MC68HC05T16D/H MC68HC05T16 HC05 TECHNICAL DATA MC68HC05T16 MC68HC705T16 TECHNICAL DATA !MOTOROLA !MOTOROLA GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4 TIMERS 5 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 6 PULSE ACCUMULATOR 7 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 8 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 9 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER 10 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 11 LOW POWER MODES 12 OPERATING MODES 13 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 14 TPG MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15 1 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 5 TIMERS 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 7 PULSE ACCUMULATOR 8 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 9 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 10 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER 11 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 12 LOW POWER MODES 13 OPERATING MODES 14 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TPG 2 MC68HC05T16 MC68HC705T16 High-density complementary metal oxide semiconductor (HCMOS) microcontroller unit All Trade Marks recognized. This document contains information on new products. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. All products are sold on Motorola’s Terms & Conditions of Supply. In ordering a product covered by this document the Customer agrees to be bound by those Terms & Conditions and nothing contained in this document constitutes or forms part of a contract (with the exception of the contents of this Notice). A copy of Motorola’s Terms & Conditions of Supply is available on request. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and !are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The Customer should ensure that it has the most up to date version of the document by contacting its local Motorola office. This document supersedes any earlier documentation relating to the products referred to herein. The information contained in this document is current at the date of publication. It may subsequently be updated, revised or withdrawn. MOTOROLA LTD., 1996 TPG 3 Conventions Register and bit mnemonics are defined in the paragraphs describing them. An overbar is used to designate an active-low signal, eg: RESET. Unless otherwise stated, blank cells in a register diagram indicate that the bit is either unused or reserved; shaded cells indicate that the bit is not described in the following paragraphs; ‘u’ is used to indicate an undefined state (on reset). TPG 4 CUSTOMER FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE (MC68HC05T16D/H) Motorola wishes to continue to improve the quality of its documentation. We would welcome your feedback on the publication you have just received. Having used the document, please complete this card (or a photocopy of it, if you prefer). 1. How would you rate the quality of the document? Check one box in each category. 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Too little detail SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SECTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS SECTION 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS SECTION 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS SECTION 5 TIMERS SECTION 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE SECTION 7 PULSE ACCUMULATIOR SECTION 8 PULSE WIDTH MODULATION SECTION 9 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY SECTION 10 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER SECTION 11 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET SECTION 12 LOW POWER MODES SECTION 13 OPERATING MODES SECTION 14 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Too much detail ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ✂ Comments: 6. Have you found any errors? If so, please comment: 7. From your point of view, is anything missing from the document? If so, please say what: TPG 5 ✂ 8. How could we improve this document? 9. How would you rate Motorola’s documentation? 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We would be grateful if you would supply the following information (at your discretion), or attach your card. Name: Position: Phone No: FAX No: Department: Company: Address: Thank you for helping us improve our documentation, HKG CSIC Technical Publications , Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd., Hong Kong. TPG – Finally, tuck this edge into opposite flap – 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Features.................................................................................................................1-1 2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 2.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS.............................................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Pin Assignments ..............................................................................................2-3 2.2 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS.......................................................................................2-4 2.2.1 Input/Output Programming...............................................................................2-4 2.2.2 Port E and F Configuration Registers ..............................................................2-4 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3.1 3.2 3.3 Memory Map..........................................................................................................3-1 Input/Output Section ..............................................................................................3-1 RAM.......................................................................................................................3-1 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4.1 RESETS ................................................................................................................4-1 4.1.1 Power-On Reset (POR)....................................................................................4-1 4.1.2 RESET Pin.......................................................................................................4-1 4.1.3 Computer Operating Properly (COP) Reset ....................................................4-2 4.2 INTERRUPTS........................................................................................................4-4 4.2.1 Hardware Controlled Sequences .....................................................................4-5 4.2.2 Software Interrupt (SWI) ..................................................................................4-6 4.2.3 External Interrupt (IRQ) ...................................................................................4-6 4.2.4 Programmable Timer Interrupt .........................................................................4-8 TPG MC68HC05T16 MOTOROLA i 7 Paragraph Number 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 TITLE Page Number M-Bus Interrupts ..............................................................................................4-8 PAC Interrupt....................................................................................................4-10 OSD Interrupts.................................................................................................4-10 Multi-Function Timer Interrupts ........................................................................4-11 5 TIMERS 5.1 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER....................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Counter ............................................................................................................5-3 5.1.2 Output Compare Registers ..............................................................................5-3 5.1.3 Input Capture Registers...................................................................................5-4 5.1.4 Timer Control Register (TCR)..........................................................................5-5 5.1.5 Timer Status Register (TSR) ...........................................................................5-6 5.1.6 Programmable Timer Timing Diagrams ...........................................................5-7 5.2 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER ....................................................................................5-10 5.2.1 COP Watchdog Reset......................................................................................5-11 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 6.1 M-Bus Interface Features ......................................................................................6-1 6.2 M-Bus Protocol ......................................................................................................6-2 6.2.1 START Signal...................................................................................................6-3 6.2.2 Slave Address Transmission ............................................................................6-3 6.2.3 Data Transfer....................................................................................................6-4 6.2.4 Repeated START Signal ..................................................................................6-4 6.2.5 STOP Signal ....................................................................................................6-4 6.2.6 Arbitration Procedure .......................................................................................6-4 6.2.7 Clock Synchronization .....................................................................................6-5 6.2.8 Handshaking....................................................................................................6-5 6.3 M-Bus Registers ....................................................................................................6-5 6.3.1 M-Bus Address Register (MADR)....................................................................6-6 6.3.2 M-Bus Clock Register (MCKR) ........................................................................6-6 6.3.3 M-Bus Control Register (MCR)........................................................................6-7 6.3.4 M-Bus Status Register (MSR) .........................................................................6-8 6.3.5 M-Bus Data I/O Register (MDR) ......................................................................6-9 7 PULSE ACCUMULATOR 7.1 Pulse Accumulator Registers ................................................................................7-1 7.1.1 PAC Control and Status Register (PACTL) ......................................................7-1 TPG MOTOROLA ii MC68HC05T16 8 Paragraph Number 7.1.2 TITLE Page Number PAC Counter Register ......................................................................................7-2 8 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 8.1 8.2 7-Bit PWM Channels .............................................................................................8-1 14-BIT PWM Channel............................................................................................8-2 9 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 Introduction ............................................................................................................9-1 Features.................................................................................................................9-2 Characters .............................................................................................................9-3 Character RAM ................................................................................................9-3 Character ROM/EPROM..................................................................................9-3 Character Registers .........................................................................................9-5 Color Palette Registers ....................................................................................9-6 Row........................................................................................................................9-7 Row Attribute Register .....................................................................................9-7 Row Vertical Position Registers .......................................................................9-8 Row Horizontal Position Register.....................................................................9-12 Row Control Register 1 ....................................................................................9-12 Row Control Register 2 ....................................................................................9-13 Frame ....................................................................................................................9-13 Frame Control 1 and Row Count Register .......................................................9-14 Frame Control Register 2.................................................................................9-15 Frame Control 3 and Status Register...............................................................9-17 10 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER 10.1 ADC Inputs ..........................................................................................................10-2 10.1.1 PF4/ADCIN1 ..................................................................................................10-2 10.1.2 ADCIN0..........................................................................................................10-2 10.2 Program Example ................................................................................................10-2 10.3 ADC Control and Status Register ........................................................................10-3 11 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 11.1 Registers .............................................................................................................11-1 TPG MC68HC05T16 MOTOROLA iii 9 Paragraph Number TITLE Page Number 11.1.1 Accumulator (A) .............................................................................................11-1 11.1.2 Index register (X) ...........................................................................................11-2 11.1.3 Program counter (PC)....................................................................................11-2 11.1.4 Stack pointer (SP)..........................................................................................11-2 11.1.5 Condition code register (CCR).......................................................................11-2 11.2 Instruction set ......................................................................................................11-3 11.2.1 Register/memory Instructions ........................................................................11-4 11.2.2 Branch instructions ........................................................................................11-4 11.2.3 Bit manipulation instructions ..........................................................................11-4 11.2.4 Read/modify/write instructions.......................................................................11-4 11.2.5 Control instructions ........................................................................................11-4 11.2.6 Tables.............................................................................................................11-4 11.3 Addressing modes...............................................................................................11-11 11.3.1 Inherent..........................................................................................................11-11 11.3.2 Immediate ......................................................................................................11-11 11.3.3 Direct .............................................................................................................11-11 11.3.4 Extended........................................................................................................11-12 11.3.5 Indexed, no offset ..........................................................................................11-12 11.3.6 Indexed, 8-bit offset .......................................................................................11-12 11.3.7 Indexed, 16-bit offset .....................................................................................11-12 11.3.8 Relative ..........................................................................................................11-13 11.3.9 Bit set/clear ....................................................................................................11-13 11.3.10 Bit test and branch.........................................................................................11-13 12 LOW POWER MODES 12.1 Stop Mode ...........................................................................................................12-1 12.1.1 Timer during Stop Mode ................................................................................12-1 12.1.2 M-Bus during Stop Mode ...............................................................................12-2 12.1.3 Pulse Accumulator during Stop Mode ...........................................................12-2 12.1.4 PWM during Stop Mode.................................................................................12-2 12.1.5 OSD during Stop Mode..................................................................................12-2 12.1.6 ADC during Stop Mode..................................................................................12-2 12.1.7 COP during Stop Mode..................................................................................12-2 12.2 Wait Mode ...........................................................................................................12-3 13 OPERATING MODES 13.1 User Mode (Normal Operation) ...........................................................................13-2 13.2 Self-Check Mode .................................................................................................13-2 13.3 Bootstrap Mode ...................................................................................................13-4 13.3.1 EPROM Programming ...................................................................................13-4 TPG MOTOROLA iv MC68HC05T16 10 Paragraph Number 13.3.2 13.3.3 TITLE Page Number Program Control Register (PCR) ...................................................................13-4 EPROM Programming Sequence ..................................................................13-5 14 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................14-1 Thermal Characteristics.......................................................................................14-1 DC Electrical Characteristics ...............................................................................14-2 Open Drain Electrical Specification .....................................................................14-3 On-Screen Display Timing ...................................................................................14-3 M-Bus Interface Timing .................................................................................14-4 Control Timing .....................................................................................................14-5 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15.1 56-pin SDIP Package...........................................................................................15-1 TPG MC68HC05T16 MOTOROLA v 11 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA vi MC68HC05T16 12 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Number 1-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 6-1 6-2 6-3 8-1 8-2 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 10-1 11-1 11-2 13-1 13-2 13-3 14-1 15-1 TITLE Page Number MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Block Diagram ..................................................1-2 Pin Assignments for 56-pin SDIP package.............................................................2-3 Parallel Port I/O Circuitry ........................................................................................2-5 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Memory Map ....................................................3-2 Power-On Reset and RESET Timing......................................................................4-3 Interrupt Stacking Order .........................................................................................4-4 External Interrupt Circuit and Timing ......................................................................4-7 Programmable Timer Block Diagram......................................................................5-2 Timer State Timing Diagram for Reset ...................................................................5-8 Timer State Timing Diagram for Input Capture .......................................................5-8 Timer State Timing Diagram for Output Compare ..................................................5-9 Timer State Diagram for Timer Overflow ................................................................5-9 M-Bus Interface Block Diagram ..............................................................................6-2 M-Bus Transmission Signal Diagram ......................................................................6-3 Clock Synchronization ............................................................................................6-5 7-Bit PWM Output Waveform..................................................................................8-2 14-Bit PWM Output Waveform................................................................................8-3 OSD Character and Row Structure ........................................................................9-4 Reserved Character ROM Codes...........................................................................9-5 Color Palette Organization......................................................................................9-6 Output Signal Timing Diagram - Without Background ............................................9-10 Output Signal Timing Diagram - With Background .................................................9-11 Resolution of Overlap among Rows .......................................................................9-11 Fading Out Sequence.............................................................................................9-16 ADC Block Diagram..............................................................................................10-1 