MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 128K x 36 Bit Pipelined BurstRAM Synchronous Fast Static RAM The MCM69P737 is a 4M bit synchronous fast static RAM designed to provide a burstable, high performance, secondary cache for the PowerPC and other high performance microprocessors. It is organized as 128K words of 36 bits each. This device integrates input registers, an output register, a 2–bit address counter, and high speed SRAM onto a single monolithic circuit for reduced parts count in cache data RAM applications. Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the use of an external clock (K). Addresses (SA), data inputs (DQx), and all control signals except output enable (G) and linear burst order (LBO) are clock (K) controlled through positive– edge–triggered noninverting registers. Bursts can be initiated with either ADSP or ADSC input pins. Subsequent burst addresses can be generated internally by the MCM69P737 (burst sequence operates in linear or interleaved mode dependent upon the state of LBO) and controlled by the burst address advance (ADV) input pin. Write cycles are internally self–timed and are initiated by the rising edge of the clock (K) input. This feature eliminates complex off–chip write pulse generation and provides increased timing flexibility for incoming signals. Synchronous byte write (SBx), synchronous global write (SGW), and synchronous write enable (SW) are provided to allow writes to either individual bytes or to all bytes. The four bytes are designated as “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. SBa controls DQa, SBb controls DQb, etc. Individual bytes are written if the selected byte writes SBx are asserted with SW. All bytes are written if either SGW is asserted or if all SBx and SW are asserted. For read cycles, pipelined SRAMs output data is temporarily stored by an edge–triggered output register and then released to the output buffers at the next rising edge of clock (K). The MCM69P737 operates from a 3.3 V core power supply and all outputs operate on a 2.5 V or 3.3 V power supply. All inputs and outputs are JEDEC standard JESD8–5 compatible. Order this document by MCM69P737/D MCM69P737 ZP PACKAGE PBGA CASE 999–02 TQ PACKAGE TQFP CASE 983A–01 • MCM69P737–3.5: 3.5 ns Access/6 ns Cycle (166 MHz) MCM69P737–3.8: 3.8 ns Access/6.7 ns Cycle (150 MHz) MCM69P737–4: 4 ns Access/7.5 ns Cycle (133 MHz) • 3.3 V + 10%, – 5% Core Power Supply, 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O Supply • ADSP, ADSC, and ADV Burst Control Pins • Selectable Burst Sequencing Order (Linear/Interleaved) • Single–Cycle Deselect Timing • Internally Self–Timed Write Cycle • Byte Write and Global Write Control • PB1 Version 2.0 Compatible • JEDEC Standard 119–Pin PBGA and 100–Pin TQFP Packages The PowerPC name is a trademark of IBM Corp., used under license therefrom. REV 6 1/20/98 Motorola, Inc. 1998 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 1 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM LBO ADV K ADSC BURST COUNTER K2 2 17 128K x 36 ARRAY CLR ADSP 2 SA SA1 SA0 ADDRESS REGISTER 17 15 SGW SW SBa SBb WRITE REGISTER a 36 36 WRITE REGISTER b 4 SBc SBd G MCM69P737 2 DATA–OUT REGISTER K WRITE REGISTER d K2 SE1 SE2 SE3 DATA–IN REGISTER WRITE REGISTER c ENABLE REGISTER K ENABLE REGISTER DQa – DQd MOTOROLA FAST SRAM A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VDDQ SA SA ADSP SA SA VDDQ NC SE2 SA ADSC SA SE3 NC NC SA SA VDD SA SA NC DQc DQc VSS NC VSS DQb DQb DQc DQc VSS SE1 VSS DQb DQb VDDQ DQc VSS G VSS DQb VDDQ E F G H J DQc DQc SBc ADV SBb DQb DQb DQc DQc VSS SGW VSS DQb DQb VDDQ VDD NC VDD NC VDD VDDQ K DQd DQd