SiC - JF ET Silicon Carbide- Junction Field Effect Transistor Cool Si C ™ 1200 V CoolSiC™ Power Transistor IJW120R070T1 Final Da ta sheet Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Po wer Ma nage m ent & M ulti m ark et 1200 V Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Description CoolSiC™ is Infineon’s new family of active power switches based on silicon carbide. Combining the excellent material properties of silicon carbide with our normally-on JFET concept allows the next steps towards higher performance paired with very high ruggedness. The extremely low switching and conduction losses make applications even more efficient, compact, lighter and cooler. Gate Drain Source Features Drain Pin 2 Ultra fast switching Internal fast body diode Low intrinsic capacitance Low gate charge 175 °C maximum operating temperature Gate Pin 1 Benefits Enabling higher system efficiency and/ or higher output power in same housing Enabling higher frequency / increased power density solutions System cost / space savings due to reduced cooling requirements Higher system reliability due to enlarged junction temperatures rates Reduced EMI Source Pin 3 Applications Solar Inverters High voltage DC/ DC or AC/ DC conversion Bidirectional Inverter Compliant for applications according to climate class IEC 60721-3-4 (4K4H) Table 1 Key Performance Parameters Parameter Value Unit VDS 1200 V RDS(on) max 70 mΩ QG, typ 92 nC ID, pulse 114 A Eoss @ 800 V 38 µJ Table 2 Pin 1 Gate Pin Definition Pin 2 Pin 3 Drain Source Type / ordering Code 1) IJW120R070T1 1) Package PG-TO247-3 Marking 120R070T1 Related links J-STD20 and JESD22 Final Datasheet 2 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Description Table of Contents Description ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4 Application considerations ............................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Driver circuit ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Device characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 5 Gate voltage window ............................................................................................................................ 5 Controllability ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Reverse biased behavior ..................................................................................................................... 6 Short circuit ruggedness ...................................................................................................................... 6 Switching and conduction losses ......................................................................................................... 6 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................................... 6 2 Maximum ratings ................................................................................................................................ 7 3 Thermal characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 8 4 Electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................... 8 5 Electrical characteristics diagrams ................................................................................................ 10 6 Test circuits ...................................................................................................................................... 17 7 Package outlines .............................................................................................................................. 18 8 Revision History ............................................................................................................................... 