F81867 F81867 6 UARTs μSuper IO With 128 Bytes FIFO and Power Saving Functions Release Date: Dec, 2011 Version: V0.12P Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 F81867 Datasheet Revision History Version V0.10P Date 2011/7/13 Page - V0.11P 2011/8/24 - Revision History Preliminary Made Clarification and Correction Add Register Section 7 1. Made Clarification and Correction V0.12P 2011/12/12 - 2. I2C Protocol Select – Index EFh, bit 3-0 3. Update All Register Reset Type 4. Add Multifunction Registers 5. Add KBC/ACPI Related Description/Timing/ OVP/ AMD TSI/Intel PECI 3.0/ (See Section 6.5 to 6.11) 6. Update Application Circuit (Add Soft Start Circuit to 5VSB) Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the trade marks of products and companies mentioned in this data sheet belong to their respective owners. LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Fintek for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General Description ...................................................................................................... 10 Features ....................................................................................................................... 10 Block Diagram .............................................................................................................. 15 Pin Configuration .......................................................................................................... 16 Pin Description ............................................................................................................. 17 5.1 Power Pin ............................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Clock ...................................................................................................................................... 18 5.3 LPC Interface ......................................................................................................................... 18 5.4 FDC ........................................................................................................................................ 18 5.5 Parallel Port (LPT Port) .......................................................................................................... 20 5.6 Hardware Monitor................................................................................................................... 22 5.7 KBC Function ......................................................................................................................... 23 5.8 ACPI, ERP ............................................................................................................................. 24 5.9 UART, SIR .............................................................................................................................. 26 6. Function Description ..................................................................................................... 29 6.1 Power on Strapping Option .................................................................................................... 29 6.2 FDC ........................................................................................................................................ 29 6.3 Parallel Port............................................................................................................................ 30 6.4 Hardware Monitor................................................................................................................... 33 6.4.1 6.4.2 General Description ........................................................................................ 33 Hardware Monitor Device Registers ............................................................... 46 Setting ........................................................................................................... 46 Setting ........................................................................................................... 47 TSI Or IBEX Control Register ⎯ Index 08h ................................................................................... 47 I2C Address Control Register ⎯ Index 09h.................................................................................... 47 PECI, TSI, IBEX, Beta Register ⎯ Index 0Ah ................................................................................ 48 CUP Socket Select Register ⎯ Index 0Bh ..................................................................................... 48 TCC Register ⎯ Index 0Ch ............................................................................................................ 48 TSI Offset Register ⎯ Index 0Dh ................................................................................................... 49 Configuration Register ⎯ Index 0Fh .............................................................................................. 49 TSI Temperature 0 – Index E0h...................................................................................................... 49 TSI Temperature 1 – Index E1h...................................................................................................... 49 TSI Temperature 2 Low Byte – Index E2h ...................................................................................... 50 TSI Temperature 2 High Byte – Index E3h ..................................................................................... 50 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 TSI Temperature 3 – Index E4h...................................................................................................... 50 TSI Temperature 4 – Index E5h...................................................................................................... 50 TSI Temperature 5 – Index E6h...................................................................................................... 51 TSI Temperature 6 – Index E7h...................................................................................................... 51 TSI Temperature 7 – Index E8h...................................................................................................... 51 I2C Data Buffer 9 – Index E9h ........................................................................................................ 51 Block Write Count Register – Index ECh........................................................................................ 52 I2C Command Byte/TSI Command Byte – Index EDh ................................................................... 52 I2C Status – Index EEh .................................................................................................................. 52 I2C Protocol Select – Index EFh .................................................................................................... 53 3.0 & Temperature Setting ......................................................................................... 53 PECI 3.0 Command and Register .................................................................................................. 53 PECI Configuration Register ⎯ Index 40h ..................................................................................... 53 PECI Master Control Register ⎯ Index 41h ................................................................................... 53 PECI Master Status Register ⎯ Index 42h .................................................................................... 54 PECI Master DATA0 Register ⎯ Index 43h ................................................................................... 54 PECI Master DATA1 Register ⎯ Index 44h ................................................................................... 54 PECI Master DATA2 Register ⎯ Index 45h ................................................................................... 54 PECI Master DATA3 Register ⎯ Index 46h ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA4 Register ⎯ Index 47h ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA5 Register ⎯ Index 48h ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA6 Register ⎯ Index 49h ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA7 Register ⎯ Index 4Ah ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA8 Register ⎯ Index 4Bh ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA9 Register ⎯ Index 4Ch ................................................................................... 55 PECI Master DATA10 Register ⎯ Index 4Dh ................................................................................. 56 PECI Master DATA11 Register ⎯ Index 4Eh ................................................................................. 56 PECI Master DATA12 Register ⎯ Index 4Fh ................................................................................. 56 HWM Manual Control Register1 ⎯ Index 50h ............................................................................... 56 HWM Manual Control Status Register 1⎯ Index 51h .................................................................... 56 HWM Manual Control Status Register 2⎯ Index 52h .................................................................... 57 HWM RAW Data Register 1⎯ Index 55h ....................................................................................... 57 HWM RAW Data Register 2⎯ Index 56h ....................................................................................... 57 Temperature Register ..................................................................................................................... 57 Temperature PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 60h......................................................................... 57 Temperature Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 61h ...................................................................... 58 Temperature Real Time Status Register ⎯ Index 62h ................................................................... 58 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Index 63h ......................................................................... 59 T1 OVT and High Limit Temperature Select Register ⎯ Index 64h ............................................... 59 OVT and Alert Output Enable Register 1 ⎯ Index 66h .................................................................. 60 Temperature Sensor Type Register ⎯ Index 6Bh .......................................................................... 60 TEMP1 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 6Ch .................................................................... 60 TEMP2 and TEMP3 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 6Dh ................................................ 60 DIODE OPEN Status Register ⎯ Index 6Fh .................................................................................. 61 Temperature ⎯ Index 70h- 8Dh ..................................................................................................... 61 T1 Slope Adjust Register ⎯ Index 7Fh .......................................................................................... 62 Temperature Filter Select Register ⎯Index 8Eh ............................................................................ 62 Setting .................................................................................................................... 63 Voltage-Protect Shut Down Enable Register ⎯ Index 10h ............................................................ 63 Voltage-Protect Status Register ⎯ Index 11h ................................................................................ 63 Voltage-Protect Configuration Register ⎯ Index 12h ..................................................................... 63 Voltage1 PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 14h ............................................................................... 64 Voltage1 Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 15h ............................................................................ 64 Voltage1 Exceeds Real Time Status Register 1 ⎯ Index 16h ........................................................ 64 Voltage1 BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Index 17h ............................................................................... 65 Voltage Protection Power Good Select Register ⎯ Index 3Fh ...................................................... 65 Voltage reading and limit⎯ Index 20h- 3Ah ................................................................................... 65 Control Setting.............................................................................................................. 66 FAN PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 90h ...................................................................................... 66 FAN Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 91h ................................................................................... 66 FAN Real Time Status Register ⎯ Index 92h................................................................................. 66 FAN BEEP# Enable Register ⎯ Index 93h .................................................................................... 67 FAN Type Select Register ⎯ Index 94h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) ................................................... 67 Fan1 Base Temperature Register – Offset 94h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) ........................................ 68 FAN1 Temperature Adjustment Rate Register ⎯ Index 95h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1)..................... 68 FAN mode Select Register ⎯ Index 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) .................................................. 69 FAN mode Select Register ⎯ Index 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) .................................................. 70 Faster Fan Filter Control Register ⎯ Index 97h ............................................................................. 70 Auto FAN1 and FAN2 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 98h ...................................... 71 Auto FAN3 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 99h ....................................................... 71 Fan3 Control Register ⎯ Index 9Ah............................................................................................... 71 Auto Fan Up Speed Update Rate Select Register ⎯ Index 9Bh (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) .............. 72 Auto Fan Down Speed update Rate Select Register ⎯ Index 9Bh (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) .......... 72 FAN1 and FAN2 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Index 9Ch ............................................ 73 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN3 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Index 9Dh ............................................................. 73 FAN PROGRAMMABLE DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE LOADED AFTER POWER-ON ⎯ Index 9Eh 74 Fan Fault Time Register ⎯ Index 9Fh............................................................................................ 74 A. FAN1 Index A0h~AFh ............................................................................................................ 74 VT1 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index A6h ......................................................................... 75 VT1 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index A7 ........................................................................... 75 VT1 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index A8h ......................................................................... 76 VT1 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index A9 ........................................................................... 76 FAN1 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index AAh ......................................................................... 76 FAN1 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index ABh ......................................................................... 76 FAN1 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Index ACh ........................................................... 77 FAN1 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Index ADh ........................................................... 77 FAN1 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Index AEh ........................................................... 77 FAN1 Temperature Mapping Select – Index AFh ........................................................................... 77 B. FAN2 Index B0h~BFh ............................................................................................................ 78 VT2 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index B6h ......................................................................... 79 VT2 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index B7 ........................................................................... 79 VT2 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index B8h ......................................................................... 80 VT2 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index B9 ........................................................................... 80 FAN2 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index BAh ......................................................................... 80 FAN2 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index BBh ......................................................................... 80 FAN2 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BCh ........................................................... 81 FAN2 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BDh ........................................................... 81 FAN2 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BEh ........................................................... 81 FAN2 Temperature Mapping Select – Index BFh ........................................................................... 81 C. FAN3 Index C0h- CFh ............................................................................................................ 82 VT3 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index C6h ........................................................................ 83 VT3 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index C7 .......................................................................... 83 VT3 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index C8h ........................................................................ 84 VT3 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index C9h ........................................................................ 84 FAN3 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index CAh ......................................................................... 84 FAN3 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index CBh ......................................................................... 84 FAN3 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT – Index CCh .................................................................... 85 FAN3 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT – Index CDh .................................................................... 85 FAN3 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT – Index CEh ..................................................................... 85 FAN3 Temperature Mapping Select – Index CFh ........................................................................... 85 6.5 Keyboard Controller ............................................................................................................... 86 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Commands ..................................................................................................................................... 87 PS/2 wakeup function ..................................................................................................................... 89 6.6 GPIO ...................................................................................................................................... 89 6.6.1 6.6.2 GPIO Access Method ..................................................................................... 89 GPIOx status .................................................................................................. 91 6.7 Watchdog Timer Function ...................................................................................................... 94 6.8 ACPI Function ........................................................................................................................ 95 6.8.1Power Control........................................................................................................... 96 Up Via Sleep State .................................................................................................... 96 Up Stage Detection ................................................................................................... 96 Loss & Resume Control Methods .................................................................................. 97 6.8.2Intel Power Saving Function Deep Sleep Well (DSW) ............................................. 98 6.8.3Power Saving Controller (Fintek ERP Mode) ......................................................... 100 6.8.4ACPI Timing ........................................................................................................... 104 To S0............................................................................................................................ 104 To S0 (only DSW) ........................................................................................................ 105 To S0 (DSW & ERP, AC Resume Green Bold Line) .................................................... 106 To S0 ........................................................................................................................ 107 to DSW ......................................................................................................................... 108 to G3’ ........................................................................................................................... 109 6.9 UART ................................................................................................................................... 110 6.10 AMD TSI and Intel PECI 3.0 Functions ................................................................................ 114 6.11 Over Voltage Protection ....................................................................................................... 116 6.12 Microcontroller...................................................................................................................... 116 6.13 Debug Port Function ............................................................................................................ 116 6.14 H2E Function ....................................................................................................................... 117 7. Register Description ................................................................................................... 119 7.1 Global Control Registers ...................................................................................................... 120 7.2 Multifunction Function Register Mapping Table ................................................................... 128 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 Multi Function Register Mapping For FDC ................................................... 128 Multi Function Register Mapping For Parallel Port (LPT) ............................. 129 Multi Function Register Mapping For Hardware Monitor .............................. 129 Multi Function Register Mapping For KBC (PS/2 Mouse)............................. 130 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO0x .............................................. 130 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO1x .............................................. 130 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO2x .............................................. 131 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO3x .............................................. 131 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.2.9 7.2.10 7.2.11 7.2.12 7.2.13 7.2.14 7.2.15 7.2.16 7.2.17 7.2.18 7.2.19 7.2.20 7.2.21 7.2.22 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO4x .............................................. 132 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO5x .............................................. 132 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO6x .............................................. 132 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO7x .............................................. 133 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO8x .............................................. 133 Multi Function Register Mapping For WDT................................................... 133 Multi Function Register Mapping For ERP, LED .......................................... 133 Multi Function Register Mapping For IR ....................................................... 134 Multi Function Register Mapping For I2C ..................................................... 134 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 1 & UART 2 ............................. 135 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 3 .............................................. 135 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 4 .............................................. 135 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 5 .............................................. 135 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 6 .............................................. 136 7.3 FDC Registers (CR00) ......................................................................................................... 136 7.4 Parallel Port Registers (CR03) ............................................................................................. 138 7.5 Hardware Monitor Registers (CR04) .................................................................................... 140 7.6 KBC Registers (CR05) ......................................................................................................... 140 7.7 GPIO Registers (CR06) ....................................................................................................... 142 7.8 GPIO8x Scan Code Registers ............................................................................................. 169 7.9 WDT Registers (CR07) ........................................................................................................ 175 7.10 PME, ACPI and EUP Registers (LDN 0x0A) ........................................................................ 176 7.11 RTC RAM Registers (LDN 0x0B) ......................................................................................... 187 7.12 H2E Configuration Registers (LDN 0x0E) ............................................................................ 187 7.13 Debug Port Host Side Registers (LDN 0x0F) ....................................................................... 188 7.14 UART1 Registers (CR10) ..................................................................................................... 189 7.15 UART2 Registers (CR11) ..................................................................................................... 192 7.16 UART3 Registers (CR12) ..................................................................................................... 195 7.17 UART4 Registers (CR13) ..................................................................................................... 198 7.18 UART5 Registers (CR14) ..................................................................................................... 201 7.19 UART6 Registers (CR15) ..................................................................................................... 204 7.20 μC Side Registers ................................................................................................................ 207 7.20.1 7.20.2 7.20.3 7.20.4 7.20.5 Interrupt Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1000, 256 bytes) ........ 208 General Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1100, 256 bytes) ......... 209 PWM Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1200, 256 bytes) ............ 212 μC Side SRAM1 Register (Base Address 0x1300, 256 bytes) ..................... 214 μC Side SRAM2 Register (Base Address 0x1400, 256 bytes) ..................... 214 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.20.6 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Host to EC Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1500, 256 bytes) .... 214 7.20.7 Embedded Flash Control (base address 0x1F00, 256 byte) ........................ 216 7.20.8 Hardware Monitor μC Side Register (base address 0x2000, 256 byte)........ 217 7.20.9 GPIO μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2100, 256 bytes) ......................... 260 GPIO8x Scan Code Registers ...................................................................... 278 7.20.10 7.20.11 KBC μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2200, 256 bytes) .......................... 283 7.20.12 ACPI μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2300, 256 bytes) ......................... 286 7.20.13 Configuration Register (Base Address 0x2400, 256 bytes) .......................... 289 7.20.14 RAM μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2500, 8 bytes).............................. 297 7.20.15 CIR μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2600, 256 bytes) ........................... 298 7.20.16 Debug Port μC Side Register (Base Address 0x3200, 256 bytes)................ 299 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................ 302 Ordering Information ................................................................................................... 305 Top Marking Specification ........................................................................................... 305 Package Dimensions .................................................................................................. 306 Application Circuit ....................................................................................................... 307 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1. General Description The F81867 is the featured IO chip with μC based on 8-bit 8032 core & built in 8k*8 flash targeted for Industrial PC system. Equipped with one IEEE 1284 parallel port, 6 UART ports with Multi drop function (9-bit protocol), KBC, SIR, ACPI management function, portable CIR with RC6 and one FDC. Each UART provides 16/32/64/128 bytes FIFO. The UART supports legacy speeds up to 115.2K bps as well as even higher baud rates of 230K, 460K, or 921K bps to support higher speed modems. The F81867 supports the enhanced parallel port (EPP) and the extended capabilities port (ECP). The F81867 supports keyboard and mouse interface which is 8042-based keyboard controller. The F81867 integrated with hardware monitor, 7 sets of voltage sensor, 3 sets of creative auto-controlling smart fans and 2 temperature sensor pins for the accurate dual current type temperature measurement for CPU thermal diode or external transistors 2N3906 and one local temperature. The F81867 provides flexible features for multi-directional application. For instance, supports 72 GPIO pins, IRQ sharing function designed in UART feature for particular usage and accurate current mode H/W monitor will be worth in measurement of temperature. Others, the F81867 supports newest Intel PECI 3.0 interfaces for new generational CPU temperature usage, INTEL IBX PEAK, I2C and AMD TSI for temperature reading. In order to save the current consumption when the system is in the soft off state which is so called power saving function. The power saving function supports the system boot-on not only by pressing the power button but also by the wake-up events via GPIO0x, GPIO1x, RI1#, and RI2#. When the system enters the S3/S4/S5 state, F81867 can cut off the VSB power rail which supplies power source to the devices like the LAN chip, the chipset, the SIO, the audio codec, DRAM, and etc. The PC system can be emulated to G3-like state when the system enters S3/S4/S5 states. At the G3-like state, the F81867 consumes 5VSB power rail only. The integrated two control pins are utilized to turn on or off VSB power rail in the G3-like status. The turned on VSB rail is supplied to a wake up device to fulfill a low power consumption system which supports a wake up function. These features as above description will help you more and improve the product value. The F81867 is in the package of 128-LQFP. (14mm*14mm) 2. Features General Functions ¾ Comply with LPC 1.1 ¾ Support ACPI 3.0 ¾ Built in 8K*8 flash 10 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ¾ 8032 embedded microprocessor ¾ Support WDT Reset Function ¾ Support WDT wake up while ERP function is enabled ¾ Provide 4 sets of GPIO (GPIO0x/1x/5x/8x) SMI event via PME# or SIRQ ¾ Provide different SIRQ channels for GPIO0x/1x/5x/8x ¾ Support portable remote control via CIR RC6 ¾ Provide one FDC, KBC and Parallel Port ¾ Provide 6 fully functional UART and 1 SIR 9 Programmable 16/32/64/128 bytes FIFO 9 Multi drop function & 128 Bytes for UARTs 9 Support IRQ Sharing function. 9 Provide auto flow control function ¾ H/W monitor functions 9 Support OVP & UVP for 3VCC and VIN2&3 9 Support smart fan FQST for FAN 1 9 Support PECI 3.0 9 Support IBX PCH temperature reading via I2C 9 Support AMD TSI ¾ 72 GPIO Pins for flexible application ¾ Provide 16 bytes Serial ID ¾ Support LED blinking function ¾ Provide Power Saving Function (Comply ERP lot 6.0) ¾ Support Intel Deep Sleep Well (DSW) Timing Sequence ¾ Provide wake-up events via power button, GPIO0x, GPIO1x, RI1#, and RI2# ¾ Provide ATX emulates AT function ¾ 14.318/24/48 MHz clock input ¾ Packaged in 128-LQFP FDC ¾ Compatible with IBM PC AT disk drive systems ¾ Variable write pre-compensation with track selectable capability ¾ Support vertical recording format ¾ DMA enable logic ¾ 16-byte data FIFOs ¾ Support floppy disk drives and tape drives ¾ Detects all overrun and under run conditions ¾ Built-in address mark detection circuit to simplify the read electronics ¾ Completely compatible with industry standard 82077 ¾ 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M/2.88M format; 250K, 300K, 500K, 1M, 2M bps data transfer rate 11 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Parallel Port ¾ One PS/2 compatible bi-directional parallel port ¾ Support Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) − Compatible with IEEE 1284 ¾ Support Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) − Compatible with IEEE 1284 ¾ Enhanced printer port back-drive current protection Hardware Monitor Functions ¾ 2 dual current type (±3ºC) thermal inputs for CPU thermal diode and 2N3906 transistors ¾ Provide one local temperature ¾ Support temperature monitoring via thermistor ¾ Temperature range: -60ºC~127ºC ¾ 8 sets voltage monitoring (4 external and 4 internal powers) ¾ High limit signal (PME#) for Vcore ¾ 3 fan speed monitoring inputs ¾ 3 fan speed PWM/DC control outputs ¾ FANCTRL 1~3 provides 4 frequency (23.5/11.75/5.875KHz, & 200Hz) select via the registers ¾ Issue PME# and OVT# hardware signals output ¾ Case intrusion detection circuit Support PECI 3.0 I2C Interface ¾ Support slave interface to report the hardware monitor data ¾ Support master interface to get the thermal data via PCH & MXM module Support AMD TSI Interface Keyboard Controller ¾ compatibility with the 8042 ¾ Support PS/2 mouse ¾ Hardware Gate A20 and Hardware Keyboard Reset ¾ Support KB, Mouse wake up and swap function GPIO Function ¾ Total 72 pins GPIO ¾ Interrupt status (wake up) support via GPIO0x and GPIO1x ¾ Support different SIRQ channels via GPIO0x, GPIO1x, GPIO5x and GPIO8x 12 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ¾ All GPIO supports digit IO for Input/Output control, Output data control, input status. ¾ Support High/Low Level/Pulse, Open Drain/Push Pull function selection ¾ All GPIO could be accessed via 3 ways: configuration register port (4E/2E), index/data port and directly access to GPIO only (digital I/O). Please refer to the related register for detail. Watch Dog Timer ¾ Time resolution minute/second by option ¾ Maximum 256 minutes or 256 seconds ¾ Output signal via WDTRST#/PWROK ¾ WDT could also wake up via PME#, PSWOUT# Power Saving Function ¾ G3-like Timing Control ¾ Comply With ERP Lot 6.0 ¾ Built in Soft Start Function for Two Control Pins with VSB Power Sources Control. ¾ Event In via GPIO0x, GPIO1x, RI1#, and RI2# Support Intel Cougar Point Timing (DSW) UART ¾ Provide 6 fully functional UART ¾ 6 high-speed 16C550/16C650/16C750/16C850 compatible UARTs ¾ Provide auto flow control function ¾ Baud rate supports 115.2K, max. up to 1.5M ¾ Support IRQ 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 sharing ¾ Provide Multi drop (9-bits) Function for Gaming Machine ¾ Support IrDA version 1.0 SIR protocol (Multi with UART 6) ¾ Support Ring-In Wake Up via RI1# and RI2# Infrared ¾ Support IrDA version 1.0 SIR protocol with maximum baud rate up to 115.2K bps (Multi with UART 6) Provide ATX Emulates AT Function Provide Serial ID Function ¾ Provide 16 bytes for fixed Fintek serial ID 13 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ¾ Provide 16 bytes for customer serial ID Use serial ID tool (DOS & Window) to update the customer serial ID Provide Scan Code Function (KB Emulation Key Code) ¾ Support scan code via GPIO81~GPIO87 ¾ Windows OS can detect the system volume control signal without any driver installation. ¾ Support standard KB set 1 commands (except “Pause” key) ¾ See register for the detail setting CIR ¾ Provide simple functions such as Up/Down/Left/Right/Enter/Power ON/Power OFF ¾ Provide simple/portable RC6 remote control commands ¾ The commands are based on the standard set 1 (except “Pause” key) 8 bit 8032 ¾ Built in 8K*8 bits flash ¾ Could access GPIO, PWM, hardware monitor, KBC, ACPI & CIR functions Package ¾ 128-pin LQFP (14mm * 14mm) green package Noted: Patented TW207103 TW207104 TW220442 US6788131 B1 TWI235231 TW237183 TWI263778 14 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3. Block Diagram CPU Chipset F81867 uSIO SATA USB AC’97 Temperature KBC Voltage Scan code Fan Parallel PECI 3.0 AMD TSI IBX PCH 15 GPIO Floppy UART ACPI Power Saving Portable CIR Serial ID Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4. Pin Configuration 16 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5. Pin Description I/O16st Ilv/OD8, S1v I/OOD12st, 5v I/OOD14st,5v I/OOD8st,5v I/OD16st,5v OD16,u10 I/O12st,5v O8 O12 O14 O16 OOD12,5v AOUT OD12,5v OD14,5v OD24t,5v I/OD12st,5v I/O8st, 5v INst,lv INt,5v INst INst,5v INt, u47,5v AIN P 5.1 - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, 16mA source/sink capability. - Low level bi-directional pin. Outupt with 8 mA drive and 1mA sink capability. - TTL level bi-directional pin, output can be selected to open drian or push pull by the register, with 12 mA source/sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, output can be selected to open drian or push pull by the register, with 14 mA source/sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level bi-directional pin, output can be selected to open drian or push pull by register, with 8 mA source/sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, open drain output with 16 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - Open drain output pin with 16 mA sink capability, pull-up 10k Ω . - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger,12 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - Output pin with 8 mA source/sink capability. - Output pin with 12 mA source/sink capability. - Output pin with 14 mA source/sink capability. - Output pin with 16 mA source/sink capability. - Open drian or push pull by the register, with 12 mA source/sink capability, 5V tolerance. - Analog output pin. - Open-drain output pin with 12 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - Open-drain output pin with 14 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level Open-drain output pin with 24 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, open drain output with 12mA source-sink capability, 5V tolerance. - TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, 8 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. - Low voltage, TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger. - TTL level input pin,5V tolerance. - TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger. - TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger, 5V tolerance. - TTL level input pin, pull-up 47k Ω , 5V tolerance. - Analog Input pin. - Power. Power Pin Pin 31, 119 Pin Name 3VCC Type P 60 I_VSB3V P 84 73 97 88 22, 128 VBAT 5VSB (V5A) 3VSB AGND GND P P P P P Description Power supply voltage input with 3.3V. 3.3V internal standby power regulates from 5VSB for internal circuit usage. Strongly recommend to place 0.1uF for the compensation. Battery voltage. Place 1000pF for monitoring. 5V standby power supply. Analog Power with 3.3V standby. Analog GND. Digital GND. 17 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5.2 Clock Pin 32 Pin Name PCICLK Type INst PWR 3VCC 33 CLKIN INst 3VCC 5.3 LPC Interface Pin Pin Name Type PWR 23 LRESET# INst 3VCC 24 25 LDRQ# SERIRQ O16 I/O16st 3VCC 3VCC 26 LFRAME# INst 3VCC 27-30 LAD[0:3] I/O16st 3VCC 32 PCICLK INst 3VCC 33 CLKIN INst 3VCC Pin Name Type PWR GPIO50 I/OOD14st, 5v 5.4 Pin No. DENSEL# 11 12 Description Reset signal. It can connect to PCIRST# signal on the host. Encoded DMA Request signal. Serial IRQ input/Output. Indicates start of a new cycle or termination of a broken cycle. These signal lines communicate address, control, and data information over the LPC bus between a host and a peripheral. 33MHz PCI clock input. System clock input. According to the input frequency 14.318/24/48MHz (default 48MHz). FDC 3VCC RTS6# O14 GPIO51 I/OOD14st, 5v MOA# OD14,5v SIN6 INst,5v GPIO52 I/OOD14st, 5v DRVA# OD14,5v SOUT6 O14 GPIO53 I/OOD14st, 5v WDATA# OD14,5v Description General Purpose IO. OD14,5v 9 10 Description 33MHz PCI clock input. System clock input. According to the input frequency 14.318/24/48MHz (default 48MHz). 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC Drive Density Select. Set to 1 – High data rate.(500Kbps, 1Mbps) Set to 0 – Low data rate. (250Kbps, 300Kbps) UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. General Purpose IO. Motor A On. When set to 0, this pin enables disk drive 0. This is an open drain output. UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. General Purpose IO. Drive Select A. When set to 0, this pin enables disk drive A. This is an open drain output. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. General Purpose IO. Write data. This logic low open drain writes pre-compensation serial data to the selected FDD. 18 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 An open drain output. DCD6# INst,5v GPIO54 I/OOD14st, 5v DIR# OD14,5v 13 14 3VCC RI6# INst,5v GPIO55 I/OOD14st, 5v STEP# OD14,5v CTS6# INst,5v GPIO56 I/OOD14st, 5v HDSEL# 3VCC 3VCC DTR6# O14 GPIO57 I/OOD14st, 5v WGATE# OD14,5v 16 INst,5v GPIO60 RDATA# I/OOD12st, 5v Write enable. An open drain output. DCD5# INst,5v INst,5v 17 3VCC PWM 0 OOD14st, 5v GPIO61 I/OOD12st, 5v TRK0# INst,5v RI5# INst,5v PWM 1 OOD12 Head select. This open drain output determines which disk drive head is active. Logic 1 = side 0 Logic 0 = side 1 UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. General Purpose IO. 3VCC DSR6# General Purpose IO. Direction of the head step motor. An open drain output. Logic 1 = outward motion Logic 0 = inward motion Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a ring signal is being received from the modem or data set. General Purpose IO. Step output pulses. This active low open drain output produces a pulse to move the head to another track. Clear To Send is the modem control input. General Purpose IO. OD14,5v 15 18 Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set has detected a data carrier. Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. General Purpose IO. The read data input signal from the FDD. Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set has detected a data carrier. PWM0 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General Purpose IO. 3VCC Track 0. This Schmitt-triggered input from the disk drive is active low when the head is positioned over the outermost track. Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a ring signal is being received from the modem or data set. PWM1 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and 19 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 backlight brightness control. 19 20 GPIO62 I/OOD12st, 5v INDEX# INst,5v CTS5# INst,5v PWM 2 OOD12 GPIO63 I/OOD12st, 5v WPT# INst,5v DTR5# O12 PWM 3 OOD12 GPIO64 I/OOD12st, 5v DSKCHG# INst,5v 21 Pin No. 102 103 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC DSR5# 5.5 General Purpose IO. This Schmitt-triggered input from the disk drive is active low when the head is positioned over the beginning of a track marked by an index hole. INst,5v Clear To Send is the modem control input. PWM2 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General Purpose IO. Write protected. This active low Schmitt input from the disk drive indicates that the diskette is write-protected. UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. PWM3 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General Purpose IO. Diskette change. This signal is active low at power on and whenever the diskette is removed. Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. Parallel Port (LPT Port) Pin Name FANIN3 Type INst,5v SLCT INst,5v GPIO70 I/OOD12st, 5v PE INst,5v FANCTL3 OOD12,5v AOUT PWR 3VCC 3VCC Description Fan 3 tachometer input. An active high input on this pin indicates that the printer is selected. Refer to the description of the parallel port for definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. General purpose IO. An active high input on this pin indicates that the printer has detected the end of the paper. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. Fan 3 control output. This pin provides PWM duty-cycle output or a DAC voltage output. Power on Strapping pin: PWM _DAC3 INst,5v 1: PWM mode. 0: Default is DAC mode for FANCTL3 (internal pull 20 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 down 100k Ω ). GPIO71 General purpose IO. I/OOD12st, 5v 3VCC 104 BUSY GPIO72 INst,5v I/OOD12st, An active high input indicates that the printer is not ready to receive data. Refer to the description of the parallel port for definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. General purpose IO. 5v 3VCC 105 ACK# GPIO73 INst,5v I/OOD12st, An active low input on this pin indicates that the printer has received data and is ready to accept more data. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. General purpose IO. 5v 3VCC 106 SLIN# I/OOD12st,5v GPIO74 I/OOD12st, 5v INIT# I/OOD12st,5v 107 3VCC PWM0 OOD12st, 5v GPIO75 I/OOD12st, 5v ERR# INst,5v 108 3VCC PWM1 OOD12st, 5v GPIO76 I/OOD12st, 5v AFD# I/OOD12st,5 v 109 3VCC PWM2 OOD12st, 5v Output line for detection of printer selection. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. General purpose IO. Output line for the printer initialization. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. PWM0 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General purpose IO. An active low input on this pin indicates that the printer has encountered an error condition. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. PWM1 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General purpose IO. An active low output from this pin causes the printer to auto feed a line after a line is printed. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. PWM2 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. 21 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO77 STB# 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 5.6 Pin 71 72 75 76 85 An active low output is used to latch the parallel data into the printer. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. PWM3 Output where its frequency range is 183Hz~46.875KHz. It can support various applications such as manual fan control, and backlight brightness control. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 0. Refer to the description of the parallel port for the definition of this pin in ECP and EPP mode. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. I/OOD12st,5v 3VCC 110 111 General purpose IO. I/OOD12st, 5v PWM3 OOD12st, 5v GPIO80 I/OOD12st, 5v PD0 I/O12st,5v GPIO81 I/OOD12st, 5v PD1 GPIO82 I/O12st,5v PD2 GPIO83 PD3 GPIO84 PD4 GPIO85 PD5 GPIO86 I/OOD12st, 5v I/O12st,5v I/OOD12st, 5v I/O12st,5v I/OOD12st, 5v I/O12st,5v I/OOD12st, 5v I/O12st,5v I/OOD12st, 5v I/O12st,5v PD6 GPIO87 I/OOD12st, 5v PD7 I/O12st,5v 3VCC 3VCC Parallel port data bus bit 1. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 2. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 3. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC Parallel port data bus bit 4. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 5. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 6. General purpose IO. Support scan code function. Parallel port data bus bit 7. 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC Hardware Monitor Pin Name Type BEEP OD24t,5v GPIO16 I/OOD12st,5v SDA ILv/OD12st,5v CIRRX# INst,5v PECI Ilv /OD8, S1 GPIO17 I/OOD12st,5v OVT# OD12,5v ALERT# OD12,5v GPIO20 I/OOD24st,5v SCL ILv/OD24st,5v CIRRX# COPEN# INst,5v INst,5v PWR Description Beep pin. I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V VBAT 22 General purpose IO. I2C Interface DATA pin. AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak) data pin. CIR receiver input. PECI interface pin. General purpose IO. Over temperature signal output. Alert a signal when temperature over limit setting. General purpose IO. I2C interface Clock. Clock output for AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak). CIR receiver input. Case Open Detection #. This pin is connected to Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 a specially designed low power CMOS flip-flop backed by the battery for case open state preservation during power loss. Analog GND for thermal diode/transistor temperature. Thermal diode/transistor temperature sensor input. CPU thermal diode/transistor temperature sensor input. This pin is for CPU use. Voltage reference output. 89 D- AIN 3VSB 90 D2+ AIN 3VSB 91 D1+(CPU) AIN 3VSB 92 VREF AOUT 3VSB 93 VIN4 AIN 3VSB 94 VIN3 AIN 3VSB 95 VIN2 AIN 3VSB 96 VIN1 (Vcore) AIN 3VSB 98 FANIN1 INst,5v 3VCC FANCTL1 OOD12,5v AOUT Fan 1 tachometer input. Fan 1 control output. This pin provides PWM duty-cycle output or a DAC voltage output (internal pull down 100k Ω , default). 3VCC Power on Strapping pin: 99 100 PWM _DAC1 INst,5v FANIN2 INst,5v FANCTL2 OOD12,5v AOUT PWM _DAC2 5.7 Pin No. 1: PWM mode. 3VCC 3VCC 101 Voltage Input 4. Voltage Input 3. Support OVP & UVP function, and default is disable alarm mode. Voltage Input 2. Support OVP & UVP function, and default is disable alarm mode. Voltage Input for Vcore. 0: Default is DAC mode for FANCTL1 (internal pull down 100k Ω ). Fan 2 tachometer input. Fan 2 control output. This pin provides PWM duty-cycle output or a DAC voltage output (internal pull down 100k Ω , default). Power on Strapping pin: 1: PWM mode. INst,5v 0: Default is DAC mode for FANCTL2 (internal pull down 100k Ω ). KBC Function 34 KBRST# OD16,u10 3VCC 35 GA20 OD16,u10 3VCC 63 KDATA I/OD16st,5V I_VSB3V Description Keyboard reset. This pin is high after system reset. Internal pull high 3.3V with 10k Ω . Gate A20 output. This pin is high after system reset. Internal pull high 3.3V with 10k Ω . PS/2 Keyboard Data. 64 KCLK I/OD16st,5V I_VSB3V PS/2 Keyboard Clock. MDATA I/OD16st,5V SCL Ilv/OD16st, 5v MCLK I/OD16st,5V 61 62 Pin Name Type PWR PS/2 Mouse Data. I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 23 I2C Interface CLOCK pin. Clock output for AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak). PS/2 Mouse Clock. Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 SDA 5.8 Pin I2C Interface DATA pin. AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak) data pin. Ilv/OD16st, 5v ACPI, ERP Pin Name Type PWR Description Standby power rail control pin 0. This pin controls an external PMOS to turn on or off the standby power 52 ERP_CTRL0# GPIO00 OD12,5V I_VSB3V rail. In the S5 state, the default is set to 1 to cut off the standby power rail. General purpose IO. I/OOD12st,5v Standby power rail control pin 1. This pin controls an external PMOS to turn on or off the standby power 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 65 66 67 ERP_CTRL1# OD12,5V GPIO01 I/OOD12st,5v SUS_WARN# INst GPIO02 I/OOD12st,5v SUS_ACK# OD12,5v GPIO03 I/OOD12st,5v SLP_SUS# INst,lv GPIO04 I/OOD12st,5v GPIO05 I/OOD12st,5v SOUT5 O12 GPIO06 I/OOD12st,5v SIN5 INt,5v GPIO07 I/OOD12st,5v RTS5# O12 GPIO10 I/OOD12st,5v LED_VSB OOD12,5V GPIO11 I/OOD12st,5v LED_VCC OOD12,5V SCL Ilv/OD12st, 5v I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V rail. In the S5 state, the default is set to 1 to cut off the standby power rail. General purpose IO. This pin asserts low when the PCH is planning to enter the DSW power state. It can detect 5VDUAL level with delay setting supported. The delay time is 1ms~8S (default 4s) General purpose IO. This pin must wait SUSWARN# signal for entering DSW power state. General purpose IO. This pin asserts low which comes from PCH to shut off suspend power rails externally to enhance power saving function. General purpose IO. General purpose IO. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. General purpose IO. I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. General purpose IO. UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. General purpose IO. Power LED for VSB. I_VSB3V General purpose IO. Power LED for VCC. I_VSB3V I2C Interface CLOCK pin. Clock output for AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak). 24 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 68 69 70 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 86 87 GPIO12 I/OOD12st,5v IRTX O12 SDA Ilv/OD12st, 5v GPIO13 I/OOD12st,5v IRRX INst,5v GPIO14 I/OOD12st,5v ATX_AT_TRAP INt,5v WDTRST# GPIO15 OD12,5v I/OOD12st,5v PME# OD12,5v GPIO65 ATXPG_IN GPIO21 PWSIN# GPIO22 I/OOD12st,5v INst,5v I/OOD12st,5v INst,5v I/OOD12st,5v PWSOUT# OD12,5V GPIO23 S3# GPIO24 I/OOD12st,5v INst,5v I/OOD12st,5v PS_ON# OD12,5v GPIO25 I/OOD12st,5v PWROK OD12,5V GPIO26 I/OD12st,5v RSMRST# OD12,5V GPIO27 I/OD12st,5v DPWROK OD12,5v GPIO66 I/OD12st,5v S5# INst,5v GPIO67 I/OD12st,5v General purpose IO. I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V VBAT VBAT VBAT I_VSB3V Infrared Transmitter Output. UART 6 can’t be used if this function is valid. I2C Interface DATA pin. AMD TSI & Intel PCH (IBX Peak) data pin. General purpose IO. Infrared Receiver input. UART 6 can’t be used if this function is valid. General purpose IO. Power on trapping: ATX emulates AT function 1: ATX mode (Default, internal pull high 47k Ω ). 0: AT mode. Watch dog timer signal output. General purpose IO. Generated PME event. It supports the PCI PME# interface. This signal allows the peripheral to request the system to wake up. General purpose IO. ATX Power Good input. General purpose IO. Main power switch button input. General purpose IO. Panel Switch Output. This pin is low active and pulse output. It is power on request output#. General purpose IO. S3# Input is Main power on-off switch input. General purpose IO. Power supply on-off control output. Connect to ATX power supply PS_ON# signal. General purpose IO. PWROK function, It is power good signal of VCC, which is delayed 400ms (default) as VCC arrives at 2.8V. General purpose IO. Resume Reset# function, It is power good signal of 3VSB, which is delayed 66ms as 3VSB arrives at 2.8V. General purpose IO. It is power good signal of 5VSB which is delayed 66ms as 5VSB arrives at 4.4V. Couple this pin to PCH when system supports Intel DSW state function. General purpose IO. S5# input. This pin companies with S3# to indicate the operating state from S0 to S3 and S4/S5 sleep states. General purpose IO. 25 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5.9 UART, SIR Pin Pin Name Type 1 DCD2# INst,5v 2 RI2# INst,5v 3 CTS2# INst,5v DTR2# PWR Description Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the 3VCC modem or data set has detected a data carrier. Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a I_VSB3V ring signal is being received from the modem or data set. Support wake up function. Clear To Send is the modem control input. 3VCC UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. O8 Power on Strapping pin for over voltage protection 4 3VCC OVP_Mode (OVP). 1: Default is disabled; internal pull high 47k Ω . INt,u47, 5v Voltage protection function is enabled via setting the related registers. RTS2# 0: Enable OVP function. UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. O8 5 3VCC KBC_EN_TRAP 1: KBC enable (Default, internal pull high 47k Ω ). INt,u47, 5v 6 DSR2# INst,5v 3VCC 7 SOUT2 O8 3VCC 8 SIN2 INst,5v 3VCC DCD3# INst,5v GPIO30 I/OOD8st, 5v 36 37 38 39 RI3# INst,,5v GPIO31 CTS3# GPIO32 I/OOD8st, 5v DTR3# O8 GPIO33 I/OOD8st, 5v INst,5v I/OOD8st, 5v Power on Strapping pin 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 0: KBC disable. Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set has detected a data carrier. General Purpose IO. Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a ring signal is being received from the modem or data set. General Purpose IO. Clear To Send is the modem control input. General Purpose IO. UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. General Purpose IO. 26 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 40 RTS3# O8 GPIO34 I/OOD8st, 5v DSR3# INst,5v GPIO35 I/OOD8st, 5v SOUT3 O8 GPIO36 I/OOD8st, 5v SIN3 INst,5v GPIO37 I/OOD8st, 5v DCD4# INst,5v GPIO40 I/OOD8st, 5v RI4# INst,5v GPIO41 CTS4# GPIO42 I/OOD8st, 5v DTR4# O8 GPIO43 I/OOD8st, 5v RTS4# O8 GPIO44 I/OOD8st, 5v DSR4# INst,5v GPIO45 I/OOD8st, 5v SOUT4 O8 GPIO46 I/OOD8st, 5v SIN4 INst,5v GPIO47 I/OOD8st, 5v 120 DCD1# INst,5v 121 RI1# INst,5v 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 INst,5v I/OOD8st, 5v 3VCC UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. General Purpose IO. 3VCC 3VCC Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. General Purpose IO. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. General Purpose IO. 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. General Purpose IO. Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set has detected a data carrier. General Purpose IO. Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a ring signal is being received from the modem or data set. General Purpose IO. Clear To Send is the modem control input. General Purpose IO. UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. General Purpose IO. UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. General Purpose IO. Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. General Purpose IO. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. General Purpose IO. UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. General Purpose IO. Data Carrier Detect. An active low signal indicates the 3VCC modem or data set has detected a data carrier. Ring Indicator. An active low signal indicates that a I_VSB3V ring signal is being received from the modem or data 27 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 set. Support wake up function. 122 CTS1# INst,5v 3VCC DTR1# O8 3VCC FAN_40_100 INt,u47, 5v 3VCC RTS1# O8 3VCC 123 124 125 UART Data Terminal Ready. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that controller is ready to communicate. Power on strapping pin: 1(Default): (Internal pull high 47k Ω ) Power on fan speed default duty is 40%.(PWM) 0: (External pull down) Power on fan speed default duty is 100%.(PWM) UART Request To Send. An active low signal informs the modem or data set that the controller is ready to send data. Power on strapping: Config4E_2E INt,u47, 5v 3VCC DSR1# INst,5v 3VCC SOUT1 O8 126 3VCC I2C_ADDR 127 Clear To Send is the modem control input. SIN1 INt,u47, 5v INst,5v 3VCC 1(internal pull high 47k Ω ,Default) Configuration register:4E/4F 0 Configuration register:2E/2F Data Set Ready. An active low signal indicates the modem or data set is ready to establish a communication link and transfer data to the UART. UART Serial Output. Used to transmit serial data out to the communication link. Power on strapping pin: 1: (internal pull high 47k Ω , default) Power on I2C slave address is 0x5C. 0: (external pull down) Power on I2C slave address is 0x5A. UART Serial Input. Used to receive serial data through the communication link. 28 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6. Function Description 6.1 Power on Strapping Option The F81867 provides eight pins for power on hardware strapping to select required functions. See below table for the detail: Pin No. 4 Symbol OVP_Mode Value 1 0 6.2 69 ATX_AT_TRAP 99 PWM_DAC1 101 PWM_DAC2 103 PWM_DAC3 123 FAN40_100 124 Config4E_2E 126 I2C_ADDR 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Description Disable (default): internal pull high 47k Ω . Voltage protection function is enabled via setting the related registers. Enable OVP function. ATX mode (default, internal pull high 47k Ω ). AT mode. PWM mode. DAC mode (default, internal pull down 100k Ω ) PWM mode. DAC mode (default, internal pull down 100k Ω ) PWM mode. DAC mode (default, internal pull down 100k Ω ) Power on fan speed default duty is 40%. ( Default) Power on fan speed default duty is 100%. Configuration Register I/O port is 4E/4F. (Default) Configuration Register I/O port is 2E/2F. The I2C slave address is 0X5C (Default) The I2C slave address is 0X5A FDC The Floppy Disk Controller provides the interface between a host processor and one floppy disk drive. It integrates a controller and a digital data separator with write pre-compensation, data rate selection logic, microprocessor interface, and a set of registers. The FDC supports data transfer rates of 250 Kbps, 300 Kbps, 500 Kbps, 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. It operates in PC/AT mode. The FDC configuration is handled by software and a set of Configuration registers. Status, Data, and Control registers facilitate the interface between the host microprocessor and the disk drive, providing information about the condition and/or state of the FDC. These configuration registers can select the data rate, enable interrupts, drives, and DMA modes, and indicate errors in the data or operation of the FDC/FDD. 29 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6.3 Parallel Port The parallel port in F81867 supports an IBM XT/AT compatible parallel port (SPP), bi-directional parallel port ( BPP ), Enhanced Parallel Port ( EPP ), Extended Capabilities Parallel Port ( ECP ) mode. Refer to the configuration registers for more information on selecting the mode of operation. The below content is about the Parallel Port device register descriptions. All the registers are for software porting reference. Parallel Port Data Register ⎯ Base + 0 Bit Name R/W Default 7-0 DATA R/W 00h Description The output data to drive the parallel port data lines. ECP Address FIFO Register ⎯ Base + 0 Bit 7-0 Name ECP_AFIFO R/W Default R/W 00h Description Access only in ECP Parallel Port Mode and the ECP_MODE programmed in the Extended Control Register is 011. The data written to this register is placed in the FIFO and tagged as an Address/RLE. It is auto transmitted by the hardware. The operation is only defined for forward direction. It divide into two parts : Bit 7 : 0: bits 6-0 are run length, indicating how many times the next byte to appear (0 = 1time, 1 = 2times, 2 = 3times and so on). 1: bits 6-0 are ECP address. Bit 6-0 : Address or RLE depends on bit 7. Device Status Register ⎯ Base + 1 Bit Name 7 BUSY_N R - Inverted version of parallel port signal BUSY. 6 ACK_N R - Version of parallel port signal ACK#. 5 PERROR R - Version of parallel port signal PE. 4 SELECT R - Version of parallel port signal SLCT. 3 ERR_N R - Version of parallel port signal ERR#. 2-1 Reserved R 11 0 TMOUT R/W Default R - Description Reserved. Return 11b when read. This bit is valid only in EPP mode. Return 1 when in other modes. It indicates that a 10uS time out has occurred on the EPP bus. 0: no time out error. 1: time out error occurred, write 1 to clear. Device Control Register ⎯ Base + 2 Bit Name 7-6 Reserved R/W Default - 11 Description Reserved. Return 11b when read. 30 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 DIR R/W 0 0: the parallel port is in output mode. 1: the parallel port is in input mode. It is auto reset to 1 when in SPP mode. 4 ACKIRQ_EN R/W 0 Enable an interrupt at the rising edge of ACK#. 3 SLIN R/W 0 Inverted and then drives the parallel port signal SLIN#. When read, the status of inverted SLIN# is return. 2 INIT_N R/W 0 Drives the parallel port signal INIT#. When read, the status of INIT# is return. 1 AFD R/W 0 Inverted and then drives the parallel port signal AFD#. When read, the status of inverted AFD# is return. 0 STB R/W 0 Inverted and then drives the parallel port signal STB#. When read, the status of inverted STB# is return. EPP Address Register ⎯ Base + 3 Bit 7-0 Name EPP_ADDR R/W Default R/W 00h Description Write this register will cause the hardware to auto transmit the written data to the device with the EPP Address Write protocol. Read this register will cause the hardware to auto receive data from the device by with the EPP Address Read protocol. EPP Data Register ⎯ Base + 4 – Base + 7 Bit 7-0 Name EPP_DATA R/W Default R/W 00h Description Write this register will cause the hardware to auto transmit the written data to the device with the EPP Data Write protocol. Read this register will cause the hardware to auto receive data from the device by with the EPP Data Read protocol. Parallel Port Data FIFO ⎯ Base + 400h Bit 7-0 Name C_FIFO R/W Default R/W 00h Description Data written to this FIFO is auto transmitted by the hardware to the device by using standard parallel port protocol. It is only valid in ECP and the ECP_MODE is 010b.The operation is only for forward direction. ECP Data FIFO ⎯ Base + 400h Bit 7-0 Name ECP_DFIFO R/W Default R/W 00h Description Data written to this FIFO when DIR is 0 is auto transmitted by the hardware to the device by using ECP parallel port protocol. Data is auto read from device into the FIFO when DIR is 1 by the hardware by using ECP parallel port protocol. Read the FIFO will return the content to the system. It is only valid in ECP and the ECP_MODE is 011b. 31 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ECP Test FIFO ⎯ Base + 400h Bit 7-0 Name T_FIFO R/W Default R/W 00h Description Data may be read, written from system to the FIFO in any Direction. But no hardware handshake occurred on the parallel port lines. It could be used to test the empty, full and threshold of the FIFO. It is only valid in ECP and the ECP_MODE is 110b. ECP Configuration Register A ⎯ Base + 400h Bit Name 7 IRQ_MODE R/W Default R 0 Description 0: interrupt is ISA pulse. 1: interrupt is ISA level. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 000: the design is 16-bit implementation. 001: the design is 8-bit implementation (default). 010: the design is 32-bit implementation. 011-111: Reserved. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 6-4 IMPID R 001 3 Reserved - - Reserved. 