Programming model .............................................................................................11-1 Stacking order ......................................................................................................11-2 Flowchart of Mode Entering .................................................................................13-1 Self-Check Mode Timing ......................................................................................13-2 MC68HC05T16 Self-Test Circuit ..........................................................................13-3 M-Bus Timing Diagram .........................................................................................14-4 56-pin SDIP Mechanical Dimensions ...................................................................15-1 TPG MC68HC05T16 MOTOROLA vii 13 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA viii MC68HC05T16 14 LIST OF TABLES Table Number 2-1 3-1 4-1 4-2 5-1 6-1 9-1 9-2 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8 13-1 13-2 14-1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 14-6 TITLE Page Number I/O Pin Functions ....................................................................................................2-4 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Registers ..........................................................3-3 Reset Action on Internal Circuit ..............................................................................4-2 Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses ..........................................................................4-5 COP Reset and RTI Rates .....................................................................................5-11 M-Bus Prescaler .....................................................................................................6-6 RGB Color Map ......................................................................................................9-7 Number of Visible Characters Per Row ..................................................................9-14 MUL instruction.....................................................................................................11-5 Register/memory instructions...............................................................................11-5 Branch instructions ...............................................................................................11-6 Bit manipulation instructions.................................................................................11-6 Read/modify/write instructions .............................................................................11-7 Control instructions...............................................................................................11-7 Instruction set .......................................................................................................11-8 M68HC05 opcode map.........................................................................................11-10 Mode Selection.....................................................................................................13-2 Self-Check Report ................................................................................................13-4 DC Electrical Characteristics for 5V Operation.....................................................14-2 Open Drain Parameters........................................................................................14-3 On-Screen Display Timings ..................................................................................14-3 M-Bus Interface Input Signal Timing.....................................................................14-4 M-Bus Interface Output Signal Timing..................................................................14-4 Control Timing for 5V Operation ...........................................................................14-5 TPG MC68HC05T16 MOTOROLA ix 15 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA x MC68HC05T16 16 1 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MC68HC05T16 HCMOS microcontroller is a member of the M68HC05 Family of low-cost single-chip microcontrollers. This 8-bit microcontroller unit (MCU) contains on-chip oscillator, CPU, RAM, ROM, OSD, M-Bus, PWM, PAC, Timer, A/D converter, I/O and Watchdog Timer. The MC68HC705T16 is an EPROM version of the MC68HC05T16; it is available in windowed and OTP 56-pin SDIP packages. All references to the MC68HC05T16 apply equally to the MC68HC705T16, unless otherwise stated. References specific to the MC68HC705T16 are italicized in the text. 1.1 Features • 8-bit architecture • Power saving Stop, Wait modes • 320 bytes of on-chip RAM (64 bytes for stack) • 24064 bytes of on-chip ROM/EPROM • PLL-based, 4-row-buffer On Screen Display (OSD) • 128-character (4K bytes) OSD ROM/EPROM • 16-character (512 bytes) dual ported OSD RAM; both readable and writable by CPU • 40 bidirectional I/O lines: 24 dedicated and 16 multiplexed I/O lines; 12 of the 24 dedicated I/Os and 10 of the 16 multiplexed I/Os are of +12V open-drain type • Multi-master M-Bus (I2C†) interface system • Timer with TCAP input pin and 2 output compare functions • Pulse Accumulator (PAC) • 9 channel 7-bit PWM, and single channel 14-bit PWM • 2 channel 5-bit Analog to Digital Converter • COP watchdog system • Available in 56-pin SDIP package † I2C-bus is a proprietary Philips interface bus TPG MC68HC05T16 GENERAL DESCRIPTION MOTOROLA 1-1 17 1 USER ROM/EPROM - 23.5K BYTES 16-BIT TIMER TCAP SELF-CHECK/BOOTSTRAP ROM - 496 BYTES DDR A PORT A 8 DDR B PORT B RAM - 320 BYTES 8 PA0 - PA7 0 7 ACCUMULATOR M68HC05 CPU 7 0 INDEX REGISTER 5 0 12 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PB0* - PB7* 1 1 STACK POINTER 4 4 DDR C PORT C 0 PROGRAM COUNTER 7 1 1 1 H I VDD VSS VCO RP HFLBK 7-BIT PWM OSC ÷2 POWER OSD CHAR. ROM OSD CHAR. RAM PE0/PWM0* PE1/PWM1* PE2/PWM2* PE3/PWM3* PE4/PWM4* PE5/PWM5* PE6/PWM6* PE7/PWM7* ADCIN0 5-BIT PF0/PWM8* A/D PF1/PWM9* OSD PLL PF2/I MBUS R G DDR E PORT E MULTI FUNCTION TIMER COP SYSTEM XTAL PC4* - PC7* 0 N Z C CONDITION CODE REGISTER RESET EXTAL PC0 - PC3 4 DDR F PORT F IRQ 15 OSD PF3/HTONE PF4/ADCIN1 PF5/SDA PAC B PF6/SCL FBKG PF7/PACIN VFLBK *12V open-drain Figure 1-1 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Block Diagram TPG MOTOROLA 1-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION MC68HC05T16 18 2 2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS This section provides a description of the functional pins and I/O programming of the MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 microcontroller. 2.1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN NAME 56-pin SDIP PIN No. VDD, VSS 41, 44 IRQ/VPP 38 RESET 53 TCAP 15 EXTAL, XTAL 51, 52 PA0-PA7 31-24 PB0-PB7 16-23 DESCRIPTION Power is supplied to the MCU using these two pins. VDD is power and VSS is ground. In the user mode this pin is an external hardware interrupt IRQ. It is software programmable to provide two choices of interrupt triggering sensitivity. These options are: 1) negative edge-sensitive triggering only, or 2) both negative edge-sensitive and level sensitive triggering. In the bootstrap mode on the MC68HC705T16, this is the EPROM programming voltage input pin. The active low RESET input is not required for start-up, but can be used to reset the MCU internal state and provide an orderly software start-up procedure. The TCAP input controls the input capture feature for the on-chip programmable free-running timer. These pins provide connections to the on-chip oscillator. The maximum crystal frequency is 4.2 MHz. EXTAL may be driven by an external oscillator if an external crystal circuit is not used. These eight I/O lines comprise port A. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port A lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. These eight I/O lines comprise port B. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port B lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. These pins are +12V open-drain pins. TPG MC68HC05T16 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MOTOROLA 2-1 19 PIN NAME 2 56-pin SDIP PIN No. PC0-PC7 40, 39, 37-32 PE0/PWM0 to PE7/PWM7 54, 55,56, 1 2, 3, 4, 5 PF0-PF7 6-13 PWM8, PWM9 6, 7 I, TONE 8. 9 ADCIN0, ADCIN1 14, 10 SDA, SCL 11, 12 PACIN 13 R, G, B 50, 49, 48 FBKG 47 HFBLK, VFBLK 45, 46 VCO 43 RP 42 DESCRIPTION These eight I/O lines comprise port C. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port C lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. PC0-3 are push-pull type pins, and PC4-7 are +12V open-drain pins. These eight I/O lines comprise port E. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port E lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. These pins become PWM outputs by setting the appropriate bits in the port E Configuration register ($0C). See Section 2.2.2. These eight I/O lines comprise port F. The state of any pin is software programmable. All port F lines are configured as input during power on or external reset. Other functions are also shared with these pins, and is selected by setting the appropriate bits in the port F Configuration register ($0D). See Section 2.2.2. PWM channels. These pins are shared with port pins PF0 and PF1, and are selected by setting port F Configuration register ($0D) bits 0 and 1 respectively. The I pin of the OSD module expands the color selection range by providing an intensity bit. The HTONE pin is mainly used for creating transparent background effect when the background of a character window overlaps the original TV picture display. These pins are shared with port pins PF2 and PF3.Selection is by the port F Configuration register ($0D) bits 2 and 3 respectively. These are the two input channels to the analog to digital converter. ADCIN1 pin is shared with port PF4, and is selected by setting the port F Configuration register ($0D) bit 4. These two pins are the M-Bus interface pins. SDA is the data line, and SCL is the clock line. These pins are shared with port pins PF5 and PF6 respectively. Selection is by the port F Configuration register ($0D) bits 5 and 6. This is the clock/control input to the pulse accumulator. This pin is shared with port pin PF7. Selection is by the port F Configuration register ($0D) bit 7. These are the output pins for OSD R, G, and B videos. This is the OSD output pin for blanking out the original TV picture display so that OSD data can be displayed on the TV screen. These are the OSD input pins for horizontal and vertical flyback signals from the TV set chassis. They are used for synchronizing OSD signals with TV display. This OSD pin is the phase detector output pin. With a low-pass filter this pin controls the frequency of the internal OSD VCO. This is an input pin for biasing the internal OSD VCO. TPG MOTOROLA 2-2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MC68HC05T16 20 2.1.1 Pin Assignments 2 PE3/PWM3 PE4/PWM4 PE5/PWM5 PE6/PWM6 PE7/PWM7 PF0/PWM8 PF1/PWM9 PF2/I PF3/HTONE PF4/ADCIN1 PF5/SDA PF6/SCL PF7/PACIN ADCIN0 TCAP PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 PA3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 PE2/PWM2 PE1/PWM1 PE0/PWM0 RESET XTAL EXTAL R G B FBKG VFLBK HFLBK VSS VCO RP VDD PC0 PC1 IRQ/VPP PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PA0 PA1 PA2 Figure 2-1 Pin Assignments for 56-pin SDIP package TPG MC68HC05T16 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MOTOROLA 2-3 21 2.2 INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 2.2.1 Input/Output Programming 2 Port A, B, C, E, and F may be programmed as an input or an output under software control. The direction of the pins is determined by the state of corresponding bit in the port data direction register (DDR). Each 8-bit port has an associated 8-bit data direction register. Any port A, B, C, E, or F pin is configured as an output if its corresponding DDR bit is set to a logic one. A pin is configured as an input if its corresponding DDR bit is cleared to a logic zero. At power-on or reset, all DDRs are cleared, which configure all port A, B, C, E and F pins as inputs. The data direction registers are capable of being written to or read by the processor. Refer to Figure 2-2 and Table 2-1. During the programmed output state, a read of the data register actually reads the value of the output data latch and not the I/O pin. Table 2-1 I/O Pin Functions R/W 0 0 1 1 2.2.2 DDR 0 1 0 1 I/O Pin Function The I/O pin is in input mode. Data is written into the output data latch. Data is written into the output data latch and output to the I/O pin. The state of the I/O pin is read. The I/O pin is in an output mode. The output data latch is read. Port E and F Configuration Registers Port E and F are shared with PWM, PAC, OSD, MBUS, and ADC. The configuration registers, at $0C and $0D, are used to configure these I/O pins. The default state after a reset or POR is zero. Setting the corresponding bits will enable the corresponding functions. For example, setting the SDA and SCL bits will configure PF5 and PF6 as MBUS interface pins, regardless of the settings in the port F Data Direction register. Address bit 7 Port E Configuration Register $0C $0D bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset PWM7 PWM6 PWM5 PWM4 PWM3 PWM2 PWM1 PWM0 0000 0000 Address bit 7 Port F Configuration Register bit 6 PAC bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 SCL SDA ADC1 HTONE bit 2 I bit 1 bit 0 State on reset PWM9 PWM8 0000 0000 TPG MOTOROLA 2-4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MC68HC05T16 22 2 DATA DIRECTION REGISTER BIT INTERNAL MC68HC05 CONNECTIONS LATCHED OUTPUT DATA BIT OUTPUT I/O PIN INPUT REGISTER BIT INPUT I/O (a) TYPICAL PORT DATA DIRECTION REGISTER 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DDR 7 DDR 6 DDR 5 DDR 4 DDR 3 DDR 2 DDR 1 DDR 0 Px2 Px1 TYPICAL PORT REGISTER I/O PORT LINES Px7 Px6 Px5 Px3 Px4 Px0 (b) VDD NOTE: (1) IP = INPUT PROTECTION (2) LATCH-UP PROTECTION NOT SHOWN PORT DATA & P PORT DDR PAD + N IP INTERNAL LOGIC (c) Figure 2-2 Parallel Port I/O Circuitry TPG MC68HC05T16 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MOTOROLA 2-5 23 2 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA 2-6 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS MC68HC05T16 24 3 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS This section describes the organization of the on-chip memory. 3.1 Memory Map The CPU can address 64K-bytes of memory space. The ROM portion of memory holds the program instructions, fixed data, user-defined vectors, and interrupt service routines. The RAM portion of memory holds variable data. I/O registers are memory-mapped so that the CPU can access their locations in the same way that it accesses all other memory locations. Figure 3-1 shows the Memory Map for the MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16. 3.2 Input/Output Section The first 64 addresses of memory space, $0000-$003F, are the I/O section. These are the addresses of the I/O control registers, status registers, and data registers. Table 3-1 shows these registers and their respective bits. 3.3 RAM The 320 addresses from $0050-$018F are RAM locations. The CPU uses the 64 RAM addresses, $00C0-$00FF, as the stack. Before processing an interrupt, the CPU uses five bytes of the stack to save the contents of the CPU registers. During a subroutine call, the CPU uses two bytes of the stack to store the return address. The stack pointer decrements during pushes and increments during pulls. Note: Be careful when using nested subroutines or multiple interrupt levels. The CPU may overwrite data in the RAM during a subroutine or during the interrupt stacking operation. Once the stack pointer passes $00C0, it wraps round back to $00FF. TPG MC68HC05T16 MEMORY AND REGISTERS MOTOROLA 3-1 25 $0000 0 I/O 64 Bytes $003F Ports 14 Bytes Reserved 3 $0050 $00C0 $00FF Stack RAM 320 Bytes PAC 2 Bytes $018F Reserved $0200 $02FF OSD RAM 256 Bytes Timer 12 Bytes Reserved $0400 $05FF MFT 1 Byte OSD Character RAM 512 Bytes Reserved OSD 15 Bytes $8000 OSD Character ROM/EPROM 4096 Bytes PWM 11 Bytes $8FFF Reserved $A000 M-BUS 5 Bytes User ROM/EPROM 23.5K Bytes ADC 1 Byte $FDFF $FE00 $FFDF $FFE0 $FFEF $FFF0 $FFFF EPROM PCR 1 Byte Self-Check/Bootstrap Program 496 Bytes RESERVED 2 Bytes Self-Check/Bootstrap Vectors 16 Bytes User Vectors 16 Bytes 63 $FFF0 $FFF2 $FFF4 $FFF6 $FFF8 $FFFA $FFFC $FFFE MFT PAC M-BUS TIMER IRQ OSD SWI RESET Port A Data Register Port B Data Register Port C Data Register Reserved Port E Data Register Port F Data Register Port A Direction Register Port B Direction Register Port C Direction Register Reserved Port E Direction Register Port F Direction Register Port E Configuration Register Port F Configuration Register PAC Control and Status Register PAC Data Register Timer Control Register Timer Status Register Timer Input Capture High Register Timer Input Capture Low Register Timer Output Compare 0 High Register Timer Output Compare 0 Low Register Timer Output Compare 1 High Register Timer Output Compare 1 Low Register Timer Counter High Register Timer Counter Low Register Timer Alternative Counter High Register Timer Alternative Counter Low Register MFT Control and Status Register OSD Frame Control 1 and Row Count Register OSD Frame Control 2 Register OSD Color Palette 1 Register OSD Color Palette 2 Register OSD Color Palette 3 Register OSD Color Palette 4 Register OSD Row Attribute Register OSD Row 0 Vertical Position Register OSD Row 1 Vertical Position Register OSD Row 2 Vertical Position Register OSD Row 3 Vertical Position Register OSD Row Horizontal Position Register OSD Row Control 1 Register OSD Row Control 2 Register OSD Frame Control 3 and Status Register PWM0 Register PWM1 Register PWM2 Register PWM3 Register PWM4 Register PWM5 Register PWM6 Register PWM7 Register PWM8 Register PWM9L Register PWM9H Register M-Bus Address Register M-Bus Clock Register M-Bus Control Register M-Bus Status Register M-Bus Data Register ADC Control and Status Register ERPOM Programming Control Register Reserved Reserved $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $3E $3F Figure 3-1 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Memory Map TPG MOTOROLA 3-2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS MC68HC05T16 26 Table 3-1 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Registers Address $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F Register Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Port A data bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Part B data bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Port C data bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Reserved Port E data bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Port F data bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Port A data direction DDR7 DDR6 DDR5 DDR4 DDR3 DDR2 DDR1 DDR0 Port B data direction DDR7 DDR6 DDR5 DDR4 DDR3 DDR2 DDR1 DDR0 Port C data direction DDR7 DDR6 DDR5 DDR4 DDR3 DDR2 DDR1 DDR0 Reserved Port E data direction DDR7 DDR6 DDR5 DDR4 DDR3 DDR2 DDR1 DDR0 Port F data direction DDR7 DDR6 DDR5 DDR4 DDR3 DDR2 DDR1 DDR0 Port E configuration PWM7 PWM6 PWM5 PWM4 PWM3 PWM2 PWM1 PWM0 Port F configuration PAC SCL SDA ADC1 HTONE I PWM9 PWM8 PAC control and status PAOF PAEN PAMOD PAIE PAC data PAD7 PAD6 PAD5 PAD4 PAD3 PAD2 PAD1 PAD0 Timer control ICIE OC0IE OC1IE TOVFIE IEDG Timer status ICF OC0F OC1F TOF TCAPS Timer input capture high CAP7H CAP6H CAP5H CAP4H CAP3H CAP2H CAP1H CAP0H Timer input capture low CAP7L CAP6L CAP5L CAP4L CAP3L CAP2L CAP1L CAP0L 0CMP7H 0CMP6H 0CMP5H 0CMP4H 0CMP3H 0CMP2H 0CMP1H 0CMP0H Timer output compare 0 high 0CMP7L 0CMP6L 0CMP5L 0CMP4L 0CMP3L 0CMP2L 0CMP1L 0CMP0L Timer output compare 0 low 1CMP7H 1CMP6H 1CMP5H 1CMP4H 1CMP3H 1CMP2H 1CMP1H 1CMP0H Timer output compare 1 high 1CMP7L 1CMP6L 1CMP5L 1CMP4L 1CMP3L 1CMP2L 1CMP1L 1CMP0L Timer output compare 1 low Timer counter high CNT7H CNT6H CNT5H CNT4H CNT3H CNT2H CNT1H CNT0H Timer counter low CNT7L CNT6L CNT5L CNT4L CNT3L CNT2L CNT1L CNT0L ACNT7H ACNT6H ACNT5H ACNT4H ACNT3H ACNT2H ACNT1H ACNT0H Timer alternate counter high ACNT7L ACNT6L ACNT5L ACNT4L ACNT3L ACNT2L ACNT1L ACNT0L Timer alternate counter low MFT control and status TOF RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN WDOG RT1 RT0 OSD frame control 1 and row count PLLEN DSCAN FADE ON/OFF CDRC3 CDRC2 CDRC1 CDRC0 OSD frame control 2 BR1 BR0 VFPOL HFPOL HTPOL FBPOL RGBPOL IPOL OSD color palette 1 I1 R1 G1 B1 I0 R0 G0 B0 3 TPG MC68HC05T16 MEMORY AND REGISTERS MOTOROLA 3-3 27 Table 3-1 MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 Registers 3 Address $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $3E $3F Register Name OSD color palette 2 OSD color palette 3 OSD color palette 4 OSD row attribute OSD row 0 vertical position OSD row 1 vertical position OSD row 2 vertical position OSD row 3 vertical position OSD row horizontal position OSD row control 1 OSD row control 2 OSD frame control 3 and status PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 PWM4 PWM5 PWM6 PWM7 PWM8 PWM9L PWM9H MB address MB clock MB control MB status MB data ADC control and status EPROM programming control Reserved Reserved Bit 7 Bit 6 I3 R3 I5 R5 I7 R7 MTRX3 MTRX2 FBKGC0 R0VP6 FBKGC1 R1VP6 FBKGC2 R2VP6 FBKGC3 R3VP6 SHDW HP6 R3INTE R2INTE Bit 5 G3 G5 G7 MTRX1 R0VP5 R1VP5 R2VP5 R3VP5 HP5 R1INTE Bit 4 B3 B5 B7 MTRX0 R0VP4 R1VP4 R2VP4 R3VP4 HP4 R0INTE Bit 3 I2 I4 I6 R3BE R0VP3 R1VP3 R2VP3 R3VP3 HP3 R3EN Bit 2 R2 R4 R6 R2BE R0VP2 R1VP2 R2VP2 R3VP2 HP2 R2EN Bit 1 G2 G4 G6 R1BE R0VP1 R1VP1 R2VP1 R3VP1 HP1 R1EN Bit 0 B2 B4 B6 R0BE R0VP0 R1VP0 R2VP0 R3VP0 HP0 R0EN R3CHS1 R3CHS0 R2CHS1 R2CHS0 R1CHS1 R1CHS0 R0CHS1 R0CHS0 VFINTE MUTE1 0PWM6 1PWM6 2PWM6 3PWM6 4PWM6 5PWM6 6PWM6 7PWM6 8PWM6 MUTE0 0PWM5 1PWM5 2PWM5 3PWM5 4PWM5 5PWM5 6PWM5 7PWM5 8PWM5 9PWM5 VFLB 0PWM4 1PWM4 2PWM4 3PWM4 4PWM4 5PWM4 6PWM4 7PWM4 8PWM4 9PWM4 R3CF 0PWM3 1PWM3 2PWM3 3PWM3 4PWM3 5PWM3 6PWM3 7PWM3 8PWM3 9PWM3 9PWM13 9PWM12 9PWM11 9PWM10 9PWM9 ADR7 ADR6 ADR5 ADR4 ADR3 MBC4 MBC3 MEM MIEM MSTR XMT ACKEB MCF SELTED BBSY ALOST MD7 MD6 MD5 MD4 MD3 RESULT CHNL AD4 AD3 R2CF 0PWM2 1PWM2 2PWM2 3PWM2 4PWM2 5PWM2 6PWM2 7PWM2 8PWM2 9PWM2 9PWM8 ADR2 MBC2 R1CF 0PWM1 1PWM1 2PWM1 3PWM1 4PWM1 5PWM1 6PWM1 7PWM1 8PWM1 9PWM1 9PWM7 ADR1 MBC1 R0CF 0PWM0 1PWM0 2PWM0 3PWM0 4PWM0 5PWM0 6PWM0 7PWM0 8PWM0 9PWM0 9PWM6 SRW MD2 AD2 MIF MD1 AD1 ELAT RXACKB MBC0 MD0 AD0 PGM TPG MOTOROLA 3-4 MEMORY AND REGISTERS MC68HC05T16 28 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4.1 4 RESETS The MC68HC05T16 can be reset in three ways: by the initial power-on reset function, by an active low input to the RESET pin, and by a COP watchdog timer reset (if enabled). Any of these resets will cause the program to go to its starting address, specified by the contents of memory locations $FFFE and $FFFF, and cause the interrupt mask of the Condition Code register to be set. 4.1.1 Power-On Reset (POR) The power-on reset occurs when a positive transition is detected on the supply voltage, VDD. The power-on reset is used strictly for power-up conditions, and should not be used to detect any drops in the power supply voltage. There is no provision for a power-down reset. The power-on circuitry provides for a 4064 tcyc delay from the time that the oscillator becomes active. If the external RESET pin is low at the end of the 4064 tcyc time out, the processor remains in the reset condition until RESET goes high. The user must ensure that VDD has risen to a point where the MCU can operate properly prior to the time the 4064 POR cycles have elapsed. If there is doubt, the external RESET pin should remain low until such time that VDD has risen to the minimum operating voltage specified. 