VSS K VSS DQa DQa DQd DQd SBd NC SBa DQa DQa VDDQ DQd VSS SW VSS DQa VDDQ L M N P R DQd DQd VSS SA1 VSS DQa DQa DQd DQd VSS SA0 VSS DQa DQa NC SA LBO VDD NC SA NC NC NC SA SA SA NC NC VDDQ NC NC NC NC NC VDDQ T DQc DQc DQc VDDQ VSS DQc DQc DQc DQc VSS VDDQ DQc DQc NC VDD NC VSS DQd DQd VDDQ VSS DQd DQd DQd DQd VSS VDDQ DQd DQd DQd 100 99 98 97 9695 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 1 80 2 79 3 78 4 77 5 76 6 75 7 74 8 73 9 72 10 71 11 70 12 69 13 68 14 67 15 66 16 65 17 64 18 63 19 62 20 61 21 60 22 59 23 58 24 57 25 56 26 55 27 54 28 53 29 52 30 51 31 32 33 34 35 36 3738 39 40 41 42 43 44 4546 47 48 49 50 DQb DQb DQb VDDQ VSS DQb DQb DQb DQb VSS VDDQ DQb DQb VSS NC VDD NC DQa DQa VDDQ VSS DQa DQa DQa DQa VSS VDDQ DQa DQa DQa LBO SA SA SA SA SA1 SA0 NC NC VSS VDD NC NC SA SA SA SA SA SA SA U SA SA SE1 SE2 SBd SBc SBb SBa SE3 VDD VSS K SGW SW G ADSC ADSP ADV SA SA PIN ASSIGNMENTS TOP VIEW 119 BUMP PBGA TOP VIEW 100 PIN TQFP Not to Scale MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 3 PBGA PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin Locations Symbol Type 4B ADSC Input Synchronous Address Status Controller: Active low, interrupts any ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a READ, WRITE, or chip deselect. 4A ADSP Input Synchronous Address Status Processor: Active low, interrupts any ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a new READ, WRITE, or chip deselect (exception — chip deselect does not occur when ADSP is asserted and SE1 is high). 4G ADV Input Synchronous Address Advance: Increments address count in accordance with counter type selected (linear/interleaved). (a) 6K, 7K, 6L, 7L, 6M, 6N, 7N, 6P, 7P (b) 6D, 7D, 6E, 7E, 6F, 6G, 7G, 6H, 7H (c) 1D, 2D, 1E, 2E, 2F, 1G, 2G, 1H, 2H (d) 1K, 2K, 1L, 2L, 2M, 1N, 2N, 1P, 2P DQx I/O 4F G Input Asynchronous Output Enable Input: Low — enables output buffers (DQx pins). High — DQx pins are high impedance. 4K K Input Clock: This signal registers the address, data in, and all control signals except G and LBO. 3R LBO Input Linear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low. Low — linear burst counter (68K/PowerPC). High — interleaved burst counter (486/i960/Pentium). 2A, 3A, 5A, 6A, 3B, 5B, 2C, 3C, 5C, 6C, 2R, 6R, 3T, 4T, 5T SA Input Synchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must meet setup and hold times. 4N, 4P SA1, SA0 Input Synchronous Address Inputs: These pins must be wired to the two LSBs of the address bus for proper burst operation. These inputs are registered and must meet setup and hold times. 5L, 5G, 3G, 3L (a) (b) (c) (d) SBx Input Synchronous Byte Write Inputs: “x” refers to the byte being written (byte a, b, c, d). SGW overrides SBx. 4E SE1 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip. Negated high — blocks ADSP or deselects chip when ADSC is asserted. 2B SE2 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion. 6B SE3 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion. 4H SGW Input Synchronous Global Write: This signal writes all bytes regardless of the status of the SBx and SW signals. If only byte write signals SBx are being used, tie this pin high. 4M SW Input Synchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been selected using the byte write SBx pins. If only byte write signals SBx are being used, tie this pin low. 4C, 2J, 4J, 6J, 4R VDD Supply Core Power Supply. 1A, 7A, 1F, 7F, 1J, 7J, 1M, 7M, 1U, 7U VDDQ Supply I/O Power Supply. 3D, 5D, 3E, 5E, 3F, 5F, 3H, 5H, 3K, 5K, 3M, 5M, 3N, 5N, 3P, 5P VSS Supply Ground. 