Features • High-performance • • • • • • • • • – System Speeds > 100 MHz – Flip-flop Toggle Rates > 250 MHz – 1.2 ns/1.5 ns Input Delay – 3.0 ns/6.0 ns Output Delay Up to 204 User I/Os Thousands of Registers Cache Logic® Design – Complete/Partial In-System Reconfiguration – No Loss of Data or Machine State – Adaptive Hardware Low Voltage and Standard Voltage Operation – 5.0 (VCC = 4.75V to 5.25V) – 3.3 (VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V) Automatic Component Generators – Reusable Custom Hard Macro Functions Very Low-power Consumption – Standby Current of 500 µA/ 200 µA – Typical Operating Current of 15 to 170 mA Programmable Clock Options – Independently Controlled Column Clocks – Independently Controlled Column Resets – Clock Skew Less Than 1 ns Across Chip Independently Configurable I/O (PCI Compatible) – TTL/CMOS Input Thresholds – Open Collector/Tristate Outputs – Programmable Slew-rate Control – I/O Drive of 16 mA (combinable to 64 mA) Easy Migration to Atmel Gate Arrays for High Volume Production Coprocessor Field Programmable Gate Arrays AT6000(LV) Series Description AT6000 Series SRAM-based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are ideal for use as reconfigurable coprocessors and implementing compute-intensive logic. Supporting system speeds greater than 100 MHz and using a typical operating current of 15 to 170 mA, AT6000 Series devices are ideal for high-speed, compute-intensive designs. These FPGAs are designed to implement Cache Logic®, which provides the user with the ability to implement adaptive hardware and perform hardware acceleration. The patented AT6000 Series architecture employs a symmetrical grid of small yet powerful cells connected to a flexible busing network. Independently controlled clocks and resets govern every column of cells. The array is surrounded by programmable I/O. (continued) AT6000 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays Device AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 Usable Gates 6,000 9,000 15,000 30,000 Cells 1,024 1,600 3,136 6,400 Registers (maximum) 1,024 1,600 3,136 6,400 96 120 108 204 Typ. Operating Current (mA) 15 - 30 25 - 45 40 - 80 85 - 170 Cell Rows x Columns 32 x 32 40 x 40 56 x 56 80 x 80 I/O (maximum) Rev. 0264F–10/99 1 Devices range in size from 4,000 to 30,000 usable gates, and 1024 to 6400 registers. Pin locations are consistent throughout the AT6000 Series for easy design migration. High-I/O versions are available for the lower gate count devices. AT6000 Series FPGAs utilize a reliable 0.6 µm single-poly, double-metal CMOS process and are 100% factory-tested. Atmel's PC- and workstation-based Integrated Development System is used to create AT6000 Series designs. Multiple design entry methods are supported. The Atmel architecture was developed to provide the highest levels of performance, functional density and design flexibility in an FPGA. The cells in the Atmel array are small, very efficient and contain the most important and most commonly used logic and wiring functions. The cell’s small size leads to arrays with large numbers of cells, greatly multiplying the functionality in each cell. A simple, high-speed busing network provides fast, efficient communication over medium and long distances. Figure 1. Symmetrical Array Surrounded by I/O 2 AT6000(LV) Series The Symmetrical Array At the heart of the Atmel architecture is a symmetrical array of identical cells (Figure 1). The array is continuous and completely uninterrupted from one edge to the other, except for bus repeaters spaced every eight cells (Figure 2). In addition to logic and storage, cells can also be used as wires to connect functions together over short distances and are useful for routing in tight spaces. The Busing Network There are two kinds of buses: local and express (see Figures 2 and 3). Local buses are the link between the array of cells and the busing network. There are two local buses – North-South 1 and 2 (NS1 and NS2) – for every column of cells, and two local buses – East-West 1 and 2 (EW1 and EW2) – for every row of cells. In a sector (an 8 x 8 array of cells enclosed by repeaters) each local bus is connected to every cell in its column or row, thus providing every cell in the array with read/write access to two North-South and two East-West buses. AT6000(LV) Series Figure 2. Busing Network (one sector) CELL REPEATER Figure 3. Cell-to-cell and Bus-to-bus Connections 3 Each cell, in addition, provides the ability to route a signal on a 90° turn between the NS1 bus and EW1 bus and between the NS2 bus and EW2 bus. Express buses are not connected directly to cells, and thus provide higher speeds. They are the fastest way to cover long, straight-line distances within the array. Each express bus is paired with a local bus, so there are two express buses for every column and two express buses for every row of cells. Connective units, called repeaters, spaced every eight cells, divide each bus, both local and express, into segments spanning eight cells. Repeaters are aligned in rows and columns thereby partitioning the array into 8 x 8 sectors of cells. Each repeater is associated with a local/express pair, and on each side of the repeater are connections to a local-bus segment and an express-bus segment. The repeater can be programmed to provide any one of twenty-one connecting functions. These functions are symmetric with respect to both the two repeater sides and the two types of buses. Among the functions provided are the ability to: • Isolate bus segments from one another • Connect two local-bus segments • Connect two express-bus segments • Implement a local/express transfer Figure 4. Cell Structure 4 AT6000(LV) Series In all of these cases, each connection provides signal regeneration and is thus unidirectional. For bidirectional connections, the basic repeater function for the NS2 and EW2 repeaters is augmented with a special programmable connection allowing bidirectional communication between local-bus segments. This option is primarily used to implement long, tristate buses. The Cell Structure The Atmel cell (Figure 4) is simple and small and yet can be programmed to perform all the logic and wiring functions needed to implement any digital circuit. Its four sides are functionally identical, so each cell is completely symmetrical. Read/write access to the four local buses – NS1, EW1, NS2 and EW2 – is controlled, in part, by four