4.1.2 RESET Pin The RESET input pin is used to reset the MCU to provide an orderly software start-up procedure. When using the external reset, the RESET pin must stay low for a minimum of 1.5tcyc. The RESET pin contains an internal Schmitt Trigger as part of its input to improve noise immunity. TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-1 29 4.1.3 Computer Operating Properly (COP) Reset The MCU contains a watchdog timer that automatically times out if not reset (cleared) within a specific amount of time by a program reset sequence. Note: 4 COP time-out is prevented by periodically writing a ‘0’ to bit 0 of address $FFF0. If the watchdog timer is allowed to time-out, an internal reset is generated to reset the MCU. Because the internal reset signal is used, the MCU comes out of a COP reset in the same operating mode it was in when the COP time-out was generated. The watchdog timer is initially disabled after a reset, it is enabled by setting the WDOG bit in the Multi-Function Timer register (writing a ‘1’ to bit 2 of address $1C); see Section 5.2 for more details. Once enabled, it cannot be disabled by software. Table 4-1 shows the internal circuit actions on reset, but not necessary in order of occurrence. Table 4-1 Reset Action on Internal Circuit DEFAULT CONDITIONS AFTER RESET 1 Timer prescaler reset to zero state 2 Timer counter configures to $FFFC 3 All timer interrupt enable bits cleared (ICIE, OC0IE, OC1IE, and TOVFIE) to disable timer interrupt 4 All data direction registers cleared to zero (default to inputs) 5 Port E and port F configured as general purpose I/O ports 6 Configure stack pointer to $00FF 7 Force internal address bus to the address of reset vector ($FFFE) 8 Set interrupt mask bit (I bit) in condition code register to logic one 9 Clear Stop latch 10 Clear Wait latch 11 Clear all interrupt enable bits 12 COP watchdog timer reset 13 COP watchdog disabled 14 Initialize M-Bus registers 15 Initialize PWM registers 16 Initialize PAC registers 17 OSD disabled, all registers initialized to default values Listed numbers do not represent order of occurrence. TPG MOTOROLA 4-2 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 30 t VDDR VDD VDD THRESHOLD (TYPICALLY 1-2V) 4 EXTAL PIN1 toxov 4064 tcyc tcyc INTERNAL CLOCK2 INTERNAL ADDRESS BUS2 INTERNAL DATA BUS2 FFFE NEW PCL FFFF NEW PCH NEW PC FFFE OP CODE FFFE PCH FFFF NEW PC PCL OP CODE tRL =1.5tCYC 3 RESET NOTES: 1. EXTAL is not meant to represent frequency. It is only used to represent time. 2. Internal clock, internal address bus, and internal data bus signals are not available externally. 3. Next rising edge of internal clock after rising edge of RESET initiates reset sequence. Figure 4-1 Power-On Reset and RESET Timing TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-3 31 4.2 4 INTERRUPTS The MC68HC05T16 is capable of handling eight types of interrupt, seven hardware and one software. The interrupt mask bit (“I” bit in the Condition Code register), if set, masks all interrupts except the software interrupt, SWI. Interrupts such as Timer, M-Bus, OSD, and MFT have several flags which will cause the interrupt. Interrupt flags are found in “read only” status registers, while their enables are in associated control registers. They are never mixed in the same register. If the enable bit is “0”, it masks the interrupt from occurring but does not inhibit the flag from being set. A reset clears all enable bits. The general sequence for clearing an interrupt is a software sequence of reading the status register while the flag is set followed by a read or write of an associated register. When any of these interrupts occur, and if enabled, normal processing is suspended at the end of the current instruction execution. The state of the machine is pushed onto the stack (see Figure 4-2 for stacking order) and the appropriate vector points to the starting address of the interrupt service routine (see Table 4-2). Also, the interrupt mask bit in the condition code register is set. This masks further interrupts. At the completion of the service routine, the software normally contains an RTI instruction which, when executed, restores the machine state and continues executing the interrupted program. Interrupt priority is based on interrupt vector addresses. The higher the vector addresses, the higher the priority. For example, OSD interrupts have a higher priority than IRQ, TIMER, M-BUS, PAC, and MFT interrupts; but lower priority than SWI and RESET. Note: The interrupt mask bit (I bit) will be cleared if and only if the corresponding bit stored on the stack is zero. $00C0 (BOTTOM OF STACK) $00C1 UNSTACKING ORDER $00C2 • • • • • • CONDITION CODE REGISTER 5 1 4 2 ACCUMULATOR 3 3 INDEX REGISTER 2 4 PROGRAM COUNTER (HIGH BYTE) 1 5 PROGRAM COUNTER (LOW BYTE) STACKING ORDER • • • • • • $00FD $00FE $00FF (TOP OF STACK) Figure 4-2 Interrupt Stacking Order TPG MOTOROLA 4-4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 32 Table 4-2 Reset/Interrupt Vector Addresses Register – – Flag Name – – VFLB R3CF/R2CF/ R1CF/R0CF – ICF OC0F/OC1F TOF ALOST SELTED MCF PAOF RTIF TOF OSD Status – Timer Status M-Bus Status PAC Control Multi-Function Timer 4.2.1 Interrupt Reset Software Vertical Flyback CPU Interrupt RESET SWI Vector Address $FFFE-$FFFF $FFFC-$FFFD OSD $FFFA-$FFFB IRQ $FFF8-$FFF9 TIMER $FFF6-$FFF7 M-BUS $FFF4-$FFF5 PAC $FFF2-$FFF3 MFT $FFF0-$FFF1 OSD Row Completion External Interrupt Input Capture Output Compare Timer Overflow Arbitration Loss Addressed as Slave Transfer Complete Pulse Accumulator Overflow Real Time Interrupt Timer Overflow 4 Hardware Controlled Sequences The following three functions are not strictly interrupts, however, they are tied very closely to the interrupts. These functions are RESET, STOP, WAIT. 1) RESET The RESET input pin causes the program to go to its starting address. This address is specified by the contents of memory locations $FFFE and $FFFF. The interrupt mask of the condition code register is also set. Most parts of the MCU is configured to some known state as described in Table 4-1. 2) STOP The STOP instruction causes the oscillator to be turned off and the processor “sleeps” until an external interrupt (IRQ) or RESET occurs. See section 12 on Low Power Modes. 3) WAIT The WAIT instruction causes all processor clocks to stop, but leaves the Timer and PAC clocks running. This “rest” state of the processor can be exited by RESET, an external interrupt (IRQ), or any of the interrupts described above. There are no special wait vectors for these individual interrupts. See section 12 on Low Power Modes. TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-5 33 4.2.2 Software Interrupt (SWI) The software interrupt is an executable instruction. The action of the SWI instruction is similar to the hardware interrupts. The SWI is executed regardless of the state of the interrupt mask in the condition code register. The service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $FFFC and $FFFD. 4 4.2.3 External Interrupt (IRQ) The external interrupt IRQ can be software configured for “negative-edge” or “negative-edge and level” sensitive triggering by the IRQN bit in the Multi-Function Timer register. Address bit 7 Multi-Function Timer Register $1C TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN WDOG bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0011 IRQN 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Negative edge triggering for IRQ only. Level and negative edge triggering for IRQ. When the signal of the external interrupt pin, IRQ, satisfies the condition selected, an external interrupt occurs. The actual processor interrupt is generated only if the interrupt mask bit of the condition code register is also cleared. When the interrupt is recognized, the current state of the processor is pushed onto the stack and the interrupt mask bit in the condition code register is set. This masks further interrupts until the present one is serviced. The service routine address is specified by the contents of $FFF8 & $FFF9. The interrupt logic recognizes negative edge transitions and pulses (special case of negative edges) on the external interrupt line. Figure 4-3 shows both a block diagram and timing for the interrupt line (IRQ) to the processor. The first method is used if pulses on the interrupt line are spaced far enough apart to be serviced. The minimum time between pulses is equal to the number of cycles required to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 cycles. Once a pulse occurs, the next pulse should not occur until the MCU software has exited the routine (an RTI occurs). The second configuration shows several interrupt lines wired-OR to perform the interrupt at the processor. Thus, if the interrupt lines remain low after servicing one interrupt, the next interrupt is recognized. Note: The internal interrupt latch is cleared in the first part of the service routine; therefore, one (and only one) external interrupt pulse could be latched during tILIL and serviced as soon as the I bit is cleared. TPG MOTOROLA 4-6 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 34 LEVEL SENSITIVE TRIGGER IRQ VDD + INTERRUPT PIN IRQ & Q D C EXTERNAL INTERRUPT REQUEST Q R 4 I BIT (CC) POWER-ON RESET + EXTERNAL RESET EXTERNAL INTERRUPT BEING SERVICED (a) Interrupt Function Diagram EDGE SENSITIVE TRIGGER CONDITION IRQ tILIH tILIL The minimum pulse width tILIH is either 125ns (VDD=5V) or 250ns (VDD=3V). The period tILIL should not be less than the number of tcyc cycles it takes to execute the interrupt service routine plus 21 tcyc cycles. tILIL LEVEL SENSITIVE TRIGGER CONDITION Wired ORed Interrupt signals if after servicing an interrupt the external interrupt pins remain low, then the next interrupt is recognized. Normally used with wired OR connection. IRQ (b) Interrupt Mode Diagram Figure 4-3 External Interrupt Circuit and Timing TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-7 35 4.2.4 Programmable Timer Interrupt Four timer interrupt flags are found in the top nibble of the Timer Status register (TSR) at location $11. All four interrupts will vector to the same address at location $FFF6-$FFF7. Each flag bit is defined as follows: Address bit 7 4 Timer Status Register $11 ICF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 OC0F OC1F TOF TCAPS bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0 0 0 0000 u000 TOF - Timer Overflow Flag TOF is set during the counter transition of $FFFF to $0000. It is cleared by reading the TSR (with TOF set) followed by reading the counter least significant byte ($19). OC0F, OC1F - Output Compare Flag 1 and Output Compare 2 The appropriate OCF is set when the corresponding Output Compare register matches the Counter register. It is cleared by reading the TSR (with OCF set) and then accessing the corresponding Output Compare register least significant byte ($15 or $17). ICF - Input Capture Flag ICF is set when a proper edge has been sensed by the input capture edge detector. It is cleared by an CPU read of the TSR (with ICF set) followed by accessing the Input Capture register least significant byte ($13). All four timer interrupt flags have corresponding enable bits (ICIE, OC0IE, OC1IE, and TOIE) found in the Timer Control register (TCR) at location $10. Reset clears all enable bits preventing an interrupt from occurring. The actual processor interrupt is generated only if the interrupt mask bit of the condition code register is also cleared. When the interrupt is recognized, the current state of the machine is pushed onto the stack and the interrupt mask bit in the condition code register is set. This masks further interrupts until the present one is serviced. The service routine address is specified by the contents of $FFF6 and $FFF7. Refer to section 5.1 for detailed description of Programmable Timer. 4.2.5 M-Bus Interrupts M-Bus interrupt is enabled when the M-Bus Interrupt Enable bit, MIEN of M-Bus Control register is set, provided the interrupt mask bit of the condition code register is cleared. There are three causes of M-Bus interrupt: TPG MOTOROLA 4-8 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 36 1) An arbitration lost which is signified by the Arbitration Lost flag, ALOST of M-Bus Status Register. 2) Addressed as slave which is indicated by the master addressed as slave flag, SELTED of M-Bus Status Register. 3) Completed transmission or reception of one byte of data. It depends on the original mode of the M-Bus interface which is determined by the Transmit/Receive flag, XMT of M-Bus Control Register. Address bit 7 M-Bus Status Register $3A bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 MCF SELTED BBSY ALOST bit 3 bit 0 State on reset bit 2 bit 1 SRW MIF RXACKB 1000 0001 4 MCF - Data Transfer Complete Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A byte transfer has been completed. A byte is being transfer. SELTED - Addressed as Slave 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Currently addressed as a slave. Currently not addressed. When its own specific address (M-Bus Address register) matches the calling address, this bit is set. An interrupt is generated if the MIEN bit is set. Then CPU needs to check the SRW bit and set its XMT bit accordingly. Writing to the M-Bus Control register clears this bit. ALOST - Arbitration Lost This arbitration lost bit is set by hardware when the M-bus master loses arbitration during a master transmission mode. This bit must be cleared by software. On entering the interrupt service routine, the M-Bus interrupt flag, MIF of M-Bus Status Register must be cleared by software. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $FFF4 and $FFF5. Reset disables the whole M-Bus block by clearing the M-Bus Control Register. Refer to Section 6 for detailed description of M-Bus. TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-9 37 4.2.6 PAC Interrupt Pulse Accumulator interrupt is enabled when the enable bit, PAIE of PAC Control register is set. The interrupt service routine address for PAC is specified by the contents of memory location $FFF2 and $FFF3. Address bit 7 4 PACTL $0E PAOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 PAEN PAMOD PAIE State on reset 0000 0000 PAOF - PAC Overflow Interrupt Flag Bit. 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A PAC overflow from $FF to $00 has occurred. No PAC overflow has occurred. It is set when the count in the pulse accumulator rolls over from $FF to $00. PAOF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. An interrupt to the CPU is generated if the PAIE bit is set. PAIE - PAC Interrupt Enable Bit 1 (set) – PAC overflow Interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – PAC overflow Interrupt disabled. Refer to section 7 for detailed description of Pulse Accumulator. 4.2.7 OSD Interrupts There are five OSD interrupt sources, VFLBK bit and R0/1/2/3CF bits of OSD Status register, in the OSD module. VFLB bit will be set whenever the leading edge of vertical flyback pin, VFLBK, has been detected. An interrupt will occur if the corresponding interrupt enable bit, VFINTE, is set. Whenever each row terminates its display, RiCF bit will be set and an interrupt will be generated provided that the corresponding interrupt enable bit, RiINTE is set. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $FFFA and $FFFB. Address bit 7 Frame Control 3 and Status $2B bit 6 bit 5 State on reset bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 VFINTE MUTE1 MUTE0 VFLB R3CF R2CF R1CF R0CF 0000 0000 VFINTE - VFLBK interrupt enable 1 (set) – Vertical flyback interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Vertical flyback interrupt disabled. TPG MOTOROLA 4-10 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 38 VFLB - VFLBK status 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Vertical flyback (leading edge) signal detected. No Vertical flyback signal detected. RiCF - Row i display status 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Row i display has been terminated. Row i display has been not terminated. Whenever a row display has been terminated, the corresponding RiCF flag will be set along with update of CDRC3-CDRC0 field. 4 Refer to section 9 for detailed description of On-Screen Display. 4.2.8 Multi-Function Timer Interrupts There are two different interrupting sources, TOF and RTIF bits of Multi-Function Timer Register, in this module. The interrupt service routine address is specified by the contents of memory location $FFF0 and $FFF1. Address bit 7 Multi-Function Timer $1C TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN WDOG bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0011 TOF - Timer Overflow 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. No 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. This bit is set when the 8-bit ripple counter overflows from $FF to $00; a timer overflow interrupt will occur, if TOFIE (bit 5) is set. TOF is cleared by writing a ‘0’ to the bit. RTIF - Real Time Interrupt Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A real time interrupt has occurred. A real time interrupt has not occurred. A RTIF indicates when the output of the RTI circuit goes active. The clock frequency that drives the RTI circuit is E/16384 giving a maximum interrupt period of 3.9ms at a bus rate of 4.2MHz. A CPU interrupt request will be generated if RTIE is set. RTIE is cleared by writing a ‘0’ to the bit. TPG MC68HC05T16 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MOTOROLA 4-11 39 TOFIE - Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – TOF interrupt is enabled. 0 (clear) – TOF interrupt is disabled. RTIE - Real Time Interrupt Enable 1 (set) 4 – 0 (clear) – Real time interrupt circuit is active. Real time interrupt circuit is inactive. Refer to section 5.2 for detailed description of Multi-Function Timer. TPG MOTOROLA 4-12 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS MC68HC05T16 40 5 TIMERS 5.1 5 PROGRAMMABLE TIMER The timer consists of a 16-bit free-running counter driven by a fixed divide-by-four prescaler. This timer can be used for many purposes, including input waveform measurements while simultaneously generating an output waveform. Pulse widths can vary from several microseconds to many seconds. Figure 5-1 shows a block diagram for the Programmable Timer. Because the timer has a 16-bit architecture, the I/O registers for the input capture and output compare functions are pairs of 8-bit registers (high byte and low byte). Generally, assessing the low byte of a specific timer function allows full control of that function. However, an access of the high byte inhibits that specific timer function until the low byte is also accessed. Note: The I bit in the condition code register should be set while manipulating both the high and low byte register of a specific timer function to ensure that an interrupt does not occur. Twelve 8-bit registers are associated with the programmable timer. – Timer Control Register (TCR) $10 – Timer Status Register (TSR) $11 – Input Capture Register High byte - $12, Low byte - $13 – Output Compare 0 Register High byte - $14, Low byte - $15 – Output Compare 1 Register High byte - $16, Low byte - $17 – Counter Register High byte - $18, Low byte - $19 – Alternate Counter Register High byte - $1A, Low byte - $1B A description of each register is provided in the following paragraphs. TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-1 41 MC68HC05T16 INTERNAL BUS INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK 8 BIT BUFFER ÷4 5 OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTER 1 OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTER 2 16 BIT FREE RUNNING COUNTER INPUT CAPTURE REGISTER COUNTER ALTERNATE REGISTER OUTPUT COMPARE CIRCUIT 1 ICF OC0F OC1F OUTPUT COMPARE CIRCUIT 2 TOF OVERFLOW DETECT CRCUIT TIMER TIMER CONTROL REGISTER TCAPS STATUS REGISTER ICIE OC0IE OC1IE TOVFIE IEDG EDGE DETECT CIRCUIT EDGE INPUT (TCAP) INTERRUPT CIRCUIT Figure 5-1 Programmable Timer Block Diagram TPG MOTOROLA 5-2 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 42 5.1.1 Counter – Counter Register location High byte - $18, Low byte - $19 – Alternate Counter Register High byte - $1A, Low byte - $1B The key element in the programmable timer is a 16-bit, free-running counter or counter register, preceded by a prescaler that divides the internal processor clock by four. The prescaler gives the timer a resolution of 0.95µs if the internal bus clock is 4.2MHz. The counter is incremented during the low portion of the internal bus clock. Software can read the counter at any time without affecting its value. The double-byte, free-running counter can be read from either of two locations, $18 and $19 (counter register) or $1A and $1B (counter alternate register). Reading only the least significant byte (LSB) of the free-running counter ($19 or $1B) receives the count value at the time of the read. If the most significant byte (MSB) ($18 or $1A) is read first, the LSB ($19 or $1B) is transferred to a buffer. This buffer value remains fixed after the first MSB read, even if the MSB is read several times. This buffer is accessed when the LSB ($19 or $1B) is read, and thus, completes a read sequence of the complete counter value. 