19 Final Datasheet 3 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Application considerations 1 Application considerations 1.1 Introduction Wide bandgap semiconductors are very attractive as a basematerial for power devices due to low losses, improved temperature capability and high thermal conductivity. Infineon’s silicon carbide schottky diodes have been commercially available on the market for many years. The material and technology knowhow has been used to create new active switches based on silicon carbide providing significant improvement in the value proposition in comparison to known devices such as: • • • • Resistive forward characteristic in first and third quadrant Monolithic integrated body diode, in switching performance very close to SiC schottky barrier diodes Very fast and controllable switching transients Very low capacitances and gate charge These benefits result in higher system efficiency, allow higher switching frequencies, increased power density and reduced cooling efforts. Due to the normally-on JFET concept any reliability-relevant issues from gate oxides on SiC are completely avoided. To allow the use of this normally-on concept in voltage-source-inverter configurations we propose the following driver circuit. 1.2 Driver circuit Being a normally-on device, the JFET is in its on-state at zero gate voltage and will go into the off-state at negative gate voltage. The normally off behavior can be easily realized by implementing a cascode configuration with a low voltage MOSFET as shown in Figure 1 (state of the art cascode). At e.g. startup, the LV MOSFET is in the off-state pushing the source of the JFET to positive potential relative to its gate and keeping the JFET hence in the off-state. In this conventional cascode, the LV MOSFET will be switched on and off together with the JFET in each switching cycle. This approach has two major drawbacks: firstly, at turn-on additional switching losses will occur as the output capacitance of the LV MOSFET needs to be charged from the positive rail voltage, secondly the combination allows no direct control of the JFET due to the absence of a (JFET) - Drain- to- (LV MOS) - Gate capacitance. These drawbacks can be avoided with the proposed “direct drive” approach. Here, the JFET is directly switched on and off by applying a negative gate voltage and 0V respectively, whereas the series connected LV MOSFET is always in its on- state. The LV MOSFET is turned off only during start- up and e.g. emergency cases such as loss of auxiliary power supply. This solution represents the best match between performance and safety requirements. The driving scheme with a dedicated driver is shown in Fig. 2 (direct drive technology with 1EDI30J12Cx). Figure 1: state of the art cascode Final Datasheet Figure 2: direct drive technology with 1EDI30J12Cx 4 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Application considerations 1.3 Device characteristics 1.3.1 Gate voltage window VGS(th) [V] The gate electrode of the JFET shows, in contrary to isolated MOSFET concepts, a bipolar pn-junction like characteristic: it get’s forward biased at around +2.5 V, hence a bipolar current will flow into the gate once the gate- to- source voltage exceeds 2.5 V. This is uncritical and may be used to turn-on the device faster than with the recommended 0 V turn-on. At 25 °C the threshold voltage of the channel can vary between -12 V and -15 V (Figure 3: VGS(th)=f(Tj ) parameter: IGSS). The products will be delivered within three groups (bin1, bin2, bin3) of 1 V range each. For paralleling, it is only allowed to parallel devices from the same bin. The use of devices from different bins for paralleling leads to different thermal device behavior. At a voltage of around -23 V the gate- tosource junction enters reverse breakdown, which leads to a temperature dependend bipolar current flow across the junction. In pure voltage driven turn-on and turn-off the lower gate voltage should stay within the window between the pinch-off (threshold) and the punch-through (increased leakage) voltage. For fast and safe turn-off it is strongly recommended to move the lower gate voltage level as close as possible to the punch-through threshold. -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 bin 1 bin 2 bin 3 gate off window -50 25 Tj [°C] 100 175 Figure 3: VGS(th)=f(Tj ) parameter: IDSS=14 µA 1.3.2 Controllability The JFET can be well controlled through its miller plateau with an external gate resistor (Figure 4: dVoff/ dt= f(IDS), dVon/ dt= f(IDS), dIoff/ dt= f(IDS), dIon/ dt= f(IDS) parameter: Tj=25 °C, RG, external). Especially dI/ dt is saturating at high current levels. This helps to avoid voltage overshoots in peak current conditions. It is strongly recommended to use very low turn-off gate resistors (down to zero Ohm external gate resistor) to achive maximum performance from the device as well as to avoid any parasitic dV/dt or dI/dt coupled turn-on effects. As shown in the maximum rating division of the datasheet the external gate loop resistance should be lower than 5.1 Ω. Figure 4: dVoff/ dt= f(IDS), dVon/ dt= f(IDS), dIoff/ dt= f(IDS), dIon/ dt= f(IDS) parameter: Tj=25 °C, RG, external Final Datasheet 5 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Application considerations 1.3.3 Reverse biased behavior The monolithically integrated body diode shows a switching performance close to that of an external SiC schottky barrier diodes, renowned for their zero reverse recovery characteristic. Figure 5 (reverse recovery characteristic ISD= 2 A left and ISD= 10 A; Tj= 150 °C; Vbulk=400 V; RG, external = (T1) 3.3 Ω, (T2) 10 Ω) shows the reverse recovery characteristic of the monolithic integrated body diode of the JFET. The reverse recovery charge is load current independent. To avoid any additional losses during hard commutation of the body diode, it is recommended to couple the gate of the switch (acting as diode) with a very low external gate resistor to the gate driver. T1 RG external LLoad VDS VDS T2 IDS IDS VGS VGS VDS RG external 10mΩ IDS VGS Figure 5: reverse recovery characteristic ISD= 2 A left and ISD= 10 A; Tj= 150 °C; Vbulk=400 V; RG, (T2) 10 Ω external = (T1) 3.3 Ω, Due to the material properties of SiC the forward voltage drop Vf of the internal body diode is significantly higher compared to a SiC schottky barrier diode. Therefore, active turn-on of the channel of the JFET during reverse operation (synchronous rectification) is the preferred way of operation. 1.3.4 Short circuit ruggedness Due to excellent material properties and a very high temperature level for intrinsic carrier generation the device shows extremely good short circuit ruggedness. 1.3.5 Switching and conduction losses The switching energies are typically one order of magnitude lower than the losses of IGBTs. It is noteworthy to consider that the JFET, as pure majority carrier device, has no forward knee voltage and can be used on its ohmic characteristic both in forward and reverse direction. Nevertheless, the JFET shows a strong dependency of the switching energies as function of the used gate resistor. A low resistive value of the gate resistor is recommended to operate the JFET at optimal conditions. The conduction losses in comparison to Super Junction MOSFET’s are less temperature dependent. A factor of only 1.6 between 25 °C and 100 °C is measurable. 1.4 Environmental Conditions The parts are proofed according to IEC 60721-3-4 (4K4H). (Low air temperature -20 °C; High air temperature +55 °C; Low relative humitidy 4 %; High relative humitidy 100 %; Low absolute humitidy 0.9 g/ m³; High absolute humitidy 36 g/ m³…) Final Datasheet 6 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Maximum ratings 2 Maximum ratings Table 3 Parameter Maximum ratings Symbol Values Unit Min. Typ. Max. – – 35 – – 25 5) – – 14 5) – – 114 – – 98 5) – – 88 5) VGS -19.5 – 2 Power dissipation Ptot – – dV/ dt ruggedness, drain source dVDS/ dt – – 238 80 – – 114 – – 88 dVSD/ dt – – 80 RG, off – – 5.1 Ω Tj;Tstg -55 – 175 °C – – 60 Continuous current, drain source 1) IDS VGS = 0 V; TC = 25 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max VGS = 0 V; TC = 100 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max A Pulsed current, drain source Gate source voltage 1) IDS, pulse 2) Pulsed current, source drain 1) 3) Gate loop resistance, turn