1B, 7B, 1C, 7C, 4D, 3J, 5J, 4L, 1R, 5R, 7R, 1T, 2T, 6T, 7T, 2U, 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U NC — MCM69P737 4 Description Synchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written (byte a, b, c, d). No Connection: There is no connection to the chip. MOTOROLA FAST SRAM TQFP PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin Locations Symbol Type 85 ADSC Input Synchronous Address Status Controller: Active low, interrupts any ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a READ, WRITE, or chip deselect. 84 ADSP Input Synchronous Address Status Processor: Active low, interrupts any ongoing burst and latches a new external address. Used to initiate a new READ, WRITE, or chip deselect (exception — chip deselect does not occur when ADSP is asserted and SE1 is high). 83 ADV Input Synchronous Address Advance: Increments address count in accordance with counter type selected (linear/interleaved). DQx I/O 86 G Input Asynchronous Output Enable Input: Low — enables output buffers (DQx pins). High — DQx pins are high impedance. 89 K Input Clock: This signal registers the address, data in, and all control signals except G and LBO. 31 LBO Input Linear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low. Low — linear burst counter (68K/PowerPC). High — interleaved burst counter (486/i960/Pentium). 32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 81, 82, 99, 100 SA Input Synchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must meet setup and hold times. 36, 37 SA1, SA0 Input Synchronous Address Inputs: these pins must be wired to the two LSBs of the address bus for proper burst operation. These inputs are registered and must meet setup and hold times. 93, 94, 95, 96 (a) (b) (c) (d) SBx Input Synchronous Byte Write Inputs: “x” refers to the byte being written (byte a, b, c, d). SGW overrides SBx. 98 SE1 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip. Negated high — blocks ADSP or deselects chip when ADSC is asserted. 97 SE2 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion. 92 SE3 Input Synchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion. 88 SGW Input Synchronous Global Write: This signal writes all bytes regardless of the status of the SBx and SW signals. If only byte write signals SBx are being used, tie this pin high. 87 SW Input Synchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been selected using the byte write SBx pins. If only byte write signals SBx are being used, tie this pin low. 15, 41, 65, 91 VDD Supply Core Power Supply. 4, 11, 20, 27, 54, 61, 70, 77 VDDQ Supply I/O Power Supply. 5, 10, 17, 21, 26, 40, 55, 60, 67, 71, 76, 90 VSS Supply Ground. 14, 16, 38, 39, 42, 43, 64, 66 NC — (a) 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63 (b) 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80 (c) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 (d) 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM Description Synchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written (byte a, b, c, d). No Connection: There is no connection to the chip. MCM69P737 5 TRUTH TABLE (See Notes 1 Through 5) Address Used SE1 SE2 SE3 ADSP ADSC ADV G3 DQx Write 2, 4 Deselect None 1 X X X 0 X X High–Z X Deselect None 0 X 1 0 X X X High–Z X Deselect None 0 0 X 0 X X X High–Z X Deselect None X X 1 1 0 X X High–Z X Deselect None X 0 X 1 0 X X High–Z Begin Read External 0 1 0 0 X X X High–Z X X5 Begin Read External 0 1 0 1 0 X X High–Z READ5 Continue Read Next X X X 1 1 0 1 High–Z READ Continue Read Next X X X 1 1 0 0 DQ READ Continue Read Next 1 X X X 1 0 1 High–Z READ Continue Read Next 1 X X X 1 0 0 DQ READ Suspend Read Current X X X 1 1 1 1 High–Z READ Suspend Read Current X X X 1 1 1 0 DQ READ Suspend Read