NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents NTC Thermistors, Mini Epoxy PVC Insulated Leads FEATURES • High adhesive strength between the PVC wire and the encapsulating lacquer • Accurate down to ± 0.3°C • Small body of max. 3 mm for easy installation • Material categorization: For definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 APPLICATIONS • Temperature measurement, sensing and control • On battery packs, heat-sinks, tubing, enclosures, etc. DESCRIPTION These sensors consist of small NTC chip soldered between stranded Awg#30, 105 °C resistant, PVC (UL2651), or PVC 105 °C single hook-up wires (acc. to UL1061). Terminations are solder dipped. They are lacquered and insulated with a black epoxy coating. QUICK REFERENCE DATA PARAMETER Resistance value at 25 °C Tolerance on R25-value B25/85-value Tolerance on B25/85 Operating temperature range at zero dissipation Maximum power dissipation at 55 °C Accuracy of temperature measurement (for 1% types) Dissipation factor (in still air) Response time (in oil) Climatic category (LCT/UCT/days) Minimum dielectric withstanding voltage between leads and coated body Weight (40 mm length) VALUE UNIT 4.7K to 100K ±1.0 to ± 5.0 3435 to 4190 ± 0.5 to ± 1.5 % K % - 40 to 105 °C 100 mW ± 0.5 between 0 and 40 ± 1.0 between - 40 and 80 °C 3 mW/K 2.5 s MARKING Black lacquered body without additional mark PACKAGING SPQ: 125 items (for standard 40 mm lead wire length) MOUNTING By soldering the wire end, or crimping connector. The body can be inserted in a tube, free in air, tape attached or glued. Not intended for fluid immersed applications or continuous contact with water. Not for potting in hard material or over-molding applications. Consult Vishay for specific application or mounting. 40/105/28 DESIGN-IN SUPPORT 500 VRMS 0.2 g • For complete curve computation in °C or °F, visit: www.vishay.com/resistors-non-linear/curve-computation-list • Other R/T curves available on request • The lead length can be customized • Connectors can be added to the wire end DIMENSIONS in millimeters Electronic components of assessed quality measured in accordance with IEC 60539-1 Outline NTCLE413E2 NTCLE428E3 Ød Ø 0.30 D L2 W L1 D L3 L L2 L1 Ød L D L L1 L2 L3 W Ød Revision: 12-Oct-12 Ø 3 max. 40 ± 5 (or refer to table SAP description) 10 max. 3±1 15 (for information) 2 (for information) 1 (for information) Ø 3 max. 40 ± 5 (or refer to table SAP description) 10 max. 3±1 0.85 (for information) Document Number: 29078 1 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents GENERAL ORDER INFORMATION PART NUMBER: NTC L E413 E2 103 H 400 N T C L PRODUCT EXECUTION FAMILY NTC L = Leaded TYPE E413 = Epoxy, PVC Awg#30 105 °C UL2651 E428 = Epoxy, PVC Awg#30 105°C single hook-up E 4 1 3 RoHS COMPLIANCE TERMINATION TYPE E2 = Sn alloy