off Operating and storage temp. 4) Mounting torque VGS = 0 V; TC = 150 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max VGS = 0 V; TC = 25 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max VGS = 0 V; TC = 100 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max VGS = 0 V; TC = 150 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max V ISD, pulsed dV/ dt ruggedness, source drain Note/Test Condition 5) W TC = 25 °C V/ ns IDS ≤ IDS, pulse VGS = -19 V; TC = 25 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max A VGS = -19 V; TC = 150 °C; RthJC = RthJC, max V/ ns ISD ≤ IDS, pulse Ncm M 2.5 screws 1) Limited by Tj, max 2) The device is proofed against VGS peaks. That allows to drive the parts shortly outside of the given maximum ratings (VGS, max= 20 V, VGS, min= -50 V @ tp, max= 20 ns). This will result in a temporary gate leakage peak only. 3) See application information 4) Prolonged storage at high temperatures reduces the lifetime of the product. Tested according to EIA/JESD22-A103D 5) Limits derived from product characterization, parameter not measured during production Final Datasheet 7 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Thermal characteristics 3 Thermal characteristics Table 4 Parameter Thermal characteristics TO-247-3 Symbol Values Min. Unit Thermal resistance, junction-case RthJC – Typ. – Max. 0.63 Thermal resistance, junctionambient RthJA – – 62 Soldering temperature, T wavesoldering only allowed at leads sold – – 260 Note/Test Condition K/W leaded °C 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10 s 4 Electrical characteristics Table 5 Parameter Static characteristics Symbol Breakdown voltage, drain source V(BR)DSS Values Min. Typ. Max. 1200 – – -13.1 bin2 -14.1 bin3 -15.0 bin1 -13.5 bin2 -14.5 bin3 -15.4 bin1 -13.8 bin2 -14.8 bin3 -15.7 – – – – – – – – – -12.0 bin2 -12.9 bin3 -13.9 bin1 -12.3 bin2 -13.2 bin3 -14.2 bin1 -12.4 bin2 -13.3 bin3 -14.3 – 3.3 42 – 6.6 84 – 13.2 168 – – – – 500 – – 1000 – 0.055 0.070 – 0.100 – – 0.130 – – 1.4 – bin1 Gate threshold voltage 2) Drain- source leakage current VGS(th) IDSS Unit VGS= -19.5 V; IDS= 1 mA; TC= -50 °C bin1 IDS= 14 µA; VDS= 40 V; Tj= 25 °C V Drain- source on- state resistance IGSS RDS(on) 1) 1) 125 1) 2) RG VDS= 1200 V; VGS= -19.5 V; TC= 25 °C VDS= 1200 V; VGS= -19.5 V; TC= 100 °C VDS= 1200 V; VGS= -19.5 V; Tj= 150 °C VDS= 0 V; VGS=-19.5 V; TC= 25 °C VDS= 0 V; VGS= -19.5 V; TC= 100 °C 1) 1) Ω Gate resistance IDS= 14 µA; VDS= 40 V; 1) Tj= 100 °C; IDS= 14 µA; VDS= 40 V; 1) Tj= 150 °C; µA Gate- source leakage current Note/Test Condition VDS= 0 V; VGS= -19.5 V; TC= 150 °C VGS= 0 V; IDS=12.5 A; TC= 25 °C VGS= 0 V; IDS=12.5 A; TC= 100 °C VGS= 0 V; IDS=12.5 A; TC= 150 °C f= 1 MHz, open drain; TC = 25 °C Limits derived from product characterization, parameter not measured during production For paralleling see application note Final Datasheet 8 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics Table 6 Parameter Dynamic characteristics Symbol Input capacitance Output capacitance Values Unit Min. Typ. Max. – 2000 – – 1600 – – 1350 – – 102 – VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 0 V; f= 1 MHz VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 800 V; f= 1 MHz VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 0 V; f= 1 MHz Ciss Coss Effective output capacitance, 1) energy related Co(er) – 120 – Effective output capacitance, 2) time related Co(tr) – 152 – Turn- on delay time td(on) – 51 – Turn- off delay time td(off) – 27 – Rise time tr – 32 – Fall time tf – 19 – Note/Test Condition pF VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 800 V; f= 1 MHz VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 0 V/ 800 V; TC=25 °C VGS= -19.5 V; VDS= 0 V/ 800 V; TC=25 °C ns VDS= 800 V; VGS= -19.5 V/ 0 V; ID= 26 A; TC= 25 °C; RG(on),tot= 2 Ω 1) Co(er) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same stored energy as Coss while VDS is rising from 0 V to 800 V 2) Co(tr) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time