5 Reading the Timer Counter register low byte after reading the timer Status Register clears the timer overflow flag (TOF), but reading the Counter Alternate register does not affect TOF. Therefore, the counter alternate register can be read any time without risk of missing timer overflow interrupts due to a cleared TOF. The free-running counter is preset to $FFFC during reset and is always a read-only register. During a power-on reset, the counter is also preset to $FFFC and begins running after the oscillator start-up delay. The value in the free-running counter repeats every 262144 internal bus clock cycles. TOF is set when the counter overflows (from $FFFF to $0000); this will cause an interrupt if TOVFIE (bit 4 of Timer Control register) is set. In some timing control applications it may be desirable to reset the counter under software control. When the low byte of the counter ($19 or $1B) is written to, the counter is set to its reset value of $FFFC. The divide-by-4 prescaler is also reset and the counter resumes normal counting operation. All of the flags and enable bits remain unaltered by this operation. If access has previously been made to the high byte of the free-running counter ($18 or $1A), then the reset counter operation terminates the access sequence. 5.1.2 Output Compare Registers There are two 16-bit Output Compare registers: – Output Compare 0 Register High byte - $14, Low byte - $15 – Output Compare 1 Register High byte - $16, Low byte - $17 Each 16-bit Output Compare register is made up of two 8-bit registers. These Output Compare registers are used for several purposes, such as indicating when a period of time has elapsed. All TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-3 43 bits are readable and writable and are not affected by the timer hardware or reset. If the compare function is not needed, the Output Compare registers can be used as storage locations. The contents of the Output Compare registers are continually compared with the contents of the free-running counter and, if a match is found, the corresponding output compare flag (OC0F or OC1F) in the Timer Status register is set. The Output Compare registers’ value should be changed after each successful comparison to establish a new elapsed time-out. An interrupt can also accompany a successful output compare provided the corresponding interrupt enable bit (OC0IE or OC1IE) is set. (The free-running counter is updated every four internal bus clock cycles.) 5 After a processor write cycle to the Output Compare registers containing the MSB ($14 or $16), the output compare function is inhibited until the LSB ($15 or $17) is also written. The user must write both bytes (locations) if the MSB is written first. A write made only to the LSB ($15 or $17) will not inhibit the compare function. The processor can write to either byte of an Output Compare register without affecting the other byte. The minimum time required to update the Output Compare registers is a function of the program rather than the internal hardware. Because the output compare flags and Output Compare registers are not defined at power on, and not affected by reset, care must be taken when initializing output compare functions with software. The following procedure is recommended: 1) write to Output Compare register 0 and/or 1 High-byte to inhibit further compares; 2) read the Timer Status register to initialize clearing of OC0F or/and OC1F; 3) write to Output Compare register 0 or/and 1 Low-byte to enable the output compare function. 5.1.3 Input Capture Registers – Input Capture Register High byte - $12, Low byte - $13 ‘Input Capture’ is a technique whereby an external signal (connected to TCAP pin) is used to trigger a read of the free-running counter. In this way it is possible to relate the timing of an external signal to the internal counter value, and hence to elapsed time. The two 8-bit registers that make up the 16-bit input capture register, are read-only, and are used to latch the value of the free-running counter after the corresponding input capture edge detector senses a valid transition. The level transition that triggers the counter transfer is defined by the corresponding input edge bit (IEDG). Reset does not affect the contents of the input capture register. The result obtained from an input capture will be one greater than the value of the free-running counter on the rising edge of the internal bus clock preceding the external transition. This delay is required for internal synchronization. Resolution is one count of the free-running counter, which is four internal bus clock cycles. The free-running counter contents are transferred to the input capture register on each valid signal transition whether the input capture flag (ICF) is set or clear. The input capture register always TPG MOTOROLA 5-4 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 44 contains the free-running counter value that corresponds to the most recent input capture.After a read of the input capture register MSB ($12), the counter transfer is inhibited until the LSB ($13) is also read. This characteristic causes the time used in the input capture software routine and its interaction with the main program to determine the minimum pulse period. A read of the input capture register LSB ($13) does not inhibit the free-running counter transfer since they occur on opposite edges of the internal bus clock. 5.1.4 Timer Control Register (TCR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 $10 ICIE OC0IE OC1IE TOVFIE bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 IEDG bit 0 State on reset 5 0000 0000 The TCR is a read/write register containing five control bits. Four bits control interrupts associated with each of the four flag bits found in the Timer Status register. The other bit controls which edge is significant to the input capture edge detector. The Timer Control register and the free-running counter are the only sections of the timer affected by reset. Definition of each bit is as follows: ICIE - Input Capture Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Input Capture interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Input Capture interrupt disabled. OC0IE - Output Compare Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Output Compare 0 interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Output Compare 0 interrupt disabled. OC1IE - Output Compare Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Output Compare 1 interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Output Compare 1 interrupt disabled. TOVFIE - Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Timer Overflow interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Timer Overflow interrupt disabled. IEDG - Input Edge 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – TCAP is positive-going edge sensitive. TCAP is negative-going edge sensitive. TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-5 45 When IEDG is set, a positive-going edge on the TCAP pin will trigger a transfer of the free-running counter value to the input capture registers. When clear, a negative-going edge triggers the transfer. 5.1.5 5 Timer Status Register (TSR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 $11 ICF OC0F OC1F TOF TCAPS bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 u000 The Timer Status register contains the status bits for the above four interrupt conditions - ICF, OC0F, OC1F, TOF. Accessing the timer status register satisfies the first condition required to clear the status bits. The remaining step is to access the register corresponding to the status bit. ICF - Input Capture Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A valid input capture has occurred. No input capture has occurred. This bit is set when the selected polarity of edge is detected by the input capture edge detector; an input capture interrupt will be generated, if ICIE is set, ICF is cleared by reading the TSR and then the Input Capture Low register ($13) OC0F - Output Compare 0 Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A valid output compare has occurred on output compare 0 register. No output compare has occurred on output compare 0 register. OC0F will be set when its output compare 0 register contents match that of the free-running counter; an output compare interrupt will be generated, if OC0IE is set. OC0F is cleared by reading the TSR and then the Output Compare 0 Low register ($15). OC1F - Output Compare 1 Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A valid output compare has occurred on output compare 1 register. No output compare has occurred on output compare 1 register. OC0F will be set when its output compare 1 register contents match that of the free-running counter; an output compare interrupt will be generated, if OC1IE is set. OC1F is cleared by reading the TSR and then the Output Compare 1 Low register ($17). TPG MOTOROLA 5-6 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 46 TOF - Timer Overflow Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Timer Overflow has occurred. No timer overflow has occurred. This bit is set when the free-running counter overflows from $FFFF to $0000; a timer overflow interrupt will occur, if TOIE (bit 5 in Timer Control register $10) is set. TOF is cleared by reading the TSR and the counter low register ($19). When using the timer overflow function and reading the free-running counter at random times to measure an elapsed time, a problem may occur whereby the timer overflow flag is unintentionally cleared if: 1) the timer status register is read or written when the TOF is set, and 5 2) the LSB of the free-running counter is read, but not for the purpose of servicing the flag. Reading the alternate counter register instead of the counter register will avoid this potential problem. TCAPS - Timer Capture State 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – TCAP pin is a logic high. TCAP pin is a logic low. This bit reflects the logic level at the TCAP pin. 5.1.6 Programmable Timer Timing Diagrams The relationships between the internal clock signals, the counter contents and the status of the flag bits are shown in the following diagrams. It should be noted that the signals labelled ‘internal’ (processor clock, timer clocks and Reset) are not available to the user. TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-7 47 INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK INTERNAL RESET T00 T01 INTERNAL TIMER CLOCKS T10 T11 5 COUNTER (16 BIT) $FFFC $FFFD $FFFE $FFFF RESET (external or end of POR) Notes: RESET affects only the Counter register and Timer Control register. Figure 5-2 Timer State Timing Diagram for Reset INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK T00 INTERNAL TIMER CLOCKS T01 T10 T11 COUNTER (16 BIT) $F123 $F124 $F125 $F126 $F127 INPUT EDGE (SEE NOTE) INTERNAL CAPTURE LATCH INPUT CAPTURE REGISTER $???? $F125 INPUT CAPTURE FLAG Note: If the input edge occurs in the shaded area from one timer state T10 to the other timer state T10 the input capture flag is set during the next state T11. Figure 5-3 Timer State Timing Diagram for Input Capture TPG MOTOROLA 5-8 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 48 INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK T00 INTERNAL TIMER CLOCKS T01 T10 T11 COUNTER (16 BIT) $F455 $F456 $F457 $F458 $F459 Note 1 OUTPUT COMPARE REGISTER CPU writes $F457 5 $F457 Note 1 COMPARE REGISTER LATCH Note 2 OUTPUT COMPARE Flag and TCMP1, 2 Note: 1. The CPU write to the compare registers may take place at any time, but a compare only occurs at the timer state T01. Thus a 4-cycle difference may exist between the write to the compare register and the actual compare. 2. The output compare flag is set at the timer state T11 that follows the comparison match ($F547 in this example). Figure 5-4 Timer State Timing Diagram for Output Compare INTERNAL PROCESSOR CLOCK T00 INTERNAL TIMER CLOCKS T01 T10 T11 COUNTER (16 BIT) $FFFE $FFFF $0000 $0001 $0002 TIMER OVERFLOW FLAG (TOF) Note: The TOF bit is set at timer state T11 (transition of counter from $FFFF to $0000). It is cleared by a read of the timer status register during the internal processor clock high time followed by a read of the counter low register. Figure 5-5 Timer State Diagram for Timer Overflow TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-9 49 5.2 MULTI-FUNCTION TIMER Address bit 7 Multi-Function Timer Register $1C TOF bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 RTIF TOFIE RTIE IRQN WDOG bit 1 bit 0 State on reset RT1 RT0 0000 0011 The MFT provides miscellaneous function to the MC68HC05T16 MCU. It includes a timer overflow function, real-time interrupt, and COP watchdog. The external interrupt (IRQ) triggering option is also set by this Multi-Function Timer register. 5 The clock base for this module is derived from the bus clock divided by four. For a 4.2MHz E (CPU) clock, the clock base is 1.05 MHz. This clock base is then divided by an 8-stage ripple counter to generate the timer overflow. Timer overflow rate is thus E/1024. The output of this 8-stage ripple counter then drives a 4-stage divider to generate real time interrupt. Hence, the clock base for real time interrupt is E/16384. Real time interrupt rate is selected by RT0 and RT1 bits of Multi-Function Timer register. The interrupt rates are E/16384, (E/16384)/2, (E/16384)/4, and (E/16384)/8. The selected real time interrupt rate is then divided by 8 to generate COP reset. Register bit definitions: TOF - Timer Overflow 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. No 8-bit ripple timer overflow has occurred. This bit is set when the 8-bit ripple counter overflows from $FF to $00; a timer overflow interrupt will occur, if TOFIE (bit 5) is set. TOF is cleared by writing a ‘0’ to the bit. RTIF - Real Time Interrupt Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A real time interrupt has occurred. A real time interrupt has not occurred. When RTIF is set, a CPU interrupt request is generated if RITE is set. The clock frequency that drives the RTI circuit is E/16384 giving a maximum interrupt period of 3.9ms at a bus rate of 4.2MHz. RTIF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. TOFIE - Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – TOF interrupt is enabled. 0 (clear) – TOF interrupt is disabled. RTIE - Real Time Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – Real time interrupt is enabled. 0 (clear) – Real time interrupt is disabled. TPG MOTOROLA 5-10 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 50 IRQN - IRQ Pin Trigger Option 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Negative edge triggering for IRQ only. Level and negative edge triggering for IRQ. WDOG - COP Watchdog Enable 1 (set) – COP watchdog circuit enabled. 0 (clear) – COP watchdog circuit disabled. See Section 5.2.1 on COP watchdog reset. RT1, RT0 - Rate Select for COP watchdog and RTI 5 See Section 5.2.1 on watchdog reset. 5.2.1 COP Watchdog Reset The COP (Computer Operating Properly) watchdog timer function is implemented by using the output of the Multi-Function Timer counter. The minimum COP reset rates are controlled by RT0 and RT1 of Multi-Function Timer register. If the COP circuit times out, an internal reset is generated and the reset vector is fetched (at $FFFE & $FFFF). Preventing a COP time-out is achieved by writing a ‘0’ to bit 0 of address $FFF0. The COP counter has to be cleared periodically by software with a period less than COP reset rate. Watchdog timer function will stop counting in Wait and Stop modes. Counting continues when it wakes up from Wait mode, and a 4064 cycle delay after waking up from Stop mode. The watchdog counter system is controlled by the WDOG bit in the Multi-Function Timer register (bit 2 of address $1C). After power-on or external reset the watchdog system is disabled. Writing a “1” to the WDOG bit will enable the watchdog system and the counter starts counting. Once enabled, the watchdog system cannot be disabled by software. Writing a “0” to bit 0 of address $FFF0 will reset watchdog counter to prevent a watchdog time-out. Table 5-1 COP Reset and RTI Rates Minimum COP reset period RTI period E clock = 4.2MHz E clock = 4.2MHz 0 0 27.3ms 3.9ms 0 1 54.6ms 7.8ms 1 0 109.27ms 15.6ms 1 1 218.4ms 31.2ms RT0 and RT1 should only be changed immediately after COP watchdog timer has been reset. RT1 RT0 TPG MC68HC05T16 TIMERS MOTOROLA 5-11 51 5 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA 5-12 TIMERS MC68HC05T16 52 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE M-Bus (Motorola Bus) is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus which provides a simple, efficient way for data exchange between devices. It is fully compatible with the I2C bus standard. This two-wire bus minimizes the interconnection between devices and eliminates the need for address decoders; resulting in less PCB traces and economic hardware structure. This bus is suitable for applications requiring communications in a short distance among a number of devices. The maximum data rate is 100Kbit/s. The maximum communication length and number of devices that can be connected are limited by a maximum bus capacitance of 400pF. 6 The M-Bus system is a true multi-master bus, including arbitration to prevent data collision if two or more masters intend to control the bus simultaneously. It may be used for rapid testing and alignment of end products via external connections to an assembly-line computer. 6.1 M-Bus Interface Features • Compatible with I2C bus standard • Multi-master operation • 32 software programmable serial clock frequencies • Software selectable acknowledge bit • Interrupt driven byte-by-byte data transfer • Arbitration lost driven interrupt with automatic mode switching from master to slave • Calling address identification interrupt • Generate/detect the start, stop and acknowledge signals • Repeated START signal generation • Bus busy detection TPG MC68HC05T16 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MOTOROLA 6-1 53 Internal bus 8 Control register Status register MEN MIEN MSTR XMT ACKEB MCF SELTED BBSY LOST SRW MIF RXACKB Frequency divider register Address register M-Bus interrupt Interrupt Address comparator M-Bus clock generator sync logic SCL control SCL 6 START, STOP detector and arbitration START, STOP generator and timing sync TX shift register RX shift register TX control RX control SDA control SDA Figure 6-1 M-Bus Interface Block Diagram 6.2 M-Bus Protocol Normally, a standard communication is composed of four parts, 1) START signal, 2) slave address transmission, 3) data transfer, and 4) STOP signal. They are described briefly in the following sections and illustrated in Figure 6-2. TPG MOTOROLA 6-2 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MC68HC05T16 54 MSB SCL 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 0 0 1 Acknowledge bit 1 No acknowledge SDA START signal STOP signal MSB SCL 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 LSB MSB 1 1 LSB 1 0 0 Acknowledge bit 0 0 1 1 No acknowledge 6 SDA START signal repeated START signal STOP signal Figure 6-2 M-Bus Transmission Signal Diagram 6.2.1 START Signal When the bus is free, i.e., no master device is occupying the bus (both SCL and SDA lines are at logic high), a master may initiate communication by sending a START signal. As shown in Figure 6-2, a START signal is defined as a high to low transition of SDA while SCL is high. This signal denotes the beginning of a new data transfer (each data transfer may contain several bytes of data) and wakes up all slaves. 6.2.2 Slave Address Transmission The first byte of data transfer immediately following the START signal is the slave address transmitted by the master. This is a seven bits long calling address followed by a R/W bit. The R/W bit dictates the slave of the desired direction of data transfer. Only the slave with matched address will respond by sending back an acknowledge bit by pulling the SDA low at the 9th clock; see Figure 6-2. TPG MC68HC05T16 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MOTOROLA 6-3 55 6.2.3 Data Transfer Once a successful slave addressing is achieved, the data transfer can proceed byte by byte in a direction specified by the R/W bit sent by the calling master. Each data byte is 8 bits long. Data can be changed only when SCL is low and must be held stable when SCL is high as shown in Figure 6-2. One clock pulse is for one bit of data transfer, MSB is transferred first. Each data byte has to be followed by an acknowledge bit. Hence, one complete data byte transfer requires 9 clock pulses. If the slave receiver does not acknowledge the master, the SDA line should be left high by the slave, the master can then generate a STOP signal to abort the data transfer or a START signal (repeated START) to commence a new calling. 6 If the master receiver does not acknowledge the slave transmitter after one byte transmission, it means an “end of data” to the slave. The slave shall release the SDA line for the master to generate STOP or START signal. 6.2.4 Repeated START Signal As shown in Figure 6-2, a repeated START signal is to generate a START signal without first generating a STOP signal to terminate the communication. This is used by the master to communicate with another slave or with the same slave in a different mode (transmit/receive mode) without releasing the bus. 6.2.5 STOP Signal The master can terminate the communication by generating a STOP signal to free the bus. However, the master may generate a START signal followed by a calling command without generating a STOP signal first. This is called repeat START. A STOP signal is defined as a low to high transition of SDA while SCL is at a logical high; See Figure 6-2. 6.2.6 Arbitration Procedure This interface circuit is a true multi-master system which allows more than one master to be connected. If two or more masters try to control the bus at the same time, a clock synchronization procedure determines the bus clock. The clock low period is equal to the longest clock low period among the masters; and the clock high period is the shortest among the masters. A data arbitration procedure determines the priority. A master will lose arbitration if it transmits a logic “1” while the others transmit logic “0”, the losing master will immediately switch over to slave receive mode and stops its data and clock outputs. The transition from master to slave mode will not generate a STOP condition. Meanwhile, a software bit will be set by hardware to indicate loss of arbitration. TPG MOTOROLA 6-4 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MC68HC05T16 56 6.2.7 Clock Synchronization Since wire-AND logic is performed on the SCL line, a high to low transition on SCL line will affect the devices connected to the bus. The devices start counting their low period and once a device's clock has gone low, it will hold the SCL line low until the clock high state is reached. However, the change of low to high in this device clock may not change the state of the SCL line, if another device clock is still in its low period. Therefore synchronized clock SCL will be held low by the device which releases SCL to a logic high in the last place. Devices with shorter low periods enter a high wait state during this time (See Figure 6-3). When all devices concerned have counted off their low period, the synchronized clock SCL line will be released and go high. All of them will start counting their high periods. The first device to complete its high period will again pull the SCL line low. WAIT 6 Start counting high period SCL1 SCL2 SCL Internal counter reset Figure 6-3 Clock Synchronization 6.2.8 Handshaking The clock synchronization mechanism can be used as a handshake in data transfer. Slave device may hold the SCL low after completion of one byte transfer (9 bits). In such case, it will halt the bus clock and force the master clock in a wait state until the slave releases the SCL line. 6.3 M-Bus Registers There are five registers used in the M-Bus interface, these are discussed in the following paragraphs. TPG MC68HC05T16 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MOTOROLA 6-5 57 6.3.1 M-Bus Address Register (MADR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 $37 ADR7 ADR6 ADR5 ADR4 ADR3 ADR2 ADR1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 ADR1-ADR7 are the slave address bits of the M-Bus module. 