2 BYTETRAN_N R 1 0: when transmitting there is 1 byte waiting in the transceiver that does not affect the FIFO full condition. 1: when transmitting the state of the full bit includes the byte being transmitted. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 1-0 Reserved R 00 Return 00 when read. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. ECP Configuration Register B ⎯ Base + 401h Bit Name R/W Default Description 7 COMP R 0 0: only send uncompressed data. 1: compress data before sending. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 6 Reserved R 1 Reserved. Return 1 when read. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 5-3 ECP_IRQ_CH R 001 000: the interrupt selected with jumper. 001: select IRQ 7 (default). 010: select IRQ 9. 011: select IRQ 10. 100: select IRQ 11 101: select IRQ 14. 110: select IRQ 15. 111: select IRQ 5. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 2-0 ECP_DMA_CH R 011 Return the DMA channel of ECP parallel port. Only valid in ECP and ECP_MODE is 111b. 32 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Extended Control Register ⎯ Base + 402h Bit Name R/W Default Description 000: SPP Mode. 001: PS/2 Parallel Port Mode. 010: Parallel Port Data FIFO Mode. 011: ECP Parallel Port Mode. 100: EPP Mode. 101: Reserved. 110: Test Mode. 111: Configuration Mode. Only valid in ECP. 7-5 ECP_MODE R/W 000 4 ERRINTR_EN R/W 0 0: disable the interrupt generated on the falling edge of ERR#. 1: enable the interrupt generated on the falling edge of ERR#. 3 DAMEN R/W 0 0: disable DMA. 1: enable DMA. DMA starts when SERVICEINTR is 0. 2 SERVICEINTR R/W 1 0: enable the following case of interrupt. DMAEN = 1: DMA mode. DMAEN = 0, DIR = 0: set to 1 whenever there are writeIntrThreshold or more bytes are free in the FIFO. DMAEN = 0, DIR = 0: set to 1 whenever there are readIntrThreshold or more bytes are valid to be read in the FIFO. 1 FIFOFULL R 0 0: The FIFO has at least 1 free byte. 1: The FIFO is completely full. 0 FIFOEMPTY R 0 0: The FIFO contains at least 1 byte. 1: The FIFO is completely empty. 6.4 Hardware Monitor 6.4.1 General Description Voltage For the 8-bit ADC has the 8mv LSB, the maximum input voltage of the analog pin is 2.048V. Therefore the voltage under 2.048V (ex:1.5V) can be directly connected to these analog inputs. The voltage higher than 2.048V should be reduced by a factor with external resistors so as to obtain the input range. Only 3Vcc is an exception for it is main power of the F81867. Therefore 3Vcc can directly connect to this chip’s power pin and need no external resistors. There are two functions in this pin with 3.3V. The first function is to supply internal analog power of the F81867 and the second function is that voltage with 3.3V is connected to internal serial resistors to monitor the +3.3V voltage. The internal serial resistors are two 150K Ω , so that the internal reduced voltage is half of +3.3V (See figure 7-1). There are four voltage inputs in the F81867 and the voltage divided formula is shown as follows: 33 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VIN = V+12 V × R2 R1 + R 2 where V+12V is the analog input voltage, for example. If we choose R1=20K, R2=2K, the exact input voltage for V+12v will be 1.09V, which is within the tolerance. As for application circuit, it can be refer to the figure shown as follows. Voltage Inputs 3Vcc (directly connect to the chip) VIN (< 2.04V) (directly connect to the chip) VIN (> 2.04V) R 1 150K 150K R2 8-bit ADC with 8 mV LSB VREF R VIN3.3 10K, 1% D+ Typical BJT Connection 2N3906 R Typical Thermister THM Connection 10K, 25 C D- Fig 7-1 PME# interrupt for voltage is shown as figure 7-2. Voltage exceeding or going below high limit will cause an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by writing “1” all the interrupt Status Register. (pulse mode) * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are written 1 Voltage PME# Mode Fig 7-2 Temperature Sensor The F81867 monitors two remote temperature sensors. These sensors can be measured from -60°C to 127°C for thermal diode & thermistor. More detail please refers to the register description. Remote-sensor transistor manufacturers Manufacturer Model Number Panasonic 2SB0709 2N3906 Philips PMBT3906 34 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 (1) Monitor Temperature from “thermistor” The F81867 can connect two thermistors to measure environment temperature or remote temperature. The specification of thermistor should be considered to (1) β value is 3435K (2) resistor value is 10K Ω at 25°C. In the Figure 7-1, the thermistor is connected by a serial resistor with 10K Ω , then connected to VREF. (2) Monitor Temperature from “thermal diode” Also, if the CPU, GPU or external circuits provide thermal diode for temperature measurement, the F81867 is capable to these situations. The build-in reference table is for PNP 2N3906 transistor. In the Figure 7-1, the transistor is directly connected into temperature pins. ADC Noise Filtering The ADC is integrating type with inherently good noise rejection. Micro-power operation places constraints on high-frequency noise rejection; therefore, careful PCB board layout and suitable external filtering are required for high-accuracy remote measurement in electronically noisy environment. High frequency EMI is best filtered at D+ and D- with an external 2200pF or 3300pF capacitor. Too high capacitance may introduce errors due to the rise time of the switched current source. Nearly all noise sources tested cause the ADC measurement to be higher than the actual temperature, depending on the frequency and amplitude. Over Temperature Signal (OVT#) OVT# alert for temperature is shown as figure 7-3. When monitored temperature exceeds the over-temperature threshold value, OVT# will be asserted until the temperature goes below the hysteresis temperature. TOVT T HYST OVT# (Level mode) OVT# (SMI mode) Fig 7-3 Temperature PME# PME# interrupt for temperature is shown as figure 7-4. Temperature exceeding high limit or going below hysteresis will cause an interrupt if the previous interrupt has been reset by writing 35 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 “1” all the interrupt Status Register. T OVT T Hhys T HIGH T Hhys PME# (pulse mode) * * * * *Interrupt Reset when Interrupt Status Registers are written 1 Fig 7-4 Fan Fan speed count Inputs are provided by the signals from fans equipped with tachometer outputs. The level of these signals should be set to TTL level, and maximum input voltage cannot be over 5V. If the input signals from the tachometer outputs are over the 5V, the external trimming circuit should be added to reduce the voltage to obtain the input specification. Determine the fan counter according to: Count = 1.5 × 10 6 RPM In other words, the fan speed counter (12 bit resolution) has been read from register, the fan speed can be evaluated by the following equation. RPM = 1.5 × 10 6 Count As for fan, it would be best to use 2 pulses (4 phases fan) tachometer output per round. So the parameter “Count” under 5 bit filter is 4096~64 and RPM is 366~23438 based on the above equation. If using 8 phases fan, RPM would be from 183~11719. Fan speed control The F81867 provides 2 fan speed control methods: 1. DAC FAN CONTROL 2. PWM DUTY CYCLE 36 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 DAC Fan Control The range of DC output is 0~VCC, controlled by 8-bit register. 1 LSB is about 0.013V (VCC=3.3V). The output DC voltage is amplified by external OP circuit, thus to reach maximum FAN OPERATION VOLTAGE, 12V. The output voltage will be given as followed: Output_vol tage (V) = VCC × Programmed 8bit Register Value 256 And the suggested application circuit for linear fan control would be: +12V 8 R 4.7K 3 2 + PMOS Q1 D1 1N4148 1 4 DC OUTPUT VOLTAGE U1A R 4.7K LM358 JP1 R 10K 3 2 1 C 47u R C 0.1u CON3 R 3.6K 27K FANIN MONITOR R 10K Fig 7-5 PWM duty Fan Control The duty cycle of PWM can be programmed by a 8-bit register. The default duty cycle is set to 100%, that is, the default 8-bit registers is set to FFh. The expression of duty can be represented as follows. Duty_cycle(%) = Programmed 8bit Register Value × 100% 255 +12V R1 R2 G PNP Transistor D NMOS S C + FAN - Fig 7-6 37 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fan speed control mechanism There are some modes to control fan speed and they are 1.Manual mode, 2. Auto mode (Stage & Linear). More detail, please refer to the description of registers & below figure. Start Step1: Select FAN_TYPE (CR94) DAC (linear) PWM Step2 :Select FAN_MODE CR96 [5:4] Fan3 CR96 [3:2] Fan2 CR96 [1:0] Fan1 Auto Mode Manual Mode RPM Duty RPM Step3: Set temp. follows FAN1 :CRAF FAN2 :CRBF FAN3 :CRCF Step3: Set temp. follows FAN1 :CRAF FAN2 :CRBF FAN3 :CRCF Step4: Set H/W Monitor Fan1 – (BOUNDARY :CR A6~A9) (SPEED : CR AA ~ AE) Fan2 –(BOUNDARY :CR B6~B9) (SPEED : CR BA ~ BE) Fan3 –(BOUNDARY :CR C6~C9) (SPEED : CR CA ~ CE) Step4: Set H/W Monitor Fan1 – (BOUNDARY :CR A6~A9) (SPEED : CR AA ~ AE) Fan2 –(BOUNDARY :CR B6~B9) (SPEED : CR BA ~ BE) Fan3 –(BOUNDARY :CR C6~C9) (SPEED : CR CA ~ CE) Step3: Set RPM FAN1 :CR A2,A3 FAN2 :CR B2,B3 FAN3 :CR C2,C3 Duty Step3: Set Duty FAN1 :CR,A3 FAN2 :CR B3 FAN3 :CR C3 Fig 7-7 Fan type & mode selection flow Each fan can be controlled by 8 kinds of temperature inputs: (1) T1 temperature (2) T2 temperature (3) T3 temperature (4) PECI temperature (5) 4 suits I2C master temperature. FAN 1 Related Register FAN_PROG_SEL Index 9Fh [7] FAN Type Select Index 94 [1:0] FAN mode Select Index 96 [1:0] FAN count reading Index A0h~A1h FAN expect speed Index A2h~A3h FAN full speed count Index A4h~A5h BOUNDARY Index A6h~A9h SEGMENT SPEED Index AAh~AEh 38 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN1 Temperature Mapping Index AFh FAN 2 Related Register FAN_PROG_SEL Index 9Fh [7] FAN Type Select Index 94 [3:2] FAN mode Select Index 96 [3:2] FAN count reading Index B0h~B1h FAN expect speed Index B2h~B3h FAN full speed count Index B4h~B5h BOUNDARY Index B6h~B9h SEGMENT SPEED Index BAh~BEh FAN1 Temperature Mapping Index BFh FAN 3 Related Register CLK_TUNE_PROG_EN Global Control Register : index 27h [0] Multi Function Global Control Register : index 2Bh [1:0] FAN_PROG_SEL Index 9Fh [7] FAN Type Select Index 94 [5:4] FAN mode Select Index 96 [5:4] FAN count reading Index C0h~C1h FAN expect speed Index C2h~C3h FAN full speed count Index C4h~C5h BOUNDARY Index C6h~C9h SEGMENT SPEED Index CAh~CEh FAN1 Temperature Mapping Index CFh Manual mode For manual mode, it generally acts as the software fan speed control. Auto mode In auto mode, the F81867 provides the automatic fan speed control related to the temperature variation of CPU/GPU or the system. The F81867 can provide four temperature boundaries and five intervals, and each interval has its related fan speed count. All these values should be set by BIOS first. Take FAN1 for example, the 4 temperature boundaries could be set from the register 0xA6 to 0xA9 and the five intervals for fan speed control could be set from register 0xAA to 0xAE.The hysteresis setting (0 ~ 15°C) could also be found in the register 0x98. 39 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 There are two kinds for the auto modes they are the stage auto mode and the linear auto mode. The “FAN1_INTERPOLATION_EN” in the register 0xAFh is used for the linear auto mode enable. The following examples explain the differences for the stage auto mode and linear auto mode. Stage auto mode In this mode, the fan keeps in a same speed for each temperature interval. And there are two types of fan speed setting: PWM Duty and RPM %. A. Stage auto mode (PWM Duty) Set the temperature limits as 70°C, 60°C, 50°C, 40°C and the duty as 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% Fig 7-8 Stage mode fan control illustration a. Once the temperature is under 40°C, the lowest fan speed keeps in the 60% PWM duty. b. Once the temperature is over 40°C, 50°Cand 60°C, the fan speed will vary from 70%, 80% to 90% PWM duty and increasing with the temperature level. c. For the temperature higher than 70°C, the fan speed keeps in 100% PWM duty. d. If set the hysteresis is 3°C (default 4°C), once the temperature becomes lower than 67°C, the fan speed would reduce to 90% PWM duty. B. Stage auto mode (RPM%) Set the temperature as 70°C, 60°C, 50°C, 40°C and the corresponding fan speed is 6,000 RPM, 5,400 RPM, 4,800 RPM, 4,200 RPM, and 3,600 RPM (assume the Max Fan Speed is 6,000 40 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RPM). Fig 7-9 Stage mode fan control illustration a. Once the temperature is lower than 40°C, the lowest fan speed keeps in 3,600 RPM (60% of full speed). b. Once the temperature is higher than 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, the fan speed will vary from 4,200 RPM to 5,400 RPM and increasing with the temperature level. c. For the temperature higher than 70°C, the fan speed keeps in the full speed 6,000 RPM. d. If the hysteresis is set as 3°C (default 4°C), once temperature gets lower than 67°C, the fan speed would reduce to 5,400 RPM. Linear auto mode Furthermore, F81867 also supports linear auto mode. The fan speed would increase or decrease linearly with the temperature. There are also PWM Duty and RPM% modes for it. A. Linear auto mode (PWM Duty I) Set the temperature as 70°C, 60°C, 50°C and 40°C and the duty is 100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%. 41 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fig 7-10 Linear mode fan control illustration a. Once the temperature is lower than 40°C, the lowest fan speed keeps in the 50% PWM duty b. Once the temperature becomes higher than 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, the fan speed will vary from 50% to 80% PWM duty linearly with the temperature variation. The temp.-fan speed monitoring flash interval is 1sec. c. Once the temperature goes over 70°C, the fan speed will directly increase to 100% PWM duty (full speed). d. If set the hysteresis is 5°C (default is 4°C), once the temperature becomes lower than 65°C (instead of 70°C), the fan speed will reduce from 100% PWM duty and decrease linearly with the temperature. B. Linear auto mode (RPM%) Set the temperature as 70°C, 60°C, 50°C, 40°C and the corresponding fan speed is 6,000 RPM, 4,800 RPM, 4,200 RPM, 3,600 RPM and 3,000 RPM (assume the Max Fan Speed is 6,000 RPM). 42 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fig 7-11 Linear mode fan control illustration a. Once the temperature is lower than 40°C, the lowest fan speed keeps in 3,000 RPM (50% of full speed). b. Once the temperature is over 40°C,50°C and 60°C, the fan speed will vary from 3,000 to 4,800 RPM almost linearly with the temperature variation because the temp.-fan speed monitoring flash interval is 1sec. c. Once the temperature goes over 70°C, the fan speed will directly increase to full speed 6,000 RPM. d. If the hysteresis is 5°C (default is 4°C), once the temperature becomes lower than 65°C (instead of 70°C), the fan speed wull reduce from full speed and decrease linearly with the temperature. PWMOUT Duty-cycle operating process In both “Manual RPM” and “Temperature RPM” modes, the F81867 adjust PWMOUT duty-cycle according to current fan count and expected fan count. It will operate as follows: 1. When expected count is 0xFFF, PWMOUT duty-cycle will be set to 0x00 to turn off fan. 2. When expected count is 0x000, PWMOUT duty-cycle will be set to 0xFF to turn on fan with full speed. 3. If both (1) and (2) are not true, When PWMOUT duty-cycle decrease to MIN_DUTY(≠ 00h), obviously the duty-cycle will decrease to 00h next, the F81867 will keep duty-cycle at 00h for 1.6 seconds. After that, 43 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 the F81867 starts to compare current fan count and expected count in order to increase or decrease its duty-cycle. This ensures that if there is any glitch during the period, the F81867 will ignore it. Start Duty Stop Duty Fig 7-12 Fan Speed Control with Multi-temperature F81867 supports Multi-temperature for Fan 1 control. Fan 1 can be controlled up to 2 kinds of temperature inputs. This function works with linear auto mode which can extend to two linear slopes for Fan 1 control. As below graph shows, this machine can support more silence fan control in low temperature and high fan speed in the high temperature segment. More detail setting please refers to the related registers. RPM/PWM % 100% 90% Slope can be set 60% S= ΔPWM/Δt =1 40% 30ºC 50ºC 80ºC Temperature Figure 7-13 Support 2 Linear Application with Multi-Temp. Setting In the figure below, TFan1 is the scaled temperature for fan1. T1 is the real temperature for the fan1 sensor. Ta is another temperature data which can be used for linearly scale up or scale down the fan1 speed curve. Tb would be the point which starts the temperature scaling. The slope for the temperature curve over and under Tb would be Ctup and Ctdn. 44 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temp. TFan1 T1 Ta Tb TFan1 Time 1. Ctup, Ctdn Can be Programmed to 1, ½, ¼, 0 2. Ta Can be Selected to the Same Temp. Source (Ex:T1) TFan1= T1 + (Ta-Tb)*Ctup ; TFan1= T1 + (Ta-Tb)*Ctdn Figure 7-14 In application, we can set the Ta as the 2 nd starts the scaling. So if the 2 nd sensor temperature and Tb as the temperature which sensor temperature Ta is higher or lower than Tb, the fan1 speed would be changed with it. EX: Ta = T1, Tb = 60, Ctu = 1, Ctd = 1/4 Figure 7-15 FAN_FAULT# Fan_Fault# will be asserted when the fan speed doesn’t meet the expected fan speed within a 45 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 programmable period (default is 11 seconds) or when fan stops with respect to PWM duty-cycle which should be able to turn on the fan. There are two conditions may cause the FAN_FAULT# event. (1). When PWM_Duty reaches 0xFF, the fan speed count can’t reach the fan expected count on time. (Figure 7-16) 11 sec(default) Current Fan Count Expected Fan Count 100% Duty-cycle Fan_Fault# Fig 7-16 (2). After the period of detecting fan full speed, when PWM_Duty > Min. Duty, and fan count is still in 0xFFF. 6.4.2 Hardware Monitor Device Registers Before the device registers, the following is a register map order which shows a summary of all registers. Please refer to each register if you want more detail information. Register CR01 ~ CR03 Æ Configuration Registers Register CR08 ~ CREF Æ PECI/TSI/I2C Control Register Register CR40 ~ CR8E Æ PECI 3.0 Command and temperature Setting Register Register CR10 ~ CR3A Æ Voltage Setting Register Register CR90 ~ CRCF Æ Fan Control Setting Register ÆFan1 Detail Setting CRA0 ~ CRAF ÆFan2 Detail Setting CRB0 ~ CRBF ÆFan3 Detail Setting CRC0 ~ CRCF Configuration Setting FAN, Voltage Start up Register ⎯ Index 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved 0h - 0 Reserved 2 POWER_DOWN R/W 5VSB 0 Hardware monitor function power down function. 1 FAN_START R/W 5VSB 1 0 V_T_START R/W 5VSB 1 1: enable startup of fan monitoring operations. 0: Put the part in the standby mode. 1: enable startup of temperature and voltage monitoring operations 0: Put the part in the standby mode. 46 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Case Open, Alert, OVT Mode Register ⎯ Index 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 CASE_BEEP_EN R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 5-4 OVT_MODE 3 Reserved R/W - 0 2 CASE_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1-0 ALERT_MODE R/W 5VSB 0 Description Dummy register. 0: Disable case open event output via BEEP. 1: Enable case open event output via BEEP. 00: The OVT# will be low active level mode. 01: The OVT# will be low pulse mode. 10: The OVT# will indicate by 1Hz LED function. 11: The OVT# will indicate by (400/800HZ) BEEP output. Dummy register. 0: Disable case open event output via PME. 1: Enable case open event output via PME. 00: The ALERT# will be low active level mode. 01: The ALERT# will be high active level mode. 10: The ALERT# will indicate by 1Hz LED function. 11: The ALERT# will indicate by (400/800HZ) BEEP output. Case Open Status Register ⎯ Index 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 0 CASE_STS R/W VBAT 0 Case open event status write 1 to clear if case open event cleared. (This bit is powered by VBAT.) PECI/TSI/I2C Setting TSI Or IBEX Control Register ⎯ Index 08h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-1 TSI_ADDR R/W 5VSB 26h 0 Reserved - - - Description AMD TSI or Intel IBEX slave address. Reserved I2C Address Control Register ⎯ Index 09h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-1 I2C _ADDR R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved R/W - 0 Description I2C _ADDR[7:1] is the slave address sent by the embedded master when using a block write command Reserved 47 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI, TSI, IBEX, Beta Register ⎯ Index 0Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Defa ult 7 BETA_EN2 R/W 5VSB 0 6 BETA_EN1 R/W 5VSB 0 5 INTEL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 4 MXM_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: disable the T2 beta compensation. 1: enable the T2 beta compensation. 0: disable the T1 beta compensation. 1: enable the T1 beta compensation. This bit is used to select AMD TSI or Intel IBEX when TSI_EN is set to 1. 0: Select AMD 1: Select Intel Reserved 3-2 VTT_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 1 TSI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 PECI (VTT) voltage selection. 00: VTT is 1.23V 01: VTT is 1.13V 10: VTT is 1.00V 11: VTT is 1.00V Set this bit 1 to enable AMD TSI or Intel IBEX function 0 PECI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 Set this bit 1 to enable Intel PECI function CUP Socket Select Register ⎯ Index 0Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Select the Intel CPU socket number. 0000: no CPU presented. PECI host will use Ping () command to find the CPU address. 7-4 CPU_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0001: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x30. 0010: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x31. 0100: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x32. 1000: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x33. 3-1 Reserved - - 0 0 DOMAIN1_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Others are reserved. Reserved. If the CPU is selected as dual core. Set this register 1 to read the temperature of domain1. TCC Register ⎯ Index 0Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description TCC Activation Temperature. When PECI is enabled, the absolute value of CPU temperature is 7-0 TCC_TEMP R/W 5VSB 8’h55 calculated by the equation: CPU_TEMP = TCC_TEMP + PECI Reading. º The range of this register is -128 ~ 127 C. 48 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 TSI Offset Register ⎯ Index 0Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This byte is used as the offset to be added to the CPU temperature 7-0 TSI_OFFSET R/W 5VSB 0 reading of AMD_TSI. The range of this register is -128 ~ 127ºC. Configuration Register ⎯ Index 0Fh Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 DIG_RATE_SEL R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description 0 Reserved. 0 Reserved for Fintek use only TSI Temperature 0 – Index E0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the AMD TSI reading if AMD TSI enable. TSI_TEMP0 R/W 5VSB - And will be highest temperature among CPU, MCH and PCH if Intel temperature interface enable. The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL must set to “0”. This byte is used as multi-purpose: 7-0 I2C_DATA0 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 1. The received data of receive protocol. 2. The first received byte of read word protocol. 3. The 10th received byte of read block protocol. 4. The sent data for send byte protocol and write byte protocol. 5. The first send byte for write word protocol. 6. The first send byte for write block protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 1 – Index E1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface PCH reading. The TSI_TEMP1 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. This byte is used as multi-purpose: 7-0 I2C_DATA1 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 1. The second received byte of read word protocol. 2. The 11th received byte of read block protocol. 3. The second send byte for write word protocol. 4. The second send byte for write block protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. 49 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 TSI Temperature 2 Low Byte – Index E2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the low byte of Intel temperature interface CPU reading. The reading is the fraction part of CPU temperature. Bit 0 indicates the error TSI_TEMP2_LO R 5VSB - status. 0: No error. 1: Error code. 7-0 To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. This is the 12th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA2 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 3rd byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 2 High Byte – Index E3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface CPU reading. The TSI_TEMP2_HI R 5VSB - reading is the decimal part of CPU temperature. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 13th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA3 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 4th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 3 – Index E4h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface MCH reading. The TSI_TEMP3 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 14th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA4 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 5th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 4 – Index E5h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM0 reading. The 7-0 TSI_TEMP4 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 50 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This is the 15th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA5 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 6th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 5 – Index E6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM1 reading. The TSI_TEMP5 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 16th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA6 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 7th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 6 – Index E7h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM2 reading. The TSI_TEMP6 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 17th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA7 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 8th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 7 – Index E8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM3 reading. The TSI_TEMP7 R 5VSB - range is 0~255ºC. The above 9 bytes could also be used as the read data of block read protocol if the TSI is disable or pending. 7-0 This is the 18th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA8 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 9th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. I2C Data Buffer 9 – Index E9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description th This is the 18 byte of the block read protocol. 7-0 I2C_DATA9 R/W 5VSB FFh This byte is also used as the 9th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. 51 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Block Write Count Register – Index ECh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 MCH_BANK_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 6 Reserved - - 0 5-0 BLOCK_WR_CNT R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit is used to select the register in index E0h to E9h. Set “0” to read the temperature bank and “1” to access the data bank. Reserved Use the register to specify the byte count of block write protocol. Support up to 10 bytes. I2C Command Byte/TSI Command Byte – Index EDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description There are actual two bytes for this index. TSI_CMD_PROG select which byte to be programmed: 7-0 I2C_CMD/TSI_CMD R/W 5VSB 0/1 0: I2C_CMD, which is the command code for write byte/word, read byte/word, block write/read and process call protocol. 1: TSI_CMD, which is the command code for Intel temperature interface block read protocol and the data byte for AMD TSI send byte protocol. I2C Status – Index EEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Set 1 to pending auto TSI accessing. (In AMD model, auto accessing will 7 TSI_PENDING R/W LRESET# 0 issue a send-byte followed a receive-byte; In Intel model, auto accessing will issue a block read). To use the SCL/ SDA as I2C master, set this bit to “1” first. 6 TSI_CMD_PROG R/W 5VSB 0 5 PROC_KILL R/W 5VSB 0 4 FAIL_STS R 5VSB 0 3 I2C_ABT_ERR R 5VSB 0 2 I2C_ TO_ERR R 5VSB 0 1 I2C__NAC_ERR R 5VSB 0 0 I2C__READY R 5VSB 1 Set 1 to program TSI_CMD. Kill the current I2C transfer and return the state machine to idle. It will set a fail status if the current transfer is not completed. This is set when PROC_KI LL kill an un-completed transfer. It will be auto cleared by next I2C transfer. This is the arbitration lost status if I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. This is the timeout status if I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. This is the NACK error status if I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. 0: I2C transfer is in process. 1: Ready for next I2C command. 52 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 I2C Protocol Select – Index EFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 I2C_START W - 0 6-4 Reserved - - - Description Write “1” to trigger I2C transfer with the protocol specified by I2C_PROTOCOL. Reserved. Select what protocol if I2C transfer is triggered. 0001b: send byte. 0010b: write byte. 0011b: write word. 0100b: Reserved. 0101b: block write. 3-0 I2C_ _PROTOCOL R/W 5VSB 0 0111b: quick command (write). 1001b: receive byte. 1010b: read byte. 1011b: read word. 1101b: block read. 1111b: Reserved Otherwise: reserved. PECI 3.0 & Temperature Setting PECI 3.0 Command and Register PECI Configuration Register ⎯ Index 40h Bit 7 Name R/W RDIAMSR_CMD_EN R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 6 C3_UPDATE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5-4 Reserved R - - 3 C3_PTEMP_EN R/W 5VSB 0 2 C0_PTEMP_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 C3_ALL0_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 C0_ALL0_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description When PECI temperature monitoring is enabled, set this bit 1 will generate a RdIAMSR() command before a GetTemp() command. If RDIAMSR_CMD_EN is not set to 1, the temperature data is not allowed to be updated when the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Reserved Set this bit 1 to enable updating positive value of temperature if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Set this bit 1 to enable updating positive value of temperature if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is not 0x82 and the bit 8 of completion code is not 1 either. Set this bit 1 to enable updating temperature value 0x0000 if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Set this bit 1 to enable updating temperature value 0x0000 if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is not 0x82 and the bit 8 of completion code is not 1 either. PECI Master Control Register ⎯ Index 41h Bit 7 Name PECI_CMD_START R/W W Reset Default 5VSB - Description Write 1 to this bit to start a PECI command when using as a PECI master. (PECI_PENDING must be set to 1) 53 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6-5 Reserved R - - Reserved 4 PECI_PENDING R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 to stop monitoring PECI temperature. 3 Reserved R - - Reserved 2-0 PECI_CMD R/W 5VSB 3’h0 PECI command to be used by PECI master. 000: PING() 001: GetDIB() 010: GetTemp() 011: RdIAMSR() 100: RdPkgConfig() 101: WrPkgConfig() others: Reserved PECI Master Status Register ⎯ Index 42h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-3 Reserved R - - 2 ABORT_FCS R/WC 5VSB - 1 PECI_FCS_ERR R/WC 5VSB - 0 PECI_FINISH R/WC 5VSB - Description Reserved This bit is the Abort FCS status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. This bit is the FCS error status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. This bit is the Command Finish status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. PECI Master DATA0 Register ⎯ Index 43h Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA0 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig() command, this byte represents “Host ID[7:1] & Retry[0]”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA1 Register ⎯ Index 44h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA1 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() , this byte represents “Processor ID”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig() , this byte represents “Index”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA2 Register ⎯ Index 45h Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte is the least significant byte of “MSR Address”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig(), this byte is the least significant byte of “Parameter”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. 54 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI Master DATA3 Register ⎯ Index 46h Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte is the most significant byte of “MSR Address”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig(), this byte is the most significant byte of “Parameter”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA4 Register ⎯ Index 47h Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA4 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For GetDIB() , this byte represents “Device Info” For GetTemp(), this byte represents the least significant byte of temperature. For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte is “Completion Code”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[7:0]” PECI Master DATA5 Register ⎯ Index 48h Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA5 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For GetDIB() , this byte represents “Revision Number” For GetTemp(), this byte represents the most significant byte of temperature. For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents “DATA[7:0]” For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[15:8]” PECI Master DATA6 Register ⎯ Index 49h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA6 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[23:16]” “DATA[15:8]”. PECI Master DATA7 Register ⎯ Index 4Ah Bit 7-0 Name PECI_DATA7 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte “DATA[23:16]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[31:24]” represents PECI Master DATA8 Register ⎯ Index 4Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA8 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this “DATA[31:24]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “AW FCS” byte represents PECI Master DATA9 Register ⎯ Index 4Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA9 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[39:32]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “Completion Code” 55 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI Master DATA10 Register ⎯ Index 4Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA10 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[47:40]”. PECI Master DATA11 Register ⎯ Index 4Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA11 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[55:48]”. PECI Master DATA12 Register ⎯ Index 4Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA12 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[63:56]”. HWM Manual Control Register1 ⎯ Index 50h Bit Name R/W 7 LOAD_CH W - - Write 1 to load a temperature or voltage channel to be converted 6 STOP_CH R/W 5VSB 0 Set to 1 when load a channel will generate a one-shot conversion. 5 HOLD_CH R/W 5VSB 0 Set to 1 when load a channel will keep converting this channel. 0 First channel to be converted when LOAD_CH is set to 1. 00000: VCC 00001: VIN1 00010: VIN2 00011: VIN3 00100: VIN4 00101: VSB3V 00110: VBAT 00111: 5VSB 10000: Intel PECI 10001: T1 10010: T2 11000: AMD TSI/Intel IBEX 4:0 CHANNEL R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description HWM Manual Control Status Register 1⎯ Index 51h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved - - - Reserved 6 V_CONV_STS R 5VSB - At least one of the voltage channels had finish converting. 5 PECI_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - PECI channel had finish converting 4 TSI_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - TSI channel had finish converting 3 Reserved - - Reserved 2 T2_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - T2 channel had finish converting 1 T1_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - T1 channel had finish converting 0 Reserved - - Reserved 56 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 HWM Manual Control Status Register 2⎯ Index 52h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 5VSB_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - 5VSB voltage channel had finish converting Description 6 VBAT_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VBAT voltage channel had finish converting 5 VSB3V_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VSB3V voltage channel had finish converting 4 VIN4_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN4 voltage channel had finish converting 3 VIN3_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN3 voltage channel had finish converting 2 VIN2_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN2 voltage channel had finish converting 1 VIN1_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN1 voltage channel had finish converting 0 VCC_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VCC voltage channel had finish converting HWM RAW Data Register 1⎯ Index 55h Bit Name R/W 7-0 RAW_DATA_L R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description Low byte of HM converting raw data HWM RAW Data Register 2⎯ Index 56h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved - - - Reserved 1-0 RAW_DATA_H R 5VSB 0 The highest two bits of HM converting raw data Temperature Register Temperature PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 EN_ T2_OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 5 EN_ T1_OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 4 EN_ T0_ OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds OVT setting. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 EN_ T2_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 1 EN_ T1_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_ T0_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds OVT setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds OVT setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds high limit setting. 57 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved R/W Reset Default - 0 Description Reserved This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP2 temperature sensor has exceeded 6 T2_OVT _STS R/W 3VCC 0 OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP1 temperature sensor has exceeded 5 T1_OVT _STS R/W 3VCC 0 OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. 4 T0_OVT _STS R/W 3VCC 0 A one indicates TEMP0 temperature sensor has exceeded OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP2 temperature sensor has exceeded 2 T2_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP1 temperature sensor has exceeded 1 T1_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. 0 T0_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 A one indicates TEMP0 temperature sensor has exceeded high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. Temperature Real Time Status Register ⎯ Index 62h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 T2_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 5 T1_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 4 T0_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 Set when the TEMP0 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP0 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 T2_EXC R/W 3VCC 0 1 T1_EXC R/W 3VCC 0 0 T0_EXC 3VCC 0 R/W Reset Default Description Reserved Set when the TEMP2 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP2 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP1 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP1 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP2 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP2 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP1 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP1 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP0 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP0 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. 58 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Index 63h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 EN_ T2_ OVT_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 5 EN_ T1_ OVT_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 4 EN_ T0_ OVT_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds OVT limit setting. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 EN_ T2_EXC_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 1 EN_ T1_EXC_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_ T0_EXC_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds OVT limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds OVT limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds high limit setting. T1 OVT and High Limit Temperature Select Register ⎯ Index 64h Bit Name R/W 7-6 Reserved R/W Reset Default - 0 Description Reserved Select the source temperature for T1 OVT Limit. 0: Select T1 to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 1: Select CPU temperature from PECI to be compared to Temperature 1 5-4 OVT_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 OVT Limit. 2: Select CPU temperature from AMD TSI or Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 3: Select the MAX temperature from Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 3-2 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved Select the source temperature for T1 High Limit. 0: Select T1 to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. 1: Select CPU temperature from PECI to be compared to Temperature 1 1-0 HIGH_ TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 High Limit. 2: Select CPU temperature from AMD TSI or Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. 3: Select the MAX temperature from Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. 59 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 OVT and Alert Output Enable Register 1 ⎯ Index 66h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 EN_T2_ALERT R/W 5VSB 0 5 EN_T1_ALERT R/W 5VSB 0 5VSB 0 Enable temperature 0 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) Reserved Enable temperature 2 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) Enable temperature 1 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) 4 EN_T0_ALERT 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 EN_T2_OVT R/W 5VSB 0 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature2. 1 EN_T1_OVT R/W 5VSB 1 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature1. 0 EN_T0_OVT R/W 5VSB 0 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature0. R/W Temperature Sensor Type Register ⎯ Index 6Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved RO - 0 Reserved 3 Reserved RO - 0 Reserved 2 T2_MODE R/W 5VSB 1 1 T1_MODE R/W 5VSB 1 0 Reserved R - 0 0: TEMP2 is connected to a thermistor. 1: TEMP2 is connected to a BJT. (default) 0: TEMP1 is connected to a thermistor 1: TEMP1 is connected to a BJT.(default) Reserved TEMP1 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 6Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description º 7-4 TEMP1_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h 3-0 TEMP0_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Limit hysteresis. (0~15 C) Temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). Limit hysteresis. (0~15ºC) Temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). TEMP2 and TEMP3 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 6Dh Bit 7-4 3-0 Name Reserved TEMP2_HYS R/W R R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 4h Description Reserved Limit hysteresis. (0~15ºC) Temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis ). 60 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 DIODE OPEN Status Register ⎯ Index 6Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 Reserved R - - Reserved 5 PECI_OPEN R 3VCC - 4 TSI_OPEN R 3VCC - 3 Reserved R - - Reserved When PECI interface is enabled, “1” indicates an error code (0x0080 or 0x0081) is received from PECI slave. When TSI interface is enabled, “1” indicates the error of not receiving NACK bit or a timeout occurred. 2 T2_DIODE_OPEN R 3VCC - “1” indicates external diode 2 is open or short 1 T1_DIODE_OPEN R 3VCC - “1” indicates external diode 1 is open or short T0_DIODE_OPEN RO 3VCC - This register indicates the abnormality of temperature 0 measurement. 0 Temperature ⎯ Index 70h- 8Dh Address Attribute Reset Default Value Description Temperature 0 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. 70h RO 3VCC -- 71h Reserved 3VCC FFh 72h R 3VCC -- 73h R 3VCC -- 74h R 3VCC -- 75-79h R 3VCC -- 7Ah R 3VCC -- 7Bh R 3VCC -- 7Ch R 3VCC -- Reserved Temperature 1 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. Reserved Temperature 2 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. Reserved The data of CPU temperature from digital interface after IIR filter. (Available if Intel IBX or AMD TSI interface is enabled) The raw data of PCH temperature from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBX interface is enabled) The raw data of MCH read from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBX interface is enabled) The raw data of maximum temperature between CPU/PCH/MCH 7Dh R 3VCC -- from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBEX interface is enabled) 7Eh R 3VCC -- The data of CPU temperature from digital interface after IIR filter. (Only available if PECI interface is enabled) 80h R/W 5VSB 64h Temperature sensor 0 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. 81h R/W 5VSB 55h Temperature sensor 0 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. 82h R/W 5VSB 64h Temperature sensor 1 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. 61 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 83h R/W 5VSB 55h Temperature sensor 1 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. 84h R/W 5VSB 64h Temperature sensor 2 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. 85h R/W 5VSB 55h Temperature sensor 2 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. 86-8Bh R -- -- Reserved 8C~8Dh R -- FFH Reserved T1 Slope Adjust Register ⎯ Index 7Fh Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - - - 3 T1_ADD R/W 5VSB 0h 2-0 T1_SCALE R/W Reset Default - 0h Description Reserved This bit is the sign bit for T1 reading slope adjustment. See T1_SCALE below for detail. T1_ADD X 0 0 0 1 1 1 T1_SCALE 00 01 10 11 01 10 11 Slope No adjustment 15/16 31/32 63/64 17/16 33/32 65/64 Temperature Filter Select Register ⎯Index 8Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 times. 7-6 IIR-QUEUR3 R/W 5VSB 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 times. 5-4 IIR-QUEUR2 R/W 5VSB 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 timers. 3-2 IIR-QUEUR1 R/W 5VSB 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. 62 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. (for CPU temperature from PECI or TSI interface) 1-0 IIR-QUEUR_DIG R/W 5VSB 2’b10 00: 8 timers. 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. Voltage Setting Voltage-Protect Shut Down Enable Register ⎯ Index 10h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved - - 0 Reserved. 6 V3_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect shut down enable for VIN3 5 V2_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect enable for VIN2 4-1 Reserved - - 0 Reserved 0 VCC_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect shut down enable for 3VCC Voltage-Protect Status Register ⎯ Index 11h Bit Name R/W 7-6 Reserved - Reset Default - 0 Description Reserved. This bit is voltage-protect status. Once one of the monitored voltages 0 V_EXC_VP R/WC VBAT/ 5VSB* (3VCC, VIN2, VIN3) over its related over-voltage limits or under its related 0 under-voltage limits and if the related voltage-protect shut down enable bit is set, this bit will be set to 1. Write a 1 to this bit will clear it to 0. (This bit is powered by VBAT) *Reset by VBAT when OVP_MODE is “0”, Reset by 5VSB when OVP_MODE is “1” Voltage-Protect Configuration Register ⎯ Index 12h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. 63 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PSON# de-active time select for voltage protection. 00: PSON# tri-state 0.5 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurred. 01: PSON# tri-state 1 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or 3-2 PU_TIME R/W VBAT 2’h1 under voltage occurred. 10: PSON# tri-state 2 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurred. 11: PSON# tri-state 4 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurred. VP_EN_DELAY could set the delay time to start voltage protecting after VDD power is ok when OVP_MODE is 1. (OVP_MODE is strapped by RTS1# pin) 1-0 VP_EN_DELAY R/W VBAT 2’h2 00: bypass 01: 50ms 10: 100ms 11: 200ms Voltage1 PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 14h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-2 Reserved - - 0 1 EN_V1_PME R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved - - - Description Reserved A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for VIN1. Reserved Voltage1 Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 15h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved -- - 0 Reserved 1 V1_ EXC _STS R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved - - This bit is set when the VIN1 is over the high limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. Reserved - Voltage1 Exceeds Real Time Status Register 1 ⎯ Index 16h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved -- Reset Default - Description 0 Reserved 1 V1_EXC RO 5VSB 0 A one indicates VIN1 exceeds the high limit. A zero indicates VIN1 is in the safe region. 0 Reserved -- - 0 Reserved 64 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Voltage1 BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Index 17h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved -- Reset Default - 0 Reserved 1 EN_V1_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved - 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP output of VIN1. Reserved -- Description Voltage Protection Power Good Select Register ⎯ Index 3Fh Bit Name R/W 7-1 Reserved -- Reset Default - 0 Description Reserved 0: OVP/UVP power good signal is 3VCCOK (3VCC > 2.8V) 0 OVP_RST_SEL R/W VBAT 0 1: OVP/UVP power good signal is PWROK. OVP/UVP function wont’ start detecting until power good. Voltage reading and limit⎯ Index 20h- 3Ah Address Attribute Reset Default Value Description 20h R 3VCC -- 3VCC reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 21h R 3VCC -- VIN1 (Vcore) reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 22h R 3VCC -- VIN2 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 23h R 3VCC -- VIN3 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 24h R 3VCC -- VIN4 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 25h R 3VCC -- VSB3V reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 26h R 3VCC -- VBAT reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 27h R 3VCC -- 28h-2Ch R -- FF Reserved 5VSB reading. The unit of reading is 8 mV. The 5VSB voltage to be monitored is internally divided by 3. 2Dh RO 3VCC -- FAN1 present fan duty reading 2Eh RO 3VCC -- FAN2 present fan duty reading 2Fh RO 3VCC -- FAN3 present fan duty reading 30 31 RO R/W VBAT VBAT 89 F2 3VCC under-voltage protection limit. The unit is 8mV 3VCC over-voltage protection limit. The unit is 8 mV FF Reserved 32~35h R 36h R/W VBAT E2 37h R/W VBAT E1 38h R/W VBAT 83 VIN2 over-voltage limit (V2_OVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv. (This byte is powered by VBAT.) VIN3 over-voltage limit (V3_OVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv. (This byte is powered by VBAT.) VIN2 under-voltage limit (V2_UVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv (This byte is powered by VBAT) 65 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 39h R/W VBAT 96 3Ah R/W 5VSB FF VIN3 under-voltage limit (V3_UVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv (This byte is powered by VBAT) VIN1 OVP limit. The unit is 8mv (This byte is powered by VBAT) Fan Control Setting FAN PME# Enable Register ⎯ Index 90h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-3 Reserved R - 0 2 EN_FAN3_PME R/W 5VSB 0 1 EN_FAN2_PME R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_FAN1_PME R/W 5VSB 0 Description Reserved A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# interrupt Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan3. A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan2. A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan1. FAN Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Index 91h Bit Name 7-3 Reserved 2 FAN3_STS 1 0 R/W R Reset Default - 0 R/W 3VCC -- FAN2_STS R/W 3VCC -- FAN1_STS R/W 3VCC -- Description Reserved This bit is set when the fan3 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. This bit is set when the fan2 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. This bit is set when the fan1 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. FAN Real Time Status Register ⎯ Index 92h Bit Name R/W 7-3 Reserved -- Reset Default - 0 Description Reserved This bit set to high mean that fan3 count can’t meet the expected count 2 FAN3_EXC R 3VCC -- over than SMI time (CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. 1 FAN2_EXC R 3VCC -- 0 FAN1_EXC R 3VCC -- This bit set to high mean that fan2 count can’t meet expect count over than SMI time (CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. This bit set to high mean that fan1 count can’t meet expect count over than SMI time (CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. 66 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN BEEP# Enable Register ⎯ Index 93h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - - - Reserved R/W 5VSB 0 Set one will enable FAN to force full speed when T2 over high limit. R/W 5VSB 0 Set one will enable FAN to force full speed when T1 over high limit. 6 5 FULL_WITH_ T2_EN FULL_WITH_ T1_EN Reset Default Description 4 Reserved - - - Reserved 3 Reserved - - - Reserved. 2 EN_FAN3_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. 1 EN_FAN2_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. 0 EN_FAN1_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. FAN Type Select Register ⎯ Index 94h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) Bit 7-6 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 5-4 FAN3_TYPE R/W 3VCC 00 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL3 0: FANCTRL3 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL3 is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 3-2 FAN2_TYPE R/W 3VCC 00 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL2 0: FANCTRL2 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL2 is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. 67 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 1-0 FAN1_TYPE R/W 3VCC 00 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL1 0: FANCTRL1 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL1is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. S: Register default values are decided by trapping. Fan1 Base Temperature Register – Offset 94h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This register is used to set the base temperature for FAN1 temperature adjustment. The FAN1 temperature is calculated according to the equation: 7-0 FAN1_BASE _TEMP Tfan1 = Tnow + (Ta – Tb)*Ct R/W 5VSB 0 Where Tnow is selected by FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG and FAN1_TEMP_SEL. Tb is this register, Ta is selected by TFAN1_ADJ_SEL and Ct is selected by TFAN1_ADJ_UP_RATE/TFAN1_ADJ_DN_RATE. To access this register, FAN_PROG_SEL (CR9F[7]) must set to “1”. FAN1 Temperature Adjustment Rate Register ⎯ Index 95h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit 7 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved This selects the weighting of the difference between Ta and Tb if Ta is higher than Tb. 3’h1: 1 (Ct = 1) 6-4 TFAN1_ADJ_UP 5VSB _RATE 3’h0 3’h2: 1/2 (Ct= 1/2) 3’h3: 1/4 (Ct = 1/4) 3’h4: 1/8 (Ct = 1/8) otherwise: 0 To access this byte, FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. 3 Reserved - - Reserved 68 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This selects the weighting of the difference between Ta and Tb if Ta is lower than Tb. 3’h1: 1 (Ct = 1) 2-0 TFAN1_ADJ_DN _RATE R/W 5VSB 3’h0 3’h2: 1/2 (Ct= 1/2) 3’h3: 1/4 (Ct = 1/4) 3’h4: 1/8 (Ct = 1/8) otherwise: 0 To access this byte, FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. FAN mode Select Register ⎯ Index 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) Bit 7-6 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xC6-0xCE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle defined in 0xC6-0xCE. 5-4 FAN3_MODE R/W VBAT 01 10: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected RPM count to 0xC2-0xC3, and F81867 will adjust duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xC3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xB6-0xBE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle (voltage) defined in 0xB6-0xBE. 3-2 FAN2_MODE R/W VBAT 01 10: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected RPM count to 0xB2-0xB3, and F81867 will adjust duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xB3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. 69 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xA6-0xAE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle defined in 0xA6-0xAE. 1-0 FAN1_MODE R/W VBAT 01 10: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected RPM count to 0xA2-0xA3, and F81867 will auto control duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xA3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. FAN mode Select Register ⎯ Index 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit 7-3 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved This selects which temperature to be used as Ta for Fan1 temperature adjustment. 000: PECI (CR7Eh) 001: T1 (CR72h) 010: T2 (CR74h) 2-0 TFAN1_ADJ_SEL R/W 5VSB 0h 011: T3 (CR76h) 100: IBX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101:IBX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: IBX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: IBX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). otherwise: Ta will be 0. To access this register FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. Faster Fan Filter Control Register ⎯ Index 97h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved - - - Reserved. 2 FLT_FAST3 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN3 is using a faster fan. 1 FLT_FAST2 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN2 is using a faster fan. 0 FLT_FAST1 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN1 is using a faster fan. 70 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Auto FAN1 and FAN2 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 98h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description º Boundary hysteresis. (0~15 C) 7-4 FAN2_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). Boundary hysteresis. (0~15ºC) 3-0 FAN1_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). Auto FAN3 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Index 99h Bit 7-4 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. Boundary hysteresis. (0~15ºC) 3-0 FAN3_HYS R/W 5VSB 2h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). Fan3 Control Register ⎯ Index 9Ah Bit 7 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. This bit and FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN3 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL3 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD3, FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 6 FREQ_SEL_ADD3 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz This bit and FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN2 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL2 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD2, FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 5 FREQ_SEL_ADD2 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 71 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This bit and FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN1 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL1 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD1, FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 4 FREQ_SEL_ADD1 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 3-2 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved (Keep the value of these two bits “0”) 1-0 Reserved - - - Reserved Auto Fan Up Speed Update Rate Select Register ⎯ Index 9Bh (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) Bit 7-6 Name Reserved R/W - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. Fan3 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 5-4 FAN3_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan2 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 3-2 FAN2_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan1 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 1-0 FAN1_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Auto Fan Down Speed update Rate Select Register ⎯ Index 9Bh (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 0: Fan down rate disable 7 UP_DN_RATE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1: Fan down rate enable Set this bit 1 to use different fan up/down rate. If this bit is not set to 1, the fan up/down rate will follow FAN_UP_RATE. 6 DIRECT_LOAD_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Direct load disable 1: Direct load enable for manual duty mode 72 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fan3 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 5-4 FAN3_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan2 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 3-2 FAN2_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan1 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 1-0 FAN1_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz FAN1 and FAN2 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Index 9Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description When fan start, the FAN_CTRL2 will increase duty-cycle from 0 to this 7-4 FAN2_STOP _DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h (value x 8) directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 2 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). When fan start, the FAN_CTRL 1 will increase duty-cycle from 0 to this 3-0 FAN1_STOP _DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h (value x 8 directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 1 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). FAN3 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Index 9Dh Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. When fan start, the FAN_CTRL 3 will increase duty-cycle from 0 to this 3-0 FAN3_STOP_ DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h (value x 8 directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 3 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). 73 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN PROGRAMMABLE DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE LOADED AFTER POWER-ON ⎯ Index 9Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PROG_DUTY_VAL R/W 5VSB 66h Description This byte will be immediately loaded as Fan duty value after VDD is powered on if it has been programmed before shut down. Fan Fault Time Register ⎯ Index 9Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FAN_PROG_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit to “1” will enable accessing registers of other bank. 6 FAN_MNT_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit to monitor a slower fan. 5 Reserved - - - Reserved 0: The Fan Duty is 100% and will be loaded immediately after VDD is powered on if CR9E is not been programmed before shut down. (pull down by external resistor) 4 FULL_DUTY_SEL R/W 3VCC - 1: The Fan Duty is 40% and will be loaded immediately after VDD is powered on if CR9E is not been programmed before shut down. (pull up by internal 47K Ω resistor). This register is power on trap by DTR1#/FAN40_100. This register determines the time of fan fault. The condition to cause fan fault event is: When PWM_Duty reaches FFh, if the fan speed count can’t reach the fan expect count in time. 3-0 F_FAULT_TIME R/W 5VSB Ah The unit of this register is 1 second. The default value is 11 seconds. (Set to 0, means 1 seconds; Set to 1, means 2 seconds. Set to 2, means 3 seconds. …. ) Another condition to cause fan fault event is fan stop and the PWM duty is greater than the minimum duty programmed by the register index 9C-9Dh. A. Address FAN1 Index A0h~AFh Attribute Reset Default Description FAN1 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this register, the A0h RO 3VCC 8’h0f LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. A1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN1 count reading (LSB). 74 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RPM mode(CR96 bit0=0): FAN1 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode (CR96 A2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit1Î0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode(CR96 bit0=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit0=0): FAN1 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty, in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. A3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit0=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode (CR96 bit1Î0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5Î 5*100/255 % 255 Î 100% FAN1 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this A4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. A5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN1 full speed count reading (LSB). VT1 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index A6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature exceeds this boundary, expected FAN1 value will 7-0 BOUND1TMP1 R/W 5VSB 3Ch be loaded from segment 1 register (index AAh). (60oC) When VT1 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, expected FAN1 value will be loaded from segment 2 register (index ABh). º º This byte is a 2’s complement value ranged from -128 C ~ 127 C. VT1 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index A7 Bit 7-0 Name BOUND2TMP1 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value 32 will load from segment 2 register (index ABh). º (50 C) When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 3 register (index ACh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 75 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT1 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index A8h Bit 7-0 Name BOUND3TMP1 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value 28h will load from segment 3 register (index ACh). (40ºC) When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 4 register (index ADh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. VT1 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index A9 Bit 7-0 Name BOUND4TMP1 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value 1Eh will load from segment 4 register (index ADh). º (30 C) When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 5 register (index AEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. FAN1 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index AAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC1SPEED1 R/W Ex: FFh 100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. 