90H32 Series Clock oscillator (kHz range), 3.2 x 2.5mm, HCMOS REACH and RoHS compliant AT‐cut crystal provides high frequency stability μA low current consumption Parameters Specification Frequency range Remarks F_nom 32.768kHz, 10.0kHz ~ 100.0kHz Supply voltage Vcc 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V Supply voltage vs Frequency sensitivity ±10% tolerance ±1.0ppm max Frequency stability F_stb ±25.0ppm, ±50.0ppm , ±100.0ppm Aging F_age ±3.0ppm max for 1 year Operating temperature range (°C) Topr ‐10°C ~ +70°C, ‐40°C ~ +85°C Storage temperature (°C) Tstg ‐55°C ~ +150°C Output waveform HCMOS Output load 15pF typical Output voltage high Voh 90% Vcc min Output voltage low Vol 10% Vcc max Rise time Tr Table 1 Fall time Tf Table 1 Icc Table 1 Duty cycle Thereafter ±2.0ppm max/per year Measured between 10% to 90% of Vcc 45%/55% Current consumption Start‐up time T_str 5.0msec max, 0.8msec typical Tristate Pad 1 enable high Enable/disable time Enable : 1msec max ; Disable : 0.1μsec max Moisture sensitive level MSL 1 Yes Table 1. Current consumption and Rise/Fall time 3.3V Typical 65.0μA 70.0μA 75.0μA Max 80.0μA 90.0μA 100.0μA Typical 5.0ns 4.0ns 3.0ns Max 10.0ns 10.0ns 12.0ns 4 0.9 3 3 4 2 1 2 1 2.2 3.2±0.2 1.0 1.2 1.75 Rise time/Fall time 2.5V 1.0±0.1 Current consumption Dimensions(Unit:mm) 1.8V 2.5±0.2 Supply voltage 0.7 ESD sensitive device 2.2 Pad 1 : Enable/Disable Pad 2 : Ground Pad 3 : Output Pad 4 : Supply voltage ACT (A wholly owned Acal BFi Company) +44 (0) 118 978 8878|sales@act.co.uk|www.act.co.uk ISO9001 Registered Specifications subject to change without notification 90H32 Series Clock oscillator (kHz range), 3.2 x 2.5mm, HCMOS Part number generation HC 00003 B B I H E P L ‐PF ACT series Code Frequency (MHz) Frequency stability (±ppm) Supply voltage (V) Operating temp. range (°C) Duty Cycle (%/%) Output wave Tristate Tape & Reel RoHS Code 25 = C 50 = B 100 = A 1.8 = D 2.5 = C 3.3 = B ‐10 ~ +70 = C ‐20 ~ +70 = B ‐40 ~ +85 = I 45/55 = H HCMOS 15pF = E Trisate = P Loose = L 1000 = C ‐PF HC 5 digit require to specify kHz frequency. ≤ 99.99kHz 10=00001 32.768=00003 ≥ 100kHz 100=00010 250=00025 Note: It is important to suffix the above part number with full frequency required to give a completed part number as illustrated below. Full Example part number : HC00003BBIHEPL‐PF [32.768kHz] Solder reflow profile ⑨ ⑧ ⑦ ④ ⑥ Temp.( °C) 300 260 ± 5°C 220 ± 10°C 250 0.45 in 10 sec. max 30~40 sec. max 200 150 180 ± 10°C 90~120 sec. max 100 50 0 Time (sec.) Drawing control: (Internal use only) Commodity code: 854370 90 99 Issue number : N1 Date : 01/02/2017 Internal reference : M6 ACT (A wholly owned Acal BFi Company) +44 (0) 118 978 8878|sales@act.co.uk|www.act.co.uk ISO9001 Registered Specifications subject to change without notification