6.3.2 M-Bus Clock Register (MCKR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 $38 6 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset MBC4 MBC3 MBC2 MBC1 MBC0 0000 0000 MBC0-MBC4 are used for clock rate selection. The serial bit clock frequency is equal to the CPU clock divided by the divider shown in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 M-Bus Prescaler MBC4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MBC3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MBC2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 MBC1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 MBC0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DIVIDER 22 24 28 34 44 48 56 68 88 96 112 136 176 192 224 272 MBC4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MBC3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MBC2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 MBC1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 MBC0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DIVIDER 352 384 448 544 704 768 896 1088 1408 1536 1792 2176 2816 3072 3584 4352 For a 4.2MHz external crystal operation (2.1MHz internal operating frequency), the serial bit clock frequency of M-Bus ranges from 483Hz to 95,455Hz. TPG MOTOROLA 6-6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MC68HC05T16 58 6.3.3 M-Bus Control Register (MCR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 $39 MEN MIEN MSTR XMT ACKEB bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 Register bit definitions: MEN - M-Bus Enable 1 (set) – M-Bus interface system enabled. 0 (clear) – M-Bus interface system disabled. MIEN - M-Bus Interrupt Enable 1 (set) – M-Bus interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – M-Bus interrupt disabled. 6 This bit enables the MIF (in MSR) for M-Bus interrupts. MSTR - Master/Slave Select Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus is set for master mode operation. M-Bus is set for slave mode operation. Upon reset, this bit is cleared. When this bit is changed from 0 to 1, a START signal is generated on the bus, and the master mode is selected. When this bit is changed from 1 to 0, a STOP signal is generated and the operation mode changes from master to slave. In master mode, a bit clear immediately followed by a bit set of this bit generates a repeated START signal without generating a STOP signal. XMT - Transmit/Receive Mode Select Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus is set for transmit mode. M-Bus is set for receive mode. ACKEB - Acknowledge Enable Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Do not send acknowledge signal. Send acknowledge signal at 9th clock bit. If cleared, an acknowledge signal will be sent out to the bus at the 9th clock bit after receiving one byte of data. If set, no acknowledge signal response. This is an active low control bit. TPG MC68HC05T16 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MOTOROLA 6-7 59 6.3.4 M-Bus Status Register (MSR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 $3A MCF SELTED BBSY ALOST bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 SRW MIF bit 0 State on reset RXACKB 1000 0001 The MIF and ALOST bits are software clearable; while the other bits are read only. MCF - Data Transfer Complete Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A byte transfer has been completed. A byte is being transfer. When MCF is set, the MIF (M-bus interrupt) bit is also set. An M-bus interrupt is generated if the MIEN bit is set. 6 SELTED - Addressed as Slave Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Currently addressed as a slave. Not currently addressed. This SELTED bit is set when its own specific address (M-Bus Address register) matches the calling address. When SELTED is set, the MIF (M-bus interrupt) bit is also set. An interrupt is generated if the MIEN bit is set. Then CPU needs to check the SRW bit and set its XMT bit accordingly. Writing to the M-Bus Control register clears this bit. BBSY - Bus Busy Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – M-Bus busy. M-Bus idle. This bit indicates the status of the bus. When a START signal is detected, BBSY is set. If a STOP signal is detected, it is cleared. ALOST - Arbitration Lost Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Lost arbitration in master mode. No arbitration lost. This arbitration lost flag is set when the M-bus master loses arbitration during a master transmission mode. When ALOST is set, the MIF (M-bus interrupt) bit is also set. This bit must be cleared by software. TPG MOTOROLA 6-8 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MC68HC05T16 60 SRW - Slave R/W Select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Read from slave, from calling master. Write to slave from calling master. When SELTED is set, the R/W command bit of the calling address sent from the master is latched into this SRW bit. By checking this bit, the CPU can then select slave transmit/receive mode by configuring XMT bit of the M-Bus Control register. MIF - M-Bus Interrupt Flag 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A M-Bus interrupt has occurred. A M-Bus interrupt has not occurred. When this bit is set, an interrupt is generated to the CPU if MIEN is set. This bit is set when one of the following events occurs: 6 1) Completion of one byte of data transfer. It is set at the falling edge of the 9th clock - MCF set. 2) A match of the calling address with its own specific address in slave receive mode - SELTED set. 3) A loss of bus arbitration - ALOST set. This bit must be cleared by software in the interrupt routine. RXACKB - Receive Acknowledge Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – No acknowledgment signal detected. Acknowledgment signal detected after 8 bits data transmitted. If cleared, it indicates an acknowledge signal has been received after the completion of 8 bits data transmission on the bus. If set, no acknowledge signal has been detected at the 9th clock. This is an active low status flag. 6.3.5 M-Bus Data I/O Register (MDR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $3B MD7 MD6 MD5 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 uuuu uuuu In master transmit mode, data written into this register is sent to the bus automatically, with the most significant bit out first. In master receive mode, reading of this register initiates receiving of the next byte data. In slave mode, the same function applies after it has been addressed. TPG MC68HC05T16 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MOTOROLA 6-9 61 6 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY TPG MOTOROLA 6-10 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE MC68HC05T16 62 7 PULSE ACCUMULATOR The Pulse Accumulator is an 8-bit counter that can operate in either of two modes; event counting mode and the gated time accumulation mode. The operating mode is selected by a control bit in the Pulse Accumulator Control register. In the event counting mode, the 8-bit counter is clocked by the signal on the PACIN pin. The maximum clocking rate for the external counting mode is E (CPU) clock divided by two. In the gated time accumulation mode, the 8-bit counter is driven by E clock divided by 64. The counter will increment when PACIN pin is high and halt when PACIN is low. 7.1 7 Pulse Accumulator Registers Two registers are associated with the Pulse Accumulator; they are described below. 7.1.1 PAC Control and Status Register (PACTL) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 $0E PAOF PAEN PAMOD PAIE bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset 0000 0000 Register bit definitions: PAOF - PAC Overflow Interrupt Flag Bit. 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – A PAC overflow from $FF to $00 has occurred. No PAC overflow has occurred. It is set when the count in the pulse accumulator rolls over from $FF to $00. PAOF is cleared by writing a “0” to the bit. An interrupt to the CPU is generated if the PAIE bit is set. TPG MC68HC05T16 PULSE ACCUMULATOR MOTOROLA 7-1 63 PAEN - PAC Enable Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Pulse Accumulator enabled. Pulse Accumulator disabled. PAC counter register is also cleared. PAMOD - Pulse Accumulator Mode Bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Gated time accumulation mode. External event counting mode. PAIE - PAC Interrupt Enable Bit 1 (set) – PAC overflow Interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – PAC overflow Interrupt disabled. This PAIE bit enables interrupt caused by the PAOF bit. 7.1.2 7 PAC Counter Register Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $0F PAD7 PAD6 PAD5 PAD4 PAD3 PAD2 PAD1 PAD0 0000 0000 When PAC is disabled (PAEN=0), the counter will be cleared to zero. This ensures the Counter starts from zero every time it is disabled and enabled. The Pulse Accumulator Counter is read only and resets to zero a write operation. TPG MOTOROLA 7-2 PULSE ACCUMULATOR MC68HC05T16 64 8 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR The MC68HC05T16 has 10 PWM channels, with output pins shared with port E and port F pins. Nine 7-bit channels are driven by the Timer clock, the other single 14-bit channel is driven by the CPU clock. All PWM outputs are +12V open-drain type; therefore a pull-up resistor is required at each PWM pin. 8.1 7-Bit PWM Channels The 7-bit PWM system works in conjunction with the 16-bit free running timer to implement nine channels of conversion. A PWM register is allocated for each PWM channel. Channels PWM0 to PWM8, located at $2C to $34 respectively. Each 7-bit PWM data register has the same bit structure as shown below: Address PWM0 $2C : PWM8 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 8 State on reset bit 0 0PWM6 0PWM5 0PWM4 0PWM3 0PWM2 0PWM1 0PWM0 0000 0000 : $34 8PWM6 8PWM5 8PWM4 8PWM3 8PWM2 8PWM1 8PWM0 0000 0000 The driving clock for the 7-bit PWM channels is the 16-bit free-running timer clock divide by 2. For a 2.1MHz CPU clock, PWM clock = 2.1MHz/4/2 = 262500Hz. The PWM pulse period is 128 x 1/262500Hz = 487.62µs, i.e. a repetition frequency of 2050.8Hz. The duty cycle is proportional to the value in the corresponding PWM data register. A value of $00 loaded into these registers results in a continuously low output on the corresponding PWM output pin with external pull-up resistor connected. A value of $40 results in a 50% duty cycle output. The maximum value of $7F results in a 127/128 duty cycle output. Changes to the value in the PWM registers will only become effective after the end of the current PWM cycle. This prevents erroneous PWM output during value update. In Stop mode, the oscillator is stopped asynchronously with PWM operation. As a consequence, the PWM output will remain at the state at the moment when the oscillator is stopped. The PWM output might be at its high or low state at that moment, and it remains at that state until Stop mode TPG MC68HC05T16 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR MOTOROLA 8-1 65 487.62µs PWM value $00 128T T $01 127T 64T $40 64T 127T $7F T = PWM clock period = 2 Timer clock periods = 8 CPU clock periods =3.81µs if MCU runs at 2.1MHz Figure 8-1 7-Bit PWM Output Waveform 8 is exited. After Stop mode is exited, the PWM output resumes its unfinished portion of the stopped cycle. In Wait mode, the oscillator is running even though the CPU clock is not present, the PWM outputs are not affected. Note: Since the 7-bit PWM module uses the 16-bit free-running timer counter, PWM outputs will be affected when the counter is being reset. 8.2 14-Bit PWM Channel The output waveform of the 14-bit PWM channel is controlled by an 8-bit and a 6-bit register. Each register can be viewed as configuring its own waveform; the final PWM output waveform is a combination of the two waveforms (waveforms are ORed). The driving clock for the 14-bit PWM channels is CPU clock. Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset BRM $35 9PWM5 9PWM4 9PWM3 9PWM2 9PWM1 9PWM0 0000 0000 PWM $36 9PWM13 9PWM12 9PWM11 9PWM10 9PWM9 9PWM7 9PWM7 9PWM6 0000 0000 The 8-bit register works in the same way as the 7-bit PWMs. That is, the value set in this 8-bit register determines the basic duty cycle of the waveform. A value of $00 results in a continuously TPG MOTOROLA 8-2 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR MC68HC05T16 66 low cycle. A value of $7F results in a 50% duty cycle. The maximum value of $FF results in a 255/256 duty cycle. The 14-bit PWM period is 256x0.476µs=121.9µs for a CPU clock of 2.1MHz. The 6-bit register acts as a binary rate multiplier (BRM). The value set in this register (powers of 2) equals the number of pulses (pulse width equals to the PWM driving clock cycle) equally distributed in a 64-PWM-cycle. A maximum value of $2x will have 32 pulses equally distributed in 64 PWM cycles (64 cycles has a period of 64x121.9µs=7.8ms). Combining the 8-bit PWM together with the 6-bit BRM, the total average duty cycle at the output will be (M+N/64)/256, where M is the content of the 8-bit high-order register, and N is the content of the 6-bit low-order register. Using this mechanism, a true 14-bit resolution PWM is achieved. Figure 8-2 shows the waveform for the 14-bit PWM channel. Note that the resulting waveform is periodic on every 64 PWM cycles. 256T M=$00 T M=$01 255T 128T M=$7F 8 128T 255T M=$FF Pulse inserted at end of PWM cycle depends on setting of N. T T=1 CPU clock period (0.476µs if CPU clock=2.1MHz) M = value set in 8-bit PWM register (address $36) N = value set in 6-bit binary rate multiplier (address $35) N --xxxxx1 --xxxx1x --xxx1xx --xx1xxx --x1xxxx --1xxxxx PWM cycles where pulses are inserted in a 64-cycle frame 32 16, 48 8, 24, 40, 56 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44, 52, 60 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62 1, 3, 5, 7, ......61, 63 Number of inserted pulses in a 64-cycle 1 2 4 8 16 32 Figure 8-2 14-Bit PWM Output Waveform TPG MC68HC05T16 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR MOTOROLA 8-3 67 In order to prevent transient noise at the output during MCU write to the 8-bit PWM and 6-bit BRM registers, double buffering is used. Programming of the 2 registers must follow the sequence as shown below: LDA STA LDA STA BRM_value $35 ;Data put in 6-bit BRM buffer PWM_value $36 ;Load 6-bit BRM and 8-bit PWM register The instruction STA $35 simply puts the 6-bit BRM data in a buffer. Output is not affected at this time. The instruction STA $36, then, puts the total 14-bit data to BRM and PWM register at the same time. Output waveform will change accordingly starting from the beginning of the next PWM cycle. 8 TPG MOTOROLA 8-4 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR MC68HC05T16 68 9 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 9.1 Introduction The PLL-based On-Screen Display module displays programmable number of rows of symbols, be them characters or graphic symbols, either in a 16x16 dot matrix or in a 12x16 dot matrix over a full TV screen. It supports double scan mode for TV broadcast systems which implement non-interlaced scan broadcast. In double scan mode, each horizontal line in the character dot matrix will be displayed twice. Users have to determine if the target TV system is an interlaced or non-interlaced TV system. Auto TV system detection is not implemented. The essence of this OSD module consists of four row buffers for displaying screen characters; with each row buffer having its own vertical position registers. Row buffers are refreshed if more than four rows of display are required. The PLL enables the OSD to adapt to any shift or change in the incoming horizontal flyback frequency. Frame display fade-in and fade-out features are supported for smooth display appearance and disappearance. Besides the 128-character ROM/EPROM for fixed character patterns, there is a 16-character RAM for user defined patterns. This character RAM can be written and read by the CPU, but read-only by the OSD hardware. Since the contents of this character RAM can be changed during run-time, the user can have a large number of character sets stored in internal ROM, or in external ROM/EPROM/EEPROMs and have them load in via the M-bus. 9 The character dot matrix can be programmed to be either 12x16 or 16x16. Mixture of character dot matrices is not permissible on a row. There is no space between adjacent character dot matrices. The 12x16 dot matrix is mainly used for English-type characters; whereas the 16x16 dot matrix is mainly used for character sets requiring bigger dot matrix to create legible fonts, such as Korean, Chinese, and Kanji. Each row buffer can display 32 characters for a 12x16 configuration, and 24 characters for a 16x16 configuration. Character blinking, black-edge (bordering or shadowing), and background color features are supported. Background and blinking features are on per character basis; whereas bordering feature is on per row basis. Users have to be careful while designing their character fonts so that bordering effect is not nullified between adjacent characters in the same row or in two consecutive rows. TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-1 69 The video mute function, when enabled, blocks off all TV video signals; but OSD signals remain. This feature can be used when, for example, the selected channel does not have any valid broadcast signals. Rather than displaying snow flakes on the screen, the OSD mute function can be activated to cover up the snow flakes and replace them by one of three color selections: black, green or blue. Video mute can be synchronized with vertical flyback signal so that muting always occurs on vertical flyback boundary to avoid inconsistent display in the same display field, be it even or odd. To facilitate this, OSD interrupt activated by the leading edge of vertical flyback is implemented. Whenever the video mute function is activated, fast blanking signal will be constantly activated until video mute function is deactivated. As a result, half tone feature is disabled while video mute is activated. Ten pins are used for the OSD module; HFLBK, VFLBK, VCO, RP, FBKG, R, G, B, I, and HTONE. The I and HTONE pins are shared with port PF2 and PF3 respectively. HTONE (half tone) is used to create transparent background effect on the screen. OSD registers are divided into four groups; with characters register group defining individual character features, frame register group defining frame features, row register group defining individual row features, and finally status register carrying the status of the whole OSD module. 9.2 Features Frame/Row Features 9 • PLL-based clock source • Four display row buffers • Programmable R/G/B, I, fast blanking, and half tone output polarity and H/V sync input polarity • Programmable row V and frame H start positions • 12x16 or 16x16 character dot matrix selection on per row basis • 32 (12x16 dot matrix) or 24 (16x16 dot matrix) symbols per row • 8 common color palettes for both symbol color and background color • 16 color selections per palette • Frame fade in and fade out feature for smooth display appearance and disappearance • Four row character size selections: 1Hx1V, 2Hx2V, 3Hx3V, and 4Hx4V • Row character black-edge features: bordering or shadowing • Double scan mode support for non-interlaced scan TV system • Half tone capability for creating transparent background effect • Video mute. Three color selections for video mute: black, green, and blue TPG MOTOROLA 9-2 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 70 • Interrupt on the leading edge of vertical flyback signal Character Features • 128-character ROM/EPROM plus 16-character RAM. Character RAM is dual ported • Character attribute is on per character basis • Individually controllable character background • Character blinking with four blinking rates 9.3 Characters Characters are stored in a 128-character ROM and a 16-character RAM. The 128 pairs of character registers are equally allocated for the 4 row buffers, each have 32 pairs. Each pair of character registers consists of the Character Code register and the Character Attribute register. The Character Code register selects the particular character from the character ROM/EPROM/RAM. The Character Attribute register selects the color, background, and blinking features for that selected character. 9.3.1 Character RAM OSD character RAM is a dual ported RAM, consisting of 16x(16x16)/8=512 bytes of RAM; located from $0400 to $05FF. Upon reset, the content of character RAM is random. Every entry of this 16-entry character RAM occupies 32 consecutive memory bytes, always starting at even addresses. Users can read and write any byte at any time. OSD can only read the character RAM. Figure 9-1 shows the memory map of one entry of the 16-entry OSD character RAM. 9 If 12x16 character dot matrix is selected, bit 3 to bit 0 of all low order bytes at the right-hand side of Figure 9-1 will not be used for display. 