<~>£,ml-(Lonauctoi , Line, 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 D45VH Series Silicon PNP Power Transistors DESCRIPTION • Low Saturation Voltage • Fast Switching Speed • Complement to Type D44VH Series APPLICATIONS • Designed for high-speed switching applications, such as switching regulators and high frequency inverters. They are also well-suited for drivers for high power switching circuits. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25°C) SYMBOL VcEV VALUE PARAMETER Collector-Emitter Voltage UNIT VcEO •^ f 3 PIN l.BASE 2. COLLECTOR 3 BUIITTER TO-220C package 1 2 3 D45VH 1 -50 D45VH 4 -70 V D45VH 7 -80 D45VH 10 -100 D45VH 1 -30 D45VH 4 -45 D45VH 7 -60 D45VH 10 -80 i-t— B * r ~ V ^j /- l¥Tp-6^ A I V -5 Emitter-Base Voltage ^ V -15 A low Collector Current-Peak -20 A !k I4 : J 111 MOO*- J.i* L PC Collector Power Dissipation @TC=25'C 83 W Tj Junction Temperature 150 'C -55-150 •c » ? c Storage Temperature Range THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER Rth j-c Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Rth j-a Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Quality Semi-Conductors soA1' ^ i MAX UNIT 1.5 •c/w 62.5 •c/w *~ —» 1 , mm MIN DIM MAX 15.70 15.90 A 9.90 10.10 B C 4.20 4.40 D 0.70 0.90 J.oU F G 4.98 5.18 2.70 2.90 H J 0.44 0.46 K 13.20 13.40 i 1.30 1 10 a R s ii V nr"*"* *O i I * Tstg ~^f 01 Collector Current-Continuous Ic *S 4 fa •» VEBO -* r r l| Lj. Collector-Emitter Voltage 2 1 ^ .- 2.70 2.50 1.29 6.45 8.66 2.90 2.70 1.31 6.65 8.86 *|*-j R[*- D45VH Series Silicon PNP Power Transistors ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TC=25'C unless otherwise specified PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS D45VH 1 VcEO(SUS) Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage MIN TYP. MAX UNIT -30 D45VH 4 -45 lc=-25mA;l B =0 V D45VH 7 -60 D45VH10 -80 VcE(sat)-1 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage I C =-8A;I B =-0.8A -1.0 V VcE(sat)-2 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage lc=-15A;lB=-3A;Tc=100t: -1.5 V Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage I C =-8A;I B =-0.8A IC=-8A;IB=-0.8A;TC=100°C -1.0 -1.5 V ICEV Collector Cutoff Current VCE=RatedVCE;VBE(om=-4V VcE=RatedVCE;VsE<om=-4V;Tc=100°C -10 -100 uA IEBO Emitter Cutoff Current VEB= -7V; lc= 0 -10 uA hpE-1 DC Current Gain lc=-2A;V C E=-1V 35 llFE-2 DC Current Gain | C =-4A;V CE =-1V 20 COB Output Capacitance lE=0;VCB=-10V,fte5t= 1.0MHz Current-Gain— Bandwidth Product lc= 0.1A;VcE= -10V;f,esr 20MHz VaE(sat) fr 275 PF 50 MHz Switching Times td Delay Time tr Rise Time t. Storage Time tf Fall Time lc=-8A; l B i=-ls2=-0.8A Vcc= -20V 50 ns 250 ns 700 ns 90 ns