E3 = Pure Sn E4 = Pure metal (other than Sn) E 2 1 R25-VALUE 0 3 H 4 R25 TOL. LEAD LENGTH 472 = 47 x 102 = 4700 F=1% 502 = 50 x 102 = 5000 G=2% 103 = 10 x 103 = 10 000 H = 3 % 473 = 47 x 103 = 47 000 J = 5 % 104 = 10 x 104 = 100 000 abc = ab x 10c (in millimeters) 0 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Blank = No special Special B25/85 value: L (low): 3000 B25/85 < 3500 M (medium): 3500 B25/85 < 3750 H (high): 3750 B25/85 < 4000 X (very high): 4000 B25/85 < 4250 Examples: 400 = 40 x 100 = 40 mm 102 = 10 x 102 = 1000 mm Cxxxxx = Customized C: With 2 poles connector MOLEX 50212-8000/ MOLEX 35507-0200, pitch 2 mm ELECTRICAL DATA AND ORDERING INFORMATION R25 SAP MATERIAL AND ORDERING NUMBER (2) B25/85 L R/T TABLE k ±% K ±% mm ± mm NTCLE413E2472H400 NTCLE428E3472H400 4.7 3 3984 0.5 40 5 Table 1 NTCLE413E2502H400 NTCLE428E3502H400 5 3 3984 0.5 40 5 Table 2 NTCLE413E2103F400L NTCLE428E3103F400L 10 1 3435 1 40 5 Table 3 NTCLE413E2103F520L NTCLE428E3103F520L 10 1 3435 1 52 5 Table 3 NTCLE413E2103F102L - 10 1 3435 1 1000 20 Table 3 NTCLE413E2103J520L - 10 5 3435 1 52 5 Table 4 NTCLE428E3103H400 10 3 3984 0.5 40 5 Table 5 NTCLE428E3103H301 10 3 3984 0.5 300 10 Table 5 NTCLE413E2103H401 - 10 3 3984 0.5 400 10 Table 5 NTCLE413E2473H400 NTCLE428E3473H400 47 3 4090 1.5 40 5 Table 6 NTCLE413E2104H400 - 100 3 4190 1.5 40 5 Table 7 NTCLE413E2103H400 NTCLE413E3103H301C (1) Note (1) NTCLE413E2103H301C: “C” = Connector MOLEX 50212-8000 or equivalent. Connector housing, 2 poles. MOLEX 35507-0200 Sherlock 2.0 mm. (2) Preferred types are marked in bold Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 2 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 1 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 4.7K 3 % B3984 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 4.7 3 3984 0.5 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 157 109 33.427 4.92 - 6.63 0.74 149 382 164 836 - 35.0 113 422 24.132 4.73 - 6.41 0.74 108 052 118 791 - 30.0 82 782 17.613 4.56 - 6.19 0.74 79 010 86 555 - 25.0 61 053 12.990 4.39 - 5.99 0.73 58 375 63 731 - 20.0 45 478 9.6761 4.22 - 5.79 0.73 43 557 47 399 - 15.0 34 199 7.2765 4.07 - 5.61 0.73 32 809 35 590 - 10.0 25 953 5.5218 3.92 - 5.43 0.72 24 936 26 969 - 5.0 19 866 4.2268 3.77 - 5.26 0.72 19 117 20 615 0.0 15 333 3.2624 3.63 - 5.10 0.71 14 777 15 890 5.0 11 929 2.5381 3.49 - 4.94 0.71 11 512 12 346 10.0 9351.5 1.9897 3.36 - 4.80 0.70 9036.9 9666.2 15.0 7384.3 1.5711 3.24 - 4.65 0.70 7145.1 7623.5 20.0 5871.6 1.2493 3.12 - 4.52 0.69 5688.5 6054.6 25.0 4700.0 1.00000 3.00 - 4.39 0.68 4559.0 4841.0 30.0 3786.3 0.80560 3.11 - 4.26 0.73 3668.4 3904.2 35.0 3069.0 0.65297 3.22 - 4.14 0.78 2970.1 3167.9 40.0 2502.2 0.53239 3.33 - 4.03 0.83 2418.9 2585.5 45.0 2051.7 0.43653 3.43 - 3.92 0.88 1981.3 2122.1 50.0 1691.4 