9.3.2 Character ROM/EPROM The memory arrangement of OSD character ROM/EPROM is the same as that of character RAM. Character ROM/EPROM is not readable to the CPU in user mode. OSD character ROM is located from $8000 to $8FFF. Three characters in the Character ROM are fixed, and cannot be changed. They are shown in Figure 9-2. TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-3 71 High order bytes even bytes 7 Low order bytes 0 7 4 3 0 $xxx $xxx+$002 odd bytes Character RAM Character ROM/EPROM Character 0 Character 1 Character 0 Character 1 $0400 $xxx+$001 $xxx+$003 32-bytes per Character 32-bytes per Character $05FF $xxx+$01E $8000 Character 16 $xxx+$01F Bits not used when 12x16 dot matrix is selected indicates a character dot exist indicates a character dot does not exist Character 128 $8FFF Single Character Map Select character pointer for RAM or ROM/EPROM Character Pointer $201 ROM/RAM $200 9 BLNKG CH6 CH5 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 CH0 BGEN BGCOL2 BGCOL1 BGCOL0 CCOL2 CCOL1 CCOL0 Character Code Register (even bytes) Character Attribute Register (odd bytes) $200 $201 $230 $231 $23E $23F ROW BUFFER 0 $240 $241 $270 $271 $27E $27F ROW BUFFER 1 $280 $281 $2B0 $2B1 $2BE $2BF ROW BUFFER 2 $2C0 $2C1 $2F0 $2F1 $2FE $2FF ROW BUFFER 3 Last 8 character register pairs of a row buffer are not used when that row buffer is configured for displaying 16x16 dot characters Figure 9-1 OSD Character and Row Structure TPG MOTOROLA 9-4 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 72 Code $00 Code $20 : Blank Code $7F : Full-Filled Figure 9-2 Reserved Character ROM Codes 9.3.3 Character Registers Address bit 7 State on reset bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 CH6 CH5 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 CH0 uuuu uuuu Character Code reg. 1 $200 ROM/RAM Character Attribute reg. 1 $201 BLNKG BGEN BGCOL2 BGCOL1 BGCOL0 CCOL2 CCOL1 CCOL0 uuuu uuuu : : Character Code reg. 128 $2FE ROM/RAM Character Attribute reg. 128 $2FF BLNKG BGEN BGCOL2 BGCOL1 BGCOL0 CCOL2 CCOL1 CCOL0 uuuu uuuu CH6 CH5 CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1 CH0 uuuu uuuu 9 There are a total of 128 character code registers, 32 characters per row for four rows. Character Codes: ROM/RAM - ROM/RAM mapping select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – CH6-CH0 is mapped to the 16 RAM codes. CH6-CH0 is mapped to the 128 ROM/EPROM codes. CH6-CH0 0 to 127 = ROM/EPROM codes. 0 to 15 = RAM codes. Codes 16 and higher are invalid. TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-5 73 Character attributes: BLNKG - Character blinking on/off 1 (set) – Character blinking enabled. 0 (clear) – Character blinking disabled. The blinking speed is controlled by BR1 and BR0 in Frame Control register 2. BGEN - Character background display on/off 1 (set) – Character background display enabled. 0 (clear) – Character background display disabled. BGCOL2, BGCOL1, BGCOL0 - Character background color select Selects a color from the color palette. See Section 9.3.4. CCOL2, CCOL1, CCOL0 - Character color select Selects a color from the color palette. See Section 9.3.4. 9.3.4 Color Palette Registers Address 9 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $1F I1 R1 G1 B1 I0 R0 G0 B0 0000 0000 $20 I3 R3 G3 B3 I2 R2 G2 B2 0000 0000 $21 I5 R5 G5 B5 I4 R4 G4 B4 0000 0000 $22 I7 R7 G7 B7 I6 R6 G6 B6 0000 0000 Ii, Ri, Gi, and Bi bits select the color for color palette i, where i=0, 1, 2,..., 7. I bit is the intensity bit. There are 8 color palettes; each color palette is one of 16 colors. Figure 9-3 shows the color palette organization and Table 9-1 shows the RGB color map. Palette 0 Palette 1 Palette 2 Palette 3 Palette 4 Palette 5 Palette 6 Palette 7 Color selected using Ii, Ri, Gi, and Bi 16 available colors Figure 9-3 Color Palette Organization TPG MOTOROLA 9-6 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 74 Table 9-1 RGB Color Map Ii Ri Gi Bi Color 0 0 0 0 Black 0 0 0 1 Blue 0 0 1 0 Green 0 0 1 1 Cyan 0 1 0 0 Red 0 1 0 1 Magenta 0 1 1 0 Yellow 0 1 1 1 White 1 0 0 0 Dark Grey 1 0 0 1 Dark Blue 1 0 1 0 Dark Green 1 0 1 1 Dark Cyan 1 1 0 0 Dark Red 1 1 0 1 Dark Magenta 1 1 1 0 Dark Yellow 1 1 1 1 Light Grey Bit definitions may be reversed, depending on the chroma unit in the TV 9.4 Row The OSD module has 4 row buffers for displaying on-screen characters; row 0, 1, 2 and 3. Each row buffer consists of 32 pairs of Character register pairs (See Section 9.3). There are 5 registers which affects the position and attributes of the display rows. 9.4.1 9 Row Attribute Register Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $23 MTRX3 MTRX2 MTRX1 MTRX0 R3BE R2BE R1BE R0BE 0000 0000 MTRXi - Character dot matrix select for row i 1 (set) – 12x16 character dot matrix selected for row i. 0 (clear) – 16x16 character dot matrix selected for row i. If 12x16 matrix is selected, a maximum of 32 characters may be displayed for that row. Rows selected for 16x16 matrix characters, the maximum is 24 characters per row; the remaining 8 TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-7 75 Character register pairs are not used. See Figure 9-1. Unused Character register pairs may be used as general purpose RAM. RiBE - Black-edge for row i enable 1 (set) – Black-edge (bordering or shadowing) for row i enabled. 0 (clear) – Black-edge (bordering or shadowing) for row i disabled. This bit is the enable bit for the shadowing and bordering option selected by the SHDW bit in the OSD Row Horizontal Position register (bit 7 of address $28). Address bit 7 Horizontal Position Register $28 SHDW bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset HP6 HP5 HP4 HP3 HP2 HP1 HP0 0000 0000 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset SHDW - Shadow/border select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Shadow feature is selected if RiBE is enabled. Border feature is selected if RiBE is enabled. This bit does not have any effect if RiBE bit is disabled. 9.4.2 9 Row Vertical Position Registers Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 Row 0 Vertical Position Register $24 FBKGC0 R0VP6 R0VP5 R0VP4 R0VP3 R0VP2 R0VP1 R0VP0 0000 0000 Row 1 Vertical Position Register $25 FBKGC1 R1VP6 R1VP5 R1VP4 R1VP3 R1VP2 R1VP1 R1VP0 0000 0000 Row 2 Vertical Position Register $26 FBKGC2 R2VP6 R2VP5 R2VP4 R2VP3 R2VP2 R2VP1 R2VP0 0000 0000 Row 3 Vertical Position Register $27 FBKGC3 R3VP6 R3VP5 R3VP4 R3VP3 R3VP2 R3VP1 R3VP0 0000 0000 FBKGCi - FBKG (Fast Blanking) pin active select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – FBKG pin is active during row i character dots only. FBKG pin is active during both row i character and row i background dots. FBKGCi bit controls the FBKG output pin of the OSD during row i display. If FBKGCi is clear, FBKG output pin is active during both character dots and background dots of row i. If FBKGCi is set, FBKG output pin is active only where character dots exist in the character dot matrix (including bordering or shadowing dots). The FBKG and HTONE pins may be used to create transparent background effects for OSD displays. TPG MOTOROLA 9-8 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 76 Figure 9-4 and Figure 9-5 illustrate the timing signals of R, G, B, I, FBKG, and HTONE as a function of control bits BGEN, RiBE, and FBKGCi, using the 5th line (line 4) of a 12x16 dot matrix as an example. All output signals assume positive polarity. Figure 9-4 illustrates the timing of output signals for characters with and without bordering effect. Figure 9-5 illustrates the output signal timing for characters with background enabled, yet with opposite FBKGCi bit setting. Note that both RiBE and FBKGCi are row features. Hence, the two adjacent dot matrices in both figures are drawn for demonstration purposes only, they do not imply that users can configure OSD display in such a manner that one character has FBKGCi bit set and the next character in the same row has FBKGCi bit cleared. Note that ‘HTONE’ has exactly the same waveform as ‘Background R,G,B, or I’. Output signal timing diagram similar to Figure 9-5 for the case where character bordering is enabled can be derived in very similar fashion. The only difference is that ‘FBKG’ will be on and ‘HTONE’ will be off where a bordering dot exists. Other output signal timings remain the same. RiVP6 to RiVP0 - Row i Vertical Position For single scan mode: Vertical position = RiVPx setting x 4 For double scan mode: Vertical position = RiVPx setting x 4 x 2 Each RiVP6-RiVP0 step shifts the vertical position of row i by 4 horizontal display lines. For single scan mode, the shift is (RiVP6-RiVP0)x4 horizontal lines. For double scan mode, the shift is ((RiVP6-RiVP0)x4) x 2 horizontal lines. The calculation of shift is a function of scan mode, not character size selection. Hence, care should be taken when choosing vertical position for a particular row that locates after a row which has character size other than the basic 12x16 or 16x16 setting. For example, assuming single scan mode, if row X has 4Hx4V character size and vertical position of $40 while row Y has basic character size of 1Hx1V and vertical position of $48, then row X will be displayed from the 256th (64x4) line to the 287th line, which covers only the first 32 lines of the supposed 64-line row X display, and row Y will be displayed from the 288th (72x4) line to 303th line without any missing lines. 9 The reference point of shift is the leading edge of vertical flyback input signal, VFLBK. As a result of this vertical start position granularity, there are a total of 262.5/4 row positions in a full screen. In Figure 9-6(a), row (i+1) and row i partially overlaps. Since the vertical position of row (i+1) is lower than row i, row (i+1) will be partially covered by row i. New symbols may be generated when rows are partially overlapped. In Figure 9-6(b), row (j+1) is completely covered by row j. As result, only row j is visible. Note that in cases where the character size of the blocked row is bigger than that of the blocking row, once the blocked row has been blocked, it will never be displayed again even after the blocking row display has been terminated. For example, assume the character size of row (i+1) is 4Hx4V and that of row i is 1Hx1V, and the difference in vertical position between them is 4 horizontal lines only. After the first four lines of row (i+1) have been displayed, row i display will commence and continue for the next sixteen lines, blocking off row (i+1) display for these sixteen lines. After row i display has been terminated, there are still (64-4-16)=44 lines of row (i+1) display TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-9 77 Timing signals for 5th line (line 4) Background R, G, B, or I Char R, G, B, or I R, G, B, or I FBKG HTONE RiBE=0, BGEN=0, FBKGCi=X RiBE=1, SHDW=0, BGEN=0, FGKGCi=X Figure 9-4 Output Signal Timing Diagram - Without Background 9 that could have been displayed, the OSD is so designed that these remaining lines will not be displayed. The same result applies to the complete overlap situation with different character sizes. A row display is terminated if: 1) the part of the row display which is not overridden by other overlapping rows has been completed, or 2) it completely overlaps a row or rows with higher priority, or 3) the part of the row display which does not overlap vertical retrace period has been completed. (This applies to rows immediately before vertical retrace) Note that the judgement of overlap is totally based on the vertical position of rows, it has nothing to do with character size of rows. RiCF bit of Frame Control 3 and Status register will also be set when a row display is terminated. TPG MOTOROLA 9-10 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 78 Timing signals for 5th line (line 4) Char R, G, B, or I Background R, G, B, or I R, G, B, or I FBKG HTONE FBKGCi=0, BGEN=1, RiBE=0 background dot FBKGCi=1, BGEN=1, RiBE=1, SHDW=1 character dot shadow dot Figure 9-5 Output Signal Timing Diagram - With Background 9 Row (i+1) Row (i+1) partially overlaps row i Row i (a) Row (j+1) Row (j+1) and row j completely overlaps, therefore only row j is visible Row j (b) Figure 9-6 Resolution of Overlap among Rows TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-11 79 9.4.3 Row Horizontal Position Register Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $28 SHDW HP6 HP5 HP4 HP3 HP2 HP1 HP0 0000 0000 SHDW - Shadow/border select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Shadow feature is selected if RiBE is enabled. See Section 9.4.1. Border feature is selected if RiBE is disabled. See Section 9.4.1. HP6 to HP0 - Horizontal Position Each (HP6-HP0) step shifts the horizontal position of all four rows by 4 dots. The reference point of shift is the leading edge of horizontal flyback signal. Note that there is only one Row Horizontal Position register for all 4 row buffers, therefore all rows will have the same horizontal start point. If (HP6-HP0) is so programmed that part of the row display goes beyond the beginning of a horizontal flyback signal, display wrap-around occurs. That is, all lines of the row display will have all dots before the nth horizontal flyback displayed on one line and all remaining dots after the nth horizontal flyback, along with all dots of next line before the (n+1)th horizontal flyback displayed on the next line. 9.4.4 9 Row Control Register 1 Address $29 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 R3INTE R2INTE R1INTE R0INTE bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset R3EN R2EN R1EN R0EN 0000 0000 RiINTE - Row interrupt 1 (set) – Row interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Row interrupt disabled. Enable/disable interrupt of row i if one of the following conditions occur: 1) the part of the row i display which is not overridden by other overlapping rows has been completed, or 2) the part of the row i display which does not overlap vertical retrace period has been completed. Note that for the case where row i is completely overlapped by other rows, row i display has never really happened, that is, terminated upon its commencement, row i interrupt will never occur. TPG MOTOROLA 9-12 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 80 RiEN - Row i display enable 1 (set) – Row i display enabled. 0 (clear) – Row i display disabled. If RiEN bit is set while the horizontal line currently being displayed has already passed the vertical start position of this recently enabled row, this recently enabled row will not be displayed in this frame. It will then be displayed in the next frame. That is, RiEN bit has to be set before current horizontal display line reaches ((RiVP6-RiVP0)x4) for single scan mode or ((RiVP6-RiVP0)x4)x2 for double scan mode to enable display of row i in current frame. Note that clearing RiEN bit does not clear the corresponding RiCF bit. Hence, care must be taken before enabling RiINTE and RiEN to avoid interrupt caused by uncleared RiCF before the setting of RiINTE and RiEN. 9.4.5 Row Control Register 2 Address $2A bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 R3CHS1 R3CHS0 R2CHS1 R2CHS0 R1CHS1 R1CHS0 R0CHS1 R0CHS0 State on reset 0000 0000 RiCHS1, RiCHS0 - Row i character size RiCHS1 0 0 1 1 RiCHS0 0 1 0 1 Character size of row i basic - 1Hx1V Single expanded - 2Hx2V Double expanded - 3Hx3V Triple expanded - 4Hx4V 9 There are two predefined numbers of total dots that can be displayed on a horizontal line. The number of dots per line is a function of character size selection and the size of character dot matrix. For the special case of 3Hx3V and 12x16 dot matrix, the number of total dots per line is 396; whereas for other combinations of character size and dot matrix, the number is 384 dots per line. Users can avoid filling the unused bytes in a row since these bytes will not be displayed. Table 9-2 lists the number of valid character bytes per row. 9.5 Frame The following registers affect the frame of an OSD displays. TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-13 81 Table 9-2 Number of Visible Characters Per Row dot matrix 16x16 12x16 1H x 1V 24 32 2H x 2V 12 16 3H x 3V 8 11 4H x 4V 6 8 char size 9.5.1 Frame Control 1 and Row Count Register Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 $1D PLLEN DSCAN FADE bit 4 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset CDRC2 CDRC1 CDRC0 0000 0000 bit 3 ON/OFF CDRC3 Bits 7 to 4 are control bits and, bits 3 to 0 are status bits. PLLEN - PLL enable bit 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – PLL enabled for OSD clock source. PLL disabled. DSCAN - Double/Single scan mode select 9 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Double scan mode. Single scan mode. DSCAN (double scan) bit is for the control of OSD logic so that the OSD can accommodate non-interlaced scan TV system by adjusting dot matrix scan output. Users have to determine if the target TV broadcast system is a double scan system. If DSCAN is set, all horizontal lines in the character dot matrix will be displayed twice in the same frame. The other feature associated with horizontal lines that will also be doubled is the RiVP6-RiVP0 field of Row Vertical Position Registers. FADE - Display fade enable 1 (set) – Display fade function enabled. 0 (clear) – Display fade function disabled. The FADE bit controls the sequence of frame display appearance and disappearance. When FADE bit is set, frame display will gradually appear (fade in) if ON/OFF is set, and gradually disappear (fade out) if ON/OFF is clear. If FADE bit is clear, OSD display will be turned on or off instantly. TPG MOTOROLA 9-14 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 82 ON/OFF - OSD display on/off 1 (set) – OSD display on. 0 (clear) – OSD display off. For the fading feature, the whole screen is divided into several 16-horizontal-line segments. Notice that a row might not fit into the 16-horizontal-line segments. It might cross two segments, depending on the vertical position of a row. The way that fade-in feature works is that one line in all 16-line segments will appear in the first fading sequence; two lines, including the one line in the first fading sequence, will appear in the second fading sequence; four lines, including the two lines in the second fading sequence, will appear in the third fading sequence; eight lines, including the four lines in the third fading sequence, will appear in the fourth fading sequence; and finally, all sixteen lines, including the eight lines in the fourth fading sequence, will appear in the fifth fading sequence. Fade-out feature works in the opposite manner, that is, the number of display lines to be disappeared are 8 lines, 12 lines, 14 lines, 15 lines, and all 16 lines in each disappearance sequence, respectively. Fade out sequence for a character in a row fitting right into the 16-horizontal-line segment is illustrated in Figure 9-7. Fading rate is fixed at 32 frames per sequence. Therefore, it takes 160 frames to execute the fade function. At 60 Hz vertical frequency, this will take five plus seconds. Note that when display disappears, all output pins are not tri-stated, rather they remain in their deserted states. CDRC3 to CDRC0 - Terminated display rows These status bits reflect the number of row displays that have been terminated. These bits are reset only by vertical flyback and incremented by one every time a row display has been terminated. 9.5.2 9 Frame Control Register 2 Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 $1E BR1 BR0 VFPOL HFPOL HTPOL bit 2 bit 1 FBPOL RGBPOL bit 0 State on reset IPOL 0000 0000 BR1, BR0 - Blink rate select These bits control the blinking rate of all symbols on the TV screen. The on/off ratio of blinking is always 3/1. VFPOL - VFLBK input polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Vertical flyback signal at VFLBK is active low. Vertical flyback signal at VFLBK is active high. TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-15 83 9 Before fading out 1st step: 8 lines off 2nd step: 12 lines off 3rd step: 14 lines off 4th step: 15 lines off Last step: all 16 lines off Figure 9-7 Fading Out Sequence TPG MOTOROLA 9-16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 84 BR1 BR0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 On-Time (frames) 24 48 96 192 Off-Time (frames) 8 16 32 64 HFPOL - HFLBK input polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Horizontal flyback signal at HFLBK is active low. Horizontal flyback signal at HFLBK is active high. HTPOL - FBKG output polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – HTONE (half tone) output pin is active low. HTONE (half tone) output pin is active high. The HTONE output pin is shared with port pin PF3. If HTONE is disabled, HTPOL will have no effect. FBPOL - FBKG output polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – FBKG (fast blanking) output pin is active low. FBKG (fast blanking) output pin is active high. RGBPOL - RGB output polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 9 RBG output pins are active low. RGB output pins are active high. IPOL - I output polarity select 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 9.5.3 I (intensity) output pin is active low. I (intensity) output pin is active high. Frame Control 3 and Status Register Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset $2B VFINTE MUTE1 MUTE0 VFLB R3CF R2CF R1CF R0CF 0000 0000 Bits 7 to 5 are control bits whereas bits 4 to 0 are status bits associated with interrupt. A status bit is cleared by writing a 0 to that bit. Care must be taken while clearing a status bit: make sure the TPG MC68HC05T16 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MOTOROLA 9-17 85 status bit to be cleared is indeed one before writing a zero, and do not write a 0 to a status bit which is not 1. Otherwise, status bits which are becoming ones will be inadvertently cleared. VFINTE - VFLBK interrupt enable 1 (set) – Vertical flyback interrupt enabled. 0 (clear) – Vertical flyback interrupt disabled. MUTE1, MUTE0 - Video mute enable MUTE1 0 0 1 1 MUTE0 0 1 0 1 Function No video mute Mute with black color Mute with G color Mute with B color VFLB - VFLBK status 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – Vertical flyback (leading edge) signal detected. No Vertical flyback signal detected. RiCF - Row i display status 1 (set) 9 – 0 (clear) – Row i display has been terminated. Row i display has been not terminated. Whenever a row display has been terminated, the corresponding RiCF flag will be set along with update of CDRC3-CDRC0 field. TPG MOTOROLA 9-18 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY MC68HC05T16 86 10 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER The Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) system consists of two analog input channels and a single 5-bit D/A Converter and Comparator, with continuous conversion. A result flag indicates if the comparator output is above or below the analog Input. ADC is disabled by setting AD4 to AD0 bits of ADC Control/Status register to all 1’s. This disable function is mainly for low power applications. Figure 10-1 shows a block diagram of the ADC module. – RESULT ADCIN0 or ADCIN1 2R + AD4 R 2R AD3 R 2R AD2 10 R 2R AD1 R 2R AD0 VDD 2R Figure 10-1 ADC Block Diagram TPG MC68HC05T16 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER MOTOROLA 10-1 87 10.1 ADC Inputs The ADC has two input channels: one dedicated input pin at ADCIN0 and one shared pin at PF4/ADCIN1. 