5VSB (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is ( (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index ABh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED1 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of D9h the full speed in this temperature section. (85%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 76 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN1 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Index ACh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC3SPEED1 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of B2h the full speed in this temperature section. (70%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Index ADh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC4SPEED1 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of 99h the full speed in this temperature section. (60%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Index AEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC5PEED1 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of 80h (50%) the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 Temperature Mapping Select – Index AFh Bit 7 Name FAN1_TEMP _SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN1_TEMP_SEL select the temperature source for controlling FAN1. This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD1 are used to select FAN1 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL1 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD1, FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 6 FAN1_PWM _FREQ_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 FAN1_UP_T_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set 1 to force FAN1 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. 77 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN1_ 4 INTERPOLATION_E R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. N This register controls the FAN1 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. FAN1_JUMP 3 _HIGH_EN 0: The FAN1 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN1_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN1 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED1 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN1 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). FAN1_JUMP 2 _LOW_EN 0: The FAN1 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN1_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN1 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED1 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This registers company with FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN1. The following value is comprised by {FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN1_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan1 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan1 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN1_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 01 010: fan1 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan1 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan1 follows IBX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan1 follows IBX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan1 follows IBX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan1 follows IBX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Others are reserved. B. Address FAN2 Index B0h~BFh Attribute Reset Default Value Description FAN2 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this register, B0h RO 3VCC 8’h0f the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. B1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN2 count reading (LSB). 78 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RPM mode(CR96 bit2=0): FAN2 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode(CR96 B2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit3Î0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode (CR96 bit2=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit2=0): FAN2 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty , in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. B3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit2=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode (CR96 bit3Î0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5Î 5*100/255 % 255 Î 100% FAN2 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this B4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. B5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN2 full speed count reading (LSB). VT2 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index B6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature exceeds this boundary, FAN2 expect value will 7-0 BOUND1TMP2 R/W 5VSB 3Ch load from segment 1 register (index Bah). (60oC) When VT2 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, FAN2 expect value will load from segment 2 register (index BAh). º º This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128 C ~ 127 C. VT2 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index B7 Bit 7-0 Name BOUND2TMP2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value 32 will load from segment 2 register (index BBh). º (50 C) When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 3 register (index BCh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 79 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT2 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index B8h Bit 7-0 Name BOUND3TMP2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value 28h will load from segment 3 register (index BCh). (40ºC) When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 4 register (index BDh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. VT2 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index B9 Bit 7-0 Name BOUND4TMP2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value 1Eh will load from segment 4 register (index BDh). º (30 C) When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 5 register (index BEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. FAN2 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index BAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE (CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC1SPEED2 R/W 5VSB Ex: FFh 100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is Î (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index BBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE (CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED2 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % D9h of the full speed in this temperature section. (85%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 80 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN2 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE (CR96) 7-0 SEC3SPEED2 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % B2h of the full speed in this temperature section. (70%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE (CR96) 7-0 SEC4SPEED2 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % 99h of the full speed in this temperature section. (60%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Index BEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE (CR96) 7-0 SEC5PEED2 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % 80h (50%) of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 Temperature Mapping Select – Index BFh Bit 7 Name FAN2_TEMP_ SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN2_TEMP_SEL to select the temperature source for controlling FAN2. This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD2 are used to select FAN2 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL2 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD2, 6 FAN2_PWM_ FREQ_SEL FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL} R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 FAN2_UP_T_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set 1 to force FAN2 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. 81 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN2_ 4 INTERPOLATION_EN R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. This register controls the FAN2 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. FAN2_JUMP_ 3 HIGH_EN 0: The FAN2 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN2_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN2 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED2 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN2 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). FAN2_JUMP_ 2 LOW_EN 0: The FAN2 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN2_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN2 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED2 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This registers companying with FAN2_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN2. The following value is comprised by {FAN2_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN2_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan2 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan2 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN2_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 10 010: fan2 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan2 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan2 follows IBEX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan2 follows IBEX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan2 follows IBEX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan2 follows IBEX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Otherwise: reserved. C. Address FAN3 Index C0h- CFh Attribute Reset Default Value Description FAN3 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this register, C0h RO 3VCC 8’h0F the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. C1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN3 count reading (LSB). 82 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RPM mode(CR96 bit4=0): FAN3 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode (CR96 C2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit5Î0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode(CR96 bit4=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit4=0): FAN3 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty, in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. C3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit4=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode (CR96 bit5Î0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5Î 5*100/255 % 255 Î 100% FAN3 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this C4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. C5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN3 full speed count reading (LSB). VT3 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Index C6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature exceeds this boundary, FAN3 expect value will 7-0 BOUND1TMP3 R/W 5VSB 3Ch load from segment 1 register (index CAh). (60oC) When VT3 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, FAN3 expect value will load from segment 2 register (index CAh). º º This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128 C ~ 127 C. VT3 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Index C7 Bit 7-0 Name BOUND2TMP3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value 32 will load from segment 2 register (index CBh). o (50 C) When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 3 register (index CCh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from-128ºC ~ 127ºC. Description 83 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT3 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Index C8h Bit 7-0 Name BOUND3TMP3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value 28h will load from segment 3 register (index CCh). (40oC) When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 4 register (index CDh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from-128ºC ~ 127ºC. Description VT3 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Index C9h Bit 7-0 Name BOUND4TMP3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value 1Eh will load from segment 4 register (index CDh). o (30 C) When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 5 register (index CEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from-128ºC ~ 127ºC. Description FAN3 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Index CAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE (CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC1SPEED3 R/W 5VSB FFh Ex:100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is ( (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN3 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Index CBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE (CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED3 R/W 5VSB 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of D9h the full speed in this temperature section. (85%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 84 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN3 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Bit 7-0 Name SEC3SPEED3 R/W R/W Reset Default 7-0 Name SEC4SPEED3 R/W 5VSB R/W Reset 7-0 Name SEC5SPEED3 R/W R/W 5VSB Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE (CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of 99h the full speed in this temperature section. (60%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 5VSB Reset – Index CDh Default FAN3 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Bit Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE (CR96) B2h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of (70%) the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN3 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Bit – Index CCh – Index CEh Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE (CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of 80h the full speed in this temperature section. (50%) 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN3 Temperature Mapping Select – Index CFh Bit 7 Name FAN3_TEMP_ SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN3_TEMP_SEL select the temperature source for controlling FAN3. This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD3 are used to select FAN3 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL3 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD3, 6 FAN3_PWM_ FREQ_SEL FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL} R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 4 FAN3_UP_T_EN FAN3_ INTERPOLATION_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set 1 to force FAN3 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. 85 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This register controls the FAN3 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. 3 FAN3_JUMP_ HIGH_EN 0: The FAN3 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN3_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN3 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED3 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN3 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). 2 FAN3_JUMP_ LOW_EN 0: The FAN3 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN3_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN3 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED3 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This registers companying with FAN3_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN3. The following value is comprised by {FAN3_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN3_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan3 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan3 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN3_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 11 010: fan3 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan3 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan3 follows IBEX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan3 follows IBEX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan3 follows IBEX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan3 follows IBEX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Otherwise: reserved. 6.5 Keyboard Controller The KBC circuit provides the functions included a keyboard and/or a PS/2 mouse, and can be used with IBM-compatible personal computers or PS/2-based systems. The controller receives serial data from the keyboard or PS/2 mouse, checks the parity of the data, and presents the data to the system as a byte of data in its output buffer. The controller will assert an interrupt to the system when data are placed in its output buffer. Output Buffer The output buffer is an 8-bit read-only register at I/O address 60h. The keyboard controller uses the output buffer to send the code received from the keyboard and data bytes required by 86 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 commands to the system. Input Buffer The input buffer is an 8-bit write-only register at I/O address 60h or 64h. Writing to address 60h sets a flag to indicate a data write; writing to address 64h sets a flag to indicate a command write. Data written to I/O address 60h is sent to keyboard through the controller's input buffer only if the input buffer full bit in the status register is “0”. Status Register The status register is an 8-bit read-only register at I/O address 64h that holds information about the status of the keyboard controller and interface. It may be read at any time. BIT BIT FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 0 Output Buffer Full 1 Input Buffer Full 2 System Flag 3 Command/Data 4 Inhibit Switch 0: Keyboard is inhibited 1: Keyboard is not inhibited 5 Mouse Output Buffer 0: Muse output buffer empty 1: Mouse output buffer full 6 General Purpose Time-out 0: No time-out error 1: Time-out error 7 Parity Error 0: Odd parity 1: Even parity (error) 0: Output buffer empty 1: Output buffer full 0: Input buffer empty 1: Input buffer full This bit may be set to 0 or 1 by writing to the system flag bit in the command byte of the keyboard controller (KCCB). It defaults to 0 after a power-on reset. 0: Data byte 1: Command byte Commands COMMAND 20h FUNCTION Read Command Byte 87 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Write Command Byte 60h BIT DESCRIPTION 0 Enable Keyboard Interrupt 1 Enable Mouse Interrupt 2 System flag 3 Reserve 4 Disable Keyboard Interface 5 Disable Mouse interface 6 IBM keyboard Translate Mode 7 Reserve A7h Disable Auxiliary Device Interface A8h Enable Auxiliary Device Interface Auxiliary Interface Test 8’h00: indicate Auxiliary interface is ok. A9h 8’h01: indicate Auxiliary clock is low. 8’h02: indicate Auxiliary clock is high 8’h03: indicate Auxiliary data is low 8’h04: indicate Auxiliary data is high AAh Self-test Return 55h if self test succeeds keyboard Interface Test 8’h00: indicate keyboard interface is ok. ABh 8’h01: indicate keyboard clock is low. 8’h02: indicate keyboard clock is high 8’h03: indicate keyboard data is low 8’h04: indicate keyboard data is high ADh Disable Keyboard Interface AEh Enable Keyboard Interface C0h Read Input Port(P1) and send data to the system C1h Continuously puts the lower four bits of Port1 into STATUS register C2h Continuously puts the upper four bits of Port1 into STATUS register CAh Read the data written by CBh command. CBh Written a scratch data. This byte could be read by CAh command. D0h Send Port2 value to the system D1h Only set/reset GateA20 line based on the system data bit 1 D2h Send data back to the system as if it came from Keyboard D3h Send data back to the system as if it came from Muse D4h Output next received byte of data from system to Mouse FEh Low pulse on KBRST# about 6μS KBC Command Description 88 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PS/2 wakeup function The KBC supports keyboard and mouse wakeup function. KBC will assert PME or PWSOUT# signal. Those wakeup conditions are controlled by the configuration register. 6.6 GPIO F81867 has 72 pins GPIO in total. All GPIO supports digit IO for Input/Output control, Output data control, input status and High/Low Level/Pulse, Open Drain/Push Pull function selection. The GPIO0x and GPIO1x support interrupt status. The GPIO0x, GPIO1x, GPIO5x, and GPIO8x have different SIRQ channels. The GPIO8x supports scan code function, please see registers for detail. Please see below for GPIO access methods and status: 6.6.1 GPIO Access Method There are nine sets of GPIO in F81867 which can be accessed by three ways as below: 1. Configuration register port: Use 0x4E/0x4F (or 0x2E/0x2F) port with logic device number 0x06. Please refer to configuration register for detail. 2. Index/Data port: The index port is base address + 0 and data port is base address + 1. To access the GPIO register, user should first write index to index port and then read/write from/to data port. The index for each register is same as the definition in configuration register. 3. Digital I/O: This way could access GPIO data register only. It is used for quickly control the GPIO pins. The register for each address is as list: *Available when GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set “1” (Configuration register index 0x27, bit 5) GPIO Digital I/O Registers Offset 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h* 9h* Ah* B-Fh* Default Value Register Name MSB 1 - Index Port Data Port GPIO8 Data Port GPIO7 Data Port GPIO6 Data Port GPIO5 Data Port GPIO0 Data Port GPIO1 Data Port GPIO2 Data Port GPIO3 Data Port GPIO4 Data Port Reserved 89 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - LSB 1 - 1 - Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Data Port ⎯ Offset 02h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO8_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO8 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO80_VAL ~ GPIO87_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0x89. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO80_IN ~ GPIO87_IN as the value in index 0x8A GPIO7 Data Port ⎯ Offset 03h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO7_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO7 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO70_VAL ~ GPIO77_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0x81. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO70_IN ~ GPIO77_IN as the value in index 0x82 GPIO6 Data Port ⎯ Offset 04h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO6_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO6 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO60_VAL ~ GPIO67_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0x91. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO60_IN ~ GPIO67_IN as the value in index 0x92 GPIO5 Data Port ⎯ Offset 05h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO5_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO5 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO50_VAL ~ GPIO57_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xA1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO50_IN ~ GPIO57_IN as the value in index 0xA2 GPIO0 Data Port ⎯ Offset 06h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO0_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB - Description GPIO0 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO00_VAL ~ GPIO07_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xF1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO00_IN ~ GPIO07_IN as the value in index 0xF2 GPIO1 Data Port ⎯ Offset 07h Bit 7-0 Name GPIO1_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB - Description GPIO1 Data Control Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO10_VAL ~ GPIO17_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xE1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO10_IN ~ GPIO17_IN as the value in index 0xE2 90 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 *GPIO2 Data Port ⎯ Offset 08h Bit Name 7-0 GPIO2_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB - Description GPIO2 Data Control, this byte is available when GPIODEC_RANGE is set. Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO20_VAL ~ GPIO27_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xD1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO20_IN ~ GPIO27_IN as the value in index 0xD2 *GPIO3 Data Port ⎯ Offset 09h Bit Name 7-0 GPIO3_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO3 Data Control, this byte is available when GPIODEC_RANGE is set. Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO30_VAL ~ GPIO37_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xC1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO30_IN ~ GPIO37_IN as the value in index 0xC2 GPIO4 Data Port ⎯ Offset 0Ah Bit Name 7-0 GPIO4_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# - Description GPIO4 Data Control, this byte is available when GPIODEC_RANGE is set. Write data to this byte will change the value of GPIO40_VAL ~ GPIO47_VAL in configuration register as writing data to index 0xB1. Read data from this byte will read the pin status of GPIO40_IN ~ GPIO47_IN as the value in index 0xB2 6.6.2 GPIOx status Z means high impendence. If the external circuit is pull high then the pin status is "H"; else if the external circuit is pull low then the pin status is "L". User define means by programming the configure register. GPIO0x PIN STATUS Pin Name 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 GPIO00 GPIO01 GPIO02 GPIO03 GPIO04 GPIO05 GPIO06 GPIO07 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 L L Z L Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define 91 Register Register Power Reset Signal Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO1x PIN STATUS Pin Name 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 GPIO10 GPIO11 GPIO12 GPIO13 GPIO14 GPIO15 GPIO16 GPIO17 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Register Register Power Reset Signal Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V GPIO2x PIN STATUS Pin Name 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 GPIO20 GPIO21 GPIO22 GPIO23 GPIO24 GPIO25 GPIO26 GPIO27 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z L L user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Register Register Power Reset Signal Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V VBAT VBAT * GPIO26 and GPIO27 have no push pull function. GPIO3x PIN STATUS Pin Name 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 GPIO30 GPIO31 GPIO32 GPIO33 GPIO34 GPIO35 GPIO36 GPIO37 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 92 Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO4x PIN STATUS Pin Name 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 GPIO40 GPIO41 GPIO42 GPIO43 GPIO44 GPIO45 GPIO46 GPIO47 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# GPIO5x PIN STATUS Pin Name 9 Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 GPIO50 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 10 GPIO51 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 11 GPIO52 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 12 GPIO53 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 13 GPIO54 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 14 GPIO55 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 15 GPIO56 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 16 GPIO57 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC GPIO6x PIN STATUS Pin Name 17 Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 GPIO60 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 18 GPIO61 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 19 GPIO62 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 20 GPIO63 Z user define Z Z I_VSB3V LRESET# 3VCC 21 74 86 87 GPIO64 GPIO65 GPIO66 GPIO67 Z Z L Z user define user define user define user define Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V LRESET# LRESET# * LRESET# * LRESET# * 3VCC I_VSB3V VBAT VBAT * GPIO66 and GPIO67 have no push pull function. 93 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO7x PIN STATUS Pin Name 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 GPIO70 GPIO71 GPIO72 GPIO73 GPIO74 GPIO75 GPIO76 GPIO77 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# GPIO8x PIN STATUS Pin Name 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 GPIO80 GPIO81 GPIO82 GPIO83 GPIO84 GPIO85 GPIO86 GPIO88 6.7 G3 -> S5 S0 S3 S5 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z user define user define user define user define user define user define user define user define Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Register Register Power Reset Signal Well Pin Power Well I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V I_VSB3V 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC 3VCC LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# LRESET# Watchdog Timer Function Watch dog timer is provided for system controlling. If time-out can trigger one signal to high/low level/pulse, the signal is depend on register setting. The time unit has two ways from 1sec or 60sec. In pulse mode, there are four pulse widths can be selected (1ms/25ms/125ms/5sec). Others, please refer the device register description as below. Watchdog Timer Configuration Register 1⎯ base address + 05h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved R Reset Default - 0 Description 6 WDTMOUT_STS R/W 5VSB 0 5 WD_EN R/W 5VSB 0 If watchdog timeout event occurred, this bit will be set to 1. Write a 1 to this bit will clear it to 0. If this bit is set to 1, the counting of watchdog time is enabled. 4 WD_PULSE R/W 5VSB 0 Select output mode (0: level, 1: pulse) of RSTOUT# by setting this bit. 3 WD_UNIT R/W 5VSB 0 Select time unit (0: 1sec, 1: 60 sec) of watchdog timer by setting this bit. 2 WD_HACTIVE R/W 5VSB 0 1-0 WD_PSWIDTH R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved Select output polarity of RSTOUT# (1: high active, 0: low active) by setting this bit. Select output pulse width of RSTOUT# 0: 1 ms 1: 25 ms 2: 125 ms 3: 5 sec 94 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Watchdog Timer Configuration Register 2 ⎯ base address + 06h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WD_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 Description Time of watchdog timer Watchdog PME Control Register ⎯ base address + 0Ah Bit Name R/W 7 WDT_PME R 5VSB -- 6 WDT_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5-1 Reserved -- 0 WDOUT_EN R/W 6.8 Reset Default -5VSB 0 Description The PME Status. This bit will set when WDT_PME_EN is set and the watchdog timer is 1 unit before time out (or time out). 0: Disable Watchdog PME. 1: enable Watchdog PME. Reserved. 0: disable Watchdog time out output via WDTRST#. 1: enable Watchdog time out output via WDTRST#. ACPI Function The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is a system for controlling the use of power in a computer. It lets computer manufacturer and user to determine the computer’s power usage dynamically. There are three ACPI states that are of primary concern to the system designer and they are designated S0, S3 and S5. S0 is a full-power state; the computer is being actively used in this state. The other two are called sleep states and reflect different power consumption when power-down. S3 is a state that the processor is powered down but the last procedural state is being stored in memory which is still active. S5 is a state that memory is off and the last procedural state of the processor has been stored to the hard disk. Take S3 and S5 as comparison, since memory is fast, the computer can quickly come back to full-power state, the disk is slower than the memory and the computer takes longer time to come back to full-power state. However, since the memory is off, S5 draws the minimal power comparing to S0 and S3. ACPI includes three sub items as below: 1. Power Control (Include wake up via sleep state, wake up stage detection, AC loss & resume control methods) 2. Intel Power Saving Function (Deep Sleep Well, DSW: see next section for the detail) 3. EU Power Saving Function (EUP/ERP Command Lot 6.0: see next section for the detail) Where item 2 & 3 could be coexisted via ERP_CTRL0# (follow SLP_SUS#) & ERP_CTRL1# (After the system enters S3 1.024s & S5 6.4s, EUP/ERP mode could be achieved). Before entering into the main section, let’s check out the related hardware control signal first. 95 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Power On/Off Control (AC Resume) ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Control Signal RSMRST# S3# S5# PWSIN# PWSOUT# ATXPG_IN PS_ON# PWOK PME# PS/2 KB/MS RI1#/RI2# GPIO0x/GPIO1x SLP_SUS# SUS_ACK# SUS_WARN# ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Power Management Event Intel DSW Hand Shaking Wake up EUP/ERP Control ☆★ ◇ ☆★ ☆★ ☆★ ☆★ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇: Supported ★: Wake up via ERP ☆: Wake up via System 6.8.1 Power Control Wake Up Via Sleep State When the system is at the normal sleep state (S3, S4, S5) or deep sleep (G3’) state, F81867 could wake up via PWSOUT# & PME#. See below for the related registers: Wake up by PME# Index 0x2D Normal Sleep State EUP/ERP ◇ ◇ Wake up by PWSOUT# Index 0x2D Normal Sleep State EUP/ERP ◇ ◇ CR0A Index 0xE0, 0xE8 CR 0A Index 0x30 ◇ ◇ ◇ CR0A Index 0xE0, 0xE8 CR0A Index 0xF0~0xF3 ◇ CR0A Index 0xF4 ◇ ◇ ◇: Supported Wake Up Stage Detection F81867 is counted on the chipset SLP_S3#, SLP_S4#/SLP_S5# stage, to decide the wake up stage as below: ACPI Stage S0 S3 S5 SLP_S3# H L L 96 SLP_S4# /SLP_S5# H H L Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 H: High; L: Low Power saving mode would be activated via CR0A index E0 bit 7. AC Loss & Resume Control Methods There are 4 modes under power loss state via setting ACPI control register. The always on, always off, keep last state & bypass mode. In keep last state mode, one register will latch the status before power loss. If it is power on before power loss, it will automatically power on when power is resumed. If it is power off before power loss, it will remain power off when power is resumed. See below for the detail: Mode Explanation When AC resume, the system will power on automatically (send a PWSOUT# low pulse and then sinking the PS_ON# low). See below for the timing: S5 S0 S5 S0 S5 VBAT VSB RSMRST# Always on S3# (S0) PS_ON# PSIN# PSOUT# VCC3V When AC resume, the system is in off state and waiting for the wakeup events. See below for the timing: G3 S0 S5 S0 S5 VBAT VSB Always off (S5) RSMRST# S3# PS_ON# PSIN# PSOUT# VCC3V User press the button Bypass When AC resume, inverting the S3 signal to PS_ON#. See below for the timing: (follow the 97 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 chipset after S5 S0 S5 S0 S5 VBAT G3 stage) VSB RSMRST# S3# PS_ON# PSIN# PSOUT# VCC3V ATXPG_IN, VCC (PWOK), VSB (RSMRST) and S3 signals to detect the sleep state while AC loss occur. One of the signal (ATXPG_IN or VCC under 2.8V or VSB under 2.8V) sinks low, SIO will latch the S3 signal to decide the system to be at “always on” or “always off” mode. See below table: Signal Keep last AC loss state ATXPG VSB VCC AC resume state AC loss in S0/S1 (S3=1) Always on AC loss in S3/S4/S5 (S3=0) Always off 6.8.2 Intel Power Saving Function Deep Sleep Well (DSW) The F81867 supports Intel Cougar Point (CPT) Chipset timing for Sandy Bridge (Sugar Bay or Huron River Platform). There are 4 pins for CPT control: SUS_WARN#, SUS_ACK#, SLP_SUS# and DPWROK. For entering the Intel Deep Sleep Well (DSW) state, the PCH will assert SUS_WARN# (low level) and turn off 5VDUAL. After the level of 5VDUAL is lower than 1.05V, F81867 will assert SUS_ACK# to inform PCH it is ready for entering DSW. Finally, PCH will ramp down the internal VccSUS and assert SLP_SUS# to F81867. F81867 will turn off the 5VSB and 3VSB by ERP_CTRL0# and enter the DSW state. To exit DSW state, PCH will de-assert SLP_SUS#, turn on the SUS rail FETs and ramp up internal 1.05V VccSUS. After the SUS rails voltages are up, RSMRST# will be desserted and the PCH will release SUS_WARN# so that the 5VDUAL will ramp up. Because the DSW function is controlled by the F81867 instead of controlled by the PCH directly, there will be more wakeup events such as LAN, KB/Mouse, GPIO0x, GPIO1x, SIO RI# wake up rather than the 3 wakeup events (RTC, Power Button and GPIO27) for Intel DSW. 98 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 In order to achieve the lower power consumption, F81867 provides the ERP_CTRL1# to turn off the V3A so that the system can enter the Fintek G3’ state. The block diagram below shows how the connection and control method for F81867 and PCH. ATX Power 5VSB VCC V5A MB Logic ERP_CTRL0# 5VDUAL 3.3V VSB VR (SLP_SUS_FET) 3VSB V3A S0 State S3 State 5VDUAL S4/S5 1.05V V3A SUSWARN# SUSACK# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# ERP_CTRL0# DPWROK RSMRST# DSW SUS_WARN# ERP_CTRL1# V Detect & Delay SLP_SUS# CPT PCH (Invert From PCH) Control ERP_CTRL1# 5VSB 5VDUAL SUS_WARN G3’ F81867 5VA_PWOK# V5A RSMRST# G3 3VSB I_3VSB Fig 6-17 The register for setting this mode is at CR0A, index 0xEC [7:6]. When choose Intel DSW mode, ERP_CTRL0#, & ERP_CTRL1# would follow SLP_SUS#. When choose Intel DSW + Fintek G3’ mode, ERP_CTRL0# would follows SLP_SUS#, & ERP_CTRL1# will enter Fintek ERP mode after entering DSW mode for 6.4s (default, the time is programmable). In sum, there are three blocks in this mode (Please refer to the application circuit for the HW schematic): a. DSW Control Block: a-1 SLP_SUS#: SIO input pin from CPT PCH SLP_SUS#. a-2 SUS_WARN#: SIO input pin from CPT PCH SUS_WARN#. a-3 SUS_ACK#: SIO output pin to CPT PCH SUSACK#. a-4 DPWROK: SIO output pin to CPT PCH DPWROK. b. ERP Control Block: b-1 ERP_CTRL0#: Support “CPT PCH DSW” control mode which is a low active signal to turn on/off 3VSB/5VSB power source by P MOSFET. b-2 ERP_CTRL1#: Support “Fintek G3’ ” control mode which is a low active signal to turn on/off 3VA/5VA power source by P MOSFET. 99 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 c. Wake Up Event Block: Power Button External LAN PCH Internal LAN PS2 KB/Mouse SIO RI# RTC GPIO0x/1x V V X V X X V Note: By pressing/triggering any of the above pin, the system could wake up from the sleep (S4/S5) DSW and G3’ mode. V: Supported. X: does not supported. 6.8.3 Power Saving Controller (Fintek ERP Mode) The two pins, ERP_CTRL0# and ERP_CTRL1#, which control the standby power rail on/off to fulfill the purpose which decreases the power consumption when the system is in the sleep state or the soft-off state. These two pins connected to the external PMOSs and the defaults are high in the sleep state in order to cut off all the standby power rails to save the power consumption. If the system needs to support wake-up function, the two pins can be programmable to set which power rail to turn on. The programmable register is powered by the battery. So, the setting is kept even the AC power is lost when the register is set. At the power saving state (FINTEK calls it G3’ state), the F81867 consumes 5VSB power rail only to realize a low power consumption system. The register for setting this mode is at CR0A, index 0xEC [7:6]. When choose Fintek G3’ mode, ERP_CTRL0# & ERP_CTRL1# will enter S5. After entering S5 for 6.4s (default, the time is programmable), these two pins would send high level signal and then cut off all the power sources except ATX_5VSB (power consumption is about 15mW). In order to avoid the inrush current from ATX_5VSB, F81867 also provide the soft start circuits at these two pins. See the related register for the soft start circuit (CR0A, index 0xEC [4]). In sum, there are two blocks in this mode (Please refer to the application circuit for the HW schematic): a. EUP Control Block: ERP_CTRL0# and ERP_CTRL1# are low active signals to turn on/off 5VSB power source by P MOSFET. b. Wake Up Event Block via: Power Button External LAN PCH Internal LAN PS2 KB/Mouse SIO RI# RTC GPIO0x/1x V V X V V X V Note: By pressing/triggering any of the above pin, the system could wake up from the sleep (S4/S5) DSW and G3’ mode. V: Supported. X: Does not supported. 100 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Please see below for Fintek G3’ (ERP) timing: 101 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 102 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 103 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6.8.4 ACPI Timing See below for the related ACPI timing: G3 To S0 ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Fig 6-18 104 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 G3 To S0 (only DSW) ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Fig 6-19 105 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 G3 To S0 (DSW & ERP, AC Resume Green Bold Line) ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# AC Fig 6-20 106 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 DSW To S0 ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Fig 6-21 107 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 S0 to DSW ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Fig 6-22 108 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 S0 to G3’ ATX_VSB V5A/V3A 5VSB/3VSB DUAL5V 5VCC/3VCC DPWROK SLP_SUS# RSMRST# SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# PWSIN# PWSOUT# S5# S3# PS_ON# PWOK ERP_CTRL0# ERP_CTRL1# Fig 6-23 z RSMRST# signal: Powered by VBAT sink low. z DPWROK/PWOK signal: Powered by VBAT sink low. z 3VSB 2.8V/2.5V and gate SLP_SUS#/DPWROK for Intel mode 109 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PWROK Signals DELAY VDD3VOK PWROK ATXPWGD Fig 6-24 PWROK is delayed 400ms (default) as VCC arrives 2.8V, and the delay timing can be programmed via register (100ms ~ 400ms). 6.9 UART The F81867 provides up to 6 UART ports and supports IRQ sharing for system application. They are compatible with 16C550/16C650/16C750 and 16C850 .The UARTs are used to convert data between parallel format and serial format. They convert parallel data into serial format on transmission and serial format into parallel data on receiver side. The serial format is formed by one start bit, followed by five to eight data bits, a parity bit if programmed and one ( 1.5 or 2 ) stop bits. The UARTs include complete modem control capability and an interrupt system that may be software trailed to the computing time required to handle the communication link. They have FIFO mode to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the host. Both receiver and transmitter have a 128-byte FIFO. The UART control register control & define the asynchronous protocol data communications including data length, stop bit, parity & baud rate selection. The below content is about the UARTs device register descriptions. All the registers are for software porting reference. Receiver Buffer Register ⎯ Base + 0 Bit 7-0 Name RBR R/W R Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The data received. Read only when LCR [7] is 0 Transmitter Holding Register ⎯ Base + 0 Bit 7-0 Name THR R/W W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description Data to be transmitted. Write only when LCR [7] is 0 Divisor Latch (LSB) ⎯ Base + 0 Bit 7-0 Name DLL R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 01h Description Baud generator divisor low byte. Access only when LCR [7] is 1. 110 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Divisor Latch (MSB) ⎯ Base + 1 Bit 7-0 Name DLM R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description Baud generator divisor high byte. Access only when LCR [7] is 1. Interrupt Enable Register (IER) ⎯ Base + 1 Bit Name R/W 7-5 Reserved - Reset Default - Description - Reserved. 4 SM2 R/WC LRESET# 0 This bit is used only in 9-bit mode and always returns “0” when 9-bit mode is disabled. 0: The receiver could receive data byte. 1: The receiver could only receive address byte and issue an interrupt when the address is received. 3 EDSSI R/W LRESET# 0 Enable Modem Status Interrupt. Access only when LCR [7] is 0. 2 ELSI R/W LRESET# 0 Enable Line Status Error Interrupt. Access only when LCR [7] is 0. 1 ETBFI R/W LRESET# 0 Enable Transmitter Holding Register Empty Interrupt. Access only when LCR [7] is 0. 0 ERBFI R/W LRESET# 0 Enable Received Data Available Interrupt. Access only when LCR [7] is 0. Interrupt Identification Register (IIR) ⎯ Base + 2 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FIFO_EN R LRESET# 0 0: FIFO is disabled 1: FIFO is enabled. 6 FIFO_EN R LRESET# 0 0: FIFO is disabled 1: FIFO is enabled. 5-4 Reserved - LRESET# - Reserved. 3-1 IRQ_ID R LRESET# 00 000: Interrupt is caused by Modem Status 001: Interrupt is caused by Transmitter Holding Register Empty 010: Interrupt is caused by Received Data Available. 110: Interrupt is caused by Character Timeout 011: Interrupt is caused by Line Status. 0 IRQ_PENDN R LRESET# 1 1: Interrupt is not pending. 0: Interrupt is pending. FIFO Control Register ⎯ Base + 2 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 00: Receiver FIFO trigger level is 1. 01: Receiver FIFO trigger level is 4. 10: Receiver FIFO trigger level is 8. 11: Receiver FIFO trigger level is 14. 7-6 RCV_TRIG W LRESET# 00 5-3 Reserved - LRESET# - Reserved. 2 CLRTX R LRESET# 0 Reset the transmitter FIFO. 1 CLRRX R LRESET# 0 Reset the receiver FIFO. 0 FIFO_EN R LRESET# 0 0: Disable FIFO. 1: Enable FIFO. 111 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Line Control Register (LCR) ⎯ Base + 3 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 DLAB R/W LRESET# 0 6 SETBRK R/W LRESET# 0 5 STKPAR R/W LRESET# 0 4 EPS R/W LRESET# 0 3 PEN R/W LRESET# 0 2 STB R/W LRESET# 0 1-0 WLS R/W LRESET# 00 Description 0: Divisor Latch can’t be accessed. 1: Divisor Latch can be accessed via Base and Base+1. 0: Transmitter is in normal condition. 1: Transmit a break condition. XX0: Parity Bit is disable 001: Parity Bit is odd. 011: Parity Bit is even 101: Parity Bit is logic 1 111: Parity Bit is logic 0 0: Stop bit is one bit 1: When word length is 5 bit stop bit is 1.5 bit else stop bit is 2 bit 00: Word length is 5 bit 01: Word length is 6 bit 10: Word length is 7 bit 11: Word length is 8 bit MODEM Control Register (MCR) ⎯ Base + 4 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-5 Reserved - LRESET# - 4 LOOP R/W LRESET# 0 3 OUT2 R/W LRESET# 0 2 OUT1 R/W LRESET# 0 1 RTS R/W LRESET# 0 0 DTR R/W LRESET# 0 Description Reserved. 0: UART in normal condition. 1: UART is internal loop back 0: All interrupt is disabled. 1: Interrupt is enabled (disabled) by IER. Read from MSR[6] while in loop back mode 0: RTS# is forced to logic 1 1: RTS# is forced to logic 0 0: DTR# is forced to logic 1 1: DTR# is forced to logic 0 Line Status Register (LSR) ⎯ Base + 5 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 RCR_ERR R LRESET# 0 6 TEMT R LRESET# 1 5 THRE R LRESET# 1 4 BI R LRESET# 0 3 FE R LRESET# 0 2 PE R LRESET# 0 1 OE R LRESET# 0 0 DR R LRESET# 0 Description 0: No error in the FIFO when FIFO is enabled 1: Error in the FIFO when FIFO is enabled. 0: Transmitter is in transmitting. 1: Transmitter is empty. 0: Transmitter Holding Register is not empty. 1: Transmitter Holding Register is empty. 0: No break condition detected. 1: A break condition is detected. 0: Data received has no frame error. 1: Data received has frame error. 0: Data received has no parity error. 1: Data received has parity error. 0: No overrun condition occurred. 1: An overrun condition occurred. 0: No data is ready for read. 1: Data is received. 112 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 MODEM Status Register (MSR) ⎯ Base + 6 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 DCD R - - 6 RI R - - 5 DSR R - - 4 CTS R - - 3 DDCD R LRESET# 0 2 TERI R LRESET# 0 1 DDSR R LRESET# 1 0 DCTS R LRESET# 1 Description Complement of DCD# input. In loop back mode, this bit is equivalent to OUT2 in MCR. Complement of RI# input. In loop back mode , this bit is equivalent to OUT1 in MCR Complement of DSR# input. In loop back mode , this bit is equivalent to DTR in MCR Complement of CTS# input. In loop back mode , this bit is equivalent to RTS in MCR 0: No state changed at DCD#. 1: State changed at DCD#. 0: No Trailing edge at RI#. 1: A low to high transition at RI#. 0: No state changed at DSR#. 1: State changed at DSR#. 0: No state changed at CTS#. 1: State changed at CTS#. Scratch Register ⎯ Base + 7 Bit Name R/W 7-0 SCR R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description Scratch register. 113 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Programmable Baud Rate The below table shows the use of baud generator with the different frequency 1.8461 MHZ, 14.769 MHZ, 24MHZ: BaudRate = COM_CLK Divisor *16 Fig 6-25 6.10 AMD TSI and Intel PECI 3.0 Functions The F81867 provides Intel PECI/AMD TSI interfaces for new generational CPU temperature sensing. In AMD TSI interface, there are SIC and SID signals for temperature information reading from AMD CPU. The SIC signal is for clocking use, the other is for data transferring. More detail, please refer register description. 114 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VDDIO 300 AMD CPU 300 SIC SCL SID SDA SIO Fig 6-26 AMD TSI In Intel PECI interface, the F81867 can connect to the CPU directly. The F81867 can read the temperature data from CPU, then the fan control machine of F81867 can implement the Fan to cool down the CPU temperature. The application circuit is as below. Intel SIO CPU avoid pre-BIOS floating PECI PECI 100 Fig 6-27 Intel PECI Please see below for the Intel PECI 3.0 Spec. commands. The F81867 integrated most of those commands for the future advantage application. More detail, please refer to the register descriptions. F81867 Support V V V V V V PECI 3.0 Command Name Ping( ) GetTemp( ) GetDIB( ) RdIAMSR( ) WrIAMSR( ) RdPCIConfigLocal( ) WrPCIConfigLocal( ) RdPCIConfig( ) WrPCIConfig( ) RdPkgConfig( ) WrPkgConfig( ) PECI 1.0 Command Name Ping( ) GetTemp( ) Status Not Available in Mobile/DT Not Available in Mobile/DT Not Available in Mobile/DT Not Available in Mobile/DT Fig 6-28 115 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6.11 Over Voltage Protection F81867 over voltage protection function could protect the damage from voltage spikes via over voltage protection (OVP) function. Voltage protection function is enabled via setting the related register. When the force mode occurs, the system would shut down and then can not boot at all. Only re-plugging the power code (cut off VSB) could re-activate or re-boot the system at the force mode. 6.12 Microcontroller A microcontroller contains a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals made it economical for designers. Basically Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications such as automobile engine control systems, medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, and toys. F81867 integrates 8 bit 8032 embedded microcontroller which could access GPIO, PWM, hardware monitor, KBC, ACPI & CIR function. See detail for the μC side regeister. 6.13 Debug Port Function The Debug Port is the interface for host to control the EC side devices. When it is enabled, it replaces EC to control its peripherals and could also access SFR and internal RAM of μC. Please refer to the Debug Port register in EC side to fully control the EC. Debug Port Data Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit 7-0 Name DBPORT_DATA R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0h Description Write data to this byte will change the EC side register which address is set by DBPORT_EC_ADDR. Read data from this byte will return the value of EC side register which address is set by DBPORT_EC_ADDR. Debug Port Control Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 BRK_PTR_TRIG R 5VSB 0 This bit is set when a break point is triggered. 6-1 Reserved - - - Reserved. 7-0 DBPORT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable debug port. 1: Enable debug port. 116 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Debug Port EC Address Low Byte⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W 7-0 DBPORT_EC_ADDR R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This is the low byte of EC peripheral address. Debug Port EC Address High Byte⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W 7-0 DBPORT_EC_ADDR R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This is the high byte of EC peripheral address. 6.14 H2E Function H2E is the interface for host to EC. Host could use this register to notify the EC what to do and can get information return from EC. Some registers are pre-definition. User could change their definition for custom use. H2E Control Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 P80_DEC_RANGE R/W 5VSB 0 This bit is used to select the 0x80 port (the address could be set by EC) decode range. 0: Decode 0x80 only. 1: Decode 0x80 and 0x81. 6 E2H_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable EC asserts interrupt to Host. 1: Enable EC asserts interrupt to Host. 5 E2H_DATA_AVAIL R 5VSB 0 This bit is set when EC write data to E2H_DATA (offset + 02h) and is auto clear when host read E2H_DATA. 4 H2E_DATA_AVAIL R 5VSB 0 This bit is set when hostwrite data to H2E_DATA (offset + 01h) and is auto clear when EC read H2E_DATA. 3-2 E2H_DATA_TYPE R 5VSB 0 This byte is pre-definition for the type of E2H_DATA. User could change its usage corresponding to their implementation. For the pre-definition function, host read the type to determine the meaning of E2H_DATA. 1-0 H2E_DATA_TYPE R 5VSB 0 This byte is pre-definition for the type of H2E_DATA. User could change its usage corresponding to their implementation. For the pre-definition function, host read the type to determine the meaning of H2E_DATA. H2E Data Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 H2E_DATA R/W 5VSB 0 Description Host to EC data. E2H Data Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W 7-0 E2H_DATA R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is written by EC. Host could read this byte to get the information return from EC. 117 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 WDT Control Port ⎯ Offset 03h Bit 7 Name P80_WDT_TO_ST R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description 0 The bit is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. User could change its usage. The WDT is implemented by firmware. When time out occurs, EC set this bit and could assert reset signal from defined pins. Host read this bit to check the status and write “1” to clear status. 6 P80_WDT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 The bit is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. EC read this bit to enable/disable WDT function. 0: Disable WDT function. 1: Enable WDT function. 5-4 P80_WDT_UNIT R/W 5VSB 0 The bit is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. EC read this bit to decide WDT unit. The unit is user defined. 3-0 P80_WDT_PIN R/W 5VSB 0 The bit is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. This is the mask for WDT event pins. The pin to assert WDT event is user defined. WDT Time Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_WDT_TIME R/W 5VSB ffh Description The byte is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. Host writes this byte to inform EC the WDT count down time. WDT Enable Code ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_WDT_CODE R/W 5VSB - Description The byte is pre-defined for Port 80 WDT function. EC wait for WDT start until 0x80 port data matches this byte. 80 Port Data ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_DATA R/W 5VSB - Description The data write to 0x80/0x81(if P80_DEC_RANGE is set) will be latched into this byte. EC could dump the value into internal RAM for further use. 80 Port Data ⎯ Offset 07h Bit Name R/W 7-0 P80_LAST_DATA R Reset Default 5VSB - Description This byte is pre-defined for the last 0x80 port last data. EC write 0x80 port data back to this byte. 118 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7. Register Description The configuration register is used to control the behavior of the corresponding devices. To configure the register, using the index port to select the index and then writing data port to alter the parameters. The default index port and data port are 0x4E and 0x4F respectively. Pull down the RTS1# pin to change the default value to 0x2E/0x2F. To enable configuration, the entry key 0x87 must be written to the index port. To disable configuration, write exit key 0xAA to the index port. Following is an example to enable configuration and disable configuration by using debug. -o 4e 87 -o 4e 87 ( enable configuration ) -o 4e aa ( disable configuration ) The Following is a register map (total devices) grouped in hexadecimal address order, which shows a summary of all registers and their default value. Please refer to each device chapter if you want more detail information. Global Control Registers “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Global Control Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 02 Software Reset Register - - - - - - - 0 07 Logic Device Number Register (LDN) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20* Chip ID Register 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 21* Chip ID Register 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23* Vendor ID Register 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 24* Vendor ID Register 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 25* I2C Address Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26* Clock Select Register 0 0 - 0 0 0 1 1 27* Port Select Register 1/0 1/0 0 1/0 0 0 - 0 28* Multi Function Select 1 Register - 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 28* Multi Function Select 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29* Multi Function Select 3 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 29* 10Hz Clock Divisor High Byte 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2A* 10Hz Clock Divisor Low Byte 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2B* Multi Function Select 4 Register 0 0 0 - - - 1 0 2B* 10Hz Fine Tune Clock Count High Byte - - - - - - - - 2C* 10Hz Fine Tune Clock Count Low Byte - - - - - - - - 2C* GPIO0 Enable Register - - - 0 0 0 0 0 119 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2C* GPIO1 Enable Register 0 0 0 - 1 1 1 1 2C* GPIO2 Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2C* μC Port Enable Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2D* Wakeup Control Register - - - - 1 0 0 0 *Aceess by μC and host. 7.1 Global Control Registers 7.1.1 Software Reset Register ⎯ Index 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 SOFT_RST R/W - 0 Write 1 to reset the register and device powered by VDD (VCC). 7.1.2 Logic Device Number Register (LDN) ⎯ Index 07h Bit 7-0 Name LDN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description 00h: Select FDC device configuration registers. 03h: Select Parallel Port device configuration registers. 04h: Select Hardware Monitor device configuration registers. 05h: Select KBC device configuration registers. 06h: Select GPIO device configuration registers. 07h: Select WDT device configuration registers. 0Ah: Select PME, ACPI and ERP device configuration registers. 0Eh: Select H2E device configuration registers. 10h: Select UART1 device configuration registers. 11h: Select UART2 device configuration registers. 12h: Select UART3 device configuration registers. 13h: Select UART4 device configuration registers. 14h: Select UART5 device configuration registers. 15h: Select UART6 device configuration registers. Otherwise: Reserved. 7.1.3 Chip ID Register ⎯ Index 20h Bit Name R/W 7-0 CHIP_ID1 R Reset Default - 10h Description Chip ID 1. 7.1.4 Chip ID Register ⎯ Index 21h Bit Name R/W 7-0 CHIP_ID2 R Reset Default - 10h Description Chip ID2. 7.1.5 Vendor ID Register ⎯ Index 23h Bit Name R/W 7-0 VENDOR_ID1 R Reset Default - 19h Description Vendor ID 1. 120 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.1.6 Vendor ID Register ⎯ Index 24h Bit Name R/W 7-0 VENDOR_ID2 R Reset Default - 34h Description Vendor ID 2. 7.1.7 I2C Address Select Register ⎯ Index 25h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description I2C address is used to R/W hardware monitor registers. 7-1 I2C_ADDR R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_ARA_MODE R/W 5VSB 0 The default address is determined by I2C_ADDR power on strap pin. It could also be changed by writing this byte with the entry key 0x19, 0x34. The default value is 0x2E which indicates the address is 0x5C. 0: disable I2C ARA. 1: enable I2C ARA. 7.1.8 Clock Select Register ⎯ Index 26h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The clock source of CLKIN. 00: CLKIN is 48MHz 7-6 CLK_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 10: CLKIN is 24MHz 01: CLKIN is 14.318MHz. 10: Reserved. 5 Reserved - - Reserved. MCLK/MDATA input level select. 4 MO_PIN_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 76 input level select. 3 PIN76_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 71 input level select. 2 PIN71_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 68 input level select. 1 PIN68_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 67 input level select. 0 PIN67_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. 121 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.1.9 Port Select Register ⎯ Index 27h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 0: Enable OVP function. 7 OVP_MODE R/W VBAT* - 1: Default is disabled; internal pull high 47k Ω . The default value is determined by power on strap. 0: ATX Mode. 6 AT_MODE R/W 5VSB - 1: AT Mode. The default value is determined by power on strap. 5 GPIO_DEC_RANGE R/W 3VCC 0 0: The GPIO I/O space is 8-byte. 1: The GPIO I/O space is 16-byte. 0: The configuration register port is 2E/2F. 4 PORT_4E_EN R/W 5VSB* - 1: The configuration register port is 4E/4F. This register is power on trapped by RTS1#/ Config4E_2E. Pull down to select port 2E/2F. This bit is accessed by the host side only. Index 0x2C register select. 00: GPIO0_EN 3-2 GPIO_PROG_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: GPIO1_EN 10: GPIO2_EN 11: μC_PORT_EN. Host set this bit “1” to stop μC. 1 HOST_STOP_μC R/W - 0 To enter debug mode, host should stop this bit first. This bit is accessed by host side only. 0 CLK_TUNE_PROG_ R/W EN 3VCC 0 Set “1” to enable index 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C function as clock fine tune register. 7.1.10 Multi-function Select 1 Register ⎯ Index 28h (Available when GPIO_PROG_SEL[0] = 0) Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved Pin 9 ~ 21 function select. 6 FDC_GP_EN R/W 5VSB 1 These pins are controlled by FDC_GP_EN, UART5_FUNC_SEL, and UART6_FUNC_SEL. If all these bits are clear to “0”, the function would be FDC. Pin 102 ~ 118 function select. 5 LPT_GP_EN R/W 5VSB 1 0: Functions as parallel port. 1: Functions as GPIO7x/GPIO8x. Pin 61, 62 function select. 4 MO_ I2C _EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: PS/2 mouse interface MCLK/MDATA. 1: I2C SCL/SDA. UART 5 Function Select. 00: No UART 5 pin. 3-2 UART5_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART, only SIN5 and SOUT5 are available. Pin 57 will be function as SOUT5 and Pin 58 will be function as SIN5. 10: Simple UART with RTS#. Pin 59 will be function as RTS5#. 11: Full UART, pin 57 ~ 59, 17 ~ 21 will function as UART 5 pins. 122 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 UART6 Function Select. 00: No UART6 pin. 1-0 UART6_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 01: Simple UART, only SIN6 and SOUT6 are available. Pin 10 will be function as SOUT6 and Pin 11 will be function as SIN6. 0 10: Simple UART with RTS#. Pin 9 will be function as RTS6#. 11: Full UART, pin 9 ~ 16 will function as UART 6 pins. 7.1.11 Multi-function Select 2 Register ⎯ Index 28h (Available when GPIO_PROG_SEL[0] = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved - - - 6 μC_P32_PIN59_EN R/W VBAT 0 5 μC_P31_PIN57_EN R/W VBAT 0 4 μC_P30_PIN58_EN R/W VBAT 0 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved 1 CIR_PIN76_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Disable CIRRX# from ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX#. Reserved 0: Disable μC P32 from pin 59. 1: Enable μC P32 from pin59. 0: Disable μC P31 from pin 57. 1: Enable μC P31 from pin57. 0: Disable μC P30 from pin 58. 1: Enable μC P30 from pin58. pin76. The pin function is pin71. The pin function is 1: Enable CIRRX# from pin76. 0 CIR_PIN71_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Disable CIRRX# from BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX#. 1: Enable CIRRX# from pin71. 7.1.12 Multi Function Select 3 Register ⎯ Index 29h (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description UART4 Function Select. 00: No UART4 pin. Pin 44 ~ 51 are all GPIOs. 7-6 UART4_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART, only SIN4 and SOUT4 are available. Pin 50 will be function as SOUT4 and Pin 51 will be function as SIN4. 10: Simple UART with RTS# function only. Pin 48 will be function as RTS4#. 11: Full UART, pin 44 ~ 51 will be function as UART pins. UART3 Function Select. 00: No UART3 pin. Pin 36 ~ 43 are all GPIOs. 5-4 UART3_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART, only SIN3 and SOUT3 are available. Pin 42 will be function as SOUT3 and Pin 43 will be function as SIN3. 10: Simple UART with RTS# function only. Pin 40 will be function as RTS3#. 11: Full UART, pin 36 ~ 43 will be function as UART pins. 0: Disable SCL from pin 76. 1: Enable SCL from pin 76. 3 SCL3_PIN76_EN R/W 5VSB 0 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SCL. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SCL_PIN76_EN > SCL_PIN67_EN. 123 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 0: Disable SDA from pin 76. 1: Enable SDA from pin 76. 2 SDA3_PIN71_EN R/W 5VSB 0 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SDA. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SDA_PIN71_EN > SDA_PIN68_EN. 0: Disable SDA from pin 68. 1: Enable SDA from pin 68. 1 SDA2_PIN68_EN R/W 5VSB 1 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SDA. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SDA_PIN71_EN > SDA_PIN68_EN. 0: Disable SCL from pin 67. 1: Enable SCL from pin 67. 0 SCL2_PIN67_EN R/W 5VSB 1 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SCL. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SCL_PIN76_EN > SCL_PIN67_EN. 7.1.13 10Hz Clock Divisor High Byte ⎯ Index 29h (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FINE_TUNE_START W - - Write “1” to start the fine tune mechanism. The hardware will start to count 10 cycle internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. The count will present in index 0x2A, 0x2B. 6-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3-0 CLK10HZ_DIV R/W VBAT 4’h3 The divisor of 10Hz clock. Internal 10Hz clock is used to generate WDT event. It is divided from 10KHz clock and could be fine tune by change its divisor. 7.1.14 10Hz Clock Divisor Low Byte ⎯ Index 2Ah (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 PWM3_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 6 PWM2_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5 PWM1_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 4 PWM0_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 3 PWM3_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 2 PWM2_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 PWM1_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 PWM0_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description 0: Disable PWM3 from Pin 110. 1: Enable PWM3 from Pin 110. 0: Disable PWM2 from Pin 109. 1: Enable PWM2 from Pin 109. 0: Disable PWM1 from Pin 108. 