Current 1 X X X 1 1 1 High–Z READ Suspend Read Current 1 X X X 1 1 0 DQ READ Begin Write External 0 1 0 1 0 X X High–Z WRITE Continue Write Next X X X 1 1 0 X High–Z WRITE Continue Write Next 1 X X X 1 0 X High–Z WRITE Suspend Write Current X X X 1 1 1 X High–Z WRITE Suspend Write Current 1 X X X 1 1 X High–Z WRITE Next Cycle NOTES: 1. X = Don’t Care. 1 = logic high. 0 = logic low. 2. Write is defined as either 1) any SBx and SW low or 2) SGW is low. 3. G is an asynchronous signal and is not sampled by the clock K. G drives the bus immediately (tGLQX) following G going low. 4. On write cycles that follow read cycles, G must be negated prior to the start of the write cycle to ensure proper write data setup times. G must also remain negated at the completion of the write cycle to ensure proper write data hold times. 5. This read assumes the RAM was previously deselected. LINEAR BURST ADDRESS TABLE (LBO = VSS) 1st Address (External) 2nd Address (Internal) 3rd Address (Internal) X . . . X00 X . . . X01 X . . . X10 X . . . X11 X . . . X01 X . . . X10 X . . . X11 X . . . X00 X . . . X10 X . . . X11 X . . . X00 X . . . X01 X . . . X11 X . . . X00 X . . . X01 X . . . X10 4th Address (Internal) 4th Address (Internal) INTERLEAVED BURST ADDRESS TABLE (LBO = VDD) 1st Address (External) 2nd Address (Internal) 3rd Address (Internal) X . . . X00 X . . . X01 X . . . X10 X . . . X11 X . . . X01 X . . . X00 X . . . X11 X . . . X10 X . . . X10 X . . . X11 X . . . X00 X . . . X01 X . . . X11 X . . . X10 X . . . X01 X . . . X00 WRITE TRUTH TABLE SGW SW SBa SBb SBc Read Cycle Type H H X X X X Read H L H H H H Write Byte a H L L H H H Write Byte b H L H L H H Write Byte c H L H H L H Write Byte d H L H H H L Write All Bytes H L L L L L Write All Bytes L X X X X X MCM69P737 6 SBd MOTOROLA FAST SRAM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See Note 1) Rating Symbol Value Unit VDD VSS – 0.5 to + 4.6 V VDDQ VSS – 0.5 to VDD V 2 Vin, Vout VSS – 0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V 2 Input Voltage (Three–State I/O) VIT VSS – 0.5 to VDDQ + 0.5 V 2 Output Current (per I/O) Iout ± 20 mA Package Power Dissipation PD 1.6 W Ambient Temperature TA 0 to 70 °C Power Supply Voltage I/O Supply Voltage Input Voltage Relative to VSS for Any Pin Except VDD Die Temperature Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature TJ 110 °C Tbias – 10 to 85 °C Tstg – 55 to 125 °C Notes This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high–impedance circuit. 3 3 NOTES: 1. Permanent device damage may occur if ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS. Exposure to higher than recommended voltages for extended periods of time could affect device reliability. 2. This is a steady–state DC parameter that is in effect after the power supply has achieved its nominal operating level. Power sequencing is not necessary. 3. Power dissipation capability is dependent upon package characteristics and use environment. See Package Thermal Characteristics. PACKAGE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS — PBGA Rating Symbol Max Unit Notes RθJA 38 22 °C/W 1, 2 Junction to Board (Bottom) RθJB 14 °C/W 3 Junction to Case (Top) RθJC 5 °C/W 4 Junction to Ambient (@ 200 lfm) Single Layer Board Four Layer Board NOTES: 1. Junction temperature is a function of on–chip power dissipation, package thermal resistance, mounting site (board) temperature, ambient temperature, air flow, board population, and board thermal resistance. 2. Per SEMI G38–87. 3. Indicates the average thermal resistance between the die and the printed circuit board. 