bidirectional pass gates connected directly to the buses. To read a local bus, the pass gate for that bus is turned on and the threeinput multiplexer is set accordingly. To write to a local bus, the pass gate for that bus and the pass gate for the associated tristate driver are both turned on. The two-input multiplexer supplying the control signal to the drivers permits either: (1) active drive, or (2) dynamic tristating controlled by the B input. Turning between LNS1 and LEW1 or between LNS2 and LEW2 is accomplished by turning on the two associated pass gates. The operations of reading, writing and turning are subject to the restriction that each bus can be involved in no more than a single operation. AT6000(LV) Series In addition to the four local-bus connections, a cell receives two inputs and provides two outputs to each of its North (N), South (S), East (E) and West (W) neighbors. These inputs and outputs are divided into two classes: “A” and “B”. There is an A input and a B input from each neighboring cell and an A output and a B output driving all four neighbors. Between cells, an A output is always connected to an A input and a B output to a B input. • In State 3 – corresponding to the “3” inputs of the multiplexers – the XOR function of State 2 is provided to the D input of a D-type flip-flop, the Q output of which is connected to the cell’s A output. Clock and asynchronous reset signals are supplied externally as described later. The AND of the outputs from the two upstream AND gates is provided to the cell's B output. Within the cell, the four A inputs and the four B inputs enter two separate, independently configurable multiplexers. Cell flexibility is enhanced by allowing each multiplexer to select also the logical constant “1”. The two multiplexer outputs enter the two upstream AND gates. Logic States Downstream from these two AND gates are an ExclusiveOR (XOR) gate, a register, an AND gate, an inverter and two four-input multiplexers producing the A and B outputs. These multiplexers are controlled in tandem (unlike the A and B input multiplexers) and determine the function of the cell. • In State 0 – corresponding to the “0” inputs of the multiplexers – the output of the left-hand upstream AND gate is connected to the cell’s A output, and the output of the right-hand upstream AND gate is connected to the cell’s B output. • In State 1 – corresponding to the “1” inputs of the multiplexers – the output of the left-hand upstream AND gate is connected to the cell’s B output, the output of the right-hand upstream AND gate is connected to the cell’s A output. The Atmel cell implements a rich and powerful set of logic functions, stemming from 44 logical cell states which permutate into 72 physical states. Some states use both A and B inputs. Other states are created by selecting the “1” input on either or both of the input multiplexers. There are 28 combinatorial primitives created from the cell’s tristate capabilities and the 20 physical states represented in Figure 5. Five logical primitives are derived from the physical constants shown in Figure 7. More complex functions are created by using cells in combination. A two-input AND feeding an XOR (Figure 8) is produced using a single cell (Figure 9). A two-to-one multiplexer selects the logical constant “0” and feeds it to the righthand AND gate. The AND gate acts as a feed-through, letting the B input pass through to the XOR. The three-to-one multiplexer on the right side selects the local-bus input, LNS1, and passes it to the left-hand AND gate. The A and LNS1 signals are the inputs to the AND gate. The output of the AND gate feeds into the XOR, producing the logic state (AlL) XOR B. • In State 2 – corresponding to the “2” inputs of the multiplexers – the XOR of the outputs from the two upstream AND gates is provided to the cell’s A output, while the NAND of these two outputs is provided to the cell’s B output. 5 Figure 5. Combinatorial Physical States Li A Li A, L o B A, L o B A Li B A Li B A, L o B Li B A, L o "0" A, L o B "0" A, L o "1" "1" "0" B A, L o B B A, L o B Figure 8. Two-input AND Feeding XOR B A Li B A Li A, L o A, L o Li B B A Li B A, L o B B A "0" A Li A, L o Li B A, L o B A Li B B A Li B B A, L o A Li A, L o A, L o A, L o A, L o Figure 7. Physical Constants B Li A B Li B A Li B A Li B 1 0 A, L o A, L o B A, L o B A, L o B A, L o B Figure 9. Cell Configuration (AlL) XOR B Figure 6. Register States A A D Q "0" A, L o B D Q A, L o A Li D Q A, L o A B Li D Q B D Q A, L o Li B A Li D Q D Q A, L o A, L o B A, L o B B Li B A Li B A Li B 1 0 D Q A, L o B D Q A, L o B D Q D Q A, L o A, L o B 6 B AT6000(LV) Series "1" A, L o "1" B AT6000(LV) Series Clock Distribution Asynchronous Reset Along the top edge of the array is logic for distributing clock signals to the D flip-flop in each logic cell (Figure 10). The distribution network is organized by column and permits columns of cells to be independently clocked. At the head of each column is a user-configurable multiplexer providing the clock signal for that column. It has four inputs: • Global clock supplied through the CLOCK pin Along the bottom edge of the array is logic for asynchronou sl y r es etti ng the D fl ip -fl op s in the lo gic cel ls (Figure 10). Like the clock network, the asynchronous reset network is organized by column and permits columns to be independently reset. At the bottom of each column is a user-configurable multiplexer providing the reset signal for that column. It has four inputs: • Global asynchronous reset supplied through the RESET pin • Express bus adjacent to the distribution logic • “A” output of the cell at the head of the column • Logical constant “1” to conserve power (no clock) Through the global clock, the network provides low-skew distribution of an externally supplied clock to any or all of the columns of the array. The global clock pin is also connected directly to the array via the A input of the upper left and right corner cells (AW on the left, and AN on the right). The express bus is useful in distributing a secondary clock to multiple columns when the global clock line is used as a primary clock. The A output of a cell is useful in providing a clock signal to a single column. The constant “1” is used to reduce power dissipation in columns using no registers. Figure 10. Column Clock and Column Reset GLOBAL CLOCK GLOBAL CLOCK "1" • Express bus adjacent to the distribution logic • “A” output of the cell at the foot of the column • Logical constant “1” to conserve power The asynchronous reset logic uses these four inputs in the same way that the clock distribution logic does. Through the global asynchronous reset, any or all columns can be reset by an externally supplied signal. The global asynchronous reset pin is also connected directly to the array via the A input of the lower left and right corner cells (AS on the left, and AE on the right). The express bus can be used to distribute a secondary reset to multiple columns when the global reset line is used as a primary reset, the A output of a cell can also provide an asynchronous reset signal to a single column, and the constant “1” is used by columns with registers requiring no reset. All registers are reset during power-up. A Input/Output D Q CELL EXPRESS BUS EXPRESS BUS D Q Two adjacent cells – an “exit” and an “entrance” cell – on the perimeter of the logic array are associated with each I/O pin. CELL D E D I C A T E D B U R I E D R O U T I N G There are two types of I/Os: A-type (Figure 11) and B-type (Figure 12). For A-type I/Os, the edge-facing A output of an exit cell is connected to an output driver, and the edgefacing A input of the adjacent entrance cell is connected to an input buffer. The output of the output driver and the input of the input buffer are connected to a common pin. CELL D Q EXPRESS BUS The Atmel architecture provides a flexible interface between the logic array, the configuration control logic and the I/O pins. EXPRESS BUS CELL D Q A B-type I/Os are the same as A-type I/Os, but use the B inputs and outputs of their respective entrance and exit cells. A- and B-type I/Os alternate around the array Control of the I/O logic is provided by user-configurable memory bits. "1" GLOBAL RESET GLOBAL RESET 7 Figure 11. A-type I/O Logic Slew Rate Control A user-configurable bit controls the slew rate – fast or slow – of the output buffer. A slow slew rate, which reduces noise and ground bounce, is recommended for outputs that are not speed-critical. Fast and slow slew rates have the same DC-current sinking capabilities, but the rate at which each allows the output devices to reach full drive differs. Pull-up A user-configurable bit controls the pull-up transistor in the I/O pin. It’s primary function is to provide a logical “1” to unused input pins. When on, it is approximately equivalent to a 25K resistor to VCC. Enable Select Figure 12. B-type I/O Logic User-configurable bits determine the output-enable for the output driver. The output driver can be static – always on or always off – or dynamically controlled by a signal generated in the array. Four options are available from the array: (1) the control is low and always driving; (2) the control is high and never driving; (3) the control is connected to a vertical local bus associated with the output cell; or (4) the control is connected to a horizontal local bus associated with the output cell. On power-up, the user I/Os are configured as inputs with pull-up resistors. In addition to the functionality provided by the I/O logic, the entrance and exit cells provide the ability to register both inputs and outputs. Also, these perimeter cells (unlike interior cells) are connected directly to express buses: the edge-facing A and B outputs of the entrance cell are connected to express buses, as are the edge-facing A and B inputs of the exit cell. These buses are perpendicular to the edge, and provide a rapid means of bringing I/O signals to and from the array interior and the opposite edge of the chip. Chip Configuration TTL/CMOS Inputs A user-configurable bit determines the threshold level – TTL or CMOS – of the input buffer. Open Collector/Tristate Outputs A user-configurable bit which enables or disables the active pull-up of the output device. 8 AT6000(LV) Series The Integrated Development System generates the SRAM bit pattern required to configure a AT6000 Series device. A PC parallel port, microprocessor, EPROM or serial configuration memory can be used to download configuration patterns. Users select from several configuration modes. Many factors, including board area, configuration speed and the number of designs implemented in parallel can influence the user’s final choice. Configuration is controlled by dedicated configuration pins and dual-function pins that double as I/O pins when the device is in operation. The number of dual-function pins required for each mode varies. AT6000(LV) Series The devices can be partially reconfigured while in operation. Portions of the device not being modified remain operational during reconfiguration. Simultaneous configuration of more than one device is also possible. Full configuration takes as little as a millisecond, partial configuration is even faster. Refer to the Pin Function Description section following for a brief summary of the pins used in configuration. For more information about configuration, refer to the AT6000 Series Configuration data sheet. Pin Function Description This section provides abbreviated descriptions of the various AT6000 Series pins. For more complete descriptions, refer to the AT6000 Series Configuration data sheet. M0, M1, M2 Configuration mode pins are used to determine the configuration mode. All three are TTL input pins. CCLK Configuration clock pin. CCLK is a TTL input or a CMOS output depending on the mode of operation. In modes 1, 2, 3, and 6 it is an input. In modes 4 and 5 it is an output with a typical frequency of 1 MHz. In all modes, the rising edge of the CCLK signal is used to sample inputs and change outputs. CLOCK Pinout tables for the AT6000 series of devices follow. External logic source used to drive the internal global clock line. Registers toggle on the rising edge of CLOCK. The CLOCK signal is neither used nor affected by the configuration modes. It is always a TTL input. Power Pins RESET VCC, VDD, GND, VSS VCC and GND are the I/O supply pins, VDD and VSS are the internal logic supply pins. VCC and VDD should be tied to the same trace on the printed circuit board. GND and V SS should be tied to the same trace on the printed circuit board. Input/Output Pins All I/O pins can be used in the same way (refer to the I/O section of the architecture description). Some I/O pins are dual-function pins used during configuration of the array. When not being used for configuration, dual-function I/Os are fully