1: Enable PWM1 from Pin 108. 0: Disable PWM0 from Pin 107. 1: Enable PWM0 from Pin 107. 0: Disable PWM3 from Pin 20. 1: Enable PWM3 from Pin 20. 0: Disable PWM2 from Pin 19. 1: Enable PWM2 from Pin 19. 0: Disable PWM1 from Pin 18. 1: Enable PWM1 from Pin 18. 0: Disable PWM0 from Pin 17. 1: Enable PWM0 from Pin 17. 124 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.1.15 10Hz Clock Divisor Low Byte ⎯ Index 2Ah (Available when CLK_TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 CLK10HZ_DIV R/W VBAT Description The divisor of 10Hz clock. Internal 10Hz clock is used to generate WDT 8’hE7 event. It is divided from 10KHz clock and could be fine tune by change its divisor. 7.1.16 Multi Function Select 4 Register ⎯ Index 2Bh (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Pin 87 function select 7 GPIO67_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 87 functions as S5#. 1: Pin 87 functions as GPIO67. Pin 86 function select 6 GPIO66_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 86 functions as DPWROK. 1: Pin 86 functions as GPIO66. Pin 74 function select 5 GPIO65_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 74 functions as PME#. 1: Pin 74 functions as GPIO65. 4-2 Reserved - - - Reserved Pin 102 function select 1 FANIN3_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 102 functions as SCLT. 1: Pin 102 functions as FANIN3. Pin 103 function select. 0 FANCTRL3_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 103 functions as GPIO70/PE. 1: Pin 103 functions as FANCTRL3. 7.1.17 10Hz Clock Fine Tune Count High Byte ⎯ Index 2Bh (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W 7 FINE_TUNE_ST - 6-4 Reserved 3-0 FINE_TUNE_CNT Reset Default Description 5VSB - This bit indicates the fine tune mechanism is in process. - - - Reserved R/W 5VSB 4’h3 This is the count of 10 cycles of internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. 7.1.18 10Hz Clock Fine Tune Count Low Byte ⎯ Index 2Ch (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 FINE_TUNE_CNT R/W 5VSB 4’h3 Description This is the count of 10 cycles of internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. 125 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.1.19 GPIO0 Enable Register ⎯ Index 2Ch (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b00) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-5 Reserved - - - 4 GPIO04_EN R/W VBAT 0 Description Reserved Pin 56 function select. 0: Pin 56 functions as SLP_SUS#. 1: Pin 56 functions as GPIO04. Pin 55 function select. 3 GPIO03_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 55 functions as SUS_ACK#. 1: Pin 55 functions as GPIO03. Pin 54 function select. 2 GPIO02_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 54 functions as SUS_WARN#. 1: Pin 54 functions as GPIO02. Pin 53 function select. 1 GPIO01_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 53 functions as ERP_CTRL1#. 1: Pin 53 functions as GPIO01. Pin 52 function select. 0 GPIO00_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 52 functions as ERP_CTRL0#. 1: Pin 52 functions as GPIO00. 7.1.20 GPIO1 Enable Register ⎯ Index 2Ch (Available when CLK_ GPIO_PROG_SEL PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b01) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GPIO17_EN R/W VBAT Description Pin 72 function select. 0 0: Pin 72 functions as PECI. 1: Pin 72 functions as GPIO17. Pin 71 function select. 6 GPIO16_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 71 functions as BEEP. 1: Pin 71 functions as GPIO16. Pin 70 function select. 5 GPIO15_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 70 functions as WDTRST#. 1: Pin 70 functions as GPIO15. 4 Reserved - - - Reserved Pin 68 function select. 3 GPIO13_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 68 functions as IRRX. 1: Pin 68 functions as GPIO13. If SDA_PIN68_EN is set, pin 68 will be function as SDA. Pin 67 function select. 2 GPIO12_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 67 functions as IRTX. 1: Pin 67 functions as GPIO12. If SCL_PIN67_EN is set, pin 67 will be function as SCL. 126 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Pin 66 function select. 1 GPIO11_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 66 functions as LED_VCC. 1: Pin 66 functions as GPIO11. Pin 65 function select. 0 GPIO10_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 65 functions as LED_VSB. 1: Pin 65 functions as GPIO10. 7.1.21 GPIO2 Enable Register ⎯ Index 2Ch (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b10) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Pin 83 function select. 7 GPIO27_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 83 functions as RSMRST#. 1: Pin 83 functions as GPIO27. Pin 82 function select. 6 GPIO26_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 82 functions as PWROK. 1: Pin 82 functions as GPIO26. Pin 81 function select. 5 GPIO25_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 81 functions as PSON#. 1: Pin 81 functions as GPIO25. Pin 80 function select. 4 GPIO24_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 81 functions as S3#. 1: Pin 81 functions as GPIO24. Pin 79 function select. 3 GPIO23_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 68 functions as PWSOUT#. 1: Pin 68 functions as GPIO23. Pin 78 function select. 2 GPIO22_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 78 functions as PWSIN#. 1: Pin 78 functions as GPIO22. Pin 77 function select. 1 GPIO21_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 77 functions as ATXPG_IN. 1: Pin 77 functions as GPIO21. Pin 76 function select. 0 GPIO20_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 76 functions as ALERT#. 1: Pin 76 functions as GPIO20. Pin 76 will be function as SCL: if SCL_PIN76_EN is set. 7.1.22 μC Port Enable Register ⎯ Index 2Ch (Available when CLK_TUNE_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b11) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 μC_T2EX_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC T2EX function from pin 16. 6 μC_T2_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC T2 function from pin 15. 5 μC_P35_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.5 (also function as μC T1) function from pin 14. 127 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 μC_P34_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.4 (also function as μC T0) function from pin 13. 3 μC_P33_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.3 (also function as μC INT1#) function from pin 12. 2 μC_P32_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.2 (also function as μC INT0#) function from pin 9. 1 μC_P31_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.1 (also function as μC TXD) function from pin 11. 0 μC_P30_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.0 (also function as μC RXD) function from pin 10. 7.1.23 Wakeup Control Register ⎯ Index 2Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3 WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 1 Description Reserved 0: disable KB/Mouse wakeup function. 1: enable KB/Mouse wakeup function. Select the keyboard wakeup key. Accompany with KEY_SEL_ADD, there are several key select as list 2-1 KEY_SEL R/W VBAT 00 KEY_SEL_ADD KEY_SEL Wake Key 0 00 Ctrl + Esc 0 01 Ctrl + F1 0 10 Ctrl + Space 0 11 Any Key 1 00 Windows Wakeup Key 1 01 Windows Power Key 1 10 Ctrl + Alt + Backspace 1 11 Ctrl + Alt + Delete Select the mouse wakeup key. 0 MO_SEL R/W VBAT 0 0: Wakeup by mouse clicking. 1: Wakeup by mouse clicking or movement. 7.2 Multifunction Function Register Mapping Table 7.2.1 Multi Function Register Mapping For FDC PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN9 GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6# DENSEL PIN10 GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6 MOA# PIN11 GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6 DRVA# PIN12 GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6# WDATA# PIN13 GPIO54/DIR#/RI6# DIR# PIN14 GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6# STEP# PIN15 GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6 HDSEL# PIN16 GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6# WGATE# PIN17 GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5# RDATA# 128 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 INDEX 28H BIT6 AND BIT3-0 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2AH BIT3-0 = 0 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PIN18 GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5# TRK0# PIN19 GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5# INDEX# PIN20 GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5# WPT# PIN21 GPIO64/DSKCHG#/DSR5# DSKCHG# 7.2.2 Multi Function Register Mapping For Parallel Port (LPT) PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN102 FANIN3/SLCT SLCT PIN103 GPIO70/PE/FANCTL3/PWM_D AC3 CONFIGURE REGISTER PE PIN104 GPIO71/BUSY BUSY PIN105 GPIO72/ACK# ACK# PIN106 GPIO73/SLIN# SLIN# PIN107 GPIO74/INIT# INIT# PIN108 GPIO75/ERR# ERR# PIN109 GPIO76/AFD# AFD# PIN110 GPIO77/STB# STB# PIN111 GPIO80/PD0 PD0 PIN112 GPIO81/PD1 PD1 PIN113 GPIO82/PD2 PD2 PIN114 GPIO83/PD3 PD3 PIN115 GPIO84/PD4 PD4 PIN116 GPIO85/PD5 PD5 PIN117 GPIO86/PD6 PD6 PIN118 GPIO87/PD7 PD7 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 28H BIT5 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT1-0 = 00 7.2.3 Multi Function Register Mapping For Hardware Monitor PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN71 BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX# BEEP INDEX 29H BIT2 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT6 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN76 ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX# ALERT# INDEX 29H BIT3 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT0 = 0 PIN102 FANIN3/SLCT FANIN3 129 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT1 = 1 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PIN103 GPIO70/PE/FANCTL3/PWM_D AC3 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 FANCTL3 INDEX 2BH BIT0 = 1 7.2.4 Multi Function Register Mapping For KBC (PS/2 Mouse) PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN61 MDATA/SCL MDATA INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN62 MCLK/SDA MCLK INDEX 28H BIT4 = 0 7.2.5 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO0x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN52 ERP_CTRL0#/GPIO00 GPIO00 PIN53 ERP_CTRL1#/GPIO01 GPIO01 PIN54 SUS_WARN#/GPIO02 GPIO02 PIN55 SUS_ACK#/GPIO03 GPIO03 PIN56 SLP_SUS#/GPIO04 GPIO04 PIN57 GPIO05/SOUT5 GPIO05 PIN58 GPIO06/SIN5 GPIO06 PIN59 GPIO07/RTS5# GPIO07 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT0 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT1 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT2 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT3 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT4 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 INDEX 28H BIT3-2 = 00 7.2.6 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO1x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN65 GPIO10/LED_VSB GPIO10 PIN66 GPIO11/LED_VCC GPIO11 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT0 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT1 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN67 SCL/GPIO12/IRTX GPIO12 INDEX 29H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT2 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN68 SDA/GPIO13/IRRX GPIO13 INDEX 29H BIT1 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT3 = 1 PIN69 GPIO14/ATX_AT_TRAP GPIO14 130 SINGLE FUNCTION Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PIN70 WDTRST#/GPIO15 GPIO15 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT5 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN71 BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX# GPIO16 INDEX 29H BIT2 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT6 = 1 PIN72 PECI/GPIO17 GPIO17 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT7 = 1 7.2.7 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO2x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN76 ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX# GPIO20 INDEX 29H BIT3 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT0 = 1 PIN77 ATXPG_IN/GPIO21 GPIO21 PIN78 PWSIN#/GPIO22 GPIO22 PIN79 PWSOUT#/GPIO23 GPIO23 PIN80 S3#/GPIO24 GPIO24 PIN81 PS_ON#/GPIO25 GPIO25 PIN82 PWOK/GPIO26 GPIO26 PIN83 RSMRST#/GPIO27 GPIO27 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT1 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT2 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT3 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT4 =1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT5 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT6 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT7 = 1 7.2.8 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO3x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN36 DCD3#/GPIO30 GPIO30 PIN37 RI3#/GPIO31 GPIO31 PIN38 CTS3#/GPIO32 GPIO32 PIN39 DTR3#/GPIO33 GPIO33 PIN40 RTS3#/GPIO34 GPIO34 PIN41 DSR3#/GPIO35 GPIO35 PIN42 SOUT3/GPIO36 GPIO36 131 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 29H BIT5-4 = 00 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PIN43 SIN3/GPIO37 GPIO37 7.2.9 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO4x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN44 DCD4#/GPIO40 GPIO40 PIN45 RI4#/GPIO41 GPIO41 PIN46 CTS4#/GPIO42 GPIO42 PIN47 DTR4#/GPIO43 GPIO43 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 PIN48 RTS4#/GPIO44 GPIO44 INDEX 29H BIT7-6 = 00 PIN49 DSR4#/GPIO45 GPIO45 PIN50 SOUT4/GPIO46 GPIO46 PIN51 SIN4/GPIO47 GPIO47 7.2.10 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO5x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN9 GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6# GPIO50 PIN10 GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6 GPIO51 PIN11 GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6 GPIO52 PIN12 GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6# GPIO53 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN13 GPIO54/DIR#/RI6# GPIO54 INDEX 28H BIT6 = 1 AND BIT1-0 = 00 PIN14 GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6# GPIO55 PIN15 GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6 GPIO56 PIN16 GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6# GPIO57 7.2.11 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO6x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN17 GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5# GPIO60 PIN18 GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5# GPIO61 PIN19 GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5# GPIO62 PIN20 GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5# GPIO63 PIN21 GPIO64/DSKCHG#/DSR5# GPIO64 PIN74 PME#/GPIO65 GPIO65 PIN86 DPWROK/GPIO66 GPIO66 PIN87 S5#/GPIO67 GPIO67 132 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 28H BIT6 = 1 AND BIT3-2 = 00 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT5 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT6 = 1 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 INDEX 2BH BIT7 = 1 7.2.12 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO7x PIN No. PIN103 PIN FULL NAME GPIO70/PE/FANCTL3/PWM_D AC3 PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 GPIO70 INDEX 28H BIT5 = 1 INDEX 2BH BIT0 =0 PIN104 GPIO71/BUSY GPIO71 PIN105 GPIO72/ACK# GPIO72 PIN106 GPIO73/SLIN# GPIO73 PIN107 GPIO74/INIT# GPIO74 PIN108 GPIO75/ERR# GPIO75 PIN109 GPIO76/AFD# GPIO76 PIN110 GPIO77/STB# GPIO77 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 28H BIT5 = 1 7.2.13 Multi Function Register Mapping For GPIO8x PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN111 GPIO80/PD0 GPIO80 PIN112 GPIO81/PD1 GPIO81 PIN113 GPIO82/PD2 GPIO82 PIN114 GPIO83/PD3 GPIO83 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN115 GPIO84/PD4 GPIO84 INDEX 28H BIT5 = 1 PIN116 GPIO85/PD5 GPIO85 PIN117 GPIO86/PD6 GPIO86 PIN118 GPIO87/PD7 GPIO87 7.2.14 Multi Function Register Mapping For WDT PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN70 WDTRST#/GPIO15 WDTRST# CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND INDEX BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT5 = 0 7.2.15 Multi Function Register Mapping For ERP, LED PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN52 ERP_CTRL0#/GPIO00 ERP_CTRL0# PIN53 ERP_CTRL1#/GPIO01 ERP_CTRL1# 133 CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT0 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT1 = 0 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN54 SUS_WARN#/GPIO02 SUS_WARN# PIN55 SUS_ACK#/GPIO03 SUS_ACK# PIN56 SLP_SUS#/GPIO04 SLP_SUS# PIN86 DPWROK/GPIO66 DPWROK PIN65 GPIO10/LED_VSB LED_VSB INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 PIN66 GPIO11/LED_VCC LED_VCC INDEX 2CH BIT1-0 = 00 PIN77 ATXPG_IN/GPIO21 ATXPG_IN PIN78 PWSIN#/GPIO22 PWSIN# PIN79 PWSOUT#/GPIO23 PWSOUT# PIN80 S3#/GPIO24 S3# PIN81 PS_ON#/GPIO25 PS_ON# PIN82 PWOK/GPIO26 PWOK PIN83 RSMRST#/GPIO27 RSMRST# PIN87 S5#/GPIO67 S5# INDEX 2CH BIT2 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT3 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT4 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT6 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT1 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT2 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT3 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT4 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT5 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT6 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 10 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2CH BIT7 = 0 INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 INDEX 2BH BIT7 =0 7.2.16 Multi Function Register Mapping For IR PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN67 SCL/GPIO12/IRTX IRTX PIN68 SDA/GPIO13/IRRX IRRX CONFIGURE REGISTER INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 01 AND BIT0 = 0 INDEX 29H BIT1-0 = 00 INDEX 2CH BIT3-2 = 00 7.2.17 Multi Function Register Mapping For I2C PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN61 MDATA/SCL SCL INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN62 MCLK/SDA SDA INDEX 28H BIT4 = 1 PIN71 BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX# SDA INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 134 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PIN76 ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX# SCL INDEX 29H BIT3-2 = 11 7.2.18 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 1 & UART 2 UART 1 & 2 are pure pins. 7.2.19 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 3 PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN36 DCD3#/GPIO30 DCD3# PIN37 RI3#/GPIO31 RI3# INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 PIN38 CTS3#/GPIO32 CTS3# INDEX 29H BIT5-4 = 01 ONLY SIN3/SOUT3 PIN39 DTR3#/GPIO33 DTR3# AVAILABLE PIN40 RTS3#/GPIO34 RTS3# INDEX 29H BIT5-4 = 10 ONLY SIN3/SOUT3/RTS3# PIN41 DSR3#/GPIO35 DSR3# AVAILABLE PIN42 SOUT3/GPIO36 SOUT3 INDEX 29H BIT5-4 = 11 FULL UART PIN43 SIN3/GPIO37 SIN3 7.2.20 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 4 PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT CONFIGURE REGISTER PIN44 DCD4#/GPIO40 DCD4# PIN45 RI4#/GPIO41 RI4# INDEX 27H BIT0 = 0 PIN46 CTS4#/GPIO42 CTS4# INDEX 29H BIT7-6 = 01 ONLY SIN4/SOUT4 PIN47 DTR4#/GPIO43 DTR4# AVAILABLE PIN48 RTS4#/GPIO44 RTS4# INDEX 29H BIT7-6 = 10 ONLY SIN4/SOUT4/RTS4# PIN49 DSR4#/GPIO45 DSR4# AVAILABLE PIN50 SOUT4/GPIO46 SOUT4 INDEX 29H BIT7-6 = 11 FULL UART PIN51 SIN4/GPIO47 SIN4 7.2.21 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 5 PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN17 GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5# DCD5# PIN18 GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5# RI5# INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN19 GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5# CTS5# INDEX 28H BIT3-2 = 01 ONLY SIN5/SOUT5 PIN20 GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5# DTR5# AVAILABLE PIN21 GPIO64/DSKCHG#/DSR5# DSR5# INDEX 28H BIT3-2 = 10 ONLY SIN5/SOUT5/RTS5# PIN57 GPIO05/SOUT5 SOUT5 AVAILABLE PIN58 GPIO06/SIN5 SIN5 INDEX 28H BIT3-2 = 11 FULL UART PIN59 GPIO07/RTS5# RTS5# 135 CONFIGURE REGISTER Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.2.22 Multi Function Register Mapping For UART 6 PIN No. PIN FULL NAME PIN SELECT PIN9 GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6# RTS6# PIN10 GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6 SIN6 INDEX 27H BIT3-2 = 00 PIN11 GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6 SOUT6 INDEX 28H BIT1-0 = 01 ONLY SIN6/SOUT6 PIN12 GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6# DCD6# AVAILABLE PIN13 GPIO54/DIR#/RI6# RI6# INDEX 28H BIT1-0 = 10 ONLY SIN6/SOUT6/RTS6# PIN14 GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6# CTS6# AVAILABLE PIN15 GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6# DTR6# INDEX 28H BIT1-0 = 11 FULL UART PIN16 GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6# DSR6# 7.3 CONFIGURE REGISTER FDC Registers (CR00) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 FDC Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 61 Base Address Low Register 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 1 1 0 74 DMA Channel Select Register - - - - - 0 1 0 F0 FDD Mode Register - - - 0 1 1 1 0 F2 FDD Drive Type Register - - - - - - 1 1 F4 FDD Selection Register - - - 0 0 - 0 0 FDC Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 FDC_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable FDC. 1: enable FDC. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 03h Description The MSB of FDC base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# F0h Description The LSB of FDC base address. 136 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELFDCIRQ R/W LRESET# 06h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for FDC. DMA Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 74h Bit Name R/W 7-3 Reserved - Reset Default - - 2-0 SELFDCDMA R/W LRESET# 010 Description Reserved. Select the DMA channel for FDC. FDD Mode Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-5 Reserved - - - Reserved. 4 FDC_SW_WP R/W LRESET# 0 FDC Software Write Protect. 0: Write protect is determined by WPT# pin. 1: Enable Write Protect. 3-2 IF_MODE R/W LRESET# 11 00: Model 30 mode. 01: PS/2 mode. 10: Reserved. 11: AT mode (default). 1 FDMAMODE R/W LRESET# 1 0: enable burst mode. 1: non-busrt mode (default). 0 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved. FDD Drive Type Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-2 Reserved - - - 1-0 FDD_TYPE R/W LRESET# 11 Description Reserved. FDD drive type. FDD Selection Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit Name R/W 7-5 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. 4-3 FDD_DRT R/W LRESET# 00 2 Reserved - - - 1-0 FDD_DT R/W LRESET# 00 Data rate table select, refer to table A. 00: select regular drives and 2.88 format. 01: reserved. 10: 2 mega tape. 11: reserved. Reserved. Drive type select, refer to table B. TABLE A Data Rate Table Select FDD_DRT[1] FDD_DRT[0] Data Rate DATARATE1 Selected Data Rate DATARATE0 137 MFM DENSEL FM Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 500K 250K 1 0 1 300K 150K 0 1 0 250K 125K 0 1 1 1Meg --- 1 0 0 500K 250K 1 0 1 500K 250K 0 1 0 250K 125K 0 1 1 1Meg --- 1 0 0 500K 250K 1 0 1 2Meg --- 0 1 0 250K 125K 0 1 1 1Meg --- 1 TABLE B Drive Type 7.4 DRVDEN0 Remark 0 DENSEL 4/2/1 MB 3.5” 2/1 MB 5.25” 1/1.6/1 MB 3.5” (3-Mode ) 0 1 DATARATE1 1 0 DENSEL# 1 1 DATARATE0 FDD_DT1 FDD_DT0 0 Parallel Port Registers (CR03) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Parallel Port Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 61 Base Address Low Register 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 1 1 1 74 DMA Channel Select Register - - - 0 - 0 1 1 F0 PRT Mode Select Register 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Parallel Port Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 PRT_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable Parallel Port. 1: enable Parallel Port. 138 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 03h Description The MSB of Parallel Port base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# 78h Description The LSB of Parallel Port base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELPRTIRQ R/W LRESET# 7h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for Parallel Port. DMA Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 74h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-5 Reserved - - - Reserved. 4 ECP_DMA_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 0: non-burst mode DMA. 1: enable burst mode DMA. 3 Reserved - - - Reserved. 2-0 SELPRTDMA R/W LRESET# 011 Select the DMA channel for Parallel Port. PRT Mode Select Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Interrupt mode in non-ECP mode. 7 SPP_IRQ_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 0: Level mode. 1: Pulse mode. 6-3 2-0 ECP_FIFO_THR PRT_MODE R/W R/W LRESET# LRESET# 1000 ECP FIFO threshold. 010 000: Standard and Bi-direction (SPP) mode. 001: EPP 1.9 and SPP mode. 010: ECP mode (default). 011: ECP and EPP 1.9 mode. 100: Printer mode. 101: EPP 1.7 and SPP mode. 110: Reserved. 111: ECP and EPP1.7 mode. 139 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.5 Hardware Monitor Registers (CR04) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 H/W Monitor Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 61 Base Address Low Register 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 0 Hardware Monitor Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 HM_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable Hardware Monitor. 1: enable Hardware Monitor. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default 02h LRESET# Description The MSB of Hardware Monitor base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default 95h LRESET# Description The LSB of Hardware Monitor base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELHMIRQ R/W LRESET# 0000 7.6 Reset Default Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for Hardware Monitor. KBC Registers (CR05) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 H/W Monitor Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 61 Base Address Low Register 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 0 FE PS/2 Swap Register 0 - - 0 0 0 0 1 140 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 KBC Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 KBC_EN R/W 3VCC 1 0: disable KBC. 1: enable KBC. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The MSB of KBC command port address. The address of data port is command port address + 4 Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# 60h Description The LSB of KBC command port address. The address of data port is command port address + 4. KB IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELKIRQ R/W LRESET# 0h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for keyboard interrupt. Mouse IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 72h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELMIRQ R/W LRESET# 0h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for PS/2 mouse interrupt. PS/2 Swap Register ⎯ Index FEh Bit Name R/W 7-5 Reserved - Reset Default - Description - Reserved 4 KB_MO_SWAP R/W VBAT 0 Keyboard Mouse Swap. 0: Keyboard/Mouse is not swapped. 1: Keyboard/Mouse is swapped. This bit could be programmed by user. If AUTO_DET_EN is set, this bit is also updated by hardware. 3-0 KBC_TEST_BIT R/W VBAT 3h Fintek test mode bits. 141 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.7 GPIO Registers (CR06) 7.7.1 GPIO Configuration Registers “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 GPIO Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Base Address Low Register 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 GPIO_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: disable GPIO I/O port. 1: enable GPIO I/O port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 GP_BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The MSB of GPIO I/O port address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit 7-0 Name BASE_ADDR_LO R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 60h Description The LSB of KBC data port address. When GPIO_DEC_RANGE is “0”, only 8 bytes are decoded: Base + 0: index port. Base + 1: data port. Base + 2: GPIO8 data register. Base + 3: GPIO7 data register. Base + 4: GPIO6 data register. Base + 5: GPIO5 data register. Base + 6: GPIO0 data register. Base + 7: GPIO1 data register. If GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”, more 8 bytes are decoded: Base + 8: GPIO2 data register. Base + 9: GPIO3 data register. Base + 10: GPIO4 data register. Otherwise: Reserved. There are three ways to access the GPIO registers. 1. Use configuration register port 0x4E/0x4F (or 0x2E/0x2F), the LDN for GPIO is 0x06. 2. Use GPIO index/data port. Write index to index port first and then read/write the register. 3. Use digital I/O port. The way only access GPIO data register. Write data to this port will control the data output register. And read this port will read the pin status register. 142 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.7.2 GPIO IRQ Channel Select Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 70 GPIO0 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 1 71 GPIO1 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 1 72 GPIO5 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 1 73 GPIO8 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 0 1 GPIO0 IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELGP0IRQ R/W LRESET# 1h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for GPIO0 interrupt. GPIO1 IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 71h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELGP1IRQ R/W LRESET# 1h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for GPIO1 interrupt. GPIO5 IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 72h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELGP5IRQ R/W LRESET# 1h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for GPIO5 interrupt. GPIO8 IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 73h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELGP8IRQ R/W LRESET# 1h 7.7.3 Reset Default Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for GPIO8 interrupt. GPIO IRQ Sharing Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 7E GPIO IRQ Share Enable Register - - - - 0 0 0 0 7F GPIO IRQ Share Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO IRQ Sharing Enable Register Index 7Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3 GP8_IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 Description Reserved. 0: GPIO8 IRQ is not sharing with other devices. 1: GPIO8 IRQ is sharing with other devices. 143 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GP5_IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 1 GP1_IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 GP0_IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO IRQ Sharing Mode Register Bit Name R/W 0: GPIO5 IRQ is not sharing with other devices.. 1: GPIO5 IRQ is sharing with other devices. 0: GPIO1 IRQ is not sharing with other devices. 1: GPIO1 IRQ is sharing with other devices. 0: GPIO0 IRQ is not sharing with other devices. 1: GPIO0 IRQ is sharing with other devices. Index 7Fh Reset Default Description GPIO8 IRQ sharing mode: 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level. 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge. 7-6 GP8_IRQ_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective when IRQ is sharing with other device (GP8_IRQ_SHARE is “1”). GPIO5 IRQ sharing mode: 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level. 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge. 5-4 GP5_IRQ_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective when IRQ is sharing with other device (GP5_IRQ_SHARE is “1”). GPIO1 IRQ sharing mode: 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level. 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge. 3-2 GP1_IRQ_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective when IRQ is sharing with other device (GP1_IRQ_SHARE is “1”). 144 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO0 IRQ sharing mode: 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level. 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge. 1-0 GP0_IRQ_MODE R/W 0 LRESET# 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective when IRQ is sharing with other device (GP0_IRQ_SHARE is “1”). 7.7.4 GPIO0x Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB F0 GPIO0 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F1 GPIO0 Output Data Register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 F2 GPIO0 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - F3 GPIO0 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F4 GPIO0 Output Mode 1 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F5 GPIO0 Output Mode 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 GPIO0 Pulse Width Select 1 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F7 GPIO0 Pulse Width Select 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F8 GPIO0 SMI Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9 GPIO0 SMI Status Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO0 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO07 is input. 1: GPIO07 is output. 6 GPIO06_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO06 is input. 1: GPIO06 is output. 5 GPIO05_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO05 is input. 1: GPIO05 is output. 4 GPIO04_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO04 is input. 1: GPIO04 is output. 3 GPIO03_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO03 is input. 1: GPIO03 is output. 2 GPIO02_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO02 is input. 1: GPIO02 is output. 1 GPIO01_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO01 is input. 1: GPIO01 is output. 145 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 0 GPIO00_OE R/W 5VSB 0: GPIO00 is input. 1: GPIO00 is output. 0 GPIO0 Output Data Register ⎯ Index F1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 6) Bit 7 6 5 Name GPIO07_VAL GPIO06_VAL GPIO05_VAL R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 0 GPIO07 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO07. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO07. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO07 will be tri-state if GPIO07_DRV is clear to “0”. 0 GPIO06 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO06. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO06. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO06 will be tri-state if GPIO06_DRV is clear to “0”. 0 GPIO05 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO05. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO05. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO05 will be tri-state if GPIO05_DRV is clear to “0”. 4 GPIO04_VAL R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO04 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO04. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO04. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO04 will be tri-state if GPIO04_DRV is clear to “0”.1: GPIO04 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO03_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO03 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO03 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO02_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO02 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO02 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO01_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO01 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO01 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO00_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO00 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO00 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO0 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index F2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 6) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO07/RTS5#. 6 GPIO06_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO06/SIN5. 5 GPIO05_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO05/SOUT5. 4 GPIO04_IN R - - The pin status of SLP_SUS#/GPIO04. 146 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3 GPIO03_IN R - - The pin status of SUS_ACK#/GPIO03. 2 GPIO02_IN R - - The pin status of SUS_WARN#/GPIO02. 1 GPIO01_IN R - - The pin status of ERP_CTRL1#/GPIO01. 0 GPIO00_IN R - - The pin status of ERP_CTRL0#/GPIO00. GPIO0 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index F3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO07 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO07 is open drain. 1: GPIO07 is push pull. 6 GPIO06_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO06 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO06 is open drain. 1: GPIO06 is push pull. 5 GPIO05_DRV_EN R/w 5VSB 0 GPIO05 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO05 is open drain. 1: GPIO05 is push pull. 4 GPIO04_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO04 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO04 is open drain. 1: GPIO04 is push pull. 3 GPIO03_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO03 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO03 is open drain. 1: GPIO03 is push pull. 2 GPIO02_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO02 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO02 is open drain. 1: GPIO02 is push pull. 1 GPIO01_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO01 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO01 is open drain. 1: GPIO01 is push pull. 0 GPIO00_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO00 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO00 is open drain. 1: GPIO00 is push pull. GPIO0 Output Mode 1 Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-6 5-4 Name GPIO03_MODE GPIO02_MODE R/W R/W R/w Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB Description 00b GPIO03 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO03_PW_SEL. 00b GPIO02 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO02_PW_SEL. 147 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3-2 1-0 GPIO01_MODE GPIO00_MODE R/W R/W 5VSB 5VSB 00b GPIO01 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO01_PW_SEL. 00b GPIO00 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO00_PW_SEL. GPIO0 Output Mode 2 Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0 Name GPIO07_MODE GPIO06_MODE GPIO05_MODE GPIO04_MODE R/W R/W R/w R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 00b GPIO07 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO07_PW_SEL. 00b GPIO06 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO06_PW_SEL. 00b GPIO05 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO05_PW_SEL. 00b GPIO04 output mode select: 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. The pulse width is determined by GPIO04_PW_SEL. 148 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO0 Pulse Width Select 1 Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0 Name GPIO03_PW_SEL GPIO02_PW_SEL GPIO01_PW_SEL GPIO00_PW_SEL R/W R/W R/w R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 00b GPIO03 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO02 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO01 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO00 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. GPIO0 Pulse Width Select 2 Register ⎯ Index F7h Bit 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0 Name GPIO07_PW_SEL GPIO06_PW_SEL GPIO05_PW_SEL GPIO04_PW_SEL R/W R/W R/w R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 00b GPIO07 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO06 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO05 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 00b GPIO04 pulse width select: 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 149 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO0 SMI Enable Register ⎯ Index F8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO07_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO06_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO06_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO05_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO05_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO04_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO04_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO03_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO03_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO02_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO02_SMI_ST is set. 1 GPIO01_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO01_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO00_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO00_SMI_ST is set. GPIO0 SMI Status Register ⎯ Index F9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GPIO07_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO07 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO06_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO06 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO05 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO05_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB Description 4 GPIO04_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO04 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO03_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO03 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO02_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO02 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO01_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO01 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO00_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO00 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 150 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.7.5 GPIO1x Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB E0 GPIO1 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E1 GPIO1 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E2 GPIO1 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - E3 GPIO1 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E8 GPIO1 SMI Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E9 GPIO1 SMI Status Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO1 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index E0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO17 is in input mode. 1: GPIO17 is in output mode. 6 GPIO16_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO16 is in input mode. 1: GPIO16 is in output mode. 5 GPIO15_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO15 is in input mode. 1: GPIO15 is in output mode. 4 GPIO14_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO14 is in input mode. 1: GPIO14 is in output mode. 3 GPIO13_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO13 is in input mode. 1: GPIO13 is in output mode. 2 GPIO12_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO12 is in input mode. 1: GPIO12 is in output mode. 1 GPIO11_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO11 is in input mode. 1: GPIO11 is in output mode. 0 GPIO10_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO10 is in input mode. 1: GPIO10 is in output mode. GPIO1 Output Data Register ⎯ Index E1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 7) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO17 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO17 outputs1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO16_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO16 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO16 outputs1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO15_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO15 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO15 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO14_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO14 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO14 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO13_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO13 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO13 outputs 1 when in output mode. 151 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GPIO12_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO12 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO12 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO11_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO11 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO11 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO10_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO10 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO10 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO1 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index E2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 7) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_IN R - - The pin status of PECI/GPIO17. 6 GPIO16_IN R - - The pin status of BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX#. 5 GPIO15_IN R - - The pin status of WDTRST#/GPIO15. 4 GPIO14_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO14/AT_ATX_TRAP. 3 GPIO13_IN R - - The pin status of SDA/GPIO13/IRRX. 2 GPIO12_IN R - - The pin status of SCL/GPIO12/IRTX 1 GPIO11_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO11/LED_VCC. 0 GPIO10_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO10/LED_VSB. GPIO1 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index E3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO17 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO17 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO16_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO16 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO16 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO15_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO15 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO15 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO14_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO14 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO14 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO13_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO13 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO13 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO12_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO12 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO12 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO11_DRV_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: GPIO11 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO11 is push pull in output mode. This bit is powered by VBAT. 0 GPIO10_DRV_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: GPIO10 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO10 is push pull in output mode. This bit is powered by VBAT. GPIO1 SMI Enable Register ⎯ Index E8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO17_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO16_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO16_SMI_ST is set. 152 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 GPIO15_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO15_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO14_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO14_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO13_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO13_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO12_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO12_SMI_ST is set. 1 GPIO11_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO11_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO10_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO10_SMI_ST is set. GPIO1 SMI Status Register ⎯ Index E9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO17 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO16_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO16 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO15_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO15 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 4 GPIO14_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO14 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO13_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO13 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO12_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO12 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO11_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO11 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO10_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO10 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 153 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.7.6 GPIO2x Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB D0 GPIO2 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D1 GPIO2 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D2 GPIO2 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - D3 GPIO2 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO2 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index D0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO27 is in input mode. 1: GPIO27 is in output mode. 6 GPIO26_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO26 is in input mode. 1: GPIO26 is in output mode. 5 GPIO25_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO25 is in input mode. 1: GPIO25 is in output mode. 4 GPIO24_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO24 is in input mode. 1: GPIO24 is in output mode. 3 GPIO23_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO23 is in input mode. 1: GPIO23 is in output mode. 2 GPIO22_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO22 is in input mode. 1: GPIO22 is in output mode. 1 GPIO21_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO21 is in input mode. 1: GPIO21 is in output mode. 0 GPIO20_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO20 is in input mode. 1: GPIO20 is in output mode. GPIO2 Output Data Register ⎯ Index D1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 8 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO27 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO27 outputs1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO26_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO26 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO26 outputs1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO25_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO25 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO25 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO24_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO24 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO24 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO23_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO23 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO23 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO22_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO22 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO22 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO21_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO21 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO21 outputs 1 when in output mode. 154 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 0 GPIO20_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO20 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO20 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO2 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index D2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 8 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_IN R - - The pin status of RSMRST#/GPIO27. 6 GPIO26_IN R - - The pin status of PWOK/GPIO26. 5 GPIO25_IN R - - The pin status of PS_ON#/GPIO25. 4 GPIO24_IN R - - The pin status of S3#/GPIO24. 3 GPIO23_IN R - - The pin status of PWSOUT#/GPIO23. 2 GPIO22_IN R - - The pin status of PWSIN#/GPIO22. 1 GPIO21_IN R - - The pin status of ATXPG_IN#/GPIO21. 0 GPIO20_IN R - - The pin status of ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX#. GPIO2 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index D3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GPIO27_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO27 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO27 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO26_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO26 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO26 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO25_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO25 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO25 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO24_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO24 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO24 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO23_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO23 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO23 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO22_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO22 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO22 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO21_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO21 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO21 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO20_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO20 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO20 is push pull in output mode. 7.7.7 Register 0x[HEX] Description GPIO3x Configuration Registers Default Value Register Name MSB LSB C0 GPIO3 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1 GPIO3 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C2 GPIO3 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - C3 GPIO3 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO3 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index C0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO37 is input. 1: GPIO37 is output. 6 GPIO36_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO36 is input. 1: GPIO36 is output. 5 GPIO35_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO35 is input. 1: GPIO35 is output. 4 GPIO34_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO34 is input. 1: GPIO34 is output. 3 GPIO33_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO33 is input. 1: GPIO33 is output. 2 GPIO32_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO32 is input. 1: GPIO32 is output. 1 GPIO31_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO31 is input. 1: GPIO31 is output. 0 GPIO30_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO30 is input. 1: GPIO30 is output. GPIO3 Output Data Register ⎯ Index C1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 9 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO37 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO37 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO36_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO36 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO36 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO35_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO35 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO35 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO34_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO34 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO34 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO33_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO33 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO33 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO32_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO32 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO32 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO31_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO31 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO31 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO30_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO30 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO30 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO3 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index C2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 9 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_IN R - - The pin status of SIN3/GPIO37. 6 GPIO36_IN R - - The pin status of SOUT3/GPIO36. 156 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 GPIO35_IN R - - The pin status of DSR3#/GPIO35. 4 GPIO34_IN R - - The pin status of RTS3#/GPIO34. 3 GPIO33_IN R - - The pin status of DTR3#/GPIO33. 2 GPIO32_IN R - - The pin status of CTS3#/GPIO32. 1 GPIO31_IN R - - The pin status of RI3#/GPIO31. 0 GPIO30_IN R - - The pin status of DCD3#/GPIO30. GPIO3 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index C3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO37 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO37 is open drain. 1: GPIO37 is push pull. 6 GPIO36_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO36 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO36 is open drain. 1: GPIO36 is push pull. 5 GPIO35_DRV_EN R/w LRESET# 0 GPIO35 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO35 is open drain. 1: GPIO35 is push pull. 4 GPIO34_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO34 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO34 is open drain. 1: GPIO34 is push pull. 3 GPIO33_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO33 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO33 is open drain. 1: GPIO33 is push pull. 0 GPIO32 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO32 is open drain. 1: GPIO32 is push pull. 2 GPIO32_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 1 GPIO31_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO31 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO31 is open drain. 1: GPIO31 is push pull. 0 GPIO30_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO30 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO30 is open drain. 1: GPIO30 is push pull. 7.7.8 Register 0x[HEX] GPIO4x Configuration Registers Default Value Register Name MSB LSB B0 GPIO4 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B1 GPIO4 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B2 GPIO4 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - B3 GPIO4 Driver Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 157 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO4 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index B0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO47 is input. 1: GPIO47 is output. 6 GPIO46_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO46 is input. 1: GPIO46 is output. 5 GPIO45_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO45 is input. 1: GPIO45 is output. 4 GPIO44_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO44 is input. 1: GPIO44 is output. 3 GPIO43_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO43 is input. 1: GPIO43 is output. 2 GPIO42_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO42 is input. 1: GPIO42 is output. 1 GPIO41_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO41 is input. 1: GPIO41 is output. 0 GPIO40_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO40 is input. 1: GPIO40 is output. GPIO4 Output Data Register ⎯ Index B1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 10 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO47 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO47 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO46_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO46 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO46 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO45_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO45 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO45 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO44_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO44 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO44 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO43_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO43 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO43 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO42_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO42 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO42 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO41_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO41 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO41 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO40_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO40 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO40 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO4 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index B2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 10 if GPIO_DEC_RANGE is set to “1”) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_ST R - - The pin status of SIN4/GPIO47. 6 GPIO46_ST R - - The pin status of SOUT4/GPIO46. 5 GPIO45_ST R - - The pin status of DSR4#/GPIO45. 158 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 GPIO44_ST R - - The pin status of RTS4#/GPIO44. 3 GPIO43_ST R - - The pin status of DTR4#/GPIO43. 2 GPIO42_ST R - - The pin status of CTS4#/GPIO42. 1 GPIO41_ST R - - The pin status of RI4#/GPIO41. 0 GPIO40_ST R - - The pin status of DCD4#/GPIO40. GPIO4 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index B3h Bit Name R/W 7 GPIO47_DRV_EN R/W Reset Default LRESET# Description 0 GPIO47 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO47 is open drain. 1: GPIO47 is push pull. 6 GPIO46_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO46 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO46 is open drain. 1: GPIO46 is push pull. 5 GPIO45_DRV_EN R/w LRESET# 0 GPIO45 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO45 is open drain. 1: GPIO45 is push pull. 4 GPIO44_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO44 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO44 is open drain. 1: GPIO44 is push pull. 3 GPIO43_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO43 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO43 is open drain. 1: GPIO43 is push pull. 2 GPIO42_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO42 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO42 is open drain. 1: GPIO42 is push pull. 1 GPIO41_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO41 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO41 is open drain. 1: GPIO41 is push pull. 0 GPIO40 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO40 is open drain. 1: GPIO40 is push pull. 0 GPIO40_DRV_EN 7.7.9 Register 0x[HEX] R/W LRESET# GPIO5x Configuration Registers Default Value Register Name MSB LSB A0 GPIO5 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A1 GPIO5 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A2 GPIO5 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - A3 GPIO5 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A8 GPIO5 SMI Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A9 GPIO5 SMI Status Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO5 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index A0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO57 is in input mode. 1: GPIO57 is in output mode. 6 GPIO56_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO56 is in input mode. 1: GPIO56 is in output mode. 5 GPIO55_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO55 is in input mode. 1: GPIO55 is in output mode. 4 GPIO54_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO54 is in input mode. 1: GPIO54 is in output mode. 3 GPIO53_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO53 is in input mode. 1: GPIO53 is in output mode. 2 GPIO52_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO52 is in input mode. 1: GPIO52 is in output mode. 1 GPIO51_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO51 is in input mode. 1: GPIO51 is in output mode. 0 GPIO50_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO50 is in input mode. 1: GPIO50 is in output mode. GPIO5 Output Data Register ⎯ Index A1h (This byte could be also written by base address + 5 ) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO57 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO57 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO56_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO56 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO56 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO55_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO55 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO55 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO54_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO54 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO54 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO53_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO53 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO53 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO52_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO52 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO52 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO51_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO51 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO51 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO50_DATA R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO50 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO50 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO5 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index A2h (This byte could be also read by base address + 5 ) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6#/T2EX. 6 GPIO56_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6#/T2. 5 GPIO55_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6#/P35. 4 GPIO54_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO54/DIR#/RI6#/P34. 3 GPIO53_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6#/P33. 160 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GPIO52_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6/P32. 1 GPIO51_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6/P31. 0 GPIO50_ST R - - The pin status of GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6#/P30. GPIO5 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index A3h Bit Name R/W 7 GPIO57_DRV_EN R/W Reset Default LRESET# Description 0 GPIO57 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO57 is open drain. 1: GPIO57 is push pull. 6 GPIO56_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO56 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO56 is open drain. 1: GPIO56 is push pull. 5 GPIO55_DRV_EN R/w LRESET# 0 GPIO55 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO55 is open drain. 1: GPIO55 is push pull. 4 GPIO54_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO54 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO54 is open drain. 1: GPIO54 is push pull. 0 GPIO53 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO53 is open drain. 1: GPIO53 is push pull. 3 GPIO53_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 2 GPIO52_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO52 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO52 is open drain. 1: GPIO52 is push pull. 1 GPIO51_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO51 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO51 is open drain. 1: GPIO51 is push pull. 0 GPIO50_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 GPIO50 Drive Enable. 0: GPIO50 is open drain. 