Direct IX1 EXT Extended IX2 INH Inherent REL Relative Condition codes I N Z • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 1 • ◊ ◊ C ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • 0 • • ◊ Condition code symbols ◊ Tested and set if true, cleared otherwise H Half carry (from bit 3) Indexed, 1 byte offset I Interrupt mask • Not affected Indexed, 2 byte offset N Negate (sign bit) ? Load CCR from stack Z Zero 0 Cleared C Carry/borrow 1 Set Not implemented TPG MOTOROLA 9-8 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 78 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-7 Instruction set (Continued) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Mnemonic INH IMM DIR Addressing modes EXT REL IX IX1 IX2 BSC BTB H • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • ? • • • • • • • • • • • • • COM CPX DEC EOR INC JMP JSR LDA LDX LSL LSR MUL NEG NOP ORA ROL ROR RSP RTI RTS SBC SEC SEI STA STOP STX SUB SWI TAX TST TXA WAIT Address mode abbreviations BSC Bit set/clear IMM Immediate BTB Bit test & branch IX Indexed (no offset) DIR Direct IX1 EXT Extended IX2 INH Inherent REL Relative Condition codes I N Z • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • 0 ◊ • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • ? ? ? • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • 1 • • • ◊ ◊ 0 • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ 1 • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • 0 • • C 1 ◊ • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ 0 ◊ • • ◊ ◊ • ? • ◊ 1 • • • • ◊ • • • • • 9 Condition code symbols ◊ Tested and set if true, cleared otherwise H Half carry (from bit 3) Indexed, 1 byte offset I Interrupt mask • Not affected Indexed, 2 byte offset N Negate (sign bit) ? Load CCR from stack Z Zero 0 Cleared C Carry/borrow 1 Set Not implemented TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-9 79 MOTOROLA 9-10 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 3 3 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BRCLR7 BRSET7 BRCLR6 BRSET6 BRCLR5 BRSET5 BRCLR4 BRSET4 BRCLR3 BRSET3 BTB 2 5 3 BRCLR2 3 BRSET2 BRCLR1 BRSET1 BTB 2 5 3 BRCLR0 3 BRSET0 5 BSC 2 BSC 2 5 BCLR7 BSET7 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR6 BSET6 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR5 BSET5 BSC 2 5 BCLR4 BSC 2 5 BSET4 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR3 BSET3 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR2 BSET2 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR1 BSET1 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR0 BSET0 5 BIH BIL BMS BMC BMI BPL REL 2 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 BHCS REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 BHCC BEQ BNE BCS BCC BLS BHI BRN BRA 3 BSC BTB DIR EXT INH IMM Bit set/clear Bit test and branch Direct Extended Inherent Immediate IX IX1 IX2 REL A X Abbreviations for address modes and registers 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1100 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111 Low High Branch REL 2 0010 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG DIR 3 0011 1 CLRA TSTA INCA DECA ROLA LSLA ASRA RORA LSRA COMA MUL NEGA INH 1 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 INH 3 11 INH 1 3 CLRX TSTX INCX DECX ROLX LSLX ASRX RORX LSRX COMX NEGX INH 2 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 3 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG Read/modify/write INH IX1 5 6 0101 0110 Indexed (no offset) Indexed, 1 byte (8-bit) offset Indexed, 2 byte (16-bit) offset Relative Accumulator Index register DIR 1 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 4 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 5 5 DIR 1 5 INH 4 0100 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 5 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 6 6 IX1 1 6 9 Bit manipulation BTB BSC 0 1 0000 0001 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG IX 7 0111 5 1 WAIT STOP SWI RTS RTI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INH 1 INH 2 2 INH 10 INH INH 6 9 TXA NOP RSP SEI CLI SEC CLC TAX INH 9 1001 Control Not implemented IX 1 5 IX IX 4 5 IX IX 5 IX 5 IX 5 IX 5 5 IX IX 1 5 1 IX 1 5 INH 8 1000 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 INH 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LDX BSR ADD ORA ADC EOR LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IMM A 1010 2 2 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB 3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: Bytes 1 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB SUB F 1111 EXT 3 EXT 3 5 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 6 EXT 3 3 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 5 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 