functional as normal I/O pins. On initial power-up, all I/Os are configured as TTL inputs with a pull-up. Dedicated Timing and Control Pins CON Configuration-in-process pin. After power-up, CON staysLow until power-up initialization is complete, at which time CON is then released. CON is an open collector signal. After power-up initialization, forcing CON low begins the configuration process. CS Configuration enable pin. All configuration pins are ignored if CS is high. CS must be held low throughout the configuration process. CS is a TTL input pin. Array register asynchronous reset. RESET drives the internal global reset. The RESET signal is neither used nor affected by the configuration modes. It is always a TTL input. Dual-function Pins When CON is high, dual-function I/O pins act as device I/Os; when CON is low, dual-function pins are used as configuration control or data signals as determined by the configuration modes. Care must be taken when using these pins to ensure that configuration activity does not interfere with other circuitry connected to these pins in the application. D0 or I/O Serial configuration modes use D0 as the serial data input pin. Parallel configuration modes use D0 as the least-signi fic an t bi t. Inpu t d ata mus t mee t s etu p a nd hol d requirements with respect to the rising edge of CCLK. D0 is a TTL input during configuration. D1 to D7 or I/O Parallel configuration modes use these pins as inputs. Serial configuration modes do not use them. Data must meet setup and hold requirements with respect to the rising edge of CCLK. D1 - D7 are TTL inputs during configuration. A0 to A16 or I/O During configuration in modes 1, 2 and 5, these pins are CMOS outputs and act as the address pins for a parallel EPROM. A0 - A16 eliminates the need for an external address counter when using an external parallel nonvolatile 9 memory to configure the FPGA. Addresses change after the rising edge of the CCLK signal. CSOUT or I/O When cascading devices, CSOUT is an output used to enable other devices. CSOUT should be connected to the CS input of the downstream device. The CSOUT function is optional and can be disabled during initial programming when cascading is not used. When cascading devices, CSOUT should be dedicated to configuration and not used as a configurable I/O. CHECK or I/O During configuration, CHECK is a TTL input that can be used to enable the data check function at the beginning of a configuration cycle. No data is written to the device while CHECK is low. Instead, the configuration file being applied to D0 (or D0 - D7, in parallel mode) is compared with the current contents of the internal configuration RAM. If a mismatch is detected between the data being loaded and the data already in the RAM, the ERR pin goes low. The CHECK function is optional and can be disabled during initial programming. ERR or I/O During configuration, ERR is an output. When the CHECK function is activated and a mismatch is detected between the current configuration data stream and the data already loaded in the configuration RAM, ERR goes low. The ERR ouput is a registered signal. Once a mismatch is found, the signal is set and is only reset after the configuration cycle is restarted. ERR is also asserted for configuration file errors. The ERR function is optional and can be disabled during initial programming. Device Pinout Selection (Max. Number of User I/O) AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 84 PLCC 64 I/O 64 I/O 64 I/O - 100 VQFP 80 I/O 80 I/O 80 I/O - 132 PQFP 96 I/O 108 I/O 108 I/O 108 I/O 144 TQFP 95 I/O 120 I/O 108 I/O 120 I/O 208 PQFP - - - 172 I/O 240 PQFP - - - 204 I/O Bit-stream Sizes Mode(s) 10 Type Beginning Sequence AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 1 Parallel Preamble 2677 4153 8077 16393 2 Parallel Preamble 2677 4153 8077 16393 3 Serial Null Byte/Preamble 2678 4154 8078 16394 4 Serial Null Byte/Preamble 2678 4154 8078 16394 5 Parallel Preamble 2677 4153 8077 16393 6 Parallel Preamble/Preamble 2678 4154 8078 16394 AT6000(LV) Series AT6000(LV) Series Pinout Assignment Left Side (Top to Bottom) AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP - - - I/O51(A) - - - - B1 1 1 I/O24(A) or A7 I/O30(A) or A7 I/O27(A) or A7 I/O50(A) or A7 12 1 18 1 C1 2 2 - I/O29(B) - I/O49(A) - - - 2 D1 3 3 - - - I/O48(B) - - - - - - 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 - - - VCC - - - - PWR - - - I/O47(A) - - - - E1 (1) (2) - - - GND - - - - GND - I/O28(A) I/O26(A) I/O46(A) - - 19 3 G1 7 8 I/O23(A) or A6 I/O27(A) or A6 I/O25(A) or A6 I/O45(A) or A6 13 2 20 4 H1 8 9 - - - I/O44(B) - - - - - - 10 - - - I/O43(A) - - - - C2 9 11 I/O22(B) I/O26(A) I/O24(A) I/O42(A) - - 21 5 D2 10 12 I/O21(A) or A5 I/O25(A) or A5 I/O23(A) or A5 I/O41(A) or A5 14 3 22 6 E2 11 13 - - - I/O40(B) - - - - - - 14 - - - I/O39(A) - - - - F2 12 15 I/O20(B) I/O24(B) I/O22(A) I/O38(A) - 4 23 7 G2 13 16 I/O19(A) or A4 I/O23(A) or A4 I/O21(A) or A4 I/O37(A) or A4 15 5 24 8 H2 14 17 - - - I/O36(B) - - - - - - 18 I/O18(B) I/O22(B) I/O20(A) I/O35(A) - - 25 9 D3 15 19 I/O17(A) or A3 I/O21(A) or A3 I/O19(A) or A3 I/O34(A) or A3 16 6 26 10 E3 16 20 I/O16(B) I/O20(B) I/O18(A) I/O33(A) - 7 27 11 F3 17 21 - - - I/O32(B) - - - - - 18 22 I/O15(A) or A2 I/O19(A) or A2 I/O17(A) or A2 I/O31(A) or A2 17 8 28 12 G3 19 23 - I/O18(B) I/O16(A) I/O30(A) - - 29 13 H3 GND GND GND GND 18 9 30 14 20 24 GND (2) 21 25 (2) 22 26 VSS VSS VSS VSS 19 10 31 15 GND I/O14(A) or A1 I/O17(A) or A1 I/O15(A) or A1 I/O29(A) or A1 20 11 32 16 F4 23 27 - - - I/O28(B) - - - - - 24 28 - I/O16(B) - I/O27(A) - - - 17 G4 25 29 I/O13(A) or A0 I/O15(A) or A0 I/O14(A) or A0 I/O26(A) or A0 21 12 33 18 H4 26 30 I/O12(B) or D7 I/O14(A) or D7 I/O13(A) or D7 I/O25(B) or D7 22 13 34 19 H5 27 31 - - - I/O24(B) - - - - - 28 32 I/O11(A) or D6 I/O13(A) or D6 I/O12(A) or D6 I/O23(A) or D6 23 14 35 20 J4 29 33 I/O10(A) or D5 I/O12(A) or D5 I/O11(A) or D5 I/O22(A) or D5 24 15 36 21 K4 VDD VCC VDD VCC VDD VCC VDD VCC 25 26 16 17 37 38 22 23 30 34 PWR (1) 31 35 PWR (1) 32 36 11 Pinout Assignment (Continued) Left Side (Top to Bottom) AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP I/O9(B) I/O11(B) I/O10(A) I/O21(A) - - 39 24 J3 33 37 - - - I/O20(B) - - - - - 34 38 I/O8(A) or D4 I/O10(A) or D4 I/O9(A) or D4 I/O19(A) or D4 27 18 40 25 K3 35 39 I/O7(B) I/O9(B) I/O8(A) I/O18(A) - 19 41 26 L3 36 40 - - - I/O17(A) - - - - M3 37 41 - - - I/O16(B) - - - - - - 42 I/O6(A) or D3 I/O8(A) or D3 I/O7(A) or D3 I/O15(A) or D3 28 20 42 27 N3 38 43 - I/O7(B) I/O6(A) I/O14(A) - - 43 28 J2 39 44 - - - I/O13(A) - - - - K2 GND GND GND GND - - 44 29 40 45 GND (2) 41 46 GND (2) 42 47 - - - VSS - - - - - - - I/O12(B) - - - - - - 48 I/O5(A) or D2 I/O6(A) or D2 I/O5(A) or D2 I/O11(A) or D2 29 21 45 30 M2 43 49 I/O4(B) I/O5(B) I/O4(A) I/O10(A) - 22 46 31 N2 44 50 - - - I/O9(A) - - - - P2 45 51 - - - I/O8(B) - - - - - - 52 I/O3(A) or D1 I/O4(A) or D1 I/O3(A) or D1 I/O7(A) or D1 30 23 47 32 J1 46 53 I/O2(B) I/O3(A) I/O2(A) I/O6(A) - - 48 33 K1 47 54 - - - I/O5(A) - - - - L1 48 55 - - - I/O4(B) - - - - - - 56 - I/O2(B) - I/O3(A) - - - 34 M1 49 57 I/O1(A) or D0 I/O1(A) or D0 I/O1(A) or D0 I/O2(A) or D0 31 24 49 35 N1 50 58 - - - I/O1(A) - - - - P1 51 59 CCLK CCLK CCLK 32 25 50 36 R1 52 60 CCLK Notes: 12 1. PWR = Pins connected to power plane = F1, E4/E5, L2, R4, K15, L12, E14, A12. 