1: GPIO50 is push pull. GPIO5 SMI Enable Register ⎯ Index A8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO57_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO56_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO56_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO55_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO55_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO54_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO54_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO53_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO53_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO52_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO52_SMI_ST is set. 161 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO51_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO51_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO50_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO50_SMI_ST is set. GPIO5 SMI Status Register ⎯ Index A9h Bit Name R/W 7 GPIO57_SMI_ST R/W Reset Default LRESET# Description 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO57 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO56_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO56 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO55_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO55 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 4 GPIO54_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO54 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO53_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO53 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO52_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO52 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO51_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO51 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO50 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO50_SMI_ST 7.7.10 Register 0x[HEX] R/W LRESET# GPIO6x Configuration Registers Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 90 GPIO6 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 GPIO6 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 92 GPIO6 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - 93 GPIO6 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO6 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index 90h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO67 is in input mode. 1: GPIO67 is in output mode. 6 GPIO66_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO66 is in input mode. 1: GPIO65 is in output mode. 5 GPIO65_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO65 is in input mode. 1: GPIO65 is in output mode. 4 GPIO64_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO64 is in input mode. 1: GPIO64 is in output mode. 3 GPIO63_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO63 is in input mode. 1: GPIO63 is in output mode. 2 GPIO62_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO62 is in input mode. 1: GPIO62 is in output mode. 1 GPIO61_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO61 is in input mode. 1: GPIO61 is in output mode. 0 GPIO60_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO60 is in input mode. 1: GPIO60 is in output mode. GPIO6 Output Data Register ⎯ Index 91h (This byte could be also written by base address + 4) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO67 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO67 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO66_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO66 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO66 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO65_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO65 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO65 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO64_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO64 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO64 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO63_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO63 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO63 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO62_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO62 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO62 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO61_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO61 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO61 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO60_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO60 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO60 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO6 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index 92h (This byte could be also read by base address + 4) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_IN R - - The pin status of S5#/GPIO67. 6 GPIO66_IN R - - The pin status of DPWROK/GPIO66. 5 GPIO65_IN R - - The pin status of PME#/GPIO65. 4 GPIO64_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO64/DSKCHG#/DSR5#. 3 GPIO63_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5#/PWM3. 163 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GPIO62_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5#/PWM2. 1 GPIO61_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5#/PWM1. 0 GPIO60_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5#/PWM0. GPIO6 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index 93h Bit Name R/W 7 GPIO67_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO67 is open drain in output mode. 1: Reserved. 6 GPIO66_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO66 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO66 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO65_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO65 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO65 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO64_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO64 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO64 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO63_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO63 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO63 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO62_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO62 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO62 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO61_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO61 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO61 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO60_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO60 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO60 is push pull in output mode. 7.7.11 Reset Default Description GPIO7x Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 80 GPIO7 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 GPIO7 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 GPIO7 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - 83 GPIO7 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO7 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index 80h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO77 is in input mode. 1: GPIO77 is in output mode. 6 GPIO76_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO76 is in input mode. 1: GPIO75 is in output mode. 5 GPIO75_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO75 is in input mode. 1: GPIO75 is in output mode. 4 GPIO74_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO74 is in input mode. 1: GPIO74 is in output mode. 3 GPIO73_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO73 is in input mode. 1: GPIO73 is in output mode. 164 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GPIO72_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO72 is in input mode. 1: GPIO72 is in output mode. 1 GPIO71_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO71 is in input mode. 1: GPIO71 is in output mode. 0 GPIO70_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO70 is in input mode. 1: GPIO70 is in output mode. GPIO7 Output Data Register ⎯ Index 81h (This byte could be also written by base address + 3) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO77 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO77 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO76_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO76 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO76 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO75_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO75 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO75 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO74_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO74 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO74 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO73_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO73 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO73 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO72_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO72 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO72 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO71_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO71 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO71 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO70_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO70 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO70 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO7 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index 82h (This byte could be also read by base address + 3) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO77/STB#. 6 GPIO76_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO76/AFD#. 5 GPIO75_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO75/ERR#. 4 GPIO74_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO74/INIT#. 3 GPIO73_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO73/SLIN#. 2 GPIO72_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO72/ACK#. 1 GPIO71_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO71/BUSY. 0 GPIO70_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO70/PE/FANCTRL3/PWM_DC3. GPIO7 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index 83h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO77 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO77 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO76_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO76 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO76 is push pull in output mode. 165 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 GPIO75_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO75 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO75 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO74_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO74 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO74 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO73_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO73 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO73 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO72_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO72 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO72 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO71_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO71 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO71 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO70_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO70 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO70 is push pull in output mode. 7.7.12 GPIO8x Configuration Registers Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 88 GPIO8 Output Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 GPIO8 Output Data Register 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8A GPIO8 Pin Status Register - - - - - - - - 8B GPIO8 Drive Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8E GPIO8 SMI Enable Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8F GPIO8 SMI Status Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPIO8 Output Enable Register ⎯ Index 88h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO87 is in input mode. 1: GPIO87 is in output mode. 6 GPIO86_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO86 is in input mode. 1: GPIO85 is in output mode. 5 GPIO85_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO85 is in input mode. 1: GPIO85 is in output mode. 4 GPIO84_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO84 is in input mode. 1: GPIO84 is in output mode. 3 GPIO83_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO83 is in input mode. 1: GPIO83 is in output mode. 2 GPIO82_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO82 is in input mode. 1: GPIO82 is in output mode. 1 GPIO81_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO81 is in input mode. 1: GPIO81 is in output mode. 0 GPIO80_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO80 is in input mode. 1: GPIO80 is in output mode. 166 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Output Data Register ⎯ Index 89h (This byte could be also written by base address + 2) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO87 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO87 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO86_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO86 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO86 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO85_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO85 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO85 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO84_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO84 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO84 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO83_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO83 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO83 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO82_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO82 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO82 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO81_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO81 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO81 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO80_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO80 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO80 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO8 Pin Status Register ⎯ Index 8Ah (This byte could be also read by base address + 2) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO87/PD7. 6 GPIO86_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO86/PD6. 5 GPIO85_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO85/PD5. 4 GPIO84_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO84/PD4. 3 GPIO83_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO83/PD3. 2 GPIO82_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO82/PD2. 1 GPIO81_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO81/PD1. 0 GPIO80_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO80/PD0. GPIO8 Drive Enable Register ⎯ Index 8Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO87 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO87 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO86_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO86 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO86 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO85_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO85 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO85 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO84_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO84 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO84 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO83_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO83 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO83 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO82_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO82 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO82 is push pull in output mode. 167 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO81_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO81 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO81 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO80_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO80 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO80 is push pull in output mode. GPIO8 SMI Enable Register ⎯ Index 8Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO87_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO86_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO86_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO85_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO85_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO84_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO84_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO83_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO83_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO82_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO82_SMI_ST is set. 1 GPIO81_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO81_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO80_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO80_SMI_ST is set. GPIO8 SMI Status Register ⎯ Index 8Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO87 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO86_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO86 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO85_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO85 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 4 GPIO84_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO84 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO83_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO83 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO82_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO82 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 168 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO81_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO81 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO80_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO80 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 7.8 Register 0x[HEX] GPIO8x Scan Code Registers Default Value Register Name MSB LSB D8 GPIO8 Make Code 0 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D9 GPIO8 Make Code 1 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DA GPIO8 Make Code 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DB GPIO8 Make Code 3 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DC GPIO8 Make Code 4 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DD GPIO8 Make Code 5 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DE GPIO8 Make Code 6 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DF GPIO8 Make Code 7 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C8 GPIO8 Pre Code 0 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 C9 GPIO8 Pre Code 1 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CA GPIO8 Pre Code 2 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CB GPIO8 Pre Code 3 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CC GPIO8 Pre Code 4 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CD GPIO8 Pre Code 5 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CE GPIO8 Pre Code 6 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 CF GPIO8 Pre Code 7 Register 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 B8 GPIO8 Scan Code 0 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B9 GPIO8 Scan Code 1 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BA GPIO8 Scan Code 2 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BB GPIO8 Scan Code 3 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BC GPIO8 Scan Code 4 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BD GPIO8 Scan Code 5 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BE GPIO8 Scan Code 6 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BF GPIO8 Scan Code 7 Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved for Fintek. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AE GPIO8 Function Select 1 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AF GPIO8 Function Select 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AC-AD 169 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Make Code 0 Register ⎯ Index D8h Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE0 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO80. GPIO8 Make Code 1 Register ⎯ Index D9h Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE1 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μCThe source of event is GPIO81. GPIO8 Make Code 2 Register ⎯ Index DAh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC The source of event is GPIO82. GPI8O Make Code 3 Register ⎯ Index DBh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO83. GPIO8 Make Code 4 Register ⎯ Index DCh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE4 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO84. GPIO8 Make Code 5 Register ⎯ Index DDh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE5 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO85. GPIO Make Code 6 Register ⎯ Index DEh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE6 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO86. 170 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Make Code 7 Register ⎯ Index DFh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE7 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert the make code when the scan code event 0 is occurred. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into the KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO87. GPIO8 Pre-Code 0 Register ⎯ Index C8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE0 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 1 Register ⎯ Index C9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE1 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 2 Register ⎯ Index CAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE2 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 3 Register ⎯ Index CBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE3 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 4 Register ⎯ Index CCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE4 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 5 Register ⎯ Index CDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE5 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 6 Register ⎯ Index CEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE6 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 7 Register ⎯ Index CFh Bit 7-0 Name GP_PRE_CODE7 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert the pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. 171 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Scan Code 0 Control Register ⎯ Index B8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP0_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when the scan code event is occurred. 6 GP0_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when the scan code event is occurred. 5 GP0_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when the scan code event is occurred. 4 GP0_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event is occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP0_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP0_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 1 Control Register ⎯ Index B9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP1_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP1_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP1_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP1_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP1_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP1_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 2 Control Register ⎯ Index BAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GP2_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. Description 6 GP2_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP2_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP2_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP2_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP2_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 3 Control Register ⎯ Index BBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP3_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP3_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP3_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 172 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 GP3_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP3_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP3_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 4 Control Register ⎯ Index BCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP4_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP4_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP4_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP4_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP4_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP4_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 5 Control Register ⎯ Index BDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP5_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP5_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP5_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP5_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP5_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP5_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 6 Control Register ⎯ Index BEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP6_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP6_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP6_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP6_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP6_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP6_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 173 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Scan Code 7 Control Register ⎯ Index BFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP7_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurred. 6 GP7_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurred. 5 GP7_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurred. 4 GP7_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurred. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP7_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP7_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeating the make code could be user defined. μC read this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Function Select 1 Register ⎯ Index AEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 GPIO83_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO83 is. 5-4 GPIO82_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO82 is. 3-2 GPIO81_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO81 is. 1-0 GPIO80_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO80 is. GPIO8 Function Select 2 Register ⎯ Index AFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 GPIO87_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO87 is. 5-4 GPIO86_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO86 is. 3-2 GPIO85_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO85 is. 1-0 GPIO84_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO84 is. Remark: GPIO also provides index/data port to access the whole GPIO registers. The index port is base address + 0 and data port is base address + 1. The index for each register is the same as the one for configuration register. For example, to write GPIO0 output enable register 0xAA, below is the procedure: 1. Write index port 0xF0. 2. Write data port 0xAA. 174 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.9 WDT Registers (CR07) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 WDT Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Base Address Low Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F5 WDT Control Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 WDT Timer Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FA WDT PME Enable Register 0 0 0 - - - 0 1 WDT Device Base Address Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - 0 Reserved 0 WDT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable WDT base address. 1: enable WDT base address. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W 5VSB 00h Description The MSB of WDT base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W 5VSB 00h Description The LSB of WDT base address. Watchdog Control Configuration Register 1 ⎯ Index F5h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved R - 0 6 WDTMOUT_STS R/W 5VSB 0 5 WD_EN R/W 5VSB 0 If watchdog timeout event occurred, this bit will be set to 1. Write a 1 to this bit will clear it to 0. If this bit is set to 1, the counting of watchdog time is enabled. 4 WD_PULSE R/W 5VSB 0 Select output mode (0: level, 1: pulse) of RSTOUT# by setting this bit. 3 WD_UNIT R/W 5VSB 0 Select time unit (0: 1sec, 1: 60 sec) of watchdog timer by setting this bit. 2 WD_HACTIVE R/W 5VSB 0 1-0 WD_PSWIDTH R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved Select output polarity of RSTOUT# (1: high active, 0: low active) by setting this bit. Select output pulse width of RSTOUT# 0: 1 ms 1: 25 ms 2: 125 ms 3: 5 sec Watchdog Timer Configuration Register 2 ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WD_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 Description Time of watchdog timer (0~255) 175 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Watchdog PME Enable Configuration Register 2 ⎯ Index FAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 WDT_PME R 5VSB 0 6 WDT_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5 Reserved R - 0 4 WDT_CLK_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 3-1 Reserved R - 0 0 WDOUT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description 0: No WDT PME occurred. 1: WDT PME occurred. The WDT PME is occurred one unit before WDT timeout. 0: Disable Watchdog PME. 1: enable Watchdog PME. Reserved WDT Clock Source Select 0: Internal 1KHz clock. 1: 1KHZ clock driven by CLKIN. Reserved 0: disable Watchdog time out output via WDTRST#. 1: enable Watchdog time out output via WDTRST#. 7.10 PME, ACPI and EUP Registers (LDN 0x0A) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 PME Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 F0 PME Event Enable 1 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F1 PME Event Status 1 Register - - - - - - - - F2 PME Event Enable 2 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F3 PME Event Status 2 Register - - - - - - - - F4 ACPI Control Register 1 - - 0 0 0 1 1 1 F5 ACPI Control Register 2 - 0 0 1 1 1 - - F6 ACPI Control Register 3 0 - - 0 0 - - - F8 LED Control Register 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9 LED Control Register 2 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 FA LED Control Register 3 - - - - 0 1 1 1 FC DSW Delay Register - - - - - - 0 0 FE RI De-bounce Select Register 0 0- - - - - 0 0 E0 ERP Enable Register - - 0 0 1 1 0 0 E1 ERP Control Register 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - E2 ERP Control Register 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E3 ERP PWSIN De-bounce Register 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 E4 ERP RSMRST De-bounce Register 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 E5 ERP PWSOUT Pulse Register 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 E6 ERP PSON De-bounce Register 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 E7 ERP Deep S5 Delay Register 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 E8 ERP Wakeup Enable Register 0 - 0 1 0 0 0 0 176 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 E9 ERP Deep S3 Delay Register 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 EC ERP Mode Select Register 0 0 0 1 0 1 - - ED ERP WDT Control Register - - - - - - 0 0 EE ERP WDT Time Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PME Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W 7-1 Reserved - 0 PME_EN R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description - Reserved 0 PME global enable register. 0: disable PME. 1: enable PME. PME Event Enable 1 Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - Reset Default - Description - Reserved 6 WDT_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 WDT PME event enable. 0: disable WDT PME event. 1: enable WDT PME event. 5 GP_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO PME event enable. 0: disable GPIO PME event. 1: enable GPIO PME event. 4 MO_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Mouse PME event enable. 0: disable mouse PME event. 1: enable mouse PME event. 3 KB_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Keyboard PME event enable. 0: disable keyboard PME event. 1: enable keyboard PME event. 2 HM_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Hardware monitor PME event enable. 0: disable hardware monitor PME event. 1: enable hardware monitor PME event. 1 PRT_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Parallel port PME event enable. 0: disable parallel port PME event. 1: enable parallel port PME event. 0 FDC PME event enable. 0: disable FDC PME event. 1: enable FDC PME event. 0 FDC_PME_EN R/W 5VSB PME Event Status 1 Register ⎯ Index F1h Bit 7 Name ERP_PME_ST R/W Reset Default R/WC 5VSB - Description ERP PME event status. 0: ERP has no PME event. 1: ERP has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. 177 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6 5 4 3 WDT_PME_ST GP_PME_ST MO_PME_ST KB_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB R/WC 5VSB R/WC 5VSB R/WC 5VSB - WDT PME event status. 0: WDT has no PME event. 1: WDT has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. - GPIO PME event status. 0: GPIO has no PME event. 1: GPIO has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. - Mouse PME event status. 0: Mouse has no PME event. 1: Mouse has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. - Keyboard PME event status. 0: Keyboard has no PME event. 1: Keyboard has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. Hardware monitors PME event status. 2 1 0 HM_PME_ST PRT_PME_ST FDC_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB R/WC 5VSB R/WC 5VSB - 0: Hardware monitor has no PME event. 1: Hardware monitor has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. - Parallel port PME event status. 0: Parallel port has no PME event. 1: Parallel port has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. - FDC PME event status. 0: FDC has no PME event. 1: FDC has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. PME Event Enable 2 Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description RI2# PME event enable. 7 RI2_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable RI2# PME event. 1: enable RI2# PME event. RI1# PME event enable. 6 RI1_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable RI1# PME event. 1: enable RI1# PME event. UART 6 PME event enable. 5 UART6_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 6 PME event. 1: enable UART 6 PME event. UART 5 PME event enable. 4 UART5_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 5 PME event. 1: enable UART 5 PME event. 178 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 UART 4 PME event enable. 3 UART4_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 4 PME event. 1: enable UART 4 PME event. UART 3 PME event enable. 2 UART3_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 3 PME event. 1: enable UART 3 PME event. UART 2 PME event enable. 1 UART2_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 2 PME event. 1: enable UART 2 PME event. UART 1 PME event enable. 0 UART1_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable UART 1 PME event. 1: enable UART 1 PME event. PME Event Status 2 Register ⎯ Index F3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description RI2# PME event status. 7 RI2_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: RI2# has no PME event. 1: RI2# has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. RI1# PME event status. 6 RI1_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: RI1# has no PME event. 1: RI1# has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. UART 6 PME event status. 5 UART6_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: UART 6 has no PME event. 1: UART 6 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. UART 5 PME event status. 4 UART5_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: UART 5 has no PME event. 1: UART 5 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. UART 4 PME event status. 3 UART4_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: UART 4 has no PME event. 1: UART 4 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. 179 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 UART 3 PME event status. 2 UART3_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB 0: UART 3 has no PME event. - 1: UART 3 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. UART 2 PME event status. 1 UART2_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB 0: UART 2 has no PME event. - 1: UART 2 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. UART 1 PME event status. 0 UART1_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB 0: UART 1 has no PME event. - 1: UART 1 has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. ACPI Control Register 1 ⎯ Index F4h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 Reserved - - - Reserved. 5 EN_GPWAKEUP R/W VBAT 0 Set one to enable GPIO SMI event asserted via PWSOUT#. 4 EN_KBWAKEUP R/W VBAT 0 Set one to enable keyboard wakeup event asserted via PWSOUT#. 3 EN_MOWAKEUP R/W VBAT 0 Set one to enable mouse wakeup event asserted via PWSOUT#. 2-1 PWRCTRL R/W VBAT 11 The ACPI Control the PSON_N to always on or always off or keep last state 00 : keep last state 10 : Always on 01 : Bypass mode. 11: Always off 0 VSB_PWR_LOSS R/W 5VSB 1 When 5VSB power lose, it will set to 1, and write 1 to clear it ACPI Control Register 2 ⎯ Index F5h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - 6-5 PWROK_DELAY R/W Reset Default - 5VSB Description - Reserved. 0 The additional PWROK delay. 00: no delay (default) 01: 100ms. 10: 200ms 11: 400ms. The PWROK delay timing from VDD3VOK by followed setting 00 : 100ms 01 : 200ms 10 : 300ms 11 : 400ms (default) 4-3 VDD_DELAY R/W 5VSB 11 2 VINDB_EN R/W 5VSB 1 Enable the ATXPG de-bounce. (10us) 1-0 Reserved - - - Reserved. 180 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ACPI Control Register 3 ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 S3_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Select the KBC S3 condition source. 0: Enter S3 state when internal VDD3VOK signal de-asserted. 1: Enter S3 state when S3# is low or the TS3 register is set to 1. 6-5 Reserved - 5VSB - Reserved. 4 PSON_DEL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: PSON# is the inverted of S3# signal. 1: PSON# will sink low only if the time after the last turn-off elapse at least 4 seconds. 3 WDT_PWROK_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to this bit will enable WDT timeout event asset from PWROK pin. 2-0 Reserved - - Reserved. LED Control Register 1 ⎯ Index F8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 LED_VCC_INV_DIS R/W VBAT 0 0: LED_VCC clock output is inverted. 1: LED_VCC clock output is not inverted. 6 LED_VCC_DS3 R/W VBAT 0 0: Disable LED_VCC deep S3 mode. 1: Enable LED_VCC deep S3 mode. Output 75% duty 0.25HZ clock. 00 The three bits {LED_VCC_S5_MODE_ADD, LED_VCC_S5_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VCC mode in S5 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO11_DRV_EN. 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* *When LED_VCC_INV_DIS is set to “1” the duty is 25%, otherwise, the duty is 75%. 5-4 LED_VCC_S5_MODE R/W 3-2 LED_VCC_S3_MODE R/W VBAT VBAT 00 Description The three bits {LED_VCC_S3_MODE_ADD, LED_VCC_S3_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VCC mode in S3 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO11_DRV_EN. 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* *When LED_VCC_INV_DIS is set to “1” the duty is 25%, otherwise, the duty is 75%. 181 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 The three bits {LED_VCC_S0_MODE_ADD, LED_VCC_S0_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VCC mode in S0 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO11_DRV_EN. 1-0 LED_VCC_S0_MODE R/W VBAT 00 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* *When LED_VCC_INV_DIS is set to “1” the duty is 25%, otherwise, the duty is 75%. LED Control Register 2 ⎯ Index F9h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - Reset Default Description - - Reserved 6 LED_VSB_S5_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VSB_S5_MODE. 5 LED_VSB_S3_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VSB_S3_MODE. 4 LED_VSB_S0_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VSB_S0_MODE. - - Reserved 3 Reserved - 2 LED_VCC_S5_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VCC_S5_MODE. 1 LED_VCC_S3_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VCC_S3_MODE. 0 LED_VCC_S0_MODE_ADD R/W VBAT 0 Refer to LED_VCC_S0_MODE. LED Control Register 3 ⎯ Index FAh Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - - - Reserved 6 LED_VSB_DS3 R/W VBAT 0 0: Disable LED_VSB deep S3 mode. 1: Enable LED_VSB deep S3 mode. Output 0.25HZ clock with 25% duty. 00 The three bits {LED_VSB_S5_MODE_ADD, LED_VSB_S5_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VSB mode in S5 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO10_DRV_EN. 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* 5-4 LED_VSB_S5_MODE R/W Reset Default VBAT Description 182 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3-2 LED_VSB_S3_MODE R/W 1-0 LED_VSB_S0_MODE R/W VBAT VBAT 00 The three bits {LED_VSB_S3_MODE_ADD, LED_VSB_S3_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VSB mode in S3 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO10_DRV_EN. 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* 00 The three bits {LED_VSB_S0_MODE_ADD, LED_VSB_S0_MODE [1:0]} select the LED_VSB mode in S0 state. 000: Sink low. 001: Tri-state or drive high control by GPIO10_DRV_EN. 010: 0.5Hz clock with 50% duty. 011: 1Hz clock with 50% duty. 100: 0.125Hz clock with 50% duty. 101: 0.25Hz clock with 50% duty. 110: 0.125Hz clock with 25% duty.* 111: 0.25Hz clock with 25% duty.* DSW Delay Register ⎯ Index FCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description EC to Host PME event status. 7 E2H_PME_ST R/WC - - 0: EC to Host has no PME event. 1: EC to Host has a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. CIR wakeup PME event status. 6 CIR_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - 0: CIR wakeup has no PME event. 1: CIR wakeup a PME event to assert. Write 1 to clear to be ready for next PME event. EC to Host PME event enable. 5 E2H_PME_EN R/WC - - 0: Disable EC to Host PME event. 1: Enable EC to Host PME event. CIR event enable. 4 CIR_PME_EN R/WC 5VSB - 0: Disable CIR PME event. 1: Enable CIR PME event. 3-0 DSW_DELAY R/W 5VSB 7 This is the delay time between SUS_WARN# and SUS_ACK#. The unit is 0.5 sec. Default time is 3.5s ~ 4s. The default could be trimmed to 0s ~ 0.5s. 183 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RI De-bounce Select Register ⎯ Index FEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-2 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 Select RI# de-bounce time. 00: reserved. 01: 200us. 10: 2ms. 11: 20ms. 1-0 RI_DB_SEL R/W 5VSB Description ERP Enable Register ⎯ Index E0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 ERP_EN R/W VBAT 0 0 : disable ERP function 1: enable ERP function 6 S3_BACK R/W VBAT 0 This bit will set “1” when system is back from S3 state. 5-2 Reserved - - - Reserved 1 RING_PME_EN R/W VBAT 0 RING1 PME event enable. 0: disable RING1 PME event. 1: enable RING1 PME event, when RING1 falling edge detect 0 RING_PWSOUT_EN R/W VBAT 0 RING1 PWSOUT event enable. 0: disable RING1 PWSOUT event. 1: enable RING1 PWSOUT event, when RING1 falling edge detect Description ERP Control Register 1 ⎯ Index E1h Bit Name R/W 7-6 Reserved - - - Reserved 5 S3_ ERP_CTRL1#_DIS R/W VBAT 0 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL1# will output Low when S3 state. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL1# will output High when S3 state. 4 S3 _ ERP_CTRL0#_DIS R/W VBAT 0 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL0# will output Low when S3 state. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL0# will output High when S3 state. 3 S5 _ ERP_CTRL1#_DIS R/W VBAT 1 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL1# will output Low when S5 state. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL1# will output High when S5 state. 2 S5 _ ERP_CTRL0#_DIS R/W VBAT 1 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL0# will output Low when S5 state. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL0# will output High when S5 state. 1 AC_ ERP_CTRL1#_DIS R/W VBAT 0 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL1# will output Low when after AC lost. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL1# will output High when after AC lost. 0 AC_ ERP_CTRL0#_DIS R/W VBAT 0 If clear to “0” ERP_CTRL0# will output Low when after AC lost. Else If set to “1” ERP_CTRL0# will output High when after AC lost. Reset Default Description ERP Control Register 2 ⎯ Index E2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 AC_LOST R 5VSB 1 This bit is AC lost status and writes 1 to this bit will clear it. 6 Reserved R/W VBAT 0 Reserved 184 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 VSB_CTRL_EN[1] R/W VBAT 1’b0 0: Disable ERP_CTRL1# assert RSMRST low 1: Enable ERP_CTRL1# assert RSMRST low 4 VSB_CTRL_EN[0] R/W VBAT 1’b0 0: Disable ERP_CTRL0# assert RSMRST low 1: Enable ERP_CTRL0# assert RSMRST low 3-2 Reserved R/W VBAT 0 Reserved 1 RSMRST_DET_5V_N R/W VBAT 0 Device detects 5VSB power ok (4.4V) and VSB3V_IN become high, and after ~50ms de-bounce time RSMRST will become high. But when user set this bit to 1. RSMRST will not check 5VSB power ok. 0 Reserved R - - Reserved ERP PWSIN De-bounce Register ⎯ Index E3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PWSIN_DEB_TIME R/W VBAT 13h Description PWSIN# pin input de-bounce time. The unit is 1ms, default is 20ms. ERP RSMRST De-bounce Register ⎯ Index E4h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 RSMRST_DEB_TIME R/W VBAT 9h Description RSMRST internal de-bounce time. The unit is 1ms and default is 10ms. ERP PWSOUT Pulse Width Register ⎯ Index E5h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PWSOUT_PW R/W VBAT C7h Description PWSOUT output pulse width. The unit is 1ms and default is 200ms. ERP PWSIN De-bounce Register ⎯ Index E6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PSON_DEB_TIME R/W VBAT 13h Description PSON# pin input de-bounce time. The unit is 1ms, default is 10ms. ERP Deep S5 Delay Register ⎯ Index E7h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DS5_DELAY_TIME R/W VBAT 63h Description The delay time from S5 state to deep S5 state. The unit is 64ms and default is 6.4 sec. ERP Wakeup Enable Register ⎯ Index E8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 RI2_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable RI2# event to wakeup system. 6 Reserved - - - Reserved 5 RI1_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable RI1# event to wakeup system. 4 Reserved R/W VBAT 0 Reserved 3 GP_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable GPIO event to wakeup system. 2 TMOUT_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable Timeout event to wakeup system. 1 MO_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable Mouse event to wakeup system. 0 KB_WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set this bit to enable Keyboard event to wakeup system. Description 185 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 ERP Deep S3 Delay Register ⎯ Index E9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DS3_DELAY_TIME R/W VBAT Fh Description The delay time from S3 state to deep S3 state. The unit is 64ms and default is 1.024 sec. ERP Mode Select Register ⎯ Index ECh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 ERP_MODE R/W VBAT 0 00: Fintek G3’ mode. 01: Intel DSW + Fintek G3` mode. 10: Reserved. 11: Intel DSW mode. 5 DPWROK_CTRL_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable DPWROK reset by ERP_CTRL1#. 4 SOFT_START_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: disable ERP soft start. 1: enable ERP soft start. The soft start rate. 00: 5ms. 01: 10ms. 10: 27ms. 11: 54ms. 3-2 SOFT_START_RATE R/W VBAT 1h 1-0 Reserved - - - Reserved ERP WDT Control Register ⎯ Index EDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 ERP_WD_TIME[11:10] R/W VBAT - 7-5 Reserved R - - Reserved 4 ERP_WDTMOUT_STATUS R VBAT - Watchdog timeout status. 3-2 ERP_WD_TIME[9:8] R/W VBAT - Reserved 1 WD_UNIT R/W VBAT 0 ERP WDT unit. It is the time unit of ERP_WD_TIME. 0: 1sec. 1: 60 sec. 0 WD_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable ERP WDT. Auto clear if timeout occurred. Description Time of ERP watchdog timer. Write index EEh will load watchdog time. ERP WDT Time Register ⎯ Index EEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 ERP_WD_TIME R/W VBAT 0 Description Time of ERP watchdog timer. 186 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.11 RTC RAM Registers (LDN 0x0B) Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 RTC RAM Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 61 Base Address Low Register 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 RTC RAM Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 RTC_RAM_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: disable RTC RAM. 1: enable RTC RAM. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W VBAT 02h Description The MSB of RTC RAM base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit 7-0 Name R/W BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default VBAT 95h Description The LSB of RTC RAM base address. The RTC RAM is accessed by index/data port. The index port is {BASE_ADDR_HI, BASE_ADDR_LO[7:1],1’b0} and the data port is {BASE_ADDR_HI, BASE_ADDR_LO[7:1], 1’b1}. Write the index first to select the RAM address and then read/write data port to access the context of RAM. 7.12 H2E Configuration Registers (LDN 0x0E) Register 0x[HEX] 30 60 61 70 Default Value Register Name MSB H2E I/O Enable Register Base Address High Register Base Address Low Register H2E IRQ Channel Select Register 0 0 - 0 0 - LSB 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FDC Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 H2E_EN R/W 5VSB 1 0: disable H2E. 1: enable H2E. 187 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W 5VSB 00h Description The MSB of H2E base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W 5VSB 00h Description The LSB of H2E base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELH2EIRQ R/W 5VSB 00h 7.13 Reset Default Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for H2E. Debug Port Host Side Registers (LDN 0x0F) Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Debug Port I/O Port Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Base Address Low Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debug Port I/O Port Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 DBPORT_IO_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: disable Debug Port I/O port. 1: enable Debug Port I/O port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W 5VSB 00h Description The MSB of Debug Port base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W 5VSB 00h Description The LSB of Debug Port base address. Debug Port Read Data Register ⎯ Offset + 0x00 Bit Name R/W 7-0 DBPORT_DATA R Reset Default 5VSB 00h Description The reading of μC side register from the debug port. Debug Port Control Register ⎯ Offset + 0x01 Bit Name R/W 7 BRK_PRT_TRIG R Reset Default - 0 Description Status of breakpoint trigger. 188 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6-1 0 Reserved - DBPORT_EN 5VSB R/W 5VSB - Reserved 0 Set “!” to enable debug port. Debug port register could be accessed by set address to 0x3200 + offset. To access the μC side register including SFR and RAM data. Entry key should be entered via the debug port μC side register. Debug Port Control Register ⎯ Offset + 0x01 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 BRK_PRT_TRIG R 5VSB 0 Status of breakpoint trigger. 6-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 DBPORT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “!” to enable debug port. Debug port register could be accessed by set address to 0x3200 + offset. To access the μC side register including SFR and RAM data. Entry key should be entered via debug port μC side register. Debug Port Address Low Byte Register ⎯ Offset + 0x04 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DBPORT_L_ADDR R/W 5VSB 0 Description Address low byte for μC side register address. Debug Port Address High Byte Register ⎯ Offset + 0x05 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DBPORT_H_ADDR R/W 5VSB 0 Description Address high byte for μC side register address. 7.14 UART1 Registers (CR10) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 61 Base Address Low Register 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 1 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F2 Clock Select Register - - - - - - 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 1 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART 1_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable UART 1 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 1 I/O Port. 189 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 03h Description The MSB of UART 1 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# F8h Description The LSB of UART 1 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUR1IRQ R/W LRESET# 4h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 1. IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 9BIT_MODE R/W Reset Default LRESET# Description 0 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 6 AUTO_ADDR R/W LRESET# 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 5 RS485_INV R/W LREST# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART1 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with the other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with the other device. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART1_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# Description - Reserved. 0 Select the clock source for UART1. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 190 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 1. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 2. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7-0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 3. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 4. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LREST# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART1 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LREST# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 191 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 Reserved 1-0 - FIFO_MODE R/W - - LRESET# 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 7.15 UART2 Registers (CR11) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 61 Base Address Low Register 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register - - - - 0 0 1 1 F2 Clock Select Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register - - - - - - 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 2 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART2_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable UART 2 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 2 I/O Port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 02h Description The MSB of UART 2 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-1 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# F8h Description The LSB of UART 2 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUR12RQ R/W LRESET# 3h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 2. 192 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 9BIT_MODE R/W Reset Default LRESET# Description 0 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 6 AUTO_ADDR R/W LRESET# 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 5 RS485_INV R/W LRESET# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART2 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with the other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with the other device. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART2_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# - 00b Description Reserved. Select the clock source for UART2. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 5. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 6. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 193 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7:0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 7. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 8. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LRESET# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART2 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 2 1-0 Reserved FIFO_MODE - R/W LRESET# LREST# - 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 194 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.16 UART3 Registers (CR12) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 61 Base Address Low Register 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register - - - - 0 0 1 1 F2 Clock Select Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register - - - - - - 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 3 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART3_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable UART 3 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 3 I/O Port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 03h Description The MSB of UART 3 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# E8h Description The LSB of UART 3 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUART3IRQ R/W LRESET# 3h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 3. IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 9BIT_MODE R/W 6 AUTO_ADDR R/W Reset Default LRESET# LRESET# Description 0 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 195 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 RS485_INV R/W LRESET# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART3 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with other device. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART3_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# - 00b Description Reserved. Select the clock source for UART3. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 9. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 10. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 196 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7:0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 11. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 12. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LRESET# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART3 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 2 1-0 Reserved FIFO_MODE - R/W - LRESET# - 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 197 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.17 UART4 Registers (CR13) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 1 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 61 Base Address Low Register 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 1 1 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F2 Clock Select Register - - - - - - 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 4 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART4_EN R/W LRESET# 1 0: disable UART 4 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 4 I/O Port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 03h Description The MSB of UART 4 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# E8h Description The LSB of UART 4 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUART4IRQ R/W LRESET# 3h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 4. IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit 7 6 Name 9BIT_MODE AUTO_ADDR R/W R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# LRESET# Description 0 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 198 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 RS485_INV R/W LRESET# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3-2 Reserved - LRESET# - Reserved. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART4 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with other device. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART4_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# - 00b Description Reserved. Select the clock source for UART4. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 13. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 14. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 199 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7:0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default Description 00h This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 15. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 16. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b LRESET# FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LRESET# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART4 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 2 1-0 Reserved FIFO_MODE - R/W - LRESET# - 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 200 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.18 UART5 Registers (CR14) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Base Address Low Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 1 1 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F2 Clock Select Register 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register - - - - - - 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 5 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART5_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: disable UART 5 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 5 I/O Port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The MSB of UART 5 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The LSB of UART 5 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUART5IRQ R/W LRESET# 3h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 5. IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 9BIT_MODE R/W Reset Default LRESET# 0 Description 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 201 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6 AUTO_ADDR R/W LRESET# 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 5 RS485_INV R/W LRESET# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3-2 Reserved - LRESET# - Reserved. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART5 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with other device. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART5_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# - 00b Description Reserved. Select the clock source for UART5. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 17. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 18. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 202 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7:0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 19. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 20. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LRESET# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART5 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 2 1-0 Reserved FIFO_MODE - R/W - LRESET# - 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 203 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.19 UART6 Registers (CR15) “-“ Reserved or Tri-State Register 0x[HEX] Default Value Register Name MSB LSB 30 Device Enable Register - - - - - - - 0 60 Base Address High Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Base Address Low Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 IRQ Channel Select Register - - - - 0 0 1 1 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F1 IR Mode Register - - - 0 0 1 0 0 F2 Clock Select Register - - - 0 0 0 0 0 F4 9bit-mode Slave Address Register - - - - - - 0 0 F5 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F0 IRQ Share Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F6 FIFO Mode Register 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 UART 6 Device Enable Register ⎯ Index 30h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-1 Reserved - - - Reserved 0 UART6_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: disable UART 6 I/O Port. 1: enable UART 6 I/O Port. Base Address High Register ⎯ Index 60h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_HI R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The MSB of UART 6 base address. Base Address Low Register ⎯ Index 61h Bit Name R/W 7-0 BASE_ADDR_LO R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description The LSB of UART 6 base address. IRQ Channel Select Register ⎯ Index 70h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3-0 SELUART6IRQ R/W LRESET# 3h Description Reserved. Select the IRQ channel for UART 6. IRQ Share Register ⎯ Index F0h Bit Name R/W 7 9BIT_MODE R/W Reset Default LRESET# 0 Description 0: normal UART function 1: enable 9-bit mode (multi-drop mode). In the 9-bit mode, the parity bit becomes the address/data bit. 204 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 6 AUTO_ADDR R/W LRESET# 0 This bit works only in 9-bit mode. 0: the SM2 bit will be cleared by host, so that data could be received. 1: the SM2 bit will be cleared by hardware according to the sent address and the given address (or broadcast address derived by SADDR and SADEN) 5 RS485_INV R/W LRESET# 0 Invert RTS# if RS485_EN is set. 4 RS485_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: RS232 driver. 1: RS485 driver. RTS# is driven high automatically when transmitting data, otherwise is kept low. 3 RXW4C_IR R/W LRESET# 0 0 : No reception delay when SIR is changed from TX to RX. 1 : Reception delay 4 character-time when SIR is changed from TX to RX. 2 TXW4C_IR R/W LRESET# 0 0 : No transmission delay when SIR is changed from RX to TX. 1 : Transmission delay 4 character-time when SIR is changed from RX to TX. IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART5 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 1 IRQ_MODE0 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 0 IRQ_SHARE R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRQ is not sharing with other device. 1 : IRQ is sharing with other device. IR Mode Select Register ⎯ Index F1h Bit Name R/W 7-5 Reserved - 4-3 IRMODE1 IRMODE0 R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00b Description Reserved. Return 010b when read. 0X: Disable IR1 function. 10 : Enable IR1 function, active pulse is 1.6uS. 11 : Enable IR1 function, active pulse is 3/16 bit time. 2 HDUPLX R/W LRESET# 1 0 : Full Duplex function for IR self test. 1 : Half Duplex function. Return 1 when read. 1 TXINV_IR R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRTX is not inversed. 1 : Inverse the IRTX. 0 RXINV_IR R/W LRESET# 0 0 : IRRX is not inversed. 