4. Indicates the average thermal resistance between the die and the case top surface via the cold plate method (MIL SPEC–883 Method 1012.1). PACKAGE THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS — TQFP Rating Symbol Max Unit Notes RθJA 40 25 °C/W 1, 2 Junction to Board (Bottom) RθJB 17 °C/W 3 Junction to Case (Top) RθJC 9 °C/W 4 Junction to Ambient (@ 200 lfm) Single Layer Board Four Layer Board NOTES: 1. Junction temperature is a function of on–chip power dissipation, package thermal resistance, mounting site (board) temperature, ambient temperature, air flow, board population, and board thermal resistance. 2. Per SEMI G38–87. 3. Indicates the average thermal resistance between the die and the printed circuit board. 4. Indicates the average thermal resistance between the die and the case top surface via the cold plate method (MIL SPEC–883 Method 1012.1). MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 7 DC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 3.3 V + 10%, – 5%, TA = 0 to 70°C, Unless Otherwise Noted) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS: 2.5 V I/O Supply (Voltages Referenced to VSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VDD 3.135 3.3 3.6 V I/O Supply Voltage VDDQ 2.375 2.5 2.9 V Input Low Voltage VIL – 0.3 — 0.7 V Input High Voltage VIH 1.7 — VDD + 0.3 V Input High Voltage (I/O Pins) VIH2 1.7 — VDDQ + 0.3 V Max Unit Supply Voltage RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS: 3.3 V I/O Supply (Voltages Referenced to VSS = 0 V) Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol Min Typ VDD 3.135 3.3 3.6 V I/O Supply Voltage VDDQ 3.135 3.3 VDD V Input Low Voltage VIL – 0.5 — 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2 — VDD + 0.5 V Input High Voltage (I/O Pins) VIH2 2 — VDDQ + 0.5 V VIH VSS VSS – 1.0 V 20% tKHKH (MIN) Figure 1. Undershoot Voltage MCM69P737 8 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM DC CHARACTERISTICS AND SUPPLY CURRENTS Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input Leakage Current (0 V ≤ Vin ≤ VDD) Parameter Ilkg(I) — — ±1 µA Output Leakage Current (0 V ≤ Vin ≤ VDDQ) Ilkg(O) — — ±1 µA IDDA — — 425 400 375 mA 1, 2, 3 CMOS Standby Supply Current (Device Deselected, Freq = 0, VDD = Max, All Inputs Static at CMOS Levels) ISB2 — — 45 mA 4, 5 TTL Standby Supply Current (Device Deselected, Freq = 0, VDD = Max, All Inputs Static at TTL Levels) ISB3 — — 50 mA 4, 6 Clock Running (Device Deselected, Freq = Max, VDD = Max, All Inputs Toggling at CMOS Levels) ISB4 — — 190 180 165 mA 4, 5 Static Clock Running (Device Deselected, Freq = Max, VDD = Max, All Inputs Static at TTL Levels) ISB5 — — 95 mA 4, 6 Output Low Voltage (IOL = 2 mA) VDDQ = 2.5 V VOL — — 0.7 V Output High Voltage (IOL = – 2 mA) VDDQ = 2.5 V VOH 1.7 — — V Output Low Voltage (IOL = 8 mA) VDDQ = 3.3 V VOL2 — — 0.4 V Output High Voltage (IOL = – 4 mA) VDDQ = 3.3 V VOH2 2.4 — — V AC Supply Current (Device Selected, All Outputs Open, Freq = Max) Includes VDD Only MCM69P737–3.5 MCM69P737–3.8 MCM69P737–4 MCM69P737–3.5 MCM69P737–3.8 MCM69P737–4 Notes NOTES: 1. Reference AC Operating Conditions and Characteristics for input and timing. 2. All addresses transition simultaneously low (LSB) then high (MSB). 3. Data states are all zero. 4. Device is deselected as defined by the Truth Table. 