2. GND = Pins connected to ground plane = L4, M4, N9, N10, E12, D12, C7, C6. AT6000(LV) Series AT6000(LV) Series Pinout Assignment Bottom Side (Left to Right) 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP 33 26 51 37 M5 53 61 I/O204(A) - - - - M6 54 62 I/O108(A) I/O203(A) 34 27 52 38 M7 55 63 I/O119(B) - I/O202(A) - - - 39 R2 56 64 - - I/O201(B) - - - - - - 65 57 66 58 67 59 68 AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 CON CON CON CON - - - I/O96(A) I/O120(A) - - - VCC - - - - PWR - - - I/O200(A) - - - - R3 GND (1) (2) - - - GND - - - - - I/O118(A) I/O107(A) I/O199(A) - - 53 40 R5 60 69 I/O95(A) or CSOUT I/O117(A) or CSOUT I/O106(A) or CSOUT I/O198(A) or CSOUT 35 28 54 41 R6 61 70 - - - I/O197(B) - - - - - - 71 - - - I/O196(A) - - - - R7 62 72 I/O94(B) I/O116(A) I/O105(A) I/O195(A) - - 55 42 P3 63 73 I/O93(A) I/O115(A) I/O104(A) I/O194(A) 36 29 56 43 P4 64 74 - - - I/O193(B) - - - - - - 75 - - - I/O192(A) - - - - P5 65 76 I/O92(B) I/O114(B) I/O103(A) I/O191(A) - 30 57 44 P6 66 77 I/O91(A) or CHECK I/O113(A) or CHECK I/O102(A) or CHECK I/O190(A) or CHECK 37 31 58 45 P7 67 78 - - - I/O189(B) - - - - - - 79 I/O90(B) I/O112(B) I/O101(A) I/O188(A) - - 59 46 N4 68 80 I/O89(A) or ERR I/O111(A) or ERR I/O100(A) or ERR I/O187(A) or ERR 38 32 60 47 N5 69 81 I/O88(B) I/O110(B) I/O99(A) I/O186(A) - 33 61 48 N6 70 82 - - - I/O185(B) - - - - - 71 83 I/O87(A) I/O109(A) I/O98(A) I/O184(A) 39 34 62 49 N7 72 84 - I/O108(B) I/O97(A) I/O183(A) - - 63 50 M8 73 85 GND GND GND GND 40 35 64 51 GND(2) 74 86 I/O86(A) I/O107(A) I/O96(A) I/O182(A) 41 36 65 52 M9 75 87 - - - I/O181(B) - - - - - 76 88 - I/O106(B) - I/O180(A) - - - 53 M10 77 89 I/O85(A) I/O105(A) I/O95(A) I/O179(A) 42 37 66 54 M11 78 90 CS CS CS CS 43 38 67 55 L8 79 91 I/O84(B) I/O104(A) I/O94(A) I/O178(A) 44 39 68 56 M12 80 92 - - - I/O177(B) - - - - - 81 93 I/O83(A) I/O103(A) I/O93(A) I/O176(A) 45 40 69 57 N8 82 94 13 Pinout Assignment (Continued) Bottom Side (Left to Right) AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 - - - VDD 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP - - - - PWR(1) 83 95 (1) 84 96 VCC VCC VCC VCC 46 41 70 58 PWR I/O82(A) I/O102(A) I/O92(A) I/O175(A) 47 42 71 59 N11 85 97 I/O81(B) I/O101(B) I/O91(A) I/O174(A) - - 72 60 N12 86 98 - - - I/O173(B) - - - - - 87 99 I/O80(A) I/O100(A) I/O90(A) I/O172(A) 48 43 73 61 N13 88 100 I/O79(B) I/O99(B) I/O89(A) I/O171(A) - 44 74 62 P8 89 101 - - - I/O170(A) - - - - P9 90 102 - - - I/O169(B) - - - - - - 103 I/O78(A) I/O98(A) I/O88(A) I/O168(A) 49 45 75 63 P10 91 104 - I/O97(B) I/O87(A) I/O167(A) - - 76 64 P11 92 105 - - - I/O166(A) - - - - P12 93 106 94 107 GND GND GND GND - - 77 65 - - - I/O165(B) - - - - - - 108 I/O77(A) I/O96(A) I/O86(A) I/O164(A) 50 46 78 66 P13 95 109 I/O76(B) I/O95(B) I/O85(A) I/O163(A) - 47 79 67 P14 96 110 - - - I/O162(A) - - - - P8 97 111 - - - I/O161(B) - - - - - - 112 I/O75(A) I/O94(A) I/O84(A) I/O160(A) 51 48 80 68 R9 98 113 I/O74(B) I/O93(A) I/O83(A) I/O159(A) - - 81 69 R10 99 114 - - - I/O158(A) - - - - R11 100 115 - - - I/O157(B) - - - - - - 116 - I/O92(B) - I/O156(A) - - - 70 R12 101 117 I/O73(A) I/O91(A) I/O82(A) I/O155(A) 52 49 82 71 R13 102 118 - - - I/O154(A) - - - - R14 103 119 RESET RESET RESET 53 50 83 72 R15 104 120 RESET Notes: 14 1. PWR = Pins connected to power plane = F1, E4/E5, L2, R4, K15, L12, E14, A12. 2. GND = Pins connected to ground plane = L4, M4, N9, N10, E12, D12, C7, C6. AT6000(LV) Series GND (2) AT6000(LV) Series Pinout Assignment Right Side (Bottom to Top) 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP I/O153(A) - - - - P15 105 121 I/O152(A) 54 51 84 73 N15 106 122 74 M15 107 123 - - - 124 108 125 109 126 110 127 AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 - - - I/O72(A) I/O90(A) I/O81(A) (3) - I/O89(B) I/O80(A) I/O151(A) - - 85 - - - I/O150(B) - - - (1) - - - VCC - - - - PWR - - - I/O149(A) - - - - L15 - - - GND - - (4) - GND (2) 75 J15 111 128 86 76 H15 112 129 - - - - - 130 - - - - N14 113 131 I/O144(A) - - 87 77 M14 114 132 I/O77(A) I/O143(A) 56 53 88 78 L14 115 133 - - I/O142(B) - - - - - - 134 - - - I/O141(A) - - - - K14 116 135 I/O68(B) I/O84(B) I/O76(A) I/O140(A) - 54 89 79 J14 117 136 I/O67(A) I/O83(A) I/O75(A) I/O139(A) 57 55 90 80 H14 118 137 - - - I/O138B - - - - - - 138 I/O66(B) I/O82(B) I/O74(A) I/O137(A) - - 91 81 M13 119 139 I/O65(A) I/O81(A) I/O73(A) I/O136(A) 58 56 92 82 L13 120 140 I/O64(B) I/O80(B) I/O72(A) I/O135(A) - 57 93 83 K13 121 141 - - - I/O134(B) - - - - - 122 142 I/O63(A) I/O79(A) I/O71(A I/O133(A) 59 58 94 84 J13 123 143 - I/O78(B) I/O70(A) I/O132(A) - - 95 85 H13 - I/O88(A) - I/O148(A) - - I/O71(A) I/O87(A) I/O79(A) I/O147(A) 55 52 - - - I/O146(B) - - - - I/O145(A) I/O70(B) I/O86(A) I/O78(A) I/O69(A) I/O85(A) - GND GND GND GND 60 59 85 96 86 124 144 GND (2) 125 145 (2) 126 146 VSS VSS VSS VSS 61 60 97 87 GND I/O62(A) I/O77(A) I/O69(A) I/O131(A) 62 61 98 88 K12 127 147 - - - I/O130(B) - - - - - 128 148 - I/O76(B) - I/O129(A) - - - 89 J12 129 149 I/O61(A) I/O75(A) I/O68(A) I/O128(A) 63 62 99 90 H12 130 150 I/O60(B) I/O74(A) I/O67(A) I/O127(A) 64 63 100 91 H11 131 151 - - - I/O126(B) - - - - - 132 152 I/O59(A) I/O73(A) I/O66(A) I/O125(A) 65 64 101 92 G12 133 153 I/O58(A) I/O72(A) I/O65(A) I/O124(A) 66 65 102 93 F12 VDD VCC VDD VCC VDD VCC VDD VCC 67 68 66 67 103 104 94 95 134 154 PWR (1) 135 155 PWR (1) 136 156 15 Pinout Assignment (Continued) Right Side (Bottom to Top) 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP I/O123(A) - - 105 96 G13 137 157 - I/O122(B) - - - - - 138 158 I/O70(A) I/O63(A) I/O121(A) 