1 : Inverse the IRRX. Clock Register ⎯ Index F2h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 UART6_CLK_SEL R/W Reset Default - LRESET# - 00b Description Reserved. Select the clock source for UART6. 00: 1.8432MHz. 01: 18.432MHz. 10: 24MHz. 11: 14.769MHz. 205 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9bit-mode Slave Address Register ⎯ Index F4h Bit 7-0 Name SADDR R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADEN will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 21. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 22. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b 9bit-mode Slave Address Mask Register ⎯ Index F5h Bit 7:0 Name SADEN R/W R/W Reset Default LRESET# 00h Description This byte accompanying with SADDR will determine the given address and broadcast address in 9-bit mode. The UART will response to both given and broadcast address. Following description determines the given address and broadcast address: 23. given address: If bit n of SADEN is “0”, then the corresponding bit of SADDR is don’t care. 24. broadcast address: If bit n of ORed SADDR and SADEN is “0”, don’t care that bit. The remaining bit which is “1” is compared to the received address. Ex. SADDR 0101_1100b SADEN 1111_1001b Given Address 0101_1xx0b Broadcast Address 1111_11x1b FIFO Select Register ⎯ Index F6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 TX_DEL_1BIT R/W LRESET# 0 6 TX_INT_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 5-4 RXFTHR_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 Description 0: TX will start transmit immediately after writing THR. 1: TX will delay 1 bit time to transmit after writing THR. 0: TX will assert interrupt when THR is empty. 1: TX will assert interrupt when THR and shift register is empty. The RX FIFO threshold select. 00: FIFO threshold is set by RXFTHR. 01: FIFO threshold will be 2X of RXFTHR. 10: FIFO threshold will be 4X of RXFTHR. 11: FIFO threshold will be 8X of RXFTHR. 206 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 IRQ_MODE1 and IRQ_MODE0 will select the UART5 interrupt mode if IRQ sharing is enabled. 00 : Sharing IRQ active low Level mode. 3 IRQ_MODE1 R/W LRESET# 0 01 : Sharing IRQ active high edge mode. 10 : Sharing IRQ active high Level mode. 11 : Reserved. This bit is effective at IRQ is sharing with the other device (IRQ_SHARE, bit 1). 2 1-0 Reserved FIFO_MODE - - R/W LRESET# - 00h Reserved. Select the FIFO depth. 00: 16-byte FIFO. 01: 32-byte FIFO. 10: 64-byte FIFO. 11: 128-byte FIFO. 7.20 μC Side Registers The μC side registers are basically accessed by μC with the MOVX instruction. Every device (peripheral) has its own base address. The address mapping is list as following table. Device Base Address Range Remark INTC 0x1000 256 bytes Interrupt Control GCTRL 0x1100 256 bytes General Control PWM 0x1200 256 bytes SRAM1 0x1300 256 bytes SRAM2 0x1400 256 bytes E2H 0x1500 256 bytes Embedded Flash 0x1F00 256 bytes HWM 0x2000 256 bytes Could accessed by host side GPIO 0x2100 256 bytes Could accessed by host side KBC 0x2200 256 bytes ACPI 0x2300 256 bytes CFG 0x2400 256 bytes Configuration; Could be accessed by host side RAM 0x2500 256 bytes Could be accessed by host side CIR 0x2600 256 bytes μC_SFR 0x3000 256 bytes For Debug Port only μC_RAM 0x3100 256 bytes For Debug Port only DBPORT 0x3200 256 bytes For Debug Port only 207 EC to host Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.20.1 Interrupt Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1000, 256 bytes) Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - 6 CIR_INT_ST 5 Reset Default - Description - Reserved. R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No CIR interrupt event. 1: A CIR interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. P80_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No 0x80 port interrupt event. 1: A 0x80 port interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. 4 H2E_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No H2E interrupt event. 1: A H2E interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. 3 ACPI_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No ACPI interrupt event. 1: An ACPI interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. 2 KBC_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 1 GPIO_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No GPIO interrupt event. 1: A GPIO interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. 0 HM_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No hardware monitor interrupt event. 1: A hardware monitor interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. 0: No KBC interrupt event. 1: A KBC interrupt event occurs. Write “1” to clear this bit. Interrupt Enable Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - 6 CIR_INT_EN 5 Reset Default - Description - Reserved. R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable CIR interrupt. 1: Enable CIR interrupt. P80_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable 0x80 Port interrupt. 1: Enable 0x80 Port interrupt. 4 H2E_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable Host to EC interrupt. 1: Enable Host to EC interrupt. 3 ACPI_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable ACPI interrupt. 1: Enable ACPI interrupt. 2 KBC_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable KBC interrupt. 1: Enable KBC interrupt. 1 GPIO_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable GPIO interrupt. 1: Enable GPIO interrupt. 0 HM_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Disable HM interrupt. 1: Enable HM interrupt. The peripheral interrupt is asserted to INT1# of μC. Interrupt Polarity Register ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - 6 CIR_INT_POL Reset Default - R/WC 5VSB Description - Reserved. 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 208 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 P80_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 4 H2E_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 3 ACPI_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 2 KBC_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1 GPIO_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 0 HM_INT_POL R/WC 5VSB 0 0: Rising edge of event will trigger an interrupt. 1: Falling edge of event will trigger an interrupt. Interrupt Status 3 Register ⎯ Offset 10h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - Reset Default - Description - Reserved. 1 PD_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No power down event 1: A power down event occurs. It is set by falling edge of PWROK. It is cleared by read this bit. 0 DBPORT_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 0: No debug port event. 1: A debug port interrupt event occurs. Clear by reading this bit. Power Fail Register ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 PWROK R 5VSB 0 Status of PWROK. 0 PD_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable power fail interrupt. 7.20.2 Reset Default Description General Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1100, 256 bytes) Chip ID 1 Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W 7-0 CHIPID1 R Reset Default - 0x00 Description Chip ID 1 Chip ID 2 Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W 7-0 CHIPID2 R Reset Default - 0x95 Description Chip ID 2 μC Reset Select Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W 7-1 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. 209 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 0 EC_GRST R/W 5VSB 0 0: μC and peripherals are reset by 5VSB power on reset, μC watchdog timerout reset and Debug port exit reset. 1: μC and peripherals are reset by 5VSB power on reset and Debug port exit reset. WDT Reset Gate 1 Register ⎯ Offset 05h Bit 7 6-5 4 Name R/W SMFI_WD_RST_DIS R/W Reserved - INTC_WD_RST_DIS R/W Reset Default Description 5VSB 1 0: SMFI will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: SMFI won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. - - Reserved. 5VSB 1 0: INTC will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: INTC won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 CIR_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: CIR will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: CIR won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. PWM_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: PWM will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: PWM won’t be reset by C watchdog timeout. 0 WDT Reset Gate 2 Register ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - Reset Default - - 3 ACPI_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 2 KBC_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 1 GPIO_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0 CFG_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 Description Reserved. 0: ACPI will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: ACPI won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 0: KBC will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: KBC won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 0: GPIO will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: GPIO won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 0: CFG will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: CFG won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout RTC RAM Write Protect Register ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 RTC_WR_DIS_7 R/W 5VSB 0 6 RTC_WR_DIS_6 R/W 5VSB 0 5 RTC_WR_DIS_5 R/W 5VSB 0 Description Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xF0 ~ 0xFF. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xE0 ~ 0xEF. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xD0 ~ 0xDF. 210 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 RTC_WR_DIS_4 R/W 5VSB 0 3 RTC_WR_DIS_3 R/W 5VSB 0 2 RTC_WR_DIS_2 R/W 5VSB 0 1 RTC_WR_DIS_1 R/W 5VSB 0 0 RTC_WR_DIS_0 R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xC0 ~ 0xCF. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xB0 ~ 0xBF. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0xA0 ~ 0xAF. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0x90 ~ 0x9F. Set “1” to enable write protect for RTC RAM index 0x80 ~ 0x8F. Software Reset 1 Register ⎯ Offset 10h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 RSMFI W - - Write “1” to assert a software reset to SPI block. 6-5 Reserved - - - Reserved. 4 RINTC W - - Write “1” to assert a software reset to INTC block. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 RCIR W - - Write “1” to assert a software reset to CIR block. 0 RPWM W - - Write “1” to assert a software reset to PWM block. Software Reset 2 Register ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - Reset Default Description - - Reserved. 3 ACPI_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: ACPI will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: ACPI won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 2 KBC_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: KBC will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: KBC won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1 GPIO_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: GPIO won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. 0 CFG_WD_RST_DIS R/W 5VSB 1 0: CFG will reset by μC watchdog timeout. 1: CFG won’t be reset by μC watchdog timeout. Software Reset 2 Register ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 RACPI W 5VSB - Write “1” to assert a software reset to ACPI block. 2 RKBC W 5VSB - Write “1” to assert a software reset to KBC block. 1 RGPIO W 5VSB - Write “1” to assert a software reset to GPIO block. 0 RCFG W 5VSB - Write “1” to assert a software reset to CFG block. 211 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.20.3 PWM Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1200, 256 bytes) Clock Group 0 Divisor Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GR0_DIV R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description Clock group 0 divisor. The group 0 clock will be 12MHz/(GR0_DIV +1)*256. Clock Group 1 Divisor Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GR1_DIV R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description Clock group 1 divisor. The group 2 clock will be 12MHz/(GR0_DIV +1)*256. Clock Group 2 Divisor Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GR2_DIV R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description Clock group 2 divisor. The group 2 clock will be 12MHz/(GR0_DIV +1)*256. Clock Group 3 Divisor Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GR3_DIV R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description Clock group 3 divisor. The group 3 clock will be 12MHz/(GR0_DIV +1)*256. The PWM clock source could be select among these four group clock. PWM Polarity Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 PWM3_POL R/W 5VSB 0 0: Normal PWM output. 1: PWM output is inverted. 2 PWM2_POL R/W 5VSB 0 0: Normal PWM output. 1: PWM output is inverted. 1 PWM1_POL R/W 5VSB 0 0: Normal PWM output. 1: PWM output is inverted. 0 PWM0_POL R/W 5VSB 0 0: Normal PWM output. 1: PWM output is inverted. PWM Group Select Register ⎯ Offset 06h Bit 7-6 5-4 Name PCS3 PCS2 R/W R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB Description 00 00: PWM3 clock source is group 0 clock. 01: PWM3 clock source is group 1 clock. 10: PWM3 clock source is group 2 clock. 11: PWM3 clock source is group 3 clock. 00 00: PWM2 clock source is group 0 clock. 01: PWM2 clock source is group 1 clock. 10: PWM2 clock source is group 2 clock. 11: PWM2 clock source is group 3 clock. 212 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3-2 1-0 PCS1 PCS0 R/W R/W 5VSB 5VSB 00 00: PWM1 clock source is group 0 clock. 01: PWM1 clock source is group 1 clock. 10: PWM1 clock source is group 2 clock. 11: PWM1 clock source is group 3 clock. 00 00: PWM0 clock source is group 0 clock. 01: PWM0 clock source is group 1 clock. 10: PWM0 clock source is group 2 clock. 11: PWM0 clock source is group 3 clock. PWM Clock Gate Register ⎯ Offset 08h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 PCSGR3 R/W 5VSB 0 0: Enable PWM3 clock. 1: Disable PWM3 clock. 2 PCSGR2 R/W 5VSB 0 0: Enable PWM2 clock. 1: Disable PWM2 clock. 1 PCSGR1 R/W 5VSB 0 0: Enable PWM1 clock. 1: Disable PWM1 clock. 0 PCSGR0 R/W 5VSB 0 0: Enable PWM0 clock. 1: Disable PWM0 clock. PWM Type Register ⎯ Offset 09h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 PWM3_TYPE R/W 5VSB 0 0: Open drain. 1: Push pull. 2 PWM2_TYPE R/W 5VSB 0 0: Open drain. 1: Push pull. 1 PWM1_TYPE R/W 5VSB 0 0: Open drain. 1: Push pull. 0 PWM0_TYPE R/W 5VSB 0 0: Open drain. 1: Push pull. PWM Enable Register ⎯ Offset 0Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 SOFT_RST W 5VSB 0 Write “1” to software reset PWM block. 6-1 Reserved - - - Reserved. 0 PCCE R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PWM. All clocks will be disabled. 1: Enable PWM. PWM0 Duty Control Register ⎯ Offset 10h Bit 7-0 Name DCR0 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description The duty cycle of PWM0 will be (DCR0/255)*100%. Set 0 to force stop and 0xFF to force 100% duty. 213 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PWM1 Duty Control Register ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DCR1 R/W 5VSB 0 Description The duty cycle of PWM1 will be (DCR1/255)*100%. Set 0 to force stop and 0xFF to force 100% duty. PWM2 Duty Control Register ⎯ Offset 12h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DCR2 R/W 5VSB 0 Description The duty cycle of PWM2 will be (DCR2/255)*100%. Set 0 to force stop and 0xFF to force 100% duty. PWM3 Duty Control Register ⎯ Offset 13h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 DCR3 R/W 5VSB 7.20.4 0 Description The duty cycle of PWM3 will be (DCR3/255)*100%. Set 0 to force stop and 0xFF to force 100% duty. μC Side SRAM1 Register (Base Address 0x1300, 256 bytes) Offset 00h ~ FFh, 256 bytes SRAM accssed by μC, SRAM Powered by I_VSB3V 7.20.5 μC Side SRAM2 Register (Base Address 0x1400, 256 bytes) Offset 00h ~ FFh, 256 bytes SRAM accssed by μC, SRAM powered by I_VSB3V 7.20.6 Host to EC Control μC Side Register (Base Address 0x1500, 256 bytes) Host to EC Control Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 P80_DEC_RANGE R/W 5VSB Description 0 0: 0x80 port will decode all 16-bit address. 1: 0x80 port will decode 15-bit address, ignore LSB. 6 E2H_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable EC to Host interrupt. 1: Assert to Host (if SIRQ channel is enabled) when EC to Host data available which is set by writing E2C_DATA register (offset 02h). Also assert SMI event to PME block when this bit is enabled. 5 E2H_DATA_AVAIL R/W 5VSB 0 This bit is set when μC write data to offset 02h and is clear by host reading the corresponding data. (H2E bass + 02h) 4 H2E_DATA_AVAIL R 5VSB 0 This bit is set when host write data to offset 01h and is clear by μC reading the corresponding data. (E2H bass + 01h) 3-2 E2H_DATA_TYPE R/W 5VSB 0 User defined register to define the type of EC to host data (offset + 02h) 1-0 H2E_DATA_TYPE R 5VSB 0 User defined register to define the type of host to EC data (offset + 01h) 214 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Host to EC Data Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W 7-0 H2E_DATA R Reset Default 5VSB 0x00 Description This is the data written by host to communicate with μC. The type of this byte is determined by H2E_DATA_TYPE. μC reads this byte and check the H2E_DATA_TYPE to decide what action should be done. EC to Host Data Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 E2H_DATA R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description This is the data written by μC to communicate with host. The type of this byte is determined by E2H_DATA_TYPE. Host reads this byte and check the E2H_DATA_TYPE to decide what action should be done. Port 80 WDT Control Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 P80_WDT_TO_ST R/W 5VSB 0 This bit is written by μC to indicate a timeout status. Host could write “1” to this bit to clear status. 6 P80_WDT_EN R 5VSB 0 Host write “1” to this bit to inform μC to enable Port 80 WDT function. 5-4 P80_WDT_UNIT R 5VSB 0 Written by host to define the time unit. Ex. 00: 100ms. 01: 1 second. 10: 1 minute. 11: 1 hour. 3-0 P80_WDT_PIN R 5VSB 0 Written by host to define the pins to assert WDT reset signal. Port 80 WDT Time Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W 7-0 P80_WDT_TIME R Reset Default 5VSB 0xff Description Written by host to define the time count of WDT. Port 80 WDT Code Register ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W 7-0 P80_WDT_CODE R Reset Default 5VSB 0xff Description Written by host to define the code to start WDT. Port 80 Code Register ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W 7-0 P80_CODE R Reset Default 5VSB 0xff Description This byte record the data write to Port 80 address (default 0x0080). Port 80 Last Code Register ⎯ Offset 07h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_LAST_CODE R/W 5VSB 0xff Description μC could write the last data of 80 port into this byte to record the last code during current boot up. Port 80 Base Address High Byte Register ⎯ Offset 10h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_BASE_H R/W 5VSB 0x00 Description The 80 port base address high byte. 215 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Port 80 Base Address Low Byte Register ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 P80_BASE_L R/W 5VSB 7.20.7 0x00 Description The 80 port base address low byte. Embedded Flash Control (base address 0x1F00, 256 byte) Control Register1 ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 START_CMD W - - Write 1 to this bit will start a single byte read or single byte write command 6-2 Reserved - - - Reserved 1 IFREN R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved. 0 FLASH_CMD R/W 5VSB 0 0: Read , 1:Write Status Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved - - - Reserved 1 TIMEOUT_STS R 5VSB 0 This bit indicates that a single byte write command is timeout and failed. 0 CMD_BUSY R 5VSB 0 This bit indicates the command is still progressing. Control Register2 ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 ADR_L R/W 5VSB 0 Description {ADR_H, ADR_L} is 13-bits address for embedded flash Control Register3 ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-5 Reserved - - - Reserved 4-0 ADR_H R/W 5VSB 0 {ADR_H, ADR_L} is 13-bits address for embedded flash Description Control Register4 ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WR_DATA R/W 5VSB 0 Description This byte is data for single byte write command. Control Register5 ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 RD_DATA R 5VSB 0 Description This byte is stores data read by a single byte read command. 216 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fintek Used Only Register 1 ⎯ Offset 07h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 Reserved R/W 5VSB 1 Description This byte is fintek used only, don’t change the default value Fintek Used Only Register 2 ⎯ Offset 0Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 Reserved - - - 7.20.8 Description This byte is fintek used only, don’t write to this byte. Hardware Monitor μC Side Register (base address 0x2000, 256 byte) Temperature Setting Configuration Register 1 ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved 0h - 0 Reserved 2 POWER_DOWN R/W 5VSB 0 Hardware monitor function power down. 1 FAN_START R/W 5VSB 1 0 V_T_START R/W 5VSB 1 Set one to enable startup of fan monitoring operations; a zero puts the part in standby mode. Set one to enable startup of temperature and voltage monitoring operations; a zero puts the part in standby mode. Protection Mode Configuration Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved R/W - 0 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 6 5-4 CASE_BEEP_EN R/W OVT_MODE 3 Reserved R/W - 0 2 CASE_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1-0 ALERT_MODE R/W 5VSB 0 Description Dummy register. 0: Disable case open event output via BEEP. 1: Enable case open event output via BEEP. 00: The OVT# will be low active level mode. 01: The OVT# will be low pulse mode. 10: The OVT# will indicate by 1Hz LED function. 11: The OVT# will indicate by (400/800HZ) BEEP output. Dummy register. 0: Disable case open event output via PME. 1: Enable case open event output via PME. 00: The ALERT# will be low active level mode. 01: The ALERT# will be high active level mode. 10: The ALERT# will indicate by 1Hz LED function. 11: The ALERT# will indicate by (400/800HZ) BEEP output. Case Open Status Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-1 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 0 CASE_STS R/W VBAT 0 Case open event status, write 1 to clear if case open event cleared. (This bit is powered by VBAT.) Description 217 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Configuration Register 2⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - - Reserved Description 6 BIAS_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5-1 Reserved R/W - - Reserved for Fintek use only Reserved 0 S3_HM_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set 1 to enable monitoring at S3 state. Reset Default Description AMD TSI or Intel IBex slave address TSI Control Register1 ⎯ Offset 08h Bit Name R/W 7-1 TSI_ADDR R/W 5VSB 26h 0 Reserved - - - Reserved TSI Control Register2 ⎯ Offset 09h Bit Name R/W 7-1 SMB_ADDR 0 Reserved Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description Address for I2C master to use a block write command - - - Reserved Configuration Register 3 ⎯ Offset 0Ah Bit Name R/W 7 BETA_EN2 6 Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 BETA_EN1 R/W 5VSB 0 5 INTEL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 4 MXM_MODE R/W LRESET# 0 3-2 VTT_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 1 TSI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description 0: disable the T2 beta compensation. 1: enable the T2 beta compensation. 0: disable the T1 beta compensation. 1: enable the T1 beta compensation. This bit is used to select AMD TSI or Intel IBEX when TSI_EN is set to 1. 0: Select AMD 1: Select Intel Reserved. PECI (VTT) voltage selection. 00: VTT is 1.23V 01: VTT is 1.13V 10: VTT is 1.00V 11: VTT is 1.00V Set this bit 1 to enable AMD TSI or Intel IBEX function 0 PECI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 Set this bit 1 to enable Intel PECI function 218 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI Address Register ⎯ Offset 0Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Select the Intel CPU socket number. 0000: no CPU presented. PECI host will use Ping () command to find the CPU address. 7-4 CPU_SEL R/W 0001: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x30. 0 5VSB 0010: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x31. 0100: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x32. 1000: CPU is in socket 0, i.e. PECI address is 0x33. Others are reserved. Reserved. 3-1 Reserved - - 0 0 DOMAIN1_EN R/W 5VSB 0 If the CPU is selected as dual core. Set this register 1 to read the temperature of domain1. Default Description TCC TEMP Register ⎯ Offset 0Ch Bit Name R/W Reset TCC Activation Temperature. When PECI is enabled, the absolute value of CPU temperature is 7-0 TCC_TEMP R/W 5VSB 8’h55 calculated by the equation: CPU_TEMP = TCC_TEMP + PECI Reading. The range of this register is -128 ~ 127. TSI_OFFSET Register ⎯ Offset 0Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This byte is used as the offset to be added to the CPU 7-0 TSI_OFFSET R/W 5VSB 8’h00 temperature reading of AMD_TSI. The range of this register is -128 ~ 127. Configuration Register 4 ⎯ Offset 0Fh Bit Name R/W 7-5 Reserved - - 0 Reserved. 5 Reserved R/W - 1 Dummy Register 4-2 Reserved - - 0 Reserved. 1-0 DIG_RATE_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved for Fintek use only Reset Default Description 219 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 TSI Temperature 0 – Offset E0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the AMD TSI reading if AMD TSI enable. TSI_TEMP0 R/W 5VSB - And will be highest temperature among CPU, MCH and PCH if Intel temperature interface enable. The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL must set to “0”. This byte is used as multi-purpose: 7. The received data of receive protocol. 7-0 8. The first received byte of read word protocol. 9. The 10th received byte of read block protocol. I2C_DATA0 R/W 5VSB 10. The sent data for send byte protocol and write byte 8’h00 protocol. 11. The first send byte for write word protocol. 12. The first send byte for write block protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 1 – Offset E1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface PCH reading. TSI_TEMP1 R 5VSB - The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. This byte is used as multi-purpose: 7-0 5. The second received byte of read word protocol. I2C_DATA1 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 6. The 11th received byte of read block protocol. 7. The second send byte for write word protocol. 8. The second send byte for write block protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 2 Low Byte – Offset E2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the low byte of Intel temperature interface CPU reading. The reading is the fraction part of CPU temperature. Bit 0 7-0 TSI_TEMP2_LO R 5VSB - indicates the error status. 0: No error. 1: Error code. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 220 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This is the 12th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA2 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 3rd byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 2 High Byte – Offset E3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface CPU reading. TSI_TEMP2_HI R 5VSB - The reading is the decimal part of CPU temperature. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 13th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA3 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 4th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 3 – Offset E4h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface MCH reading. TSI_TEMP3 R 5VSB - The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 14th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA4 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 5th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 4 – Offset E5h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM0 TSI_TEMP4 R 5VSB - reading. The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 15th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA5 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 6th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 5 – Offset E6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM1 7-0 TSI_TEMP5 R 5VSB - reading. The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 221 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This is the 16th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA6 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 7th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 6 – Offset E7h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM2 TSI_TEMP6 R 5VSB - reading. The range is 0~255ºC. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “0”. 7-0 This is the 17th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA7 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 8th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. TSI Temperature 7 – Offset E8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This is the high byte of Intel temperature interface DIMM3 TSI_TEMP7 R 5VSB - reading. The range is 0~255ºC. The above 9 bytes could also be used as the read data of block read protocol if the TSI is disable or pending. 7-0 This is the 18th byte of the block read protocol. I2C_DATA8 R/W 5VSB 8’h00 This byte is also used as the 9th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. I2C Data Buffer 9 – Offset E9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description th This is the 18 byte of the block read protocol. 7-0 I2C_DATA9 R/W 5VSB FFh This byte is also used as the 9th byte of block write protocol. To access this byte, MCH_BANK_SEL should be set to “1”. Block Write Count Register – Offset ECh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This bit is used to select the register in Offset E0h to E9h. 7 MCH_BANK_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Set “0” to read the temperature bank and “1” to access the data bank. 6 Reserved - - 0 5-0 BLOCK_WR_CNT R/W 5VSB 0 Reserved Use the register to specify the byte count of block write protocol. Support up to 10 bytes. 222 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 I2C Command Byte/TSI Command Byte – Offset EDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description There are actual two bytes for this Offset. TSI_CMD_PROG select which byte to be programmed: 0: I2C_CMD, which is the command code for write byte/word, 7-0 I2C_CMD/TSI_CMD R/W 5VSB 0/1 read byte/word, block write/read and process call protocol. 1: TSI_CMD, which is the command code for Intel temperature interface block read protocol and the data byte for AMD TSI send byte protocol. I2C Status – Offset EEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Set 1 to pending auto TSI accessing. (In AMD model, auto 7 TSI_PENDING R/W LRESET# 0 accessing will issue a send-byte followed a receive-byte; In Intel model, auto accessing will issue a block read). To use the SCL/ SDA as a I2C master, set this bit to “1” first. 6 TSI_CMD_PROG R/W 5VSB 0 5 PROC_KILL R/W 5VSB 0 4 FAIL_STS R 5VSB 0 3 I2C_ABT_ERR R 5VSB 0 2 I2C_TO_ERR R 5VSB 0 1 I2C_NAC_ERR R 5VSB 0 0 I2C_READY R 5VSB 1 Set 1 to program TSI_CMD. Kill the current I2C transfer and return the state machine to idle. It will set an fail status if the current transfer is not completed. This is set when PROC_KI LL kill an un-completed transfer. It will be auto cleared by next I2C transfer. This is the arbitration lost status if a I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. This is the timeout status if a I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. This is the NACK error status if a I2C command is issued. Auto cleared by next I2C command. 0: a I2C transfer is in process. 1: Ready for next I2C command. I2C Protocol Select – Offset EFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 I2C_START W - 0 6-4 Reserved - - - Description Write “1” to trigger a I2C transfer with the protocol specified by SMB_PROTOCOL. Reserved. 223 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Select what protocol if a I2C transfer is triggered. 0001b: send byte. 0010b: write byte. 0011b: write word. 0100b: Reserved. 0101b: block write. 3-0 I2C_PROTOCOL R/W 5VSB 0 0111b: quick command (write). 1001b: receive byte. 1010b: read byte. 1011b: Reserved 1101b: block read. 1111b: Reserved Otherwise: reserved. PECI 3.0 & Temperature Setting PECI 3.0 Command and Register PECI Configuration Register ⎯ Offset 40h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 RDIAMSR_CMD_E R/W N 5VSB 0 6 C3_UPDATE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5-4 Reserved R - - 3 C3_PTEMP_EN R/W 5VSB 0 2 C0_PTEMP_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 C3_ALL0_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 C0_ALL0_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description When PECI temperature monitoring is enabled, set this bit 1 will generate a RdIAMSR() command before a GetTemp() command. If RDIAMSR_CMD_EN is not set to 1, the temperature data is not allowed to be updated when the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Reserved Set this bit 1 to enable updateing positive value of temperature if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Set this bit 1 to enable updating positive value of temperature if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is not 0x82 and the bit 8 of completion code is not 1 either. Set this bit 1 to enable updating temperature value 0x0000 if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is 0x82. Set this bit 1 to enable updating temperature value 0x0000 if the completion code of RdIAMSR() is not 0x82 and the bit 8 of completion code is not 1 either. PECI Master Control Register ⎯ Offset 41h Bit Name R/W PECI_CMD_STAR 7 W T 6-5 Reserved R Reset Default 5VSB - - - Description Write 1 to this bit to start a PECI command when using as a PECI master. (PECI_PENDING must be set to 1) Reserved 4 PECI_PENDING R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 to stop monitoring PECI temperature. 3 Reserved R - - Reserved 224 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2-0 PECI_CMD R/W 5VSB 3’h0 PECI command to be used by PECI master. 000: PING() 001: GetDIB() 010: GetTemp() 011: RdIAMSR() 100: RdPkgConfig() 101: WrPkgConfig() others: Reserved PECI Master Status Register ⎯ Offset 42h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved R - - 2 ABORT_FCS R/WC 5VSB - PECI_FCS_ERR R/WC 5VSB - 5VSB - Reserved This bit is the Abort FCS status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. This bit is the FCS error status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. This bit is the Command Finish status of PECI master commands. Write this bit 1 or read this byte will clear this bit to 0. 1 0 PECI_FINISH R/WC PECI Master DATA0 Register ⎯ Offset 43h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA0 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig() command, this byte represents “Host ID[7:1] & Retry[0]”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA1 Register ⎯ Offset 44h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA1 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() , this byte represents “Processor ID”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig() , this byte represents “Offset”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA2 Register ⎯ Offset 45h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA2 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte is the least significant byte of “MSR Address”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig(), this byte is the least significant byte of “Parameter”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. PECI Master DATA3 Register ⎯ Offset 46h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA3 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte is the most significant byte of “MSR Address”. For RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig(), this byte is the most significant byte of “Parameter”. Please refer to PECI interface specification for more detail. 225 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI Master DATA4 Register ⎯ Offset 47h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA4 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For GetDIB() , this byte represents “Device Info” For GetTemp(), this byte represents the least significant byte of temperature. For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte is “Completion Code”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[7:0]” PECI Master DATA5 Register ⎯ Offset 48h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA5 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For GetDIB() , this byte represents “Revision Number” For GetTemp(), this byte represents the most significant byte of temperature. For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents “DATA[7:0]” For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[15:8]” PECI Master DATA6 Register ⎯ Offset 49h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA6 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents “DATA[15:8]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[23:16]” PECI Master DATA7 Register ⎯ Offset 4Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA7 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents “DATA[23:16]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “DATA[31:24]” PECI Master DATA8 Register ⎯ Offset 4Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA8 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR() and RdPkgConfig() , this byte represents “DATA[31:24]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “AW FCS” PECI Master DATA9 Register ⎯ Offset 4Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA9 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[39:32]”. For WrPkgConfig(), this byte represents “Completion Code” PECI Master DATA10 Register ⎯ Offset 4Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA10 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[47:40]”. 226 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PECI Master DATA11 Register ⎯ Offset 4Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA11 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[55:48]”. PECI Master DATA12 Register ⎯ Offset 4Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PECI_DATA12 R/W 5VSB 0 Description For RdIAMSR(), this byte represents “DATA[63:56]”. HM Manual Control Register1 ⎯ Offset 50h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 LOAD_CH W - - 6 STOP_CH R/W 5VSB 0 5 HOLD_CH R/W 5VSB 0 4:0 CHANNEL R/W 5VSB 0 Write 1 to load a temperature or voltage channel to be converted Set to 1 when load a channel will generate a one-shot conversion. Set to 1 when load a channel will keep converting this channel. First channel to be converted when LOAD_CH is set to 1. 00000: VCC 00001: VIN1 00010: VIN2 00011: VIN3 00100: VIN4 00101: VSB3V 00110: VBAT 00111: VSB5V 10000: Intel PECI 10001: T1 10010: T2 11000: AMD TSI/Intel IBex HM Manual Control Status Register 1⎯ Offset 51h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - - Reserved 6 V_CONV_STS R 5VSB - At least one of the voltage channels had finish converting. 5 PECI_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - PECI channel had finish converting 4 TSI_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - TSI channel had finish converting 3 Reserved - - Reserved 2 T2_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - T2 channel had finish converting 1 T1_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - T1 channel had finish converting 0 Reserved - - Reserved Description HM Manual Control Status Register 2⎯ Offset 52h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 VSB5V_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VSB5V voltage channel had finish converting VBAT_CONV_STS WC VSB3V_CONV_ST WC S 5VSB - VBAT voltage channel had finish converting 5VSB - VSB3V voltage channel had finish converting 6 5 Description 227 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 VIN4_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN4 voltage channel had finish converting 3 VIN3_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN3 voltage channel had finish converting 2 VIN2_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN2 voltage channel had finish converting 1 VIN1_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VIN1 voltage channel had finish converting 0 VCC_CONV_STS WC 5VSB - VCC voltage channel had finish converting HM μC Interrupt Enable Register 1⎯ Offset 53h Bit Name R/W 7-6 Reserved - - - 5 PECI_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 4 TSI_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 3 Reserved - - - 2 T2_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 T1_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 T0_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Reset Default Description Reserved Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this TSI_CONV_STS is 1. Reserved Generate an interrupt for μC when this T2_CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this T1_CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this T0_CONV_STS is 1. is set to 1 and PECI bit is set to 1 and bit is set to 1 and bit is set to 1 and bit is set to 1 and HM μC Interrupt Enable Register 2⎯ Offset 54h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 VSB5V_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 6 VBAT_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5 VSB3V_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 4 VIN4_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 3 VIN3_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 2 VIN2_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 VIN1_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 VCC_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VSB5V _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VBAT _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VSB 3V_CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VIN4 _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VIN3 _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VIN2 _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VIN1 _CONV_STS is 1. Generate an interrupt for μC when this bit is set to 1 and VCC _CONV_STS is 1. HM RAW Data Register 1⎯ Offset 55h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 RAW_DATA_L R 5VSB 0 Description Low byte of HM converting raw data HM RAW Data Register 2⎯ Offset 56h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-2 Reserved - - - Description Reserved 228 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1-0 RAW_DATA_H R 5VSB 0 The highest two bits of HM converting raw data Temperature Register Temperature PME# Enable Register ⎯ Offset 60h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 EN_ T2_OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 5 EN_ T1_OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 Description Reserved If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds OVT setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds OVT setting. 4 EN_ T0_ OVT_PME R/W 5VSB 0 If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds OVT setting. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 EN_ T2_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 1 EN_ T1_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_ T0_EXC_PME R/W 5VSB 0 If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, PME# signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds high limit setting. Temperature Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Offset 61h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved R/W - 0 Description Reserved This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP2 temperature sensor has 6 T2_OVT _STS R/W 3VCC 0 exceeded OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP1 temperature sensor has 5 T1_OVT _STS R/W 3VCC 0 exceeded OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. 4 T0_OVT _STS R/W 3 Reserved R/W 3VCC 0 A one indicates TEMP0 temperature sensor has exceeded OVT limit or below the “OVT limit –hysteresis”. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. - 0 Reserved This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP2 temperature sensor has 2 T2_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 exceeded high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. This bit gets 1 to indicate TEMP1 temperature sensor has 1 T1_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 exceeded high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 to ignore. 0 T0_EXC _STS R/W 3VCC 0 A one indicates TEMP0 temperature sensor has exceeded high limit or below the “high limit –hysteresis” limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. 229 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature Real Time Status Register ⎯ Offset 62h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 T2_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 5 T1_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 4 T0_OVT R/W 3VCC 0 Set when the TEMP0 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP0 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 2 T2_EXC R/W 3VCC 0 1 T1_EXC R/W 3VCC 0 0 T0_EXC R/W 3VCC 0 Reserved Set when the TEMP2 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP2 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP1 exceeds the OVT limit. Clear when the TEMP1 is below the “OVT limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP2 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP2 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP1 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP1 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. Set when the TEMP0 exceeds the high limit. Clear when the TEMP0 is below the “high limit –hysteresis” temperature. Temperature BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Offset 63h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved R/W - 0 R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 6 5 EN_ T2_ OVT_BEEP EN_ T1_ OVT_BEEP Description Reserved If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds OVT limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds OVT limit setting. 4 EN_ T0_ OVT_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds OVT limit setting. 3 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 2 1 0 EN_ T2_EXC_BEEP EN_ T1_EXC_BEEP EN_ T0_EXC_BEEP If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP2 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP1 exceeds high limit setting. If set this bit to 1, BEEP signal will be issued when TEMP0 exceeds high limit setting. T1 OVT and High Limit Temperature Select Register ⎯ Offset 64h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 Reserved R/W - 0 Description Reserved 230 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Select the source temperature for T1 OVT Limit. 0: Select T1 to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 1: Select CPU temperature from PECI to be compared to 5-4 OVT_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 2: Select CPU temperature from AMD TSI or Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 3: Select the MAX temperature from Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 OVT Limit. 3-2 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved Select the source temperature for T1 High Limit. 0: Select T1 to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. 1: Select CPU temperature from PECI to be compared to 1-0 HIGH_ TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Temperature 1 High Limit. 2: Select CPU temperature from AMD TSI or Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. 3: Select the MAX temperature from Intel PCH I2C to be compared to Temperature 1 High Limit. OVT and Alert Output Enable Register 1 ⎯ Offset 66h Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved R/W - 0 6 EN_T2_ALERT R/W 5VSB 0 5 EN_T1_ALERT R/W 5VSB 0 4 EN_T0_ALERT R/W 5VSB 0 Enable temperature 0 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) 3 Reserved - - 0 Reserved 2 EN_T2_OVT R/W 5VSB 0 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature2. 1 EN_T1_OVT R/W 5VSB 1 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature1. 0 EN_T0_OVT R/W 5VSB 0 Enable over temperature (OVT) mechanism of temperature0. Reset Default Description Reserved Enable temperature 2 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) Enable temperature 1 alert event (asserted when temperature over high limit) Reserved ⎯Offset 67~69h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 Reserved - - - Description Reserved 231 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature Sensor Type Register ⎯ Offset 6Bh Reset Default Description Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved RO - 0 Reserved 3 Reserved RO - 0 Reserved 2 T2_MODE R/W 5VSB 1 1 T1_MODE R/W 5VSB 1 0 Reserved R - 0 0: TEMP2 is connected to a thermistor. 1: TEMP2 is connected to a BJT. (default) 0: TEMP1 is connected to a thermistor 1: TEMP1 is connected to a BJT.(default) Reserved TEMP1 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Offset 6Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description º 7-4 TEMP1_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h 3-0 TEMP0_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Limit hysteresis. (0~15 C) Temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). Limit hysteresis. (0~15ºC) Temperature and below the (boundary – hysteresis). TEMP2 and TEMP3 Limit Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Offset 6Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved R - 0 3-0 TEMP2_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Description Reserved Limit hysteresis. (0~15 degree C) Temperature and below the ( boundary – hysteresis ). DIODE OPEN Status Register ⎯ Offset 6Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 Reserved R - - 5 PECI_OPEN R 3VCC - 4 TSI_OPEN R 3VCC - 3 Reserved R - - Reserved 2 T2_DIODE_OPEN R 3VCC - “1” indicates external diode 2 is open or short 1 T1_DIODE_OPEN R 3VCC - “1” indicates external diode 1 is open or short 0 T0_DIODE_OPEN RO 3VCC - This register indicates the abnormality of temperature 0 measurement. Description Reserved When PECI interface is enabled, “1” indicates an error code (0x0080 or 0x0081) is received from PECI slave. When TSI interface is enabled, “1” indicates the error of not receiving NACK bit or a timeout occurred. 232 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Temperature ⎯ Offset 70h- 8Dh Address Attribute Reset Default Value Description Temperature 0 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. 70h RO 3VCC -- 71h Reserved 3VCC FFh 72h R 3VCC -- 73h R 3VCC -- 74h R 3VCC -- 75-79h R 3VCC -- 7Ah R 3VCC -- 7Bh R 3VCC -- 7Ch R 3VCC -- Reserved Temperature 1 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. Reserved Temperature 2 reading. The unit of reading is 1ºC.At the moment of reading this register. Reserved The data of CPU temperature from digital interface after IIR filter. (Available if Intel IBX or AMD TSI interface is enabled) The raw data of PCH temperature from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBX interface is enabled) The raw data of MCH read from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBX interface is enabled) The raw data of maximum temperature between 7Dh R -- 3VCC CPU/PCH/MCH from digital interface. (Only available if Intel IBX interface is enabled) 7Eh R 80h 81h R/W R/W 82h The data of CPU temperature from digital interface after IIR 3VCC -- 5VSB 5VSB 64h 55h Temperature sensor 0 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. Temperature sensor 0 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. R/W 5VSB 64h Temperature sensor 1 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. 83h R/W 5VSB 55h Temperature sensor 1 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. 84h R/W 5VSB 64h Temperature sensor 2 OVT limit. The unit is 1ºC. 85h R/W 5VSB 55h Temperature sensor 2 high limit. The unit is 1ºC. 86-8Bh R -- -- Reserved 8C~8Dh R -- FFH Reserved filter. (Only available if PECI interface is enabled) T1 Slope Adjust Register ⎯ Offset 7Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - 3 T1_ADD R/W 5VSB 0h Description Reserved This bit is the sign bit for T1 reading slope adjustment. See T1_SCALE below for detail. 233 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2-0 T1_SCALE R/W - 0h T1_ADD X 0 0 0 1 1 1 T1_SCALE 00 01 10 11 01 10 11 Slope No adjustment 15/16 31/32 63/64 17/16 33/32 65/64 Temperature Filter Select Register ⎯Offset 8Eh Bit Name R/W Reset 7-6 IIR-QUEUR0 R/W 5VSB Default Description The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 times. 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 times. 5-4 IIR-QUEUR2 R/W 5VSB 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. 00: 8 timers. 3-2 IIR-QUEUR1 R/W 5VSB 2’b10 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. The queue time for second filter to quickly update values. (for CPU temperature from PECI or TSI interface) 1-0 IIR-QUEUR_DIG R/W 5VSB 2’b10 00: 8 timers. 01: 12 times. 10: 16 times. (default) 11: 24 times. Voltage Setting Voltage-Protect Shut Down Enable Register ⎯ Offset 10h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - 0 Reserved. 6 V3_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect shut down enable for VIN3 5 V2_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect enable for VIN2 Description 234 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4-1 Reserved - - 0 Reserved 0 V0_VP_EN R/W VBAT* 0 Voltage-Protect shut down enable for 3VCC Voltage-Protect Status Register (Powered by VBAT) ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 Reserved - - 0 Description Reserved. This bit is voltage-protect status. Once one of the monitored 0 V_EXC_VP R/W VBAT/ C 5VSB* voltages (3VCC, VIN5, VIN6) over its related over-voltage limits 0 or under its related under-voltage limits and if the related voltage-protect shut down enable bit is set, this bit will be set to 1. Write a 1 to this bit will clear it to 0. (This bit is powered by VBAT) *Reset by VBAT when OVP_MODE is “0”, Reset by 5VSB when OVP_MODE is “1” Voltage-Protect Configuration Register ⎯ Offset 12h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - Description Reserved. PSON# de-active time select for voltage protection. 00: PSON# tri-state 0.5 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurs. 01: PSON# tri-state 1 sec and then inverted of S3# when over 3-2 PU_TIME R/W VBAT 2’h1 voltage or under voltage occurs. 10: PSON# tri-state 2 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurs. 11: PSON# tri-state 4 sec and then inverted of S3# when over voltage or under voltage occurs. VP_EN_DELAY could set the delay time to start voltage protecting after VDD power is ok when OVP_MODE is 1. (OVP_MODE is strapped by RTS1# pin) 1-0 VP_EN_DELAY R/W VBAT 2’h2 00: bypass 01: 50ms 10: 100ms 11: 200ms Voltage1 PME# Enable Register ⎯ Offset 14h Bit 7-2 Name Reserved R/W - Reset - Default 0 Description Reserved 235 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 EN_V1_PME R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved - - - A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for VIN1. Reserved Voltage1 Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Offset 15h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved -- - 0 Reserved 1 V1_ EXC _STS R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved - - - This bit is set when the VIN1 is over the high limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. Reserved Voltage1 Exceeds Real Time Status Register 1 ⎯ Offset 16h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved -- - 0 1 V1_EXC RO 5VSB 0 0 Reserved -- - 0 Reserved A one indicates VIN1 exceeds the high or low limit. A zero indicates VIN1 is in the safe region. Reserved Voltage1 BEEP Enable Register ⎯ Offset 17h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved -- - 0 Reserved 1 EN_V1_BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 0 Reserved -- - 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP output of VIN1. Reserved Voltage Protection Power Good Select Register ⎯ Offset 3Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-1 Reserved -- - 0 Description Reserved 0: OVP/UVP power good signal is 3VCCOK (3VCC > 2.8V) 0 OVP_RST_SEL R/W VBAT 0 1: OVP/UVP power good signal is PWROK. OVP/UVP function wont’ start detecting until power good. Voltage reading and limit⎯ Offset 20h- 4Fh Address Attribute Reset Default Value Description 20h R 3VCC -- 3VCC reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 21h R 3VCC -- VIN1 (Vcore) reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 22h R 3VCC -- VIN2 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 23h R 3VCC -- VIN3 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 24h R 3VCC -- VIN4 reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 236 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 25h R 3VCC -- VSB3V reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 26h R 3VCC -- VBAT reading. The unit of reading is 8mV. 27h R 3VCC -- 28h-2Ch R -- FF Reserved 2Dh RO 3VCC -- FAN1 present fan duty reading 2Eh RO 3VCC -- FAN2 present fan duty reading 2Fh RO 3VCC -- FAN3 present fan duty reading 30 31 RO R/W VBAT VBAT 89 F2 3VCC under-voltage protection limit. The unit is 8mV 3VCC over-voltage protection limit. The unit is 8 mV 32~35h R FF Reserved 36h R/W VBAT E2 37h R/W VBAT E1 38h R/W VBAT 83 39h R/W VBAT 96 3A R/W 5VSB FF V1 High Limit setting register. The unit is 8mV. 3B~3F RO FF Reserved. VSB5V reading. The unit of reading is 8 mV. The VSB5V voltage to be monitored is internally divided by 3. VIN2 over-voltage limit (V2_OVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv. (This byte is powered by VBAT.) VIN3 over-voltage limit (V3_OVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv. (This byte is powered by VBAT.) VIN2 under-voltage limit (V2_UVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv (This byte is powered by VBAT) VIN3 under-voltage limit (V3_UVV_LIMIT). The unit is 8mv (This byte is powered by VBAT) Fan Control Setting FAN PME# Enable Register ⎯ Offset 90h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-3 Reserved R - 0 Description Reserved A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# 2 EN_FAN3_PME R/W 5VSB 0 interrupt Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan3. A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# 1 EN_FAN2_PME R/W 5VSB 0 interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan2. A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for PME# 0 EN_FAN1_PME R/W 5VSB 0 interrupt. Set this bit 1 to enable PME# function for Fan1. 237 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN Interrupt Status Register ⎯ Offset 91h Bit Name 7-3 Reserved 2 FAN3_STS 1 0 R/W Reset Default - 0 R/W 3VCC -- FAN2_STS R/W 3VCC -- FAN1_STS R/W 3VCC -- R Description Reserved This bit is set when the fan3 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. This bit is set when the fan2 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. This bit is set when the fan1 count exceeds the count limit. Write 1 to clear this bit, write 0 will be ignored. FAN Real Time Status Register ⎯ Offset 92h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-3 Reserved -- - 0 Description Reserved This bit set to high mean that fan3 count can’t meet expect count 2 FAN3_EXC R 3VCC -- over than SMI time(CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. This bit set to high mean that fan2 count can’t meet expect count 1 FAN2_EXC R 3VCC -- over than SMI time(CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. This bit set to high mean that fan1 count can’t meet expect count 0 FAN1_EXC R 3VCC -- over than SMI time(CR9F) or when duty not zero but fan stop over then 3 sec. FAN BEEP# Enable Register ⎯ Offset 93h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - - R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 0 6 5 FULL_WITH_ T2_EN FULL_WITH_ T1_EN Description Reserved Set one will enable FAN to force full speed when T2 over high limit. Set one will enable FAN to force full speed when T1 over high limit. 4 Reserved - - - Reserved 3 Reserved - - - Reserved. 2 EN_FAN3_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. 1 EN_FAN2_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. 0 EN_FAN1_ BEEP R/W 5VSB 0 A one enables the corresponding interrupt status bit for BEEP. 238 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN Type Select Register ⎯ Offset 94h FAN_PROG_SEL = 0 Bit Name 7-6 Reserved R/W Reset Default - - - Description Reserved. 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 5-4 FAN3_TYPE R/W 3VCC 2’b 0S 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL3 0: FANCTRL3 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL3 is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 3-2 FAN2_TYPE R/W 3VCC 2’b 0S 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL2 0: FANCTRL2 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL2 is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. 00: Output PWM mode (push pull) to control fans. 01: Use linear fan application circuit to control fan speed by fan’s power terminal. 1-0 FAN1_TYPE R/W 3VCC 2’b 0S 10: Output PWM mode (open drain) to control Intel 4-wire fans. 11: Reserved. Bit 0 is power on trap by FANCTRL1 0: FANCTRL1 is pull up by external resistor. 1: FANCTRL1is pull down by internal 100K Ω resistor. S: Register default values are decided by trapping. 239 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fan1 Base Temperature Register – Offset 94h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This register is used to set the base temperature for FAN1 temperature adjustment. The FAN1 temperature is calculated according to the equation: Tfan1 = Tnow + (Ta – Tb)*Ct 7-0 FAN1_BASE _TEMP R/W 5VSB 0 Where Tnow is selected by FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG and FAN1_TEMP_SEL. Tb is this register, Ta is selected by TFAN1_ADJ_SEL and Ct is selected by TFAN1_ADJ_UP_RATE/TFAN1_ADJ_DN_RATE. To access this register, FAN_PROG_SEL(CR9F[7]) must set to “1”. FAN1 Temperature Adjust Rate Register ⎯ Offset 95h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved This selects the weighting of the difference between Ta and Tb if Ta is higher than Tb. 3’h1: 1 (Ct = 1) 6-4 TFAN1_ADJ_UP 5VSB _RATE 3’h0 3’h2: 1/2 (Ct= 1/2) 3’h3: 1/4 (Ct = 1/4) 3’h4: 1/8 (Ct = 1/8) otherwise: 0 To access this byte, FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. 3 Reserved - - Reserved This selects the weighting of the difference between Ta and Tb if Ta is lower than Tb. 3’h1: 1 (Ct = 1) 2-0 TFAN1_ADJ_DN _RATE R/W 5VSB 3’h0 3’h2: 1/2 (Ct= 1/2) 3’h3: 1/4 (Ct = 1/4) 3’h4: 1/8 (Ct = 1/8) otherwise: 0 To access this byte, FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. 240 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN mode Select Register ⎯ Offset 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 0) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 Reserved - - - Description Reserved 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xC6-0xCE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle defined in 0xC6-0xCE. 10: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected RPM 5-4 FAN3_MODE R/W VBAT 01 count to 0xC2-0xC3, and F81867 will adjust duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xC3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xB6-0xBE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle (voltage) defined in 0xB6-0xBE. 10: Manual mode fan control. User can write expected RPM 3-2 FAN2_MODE R/W VBAT 01 count to 0xB2-0xB3, and F81867 will adjust duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xB3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. 241 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 00: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different RPM defined in 0xA6-0xAE. 01: Auto fan speed control. Fan speed will follow different temperature by different duty cycle defined in 0xA6-0xAE. 10: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected RPM 1-0 FAN1_MODE R/W VBAT 01 count to 0xA2-0xA3, and F81867 will auto control duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to control fan speed automatically. 11: Manual mode fan control, user can write expected duty cycle (PWM fan type) or voltage (linear fan type) to 0xA3, and F81867 will output this desired duty or voltage to control fan speed. Fan1 Adjustment Temperature Select Register – Offset 96h (FAN_PROG_SEL = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-3 Reserved - - - Description Reserved This selects which temperature to be used as Ta for Fan1 temperature adjustment. 000: PECI (CR7Eh) 001: T1 (CR72h) 010: T2 (CR74h) 2-0 TFAN1_ADJ_SEL R/W 5VSB 0h 011: T0 (CR70h) 100: IBX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101:IBX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: IBX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: IBX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). To access this register FAN_PROG_SEL must set to “1”. Faster Fan Filter Control Register ⎯ Offset 97h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-3 Reserved - - - Reserved. 