5. CMOS levels for I/O’s are VIT ≤ VSS + 0.2 V or ≥ VDDQ – 0.2 V. CMOS levels for other inputs are Vin ≤ VSS + 0.2 V or ≥ VDD – 0.2 V. 6. TTL levels for I/O’s are VIT ≤ VIL or ≥ VIH2. TTL levels for other inputs are Vin ≤ VIL or ≥ VIH. CAPACITANCE (f = 1.0 MHz, dV = 3.0 V, TA = 0 to 70°C, Periodically Sampled Rather Than 100% Tested) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input Capacitance Cin — 4 5 pF Input/Output Capacitance CI/O — 7 8 pF Parameter MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 9 AC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS (VDD = 3.3 v + 10%, – 5%, TA = 0 to 70°C, Unless Otherwise Noted) Input Timing Measurement Reference Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 V Input Pulse Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 2.5 V Input Rise/Fall Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 V/ns (20 to 80%) Output Timing Reference Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 V Output Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Figure 2 Unless Otherwise Noted READ/WRITE CYCLE TIMING (See Notes 1 and 2) MCM69P737–3.5 166 MHz Parameter P MCM69P737–3.8 150 MHz MCM69P737–4 133 MHz Symbol S b l Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit U i Notes N Cycle Time tKHKH 6 — 6.7 — 7.5 — ns Clock High Pulse Width tKHKL 2.4 — 2.6 — 3 — ns 3 Clock Low Pulse Width tKLKH 2.4 — 2.6 — 3 — ns 3 Clock Access Time tKHQV — 3.5 — 3.8 — 4 ns Output Enable to Output Valid tGLQV — 3.5 — 3.5 — 3.8 ns Clock High to Output Active tKHQX1 0 — 0 — 0 — ns 4, 5 Clock High to Output Change tKHQX2 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns 4 Output Enable to Output Active tGLQX 0 — 0 — 0 — ns 4, 5 Output Disable to Q High–Z tGHQZ — 3.5 — 3.5 — 3.8 ns 4, 5 Clock High to Q High–Z tKHQZ 1.5 6 1.5 6.7 1.5 7.5 ns 4, 5 Setup Times: Address ADSP, ADSC, ADV Data In Write Chip Enable tADKH tADSKH tDVKH tWVKH tEVKH 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns Hold Times: Address ADSP, ADSC, ADV Data In Write Chip Enable tKHAX tKHADSX tKHDX tKHWX tKHEX 0.5 — 0.5 — 0.5 — ns NOTES: 1. Write is defined as either any SBx and SW low or SGW is low. Chip Enable is defined as SE1 low, SE2 high, and SE3 low whenever ADSP or ADSC is asserted. 2. All read and write cycle timings are referenced from K or G. 3. In order to reduce test correlation issues and to reduce the effects of application specific input edge rate variations on correlation between data sheet parameters and actual system performance, FSRAM AC parametric specifications are always specified at VDDQ/2. In some design exercises, it is desirable to evaluate timing using other reference levels. Since the maximum test input edge rate is known and is given in the AC Test Conditions section of the data sheet as 1 V/ns, one can easily interpolate timing values to other reference levels. 4. This parameter is sampled and not 100% tested. 5. Measured at ± 200 mV from steady state. OUTPUT Z0 = 50 Ω RL = 50 Ω 1.25 V Figure 2. AC Test Load MCM69P737 10 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM CLOCK ACCESS TIME DELAY (ns) 5 OUTPUT CL 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 LUMPED CAPACITANCE, CL (pF) Figure 3. Lumped Capacitive Load and Typical Derating Curve OUTPUT LOAD OUTPUT BUFFER TEST POINT UNLOADED RISE AND FALL TIME MEASUREMENT INPUT WAVEFORM OUTPUT WAVEFORM 2.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 0.5 tr 0.5 tf NOTES: 1. Input waveform has a slew rate of 1 V/ns. 2. Rise time is measured from 0.5 to 2.0 V unloaded. 