0.35987 3.53 - 3.81 0.93 1631.7 1751.1 55.0 1401.7 0.29823 3.63 - 3.71 0.98 1350.8 1452.5 60.0 1167.4 0.24838 3.72 - 3.61 1.03 1123.9 1210.9 65.0 976.97 0.20787 3.81 - 3.51 1.09 939.70 1014.2 70.0 821.40 0.17477 3.90 - 3.42 1.14 789.34 853.45 75.0 693.68 0.14759 3.99 - 3.34 1.20 666.02 721.35 80.0 588.35 0.12518 4.07 - 3.25 1.25 564.39 612.30 85.0 501.07 0.10661 4.15 - 3.17 1.31 480.26 521.88 90.0 428.45 0.091159 4.23 - 3.09 1.37 410.31 446.58 95.0 367.75 0.078246 4.31 - 3.02 1.43 351.91 383.60 100.0 316.83 0.067411 4.38 - 2.94 1.49 302.94 330.72 105.0 273.94 0.058284 4.46 - 2.87 1.55 261.73 286.14 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 3 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 2 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION B25/85 k ±% K ±% 5 3 3984 0.5 NTCLE413-428 5K 3 % B3984 K RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 167 137 33.427 4.92 - 6.63 0.74 158 917 175 358 - 35.0 120 661 24.132 4.73 - 6.41 0.74 114 949 126 373 - 30.0 88 066 17.613 4.56 - 6.19 0.74 84 053 92 079 - 25.0 64 950 12.990 4.39 - 5.99 0.73 62 101 67 799 - 20.0 48 381 9.6761 4.22 - 5.79 0.73 46 337 50 424 - 15.0 36 382 7.2765 4.07 - 5.61 0.73 34 903 37 862 - 10.0 27 609 5.5218 3.92 - 5.43 0.72 26 528 28 690 - 5.0 21 134 4.2268 3.77 - 5.26 0.72 20 337 21 931 0.0 16 312 3.2624 3.63 - 5.10 0.71 15 720 16 904 5.0 12 691 2.5381 3.49 - 4.94 0.71 12 247 13 134 10.0 9948.4 1.9897 3.36 - 4.80 0.70 9613.7 10 283 15.0 7855.6 1.5711 3.24 - 4.65 0.70 7601.2 8110.1 20.0 6246.4 1.2493 3.12 - 4.52 0.69 6051.6 6441.1 25.0 5000.0 1.00000 3.00 - 4.39 0.68 4850.0 5150.0 30.0 4028.0 0.80560 3.11 - 4.26 0.73 3902.6 4153.4 35.0 3264.9 0.65297 3.22 - 4.14 0.78 3159.6 3370.1 40.0 2661.9 0.53239 3.33 - 4.03 0.83 2573.3 2750.6 45.0 2182.6 0.43653 3.43 - 3.92 0.88 2107.7 2257.6 50.0 1799.4 0.35987 3.53 - 3.81 0.93 1735.8 1862.9 55.0 1491.1 0.29823 3.63 - 3.71 0.98 1437.0 1545.3 60.0 1241.9 0.24838 3.72 - 3.61 1.03 1195.7 1288.1 65.0 1039.3 0.20787 3.81 - 3.51 1.09 999.69 1079.0 70.0 873.83 0.17477 3.90 - 3.42 1.14 839.73 907.93 75.0 737.96 0.14759 3.99 - 3.34 1.20 708.53 767.39 80.0 625.90 0.12518 4.07 - 3.25 1.25 600.42 651.39 85.0 533.05 0.10661 4.15 - 3.17 1.31 510.92 555.19 90.0 455.79 0.091159 4.23 - 3.09 1.37 436.50 475.08 95.0 391.23 0.078246 4.31 - 3.02 1.43 374.37 408.08 100.0 337.06 0.067411 4.38 - 2.94 1.49 322.28 351.83 105.0 291.42 0.058284 4.46 - 2.87 1.55 278.44 304.41 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 4 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 3 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 10K 1 % B3435 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 10 1 3435 1.0 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 190 953 19.095 4.24 - 5.46 0.78 182 848 199 057 - 35.0 145 953 14.595 3.93 - 