as Coss while VDS is rising from 0 V to 800 V Table 7 Parameter Gate charge characteristics Symbol Values Min. Unit Typ. 21 Max. – 51 – Gate charge, gate to source QGS Gate charge, gate to drain QGD – – Gate charge, total QG – 92 – Gate plateau voltage Vplateau – -8 – Table 8 Parameter Reverse diode characteristics Symbol VSD Diode forward voltage Values nC Typ. Max. – 7.2 – – 8 – – 8.1 – V trr – 14 – ns Reverse recovery charge Qrr – 120 – nC Peak reverse recovery current Irrm – 15 – A Current slope forward dIF/ dt – 3 – Current slope reverse dIrr/ dt – 2.5 – 9 Note/Test Condition ISD = 25 A; VGS= -19.5 V; TC = 25 °C Reverse recovery time Final Datasheet VDS= 800 V to 0 V; IDS= 25 A; VGS= -19.5 V to 0 V V Unit Min. Note/Test Condition ISD = 25 A; VGS= -19.5 V; TC = 100 °C ISD = 25 A; VGS= -19.5 V; TC = 150 °C ISD = 25 A, VDS = 800 V, RG= 0 Ω, Tj = 25 °C A/ns Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams 5 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 9 Typical output characteristic Typical output characteristic IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tj= 25°C; parameter: VGS; Vpi 25°C IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tj= 100°C; parameter: VGS; Vpi 25°C Table 10 Typical output characteristic Typical drain- source on- state resistance 0.16 0.14 0.12 RDS(on) [Ω] 0.1 0.08 ID=25A 0.06 ID=13A 0.04 0.02 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tj [°C] IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tj= 150 °C; parameter: VGS; Vpi 25 Final Datasheet °C RDS(on)= ƒ(Tj ); VGS= 0 V; Tj= 25 °C; parameter: IDS 10 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 11 Typical transfer characteristic- linear scale Typical transfer characteristic- logarithmic scale 200 1 000 25°C 180 T = 25°C 160 140 100 IDS [A] IDS [A] 120 175 °C 100 80 10 60 40 20 0 1 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 -14 -12 -10 VGS [V] -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 VGS [V] IDS= ƒ(VGS ); VDS= 30 V; parameter: Tj; Vpi 25 °C IDS= ƒ(VGS ); VDS= 30 V; parameter: Tj; Vpi 25 °C Table 12 Gate voltage window Body diode characteristics -11 0V 50 -5 V -12 -13 bin 1 bin 2 40 -10 V ISD [A] VGS(th) [V] -14 bin 3 -15 -16 30 -15 V 20 -17 -18 10 -20 V gate off window 1) -19 -20 0 -50 25 Tj [°C] 100 0 175 VGS(th) = ƒ(Tj ), VDS=40 V; parameter: IDSS=14 µA 2 4 6 8 10 VDS (V) ISD= ƒ(VDS ); Tj= 25 °C parameter: VGS 1) lower gate voltage leads to increased leakage current Final Datasheet 11 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 13 Typical gate charge Typical breakdown voltage 5 1 620 1 610 0 1 600 1 590 -5 VBR(dss) [V] VGS [V] ID = 25A -10 ID = 2A -15 1 580 1 570 1 560 1 550 -20 -100 1 540 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 -50 0 QG [nC] 50 100 150 200 Tj [°C] VGS= ƒ(QG ); VDS= 800 V; parameter: IDS VBR(dss)= ƒ(Tj ); IDS= 1 mA Table 14 Typical capacitances Typical stored energy in Coss 60 10 000 50 Ciss 40 100 Eoss [µJ] C [pF] 1 000 Coss Crss 250 500 750 20 10 10 0 30 0 1000 0 VDS [V] Ciss= ƒ(VDS ); VGS= -19 V; f= 1 MHz Coss= ƒ(VDS ); VGS= -19 V; f= 1 MHz Crss= ƒ(VDS ); VGS= -19 V; f= 1 MHz Final Datasheet 250 500 750 1000 VDS [V] Eoss= ƒ(VDS ) 12 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 15 Typical stored charge Coss Maximum gate leakage current IGSS 160 1.E-02 140 120 IGSS [A] Qoss [nC] 100 80 1.E-03 60 40 20 0 1.E-04 0 200 400 600 800 1000 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Tj [°C] VDS [V] Qoss= ƒ(VDS ) IGss= ƒ(Tj); parameter VGS= -19.5 V Table 16 Typical switching losses- JFET vs. IDH15S120 Typical switching losses- JFET vs. JFET Ids= 1A Ids= 10A Ids= 20A 0.7 0.6 Ids= 1A 0.7 Ids= 10A 0.6 Ids= 20A 0.4 0.4 Eoff [mJ] 0.5 Eoff [mJ] 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 Rg off [Ω] Eoff= ƒ(RG); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: IDS Final Datasheet 2 4 6 8 10 Rg off [Ω] Eoff= ƒ(RG); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: IDS 13 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 17 1) Typical