3. Fall time is measured from 2.0 to 0.5 V unloaded. Figure 4. Unloaded Rise and Fall Time Characterization MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 11 2.9 2.5 PULL–UP I (mA) MIN I (mA) MAX – 0.5 – 38 – 105 0 – 38 – 105 0.8 – 38 – 105 1.25 – 26 – 83 1.5 – 20 – 70 2.3 0 – 30 2.7 0 – 10 2.9 0 0 2.3 2.1 VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) 1.25 0.8 0 0 – 38 CURRENT (mA) – 105 – 100 – 50 CURRENT (mA) – 150 (a) Pull–Up for 2.5 V I/O Supply 3.6 3.135 2.8 PULL–UP I (mA) MIN I (mA) MAX – 0.5 – 50 – 150 0 – 50 – 150 1.4 – 50 – 150 1.65 – 46 – 130 2.0 – 35 – 101 3.135 0 – 25 3.6 0 0 VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) 1.65 1.4 0 0 (b) Pull–Up for 3.3 V I/O Supply VDD PULL–DOWN I (mA) MIN I (mA) MAX – 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 10 20 0.8 20 40 1.25 31 63 1.6 40 80 2.8 40 80 3.2 40 80 3.4 40 80 1.6 VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) 1.25 0.3 0 0 40 CURRENT (mA) 80 (c) Pull–Down Figure 5. Typical Output Buffer Characteristics MCM69P737 12 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 13 Q(n) B SINGLE READ tKHQX1 A Q(A) Q(B) tKHQX2 t KHQV tKHKL NOTE: E low = SE2 high and SE3 low. W low = SGW low and/or SW and SBx low. DESELECTED tKHQZ DQx G W E SE1 ADV ADSC ADSP SA K tKHKH Q(B+2) BURST READ Q(B+1) tGHQZ Q(B+3) BURST WRAPS AROUND tKLKH Q(B) ADSP, SA SE2, SE3 IGNORED READ/WRITE CYCLES D(C) C D(C+2) BURST WRITE D(C+1) D(C+3) tGLQX D SINGLE READ Q(D) t KHQV APPLICATION INFORMATION STOP CLOCK OPERATION In the stop clock mode of operation, the SRAM will hold all state and data values even though the clock is not running (full static operation). The SRAM design allows the clock to start with ADSP and ADSC, and stops the clock after the last write data is latched, or the last read data is driven out. When starting and stopping the clock, the AC clock timing and parametrics must be strictly maintained. For example, clock pulse width and edge rates must be guaranteed when starting and stopping the clocks. To achieve the lowest power operation for all three stop clock modes, stop read, stop write, and stop deselect: • Force the clock to a low state. • Force the control signals to an inactive state (this guarantees any potential source of noise on the clock input will not start an unplanned on activity). • Force the address inputs to a low state. STOP CLOCK WITH READ TIMING K ADSP ADDRESS A1 A2 ADV DQx Q(A1) ADSP (INITIATES BURST READ) CLOCK STOP (CONTINUE BURST READ) Q(A1 + 1) Q(A2) WAKE UP ADSP (INITIATES BURST READ) NOTE: For lowest possible power consumption during stop clock, the addresses should be driven to a low state (VIL). Best results are obtained if VIL < 0.2 V. MCM69P737 14 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM STOP CLOCK WITH WRITE TIMING K ADSC ADDRESS A1 A2 WRITE ADV DATA IN D(A1) D(A1 + 1) VIH OR VIL FIXED (SEE NOTE) D(A2) HIGH–Z DQx ADSC (INITIATES BURST WRITE) CLOCK STOP (CONTINUE BURST WRITE) WAKE UP ADSC (INITIATES BURST WRITE) NOTE: While the clock is stopped, DATA IN must be fixed in a high (VIH) or low (VIL) state to reduce the DC current of the input buffers. For lowest power operation, all data and address lines should be held in a low (VIL) state and control lines held in an inactive state. MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737 15 STOP CLOCK WITH DESELECT OPERATION TIMING K ADSC SE1 DATA IN VIH OR VIL FIXED (SEE NOTE) HIGH–Z DQx DATA CONTINUE BURST READ DATA CLOCK STOP (DESELECTED) WAKE UP (DESELECTED) NOTE: While the clock is stopped, DATA IN must be fixed in a high (VIH) or low (VIL) state to reduce the DC current of the input buffers. For lowest power operation, all data and address lines should be held in a low (VIL) state and control lines held in an inactive state. MCM69P737 16 MOTOROLA FAST SRAM CONTROL PIN TIE VALUES EXAMPLE (H ≥ VIH, L ≤ VIL) NON–BURST SYNCHRONOUS OPERATION Although this BurstRAM has been designed for PowerPC– based and other high end MPU–based systems, these SRAMs can be used in other high speed L2 cache or memory applications that do not require the burst address feature. Most L2 caches designed with a synchronous