69 68 106 97 F13 139 159 I/O55(B) I/O69(B) I/O62(A) I/O120(A) - 69 107 98 E13 140 160 - - - I/O119(A) - - - - D13 141 161 - - - I/O118(B) - - - - - - 162 I/O54(A) I/O68(A) I/O61(A) I/O117(A) 70 70 108 99 C13 142 163 - I/O67(B) I/O60(A) I/O116(A) - - 109 100 G14 143 164 - - - I/O115(A) - - - - F14 AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 I/O57(B) I/O71(B) I/O64(A) - - I/O56(A) GND GND GND GND - - 110 101 144 165 GND (2) 145 166 GND (2) 146 167 - - - VSS - - - - - - - I/O114(B) - - - - - - 168 I/O53(A) I/O66(A) I/O59(A) I/O113(A) 71 71 111 102 D14 147 169 I/O52(B) I/O65(B) I/O58(A) I/O112(A) - 72 112 103 C14 148 170 - - - I/O111(A) - - - - B14 149 171 - - - I/O110(B) - - - - - - 172 I/O51(A) I/O64(A) I/O57(A) I/O109(A) 72 73 113 104 G15 150 173 I/O50(B) I/O63(A) I/O56(A) I/O108(A) - - 114 105 F15 151 174 - - - I/O107(A) - - - - E15 152 175 - - - I/O106(B) - - - - - - 176 - I/O62(B) - I/O105(A) - - - 106 D15 153 177 I/O49(A) I/O61(A) I/O55(A) I/O104(A) 73 74 115 107 C15 154 178‘ - - - I/O103(A) - - - - B15 155 179 M2 M2 M2 74 75 116 108 A15 156 180 M2 Notes: 16 1. 2. 3. 4. PWR = Pins connected to power plane = F1, E4/E5, L2, R4, K15, L12, E14, A12. GND = Pins connected to ground plane = L4, M4, N9, N10, E12, D12, C7, C6. 85 = Pin 85 on AT6005. 85 = Pin 85 on AT6003 and AT6010. AT6000(LV) Series AT6000(LV) Series Pinout Assignment Top Side (Right to Left) 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP 75 76 117 109 D11 157 181 I/O102(A) - - - - D10 158 182 I/O54(A) I/O101(A) 76 77 118 110 D9 159 183 I/O59(B) - I/O100(A) - - - 111 A14 160 184 - - I/O99(B) - - - - - - 185 161 186 162 187 163 188 AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 M1 M1 M1 M1 - - - I/O48(A) I/O60(A) - (1) - - - VCC - - - - PWR - - - I/O98(A) - - - - A13 GND (2) - - - GND - - - - - I/O58(A) I/O53(A) I/O97(A) - - 119 112 A11 164 189 I/O47(A) I/O57(A) I/O52(A) I/O96(A) 77 78 120 113 A10 165 190 - - - I/O95(B) - - - - - - 191 - - - I/O94(A) - - - - A9 166 192 I/O46(B) I/O56(A) I/O51(A) I/O93(A) - - 121 114 B13 167 193 I/O45(A) I/O55(A) I/O50(A) I/O92(A) 78 79 122 115 B12 168 194 - - - I/O91(B) - - - - - - 195 - - - I/O90(A) - - - - B11 169 196 I/O44(B) I/O54(B) I/O49(A) I/O89(A) - 80 123 116 B10 170 197 I/O43(A) I/O53(A) I/O48(A) I/O88(A) 79 81 124 117 B9 171 198 - - - I/O87(B) - - - - - - 199 I/O42(B) I/O52(B) I/O47(A) I/O86(A) - - 125 118 C12 172 200 I/O41(A) I/O51(A) I/O46(A) I/O85(A) 80 82 126 119 C11 173 201 I/O40(B) I/O50(B) I/O45(A) I/O84(A) - 83 127 120 C10 174 202 - - - I/O83(B) - - - - - 175 203 I/O39(A) I/O49(A) I/O44(A) I/O82(A) 81 84 128 121 C9 176 204 - I/O48(B) I/O43(A) I/O81(A) - - 129 122 D8 177 205 178 206 (2) GND GND GND GND 82 85 130 123 GND I/O38(A) I/O47(A) I/O42(A) I/O80(A) 83 86 131 124 D7 179 207 - - - I/O79(B) - - - - - 180 208 - I/O46(B) - I/O78(A) - - - 125 D6 181 209 I/O37(A) or A16 I/O45(A) or A16 I/O41(A) or A16 I/O77(A) or A16 84 87 132 126 D5 182 210 CLOCK CLOCK CLOCK CLOCK 1 88 1 127 E8 183 211 I/O36(B) or A15 I/O44(B) or A15 I/O40(A) or A15 I/O76(A) or A15 2 89 2 128 D4 184 212 - - - I/O75(B) - - - - - 185 213 I/O35(A) or A14 I/O43(A) or A14 I/O39(A) or A14 I/O74(A) or A14 3 90 3 129 C8 VCC VCC VCC VDD VCC 4 91 4 130 186 214 PWR (1) 187 215 PWR (1) 188 216 17 Pinout Assignment (Continued) Top Side (Right to Left) 84 PLCC 100 VQFP 132 PQFP 144 TQFP 180 CPGA 208 PQFP 240 PQFP I/O73(A) or A13 5 92 5 131 C5 189 217 I/O37(A) I/O72(A) - - 6 132 C4 190 218 - - I/O71(B) - - - - - 191 219 I/O32(A) or A12 I/O40(A) or A12 I/O36(A) or A12 I/O70(A) or A12 6 93 7 133 C3 192 220 I/O31(B) I/O39(B) I/O35(A) I/O69(A) - 94 8 134 B8 193 221 - - - I/O68(A) - - - - B7 194 222 - - - I/O67(B) - - - - - - 223 I/O30(A) or A11 I/O38(A) or A11 I/O34(A) or A11 I/O66(A) or A11 7 95 9 135 B6 195 224 - I/O37(B) I/O33(A) I/O65(A) - - 10 136 B5 196 225 - - - I/O64(A) - - - - B4 197 226 198 227 AT6002 AT6003 AT6005 AT6010 I/O34(A) or A13 I/O42(A) or A13 I/O38(A) or A13 I/O33(B) I/O41(B) - GND GND GND GND - - 11 137 - - - I/O63(B) - - - - - - 228 I/O29(A) or A10 I/O36(A) or A10 I/O32(A) or A10 I/O62(A) or A10 8 96 12 138 B3 199 229 I/O28(B) I/O35(B) I/O31(A) I/O61(A) - 97 13 139 B2 200 230 - - - I/O60(A) - - - - A8 201 231 - - - I/O59(B) - - - - - - 232 I/O27(A) or A9 I/O34(A) or A9 I/O30(A) or A9 I/O58(A) or A9 9 98 14 140 A7 202 233 I/O26(B) I/O33(A) I/O29(A) I/O57(A) - - 15 141 A6 203 234 - - - I/O56(A) - - - - A5 204 235 - - - I/O55(B) - - - - - - 236 - I/O32(B) - I/O54(A) - - - 142 A4 205 237 I/O25(A) or A8 I/O31(A) or A8 I/O28(A) or A8 I/O53(A) or A8 10 99 16 143 A3 206 238 - - - I/O52(A) - - - - A2 -207 239 M0 M0 M0 11 100 17 144 A1 208 240 M0 Notes: 18 1. PWR = Pins connected to power plane = F1, E4/E5, L2, R4, K15, L12, E14, A12. 2. GND = Pins connected to ground plane = L4, M4, N9, N10, E12, D12, C7, C6. AT6000(LV) Series GND (2) AT6000(LV) Series AC Timing Characteristics – 5V Operation Delays are based on fixed load. Loads for each type of device are described in the notes. Delays are in nanoseconds. Worst case: VCC = 4.75V to 5.25V. Temperature = 0°C to 70°C. Cell Function Parameter From To Load Definition(7) -1 -2 -4 Units Wire(4) tPD (max)(4) A, B, L A, B 1 0.8 1.2 1.8 ns NAND tPD (max) A, B, L B 1 1.6 2.2 3.2 ns XOR tPD (max) A, B, L A 1 1.8 2.4 4.0 ns AND tPD (max) A, B, L B 1 1.7 2.2 3.2 ns A, B A 1 1.7 2.3 4.0 ns MUX tPD (max) L A 1 2.1 3.0 4.9 ns (5) tsetup (min) A, B, L CLK - 1.5 2.0 3.0 ns (5) D-Flip-flop thold (min) CLK A, B, L - 0 0 0 ns D-Flip-flop tPD (max) CLK A 1 1.5 2.0 3.0 ns Bus Driver tPD (max) A L 2 2.0 2.6 4.0 ns L, E E 3 1.3 1.6 2.3 ns Repeater tPD (max) L, E L 2 1.7 2.1 3.0 ns D-Flip-flop Column Clock tPD (max) GCLK, A, ES CLK 3 1.8 2.4 3.0 ns Column Reset tPD (max) GRES, A, EN RES 3 1.8 2.4 3.0 ns (5) tPD (max) CLOCK PIN GCLK - 1.6 2.0 2.9 ns (5) tPD (max) RESET PIN GRES - 1.5 1.9 2.8 ns tPD (max) I/O A 3 1.0 1.2 1.5 ns tPD (max) I/O A 3 1.3 1.4 2.3 ns tPD (max) A I/O PIN 4 3.3 3.5 6.0 ns tPD (max) A I/O PIN 4 7.5 8.0 12.0 ns tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 4 3.1 3.3 5.5 ns tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 4 3.8 4.0 6.5 ns tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 4 8.2 8.5 12.5 ns Clock Buffer Reset Buffer TTL Input(1) (2) CMOS Input Fast Output (3) Slow Output (3) Output Disable(5) (3)(5) Fast Enable Slow Enable (3)(5) Device Cell Types Cell(6) Wire, XWire, Half-adder, Flip-flop Bus (6) Wire, XWire, Half-adder, Flip-flop, Repeater Column