4 IX 3 0 0000 IX2 2 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 7 IX2 2 4 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 5 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IX1 E 1110 Address mode STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB Register/memory EXT IX2 C D 1100 1101 Cycles DIR 3 DIR 3 4 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 5 DIR 3 2 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 4 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 Mnemonic Legend 2 IMM 2 REL 2 2 6 IMM 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 2 IMM 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 2 DIR B 1011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IX IX 4 IX 3 IX 5 IX 2 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 4 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 3 Low 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1100 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111 High Opcode in binary Opcode in hexadecimal IX1 1 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 3 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 4 IX F 1111 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9-8 M68HC05 opcode map MC68HC05BD3 TPG 80 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9.3 Addressing modes Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ten different addressing modes provide programmers with the flexibility to optimize their code for all situations. The various indexed addressing modes make it possible to locate data tables, code conversion tables and scaling tables anywhere in the memory space. Short indexed accesses are single byte instructions; the longest instructions (three bytes) enable access to tables throughout memory. Short absolute (direct) and long absolute (extended) addressing are also included. One or two byte direct addressing instructions access all data bytes in most applications. Extended addressing permits jump instructions to reach all memory locations. The term ‘effective address’ (EA) is used in describing the various addressing modes. The effective address is defined as the address from which the argument for an instruction is fetched or stored. The ten addressing modes of the processor are described below. Parentheses are used to indicate ‘contents of’ the location or register referred to. For example, (PC) indicates the contents of the location pointed to by the PC (program counter). An arrow indicates ‘is replaced by’ and a colon indicates concatenation of two bytes. For additional details and graphical illustrations, refer to the M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Family Microcomputer/ Microprocessor User's Manual or to the M68HC05 Applications Guide. 9.3.1 Inherent In the inherent addressing mode, all the information necessary to execute the instruction is contained in the opcode. Operations specifying only the index register or accumulator, as well as the control instruction, with no other arguments are included in this mode. These instructions are one byte long. 9.3.2 9 Immediate In the immediate addressing mode, the operand is contained in the byte immediately following the opcode. The immediate addressing mode is used to access constants that do not change during program execution (e.g. a constant used to initialize a loop counter). EA = PC+1; PC ← PC+2 9.3.3 Direct In the direct addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in a single byte following the opcode byte. Direct addressing allows the user to directly address the lowest 256 bytes in memory with a single two-byte instruction. EA = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-11 81 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9.3.4 Extended In the extended addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in the two bytes following the opcode byte. Instructions with extended addressing mode are capable of referencing arguments anywhere in memory with a single three-byte instruction. When using the Motorola assembler, the user need not specify whether an instruction uses direct or extended addressing. The assembler automatically selects the short form of the instruction. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... EA = (PC+1):(PC+2); PC ← PC+3 Address bus high ← (PC+1); Address bus low ← (PC+2) 9.3.5 Indexed, no offset In the indexed, no offset addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in the 8-bit index register. This addressing mode can access the first 256 memory locations. These instructions are only one byte long. This mode is often used to move a pointer through a table or to hold the address of a frequently referenced RAM or I/O location. EA = X; PC ← PC+1 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← X 9.3.6 9 Indexed, 8-bit offset In the indexed, 8-bit offset addressing mode, the effective address is the sum of the contents of the unsigned 8-bit index register and the unsigned byte following the opcode. Therefore the operand can be located anywhere within the lowest 511 memory locations. This addressing mode is useful for selecting the mth element in an n element table. EA = X+(PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← K; Address bus low ← X+(PC+1) where K = the carry from the addition of X and (PC+1) 9.3.7 Indexed, 16-bit offset In the indexed, 16-bit offset addressing mode, the effective address is the sum of the contents of the unsigned 8-bit index register and the two unsigned bytes following the opcode. This address mode can be used in a manner similar to indexed, 8-bit offset except that this three-byte instruction allows tables to be anywhere in memory. As with direct and extended addressing, the Motorola assembler determines the shortest form of indexed addressing. EA = X+[(PC+1):(PC+2)]; PC ← PC+3 Address bus high ← (PC+1)+K; Address bus low ← X+(PC+2) where K = the carry from the addition of X and (PC+2) TPG MOTOROLA 9-12 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 82 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 9.3.8 Relative Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The relative addressing mode is only used in branch instructions. In relative addressing, the contents of the 8-bit signed byte (the offset) following the opcode are added to the PC if, and only if, the branch conditions are true. Otherwise, control proceeds to the next instruction. The span of relative addressing is from –126 to +129 from the opcode address. The programmer need not calculate the offset when using the Motorola assembler, since it calculates the proper offset and checks to see that it is within the span of the branch. EA = PC+2+(PC+1); PC ← EA if branch taken; otherwise EA = PC ← PC+2 9.3.9 Bit set/clear In the bit set/clear addressing mode, the bit to be set or cleared is part of the opcode. The byte following the opcode specifies the address of the byte in which the specified bit is to be set or cleared. Any read/write bit in the first 256 locations of memory, including I/O, can be selectively set or cleared with a single two-byte instruction. EA = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) 9.3.10 Bit test and branch The bit test and branch addressing mode is a combination of direct addressing and relative addressing. The bit to be tested and its condition (set or clear) is included in the opcode. The address of the byte to be tested is in the single byte immediately following the opcode byte (EA1). The signed relative 8-bit offset in the third byte (EA2) is added to the PC if the specified bit is set or cleared in the specified memory location. This single three-byte instruction allows the program to branch based on the condition of any readable bit in the first 256 locations of memory. The span of branch is from –125 to +130 from the opcode address. The state of the tested bit is also transferred to the carry bit of the condition code register. 9 EA1 = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) EA2 = PC+3+(PC+2); PC ← EA2 if branch taken; otherwise PC ← PC+3 TPG MC68HC05BD3 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 9-13 83 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 9 TPG MOTOROLA 9-14 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 84 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LOW POWER MODES The MC68HC05BD3 has only one low-power operating mode–the Wait Mode. The WAIT instruction provides the only mode that reduces the power required for the MCU by stopping CPU internal clock. The STOP instruction is not implemented in its normal sense. The STOP instruction will be interpreted as the NOP instruction by the CPU if it is ever encountered. The flow of the WAIT mode is shown in Figure 10-1. 10.1 STOP Mode Stop mode is not implemented on the MC68HC05BD3. The STOP instruction will be treated and executed as a NOP instruction. Therefore, the I-bit in the Condition Code register will not be cleared. 10.2 WAIT Mode In the WAIT mode the internal processor clock is halted, suspending all processor and internal bus activities. Other Internal clocks remain active, permitting interrupts to be generated from the Multi-Function Timer, M-Bus Interface, and the Sync Signal Processor, or a reset to be generated from the COP watchdog timer. The timer may be used to generate a periodic exit from the WAIT mode. Execution of the WAIT instruction automatically clears the I-bit in the Condition Code register, so that any hardware interrupt can wake up the MCU. All other registers, memory, and input/output lines remain in their previous states. 