10.1.1 PF4/ADCIN1 ADCIN1 multiplexes with PF4 at this pin. When the ADC1 bit of Port F Configuration register is cleared, PF4/ADCIN1 is configured for PF4 and follows Port F DDR assignment. When ADC1 bit is set, PF4 is configured as ADCIN1 analog input, and Port F DDR has no effect on this pin. Reading PF4 when configured as an ADC input is zero. 10.1.2 ADCIN0 ADCIN0 is a dedicated analog input channel. 10.2 Program Example The following example shows how to convert analog input channel 0 (ADCIN0). For ADCIN1 conversion, change #$00 to #$20. ADCSR is the ADC Control/Status register. 10 LDA #$00 STA ADCSR ;ADC Control and Status Register DTA BRSET 7, ADCSR, ATD INC ADCSR LDA ADCSR AND #$1F CMP #$1F BLS DTA ;out of range ATD ... ;analog value in ADC. ;ANALOG IN = ([AD4:0] +1)*0.15625V at Vdd = 5V TPG MOTOROLA 10-2 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER MC68HC05T16 88 10.3 ADC Control and Status Register Address bit 7 bit 6 $3C RESULT bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 State on reset CHNL AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 u000 0000 This read/write register, located at address $3C, contains six control bits and one status bit. RESULT - Comparator Status (Read Only) 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – AD4-0 value greater than analog in. AD4-0 value is less than analog in. CHNL - Channel Select 1 (set) – ADCIN1 is selected for conversion. 0 (clear) – ADCIN0 is selected for conversion AD4-0 - ADC Digital Result These bits are written by the user to perform successive approximations in software. When a value causes the RESULT bit to change state from the value immediately before or after it, AD4-0 are considered to be the digital equivalent of the analog input. Note that when AD4-0 are all 1’s, ADC is virtually turned off to minimize power consumption. 10 TPG MC68HC05T16 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER MOTOROLA 10-3 89 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 10 TPG MOTOROLA 10-4 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER MC68HC05T16 90 11 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET This section provides a description of the CPU core registers, the instruction set and the addressing modes of the MC68HC05L1. 11.1 Registers The MCU contains five registers, as shown in the programming model of Figure 11-1. The interrupt stacking order is shown in Figure 11-2. 7 0 7 0 7 0 Accumulator Index register 15 Program counter 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 0 1 1 1 H I N Z C Stack pointer Condition code register Carry / borrow Zero Negative Interrupt mask Half carry 11 Figure 11-1 Programming model 11.1.1 Accumulator (A) The accumulator is a general purpose 8-bit register used to hold operands and results of arithmetic calculations or data manipulations. TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-1 91 Unstack Stack 0 Condition code register Accumulator Index register Program counter high Program counter low Interrupt Increasing memory address Return 7 Decreasing memory address Figure 11-2 Stacking order 11.1.2 Index register (X) The index register is an 8-bit register, which can contain the indexed addressing value used to create an effective address. The index register may also be used as a temporary storage area. 11.1.3 Program counter (PC) The program counter is a 16-bit register, which contains the address of the next byte to be fetched. 11.1.4 Stack pointer (SP) The stack pointer is a 16-bit register, which contains the address of the next free location on the stack. During an MCU reset or the reset stack pointer (RSP) instruction, the stack pointer is set to location $00FF. The stack pointer is then decremented as data is pushed onto the stack and incremented as data is pulled from the stack. 11 When accessing memory, the ten most significant bits are permanently set to 0000000011. These ten bits are appended to the six least significant register bits to produce an address within the range of $00C0 to $00FF. Subroutines and interrupts may use up to 64 (decimal) locations. If 64 locations are exceeded, the stack pointer wraps around and overwrites the previously stored information. A subroutine call occupies two locations on the stack; an interrupt uses five locations. 11.1.5 Condition code register (CCR) The CCR is a 5-bit register in which four bits are used to indicate the results of the instruction just executed, and the fifth bit indicates whether interrupts are masked. These bits can be individually tested by a program, and specific actions can be taken as a result of their state. Each bit is explained in the following paragraphs. Half carry (H) This bit is set during ADD and ADC operations to indicate that a carry occurred between bits 3 and 4. TPG MOTOROLA 11-2 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 92 Interrupt (I) When this bit is set, all maskable interrupts are masked. If an interrupt occurs while this bit is set, the interrupt is latched and remains pending until the interrupt bit is cleared. Negative (N) When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was negative. Zero (Z) When set, this bit indicates that the result of the last arithmetic, logical, or data manipulation was zero. Carry/borrow (C) When set, this bit indicates that a carry or borrow out of the arithmetic logical unit (ALU) occurred during the last arithmetic operation. This bit is also affected during bit test and branch instructions and during shifts and rotates. 11.2 Instruction set The MCU has a set of 62 basic instructions. They can be grouped into five different types as follows: – Register/memory – Read/modify/write – Branch – Bit manipulation – Control The following paragraphs briefly explain each type. All the instructions within a given type are presented in individual tables. 11 This MCU uses all the instructions available in the M146805 CMOS family plus one more: the unsigned multiply (MUL) instruction. This instruction allows unsigned multiplication of the contents of the accumulator (A) and the index register (X). The high-order product is then stored in the index register and the low-order product is stored in the accumulator. A detailed definition of the MUL instruction is shown in Table 11-1. TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-3 93 11.2.1 Register/memory Instructions Most of these instructions use two operands. The first operand is either the accumulator or the index register. The second operand is obtained from memory using one of the addressing modes. The jump unconditional (JMP) and jump to subroutine (JSR) instructions have no register operand. Refer to Table 11-2 for a complete list of register/memory instructions. 11.2.2 Branch instructions These instructions cause the program to branch if a particular condition is met; otherwise, no operation is performed. Branch instructions are two-byte instructions. Refer to Table 11-3. 11.2.3 Bit manipulation instructions The MCU can set or clear any writable bit that resides in the first 256 bytes of the memory space (page 0). All port data and data direction registers, timer and serial interface registers, control/status registers and a portion of the on-chip RAM reside in page 0. An additional feature allows the software to test and branch on the state of any bit within these locations. The bit set, bit clear, bit test and branch functions are all implemented with single instructions. For the test and branch instructions, the value of the bit tested is also placed in the carry bit of the condition code register. Refer to Table 11-4. 11.2.4 Read/modify/write instructions These instructions read a memory location or a register, modify or test its contents, and write the modified value back to memory or to the register. The test for negative or zero (TST) instruction is an exception to this sequence of reading, modifying and writing, since it does not modify the value. Refer to Table 11-5 for a complete list of read/modify/write instructions. 11 11.2.5 Control instructions These instructions are register reference instructions and are used to control processor operation during program execution. Refer to Table 11-6 for a complete list of control instructions. 11.2.6 Tables Tables for all the instruction types listed above follow. In addition there is a complete alphabetical listing of all the instructions (see Table 11-7), and an opcode map for the instruction set of the M68HC05 MCU family (see Table 11-8). TPG MOTOROLA 11-4 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 94 Table 11-1 MUL instruction X:A ← X*A Multiplies the eight bits in the index register by the eight Description bits in the accumulator and places the 16-bit result in the concatenated accumulator and index register. H : Cleared I : Not affected Condition N : Not affected codes Z : Not affected C : Cleared Source MUL Addressing mode Cycles Bytes Opcode Form Inherent 11 1 $42 Operation Table 11-2 Register/memory instructions Addressing modes # Cycles # Bytes Opcode Indexed (16-bit offset) # Cycles # Bytes Opcode Indexed (8-bit offset) # Cycles Opcode # Cycles # Bytes Opcode # Bytes Indexed (no offset) Extended # Cycles # Bytes Direct Opcode # Cycles # Bytes Opcode Function Mnemonic Immediate Load A from memory LDA A6 2 2 B6 2 3 C6 3 4 F6 1 3 E6 2 4 D6 3 5 Load X from memory LDX AE 2 2 BE 2 3 CE 3 4 FE 1 3 EE 2 4 DE 3 5 Store A in memory STA B7 2 4 C7 3 5 F7 1 4 E7 2 5 D7 3 6 Store X in memory STX BF 2 4 CF 3 5 FF 1 4 EF 2 5 DF 3 6 Add memory to A ADD AB 2 2 BB 2 3 CB 3 4 FB 1 3 EB 2 4 DB 3 5 Add memory and carry to A ADC A9 2 2 B9 2 3 C9 3 4 F9 1 3 E9 2 4 D9 3 5 Subtract memory SUB A0 2 2 B0 2 3 C0 3 4 F0 1 3 E0 2 4 D0 3 5 Subtract memory from A with borrow SBC A2 2 2 B2 2 3 C2 3 4 F2 1 3 E2 2 4 D2 3 5 AND memory with A AND A4 2 2 B4 2 3 C4 3 4 F4 1 3 E4 2 4 D4 3 5 OR memory with A ORA AA 2 2 BA 2 3 CA 3 4 FA 1 3 EA 2 4 DA 3 5 Exclusive OR memory with A EOR A8 2 2 B8 2 3 C8 3 4 F8 1 3 E8 2 4 D8 3 5 Arithmetic compare A with memory CMP A1 2 2 B1 2 3 C1 3 4 F1 1 3 E1 2 4 D1 3 5 Arithmetic compare X with memory CPX A3 2 2 B3 2 3 C3 3 4 F3 1 3 E3 2 4 D3 3 5 Bit test memory with A (logical compare) BIT A5 2 2 B5 2 3 C5 3 4 F5 1 3 E5 2 4 D5 3 5 Jump unconditional JMP BC 2 2 CC 3 3 FC 1 2 EC 2 3 DC 3 4 Jump to subroutine JSR BD 2 5 CD 3 6 FD 1 5 ED 2 6 DD 3 7 11 TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-5 95 Table 11-3 Branch instructions Function Branch always Branch never Branch if higher Branch if lower or same Branch if carry clear (Branch if higher or same) Branch if carry set (Branch if lower) Branch if not equal Branch if equal Branch if half carry clear Branch if half carry set Branch if plus Branch if minus Branch if interrupt mask bit is clear Branch if interrupt mask bit is set Branch if interrupt line is low Branch if interrupt line is high Branch to subroutine Mnemonic BRA BRN BHI BLS BCC (BHS) BCS (BLO) BNE BEQ BHCC BHCS BPL BMI BMC BMS BIL BIH BSR Relative addressing mode Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 20 2 3 21 2 3 22 2 3 23 2 3 24 2 3 24 2 3 25 2 3 25 2 3 26 2 3 27 2 3 28 2 3 29 2 3 2A 2 3 2B 2 3 2C 2 3 2D 2 3 2E 2 3 2F 2 3 AD 2 6 Table 11-4 Bit manipulation instructions 11 Function Branch if bit n is set Branch if bit n is clear Set bit n Clear bit n Mnemonic BRSET n (n=0–7) BRCLR n (n=0–7) BSET n (n=0–7) BCLR n (n=0–7) Addressing modes Bit set/clear Bit test and branch Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 2•n 3 5 01+2•n 3 5 10+2•n 2 5 11+2•n 2 5 TPG MOTOROLA 11-6 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 96 Table 11-5 Read/modify/write instructions Addressing modes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Opcode # Bytes # Cycles Indexed (8-bit offset) # Bytes Increment Decrement Clear Complement Negate (two’s complement) Rotate left through carry Rotate right through carry Logical shift left Logical shift right Arithmetic shift right Test for negative or zero Multiply Indexed (no offset) Direct Opcode Function Inherent (X) Mnemonic Inherent (A) INC DEC CLR COM NEG ROL ROR LSL LSR ASR TST MUL 4C 4A 4F 43 40 49 46 48 44 47 4D 42 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5C 3 5A 3 5F 3 53 3 50 3 59 3 56 3 58 3 54 3 57 3 5D 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3C 3A 3F 33 30 39 36 38 34 37 3D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 7C 7A 7F 73 70 79 76 78 74 77 7D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 6C 6A 6F 63 60 69 66 68 64 67 6D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 Table 11-6 Control instructions Function Transfer A to X Transfer X to A Set carry bit Clear carry bit Set interrupt mask bit Clear interrupt mask bit Software interrupt Return from subroutine Return from interrupt Reset stack pointer No-operation Stop Wait Mnemonic TAX TXA SEC CLC SEI CLI SWI RTS RTI RSP NOP STOP WAIT Inherent addressing mode Opcode # Bytes # Cycles 97 1 2 9F 1 2 99 1 2 98 1 2 9B 1 2 9A 1 2 83 1 10 81 1 6 80 1 9 9C 1 2 9D 1 2 8E 1 2 8F 1 2 11 TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-7 97 Table 11-7 Instruction set Mnemonic 11 INH IMM DIR Addressing modes EXT REL IX IX1 IX2 BSC BTB H ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADC ADD AND ASL ASR BCC BCLR BCS BEQ BHCC BHCS BHI BHS BIH BIL BIT BLO BLS BMC BMI BMS BNE BPL BRA BRN BRCLR BRSET BSET BSR CLC CLI CLR CMP Address mode abbreviations BSC Bit set/clear IMM Immediate BTB Bit test & branch IX Indexed (no offset) DIR Direct IX1 EXT Extended IX2 INH Inherent REL Relative Condition codes I N Z • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 1 • ◊ ◊ C ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • 0 • • ◊ Condition code symbols ◊ Tested and set if true, cleared otherwise H Half carry (from bit 3) Indexed, 1 byte offset I Interrupt mask • Not affected Indexed, 2 byte offset N Negate (sign bit) ? Load CCR from stack Z Zero 0 Cleared C Carry/borrow 1 Set Not implemented TPG MOTOROLA 11-8 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 98 Table 11-7 Instruction set (Continued) Mnemonic INH IMM DIR Addressing modes EXT REL IX IX1 IX2 BSC BTB H • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • ? • • • • • • • • • • • • • COM CPX DEC EOR INC JMP JSR LDA LDX LSL LSR MUL NEG NOP ORA ROL ROR RSP RTI RTS SBC SEC SEI STA STOP STX SUB SWI TAX TST TXA WAIT Address mode abbreviations BSC Bit set/clear IMM Immediate BTB Bit test & branch IX Indexed (no offset) DIR Direct IX1 EXT Extended IX2 INH Inherent REL Relative Condition codes I N Z • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • 0 ◊ • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ • • • ? ? ? • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • 1 • • • ◊ ◊ 0 • • • ◊ ◊ • ◊ ◊ 1 • • • • • • ◊ ◊ • • • 0 • • C 1 ◊ • • • • • • • ◊ ◊ 0 ◊ • • ◊ ◊ • ? • ◊ 1 • • • • ◊ • • • • • 11 Condition code symbols ◊ Tested and set if true, cleared otherwise H Half carry (from bit 3) Indexed, 1 byte offset I Interrupt mask • Not affected Indexed, 2 byte offset N Negate (sign bit) ? Load CCR from stack Z Zero 0 Cleared C Carry/borrow 1 Set Not implemented TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-9 99 MOTOROLA 11-10 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 3 3 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 5 BTB 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BRCLR7 BRSET7 BRCLR6 BRSET6 BRCLR5 BRSET5 BRCLR4 BRSET4 BRCLR3 BRSET3 BTB 2 5 3 BRCLR2 3 BRSET2 BRCLR1 BRSET1 BTB 2 5 3 BRCLR0 3 BRSET0 5 BSC 2 BSC 2 5 BCLR7 BSET7 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR6 BSET6 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR5 BSET5 BSC 2 5 BCLR4 BSC 2 5 BSET4 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR3 BSET3 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR2 BSET2 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR1 BSET1 BSC 2 5 BSC 2 5 BCLR0 BSET0 5 BIH BIL BMS BMC BMI BPL REL 2 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 BHCS REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 REL 2 3 REL 3 REL 3 REL 2 3 BHCC BEQ BNE BCS BCC BLS BHI BRN BRA 3 BSC BTB DIR EXT INH IMM Bit set/clear Bit test and branch Direct Extended Inherent Immediate IX IX1 IX2 REL A X Abbreviations for address modes and registers 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1100 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111 Low High Branch REL 2 0010 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG DIR 3 0011 1 CLRA TSTA INCA DECA ROLA LSLA ASRA RORA LSRA COMA MUL NEGA INH 1 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 INH 1 3 3 INH 1 INH 1 3 INH 3 11 INH 1 3 CLRX TSTX INCX DECX ROLX LSLX ASRX RORX LSRX COMX NEGX INH 2 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 INH 2 3 3 INH 2 3 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG Read/modify/write INH IX1 5 6 0101 0110 Indexed (no offset) Indexed, 1 byte (8-bit) offset Indexed, 2 byte (16-bit) offset Relative Accumulator Index register DIR 1 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 4 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 DIR 1 5 5 DIR 1 DIR 1 5 5 DIR 1 5 INH 4 0100 11 Bit manipulation BTB BSC 0 1 0000 0001 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 5 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 6 6 IX1 1 IX1 1 6 6 IX1 1 6 CLR TST INC DEC ROL LSL ASR ROR LSR COM NEG IX 7 0111 5 1 WAIT STOP SWI RTS RTI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INH 1 INH 2 2 INH 10 INH INH 6 9 TXA NOP RSP SEI CLI SEC CLC TAX INH 9 1001 Control Not implemented IX 1 5 IX IX 4 5 IX IX 5 IX 5 IX 5 IX 5 5 IX IX 1 5 1 IX 1 5 INH 8 1000 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 INH 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 INH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LDX BSR ADD ORA ADC EOR LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IMM A 1010 2 2 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB 3 Bytes 1 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB SUB F 1111 EXT 3 EXT 3 5 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 6 EXT 3 3 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 5 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 EXT 3 4 4 IX 3 0 0000 IX2 2 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 7 IX2 2 4 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 6 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 IX2 2 5 5 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IX1 E 1110 Address mode STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB Register/memory EXT IX2 C D 1100 1101 Cycles DIR 3 DIR 3 4 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 5 DIR 3 2 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 4 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 DIR 3 3 Mnemonic Legend 2 IMM 2 REL 2 2 6 IMM 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 2 IMM 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 IMM 2 2 2 DIR B 1011 STX LDX JSR JMP ADD ORA ADC EOR STA LDA BIT AND CPX SBC CMP SUB IX IX 4 IX 3 IX 5 IX 2 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 4 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 IX 3 3 Low 0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 A 1010 B 1011 C 1100 D 1101 E 1110 F 1111 High Opcode in binary Opcode in hexadecimal IX1 1 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 6 IX1 1 3 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 5 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 IX1 1 4 4 IX F 1111 Table 11-8 M68HC05 opcode map MC68HC05L1 TPG 100 11.3 Addressing modes Ten different addressing modes provide programmers with the flexibility to optimize their code for all situations. The various indexed addressing modes make it possible to locate data tables, code conversion tables and scaling tables anywhere in the memory space. Short indexed accesses are single byte instructions; the longest instructions (three bytes) enable access to tables throughout memory. Short absolute (direct) and long absolute (extended) addressing are also included. One or two byte direct addressing instructions access all data bytes in most applications. Extended addressing permits jump instructions to reach all memory locations. The term ‘effective address’ (EA) is used in describing the various addressing modes. The effective address is defined as the address from which the argument for an instruction is fetched or stored. The ten addressing modes of the processor are described below. Parentheses are used to indicate ‘contents of’ the location or register referred to. For example, (PC) indicates the contents of the location pointed to by the PC (program counter). An arrow indicates ‘is replaced by’ and a colon indicates concatenation of two bytes. For additional details and graphical illustrations, refer to the M6805 HMOS/M146805 CMOS Family Microcomputer/ Microprocessor User's Manual or to the M68HC05 Applications Guide. 