Clock Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (6) Column Clock Driver Outputs ICC (max) A, B 4.5 µA/MHz L 2.5 µA/MHz CLK 40 µA/MHz TTL buffer delays are measured from a VIH of 1.5V at the pad to the internal VIH at A. The input buffer load is constant. CMOS buffer delays are measured from a VIH of 1/2 VCC at the apd to the internal VIH at A. The input buffer load is constant. Buffer delay is to a pad voltage of 1.5V with one output switching. Max specifications are the average of mas tPDLH and tPDHL. Parameter based on characterization and simulation; not tested in production Exact power calculation is available in an Atmel application note. Load Definition: 1 = Load of one A or B input; 2 = Load of one L input; 3 = Constant Load; 4 = Tester Load of 50 pF. = Preliminary Information 19 AC Timing Characteristics – 3.3V Operation Delays are based on fixed load. Loads for each type of device are described in the notes. Delays are in nanoseconds. Worst case: VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V. Temperature = 0°C to 70°C. Cell Function Parameter To Load Definition(7) -4 Units A, B, L A, B 1 1.8 ns (4) tPD (max) NAND tPD (max) A, B, L B 1 3.2 ns XOR tPD (max) A, B, L A 1 4.0 ns AND tPD (max) A, B, L B 1 3.2 ns A, B A 1 4.0 ns MUX tPD (max) L A 1 4.9 ns tsetup (min) A, B, L CLK - 3.0 ns D-Flip-flop thold (min) CLK A, B, L - 0 ns D-Flip-flop tPD (max) CLK A 1 3.0 ns Bus Driver tPD (max) A L 2 4.0 ns L, E E 3 2.3 ns Repeater tPD (max) L, E L 2 3.0 ns Wire D-Flip-flop(5) (5) (4) From Column Clock tPD (max) GCLK, A, ES CLK 3 3.0 ns Column Reset tPD (max) GRES, A, EN RES 3 3.0 ns Clock Buffer(5) tPD (max) CLOCK PIN GCLK 4 2.9 ns Reset Buffer(5) tPD (max) RESET PIN GRES 5 2.8 ns tPD (max) I/O A 3 1.5 ns CMOS Input tPD (max) I/O A 3 2.3 ns Fast Output(3) tPD (max) A I/O PIN 6 6.0 ns tPD (max) A I/O PIN 6 12.0 ns tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 6 5.5 ns Fast Enable tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 6 6.5 ns Slow Enable(3)(5) tPXZ (max) L I/O PIN 6 12.5 ns TTL Input (1) (2) Slow Output (3) Output Disable (5) (3)(5) Device Cell Types Cell (6) Wire, XWire, Half-adder, Flip-flop Bus (6) Wire, XWire, Half-adder, Flip-flop, Repeater Column Clock(6) Notes: 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Column Clock Driver Outputs ICC (max) A, B 2.3 µA/MHz L 1.3 µA/MHz CLK 20 µA/MHz TTL buffer delays are measured from a VIH of 1.5V at the pad to the internal VIH at A. The input buffer load is constant. CMOS buffer delays are measured from a VIH of 1/2 VCC at the apd to the internal VIH at A. The input buffer load is constant. Buffer delay is to a pad voltage of 1.5V with one output switching. Max specifications are the average of mas tPDLH and tPDHL. Parameter based on characterization and simulation; not tested in production Exact power calculation is available in an Atmel application note. Load Definition: 1 = Load of one A or B input; 2 = Load of one L input; 3 = Constant Load; 4 = Load of 28 Clock Columns; 5 = Load of 28 Reset Columns; 6 = Tester Load of 50 pF. AT6000(LV) Series AT6000(LV) Series Absolute Maximum Ratings* *NOTICE: Supply Voltage (VCC) ........................................-0.5V to + 7.0V DC Input Voltage (VIN) ...............................-0.5V to VCC + 0.5V DC Output Voltage (VON) ...........................-0.5V to VCC + 0.5V Storage Temperature Range (TSTG)........................................................... -65°C to +150°C Power Dissipation (PD)............................................. 1500 mW Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those listed under operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability. Lead Temperature (TL) (Soldering, 10 sec.) ........................................................260°C ESD (RZAP = 1.5K, CZAP = 100 pF)................................. 2000V DC and AC Operating Rage – 5V Operation Operating Temperature (Case) VCC Power Supply AT6002-2/4 AT6003-2/4 AT6005-2/4 AT6010-2/4 Commercial AT6002-2/4 AT6003-2/4 AT6005-2/4 AT6010-2/4 Industrial AT6002-2/4 AT6003-2/4 AT6005-2/4 AT6010-2/4 Military 0°C - 70°C -40°C - 85°C -55°C - 125°C 5V ± 5% 5V ± 10% 5V ± 10% Input Voltage Level (TTL) High (VIHT) 2.0V - VCC 2.0V - VCC 2.0V - VCC Low (VILT) 0V - 0.8V 0V - 0.8V 0V - 0.8V Input Voltage Level (CMOS) High (VIHC) 70% - 100% VCC 70% - 100% VCC 70% - 100% VCC Low (VILC) 0 - 30% VCC 0 - 30% VCC 0 - 30% VCC 50 ns (max) 50 ns (max) 50 ns (max) Input Signal Transition Time (TIN) DC and AC Operating Rage – 3.3V Operation AT6002-2/4, AT6003-2/4 AT6005-2/4, AT6010-2/4 Commercial Operating Temperature (Case) 0°C - 70°C VCC Power Supply 3.3V ± 5% Input Voltage Level (TTL) High (VIHT) 2.0V - VCC Low (VILT) 0V - 0.8V Input Voltage Level (CMOS) High (VIHC) 70% - 100% VCC Low (VILC) 0 - 30% VCC Input Signal Transition Time (TIN) 50 ns (max) 21 DC Characteristics – 5V Operation Symbol Parameter Conditions VIH High-level Input Voltage Commercial VIL Low-level Input Voltage VOH High-level Output Voltage VOL Low-level Output Voltage Min Max Units 70% VCC VCC V 2.0 VCC V CMOS 0 30% VCC V TTL 0 0.8 V CMOS TTL Commercial Commercial Commercial IOH = -4 mA, VCC min 3.9 V IOH = -16 mA, VCC min 3.0 V IOL = 4 mA, VCC min 0.4 V IOL = 16 mA, VCC min 0.5 V 10 µA High-level Tristate IOZH Output Leakage Current VO = VCC (max) High-level Tristate Without Pull-up, VO = VSS -10 µA Output Leakage Current With Pull-up, VO = VSS -500 µA IIH High-level Input Current VIN = VCC (max) IIL Low-level Input Current ICC Power Consumption Without Internal Oscillator (Standby) 500 µA CIN Input Capacitance All Pins 10 pF IOZL 22 10 µA Without Pull-up, VIN = VSS -10 µA With Pull-up, VIN = VSS -500 µA AT6000(LV) Series AT6000(LV) Series DC Characteristics – 3.3V Operation Symbol Parameter Conditions VIH High-level Input Voltage Commercial VIL Low-level Input Voltage VOH High-level Output Voltage VOL Low-level Output Voltage Min Max Units 70% VCC VCC V 2.0 VCC V CMOS 0 30% VCC V TTL 0 0.8 V CMOS TTL Commercial Commercial Commercial IOH = -2 mA, VCC min 2.4 V IOH = -6 mA, VCC min 2.0 V IOL = +2 mA, VCC min 0.4 V IOL = +6 mA, VCC min 0.5 V 10 µA High-level Tristate IOZH Output Leakage Current VO = VCC (max) High-level Tristate Without Pull-up, VO = VSS -10 µA Output Leakage Current With Pull-up, VO = VSS -500 µA IIH High-level Input Current VIN = VCC (max) IIL Low-level Input Current ICC Power Consumption IOZL CIN(1) Note: 10 µA Without Pull-up, VIN = VSS -10 µA With Pull-up, VIN = VSS -500 µA Without Internal Oscillator (Standby) Input Capacitance All Pins 1. Parameter based on characterization and simulation; it is not tested in production. 