10 TPG MC68HC05BD3 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 10-1 85 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 10.3 COP Watchdog Timer Considerations The COP watchdog timer is always enabled in MC68HC05BD3. It will reset the MCU when it times out. For a system that must have intentional uses of the WAIT Mode, care must be taken to prevent such situations from happening during normal operations by arranging timely interrupts to reset the COP watchdog timer. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... WAIT External oscillator active and Internal Timer Clock Active Stop internal processor clock, Clear I bit in CCR External reset? Y N Internal COP reset? Y N 10 External H/W reset? Y N Internal interrupt? Y Restart internal processor clock N 1. Fetch reset vector or 2. Service interrupt a. Stack b. Set I bit c. Vector to interrupt routine Figure 10-1 WAIT Flowchart TPG MOTOROLA 10-2 LOW POWER MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... OPERATING MODES The MC68HC05BD3/MC68HC05BD5/MC68HC705BD3 MCU has two modes of operation, the User Mode and the Self-Check/Bootstrap Mode. Figure 11-1 shows the flowchart of entry to these two modes, and Table 11-1 shows operating mode selection. 5V RESET 9V IRQ ? N USER MODE (NORMAL MODE) Y PB5 = VDD ? Y SELF-CHECK/ BOOTSTRAP MODE 11 Note: Self-check mode is for MC68HC05BD3/BD5 Bootstrap mode is for MC68HC705BD3 Figure 11-1 Flowchart of Mode Entering TPG MC68HC05BD3 OPERATING MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 11-1 87 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 11-1 Mode Selection RESET 5V 5V IRQ PB5 MODE VSS to VDD VSS to VDD USER VDD SELF-CHECK/ BOOTSTRAP 9V +9V Rising Edge* Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... * Minimum hold time should be 2 clock cycles, after that it can be used as a normal IRQ function pin. 11.1 User Mode (Normal Operation) The normal operating mode of the MC68HC05BD3/MC68HC05BD5/MC68HC705BD3 is the user mode. The user mode will be entered if the RESET line is brought low, and the IRQ pin is within its normal operational range (VSS to VDD), the rising edge of the RESET will cause the MCU to enter the user mode. 11.2 11 Self-Check Mode The self-check mode is provided on the MC68HC05BD3 and MC68HC05BD5 for the user to check device functions with an on-chip self-check program masked at location $3F00 to $3FDF under minimum hardware support. The hardware is shown in Figure 11-3. Figure 11-2 is the criteria to enter self-check mode, where PB5’s condition is latched within first two clock cycles after the rising edge of the reset. PB5 can then be used for other purposes. After entering the self-check mode, CPU branches to the self-check program and carries out the self-check. Self-check is a repetitive test, i.e. if all parts are checked to be good, the CPU will repeat the self-check again. Therefore, the LEDs attached to Port B will be flashing if the device is good; else the combination of LEDs’ on-off pattern can show what part of the device is suspected to be bad. Table 11-2 lists the LEDs’ on-off patterns and their corresponding indications. +5V PB5 +9V IRQ +5V RESET Figure 11-2 Self-Check Mode Timing TPG MOTOROLA 11-2 OPERATING MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 88 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. +5V +9V 8 x 4K7 10K IRQ PD0/SDA PC0/PWM8 PC1/PWM9 PC2/PWM10 VSYNC PC3/PWM11 HSYNC PC4/PWM12 PC5/PWM13 XTAL PC6/PWM14/VTTL PC7/PWM15/HTTL PD1/SCL 10K 4MHz EXTAL +5V 8 x 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 10K 2N3904 MC68HC05BD3 20p 10K 20p 1N4148 RESET RESET 2.2µ +5V + 3 x 4K7 +5V 1K PB0 D1 1K PB1 D2 1K PA0 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 PB2 11 +5V PB3 D3 PB4 PB5 VDD VSS + 47µ 0.1µ Figure 11-3 MC68HC05BD3 Self-Test Circuit TPG MC68HC05BD3 OPERATING MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 11-3 89 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 11-2 Self-Check Report PB1 PB0 Flashing 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1=LED off, 0=LED on Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PB3 11.3 REMARKS O.K. (self-check is on-going) Bad I/O BAD RAM BAD ROM BAD IRQ Bootstrap Mode The bootstrap mode is provided in the EPROM part (MC68HC705BD3) as a mean of self-programming its EPROM with minimal circuitry. It is entered on the rising edge of RESET if IRQ pin is at 1.8VDD and PB5 is at logic one. RESET must be held low for 4064 cycles after POR (power-on reset) or for a time tRL for any other reset. The user EPROM consists of 7.75K-bytes, from location $2000 to $3EFF. Refer to Section 15 for further details on MC68HC705BD3. 