11.3.1 Inherent In the inherent addressing mode, all the information necessary to execute the instruction is contained in the opcode. Operations specifying only the index register or accumulator, as well as the control instruction, with no other arguments are included in this mode. These instructions are one byte long. 11.3.2 Immediate In the immediate addressing mode, the operand is contained in the byte immediately following the opcode. The immediate addressing mode is used to access constants that do not change during program execution (e.g. a constant used to initialize a loop counter). EA = PC+1; PC ← PC+2 11.3.3 11 Direct In the direct addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in a single byte following the opcode byte. Direct addressing allows the user to directly address the lowest 256 bytes in memory with a single two-byte instruction. EA = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-11 101 11.3.4 Extended In the extended addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in the two bytes following the opcode byte. Instructions with extended addressing mode are capable of referencing arguments anywhere in memory with a single three-byte instruction. When using the Motorola assembler, the user need not specify whether an instruction uses direct or extended addressing. The assembler automatically selects the short form of the instruction. EA = (PC+1):(PC+2); PC ← PC+3 Address bus high ← (PC+1); Address bus low ← (PC+2) 11.3.5 Indexed, no offset In the indexed, no offset addressing mode, the effective address of the argument is contained in the 8-bit index register. This addressing mode can access the first 256 memory locations. These instructions are only one byte long. This mode is often used to move a pointer through a table or to hold the address of a frequently referenced RAM or I/O location. EA = X; PC ← PC+1 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← X 11.3.6 Indexed, 8-bit offset In the indexed, 8-bit offset addressing mode, the effective address is the sum of the contents of the unsigned 8-bit index register and the unsigned byte following the opcode. Therefore the operand can be located anywhere within the lowest 511 memory locations. This addressing mode is useful for selecting the mth element in an n element table. EA = X+(PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← K; Address bus low ← X+(PC+1) where K = the carry from the addition of X and (PC+1) 11 11.3.7 Indexed, 16-bit offset In the indexed, 16-bit offset addressing mode, the effective address is the sum of the contents of the unsigned 8-bit index register and the two unsigned bytes following the opcode. This address mode can be used in a manner similar to indexed, 8-bit offset except that this three-byte instruction allows tables to be anywhere in memory. As with direct and extended addressing, the Motorola assembler determines the shortest form of indexed addressing. EA = X+[(PC+1):(PC+2)]; PC ← PC+3 Address bus high ← (PC+1)+K; Address bus low ← X+(PC+2) where K = the carry from the addition of X and (PC+2) TPG MOTOROLA 11-12 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 102 11.3.8 Relative The relative addressing mode is only used in branch instructions. In relative addressing, the contents of the 8-bit signed byte (the offset) following the opcode are added to the PC if, and only if, the branch conditions are true. Otherwise, control proceeds to the next instruction. The span of relative addressing is from –126 to +129 from the opcode address. The programmer need not calculate the offset when using the Motorola assembler, since it calculates the proper offset and checks to see that it is within the span of the branch. EA = PC+2+(PC+1); PC ← EA if branch taken; otherwise EA = PC ← PC+2 11.3.9 Bit set/clear In the bit set/clear addressing mode, the bit to be set or cleared is part of the opcode. The byte following the opcode specifies the address of the byte in which the specified bit is to be set or cleared. Any read/write bit in the first 256 locations of memory, including I/O, can be selectively set or cleared with a single two-byte instruction. EA = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) 11.3.10 Bit test and branch The bit test and branch addressing mode is a combination of direct addressing and relative addressing. The bit to be tested and its condition (set or clear) is included in the opcode. The address of the byte to be tested is in the single byte immediately following the opcode byte (EA1). The signed relative 8-bit offset in the third byte (EA2) is added to the PC if the specified bit is set or cleared in the specified memory location. This single three-byte instruction allows the program to branch based on the condition of any readable bit in the first 256 locations of memory. The span of branch is from –125 to +130 from the opcode address. The state of the tested bit is also transferred to the carry bit of the condition code register. EA1 = (PC+1); PC ← PC+2 Address bus high ← 0; Address bus low ← (PC+1) EA2 = PC+3+(PC+2); PC ← EA2 if branch taken; otherwise PC ← PC+3 11 TPG MC68HC05L1 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MOTOROLA 11-13 103 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 11 TPG MOTOROLA 11-14 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET MC68HC05L1 104 12 LOW POWER MODES The STOP and WAIT instructions have different effects on the Programmable Timer, M-Bus, Pulse Accumulator, PWM, OSD, and ADC. These are discussed in the following paragraphs. 12.1 Stop Mode This is the lowest power consumption mode for the MCU. When the processor executes the STOP instruction, the internal clock is turned off. This halts all internal CPU processing, including the operation of the Programmable Timer, M-Bus, Pulse Accumulator, PWM, OSD, and ADC. The I bit in the Condition Code register is cleared to enable external interrupt IRQ. All registers and memory remain unaltered, and all input/output lines remain unchanged. The MCU is exited from Stop mode by an interrupt on IRQ, or any resets (logic low on RESET pin or a power-on reset). On exit from Stop mode, the program counter is loaded with the corresponding interrupt vector (see Table 5-1). The effects of the Stop mode on each of the MCU peripheral systems are below. 12.1.1 Timer during Stop Mode When Stop mode is entered, the timer counter stops counting (the internal processor clock is stopped) and remains at that particular count value until Stop mode is exited. If the exit was caused by reset, the counter is forced to $FFFC. If the Stop mode is exited by an interrupt IRQ, the counter resumes counting from the value when it entered the Stop mode. Another feature of the programmable timer in the Stop mode is, that if at least one valid input capture edge occurs at the TCAP pin, the input capture detect circuitry is armed. This action does not set any timer flags or “wake up” the MCU, but when the MCU does “wake up” there will be an active input capture flag (and data) from that first valid edge which occurred during the Stop mode. Notice that an exit by a reset will reset the entire MCU and thus, this function on the TCAP will not happen. 12 TPG MC68HC05T16 LOW POWER MODES MOTOROLA 12-1 105 12.1.2 M-Bus during Stop Mode When Stop mode is entered, the internal clock driving the M-Bus module will be held at a static state, thus disabling the operation of the M-Bus module. The M-Bus module hence cannot wake up the CPU. 12.1.3 Pulse Accumulator during Stop Mode When Stop mode is entered, the internal clock driving the Pulse Accumulator module will be held at a static state, thus disabling the operation of the Pulse Accumulator module. The Pulse Accumulator module hence cannot wake up the CPU. 12.1.4 PWM during Stop Mode When Stop mode is entered, the internal clock driving the PWM module will be held at a static state, thus disabling the operation of the PWM module. The PWM module hence cannot wake up the CPU. 12.1.5 OSD during Stop Mode When Stop mode is entered, the internal clock driving most of the OSD logic will be held at a static state, disabling the operation of the OSD module. If the PLL is not stopped by clearing PLLEN bit, the OSD pixel clock will still run, causing power consumption in Stop mode. The OSD module cannot wake up the CPU when in Stop mode. 12.1.6 ADC during Stop Mode The ADC module operates with the presence of the internal clock, therefore, in Stop mode, ADC operation is halted. 12 12.1.7 COP during Stop Mode The COP watchdog system stops counting in Stop mode. It continues counting again after 4069 bus cycles when the exit is caused by a external interrupt on IRQ. If exit from Stop mode was caused by a reset, the MCU will be initialized and the COP watchdog system will be disabled. TPG MOTOROLA 12-2 LOW POWER MODES MC68HC05T16 106 12.2 Wait Mode When the MCU enters Wait mode, the CPU clock is halted. All CPU activities are halted, but the peripheral modules remain active. Any interrupts from the peripherals will cause the processor to exit the Wait mode. A reset will also take the MCU out of Wait mode. The operation of the COP system in Wait mode is as for Stop mode, but counting is resumed immediately after the exit; i.e. without the 4069 bus cycles. The Wait mode power consumption depends on how many systems are active. If a non-reset exit from the Wait mode is performed (e.g. timer overflow interrupt exit), the state of the remaining systems will be unchanged. If a reset exit from the Wait mode is performed, all the systems revert to the default reset state. 12 TPG MC68HC05T16 LOW POWER MODES MOTOROLA 12-3 107 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 12 TPG MOTOROLA 12-4 LOW POWER MODES MC68HC05T16 108 13 OPERATING MODES The MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 MCU has two modes of operation, the User Mode and the Self-Check/Bootstrap Mode. Figure 13-1 shows the flowchart of entry to these two modes, and Table 13-1 shows operating mode selection. 5V RESET 9V IRQ ? N USER MODE (NORMAL MODE) Y PC2 = VDD ? Y SELF-CHECK/ BOOTSTRAP MODE Note: Self-check mode is for MC68HC05T16 Bootstrap mode is for MC68HC705T16 Figure 13-1 Flowchart of Mode Entering 13 TPG MC68HC05T16 OPERATING MODES MOTOROLA 13-1 109 Table 13-1 Mode Selection RESET 5V 5V IRQ PC2 MODE VSS to VDD VSS to VDD USER VDD SELF-CHECK/ BOOTSTRAP 9V +9V Rising Edge* * Minimum hold time should be 2 clock cycles, after that it can be used as a normal IRQ function pin. 13.1 User Mode (Normal Operation) The normal operating mode of the MC68HC05T16/MC68HC705T16 is the user mode. The user mode will be entered if the RESET line is brought low, and the IRQ pin is within its normal operational range (VSS to VDD), the rising edge of the RESET will cause the MCU to enter the user mode. 13.2 Self-Check Mode The MC68HC05T16 self-check mode is for the user to check device functions with an on-chip self-check program masked at location $FE00 to $FFEF under minimum hardware support. The hardware is shown in Figure 13-3. Figure 13-2 is the criteria to enter self-check mode, where PC2’s condition is latched within first two clock cycles after the rising edge of the reset. PC2 can then be used for other purposes. After entering the self-check mode, CPU branches to the self-check program and carries out the self-check. Self-check is a repetitive test, i.e. if all parts are checked to be good, the CPU will repeat the self-check again. Therefore, the LEDs attached to Port A will be flashing if the device is good; else the combination of LEDs’ on-off pattern can show what part of the device is suspected to be bad. Table 13-2 lists the LEDs’ on-off patterns and their corresponding indications. +5V PC2 +9V IRQ 13 +5V RESET Figure 13-2 Self-Check Mode Timing TPG MOTOROLA 13-2 OPERATING MODES MC68HC05T16 110 +5V 8 x 4K7 XTAL PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 4MHz EXTAL +5V 10M 10K 22p 22p 1N4148 RESET RESET +5V + 2.2µ MC68HC05T16 470K 2K2 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 VCO 0.1µ 2K2 +9V 0.1µ 10K R G B FBKG IRQ/VPP PA7 2N4400 10K +5V PA0 PA4 1K PA1 PA5 1K 8 x 4K7 VFLBK HFLBK 10K 10K 1K +5V RP PA2 PE0/PWM0 PE1/PWM1 PE2/PWM2 PE3/PWM3 PE4/PWM4 PE5/PWM5 PE6/PWM6 PE7/PWM7 PF0PWM8 PF1/PWM9 PF2/I PF3/HTONE PF4/ADCIN1 PF5/SDA PF6/SCL PF7PACIN TCAP 20K ADCIN0 +5V PA6 VDD 1K PA3 VSS 13 Figure 13-3 MC68HC05T16 Self-Test Circuit TPG MC68HC05T16 OPERATING MODES MOTOROLA 13-3 111 Table 13-2 Self-Check Report PA3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 PA2 PA1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Flashing All Others 1=LED off; 0=LED on. 13.3 PA0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 REMARKS Faulty part, port A bad Bad I/O Bad RAM Bad ROM Bad TIMER Bad PAC Bad ADC Bad OSD Bad MFT Good Device Bad Device, Bad Port A, etc. Bootstrap Mode The bootstrap mode is provided in the EPROM part (MC68HC705T16) as a mean of self-programming its EPROM with minimal circuitry. It is entered on the rising edge of RESET if IRQ pin is at 1.8VDD and PC2 is at logic one. RESET must be held low for 4064 cycles after POR (power-on reset). 13.3.1 EPROM Programming The 4K-bytes OSD CHAR EPROM is positioned from $8000 to $8FFF, and the 23.5K-bytes user EPROM is positioned from $A000 to $FDFF. The erased state of EPROM locations is $FF. Programming boards are available from Motorola for programming the on-chip EPROM, please contact your Motorola representative. The Program Control register (PCR) is provided for EPROM programming. The function of the EPROM depends on the device operating mode. Please contact Motorola for Programming board availability. 13 13.3.2 Program Control Register (PCR) Address bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 $3D bit 1 bit 0 State on reset ELAT PGM 0000 0000 TPG MOTOROLA 13-4 OPERATING MODES MC68HC05T16 112 ELAT - EPROM Latch Control 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – EPROM address and data bus configured for programming (writes to EPROM cause address data to be latched). EPROM is in programming mode and cannot be read if ELAT is 1. This bit should not be set unless a programming voltage is applied to the VPP pin. EPROM address and data bus configured for normal reads. PGM - EPROM Program Command 1 (set) – 0 (clear) – 13.3.3 Programming power connected to the EPROM array. If ELAT not = 1 then PGM = 0. Programming power disconnected from the EPROM array. EPROM Programming Sequence Programming the EPROM of the MC68HC705T16 is as follows: 1) Set the ELAT bit. 2) Write the data to be programmed to the address to be programmed. 3) Set the PGM bit. 4) Delay for the appropriate amount of time. 5) Clear the PGM and the ELAT bits. The last action may be carried out in a single CPU write operation. It is important to remember that an external programming voltage must be applied to the VPP pin while programming, but should be equal to VDD during normal operation. Example shows address $B000 is programmed with $00. CLR LDX BSET LDA STA PCR #$00 1,PCR #$00 $B000,X BSET JSR CLR 0,PCR DELAY PCR ;reset PCR ;load index register with 00 ;set ELAT bit ;load data=00 in to A ;latch data and address (if programming OSD CHAR ;EPROM, the address should be in the range of ;$8000 to $8FFF) ;program ;call delay subroutine for 1ms ;reset PCR 13 TPG MC68HC05T16 OPERATING MODES MOTOROLA 13-5 113 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 13 TPG MOTOROLA 13-6 OPERATING MODES MC68HC05T16 114 14 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section contains the electrical specifications and associated timing information for the MC68HC05T16. 14.1 Maximum Ratings (Voltages referenced to VSS) RATINGS Supply Voltage Input Voltage Input Voltage at Open Drain pins IRQ (MC68HC05T16) VPP (MC68HC705T16) Current Drain per pin excluding VDD and VSS Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Range SYMBOL VDD Vin Vinod Vin VPP ID TA Tstg VALUE –0.3 to +7.0 VSS –0.3 to VDD +0.3 12 VSS –0.3 to 10 VSS –0.3 to 12+0.5 25 0 to 70 –65 to +150 UNIT V V V V V mA °C °C This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, it is advised that normal precautions should be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than the maximum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation it is recommended that Vin and Vout be constrained to the range VSS ≤(Vin or Vout)≤VDD. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused inputs are connected to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g. either VSS or VDD). 14.2 Thermal Characteristics CHARACTERISTICS Thermal resistance - Plastic 56-pin SDIP package SYMBOL VALUE UNIT θJA 50 °C/W 14 TPG MC68HC05T16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MOTOROLA 14-1 115 14.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Table 14-1 DC Electrical Characteristics for 5V Operation (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Output voltage ILOAD =+10µA VOL – ILOAD =–10µA VOH VDD-0.1 Output high voltage (ILOAD =–5mA) PA0-PA7, PC0-PC3, R, G, B, VOH VDD-0.8 FBKG, PF2-PF7 Output low voltage (ILOAD =+5mA) PA0-PA7, PC0-PC3, R, G, B, VOL – FBKG, PF2-PF7 Input high voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB7, PC0-PC7, PE0-PE7, VIH 0.7xVDD PF0-PF7, TCAP, IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, HFLBK, VFLBK Input low voltage PA0-PA7, PB0-PB7, PC0-PC7, PE0-PE7, VIL VSS PF0-PF7, TCAP, IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, HFLBK, VFLBK Data Retention Mode VRM 2.0 Supply current: Run – Wait IDD – Stop (4.2MHz oscillator on) – (4.2MHz oscillator off) – I/O ports high-Z leakage current – PA0-PA7, PB0-PB7, PC0-PC7, IOZ PE0-PE7, PF0-PF7 Input current TCAP, IRQ, RESET, EXTAL, ADCIN0, IIN – HFLBK, VFLBK Capacitance All signal pins TYPICAL MAXIMUM UNIT – – 0.1 – V V – – V – 0.4 V – – V – 0.2xVDD V – – V 5 1 100 50 10 2 200 100 mA mA µA µA – ±10 µA – ±1 µA 12 8 pF pF COUT CIN 14 TPG MOTOROLA 14-2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MC68HC05T16 116 14.4 Open Drain Electrical Specification Table 14-2 Open Drain Parameters (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Output low voltage: +VCC pins (ILOAD = 15mA) – PB0-PB7, PC4-PC7, PE0-PE7, PF0-PF1 VOL Output low voltage: +VDD pins (ILOAD = 15mA) – PF5/SDA, PF6/SCL VOL 14.5 TYPICAL – – MAXIMUM UNIT 0.4 V 0.4 V MAXIMUM UNIT On-Screen Display Timing Table 14-3 On-Screen Display Timings (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM Rise Time (ILOAD =2K, 12pF; 0.1 to 0.9VDD) – R, G, B, FBKG, HTONE, I tR Fall Time (ILOAD =2K, 12pF; 0.9 to 0.1VDD) – R, G, B, FBKG, HTONE, I tF Dot clock frequency tOSD – HFLBK rise time tRH – VFLBK rise time tRV – VDD ripple tRIP – TYPICAL 5 5 16.128 100 100 100 – – – – – – ns ns MHz ns ns mV 14 TPG MC68HC05T16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MOTOROLA 14-3 117 14.6 M-Bus Interface Timing Table 14-4 M-Bus Interface Input Signal Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) PARAMETERS SYMBOL MINIMUM START condition hold time tHD.STA 2 START condition setup time tSU.STA 2 (for repeated START condition only) SCL clock low period tLOW 4.7 SCL clock high period tHIGH 4.0 SDA data setup time tSU.DAT 250 0 SDA data hold time tHD.DAT STOP condition setup time tSU.STO 2 MAXIMUM – UNIT tCYC – tCYC – – – – – tCYC tCYC µs µs tCYC Table 14-5 M-Bus Interface Output Signal Timing (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM START condition hold time tHD.STA 8 START condition setup time tSU.STA 10 (for repeated START condition only) SCL clock low period tLOW 11 SCL clock high period tHIGH 11 SDA/SCL rise time (see note 1) tR – SDA/SCL fall time (see note 1) tF – SDA data setup time tSU.DAT tLOW -2tCYC SDA data hold time tHD.DAT 170 STOP condition setup time tSU.STO 10 Note: MAXIMUM – UNIT tCYC – tCYC – – 1 300 – – – tCYC tCYC µs ns µs ns tCYC 1. With 200pF loading on the SDA/SCL pins SDA tR tF SCL tHD.STA 14 tLOW tHIGH tSU.DAT tHD.DAT tSU.STA tSU.STO Figure 14-1 M-Bus Timing Diagram TPG MOTOROLA 14-4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MC68HC05T16 118 14.7 Control Timing Table 14-6 Control Timing for 5V Operation (VDD =5.0Vdc ±10%, VSS =0Vdc, temperature range=0 to 70°C) CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL MINIMUM MAXIMUM Frequency of operation Crystal option fOSC – 4.2 External clock option fOSC dc 4.2 Internal operating frequency Crystal (fOSC/2) fOP – 2.1 External clock (fOSC/2) fOP dc 2.1 tCYC 480 – Cycle time (1/fOP) Crystal oscillator start-up time tOXOV – 100 Stop recovery start-up time tILCH – 100 RESET pulse width tRL 1.5 – IRQ pulse width low (edge-triggered) tILIH 125 – see note 1 IRQ pulse period tILIL – ADC comparator stabilization time tSETTLE – 10 ADC comparator conversion time tCONV 2 3 Timer resolution tRESL – 4 Timer TCAP pulse width tTH, tTL – 125 (see note 2) see note 3 Timer TCAP period tTLTL – Notes: UNIT MHz MHz MHz MHz ns ms ms tCYC ns tCYC µs tCYC tCYC ns tCYC 1. The minimum period tILIL should not be less than the number of cycle times it takes to execute the IRQ interrupt service routine plus 21tCYC. 2. Depending on the active edge of TCAP, either tTH, the high TCAP pulse width, or tTL, the low TCAP pulse width applies. 3. The minimum period tTLTL should not be less than the number of cycle times it takes to execute the input capture interrupt service routine plus 24tCYC. 14 TPG MC68HC05T16 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MOTOROLA 14-5 119 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 14 TPG MOTOROLA 14-6 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MC68HC05T16 120 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS This section provides the mechanical dimension for the 56-pin SDIP package for the MC68HC05T16. 15.1 56-pin SDIP Package -A- L H 56 29 Case No. 859-01 56 lead SDIP -B- 1 28 M J 0.25 M T B S C -TSeating Plane K G E F N P D 0.25 M T A S Dim. A B C D E F G Min. Max. 51.69 52.45 13.72 14.22 3.94 5.08 0.36 0.56 0.89 BSC 0.81 1.17 1.778 BSC Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Dimensions and tolerancing per ANSI Y 14.5 1982. All dimensions in mm. Dimension L to centre of lead when formed parallel. Dimensions A and B do not include mould flash. Allowable mould flash is 0.25 mm. Dim. H J K L M N P Min. Max. 7.62 BSC 0.20 0.38 2.92 3.43 15.24 BSC 0° 15° 0.51 1.02 1.78 2.29 Figure 15-1 56-pin SDIP Mechanical Dimensions TPG MC68HC05T16 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS MOTOROLA 15-1 15 121 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 15 TPG MOTOROLA 15-2 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS MC68HC05T16 122 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 2 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 3 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 4 TIMERS 5 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 6 PULSE ACCUMULATOR 7 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 8 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 9 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER 10 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 11 LOW POWER MODES 12 OPERATING MODES 13 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 14 TPG MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15 123 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 2 PIN DESCRIPTIONS AND INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS 3 MEMORY AND REGISTERS 4 RESETS AND INTERRUPTS 5 TIMERS 6 M-BUS SERIAL INTERFACE 7 PULSE ACCUMULATOR 8 PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR 9 ON-SCREEN DISPLAY 10 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER 11 CPU CORE AND INSTRUCTION SET 12 LOW POWER MODES 13 OPERATING MODES 14 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TPG 124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 How to reach us: MFAX: – TOUCHTONE (602) 244-6609 INTERNET: USA/EUROPE: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. 1-800-441-2447 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; Tatsumi-SPD-JLDC, Toshikatsu Otsuki, 6F Seibu-Butsuryu-Center, 3-14-2 Tatsumi Koto-Ku, Tokyo 135, Japan. 03-3521-8315 HONG KONG: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. 852-26629298 15 !MOTOROLA MC68HC05T16D/H