2 FLT_FAST3 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN3 is using a faster fan. 1 FLT_FAST2 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN2 is using a faster fan. 0 FLT_FAST1 R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit 1 if FAN1 is using a faster fan. 242 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Auto FAN1 and FAN2 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Offset 98h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Boundary hysteresis. (0~15ºC) 7-4 FAN2_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the ( boundary – hysteresis). Boundary hysteresis. (0~15ºC) 3-0 FAN1_HYS R/W 5VSB 4h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the ( boundary – hysteresis). Auto FAN3 Boundary Hystersis Select Register ⎯ Offset 99h Bit Name R/W 7-4 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved. Boundary hysteresis. (0~15ºC) 3-0 FAN3_HYS R/W 5VSB 2h Segment will change when the temperature over the boundary temperature and below the ( boundary – hysteresis). Fan3 Control Register ⎯ Offset 9Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - - Description Reserved. This bit and FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN3 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL3 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD3, FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 6 FREQ_SEL_ADD3 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz This bit and FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN2 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL2 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD2, FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 5 FREQ_SEL_ADD2 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 243 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This bit and FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL are used to select FAN1 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL1 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD1, FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL} 4 FREQ_SEL_ADD1 R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 3-2 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved (Keep the value of these two bits “0”) 1-0 Reserved - - - Reserved Auto Fan Up Speed Update Rate Select Register⎯ Offset 9Bh FAN_PROG_SEL = 0 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-6 Reserved - - - Description Reserved. Fan3 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 5-4 FAN3_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan2 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 3-2 FAN2_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan1 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 1-0 FAN1_UP_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Auto Fan Down Speed update Rate Select Register -- Offset 9Bh FAN_PROG_SEL = 1 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 UP_DN_RATE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 6 DIRECT_LOAD_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description 0: Fan down rate disable 1: Fan down rate enable 0: Direct load disable 1: Direct load enable for manual duty mode 244 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fan3 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 5-4 FAN3_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan2 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 3-2 FAN2_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz Fan1 duty update rate: 00: 2Hz 1-0 FAN1_DN_RATE R/W 5VSB 01 01: 5Hz (default) 10: 10Hz 11: 20Hz FAN1 and FAN2 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Offset 9Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description When fan start, the FAN_CTRL2 will increase duty-cycle from 0 7-4 FAN2_STOP _DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h to this (value x 8) directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 2 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). When fan start, the FAN_CTRL 1 will increase duty-cycle from 0 3-0 FAN1_STOP _DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h to this (value x 8 directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 1 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). FAN3 START UP DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE ⎯ Offset 9Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-4 Reserved - - - Description Reserved. When fan start, the FAN_CTRL 3 will increase duty-cycle from 0 3-0 FAN3_STOP_ DUTY R/W 5VSB 5h to this (value x 8 directly. And if fan speed is down, the FAN_CTRL 3 will decrease duty-cycle to 0 when the PWM duty cycle is less than this (value x 4). 245 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN PROGRAMMABLE DUTY-CYCLE/VOLTAGE LOADED AFTER POWER-ON ⎯ Offset 9Eh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description This byte will be immediately loaded as Fan duty value after 7-0 PROG_DUTY_VAL R/W 5VSB 66h VDD is powered on if it has been programmed before shut down. Fan Fault Time Register ⎯ Offset 9Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FAN_PROG_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit to “1” will enable accessing registers of other bank. 6 FAN_MNT_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 Set this bit to monitor a slower fan. 5 Reserved - - - Reserved 0: The Fan Duty is 100% and will be loaded immediately after VDD is powered on if CR9E is not been programmed before shut down. (pull down by external resistor) 4 FULL_DUTY_SEL R/W 3VCC - 1: The Fan Duty is 40% and will be loaded immediately after VDD is powered on if CR9E is not been programmed before shut down. (pull up by internal 47K Ω resistor). This register is power on trap by DTR1#. This register determines the time of fan fault. The condition to cause fan fault event is: When PWM_Duty reaches FFh, if the fan speed count can’t reach the fan expect count in time. The unit of this register is 1 second. The default value is 11 3-0 F_FAULT_TIME R/W 5VSB Ah seconds. (Set to 0 , means 1 seconds. ; Set to 1, means 2 seconds. Set to 2, means 3 seconds. …. ) Another condition to cause fan fault event is fan stop and the PWM duty is greater than the minimum duty programmed by the register Offset 9C-9Dh. 246 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 D. Address FAN1 Offset A0h~AFh Attribute Reset Default Description Value FAN1 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this A0h RO 3VCC 8’h0f register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. A1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN1 count reading (LSB). RPM mode(CR96 bit0=0): FAN1 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode (CR96 A2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit1(0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode(CR96 bit0=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit0=0): FAN1 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty, in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. A3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit0=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode (CR96 bit1(0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5( 5*100/255 % 255 ( 100% FAN1 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading A4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 this register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. A5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN1 full speed count reading (LSB). VT1 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Offset A6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature exceeds this boundary, expected FAN1 7-0 BOUND1TMP1 R/W 5VSB value will be loaded from segment 1 register (Offset AAh). 3Ch When VT1 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, (60oC) expected FAN1 value will be loaded from segment 2 register (Offset ABh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranged from -128’C ~ 127’C. 247 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT1 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Offset A7 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 2 register (Offset ABh). 32 When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (50ºC) FAN1 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset ACh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 7-0 BOUND2TMP1 R/W 5VSB VT1 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Offset A8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset ACh). 28h When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (40ºC) FAN1 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset ADh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 7-0 BOUND3TMP1 R/W 5VSB VT1 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Offset A9 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT1 in temperature mode. When VT1 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN1 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset ADh). 1Eh When VT1 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (30ºC) FAN1 expected value will load from segment 5 register (Offset AEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 7-0 BOUND4TMP1 R/W 5VSB FAN1 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Offset AAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. Ex: 7-0 SEC1SPEED1 R/W 5VSB FFh 100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is ( (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 248 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN1 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Offset ABh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED1 R/W 5VSB D9h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (85%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset ACh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC3SPEED1 R/W 5VSB B2h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (70%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset ADh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN1_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC4SPEED1 R/W 5VSB 99h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (60%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN1 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset AEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the 7-0 SEC5PEED1 R/W 5VSB FAN1_MODE(CR96) 80h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (50%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 249 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN1 Temperature Mapping Select – Offset AFh Bit 7 Name FAN1_TEMP _SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN1_TEMP_SEL select the temperature source for controlling FAN1. This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD1 are used to select FAN1 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL1 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD1, 6 FAN1_PWM _FREQ_SEL FAN1_PWM_FREQ_SEL} R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 FAN1_UP_T_EN R/W 5VSB 0 INTERPOLATION_ R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 to force FAN1 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. FAN1_ 4 Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. EN This register controls the FAN1 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. 3 FAN1_JUMP _HIGH_EN 0: The FAN1 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN1_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN1 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED1 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN1 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). 2 FAN1_JUMP _LOW_EN 0: The FAN1 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN1_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN1 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED1 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. 250 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This registers company with FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN1. The following value is comprised by {FAN1_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN1_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan1 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan1 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN1_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 01 010: fan1 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan1 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan1 follows IBX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan1 follows IBX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan1 follows IBX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan1 follows IBX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Others are reserved. E. Address FAN2 Offset B0h~BFh Attribute Reset Default Value Description FAN2 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this register, B0h RO 3VCC 8’h0f the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. B1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN2 count reading (LSB). RPM mode(CR96 bit2=0): FAN2 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode(CR96 B2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit3Î0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode(CR96 bit2=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit2=0): FAN2 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty , in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. B3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit2=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode(CR96 bit3Î0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5Î 5*100/255 % 255 ( 100% 251 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN2 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading B4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 this register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. B5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN2 full speed count reading (LSB). VT2 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Offset B6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature exceeds this boundary, FAN2 expect value will load from segment 1 register (Offset Bah). 7-0 BOUND1TMP2 R/W 5VSB 3Ch When VT2 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, (60oC) FAN2 expect value will load from segment 2 register (Offset BAh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128’C ~ 127’C. VT2 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Offset B7 Bit Name R/W Reset 7-0 BOUND2TMP2 R/W 5VSB Default Description The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 2 register (Offset BBh). 32 When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (50ºC) FAN2 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset BCh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. VT2 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Offset B8h Bit Name R/W Reset 7-0 BOUND3TMP2 R/W 5VSB Default Description The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset BCh). 28h When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (40ºC) FAN2 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset BDh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. 252 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT2 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Offset B9 Bit Name R/W Reset 7-0 BOUND4TMP2 R/W 5VSB Default Description The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT2 in temperature mode. When VT2 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN2 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset BDh). 1Eh When VT2 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (30ºC) FAN2 expected value will load from segment 5 register (Offset BEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128ºC ~ 127ºC. FAN2 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Offset BAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE(CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. Ex: 7-0 SEC1SPEED2 R/W 5VSB FFh 100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is Î (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Offset BBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED2 R/W 5VSB D9h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (85%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 253 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN2 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset BCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC3SPEED2 R/W 5VSB B2h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (70%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset BDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN2_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC4SPEED2 R/W 5VSB 99h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (60%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT Register – Offset BEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the 7-0 SEC5PEED2 R/W 5VSB FAN2_MODE(CR96) 80h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (50%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN2 Temperature Mapping Select – Offset BFh Bit 7 Name FAN2_TEMP_ SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN2_TEMP_SEL to select the temperature source for controlling FAN2. This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD2 are used to select FAN2 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL2 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD2, 6 FAN2_PWM_ FREQ_SEL FAN2_PWM_FREQ_SEL} R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 FAN2_UP_T_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set 1 to force FAN2 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. 254 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN2_ 4 INTERPOLATION_EN R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. This register controls the FAN2 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. FAN2_JUMP_ 3 HIGH_EN 0: The FAN2 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN2_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN2 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED2 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN2 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). FAN2_JUMP_ 2 LOW_EN 0: The FAN2 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN2_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN2 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED2 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This registers companying with FAN2_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN2. The following value is comprised by {FAN2_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN2_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan2 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan2 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN2_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 10 010: fan2 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan2 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan2 follows IBEX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan2 follows IBEX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan2 follows IBEX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan2 follows IBEX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Otherwise: reserved. F. Address FAN3 Offset C0h- CFh Attribute Reset Default Value Description FAN3 count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading this C0h RO 3VCC 8’h0F register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. C1h RO 3VCC 8’hff FAN3 count reading (LSB). 255 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 RPM mode(CR96 bit4=0): FAN3 expect speed count value (MSB), in auto fan mode(CR96 C2h R/W VBAT 8’h00 bit5Î0) this register is auto updated by hardware. Duty mode(CR96 bit4=1): This byte is reserved byte. RPM mode(CR96 bit4=0): FAN3 expect speed count value (LSB) or expect PWM duty , in auto fan mode this register is auto updated by hardware and read only. C3h R/W VBAT 8’h01 Duty mode(CR96 bit4=1): The Value programming in this byte is duty value. In auto fan mode(CR96 bit5Î0) this register is updated by hardware. Ex: 5Î 5*100/255 % 255 Î 100% FAN3 full speed count reading (MSB). At the moment of reading C4h R/W 5VSB 8’h03 this register, the LSB will be latched. This will prevent from data updating when reading. To read the fan count correctly, read MSB first and followed read the LSB. C5h R/W 5VSB 8’hff FAN3 full speed count reading (LSB). VT3 BOUNDARY 1 TEMPERATURE – Offset C6h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The first boundary temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature exceeds this boundary, FAN3 expect 7-0 BOUND1TMP3 R/W 5VSB value will load from segment 1 register (Offset CA)h. 3Ch When VT3 temperature is under this boundary – hysteresis, (60oC) FAN3 expect value will load from segment 2 register (Offset CAh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128’C ~ 127’C. VT3 BOUNDARY 2 TEMPERATURE – Offset C7 Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 2nd BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 2 register (Offset CBh). 32 When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (50oC) FAN3 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset CCh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128 oC ~ 127 o C. 7-0 BOUND2TMP3 R/W 5VSB 256 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VT3 BOUNDARY 3 TEMPERATURE – Offset C8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 3rd BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 3 register (Offset CCh). 28h When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (40oC) FAN3 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset CDh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128 oC ~ 127 o C. 7-0 BOUND3TMP3 R/W 5VSB VT3 BOUNDARY 4 TEMPERATURE – Offset C9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The 4th BOUNDARY temperature for VT3 in temperature mode. When VT3 temperature is exceed this boundary, FAN3 expected value will load from segment 4 register (Offset CDh). 1Eh When VT3 temperature is below this boundary – hysteresis, (30oC) FAN3 expected value will load from segment 5 register (Offset CEh). This byte is a 2’s complement value ranging from -128 oC ~ 127 o C. 7-0 BOUND4TMP3 R/W 5VSB FAN3 SEGMENT 1 SPEED COUNT – Offset CAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE(CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. Ex: 7-0 SEC1SPEED3 R/W 5VSB FFh 100%:full speed: User must set this register to 0. (100%) 60% full speed: (100-60)*32/60, so user must program 21 to this reg. X% full speed: The value programming in this byte is ( (100-X)*32/X 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 257 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 FAN3 SEGMENT 2 SPEED COUNT – Offset CBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE(CR96) 7-0 SEC2SPEED3 R/W 5VSB D9h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (85%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. FAN3 SEGMENT 3 SPEED COUNT – Offset CCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the B2h FAN3_MODE(CR96) 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (70%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC3SPEED3 R/W 5VSB FAN3 SEGMENT 4 SPEED COUNT – Offset CDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE(CR96) 99h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (60%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC4SPEED3 R/W 5VSB FAN3 SEGMENT 5 SPEED COUNT – Offset CEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The meaning of this register is depending on the FAN3_MODE(CR96) 80h 2’b00: The value that set in this byte is the relative expect fan (50%) speed % of the full speed in this temperature section. 2’b01: The value that set in this byte is mean the expect PWM duty-cycle in this temperature section. 7-0 SEC5SPEED3 R/W 5VSB FAN3 Temperature Mapping Select – Offset CFh Bit 7 Name FAN3_TEMP_ SEL_DIG R/W Reset Default R/W 5VSB 0 Description This bit companies with FAN3_TEMP_SEL select the temperature source for controlling FAN3. 258 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 This bit and FREQ_SEL_ADD3 are used to select FAN3 PWM frequency. NEW_FREQ_SEL3 = { FREQ_SEL_ADD3, 6 FAN3_PWM_ FREQ_SEL FAN3_PWM_FREQ_SEL} R/W 5VSB 0 00: 23.5 KHz 01: 11.75 KHz 10: 5.875 KHz 11: 220 Hz 5 4 FAN3_UP_T_EN FAN3_ INTERPOLATION_EN R/W 5VSB 0 R/W 5VSB 1 Set 1 to force FAN3 to full speed if any temperature over its high limit. Set 1 will enable the interpolation of the fan expect table. This register controls the FAN3 duty movement when temperature over highest boundary. 3 FAN3_JUMP_ HIGH_EN 0: The FAN3 duty will increases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN3_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN3 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC1SPEED3 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This register controls the FAN3 duty movement when temperature under (highest boundary – hysteresis). 2 FAN3_JUMP_ LOW_EN 0: The FAN3 duty will decreases with the slope selected by R/W 5VSB 1 FAN3_RATE_SEL register. 1: The FAN3 duty will directly jumps to the value of SEC2SPEED3 register. This bit only activates in duty mode. This registers companying with FAN3_TEMP_SEL_DIG select the temperature source for controlling FAN3. The following value is comprised by {FAN3_TEMP_SEL_DIG, FAN3_TEMP_SEL} 000: fan3 follows PECI temperature (CR7Eh) 001: fan3 follows temperature 1 (CR72h). 1-0 FAN3_TEMP_SEL R/W 5VSB 11 010: fan3 follows temperature 2 (CR74h). 011: fan3 follows temperature 0 (CR70h). 100: fan3 follows IBEX/TSI CPU temperature (CR7Ah) 101: fan3 follows IBEX PCH temperature (CR7Bh). 110: fan3 follows IBEX MCH temperature (CR7Ch). 111: fan3 follows IBEX maximum temperature (CR7Dh). Otherwise: reserved. 259 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.20.9 GPIO μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2100, 256 bytes) GPIO0 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset F0h. Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO07 is in input mode. 1: GPIO07 is in output mode. 6 GPIO06_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO06 is in input mode. 1: GPIO06 is in output mode. 5 GPIO05_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO05 is in input mode. 1: GPIO05 is in output mode. 4 GPIO04_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO04 is in input mode. 1: GPIO04 is in output mode. 3 GPIO03_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO03 is in input mode. 1: GPIO03 is in output mode. 2 GPIO02_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO02 is in input mode. 1: GPIO02 is in output mode. 1 GPIO01_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO01 is in input mode. 1: GPIO01 is in output mode. 0 GPIO00_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO00 is in input mode. 1: GPIO00 is in output mode. GPIO0 Output Data Register ⎯ offset F1h Bit 7 6 5 Name GPIO07_VAL GPIO06_VAL GPIO05_VAL R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 0 GPIO07 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO07. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO07. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs1 when in output mode. GPIO07 will be tri-state if GPIO07_DRV is clear to “0”. 0 GPIO06 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO06. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO06. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs1 when in output mode. GPIO06 will be tri-state if GPIO06_DRV is clear to “0”. 0 GPIO05 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO05. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO05. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs1 when in output mode. GPIO05 will be tri-state if GPIO05_DRV is clear to “0”. 260 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 GPIO04_VAL R/W 5VSB 0 GPIO04 supports pulse mode. When pulse mode is selected, write “1” to this bit will assert a pulse from GPIO04. Auto clear when pulse is finished. When level mode is selected, write 0/1 to this bit will set the level of GPIO04. 0: outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: outputs1 when in output mode. GPIO04 will be tri-state if GPIO04_DRV is clear to “0”.1: GPIO04 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO03_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO03 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO03 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO02_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO02 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO02 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO01_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO01 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO01 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO00_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO00 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO00 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO0 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset F2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO07/RTS5#. 6 GPIO06_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO06/SIN5. 5 GPIO05_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO05/SOUT5. 4 GPIO04_IN R - - The pin status of SLP_SUS#/GPIO04. 3 GPIO03_IN R - - The pin status of SUS_ACK#/GPIO03/SPI_MOSI. 2 GPIO02_IN R - - The pin status of SUS_WARN#/GPIO02/SPI_MISO. 1 GPIO01_IN R - - The pin status of ERP_CTRL1#/GPIO01/SPI_CS#. 0 GPIO00_IN R - - The pin status of ERP_CTRL0#/GPIO00/SPI_CLK. GPIO0 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset F3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO07 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO07 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO06_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO06 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO06 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO05_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO05 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO05 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO04_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO04 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO04 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO03_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO03 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO03 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO02_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO02 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO02 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO01_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO01 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO01 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO00_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO00 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO00 is push pull in output mode. 261 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO0 Mode Register ⎯ offset F5h Bit 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0 Name GPIO07_MODE GPIO06_MODE GPIO05_MODE GPIO04_MODE R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 0 The output mode of GPIO07. 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. 0 The output mode of GPIO06. 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. 0 The output mode of GPIO05. 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. 0 The output mode of GPIO04. 00: Level mode. 01: Inverted level mode. 10: High pulse mode. 11: Low pulse mode. GPIO0 Pulse Select Register ⎯ offset F7h Bit 7-6 5-4 3-2 1-0 Name GPIO07_PW_SEL GPIO06_PW_SEL GPIO05_PW_SEL GPIO04_PW_SEL R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB 5VSB Description 0 The pulse width of GPIO07 in pulse output mode. 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 0 The pulse width of GPIO06 in pulse output mode. 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 0 The pulse width of GPIO05 in pulse output mode. 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 0 The pulse width of GPIO04 in pulse output mode. 00: 500us. 01: 1ms. 10: 20ms. 11: 100ms. 262 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO0 SMI Enable Register ⎯ offset F8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO07_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO07_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO06_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO06_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO05_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO05_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO04_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO04_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO03_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO03_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO02_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO02_SMI_ST is set. 1 GPIO01_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO01_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO00_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO00_SMI_ST is set. GPIO0 SMI Status Register ⎯ offset F9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GPIO07_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO07 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO06_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO06 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO05 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO05_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB Description 4 GPIO04_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO04 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO03_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO03 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO02_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO02 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO01_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO01 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO00_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO00 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 263 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO1 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset E0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO17 is in input mode. 1: GPIO17 is in output mode. 6 GPIO16_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO16 is in input mode. 1: GPIO16 is in output mode. 5 GPIO15_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO15 is in input mode. 1: GPIO15 is in output mode. 4 GPIO14_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO14 is in input mode. 1: GPIO14 is in output mode. 3 GPIO13_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO13 is in input mode. 1: GPIO13 is in output mode. 2 GPIO12_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO12 is in input mode. 1: GPIO12 is in output mode. 1 GPIO11_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO11 is in input mode. 1: GPIO11 is in output mode. 0 GPIO10_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO10 is in input mode. 1: GPIO10 is in output mode. GPIO1 Output Data Register ⎯ offset E1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO17 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO17 outputs1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO16_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO16 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO16 outputs1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO15_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO15 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO15 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO14_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO14 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO14 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO13_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO13 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO13 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO12_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO12 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO12 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO11_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO11 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO11 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO10_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO10 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO10 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO1 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset E2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_IN R - - The pin status of PECI/GPIO17. 6 GPIO16_IN R - - The pin status of BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX#. 5 GPIO15_IN R - - The pin status of WDTRST#/GPIO15. 4 GPIO14_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO14/AT_ATX_TRAP. 3 GPIO13_IN R - - The pin status of SDA/GPIO13/IRRX. 264 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 GPIO12_IN R - - The pin status of SCL/GPIO12/IRTX 1 GPIO11_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO11/LED_VCC. 0 GPIO10_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO10/LED_VSB. GPIO1 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset E3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO17 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO17 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO16_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO16 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO16 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO15_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO15 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO15 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO14_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO14 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO14 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO13_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO13 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO13 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO12_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO12 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO12 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO11_DRV_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: GPIO11 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO11 is push pull in output mode. This bit is powered by VBAT. 0 GPIO10_DRV_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: GPIO10 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO10 is push pull in output mode. This bit is powered by VBAT. GPIO1 SMI Enable Register ⎯ offset E8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO17_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO16_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO16_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO15_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO15_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO14_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO14_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO13_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO13_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO12_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO12_SMI_ST is set. 1 GPIO11_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO11_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO10_SMI_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO10_SMI_ST is set. 265 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO1 SMI Status Register ⎯ offset E9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO17_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO17 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO16_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO16 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO15_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO15 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 4 GPIO14_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO14 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO13_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO13 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO12_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO12 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO11_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO11 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO10_SMI_ST R/W 5VSB 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO10 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. GPIO2 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset D0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO27 is in input mode. 1: GPIO27 is in output mode. 6 GPIO26_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO26 is in input mode. 1: GPIO25 is in output mode. 5 GPIO25_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO25 is in input mode. 1: GPIO25 is in output mode. 4 GPIO24_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO24 is in input mode. 1: GPIO24 is in output mode. 3 GPIO23_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO23 is in input mode. 1: GPIO23 is in output mode. 2 GPIO22_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO22 is in input mode. 1: GPIO22 is in output mode. 1 GPIO21_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO21 is in input mode. 1: GPIO21 is in output mode. 0 GPIO20_OE R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO20 is in input mode. 1: GPIO20 is in output mode. 266 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO2 Output Data Register ⎯ offset D1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO27 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO27 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO26_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO26 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO26 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO25_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO25 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO25 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO24_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO25 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO25 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO23_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO23 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO23 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO22_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO22 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO22 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO21_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO21 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO21 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO20_VAL R/W 5VSB 1 0: GPIO20 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO20 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO2 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset D2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO27_IN R - - The pin status of RSMRST#/GPIO27. 6 GPIO26_IN R - - The pin status of PWROK/GPIO26. 5 GPIO25_IN R - - The pin status of PSON#/GPIO25. 4 GPIO24_IN R - - The pin status of S3#/GPIO24. 3 GPIO23_IN R - - The pin status of PWSOUT#/GPIO23. 2 GPIO22_IN R - - The pin status of PWSIN#/GPIO22. 1 GPIO21_IN R - - The pin status of ATXPG/GPIO21. 0 GPIO20_IN R - - The pin status of ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX#. GPIO2 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset D3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 Reserved - 5VSB - Reserved. 5 GPIO25_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO25 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO25 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO24_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO25 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO25 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO23_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO23 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO23 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO22_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO22 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO22 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO21_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO21 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO21 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO20_DRV_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: GPIO20 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO20 is push pull in output mode. 267 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5VSB GPIO3 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset C0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO37 is in input mode. 1: GPIO37 is in output mode. 6 GPIO36_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO36 is in input mode. 1: GPIO35 is in output mode. 5 GPIO35_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO35 is in input mode. 1: GPIO35 is in output mode. 4 GPIO34_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO34 is in input mode. 1: GPIO34 is in output mode. 3 GPIO33_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO33 is in input mode. 1: GPIO33 is in output mode. 2 GPIO32_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO32 is in input mode. 1: GPIO32 is in output mode. 1 GPIO31_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO31 is in input mode. 1: GPIO31 is in output mode. 0 GPIO30_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO30 is in input mode. 1: GPIO30 is in output mode. GPIO3 Output Data Register ⎯ offset C1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO37 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO37 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO36_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO36 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO36 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO35_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO35 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO35 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO34_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO34 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO34 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO33_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO33 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO33 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO32_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO32 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO32 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO31_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO31 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO31 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO30_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO30 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO30 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO3 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset C2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_IN R - - The pin status of SIN3/GPIO37. 6 GPIO36_IN R - - The pin status of SOUT3/GPIO36. 5 GPIO35_IN R - - The pin status of DSR3#/GPIO35. 268 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 GPIO34_IN R - - The pin status of RTS3#/GPIO34. 3 GPIO33_IN R - - The pin status of DTR3#/GPIO33. 2 GPIO32_IN R - - The pin status of CTS3#/GPIO32. 1 GPIO31_IN R - - The pin status of RI3#/GPIO31. 0 GPIO30_IN R - - The pin status of DCD3#/GPIO30. GPIO3 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset C3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO37_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO37 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO37 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO36_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO36 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO36 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO35_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO35 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO35 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO34_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 3 GPIO33_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO33 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO33 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO32_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO32 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO32 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO31_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO31 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO31 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO30_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO30 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO30 is push pull in output mode. 0: GPIO34 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO34 is push pull in output mode. GPIO4 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset B0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO47 is in input mode. 1: GPIO47 is in output mode. 6 GPIO46_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO46 is in input mode. 1: GPIO45 is in output mode. 5 GPIO45_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO45 is in input mode. 1: GPIO45 is in output mode. 4 GPIO44_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO44 is in input mode. 1: GPIO44 is in output mode. 3 GPIO43_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO43 is in input mode. 1: GPIO43 is in output mode. 2 GPIO42_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO42 is in input mode. 1: GPIO42 is in output mode. 1 GPIO41_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO41 is in input mode. 1: GPIO41 is in output mode. 0 GPIO40_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO40 is in input mode. 1: GPIO40 is in output mode. 269 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO4 Output Data Register ⎯ offset B1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO47 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO47 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO46_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO46 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO46 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO45_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO45 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO45 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO44_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO44 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO44 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO43_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO43 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO43 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO42_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO42 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO42 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO41_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO41 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO41 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO40_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO40 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO40 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO4 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset B2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_IN R - - The pin status of SIN4/GPIO47. 6 GPIO46_IN R - - The pin status of SOUT4/GPIO46. 5 GPIO45_IN R - - The pin status of DSR4#/GPIO45. 4 GPIO44_IN R - - The pin status of RTS4#/GPIO44. 3 GPIO43_IN R - - The pin status of DTR4#/GPIO43. 2 GPIO42_IN R - - The pin status of CTS4#/GPIO42. 1 GPIO41_IN R - - The pin status of RI4#/GPIO41. 0 GPIO40_IN R - - The pin status of DCD4#/GPIO40. GPIO4 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset B3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO47_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO47 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO47 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO46_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO46 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO46 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO45_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO45 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO45 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO44_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO44 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO44 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO43_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO43 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO43 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO42_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO42 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO42 is push pull in output mode. 270 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO41_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO41 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO41 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO40_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO40 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO40 is push pull in output mode. GPIO5 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset A0h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO57 is in input mode. 1: GPIO57 is in output mode. 6 GPIO56_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO56 is in input mode. 1: GPIO56 is in output mode. 5 GPIO55_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO55 is in input mode. 1: GPIO55 is in output mode. 4 GPIO54_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO54 is in input mode. 1: GPIO54 is in output mode. 3 GPIO53_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO53 is in input mode. 1: GPIO53 is in output mode. 2 GPIO52_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO52 is in input mode. 1: GPIO52 is in output mode. 1 GPIO51_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO51 is in input mode. 1: GPIO51 is in output mode. 0 GPIO50_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO50 is in input mode. 1: GPIO50 is in output mode. GPIO5 Output Data Register ⎯ offset A1h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO57 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO57 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO56_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO56 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO56 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO55_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO55 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO55 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO54_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO54 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO54 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO53_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO53 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO53 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO52_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO52 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO52 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO51_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO51 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO51 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO50_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO50 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO50 outputs 1 when in output mode. 271 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO5 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset A2h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 4 GPIO57_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6#/T2EX. 4 GPIO56_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6#/T2. 4 GPIO55_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6#/P35. 4 GPIO54_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO54/DIR#/RI6#/P34. 3 GPIO53_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6#/P33. 2 GPIO52_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6/P32. 1 GPIO51_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6/P31. 0 GPIO50_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6#/P30. GPIO5 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset A3h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO57 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO57 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO56_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO56 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO56 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO55_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO55 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO55 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO54_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO54 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO54 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO53_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO53 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO53 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO52_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO52 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO52 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO51_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO51 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO51 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO50_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO50 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO50 is push pull in output mode. GPIO5 SMI Enable Register ⎯ offset A8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO57_SMI_ST is set. 6 GPIO56_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO56_SMI_ST is set. 5 GPIO55_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO55_SMI_ST is set. 4 GPIO54_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO54_SMI_ST is set. 3 GPIO53_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO53_SMI_ST is set. 2 GPIO52_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO52_SMI_ST is set. 272 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO51_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO51_SMI_ST is set. 0 GPIO50_SMI_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: Disable SMI event. 1: Enable SMI event via PME# or SIRQ if GPIO50_SMI_ST is set. GPIO5 SMI Status Register ⎯ offset A9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO57_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO57 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 6 GPIO56_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO56 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 5 GPIO55_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO55 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 4 GPIO54_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO54 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 3 GPIO53_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO53 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 2 GPIO52_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO52 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 1 GPIO51_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO51 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. 0 GPIO50_SMI_ST R/W LRESET# 0 0: No SMI event. 1: A SMI event will set if GPIO50 input is changed. This bit is available in input mode. Write “1” to this bit will clear the status. GPIO6 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset 90h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO67 is in input mode. 1: GPIO67 is in output mode. 6 GPIO66_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO66 is in input mode. 1: GPIO65 is in output mode. 5 GPIO65_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO65 is in input mode. 1: GPIO65 is in output mode. 4 GPIO64_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO64 is in input mode. 1: GPIO64 is in output mode. 3 GPIO63_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO63 is in input mode. 1: GPIO63 is in output mode. 2 GPIO62_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO62 is in input mode. 1: GPIO62 is in output mode. 273 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO61_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO61 is in input mode. 1: GPIO61 is in output mode. 0 GPIO60_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO60 is in input mode. 1: GPIO60 is in output mode. GPIO6 Output Data Register ⎯ offset 91h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO67 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO67 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO66_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO66 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO66 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO65_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO65 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO65 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO64_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO64 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO64 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO63_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO63 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO63 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO62_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO62 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO62 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO61_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO61 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO61 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO60_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO60 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO60 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO6 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset 92h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_IN R - - The pin status of S5#/GPIO67. 6 GPIO66_IN R - - The pin status of DPWROK/GPIO66. 5 GPIO65_IN R - - The pin status of PME#/GPIO65. 4 GPIO64_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO64DSKCHG#/DSR5#. 3 GPIO63_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5#/PWM3. 2 GPIO62_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5#/PWM2. 1 GPIO61_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5#/PWM1. 0 GPIO60_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5#/PWM0. GPIO6 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset 93h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO67_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO67 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO67 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO66_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO66 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO66 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO65_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO65 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO65 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO64_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO64 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO64 is push pull in output mode. 274 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3 GPIO63_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO63 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO63 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO62_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO62 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO62 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO61_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO61 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO61 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO60_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO60 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO60 is push pull in output mode. GPIO7 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset 80h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO77 is in input mode. 1: GPIO77 is in output mode. 6 GPIO76_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO76 is in input mode. 1: GPIO75 is in output mode. 5 GPIO75_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO75 is in input mode. 1: GPIO75 is in output mode. 4 GPIO74_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO74 is in input mode. 1: GPIO74 is in output mode. 3 GPIO73_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO73 is in input mode. 1: GPIO73 is in output mode. 2 GPIO72_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO72 is in input mode. 1: GPIO72 is in output mode. 1 GPIO71_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO71 is in input mode. 1: GPIO71 is in output mode. 0 GPIO70_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO70 is in input mode. 1: GPIO70 is in output mode. GPIO7 Output Data Register ⎯ offset 81h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO77 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO77 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO76_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO76 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO76 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO75_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO75 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO75 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO74_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO74 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO74 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO73_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO73 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO73 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO72_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO72 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO72 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO71_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO71 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO71 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO70_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO70 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO70 outputs 1 when in output mode. 275 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO7 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset 82h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO77/STB#. 6 GPIO76_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO76/AFD#. 5 GPIO75_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO75/ERR#. 4 GPIO74_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO74/INIT#. 3 GPIO73_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO73/SLIN#. 2 GPIO72_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO72/ACK#. 1 GPIO71_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO71/BUSY. 0 GPIO70_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO70/PE/FANCTRL3. GPIO7 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset 83h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO77_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO77 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO77 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO76_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO76 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO76 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO75_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO75 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO75 is push pull in output mode. 4 GPIO74_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO74 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO74 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO73_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO73 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO73 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO72_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO72 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO72 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO71_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO71 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO71 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO70_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO70 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO70 is push pull in output mode. GPIO8 Output Enable Register ⎯ offset 88h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO87 is in input mode. 1: GPIO87 is in output mode. 6 GPIO86_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO86 is in input mode. 1: GPIO85 is in output mode. 5 GPIO85_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO85 is in input mode. 1: GPIO85 is in output mode. 4 GPIO84_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO84 is in input mode. 1: GPIO84 is in output mode. 3 GPIO83_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO83 is in input mode. 1: GPIO83 is in output mode. 2 GPIO82_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO82 is in input mode. 1: GPIO82 is in output mode. 276 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 GPIO81_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO81 is in input mode. 1: GPIO81 is in output mode. 0 GPIO80_OE R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO80 is in input mode. 1: GPIO80 is in output mode. GPIO8 Output Data Register ⎯ offset 89h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO87 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO87 outputs 1 when in output mode. 6 GPIO86_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO86 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO86 outputs 1 when in output mode. 5 GPIO85_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO85 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO85 outputs 1 when in output mode. 4 GPIO84_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO84 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO84 outputs 1 when in output mode. 3 GPIO83_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO83 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO83 outputs 1 when in output mode. 2 GPIO82_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO82 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO82 outputs 1 when in output mode. 1 GPIO81_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO81 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO81 outputs 1 when in output mode. 0 GPIO80_VAL R/W LRESET# 1 0: GPIO80 outputs 0 when in output mode. 1: GPIO80 outputs 1 when in output mode. GPIO8 Pin Status Register ⎯ offset 8Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO87/PD7. 