11 TPG MOTOROLA 11-4 OPERATING MODES For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 90 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 12 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section contains the electrical specifications for MC68HC05BD3. 12.1 Maximum Ratings (Voltages referenced to VSS) RATINGS Supply Voltage Input Voltage IRQ Current Drain per pin excluding VDD and VSS Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Range SYMBOL VDD Vin Vin ID TA Tstg VALUE –0.3 to +7.0 VSS –0.3 to VDD +0.3 VSS –0.3 to 2xVDD +0.3 25 0 to 70 –65 to +150 UNIT V V V mA °C °C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions should be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than the maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS ≤(Vin or Vout)≤VDD. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused inputs are connected to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g. either VSS or VDD). 12.2 12 Thermal Characteristics CHARACTERISTICS Thermal resistance - Plastic 40-pin DIP package - Plastic 42-pin SDIP package SYMBOL VALUE UNIT θJA θJA 60 60 °C/W °C/W TPG MC68HC05BD3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-1 91 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 12.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 12-1 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC05BD3 (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Output voltage ILOAD = –10µA VOH VDD-0.1 ILOAD = +10µA VOL – Output high voltage (ILOAD=–5mA) VOH VDD-0.8 PA0-PA7, PB0-PB1, PC6-PC7, PD0-PD1 Output low voltage (ILOAD=+5mA) PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VOL – PWM0-PWM7 Input high voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIH 0.7xVDD IRQ, RESET, EXTAL 2.0 VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Input low voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIL VSS IRQ, RESET, EXTAL VSS VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Supply current: Run IDD – Wait – I/O ports high-Z leakage current PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, IIL – PWM0-PWM7 Input current IIN – IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, VSYNC, HSYNC Capacitance COUT – ports (as input or output), RESET, IRQ, CIN – EXTAL, XTAL, HSYNC, VSYNC Notes: (1) All values shown reflect average measurements. TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNIT – – – 0.1 V V – – V – 0.4 V – – VDD VDD V 0.2xVDD 0.8 V 4.5 0.73 20 8 mA mA – ±10 µA – 1 µA – – 12 8 pF pF – – (2) Typical values at midpoint of voltage range, 25°C only. (3) Wait IDD: only timer system and SSP is active. 12 (4) Run (operating) IDD, Wait IDD: measured using external square wave clock source to EXTAL (fOSC =4.2MHz), all inputs 0.2 Vdc from rail; no dc loads, less than 50pF on all outputs, CL =20pF on EXTAL. (5) Wait IDD: all ports configured as inputs, VIL =0.2 Vdc, VIH =VDD – 0.2 Vdc. (6) Wait IDD is affected linearly by the EXTAL capacitance. TPG MOTOROLA 12-2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 92 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 12.4 Control Timing Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 12-2 Control Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT Frequency of operation – 4.2 MHz Crystal option fOSC dc 4.2 MHz External clock option Internal operating frequency (fOSC/2) Crystal fOP – 2.1 MHz External clock fOP dc 2.1 MHz Processor cycle time tCYC 480 – ns Crystal oscillator start-up time tOXOV – 100 ms External RESET pulse width tRL 1.5 – tCYC Watchdog RESET output pulse width tDOGL 1.5 – tCYC Watchdog time-out tDOG 114688 917504 tCYC Interrupt pulse width (edge-triggered) tILIH 125 – ns Interrupt pulse period tILIL –(1) – tCYC EXTAL pulse width tOH, tOL 100 – tCYC Notes: (1) The minimum period tILIL should not be less than the number of cycles it takes to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 tCYC. 12 TPG MC68HC05BD3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-3 93 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 12.5 M-Bus Timing Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 12-3 M-Bus Interface Input Signal Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MINIMUM START condition hold time tHD.STA 2 Clock low period tLOW 4.7 Clock high period tHIGH 4 Data set-up time tSU.DAT 250 Data hold time tHD.DAT 0 START condition set-up time tSU.STA 2 (for repeated START condition only) STOP condition set-up time tSU.STO 2 MAXIMUM – – – – – UNIT tCYC tCYC tCYC ns tCYC – tCYC – tCYC Table 12-4 M-Bus Interface Output Signal Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MINIMUM START condition hold time tHD.STA 8 Clock low period tLOW 11 Clock high period tHIGH 11 SDA/SCL rise time (see note 1) tR – SDA/SCL fall time (see note 1) tF – Data set-up time tSU.DAT tLOW – tCYC Data hold time tHD.DAT 1 START condition set-up time tSU.STA 10 (for repeated START condition only) STOP condition set-up time tSU.STO 10 Note: MAXIMUM – – – 1 300 – – UNIT tCYC tCYC tCYC µs ns ns tCYC – tCYC – tCYC 1. With 200pF loading on the SDA/SCL pins 12 SDA tR tF SCL tHD.STA tLOW tHIGH tSU.DAT tHD.DAT tSU.STA tSU.STO Figure 12-1 M-Bus Timing TPG MOTOROLA 12-4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 12.6 Sync Signal Processor Timing Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 12-5 Sync Signal Processor Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL VSYNC input sync pulse tVI.SP HSYNC input sync pulse tHI.SP (except for composite sync input) VTTL output sync pulse width for separate sync input tVO.SP VTTL output sync pulse width for composite sync input tVO.CO HTTL output sync pulse width tHO Free-running VTTL output sync pulse (SOUT clear) tFVO.SP Free-running VTTL output period (SOUT clear) tFVO Free-running HTTL output sync pulse (SOUT clear) tFHO.SP Free-running HTTL output period (SOUT clear) tFHO Inserted HTTL sync pulse (INSRT cleared) tIHI.SP Inserted HTTL period error (INSRT cleared) tIHI.ER VSYNC to VTTL delay (8pF loading) tVDD HSYNC to HTTL delay (8pF loading) tHHD HSYNC to VTTL delay (composite sync) tHVD MINIMUM 1 MAXIMUM 1 same as input input + 9.5µs input + 10µs same as input 128 31488 4 41/32 4 – 1 30 40 30 40 30 40 UNIT tCYC tCYC tCYC tCYC tCYC tCYC tCYC tCYC ns ns ns 12 TPG MC68HC05BD3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 12-5 95 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 12 TPG MOTOROLA 12-6 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 96 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section provides the mechanical dimension for the 42-pin SDIP and 40-pin DIP packages for the MC68HC05BD3. 13.1 42-Pin SDIP Package (Case 858-01) -A42 ! ! % ! ! ! # ! " $" 22 -B1 21 L H C -T K 13.2 N G F D 42 PL M J 42 PL ! ° ° ° ° ! 40-Pin DIP Package (Case 711-03) 40 ! ! ! #! %% ! $" ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! " 21 B 1 20 A L C N J H G F D K M ° ° ° ° 13 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 13-1 97 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 13 TPG MOTOROLA 13-2 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 98 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 14 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MC68HC705BD3 The MC68HC705BD3 is functionally equivalent to MC68HC05BD3, but with increased RAM size to 256 bytes and the user ROM is replaced by an 7.75K-bytes user EPROM (located from $2000 to $3EFF). The entire MC68HC05BD3 data sheet applies to the MC68HC705BD3, with exceptions outlined in the section. 14.1 Features • Functionally equivalent to MC68HC05BD3 • 256 bytes on-chip RAM • 7.75K-bytes user EPROM 14.2 Memory Map Figure 14-1 shows the memory map for the MC68HC705BD3. 14.3 EPROM Programming The following programming boards are available from Motorola for programming the on-chip EPROM in the MC68HC705BD3. Table 14-1 MC68HC705BD3 Programming Boards Platform board For programming a single device at a time: For programming up to 10 devices at a time: M68HC705UPGMR M68HC705UGANG + Adapter M68UPA05BD3P40 for 40-pin PDIP M68UPA05BD3B42 for 42-pin SDIP 14 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC705BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 14-1 99 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC68HC705BD3 $0000 I/O 48 Bytes $002F $0030 Unused $007F $0080 $00C0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $00FF Stack 64 Bytes User RAM 256 Bytes $017F $0180 Unused $1DFF $1E00 Bootstrap ROM 480 Bytes $1FDF $1FE0 $1FFF $2000 Unused User EPROM 7936 Bytes $3EFF $3F00 Unused $3FDF $3FE0 $3FEF $3FF0 Bootstrap Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes Port A Data Register Port B Data Register Port C Data Register Port D Data Register Port A Data Direction Register Port B Data Direction Register Port C Data Direction Register Port D Data Direction Register MFT Control and Status Register MFT Timer Counter Register Configuration Register 1 Configuration Register 2 SSP Control and Status Register Vertical Frequency High Register Vertical Frequency Low Register Line Frequency High Register Line Frequency Low Register Sync Signal Control Register Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused MBUS Address Register MBUS Frequency Divider Register MBUS Control Register MBUS Status Register MBUS Data Register Unused Programming Control Register HSYNC Period Width Register Reserved PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 PWM8 PWM9 PWM10 PWM11 PWM12 PWM13 PWM14 PWM15 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $3FFF $3FF0 $3FF2 $3FF4 $3FF6 $3FF8 $3FFA $3FFC $3FFE 14 Reserved Reserved MFT MBUS SSP IRQ SWI RESET TPG MOTOROLA 14-2 MC68HC705BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 100 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 14.3.1 Programming Control Register (PCR) The EPROM Programming Control register controls the actual programming of the EPROM in the MC68HC705BD3. Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $001D bit 1 bit 0 State on reset ELAT PGM ---- --00 ELAT - EPROM Latch Control 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – EPROM address and data bus configured for programming (writes to EPROM cause address data to be latched). EPROM is in programming mode and cannot be read if ELAT is 1. This bit is not able be set when no VPP voltage is applied to the VPP pin. EPROM address and data bus configured for normal reads. PGM - EPROM Program Command 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 14.3.2 Programming power switched on to EPROM array. If ELAT≠1 then PGM=0. Programming power switched off to EPROM array. EPROM Programming Sequence Programming the EPROM of the MC68HC705BD3 is as follows: 1) Set the ELAT bit. 2) Write the data to be programmed to the address to be programmed. 3) Set the PGM bit. 4) Delay for the appropriate amount of time. 5) Clear the PGM and the ELAT bits. The last action may be carried out in a single CPU write operation. It is important to remember that an external programming voltage must be applied to the VPP pin while programming, but should be equal to VDD during normal operation. Example shows address $2000 is programmed with $00. CLR LDX BSET LDA STA PCR #$00 1,PCR #$00 $2000,X ;reset PCR ;load index register with 00 ;set ELAT bit ;load data=00 in to A ;latch data and address 14 TPG MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC705BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 14-3 101 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. BSET JSR CLR 0,PCR DELAY PCR 14.4 ;program ;call delay subroutine ;reset PCR DC Electrical Characteristics Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 14-2 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC705BD3 (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Output voltage ILOAD = –10µA VOH VDD-0.1 ILOAD = +10µA VOL – Output high voltage (ILOAD=–5mA) VOH VDD-0.8 PA0-PA7, PB0-PB1, PC6-PC7, PD0-PD1 Output low voltage (ILOAD=+5mA) PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VOL – PWM0-PWM7 Input high voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIH 0.7xVDD IRQ, RESET, EXTAL 2.0 VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Input low voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIL VSS IRQ, RESET, EXTAL VSS VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Supply current: Run IDD – Wait – I/O ports high-Z leakage current PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, IIL – PWM0-PWM7 Input current IIN – IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, VSYNC, HSYNC Capacitance COUT – ports (as input or output), RESET, IRQ, CIN – EXTAL, XTAL, HSYNC, VSYNC Notes: (1) All values shown reflect average measurements. TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNIT – – – 0.1 V V – – V – 0.4 V – – VDD VDD V 0.2xVDD 0.8 V 6 2 20 8 mA mA – ±10 µA – 1 µA – – 12 8 pF pF – – (2) Typical values at midpoint of voltage range, 25°C only. (3) Wait IDD: only timer system and SSP is active. 14 (4) Run (operating) IDD, Wait IDD: measured using external square wave clock source to EXTAL (fOSC =4.2MHz), all inputs 0.2 Vdc from rail; no dc loads, less than 50pF on all outputs, CL =20pF on EXTAL. (5) Wait IDD: all ports configured as inputs, VIL =0.2 Vdc, VIH =VDD – 0.2 Vdc. (6) Wait IDD is affected linearly by the EXTAL capacitance. TPG MOTOROLA 14-4 MC68HC705BD3 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 102 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... MC68HC05BD5 The MC68HC05BD5 is functionally equivalent to MC68HC05BD3, but with increased RAM size of 256 bytes and ROM size of 7.75K-bytes. The entire MC68HC05BD3 data sheet applies to the MC68HC05BD5, with exceptions outlined in the section. 