interface can make use of the MCM69P737. The burst counter feature of the BurstRAM can be disabled, and the SRAM can be configured to act upon a continuous stream of addresses. See Figure 6. Non–Burst ADSP ADSC ADV SE1 SE2 LBO Sync Non–Burst, Pipelined SRAM H L H L H X NOTE: Although X is specified in the table as a don’t care, the pin must be tied either high or low. K ADDR A B C D E F G H SE3 W G DQ Q(A) Q(B) Q(C) Q(D) D(E) D(F) READS D(G) D(H) WRITES Figure 6. Example Configuration as Non–Burst Synchronous SRAM ORDERING INFORMATION (Order by Full Part Number) MCM 69P737 XX X X Motorola Memory Prefix Blank = Trays, R = Tape and Reel Part Number Speed (3.5 = 3.5 ns, 3.8 = 3.8 ns, 4 = 4 ns) Package (ZP = PBGA, TQ = TQFP) Full Part Numbers — MCM69P737ZP3.5 MCM69P737ZP3.5R MCM69P737TQ3.5 MCM69P737TQ3.5R MOTOROLA FAST SRAM MCM69P737ZP3.8 MCM69P737ZP3.8R MCM69P737TQ3.8 MCM69P737TQ3.8R MCM69P737ZP4 MCM69P737ZP4R MCM69P737TQ4 MCM69P737TQ4R MCM69P737 17 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ZP PACKAGE 7 x 17 BUMP PBGA CASE 999–02 0.20 4X 119X E C B D E2 e 6X M A B C A A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U D1 16X M 0.15 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D2 b 0.3 DIM A A1 A2 A3 D D1 D2 E E1 E2 b e e E1 TOP VIEW NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS. 3. DIMENSION b IS THE MAXIMUM SOLDER BALL DIAMETER MEASURED PARALLEL TO DATUM A. 4. DATUM A, THE SEATING PLANE, IS DEFINED BY THE SPHERICAL CROWNS OF THE SOLDER BALLS. BOTTOM VIEW MILLIMETERS MIN MAX ––– 2.40 0.50 0.70 1.30 1.70 0.80 1.00 22.00 BSC 20.32 BSC 19.40 19.60 14.00 BSC 7.62 BSC 11.90 12.10 0.60 0.90 1.27 BSC 0.25 A A3 0.35 A 0.20 A A A1 MCM69P737 18 A2 SIDE VIEW SEATING PLANE A MOTOROLA FAST SRAM TQ PACKAGE TQFP CASE 983A–01 e 4X 0.20 (0.008) H A–B D 2X 30 TIPS e/2 0.20 (0.008) C A–B D –D– 80 51 B 50 81 –A– –X– X=A, B, OR D B E/2 –B– VIEW Y E1 E BASE METAL PLATING 31 100 1 c 30 D1/2 0.13 (0.005) 0.20 (0.008) C A–B D A q 2 0.10 (0.004) C –H– –C– SEATING PLANE q 3 VIEW AB S S q 1 R2 A2 L2 L L1 VIEW AB GAGE PLANE q DIM A A1 A2 b b1 c c1 D D1 E E1 e L L1 L2 S R1 R2 q 1 2 q3 q q MOTOROLA FAST SRAM C A–B S D S NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DATUM PLANE –H– IS LOCATED AT BOTTOM OF LEAD AND IS COINCIDENT WITH THE LEAD WHERE THE LEAD EXITS THE PLASTIC BODY AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PARTING LINE. 4. DATUMS –A–, –B– AND –D– TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE –H–. 5. DIMENSIONS D AND E TO BE DETERMINED AT SEATING PLANE –C–. 6. DIMENSIONS D1 AND E1 DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE PROTRUSION IS 0.25 (0.010) PER SIDE. DIMENSIONS D1 AND B1 DO INCLUDE MOLD MISMATCH AND ARE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE –H–. 7. DIMENSION b DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT CAUSE THE b DIMENSION TO EXCEED 0.45 (0.018). 0.25 (0.010) R1 M SECTION B–B 2X 20 TIPS A1 c1 b D/2 D1 D 0.05 (0.002) ÉÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉÉ b1 E1/2 MILLIMETERS MIN MAX ––– 1.60 0.05 0.15 1.35 1.45 0.22 0.38 0.22 0.33 0.09 0.20 0.09 0.16 22.00 BSC 20.00 BSC 16.00 BSC 14.00 BSC 0.65 BSC 0.45 0.75 1.00 REF 0.50 REF 0.20 ––– 0.08 ––– 0.08 0.20 0_ 7_ 0_ ––– 11 _ 13 _ 11 _ 13 _ INCHES MIN MAX ––– 0.063 0.002 0.006 0.053 0.057 0.009 0.015 0.009 0.013 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.006 0.866 BSC 0.787 BSC 0.630 BSC 0.551 BSC 0.026 BSC 0.018 0.030 0.039 REF 0.020 REF 0.008 ––– 0.003 ––– 0.003 0.008 0_ 7_ 0_ ––– 11 _ 13 _ 11 _ 13 _ MCM69P737 19 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 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