6 GPIO86_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO86/PD6. 5 GPIO85_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO85/PD5. 4 GPIO84_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO84/PD4. 3 GPIO83_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO83/PD3. 2 GPIO82_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO82/PD2. 1 GPIO81_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO81/PD1. 0 GPIO80_IN R - - The pin status of GPIO80/PD0. GPIO8 Drive Enable Register ⎯ offset 8Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GPIO87_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO87 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO87 is push pull in output mode. 6 GPIO86_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO86 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO86 is push pull in output mode. 5 GPIO85_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO85 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO85 is push pull in output mode. 277 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 GPIO84_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO84 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO84 is push pull in output mode. 3 GPIO83_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO83 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO83 is push pull in output mode. 2 GPIO82_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO82 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO82 is push pull in output mode. 1 GPIO81_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO81 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO81 is push pull in output mode. 0 GPIO80_DRV_EN R/W LRESET# 0 0: GPIO80 is open drain in output mode. 1: GPIO80 is push pull in output mode. 7.20.10 GPIO8x Scan Code Registers GPIO8 Make Code 0 Register ⎯ offset D8h Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE0 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 0 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO80. GPIO8 Make Code 1 Register ⎯ offset D9h Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE1 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 1 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO81. GPIO8 Make Code 2 Register ⎯ offset DAh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE2 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 2 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO82. GPIO8 Make Code 3 Register ⎯ offset DBh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE3 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 3 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO83. 278 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Make Code 4 Register ⎯ offset DCh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE4 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 4 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO84. GPIO8 Make Code 5 Register ⎯ offset DDh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE5 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 5 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO85. GPIO8 Make Code 6 Register ⎯ offset DEh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE6 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 6 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO86. GPIO8 Make Code 7 Register ⎯ offset DFh Bit 7-0 Name GP_MAKE_CODE7 R/W R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This byte is used to assert make code when scan code event 7 occur. The scan code events will set KBC OBF and put their make/break code into KBC output buffer. The break code is make code + 0x80 and this function is implemented by μC. The source of event is GPIO87. GPIO8 Pre-Code 0 Register ⎯ offset C8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE0 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 1 Register ⎯ offset C9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE1 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 2 Register ⎯ offset CAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE2 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 3 Register ⎯ offset CBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE3 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. 279 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Pre-Code 4 Register ⎯ offset CCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE4 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 5 Register ⎯ offset CDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE5 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 6 Register ⎯ offset CEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE6 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Pre-Code 7 Register ⎯ offset CFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 GP_PRE_CODE7 R/W 5VSB 0xE0 Description This byte is used to assert a pre-code before the make/break code when it is enabled. GPIO8 Scan Code 0 Control Register ⎯ offset B8h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP0_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP0_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP0_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP0_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP0_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP0_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 1 Control Register ⎯ offset B9h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP1_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP1_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP1_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP1_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP1_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP1_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 280 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 GPIO8 Scan Code 2 Control Register ⎯ offset BAh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP2_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP2_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP2_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP2_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP2_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP2_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 3 Control Register ⎯ offset BBh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP3_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP3_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP3_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP3_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP3_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP3_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 4 Control Register ⎯ offset BCh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GP4_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. Description 6 GP4_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP4_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP4_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP4_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP4_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 5 Control Register ⎯ offset BDh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP5_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP5_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP5_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP5_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 281 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3-2 GP5_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP5_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 6 Control Register ⎯ offset BEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP6_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP6_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP6_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP6_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP6_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP6_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO8 Scan Code 7 Control Register ⎯ offset BFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 GP7_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Ctrl” key code first when scan code event occurs. 6 GP7_ALT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Alt” key code first when scan code event occurs. 5 GP7_SHIFT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left “Shift” key code first when scan code event occurs. 4 GP7_PRE_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” will assert a left pre-code first when scan code 0 event occurs. When multiple keys are enabled, the sequence is “Ctrl” Æ “Alt” Æ “Shift” Æ Pre-code Æ Make/Break code. 3-2 GP7_DELAY_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The delay time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. 0 GP7_REP_TIME R/W 5VSB 0 The repeat time for repeat make code could be user defined. μC reads this register to determine the delay time. GPIO7 Function Select 1 Register ⎯ offset ACh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 GPIO73_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO73 is. 5-4 GPIO72_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO72 is. 3-2 GPIO71_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO71 is. 1-0 GPIO70_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO70 is. GPIO7 Function Select Register ⎯ offset ADh Bit 7-6 Name R/W GPIO77_FUNC_SEL R/W Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO77 is. 282 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5-4 GPIO76_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO76 is. 3-2 GPIO75_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO75 is. 1-0 GPIO74_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO74 is. GPIO8 Function Select 1 Register ⎯ offset AEh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 GPIO83_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO83 is. 5-4 GPIO82_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO82 is. 3-2 GPIO81_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO81 is. 1-0 GPIO80_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO80 is. GPIO8 Function Select Register ⎯ offset AFh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 GPIO87_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO87 is. 5-4 GPIO86_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO86 is. 3-2 GPIO85_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO85 is. 1-0 GPIO84_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 These two bits are used for host and μC communication. μC could used these two bits to decide which function GOPIO84 is. 7.20.11 KBC μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2200, 256 bytes) Output Buffer Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 μC_OUTPUT_BUF R/W 5VSB 0 Description The code μC write to KBC. After write this byte, KBC OBF will be set. KBC Control Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 μC_KB_OBF R/W 5VSB 0 This bit is set by writing μC_OUTPUT_BUF when MO_DATE_EN is disabled. It will auto cleared when the host read 0x60 port. 6 μC_MO_OBF R/W 5VSB 0 This bit is set by write μC_OUTPUT_BUF when MO_DATE_EN is enabled. It will auto cleared when the host read 0x60 port. 5 μC_DIS_OBF R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to disable PS/2 to set OBF flag. 4 MO_DATA_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: μC_OUTPUT_BUF is the keyboard data. 1: μC_OUTPUT_BUF is the mouse data. 283 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 3 HOST_DIS_MO_CLK R 5VSB 0 This bit represents the status of host disable mouse clock signal. 2 HOST_DIS_KB_CLK R 5VSB 0 This bit represents the status of host disable keyboard clock signal. 1 μC_DIS_MO_CLK R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to disable PS/2 mouse interface. PS2_CTRL_EN switch the disable signal between HOST_DIS_MO_CLK and μC_DIS_MO_CLK. 0 μC_DIS_KB_CLK R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to disable PS/2 keyboard interface. PS2_CTRL_EN switch the disable signal between HOST_DIS_KB_CLK and μC_DIS_KB_CLK. KBC Status Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W 7-0 KBC_STS R Reset Default 5VSB - Description The status of KBC. Same as 0x64 port of host side. PS/2 Interrupt Enable Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 KBC_ST_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable KBC status interrupt. 1: Enable KBC status interrupt. KBC_STS change will assert interrupt to μC. 6 Reserved - - - Reserved. 5 MO_RD_IN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable read mouse data interrupt. 1: Enable read mouse data interrupt. Host read mouse data will assert interrupt to μC. 4 KB_RD_IN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable read keyboard data interrupt. 1: Enable read keyboard data interrupt. Host read mouse data will assert interrupt to μC. 0 0: Disable PS/2 mouse write command interrupt. 1: Enable PS/2 mouse interface interrupt. An interrupt will be asserted to μC when the host write command to PS/2 mouse which will set MO_WR_BYTE_ST. 3 MO_WR_INT_EN R/W 5VSB Description 2 KB_WR_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PS/2 keyboard write command interrupt. 1: Enable PS/2 keyboard interface interrupt. An interrupt will be asserted to μC when host write command to PS/2 keyboard which will set KB_WR_BYTE_ST. 1 MO_RCV_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PS/2 mouse interface receiving interrupt. 1: Enable PS/2 mouse interface receiving interrupt. An interrupt will be asserted to μC when a byte is received which will set MO_RCV_BYTE_ST. 0 KB_RCV_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PS/2 keyboard interface receiving interrupt. 1: Enable PS/2 keyboard interface receiving interrupt. An interrupt will be asserted to μC when a byte is received which will set KB_RCV_BYTE_ST. PS/2 Receiving Status Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit 7 Name R/W Reset Default KBC_ST_CHG_ST R/WC 5VSB - - Description 0 This bit will be set when KBC_STS changes. - Reserved. 6 Reserved 5 MO_RD_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when host read mouse data. 4 KB_RD_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when host read keyboard data. 3 MO_WR_BYTE_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when host write data to mouse. Write “1” to clear. 2 KB_WR_BYTE_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when host write data to keyboard. Write “1” to clear. 284 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 MO_RCV_BYTE_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when PS/2 mouse interface receive a byte. Write “1” to clear. 0 KB_RCV_BYTE_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set when PS/2 keyboard interface receive a byte. Write “1” to clear. PS/2 Keyboard Unmapped Code Register ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W 7-0 KB_UNMAPPED_CO DE R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This is the raw data received from keyboard. Not translated into scan code set 1. PS/2 Keyboard Data Register ⎯ Offset 06h Bit Name R/W 7-0 KB_CODE R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description The keyboard data after translated into scan code set 1. PS/2 Mouse Data Register ⎯ Offset 07h Bit Name R/W 7-0 MO_CODE R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description The mouse data receive from a mouse. PS/2 Host Output Register ⎯ Offset 08h Bit 7-0 Name PS2_HOST_DOUT R/W R Reset Default 5VSB 0 Description This is the output data host write to PS/2 keyboard/mouse. Check MO_WR_BYTE_ST/KB_WR_BYTE_ST to determine the data is for keyboard or mouse. PS/2 μC Output Register ⎯ Offset 09h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PS2_μC_DOUT R/W 5VSB 0 Description This is the output data μC wants to write to PS/2 keyboard/mouse. PS/2 Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 μC_CMD_RST W 5VSB - Write “1” to assert a KBC command reset to PS/2. 6 μC_CLR_IBF W 5VSB - Write “1” to clear IBF. 5 μC_CLR_SWAP W 5VSB - Write “1” to disable keyboard/mouse swap. 4 μC_SET_SWAP R/W 5VSB - Write “1” to enable keyboard/mouse swap. This bit will return the status of swap enable. 3 μC_MO_RD W 5VSB - When PS2_CTRL_EN is set to “1”, write “1” to this bit will assert a mouse read signal to PS/2 block to reset the PS/2 state machine. 2 μC_KB_RD W 5VSB - When PS2_CTRL_EN is set to “1”, write “1” to this bit will assert a keyboard read signal to PS/2 block to reset the PS/2 state machine. 1 μC_MO_WR W 5VSB - When PS2_CTRL_EN is set to “1”, write “1” to this bit will assert a mouse write signal to PS/2 block and the data is the PS2_μC_DOUT. 0 μC_KB_WR W 5VSB - When PS2_CTRL_EN is set to “1”, write “1” to this bit will assert a keyboard write signal to PS/2 block and the data is the PS2_μC_DOUT. 285 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 PS/2 Reset Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-6 Reserved - - - Reserved. 5 LRESET_ST R 5VSB 0 The status of LRESET#. 4 KBC_S3 R 5VSB 0 The S3 condition status for PS/2. 3-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 μC_LRESET_N R/W 5VSB 1 When PS2_CTRL_EN is set, μC could use the bit to reset KBC block. 0 μC_KBC_S3 R/W 5VSB 0 When PS2_CTRL_EN is set, μC could use the bit to emulate a S3 condition for wakeup function. PS/2 Reset Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Ch Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 P_MDATA_IN R - - Pin status of MDATA. 6 P_MCLK_IN R - - Pin status of MCLK. 5 P_KDATA_IN R - - Pin status of KDATA. 4 P_KCLK_IN R - - Pin status of KCLK. 3 μC_MDATA_OUT R/W 5VSB 1 When μC_MO_PIN_EN is set, μC uses this bit to control the MDATA. 2 μC_MCLK_OUT R/W 5VSB 1 When μC_MO_PIN_EN is set, μC uses this bit to control the MCLK. 1 μC_KDATA_OUT R/W 5VSB 1 When μC_KB_PIN_EN is set, μC uses this bit to control the KDATA. 0 μC_KCLK_OUT R/W 5VSB 1 When μC_KB_PIN_EN is set, μC uses this bit to control the KCLK. PS/2 Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 μC_KB_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to control KCLK/KDATA by μC_KCLK_OUT and μC_KDATA_OUT. 2 μC_MO_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to control MCLK/MDATA by μC_MCLK_OUT and μC_MDATA_OUT. 1 PS2_CTRL_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable μC to control PS/2 interface. 1: Enable μC to control PS/2 interface. μC could assert read/write signal to PS/2 block if PSEUDO_8048_EN is “0”. 0 PSEUDO_8048_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to emulate 8048 to response KBC command. When this bit is set, any read/write signal for PS/2 is block. μC is responsible to return the data to keyboard controller. 7.20.12 ACPI μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2300, 256 bytes) ACPI Pin Status 1 Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved - - - Reserved. 6 RSMRST_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of RSMRST#. 5 PWROK_IN R - 0 Pin status of PWROK. 4 PSON_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of PS_ON#. 3 PWSOUT_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of PWSOUT#. 286 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 2 PME_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of PME#. 1 ERP_CTRL1_IN R - 0 Pin status of ERP_CTRL1#. 0 ERP_CTRL0_IN R - 0 Pin status of ERP_CTRL0#. ACPI Pin Status 2 Register ⎯ Offset 04h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 Reserved - - - Reserved. 6 LRESET_N_IN R - - Pin status of LRESET#. 5 VSB3VOK R - 0 The VSB3V power is ready. 4 VDD3VOK R - 0 The VDD3V power is ready. 3 S5_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of S5#. 2 S3_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of S3#. 1 PWSIN_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of PWSIN#. 0 ATXPG_IN R - 0 Pin status of ATXPG. ACPI Pin Status 3 Register ⎯ Offset 05h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 DPWROK_IN R - 0 Pin status of DPWROK. 2 SUS_ACK_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of SUS_ACK#. 1 SUS_WARN_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of SUS_WARN#. 0 SLP_SUS_N_IN R - 0 Pin status of SLP_SUS. ACPI Input Pin Control 1 Register ⎯ Offset 07h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved. 3 μC_ATXPG R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with ATXPG pin for internal ATXPG signal. 2 μC_S3_N R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with S3# pin for internal S3# signal. 1 μC_S5_N R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with S5# pin for internal S5# signal. 0 μC_PWSIN_N R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with PWSIN# pin for internal PWSIN# signal. ACPI Input Pin Control 2 Register ⎯ Offset 08h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 μC_SUS_WARN_N R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with SUS_WARN# pin for internal SUS_WARN# signal. 0 μC_SLP_SUS_N R/W 5VSB 1 μC control this bit to and-ed with SLP_SUS# pin for internal SLP_SUS# signal. 287 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 KB PME Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Eh Bit Name R/W 7-6 Reserved - 5 Reset Default Description 5VSB - Reserved. MS_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - This bit is the status of mouse PME event. It is the same as the PME configuration register in host side. Write “1” will clear the status. 4 KB_PME_ST R/WC 5VSB - This bit is the status of keyboard PME event. It is the same as the PME configuration register in host side. Write “1” will clear the status. 3-2 Reserved - 5VSB - Reserved. 1 MS_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable mouse PME event. 1: Enable mouse PME event. 0 KB_PME_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable keyboard PME event. 1: Enable keyboard PME event. ERP State Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 S3_BACK R/W 5VSB 0 μC set this bit to inform host that the system is return from deep S3 state. 6-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 0 DS3_STATE R/W 5VSB 0 μC set this bit to make ACPI control signals entering deep S3 state. For example, LED will output 0.25Hz clock in deep S3 state. ACPI Deep S3 Control Register ⎯ Offset 0Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 S3_BACK R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to inform host the system is back from S3 state. 6-1 Reserved - - - Reserved. 0 DS3_STATE R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enter deep S3 state. ACPI Interrupt Enable Register 1⎯ Offset 10h Bit 7 Name R/W LRESET_ST_INT_E R/W N Reset Default Description 5VSB 0 0: Disable LRESET# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable LRESET# pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if LRESET# pin status change. 6 S5_ST_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable S5 state interrupt. 1: Enable S5 state interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if system enter S5 state. 5 S3_ST_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable S3 state interrupt. 1: Enable S3 state interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if system enter S3 state. 4 S0_ST_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable S0 state interrupt. 1: Enable S0 state interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if system enter S0 state. 3 S5_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable S5# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable S5# pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if S5# pin status change. 2 S3_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable S3# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable S3# pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if S3# pin status change. 288 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 1 PWSIN_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PWSIN# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable PWSIN# pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if PWSIN# pin status change. 0 ATXPG_INT_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable ATXPG pin status interrupt. 1: Enable ATXPG pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if ATXPG pin status change. ACPI Interrupt Status Register 1 ⎯ Offset 11h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 LRESET_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if LRESET# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 6 S5_ST_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if system enters S5 state. Write “1” to clear. 5 S3_ST_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if system enters S3 state. Write “1” to clear. 4 S0_ST_INT_EN R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if system enters S0 state. Write “1” to clear. 3 S5_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if S5# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 2 S3_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if S3# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 1 PWSIN_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if PWSIN# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 0 ATXPG_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if ATXPG pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. ACPI Interrupt Enable Register 2⎯ Offset 12h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - - - Reserved. 1 SUS_WARN_INT_E N R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable SUS_WARN# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable SUS_WARN## pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if SUS_WARN# pin status change. 0 0: Disable SLP_SUS# pin status interrupt. 1: Enable SLP_SUS# pin status interrupt. An interrupt will assert to μC if SLP_SUS# pin status change. 0 SLP_SUS_INT_EN R/W Reset Default 5VSB Description ACPI Interrupt Status Register 2 ⎯ Offset 13h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - Reset Default - Description - Reserved. 1 SUS_WARN_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if SUS_WARN# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 0 SLP_SUS_INT_ST R/WC 5VSB 0 This bit will be set “1” if SLP_SUS# pin status changes. Write “1” to clear. 7.20.13 Configuration Register (Base Address 0x2400, 256 bytes) Chip ID 1 Register ⎯ offset 20h (Powered by I_VSB3V) Bit Name R/W 7-0 CHIP_ID1 R Reset Default - 0x10 Description Chip ID 1. Chip ID 2 Register ⎯ offset 21h (Powered by I_VSB3V) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 289 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7-0 CHIP_ID2 R - 0x10 Chip ID 2. Vendor ID 1 Register ⎯ offset 23h (Powered by I_VSB3V) Bit Name R/W 7-0 VENDOR_ID1 R Reset Default - 0x19 Description Vendor ID 1. Vendor ID 2 Register ⎯ offset 24h (Powered by I_VSB3V) Bit Name R/W 7-0 VENDOR_ID2 R Reset Default - 0x34 Description Vendor ID 2. I2C Address Register ⎯ offset 25h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description I2C address is used to R/W hardware monitor registers. 7-1 I2C_ADDR R/W 5VSB 0 0 EN_ARA_MODE R/W 5VSB 0 The default address is determined by I2C_ADDR_TRAP power on strap pin. It could also be changed by write this byte with entry key 0x19, 0x34. The default value is 0x2E which indicates the address is 0x5C. 0: Disable ARA. 1: Enable ARA. Clock Select Register ⎯ offset 26h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description The clock source of CLKIN. 00: CLKIN is 48MHz 7-6 CLK_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 10: CLKIN is 24MHz 01: CLKIN is 14.318MHz. 10: Reserved. 5 Reserved Reserved. - MCLK/MDATA input level select. 4 MO_PIN_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 76 input level select. 3 PIN76_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 71 input level select. 2 PIN71_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 68 input level select. 1 PIN68_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. PIN 67 input level select. 0 PIN67_LVL_SEL R/W 5VSB 1 0: TTL level. 1: Low level with 0.6V low and 0.9V high. 290 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Port Select Register ⎯ offset 27h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 0: Enable OVP function. 7 OVP_MODE R/W VBAT* - 1: Default is disabled; internal pull high 47k Ω . The default value is determined by power on strap. 0: ATX Mode. 6 AT_MODE R/W 5VSB - 1: AT Mode. The default value is determined by power on strap. 5 GPIO_DEC_RANGE R/W 3VCC 0 1: The GPIO I/O space is 16-byte. - 4 PORT_4E_EN R/W 0: The GPIO I/O space is 8-byte. 0: The configuration register port is 2E/2F. 1: The configuration register port is 4E/4F. 5VSB* This register is power on trapped by RTS1#/ Config4E_2E. Pull down to select port 2E/2F. This bit is accessed by host side only. Offset 2Ch register select. 00: GPIO0_EN 01: GPIO1_EN 3-2 GPIO_PROG_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 10: GPIO2_EN 11: μC_PORT_EN. Bit 0 also select the offset 28h register: 0: Multi-function Select 1 Register 1: Multi-function Select 2 Register. 1 0 Reserved - CLK_TUNE_PROG_ R/W EN 3VCC - Reserved 0 Set “1” to enable index 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c function as clock fine tune register. Multi-function Select 1 Register ⎯ offset 28h (Available when GPIO_PROG_SEL[0] = 0) Bit Name R/W 7 Reserved - Reset Default - - Description Reserved Pin 9 ~ 21 function select. 6 FDC_GP_EN R/W 5VSB 1 These pins are controlled by FDC_GP_EN, UART6_FUNC_SEL and PWM_PIN_EN. UART5_FUNC_SEL, To function as FDC, all these bits should be clear to “0”. Pin 102 ~ 118 function select. 5 LPT_GP_EN R/W 5VSB 1 0: Functions as parallel port. 1: Functions as GPIO7/GPIO8. Pin 61, 62 function select. 4 MO_I2C_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: PS/2 mouse interface MCLK/MDATA. 1: I2C SCL/SDA. 291 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 UART5 Function Select. 00: No UART5 pin. 3-2 UART5_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART: only SIN5 and SOUT5 are available. Pin 57 will be function as SOUT5 and Pin 58 will function as SIN5. 10: Simple UART with RTS#. In addition to simple UART, pin 59 will be function as RTS5#. 11: Full UART: pin 57 ~ 59, 17 ~ 21 will be function as UART pins. UART6 Function Select. 00: No UART6 pin. 1-0 UART6_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART: only SIN6 and SOUT6 are available. Pin 10 will be function as SOUT6 and Pin 11 will be function as SIN6. 10: Simple UART with RTS#. In addition to simple UART, pin 9 will be function as RTS6#. 11: Full UART: pin 9 ~ 16 will be function as UART pins. Multi-function Select 2 Register ⎯ offset 28h (Available when GPIO_PROG_SEL[0] = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Reserved - - - 6 μC_P32_PIN59_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5 μC_P31_PIN57_EN R/W 5VSB 0 4 μC_P30_PIN58_EN R/W 5VSB 0 3-2 Reserved - - - 1 CIR_PIN76_EN R/W VBAT 0 0 CIR_PIN71_EN R/W VBAT 0 Description Reserved 0: Disable μC P32 from pin 59. 1: Enable μC P32 from pin59. 0: Disable μC P31 from pin 57. 1: Enable μC P31 from pin57. 0: Disable μC P30 from pin 58. 1: Enable μC P30 from pin58. Reserved 0: Disable CIRRX# from pin76. The pin function is ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL. 1: Enable CIRRX# from pin76. 0: Disable CIRRX# from pin71. The pin function is BEEP/GPIO16/SDA. 1: Enable CIRRX# from pin71. Multi Function Select 3 Register ⎯ offset 29h Bit Name R/W (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Reset Default Description UART4 Function Select. 00: No UART4 pin. Pin 44 ~ 51 are all GPIOs. 7-6 UART4_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART: only SIN4 and SOUT4 are available. Pin 50 will be function as SOUT4 and Pin 51 will be function as SIN4. 10: Simple UART with RTS#. In addition to the simple UART, pin 48 will be function as RTS4#. 11: Full UART: pin 44 ~ 51 will be function as UART pins. 292 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 UART3 Function Select. 00: No UART3 pin. Pin 36 ~ 43 are all GPIOs. 5-4 UR3_FUNC_SEL R/W 5VSB 0 01: Simple UART: only SIN3 & SOUT3 are available. Pin 42 will be function as SOUT3 and Pin 43 will be function as SIN3. 10: Simple UART with RTS#. In addition to simple UART, pin 40 will be function as RTS3#. 11: Full UART: pin 36 ~ 43 will be function as UART pins. 0: Disable SCL from pin 76. 1: Enable SCL from pin 76. 3 SCL3_PIN76_EN R/W 5VSB 0 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SCL. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SCL_PIN76_EN > SCL_PIN67_EN. 0: Disable SDA from pin 76. 1: Enable SDA from pin 76. 2 SDA3_PIN71_EN R/W 5VSB 0 There is only one slave in the current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SDA. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SDA_PIN71_EN > SDA_PIN68_EN. 0: Disable SDA from pin 68. 1: Enable SDA from pin 68. 1 SDA2_PIN68_EN R/W 5VSB 1 There is only one slave in current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SDA. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SDA_PIN71_EN > SDA_PIN68_EN. 0: Disable SCL from pin 67. 1: Enable SCL from pin 67. 0 SCL2_PIN67_EN R/W 5VSB 1 There is only one slave in current design, it is recommended to select only one pin for SCL. When multi pins are selected, the priority of these bits is MO_I2C_EN > SCL_PIN76_EN > SCL_PIN67_EN. 10Hz Clock Divisor High Byte ⎯ offset 29h (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FINE_TUNE_START W - - Write “1” to start fine tune mechanism. The hardware will start to count 10 cycle internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. The count will present in index 0x2A, 0x2B. 6-4 Reserved - - - Reserved 3-0 CLK10HZ_DIV R/W VBAT 4’h3 The divisor of 10Hz clock. Internal 10Hz clock is used to generate WDT event. It is divided from 10KHz clock and could be fine tune by change its divisor. Multi Function Select 2 Register ⎯ offset 2Ah Bit Name R/W (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Reset Default 7 PWM3_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 6 PWM2_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 5 PWM1_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Description 0: Disable PWM3 from Pin 110. 1: Enable PWM3 from Pin 110. 0: Disable PWM2 from Pin 109. 1: Enable PWM2 from Pin 109. 0: Disable PWM1 from Pin 108. 1: Enable PWM1 from Pin 108. 293 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 4 PWM0_LPT_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 3 PWM3_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 2 PWM2_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 1 PWM1_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0 PWM0_PIN_EN R/W 5VSB 0 0: Disable PWM0 from Pin 107. 1: Enable PWM0 from Pin 107. 0: Disable PWM3 from Pin 20. 1: Enable PWM3 from Pin 20. 0: Disable PWM2 from Pin 19. 1: Enable PWM2 from Pin 19. 0: Disable PWM1 from Pin 18. 1: Enable PWM1 from Pin 18. 0: Disable PWM0 from Pin 17. 1: Enable PWM0 from Pin 17. 10Hz Clock Divisor Low Byte ⎯ offset 2Ah (Available when CLK_TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 CLK10HZ_DIV R/W VBAT Description The divisor of 10Hz clock. Internal 10Hz clock is used to generate WDT 8’hE7 event. It is divided from 10KHz clock and could be fine tune by change its divisor. Multi Function Select 3 Register ⎯ offset 2Bh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 GPIO67_EN R/W VBAT (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 0) Description Pin 87 function select 0 0: Pin 87 functions as S5#. 1: Pin 87 functions as GPIO67. Pin 86 function select 6 GPIO66_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 86 functions as DPWROK. 1: Pin 86 functions as GPIO66. Pin 74 function select 5 GPIO65_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 74 functions as PME#. 1: Pin 74 functions as GPIO65. 4-2 Reserved - - - 1 FANIN3_EN R/W VBAT 1 Reserved Pin 102 function select 0: Pin 102 functions as SCLT. 1: Pin 102 functions as FANIN3. Pin 103 function select. 0 FANCTRL3_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 103 functions as GPIO70/PE. 1: Pin 103 functions as FANCTRL3. 10Hz Clock Fine Tune Count High Byte ⎯ offset 2Bh (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 FINE_TUNE_ST - 5VSB - This bit indicates the fine tune mechanism is in process. 6-4 Reserved - - - Reserved 3-0 FINE_TUNE_CNT R/W 5VSB 4’h3 This is the count of 10 cycles of internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. 294 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 10Hz Clock Fine Tune Count Low Byte ⎯ offset 2Ch (Available when CLK_ TUNE_PROG_EN = 1 Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 FINE_TUNE_CNT R/W 5VSB 4’h3 Description This is the count of 10 cycles of internal 500KHz clock with 48MHz clock. GPIO0 Enable Register ⎯ offset 2Ch (Available when CLK_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b00) Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-5 Reserved - - - 4 GPIO04_EN R/W VBAT 0 Description Reserved Pin 56 function select. 0: Pin 56 functions as SLP_SUS#. 1: Pin 56 functions as GPIO04. Pin 55 function select. 3 GPIO03_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 55 functions as SUS_ACK#. 1: Pin 55 functions as GPIO03. Pin 54 function select. 2 GPIO02_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 54 functions as SUS_WARN#. 1: Pin 54 functions as GPIO02. Pin 53 function select. 1 GPIO01_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 53 functions as ERP_CTRL1#. 1: Pin 53 functions as GPIO01. Pin 52 function select. 0 GPIO00_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 52 functions as ERP_CTRL0#. 1: Pin 52 functions as GPIO00. GPIO1 Enable Register ⎯ offset 2Ch (Available when CLK_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b01) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Pin 72 function select. 7 GPIO17_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 72 functions as PECI. 1: Pin 72 functions as GPIO17. Pin 71 function select. 6 GPIO16_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 71 functions as BEEP. 1: Pin 71 functions as GPIO16. Pin 70 function select. 5 GPIO15_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 70 functions as WDTRST#. 1: Pin 70 functions as GPIO15. 4 Reserved - - - Reserved Pin 68 function select. 3 GPIO13_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 68 functions as IRRX. 1: Pin 68 functions as GPIO13. If SDA_PIN68_EN is set, pin 68 will function as SDA. 295 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Pin 67 function select. 2 GPIO12_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 67 functions as IRTX. 1: Pin 67 functions as GPIO12. If SCL_PIN67_EN is set, pin 67 will function as SCL. Pin 66 function select. 1 GPIO11_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 66 functions as LED_VCC. 1: Pin 66 functions as GPIO11. Pin 65 function select. 0 GPIO10_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: Pin 65 functions as LED_VSB. 1: Pin 65 functions as GPIO10. GPIO2 Enable Register ⎯ offset 2Ch (Available when CLK_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b10) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description Pin 83 function select. 7 GPIO27_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 83 functions as RSMRST#. 1: Pin 83 functions as GPIO27. Pin 82 function select. 6 GPIO26_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 82 functions as PWROK. 1: Pin 82 functions as GPIO26. Pin 81 function select. 5 GPIO25_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 81 functions as PSON#. 1: Pin 81 functions as GPIO25. Pin 80 function select. 4 GPIO24_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 81 functions as S3#. 1: Pin 81 functions as GPIO24. Pin 79 function select. 3 GPIO23_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 68 functions as PWSOUT#. 1: Pin 68 functions as GPIO23. Pin 78 function select. 2 GPIO22_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 78 functions as PWSIN#. 1: Pin 78 functions as GPIO22. Pin 77 function select. 1 GPIO21_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 77 functions as ATXPG_IN. 1: Pin 77 functions as GPIO21. Pin 76 function select. 0 GPIO20_EN R/W VBAT 0 0: Pin 76 functions as ALERT#. 1: Pin 76 functions as GPIO20. Pin 76 will function as SC: if SCL_PIN76_EN is set. μC Port Enable Register ⎯ offset 2Ch (Available when CLK_PROG_EN = 0 and GPIO_PROG_SEL = 2’b11) Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 μC_T2EX_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC T2EX function from pin 16. 6 μC_T2_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC T2 function from pin 15. 296 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5 μC_P35_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.5 (also function as μC T1) function from pin 14. 4 μC_P34_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.4 (also function as μC T0) function from pin 13. 3 μC_P33_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.3 (also function as μC INT1#) function from pin 12. 2 μC_P32_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.2 (also function as μC INT0#) function from pin 9. 1 μC_P31_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.1 (also function as μC TXD) function from pin 11. 0 μC_P30_EN R/W VBAT 0 Set “1” to enable μC P3.0 (also function as μC RXD) function from pin 10. Wakeup Control Register ⎯ offset 2Dh Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-5 Reserved R/W - 0 Reserved 4 KEY_SEL_ADD R/W VBAT 0 This bit is added to add more wakeup key function. 3 WAKEUP_EN R/W VBAT 1 0: disable keyboard/mouse wake up. 1: enable keyboard/mouse wake up. This registers select the keyboard wake up key. Accompanying with KEY_SEL_ADD, there are eight wakeup keys: 2-1 KEY_SEL R/W VBAT 00 KEY_SEL_ADD KEY_SEL Wakeup Key 0 00 Ctrl + Esc 0 01 Ctrl + F1 0 10 Ctrl + Space 0 11 Any Key 1 00 Windows Wakeup 1 01 Windows Power 1 10 Ctrl + Alt + Space 1 11 Space This register selects the mouse wake up key. 0 MO_SEL R/W VBAT 0 0: Wake up by clicking. 1: Wake up by clicking and movement. 7.20.14 RAM μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2500, 8 bytes) The 256 byte RAM is accessed by Base Address + RAM address. 297 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 7.20.15 CIR μC Side Register (Base Address 0x2600, 256 bytes) CIR – CIR FIFO Register – Index 2300h Bit Name R/W 7-0 CIR_FIFO R Reset Default 5VSB 00h Description Receiver Buffer is read only register. When the CIR pulse train has been detected and passed by the internal signal filter, the data sampled and shifted into shifter register will be written into Receiver Buffer Register CIR – Interrupt Enable Register – Index 2301h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Interrupt_EN R/W 5VSB 0b Write 1 to enable CIR interrupt. - 00h Reserved 6-0 Reserved - Description CIR – Interrupt Status Register – Index 2302h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 FIFO_CNT R 5VSB 0h This nibble indicates the number of byte that RX data receive. 3 FIFO_RST R/W 5VSB 0b Write 1 to reset CIR FIFO. 2 Reserved - - 0b Reserved 1 Data_Lost R 5VSB 0b This bit indicates FIFO data lost, and write 1 to clear this bit. 0 Ready R 5VSB 0b This bit indicates RX data ready, and write 1 to clear this bit. CIR – Baud Rate Low Byte Register – Index 2303h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 Baud_Lo R/W 5VSB A5h Description The registers of BLL are baud rate divisor latch. CIR – Baud Rate High Byte Register – Index 2304h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 Baud_Hi R/W 5VSB 01h Description The registers of BHL are baud rate divisor latch. CIR – Waveform Logic 1 Data Register – Index 2305h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WaveH R/W 5VSB 80h Description The registers of WaveH indicate RX logic 1 waveform CIR – Waveform Logic 0 Data Register – Index 2306h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WaveL R/W 5VSB 80h Description The registers of WaveL indicate RX logic 0 count number CIR – Waveform Logic 1 Count Register – Index 2307h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WaveH_Count R/W 5VSB 04h Description The registers of WaveH_Count indicate RX logic 1 count number 298 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 CIR – Waveform Logic 0 Count Register – Index 2308h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 WaveL_Count R/W 5VSB 02h Description The registers of WaveL_Count indicate RX logic 0 count number CIR – Rx Protocol Register – Index 2309h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7 Low_Frequency R/W 5VSB 1b Write 1 to indicate RX carry frequency from 20k to 100k, and write 0 to indicate RX carry frequency from 400k to 500k. 6-5 Reserved - - 0h Reserved 4 RXINV R/W 5VSB 1b Write 1 to indicate invert RX input, or to indicate by pass RX. 3 Bypass R/W 5VSB 1b Write 1 to indicate RX input is demodulation , or to indicate RX is un-demodulation. 2-0 7.20.16 Protocol R/W 5VSB 1h Description 000 : ITT 001 : NEC 010 : NOKIA 011 : SHARP 100 : SONY 101 : PHILIPS RC5 Debug Port μC Side Register (Base Address 0x3200, 256 bytes) These registers are accessed by the host debug port interface, μC can’t access these register. Debug Port Control Register ⎯ Offset 00h Bit Name R/W 7 SOFT_RST W 5VSB 0 Debug Port asserts a software reset to μC. 6-4 Reserved - - - Reserved 5VSB 0 3 DBPORT_EXIT_RST R/W _EN Reset Default Description Set “!” to enable reset μC after exit debug mode. 2 DBPORT_STEP W 5VSB 0 Write “1” to trigger a single step. 1 DBPORT_NEXT_BR K W 5VSB 0 Write “1” to force μC run to next break point. 0 DBPORT_FREE_RU R/W N 5VSB 0 0: μC will stop when entering into the debug mode. 1: μC is free run. Break Point Select Register ⎯ Offset 01h Bit Name R/W 7-2 Reserved - 1-0 BRK_PTR_SEL R/W Reset Default - -5VSB - 00h Description Reserved 00: Select break point 0 to access. 01: Select break point 1 to access. 10: Select break point 2 to access. 11: Select break point 3 to access. 299 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Break Point Low Register ⎯ Offset 02h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BRK_PTR_LO R/W 5VSB 00h Description The low byte address of break point. Break Point High Register ⎯ Offset 03h Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 BRK_PTR_HI R/W 5VSB 00h Description The high byte address of break point. Break Point Enable Register ⎯ Offset + 05h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7-4 Reserved - - - Reserved 3 BRK_PTR3_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable break point 3. μC will stop when program counter match the programmed break points. 2 BRK_PTR2_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable break point 2. μC will stop when program counter match the programmed break points. 1 BRK_PTR1_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable break point 1. μC will stop when program counter match the programmed break points. 0 BRK_PTR0_EN R/W 5VSB 0 Set “1” to enable break point 0. μC will stop when program counter match the programmed break points. Debug Port Status Register ⎯ Offset + 06h Bit Name R/W Reset Default Description 7 DBPORT_ENTRY R 5VSB - This bit will set “1” when enter debug mode. 6 DBPORT_STOP_μC R 5VSB - This bit will set “1” when μC stops. 5-3 Reserved - - - Reserved 2 DBPORT_STEP_ST R/W S 5VSB 0 This bit will set after a single step operation. Write “1” to clear. 1 DBPORT_BRK_STS R/W 5VSB 0 This bit will set when a break point matches. Write “1” to clear. - - Reserved 0 Reserved - Debug Port Interrupt Enable Register ⎯ Offset + 07h Bit 7 6-3 2 1 0 Name R/W DBPORT_TEST_MO R/W DE Reserved - DBPORT_STEP_INT R/W _EN DBPORT_BRK_INT_ R/W EN Reserved - Reset Default Description 5VSB 0 Write “1” to enable Fintek test mode. - - Reserved 5VSB 0 0: Disable single step interrupt. 1: Enable single step interrupt. 5VSB 0 0: Disalbe break point match interrupt. 1: Enable break point match interrupt. BRK_PTR_TRIG will be set when single step is end and DBPORT_STEP_INT_EN is set. Or DBPORT_BRK_INT_EN is set and a break point matches. - - Reserved 300 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Debug Port Program Count Low Register ⎯ Offset + 0Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PC_LO R/W 5VSB 0 Description For write, this is the low byte of program counter written to μC. It returns the current program counter low byte of μC when read. Debug Port Program Count High Register ⎯ Offset + 0Ah Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 PC_HI R/W 5VSB 0 Description For write, this is the high byte of program counter written to μC. It returns the current program counter high byte of μC when read. The PC_HI and PC_LO will write to μC’s program counter after writing this byte. Debug Port Entry Data Register ⎯ Offset + 0Fh Bit Name R/W Reset Default 7-0 ENTRY_DATA R/W 5VSB 0 Description To enter or exit debug mode, a sequence of data is needed to write to this byte. To enter the debug mode, the sequence is 0x19, 0x34, x010, 0x03. To exit the debug mode, the sequence is 0x30, 0x01, 0x43, 0x91. 301 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 8. Electrical Characteristics 8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER Power Supply Voltage Input Voltage RATING -0.5 to 5.5 -0.5 to VDD+0.5 -40 to +85 (F81867-I) 0 to +70 (F81867) -55 to 150 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature UNIT V V °C °C Note: Exposure to conditions beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may adversely affect the life and reliability of the device 8.2 DC Characteristics (TA = 70° C, 3VCC = 3.3V ± 10%, GND = 0V ) Parameter Temperature Error, Remote Diode Conditions 60 oC < TD < 100 oC, 3VCC = 3.0V to 3.6V 0 oC <TD < 60oC 100 oC <TD < 127oC 3VCC Voltage range 5VSB Voltage range 3VSB Voltage range VBAT Voltage range 3VCC average operating current 5VSB average operating current 5VSB standby current 3VSB average operating current 3VSB standby current VBAT standby current Resolution 3VCC Power on reset threshold 5VSB Power on reset threshold 3VSB Power on reset threshold Diode source current MIN 3.0 4.5 3.0 2.4 High Level Low Level PARAMETER SYM. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT INst-TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA INst, lv-Low volgate, TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.4 V Input High Voltage VIH 1.0 V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA INt,5V-TTL level input pin, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V 302 TYP ±1 ±2 3.3 5.0 3.3 3.0 20 10 3 3 1 1 1 2.6 4.3 2.6 95 10 MAX ±3 ±5 3.6 5.5 3.6 3.6 3.0 4.5 3.0 Unit o C V V V V mA mA mA mA mA uA o C V V V uA uA CONDITIONS VIN = VDD VIN = 0V VIN = VDD VIN = 0V Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V INst,5V-TTL level input pin with schmitt trigger, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V INt, u47, 5V-TTL level input pin, pull up 47k Ω , 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD O8-Output pin with 8 mA sink/source capability. Output High Current IOL -8 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +8 mA VOL = 0.4V O12 -Output pin with 12 mA sink/source capability. Output High Current IOL -12 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V O14 -Output pin with 14 mA sink/source capability. Output High Current IOL -14 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +14 mA VOL = 0.4V O16 -Output pin with 16 mA sink/source capability. Output High Current IOL -16 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +16 mA VOL = 0.4V OD14,5v-Open drain output pin with 14 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Output Low Current IOL +14 mA VOL = 0.4V OD16,u10-Open drain output pin with 16 mA sink capability, internal 10K Ω pull-up. Output Low Current IOL +16 mA VOL = 0.4V OD12,5V-Open drain output pin with 12 mA sink capability 5V tolerance. Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V OD24t,5v-Open drain output pin with 24 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Output Low Current IOL +24 mA VOL = 0.4V OOD12, 5v- Open drain or push pull by the register, with 12 mA sink/source capability, 5V tolerance. Output High Current IOL -12 mA VOH = 0.4V Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V I/O12st,5v-TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, with 12 mA sink/source capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Output High Current IOL -12 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/O8st, 5v-TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, with 8 mA sink/source capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Output High Current IOL -8 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +8 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/OOD12st, 5v-TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, output with 12 mA sink/source capability or open drain with 12mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V 303 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Output High Current IOL -12 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/OOD14st, 5v-TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, output with 14 mA sink/source capability or open drain with 14mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Output High Current IOL -14 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +14 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/OOD8st, 5v -TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, output with 8 mA sink/source capability or open drain with 8mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Output High Current IOL -8 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +8 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/OD16st,5v-TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, open drain output with16 mA sink capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Voltage VIL 0.8 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.0 V Output Low Current IOL +16 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/OD12st, 5v- TTL level bi-directional pin with schmitt trigger, open drain output with 12mA source-sink capability, 5V tolerance. Input Low Threshold Voltage Vt0.8 V Input High Threshold Voltage Vt+ 2.0 V Output Low Current IOL +12 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V I/O16st- TTL level bi-directional pin and schmitt trigger, 16 mA sink capability. Input Low Threshold Voltage Vt0.8 V Input High Threshold Voltage Vt+ 2.0 V Output High Current IOH -16 mA VOH = 2.4V Output Low Current IOL +16 mA VOL = 0.4V Input High Leakage ILIH +1 μA VIN = VDD Input Low Leakage ILIL -1 μA VIN = 0V 304 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 9. Ordering Information Part Number Package Type Production Flow F81867D-I 128-LQFP Green Package Industrial, -40°C to +85°C F81867D 128-LQFP Green Package Commercial, 0°C to +70°C 10.Top Marking Specification The version identification is shown as the bold red characters. Please refer to below for detail: Fintek Fintek F81867D XXXXXXX XXXXXX.XX F81867D-I XXXXXXX XXXXXX.XX 1st Line: Fintek Logo 2nd Line: F81867D/F81867D-I where D means the package code & -I means industrial spec. 3rd Line: Assembly Plant Code (X) + Assembled Year Code (X) + Week Code (XX) + Fintek Internal Code (XX) + IC Version (X) where A means version A, B means version B, … 4th Line: Wafer Fab Code (XXXX…XX) : Pin 1 Identifier 305 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 11. Package Dimensions 128 LQFP (14*14) Unit: mm Feature Integration Technology Inc. Headquarters Taipei Office 3F-7, No 36, Tai Yuan St., Bldg. K4, 7F, No.700, Chung Cheng Rd., Chupei City, Hsinchu, Taiwan 302, R.O.C. Chungho City, Taipei, Taiwan 235, R.O.C. TEL : 886-3-5600168 TEL : 866-2-8227-8027 FAX : 886-3-5600166 FAX : 866-2-8227-8037 www: http://www.fintek.com.tw Please note that all datasheet and specifications are subject to change without notice. All the trade marks of products and companies mentioned in this datasheet belong to their respective owner 306 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 12.Application Circuit ATXPG_IN R1 0 R106 10 DD2+ D1+ VREF VIN4 VIN3 VIN2 VIN1 VCC5V ATXPG_IN C81 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Decouple ATX power supply 0.1U noise. C56 DENSEL# MOA# DRVA# WDATA# DIR# STEP# HDSEL# WGATE# KCLK KDATA MCLK V3A MDATA R7 0_X 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 D1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 DENSEL# 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 INDEX# MOA# DRVA# DIR# STEP# WDATA# WGATE# TRK0# WPT# RDATA# HDSEL# DSKCHG# HEADER 17X2 DIODE FLOPPY SOUT1 RTS1# DTR1# GPIO14 DTR2# VSB3V VCC3V R8 4.7K R10 560 R9 4.7K R11 560 R12 560 R13 560 R14 560 RSMRST# PWROK RSMRST# AND PWROK PULL UP POWER TRIP R 1 RTS5# SIN5 SOUT5 SLP_SUS# SUS_ACK# SUS_WARN# ERP_CTRL1# ERP_CTRL0# SIN4 SOUT4 DSR4# RTS4# DTR4# CTS4# RI4# DCD4# SIN3 SOUT3 DSR3# RTS3# DTR3# CTS3# RI3# DCD3# GA20 KBRST# CLKIN C1 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 0.1U OFF: OFF: OFF: OFF: OFF: ALARM mode ATX MODE FAN 40% CONFIG 4E 0x5C ON: ON: ON: ON: ON: FORCE mode AT MODE FAN 100% CONFIG 2E 0x5A DSKCHG# WPT# INDEX# TRK0# RDATA# DSKCHG#/DSR5# WPT#/DTR5# INDEX#/CTS5# TRK0#/RI5# RDATA#/DCD5# VCC3V VSB3V VSB5V VBAT 1 1 1 1 0.1U C3 0.1U C4 0.1U C5 0.1U C6 0.1U 2 C2 2 DIODEVSB3V VCC3V 2 D3 DIODEVBAT 2 VBAT D2 1 PCICLK VCC3V LAD3 LAD2 LAD1 LAD0 LFRAME# SERIRQ LDRQ# LRESET# 2 F81867 DCD2# RI2# CTS2# DTR2# RTS2# DSR2# SOUT2 SIN2 DENSEL#/RTS6# MOA#/SIN6 DRVA#/SOUT6 WDATA#/DCD6# DIR#/RI6# STEP#/CTS6# HDSEL#/DTR6# WGATE#/DSR6# F81867D KCLK KDATA MCLK/SDA MDATA/SCL I_VSB3V GPIO07/RTS5# GPIO06/SIN5 GPIO05/SOUT5 SLP_SUS#/GPIO04 SUS_ACK#/GPIO03 SUS_WARN#/GPIO02 ERP_CTRL1#/GPIO01 ERP_CTRL0#/GPIO00 SIN4/GPIO47 SOUT4/GPIO46 DSR4#/GPIO45 RTS4#/GPIO44 DTR4#/GPIO43 CTS4#/GPIO42 RI4#/GPIO41 DCD4#/GPIO40 SIN3/GPIO37 SOUT3/GPIO36 DSR3#/GPIO35 RTS3#/GPIO34 DTR3#/GPIO33 CTS3#/GPIO32 RI3#/GPIO31 DCD3#/GPIO30 GA20 KBRST# CLKIN 2 SOUT1 3VSB FANIN1 FANCTL1/PWM_DC1 FANIN2 FANCTL2/PWM_DC2 FANIN3/SLCT GPIO70/PE/FANCTL3/PWM_DC3 GPIO71/BUSY GPIO72/ACK# GPIO73/SLIN# GPIO74/INIT#/PWM0 GPIO75/ERR#/PWM1 GPIO76/AFD#/PWM2 GPIO77/STB#/PWM3 GPIO80/PD0 GPIO81/PD1 GPIO82/PD2 GPIO83/PD3 GPIO84/PD4 GPIO85/PD5 GPIO86/PD6 GPIO87/PD7 3VCC DCD1# RI1# CTS1# DTR1#/FAN_40_100 RTS1#/Conf ig4E_2E DSR1# SOUT1/I2C_ADDR SIN1 GND DCD2# RI2# CTS2# DTR2#/OVP_Mode RTS2# DSR2# SOUT2 SIN2 GPIO50/DENSEL#/RTS6#/P3.2 GPIO51/MOA#/SIN6/P3.0 GPIO52/DRVA#/SOUT6/P3.1 GPIO53/WDATA#/DCD6#/P3.3 GPIO54/DIR#/RI6#/P3.4 GPIO55/STEP#/CTS6#/P3.5 GPIO56/HDSEL#/DTR6#/T2 GPIO57/WGATE#/DSR6#/T2EX GPIO60/RDATA#/DCD5#/PWM0 GPIO61/TRK0#/RI5#/PWM1 GPIO62/INDEX#/CTS5#/PWM2 GPIO63/WPT#/DTR5#/PWM3 GPIO64/DSKCHG#/DSR5# GND LRESET# LDRQ# SERIRQ LFRAME# LAD0 LAD1 LAD2 LAD3 3VCC PCICLK DTR1# RTS1# 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 J1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VSB3V FANIN1 FANCTL1 FANIN2 FANCTL2 SLCT PE BUSY ACK# SLIN# INIT# ERR# AFD# STB# PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 VCC3V DCD1# RI1# CTS1# DTR1# RTS1# DSR1# SOUT1 SIN1 VIN1(VCORE) VIN2 VIN3 VIN4 VREF D1+(CPU) D2+ DAGND S5#/GPIO67 DPWROK/GPIO66 COPEN# VBAT RSMRST#/GPIO27 PWOK/GPIO26 PS_ON#/GPIO25 S3#/GPIO24 PWSOUT#/GPIO23 PWSIN#/GPIO22 ATXPG_IN/GPIO21 ALERT#/GPIO20/SCL/CIRRX# OVT# PME#/GPIO65 5VSB(V5A) PECI/GPIO17 BEEP/GPIO16/SDA/CIRRX# WDTRST#/GPIO15 GPIO14/ATX_AT_TRAP SDA/GPIO13/TRRX SCL/GPIO12/IRTX GPIO11/LED_VCC GPIO/LED_VSB U1 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 2 0.1U WPT# INDEX# TRK0# RDATA# DSKCHG# 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 1 GPIO14 S3# PWSOUT# PWSIN# ATXPG_IN ALERT# OVT# PME# 5VA PECI BEEP WDTRST# GPIO14 IRRX IRTX LED_VCC LED_VSB 1 PWROK RSMRST# 2 PS_ON# PWROK RSMRST# VBAT COPEN# DPWROK S5# (PLACE THE CAPCITOR CLOSE TO IC) Title Feature Integration Technology Inc. Size Document Number CustomF81867D Date: 307 Tuesday , Nov ember 08, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 1 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 U2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RI1# DTR1# CTS1# SOUT1 RTS1# SIN1 DSR1# DCD1# 20 VCC5V U3 GND -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V +12V GD75323 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -12V 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 RIN1 1 11 P1 UART DB9 +12V 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 RI4# DTR4# CTS4# SOUT4 RTS4# SIN4 DSR4# DCD4# 20 VCC5V GND -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V GD75323 (20-SSOP) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 VCC5V GND -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V +12V 10 -12V 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 P3 UART DB9 +12V 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TRK0#/RI5# WPT#/DTR5# INDEX#/CTS5# SOUT5 RTS5# SIN5 DSKCHG#/DSR5# RDATA#/DCD5# 20 VCC5V -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V GD75323 (20-SSOP) 20 VCC5V UART DB9 +12V +12V 10 -12V 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P4 UART DB9 +12V (20-SSOP) COM5 U6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 P2 (20-SSOP) GND COM2 RI3# DTR3# CTS3# SOUT3 RTS3# SIN3 DSR3# DCD3# 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 U5 GD75323 11 -12V 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 COM4 COM1 U4 RI2# DTR2# CTS2# SOUT2 RTS2# SIN2 DSR2# DCD2# +12V 10 U7 GND -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V +12V GD75323 10 -12V 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 P5 UART DB9 +12V 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DIR#/RI6# HDSEL#/DTR6# STEP#/CTS6# DRVA#/SOUT6 DENSEL#/RTS6# MOA#/SIN6 WGATE#/DSR6# WDATA#/DCD6# 20 VCC5V GND -12V RY 5 DA3 RY 4 DA2 DA1 RY 3 RY 2 RY 1 RA5 DY 3 RA4 DY 2 DY 1 RA3 RA2 RA1 +5V GD75323 (20-SSOP) COM3 +12V 10 -12V 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P6 UART DB9 +12V (20-SSOP) COM6 VSB3V R15 8.2K D4 CHIPSET_RI1# Q1 NPN R16 RIN1 4.7K 1N4148 C7 1000P R17 2.2K Title Feature Integration Technology Inc. Wake up on ring for serial port circuit. Size B Date: 308 Document Number F81867 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 2 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 +VCC +VCC VCC5V R18 4.7K 10K R19 R20 4.7K 3 4 HEADER 100 4 3 2 1 C8 + (FOUR PIN FAN CONTROL) R22 27K FANIN1 U8A R24 10K D6 1N4148 1 R21 4.7K LM358 JP2 R26 10K C11 47u R25 27K 3 2 1 C10 0.1u FANIN1 R27 10K CON3 R28 3.6K PWM FAN1 SPEED CONTROL NDS0605/SOT - C9 0.1U JP1 47U 2 FANCTL1 + 4 R23 FANCTL1 8 D5 1N4148 DC FAN CONTROL WITH OP 1 +VCC +VCC 4.7K R31 4.7K 2 R30 4.7K VCC3V 1N4148 5 330 G D7 6 FANCTL2 R36 27K FANIN2 + U8B R37 10K D8 1N4148 R35 4.7K LM358 JP4 R39 10K C14 0.1U HEADER 3 NDS0605/SOT Q4 7 4 D Q3 C12 PNP JP3 Q5 + 3 MOSFET N 2 2N7002 47U 1 S R34 R33 4.7K 3 R32 4.7K FANCTL2 8 1 R29 C13 47u R38 27K 3 2 1 C15 0.1u CON3 R41 3.6K FANIN2 R40 10K PWM FAN2 SPEED CONTROL DC FAN CONTROL WITH OP 2 +VCC R42 4.7K 4.7K 3 1 R43 8 +VCC VCC3V D 330 G S PE R50 1N4148 R47 4.7K U9A Q7 C17 PNP JP6 Q8 + 3 MOSFET N 2 2N7002 47U 1 HEADER 3 D10 R51 D9 1N4148 - R45 4.7K LM358 JP5 R49 10K 27K SLCT R53 10K R54 3.6K C19 0.1U NDS0605/SOT Q6 1 3 R46 4.7K 2 PE 4.7K 2 4 R44 + C16 47u 3 2 1 R48 27K C18 0.1u CON3 SLCT R52 10K DC FAN CONTROL WITH OP 3 PWM FAN3 SPEED CONTROL Title FAN CONTROL FOR PWM OR DC Feature Integration Technology Inc. Size B Date: 309 Document Number F81867 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 3 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 R55 VBAT 1K VIN1 C21 100p VCORE D1+ D1+ D+ C20 3300P DR57 +5VSB 20K VIN2 C23 100p R58 R56 from CPU D- 2M D2+ 4.7K D2+ C24 C22 1000P Q9 PNP 3906 3300P for SYSTEM CASE OPEN CIRCUIT D- R61 R60 4.7K R63 2K 20K +12V DIODE SENSING CIRCUIT VIN3 C25 100p VIN4 C26 100p VOLTAGE SENSING. The best voltage input level is about 1V. VREF R62 10K 1% 10K 1% THERMISTOR D1+ VREF RT1 T 20K R64 10K 1% RT2 VSB5V 10K 1% THERMISTOR D2+ (for system) T R59 +5V SW1 1 2 COPEN# VSB3V (for system) R65 330 R66 4.7K THERMISTOR SENSING CIRCUIT P_LED Q10 NPN LED_VCC D11 LED Temperature Sensing VSB5V VSB3V R67 330 R68 4.7K SUS_LED Q11 NPN LED_VSB VCC3V D12 LED R69 4.7K LED OVT# OVT# PULL-UP Title Size B Date: 310 Feature Integration Technology Inc. Document Number F81867 Rev <Rev Cod Thursday , June 23, 2011 Sheet Dec, 2011 V0.12P 4 of 8 F81867 RN1 RN2 RN3 D13 1 VCC5V VCC3V 1N5819 FOR LEKAGE TO POWER 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 RN4 R70 4.7K 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 1 3 5 7 2.7K-8P4R 2.7K-8P4R 2.7K-8P4R 2.7K-8P4R R75 2.7K R71 4.7K R72 4.7K R73 4.7K R74 4.7K RN5 1 3 5 7 STB# AFD# INIT# SLIN# SLCT 2 4 6 8 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 33-8P4R RN6 1 3 5 7 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 2 4 6 8 33-8P4R RN7 1 3 5 7 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 2 4 6 8 33-8P4R ERR# ACK# BUSY PE SLCT ERR# ACK# BUSY PE SLCT PE J2 BUSY ACK# ERR# If you do not use the prarllel port , please pull-up these pin to VCC3V. DB25 (FEMALE) C27 C32 180pC36 C28 C29 C30 180p 180p 180p 180p C37 C38 C39 180p 180p 180p 180p C31 C40 C34 180p 180p C41 180p 180p C35 C42 C33 180p C43 180p 180p 180p PARALLEL PORT INTERFACE VSB5V If you do not use the KBC, please pull-up these pin to VSB5V. J3 1 2 3 F1 CON3 VCC5V R76 4.7K R77 4.7K M-DIN_6-R FUSE 6 4 2 F2 JS1 5 3 1 R78 4.7K R79 4.7K L1 MDATA JS2 6 4 2 5 3 1 L2 KDATA FB FB L3 MCLK M-DIN_6-R FUSE L4 KCLK FB FB C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 100P 100P 0.1U 100P 100P 0.1U Title PS2 MOUSE INTERFACE PS2 KEYBOARD INTERFACE Size B Date: 311 Feature Integration Technology Inc. Document Number F81867 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 5 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 VDDIO R80 300 R81 300 PECI SCL SIC SDA SID PECI_CLIENT R82 100K (avoid pre-bios floating) AMDTSI PECI VCC3V R83 300 R84 300 SCL SDA SMLINK[1] INTEL IBEX Title Size A Date: 312 Client Feature Integration Technology Inc. Document Number F81867 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 6 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5VA 5VA MOSFET P 1K ERP_CTRL0# 10K R90 10K 5VSB Q12 R88 C50 10u 10K R87 R86 C51 1u PWSIN# PSON# SLP_SUS# R R85 SUS_ACK# R89 DPWROK R R91 SUS_WARN# R R92 C52 10u SLP_SUS# SUS_ACK# DPWROK SUS_WARN# DSW VSB3V 5VA 10K 1K 10K R97 R95 10K R94 R93 5VUSB MOSFET P R96 C53 10u Q13 ERP_CTRL1# R98 PWSOUT# PME# C54 1u SUS_WARN#(CHIPSET) R99 3K 0 5V_DUAL R100 10K C55 10u Select SUS_WARN# ERP Control VSB 0 SUS_WARN# ERP ACPI PULL UP V3A to Chipset or 5V_DUAL V3A R102 10K R101 10K SUS_ACK# DPWROK DSW PULL UP 3VA 5VSB R103 10K R104 10K 5VDUAL_CTL SUS_WARN# R105 1K Q14 2N3904 Q15 2N3904 5VDUAL CONTROL Title Size B Date: 313 Feature Integration Technology Inc. Document Number F81867 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 7 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 5VCC ATX POWER SUPPLY 5VSB_ATX ATX_PG PS_ON# DSW + Fintek G3’ Mode 5VA DSW_CTL 3VLDO EN LDO3V G3'_CTL D14 VBAT RI WAKE EVENT KB/MS SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# SLP_SUS# DPWROK WAEK UP EVENT (DSW)ERP_CTRL0# (G3')ERP_CTRL1# ERP BLOCK SUS_WARN# SUS_ACK# SLP_SUS# DPWROK 5VDUAL PS_ON# RSMRST# S3# S5# PWROK PME# RSMRST# SLP_S3# SLP_S4# PWROK PME# ACPI BLOCK G3'_CTL 3VSB VCC_GATE ATXPG_IN ACPI BLOCK DSW_CTL 3VA SUS_WARN# DSW BLOCK PS_IN# 5VSB 3VSB DSW BLOCK SW2 I_3VSB 5VSB PS_OUT# F81867 PWRBTN# GPIO27 RTC WAKE WAEK UP EVENT CPT PCH Title Size B Date: 314 Feature Integration Technology Inc. Document Number F81866 Thursday , June 23, 2011 Rev <Rev Code> Sheet 8 of 8 Dec, 2011 V0.12P F81867 Fintek G3’ (ERP) Mode 315 Dec, 2011 V0.12P