15.1 Features • Functionally equivalent to MC68HC05BD3 • 256 bytes on-chip RAM • 7.75K-bytes user ROM 15.2 Memory Map Figure 15-1 shows the memory map for the MC68HC05BD5. TPG MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 15-1 15 103 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC68HC05BD5 $0000 $002F $0030 I/O 48 Bytes Unused $007F $0080 $00C0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... $00FF Stack 64 Bytes User RAM 256 Bytes $017F $0180 Unused $1FFF $2000 User ROM 7936 Bytes $3EFF $3F00 $3FDF $3FE0 $3FEF $3FF0 $3FFF Self-Check Program 224 Bytes Self-Check Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes Port A Data Register Port B Data Register Port C Data Register Port D Data Register Port A Data Direction Register Port B Data Direction Register Port C Data Direction Register Port D Data Direction Register MFT Control and Status Register MFT Timer Counter Register Configuration Register 1 Configuration Register 2 SSP Control and Status Register Vertical Frequency High Register Vertical Frequency Low Register Line Frequency High Register Line Frequency Low Register Sync Signal Control Register Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused MBUS Address Register MBUS Frequency Divider Register MBUS Control Register MBUS Status Register MBUS Data Register Unused Reserved HSYNC Period Width Register Reserved PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 PWM8 PWM9 PWM10 PWM11 PWM12 PWM13 PWM14 PWM15 $3FF0 $3FF2 $3FF4 $3FF6 $3FF8 $3FFA $3FFC $3FFE 15 $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F Reserved Reserved MFT MBUS SSP IRQ SWI RESET TPG MOTOROLA 15-2 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 15.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 15-1 DC Electrical Characteristics for MC68HC05BD5 (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Output voltage ILOAD = –10µA VOH VDD-0.1 ILOAD = +10µA VOL – Output high voltage (ILOAD=–5mA) VOH VDD-0.8 PA0-PA7, PB0-PB1, PC6-PC7, PD0-PD1 Output low voltage (ILOAD=+5mA) PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VOL – PWM0-PWM7 Input high voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIH 0.7xVDD IRQ, RESET, EXTAL 2.0 VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Input low voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, VIL VSS IRQ, RESET, EXTAL VSS VSYNC, HSYNC (TTL level) Supply current: Run IDD – Wait – I/O ports high-Z leakage current PA0-PA7, PB0-PB5, PC0-PC7, PD0-PD1, IIL – PWM0-PWM7 Input current IIN – IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, VSYNC, HSYNC Capacitance COUT – ports (as input or output), RESET, IRQ, CIN – EXTAL, XTAL, HSYNC, VSYNC Notes: (1) All values shown reflect average measurements. TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNIT – – – 0.1 V V – – V – 0.4 V – – VDD VDD V 0.2xVDD 0.8 V 7 1.3 20 8 mA mA – ±10 µA – 1 µA – – 12 8 pF pF – – (2) Typical values at midpoint of voltage range, 25°C only. (3) Wait IDD: only timer system and SSP is active. (4) Run (operating) IDD, Wait IDD: measured using external square wave clock source to EXTAL (fOSC =4.2MHz), all inputs 0.2 Vdc from rail; no dc loads, less than 50pF on all outputs, CL =20pF on EXTAL. (5) Wait IDD: all ports configured as inputs, VIL =0.2 Vdc, VIH =VDD – 0.2 Vdc. (6) Wait IDD is affected linearly by the EXTAL capacitance. TPG MC68HC05BD3 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA 15-3 15 105 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 15 TPG MOTOROLA 15-4 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3 106 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS 2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 5 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 7 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR 8 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 9 LOW POWER MODES 10 OPERATING MODES 11 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 12 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13 MC68HC705BD3 14 TPG MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 107 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTION AND I/O PORTS 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 5 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER 6 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION 7 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 8 SYNC SIGNAL PROCESSOR 9 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 10 LOW POWER MODES 11 OPERATING MODES 12 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 13 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 14 MC68HC705BD3 15 MC68HC05BD5 For More Information On This Product, Go to: TPG 108 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 2 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 2 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 How to reach us: MFAX: [email protected] – TOUCHTONE (602) 244-6609 INTERNET: USA/EUROPE: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. 1-800-441-2447 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; Tatsumi-SPD-JLDC, Toshikatsu Otsuki, 6F Seibu-Butsuryu-Center, 3-14-2 Tatsumi Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135, Japan. 03-3521-8315 HONG KONG: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-26629298 15 !MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC68HC05BD3D/H