200 µA 10 pF Device Timing: During Operation 23 Ordering Information – AT6002 Usable Gates Speed Grade (ns) 6,000 2 6,000 4 Ordering Code Package AT6002-2AC AT6002A-2AC AT6002-2JC AT6002-2QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6002-2AI AT6002A-2AI AT6002-2JI AT6002-2QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT6002-4AC AT6002A-4AC AT6002-4JC AT6002-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6002LV-4AC AT6002ALV-4AC AT6002LV-4JC AT6002LV-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 3.3V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6002-4AI AT6002A-4AI AT6002-4JI AT6002-4QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) Package Type 84J 84-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) 100A 100-lead, Very Thin (1.0 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (VQFP) 132Q 132-lead, Bumpered Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (BQFP) 144A 144-lead, Thin (1.4 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (TQFP) 208Q 208-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 240Q 240-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 24 AT6000(LV) Series Operation Range AT6000(LV) Series Ordering Information – AT6003 Usable Gates Speed Grade (ns) 9,000 2 9,000 4 Ordering Code Package Operation Range AT6003-2AC AT6003A-2AC AT6003-2JC AT6003-2QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6003-2AI AT6003A-2AI AT6003-2JI AT6003-2QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT6003-4AC AT6003A-4AC AT6003-4JC AT6003-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6003LV-4AC AT6003ALV-4AC AT6003LV-4JC AT6003LV-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 3.3V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6003-4AI AT6003A-4AI AT6003-4JI AT6003-4QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q 5V Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) Package Type 84J 84-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) 100A 100-lead, Very Thin (1.0 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (VQFP) 132Q 132-lead, Bumpered Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (BQFP) 144A 144-lead, Thin (1.4 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (TQFP) 208Q 208-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 240Q 240-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 25 Ordering Information – AT6005 Usable Gates Speed Grade (ns) 15,000 2 15,000 4 Ordering Code Package AT6005-2AC AT6005A-2AC AT6005-2JC AT6005-2QC AT6005A-2QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 208Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6005-2AI AT6005A-2AI AT6005-2JI AT6005-2QI AT6005A-2QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q 208Q Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT6005-4AC AT6005A-4AC AT6005-4JC AT6005-4QC AT6005A-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 208Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6005LV-4AC AT6005ALV-4AC AT6005LV-4JC AT6005LV-4QC AT6005ALV-4QC 100A 144A 84J 132Q 208Q 3.3V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6005-4AI AT6005A-4AI AT6005-4JI AT6005-4QI AT6005A-4QI 100A 144A 84J 132Q 208Q 5V Commercial (-40°C to 85°C) Package Type 84J 84-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) 100A 100-lead, Very Thin (1.0 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (VQFP) 132Q 132-lead, Bumpered Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (BQFP) 144A 144-lead, Thin (1.4 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (TQFP) 208Q 208-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 240Q 240-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 26 AT6000(LV) Series Operation Range AT6000(LV) Series Ordering Information – AT6010 Usable Gates Speed Grade (ns) 30,000 2 30,000 4 Ordering Code Package Operation Range AT6010-2JC AT6010A-2AC AT6010-2QC AT6010A-2QC AT6010H-2QC 84J 144A 132Q 208Q 240Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6010-2JI AT6010A-2AI AT6010-2QI AT6010A-2QI AT6010H-2QI 84J 144A 132Q 208Q 240Q Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) AT6010A-4AC AT6010-4QC AT6010-4JC AT6010A-4QC AT6010H-4QC 144A 132Q 84J 208Q 240Q 5V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6010ALV-4AC AT6010LV-4QC AT6010LV-4JC AT6010ALV-4QC AT6010HLV-4QC 144A 132Q 84J 208Q 240Q 3.3V Commercial (0°C to 70°C) AT6010A-4AI AT6010-4QI AT6010-4JI AT6010A-4QI AT6010H-4QI 144A 132Q 84J 208Q 240Q 5V Industrial (-40°C to 85°C) Package Type 84J 84-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) 100A 100-lead, Very Thin (1.0 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (VQFP) 132Q 132-lead, Bumpered Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (BQFP) 144A 144-lead, Thin (1.4 mm) Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (TQFP) 208Q 208-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 240Q 240-lead, Plastic Gull-Wing Quad Flat Package (PQFP) 27 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Atmel Colorado Springs 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL (408) 441-0311 FAX (408) 487-2600 Europe 1150 E. Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL (719) 576-3300 FAX (719) 540-1759 Atmel Rousset Atmel U.K., Ltd. Coliseum Business Centre Riverside Way Camberley, Surrey GU15 3YL England TEL (44) 1276-686-677 FAX (44) 1276-686-697 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex France TEL (33) 4-4253-6000 FAX (33) 4-4253-6001 Asia Atmel Asia, Ltd. Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 Japan Atmel Japan K.K. 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 Fax-on-Demand North America: 1-(800) 292-8635 International: 1-(408) 441-0732 e-mail literature@atmel.com Web Site http://www.atmel.com BBS 1-(408) 436-4309 © Atmel Corporation 1999. Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company’s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel’s Terms and Conditions located on the Company’s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life suppor t devices or systems. Marks bearing ® and/or ™ are registered trademarks and trademarks of Atmel Corporation. Terms and product names in this document may be trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 0264F–10/99/xM