switching losses- JFET vs. IDH15S120 Typical switching losses- JFET vs. JFET 1.2 1) 1.2 400V 1.0 400V 1.0 800V 800V Eon [mJ] 0.8 Eon [mJ] 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 IDS [A] 15 20 25 30 IDS [A] Eon= ƒ(IDS); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; RG on= 3.3 Ω; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: Vbulk Eon= ƒ(IDS); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; RG on= 3.3 Ω; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: Vbulk Table 18 1) Typical switching losses- JFET vs. IDH15S120 Typical switching losses- JFET vs. JFET 0.30 0.30 400V 0.25 800V 0.20 Eoff [mJ] Eoff [mJ] 400V 0.25 800V 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 IDS [A] Eoff= ƒ(IDS); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; RG off= 3.3 Ω; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: Vbulk 1) 1) 5 10 15 20 25 30 IDS [A] Eoff= ƒ(IDS); Vbulk= 800 V; Tj = 25 °C; RG off= 3.3 Ω; Vpi = -13.5 V; parameter: Vbulk Measured with Push Pull stage close to the gate ; Rg on =0 Ω Final Datasheet 14 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 19 Power dissipation Safe operating area 200 1µs 100 180 160 10µs 120 10 100 IDS [A] Ptot [W] 140 80 60 100µs 1 1ms 40 10ms 20 DC 0 0.1 0 50 100 150 200 1 10 Tc [°C] 100 1000 VDS [V] Ptot= ƒ(TC ) IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tc= 25 °C; D= 0 parameter: tp Table 20 Safe operating area Safe operating area 100 100 1 µs 1 µs 1 ms 10 µs 10 10 µs IDS [A] IDS [A] 10 100 µs 1 1 100 µs 1 ms DC 10 ms DC 0.1 10 ms 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1 VDS [V] IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tc= 100 °C; D= 0 parameter: tp Final Datasheet 10 100 1000 VDS [V] IDS= ƒ(VDS ); Tc= 150 °C; D= 0 parameter: tp 15 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Electrical characteristics diagrams Table 21 Safe operating area diode Maximum transient thermal impedance 1000 1E0 10 ZTHjc [K/W] ID max [A] 100 Pulse Width [s] 1E-06 1E-05 1E-04 1E-03 1 1E-04 1E-03 1E-02 1E-01 1E-4 1E-2 1E0 tp [s] D Final Datasheet 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0 1E-2 1E-3 1E-6 1E+00 ISD max= ƒ(D= tp / T); Tc= 25 °C; parameter: tp 1E-1 ZTHjc= ƒ(tp ); parameter: D= tp / T 16 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Test circuits 6 Test circuits Table 22 Switching times test circuit for inductive load Switching time waveform LLoad V 90% VDS 10% VGS T2 RG external td(on) 10mΩ td(off) tf tr ton toff t Table 23 Unclamped inductive load test circuit Unclamped inductive waveform V, I LLoad T2 V(BR)DS RG external VDS 10mΩ IDS t Table 24 Test circuit for diode characteristics Diode recovery waveform T1 V, I RG external VDS(peak) LLoad VDS VDS trr IF T2 tF IDS QF 10mΩ Irrm Final Datasheet tS dIF/ dt RG external 17 QS t 10% Irrm dIrr/ dt trr = tF + tS Qrr = QF + QS Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Package outlines 7 Package outlines Figure 1 Final Datasheet Outlines PG-TO247-3, dimensions in mm/inches 18 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Silicon Carbide JFET IJW120R070T1 Revision History 8 Revision History IJW120R070T1, 1200 V CoolSiC™ Power Transistor Revision History: Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> Previous Revision: Revision Subjects (major changes since last version) 0.9 Target datasheet 1.0 Preliminary Datasheet 2.0 Final Datasheet We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: Edition 2011-12-09 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2011 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. The Infineon Technologies component described in this Data Sheet may be used in life-support devices or systems and/or automotive, aviation and aerospace applications or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support, automotive, aviation and aerospace device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Final Datasheet 19 Rev. 2.0, <2013-09-11> w w w . i n f i n e o n . c o m Published by Infineon Technologies AG