5.30 0.74 140 213 151 693 - 30.0 112 440 11.244 3.63 - 5.14 0.71 108 354 116 526 - 25.0 87 285 8.7285 3.35 - 4.99 0.67 84 364 90 206 - 20.0 68 260 6.8260 3.07 - 4.85 0.63 66 164 70 355 - 15.0 53 762 5.3762 2.80 - 4.71 0.60 52 254 55 270 - 10.0 42 636 4.2636 2.55 - 4.57 0.56 41 549 43 723 - 5.0 34 038 3.4038 2.30 - 4.44 0.52 33 254 34 822 0.0 27 348 2.7348 2.07 - 4.31 0.48 26 783 27 913 5.0 22 108 2.2108 1.84 - 4.19 0.44 21 702 22 515 10.0 17 979 1.7979 1.62 - 4.08 0.40 17 689 18 270 15.0 14 706 1.4706 1.40 - 3.96 0.35 14 499 14 912 20.0 12 094 1.2094 1.20 - 3.86 0.31 11 949 12 239 25.0 10 000 1.0000 1.00 - 3.75 0.27 9900.0 10 100 30.0 8310.8 0.83108 1.19 - 3.65 0.33 8211.7 8409.8 35.0 6941.1 0.69411 1.38 - 3.55 0.39 6845.5 7036.7 40.0 5824.9 0.58249 1.56 - 3.46 0.45 5734.1 5915.6 45.0 4910.6 0.49106 1.73 - 3.37 0.51 4825.6 4995.7 50.0 4158.3 0.41583 1.90 - 3.28 0.58 4079.2 4237.3 55.0 3536.2 0.35362 2.06 - 3.20 0.65 3463.2 3609.2 60.0 3019.7 0.30197 2.22 - 3.12 0.71 2952.5 3086.8 65.0 2588.8 0.25888 2.38 - 3.04 0.78 2527.3 2650.4 70.0 2228.0 0.22280 2.53 - 2.96 0.85 2171.7 2284.3 75.0 1924.6 0.19246 2.67 - 2.89 0.92 1873.1 1976.0 80.0 1668.4 0.16684 2.81 - 2.82 1.00 1621.5 1715.3 85.0 1451.3 0.14513 2.95 - 2.75 1.07 1408.5 1494.2 90.0 1266.7 0.12667 3.08 - 2.69 1.15 1227.7 1305.8 95.0 1109.2 0.11092 3.21 - 2.62 1.22 1073.6 1144.8 100.0 974.26 0.097426 3.34 - 2.56 1.30 941.74 1006.8 105.0 858.33 0.085833 3.46 - 2.50 1.38 828.62 888.04 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 5 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 4 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 10K 5 % B3435 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 10 5 3435 1.0 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 190 953 19.095 8.37 - 5.46 1.53 174 965 206 940 - 35.0 145 953 14.595 8.05 - 5.30 1.52 134 205 157 700 - 30.0 112 440 11.244 7.74 - 5.14 1.51 103 739 121 141 - 25.0 87 285 8.7285 7.44 - 4.99 1.49 80 792 93 779 - 20.0 68 260 6.8260 7.15 - 4.85 1.48 63 377 73 142 - 15.0 53 762 5.3762 6.88 - 4.71 1.46 50 066 57 459 - 10.0 42 636 4.2636 6.61 - 4.57 1.45 39 818 45 455 - 5.0 34 038 3.4038 6.35 - 4.44 1.43 31 875 36 201 0.0 27 348 2.7348 6.11 - 4.31 1.42 25 677 29 018 5.0 22 108 2.2108 5.87 - 4.19 1.40 20 810 23 406 10.0 17 979 1.7979 5.64 - 4.08 1.38 16 965 18 994 15.0 14 706 1.4706 5.42 - 3.96 1.37 13 908 15 503 20.0 12 094 1.2094 5.21 - 3.86 1.35 11 465 12 724 25.0 10 000 1.0000 5.00 - 3.75 1.33 9500.0 10 500 30.0 8310.8 0.83108 5.20 - 3.65 1.42 7878.6 8742.9 35.0 6941.1 0.69411 5.39 - 3.55 1.52 6566.8 7315.4 40.0 5824.9 0.58249 5.58 - 3.46 1.61 5499.8 6149.9 45.0 4910.6 0.49106 5.76 - 3.37 1.71 4627.7 5193.5 50.0 4158.3 0.41583 5.94 - 3.28 1.81 3911.4 4405.1 55.0 3536.2 0.35362 6.11 - 3.20 1.91 3320.3 3752.2 60.0 3019.7 0.30197 6.27 - 3.12 2.01 2830.3 3209.0 65.0 2588.8 0.25888 6.43 - 3.04 2.12 2422.3 2755.3 70.0 2228.0 0.22280 6.59 - 2.96 2.22 2081.2 2374.7 75.0 1924.6 0.19246 6.74 - 2.89 2.33 1794.9 2054.2 80.0 1668.4 0.16684 6.88 - 2.82 2.44 1553.5 1783.3 85.0 1451.3 0.14513 7.03 - 2.75 2.55 1349.4 1553.3 90.0 1266.7 0.12667 7.17 - 2.69 2.67 1176.0 1357.5 95.0 1109.2 0.11092 7.30 - 2.62 2.78 1028.2 1190.2 100.0 974.26 0.097426 7.43 - 2.56 2.90 901.86 1046.7 105.0 858.33 0.085833 7.56 - 2.50 3.02 793.45 923.21 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 6 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 5 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 10K 3 % B3984 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 10 3 3984 0.5 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 334 274 33.427 4.92 - 6.63 0.74 317 833 350 716 - 35.0 241 323 24.132 4.73 - 6.41 0.74 229 899 252 747 - 30.0 176 133 17.613 4.56 - 6.19 0.74 168 106 184 159 - 25.0 129 900 12.990 4.39 - 5.99 0.73 124 201 135 599 - 20.0 96 761 9.6761 4.22 - 5.79 0.73 92 674 100 848 - 15.0 72 765 7.2765 4.07 - 5.61 0.73 69 806 75 724 - 10.0 55 218 5.5218 3.92 - 5.43 0.72 53 056 57 380 - 5.0 42 268 4.2268 3.77 - 5.26 0.72 40 674 43 861 0.0 32 624 3.2624 3.63 - 5.10 0.71 31 440 33 809 5.0 25 381 2.5381 3.49 - 4.94 0.71 24 494 26 268 10.0 19 897 1.9897 3.36 - 4.80 0.70 19 227 20 566 15.0 15 711 1.5711 3.24 -4.65 0.70 15 202 16 220 20.0 12 493 1.2493 3.12 - 4.52 0.69 12 103 12 882 25.0 10 000 1.00000 3.00 - 4.39 0.68 9700.0 10 300 30.0 8056.0 0.80560 3.11 - 4.26 0.73 7805.1 8306.8 35.0 6529.7 0.65297 3.22 - 4.14 0.78 6319.3 6740.2 40.0 5323.9 0.53239 3.33 - 4.03 0.83 5146.6 5501.1 45.0 4365.3 0.43653 3.43 - 3.92 0.88 4215.4 4515.1 50.0 3598.7 0.35987 3.53 - 3.81 0.93 3471.6 3725.8 55.0 2982.3 0.29823 3.63 - 3.71 0.98 2874.0 3090.5 60.0 2483.8 0.24838 3.72 - 3.61 1.03 2391.3 2576.3 65.0 2078.7 0.20787 3.81 - 3.51 1.09 1999.4 2157.9 70.0 1747.7 0.17477 3.90 - 3.42 1.14 1679.5 1815.9 75.0 1475.9 0.14759 3.99 - 3.34 1.20 1417.1 1534.8 80.0 1251.8 0.12518 4.07 - 3.25 1.25 1200.8 1302.8 85.0 1066.1 0.10661 4.15 - 3.17 1.31 1021.8 1110.4 90.0 911.59 0.091159 4.23 - 3.09 1.37 873.01 950.16 95.0 782.46 0.078246 4.31 - 3.02 1.43 748.75 816.17 100.0 674.11 0.067411 4.38 - 2.94 1.49 644.56 703.66 105.0 582.84 0.058284 4.46 - 2.87 1.55 556.87 608.82 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 7 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 6 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 47K 3 % B4090 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 47 3 4090 1.5 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 1 589 068 33.810 8.91 - 6.54 1.36 1 447 482 1 730 653 - 35.0 1 151 627 24.503 8.34 - 6.34 1.32 1 055 560 1 247 693 - 30.0 842 790 17.932 7.80 - 6.15 1.27 777 081 908 499 - 25.0 622 597 13.247 7.27 - 5.96 1.22 577 315 667 878 - 20.0 464 110 9.8747 6.77 - 5.79 1.17 432 690 495 530 - 15.0 348 989 7.4253 6.29 - 5.62 1.12 327 051 370 927 - 10.0 264 628 5.6304 5.82 - 5.45 1.07 249 224 280 032 - 5.0 202 280 4.3038 5.37 - 5.30 1.01 191 412 213 148 0.0 155 823 3.3154 4.94 - 5.14 0.96 148 124 163 522 5.0 120 932 2.5730 4.52 - 5.00 0.91 115 460 126 404 10.0 94 528 2.0112 4.12 - 4.86 0.85 90 630 98 425 15.0 74 399 1.5830 3.74 - 4.72 0.79 71 619 77 178 20.0 58 945 1.2542 3.36 - 4.59 0.73 56 964 60 927 25.0 47 000 1.0000 3.00 - 4.47 0.67 45 590 48 410 30.0 37 706 0.80226 3.35 - 4.35 0.77 36 443 38 969 35.0 30 429 0.64743 3.69 - 4.23 0.87 29 307 31 551 40.0 24 696 0.52545 4.02 - 4.12 0.97 23 705 25 688 45.0 20 154 0.42880 4.33 - 4.01 1.08 19 281 21 027 50.0 16 534 0.35178 4.64 - 3.91 1.19 15 767 17 301 55.0 13 633 0.29006 4.94 - 3.81 1.30 12 960 14 306 60.0 11 296 0.24035 5.23 - 3.71 1.41 10 706 11 887 65.0 9404.5 0.20010 5.51 - 3.62 1.52 8886.6 9922.3 70.0 7865.2 0.16735 5.78 - 3.53 1.64 7410.7 8319.7 75.0 6606.9 0.14057 6.04 - 3.44 1.75 6207.6 7006.2 80.0 5573.5 0.11858 6.30 - 3.36 1.87 5222.3 5924.6 85.0 4721.0 0.10045 6.55 - 3.28 2.00 4411.8 5030.2 90.0 4014.7 0.085420 6.79 - 3.20 2.12 3742.0 4287.4 95.0 3427.2 0.072919 7.03 - 3.13 2.25 3186.3 3668.1 100.0 2936.5 0.062478 7.26 - 3.05 2.38 2723.3 3149.6 105.0 2525.0 0.053723 7.48 - 2.98 2.51 2336.1 105.0 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 8 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 NTCLE413, NTCLE428 www.vishay.com Vishay BCcomponents Table 7 R25 PART IDENTIFICATION NTCLE413-428 100K 3 % B4190 K B25/85 k ±% K ±% 100 3 4190 1.5 RESISTANCE VALUES AT INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURES TEMPERATURE (°C) RT () RT/R25 R/R (%) TCR (%/K) T (K) RMIN. () RMAX. () - 40.0 3 666 299 36.663 9.05 - 6.69 1.35 3 334 354 3 998 244 - 35.0 2 637 588 26.376 8.47 - 6.49 1.31 2 414 139 2 861 036 - 30.0 1 916 576 19.166 7.91 - 6.29 1.26 1 764 917 2 068 236 - 25.0 1 406 111 14.061 7.38 - 6.10 1.21 1 302 387 1 509 836 - 20.0 1 041 184 10.412 6.86 - 5.92 1.16 969 745 1 112 622 - 15.0 777 846 7.7785 6.37 - 5.75 1.11 728 330 827 362 - 10.0 586 097 5.8610 5.89 - 5.58 1.06 551 581 620 613 - 5.0 445 257 4.4526 5.43 - 5.42 1.00 421 079 469 435 0.0 340 942 3.4094 4.99 - 5.26 0.95 323 936 357 948 5.0 263 054 2.6305 4.56 - 5.11 0.89 251 054 275 054 10.0 204 446 2.0445 4.15 - 4.97 0.84 195 960 212 931 15.0 160 014 1.6001 3.75 - 4.83 0.78 154 008 166 020 20.0 126 087 1.2609 3.37 - 4.70 0.72 121 837 130 336 25.0 100 000 1.00000 3.00 - 4.57 0.66 97 000 103 000 30.0 79 808 0.79808 3.36 - 4.45 0.75 77 128 82 488 35.0 64 077 0.64077 3.70 - 4.33 0.86 61 703 66 451 40.0 51 745 0.51745 4.04 - 4.22 0.96 49 655 53 836 45.0 42 021 0.42021 4.36 - 4.11 1.06 40 187 43 855 50.0 34 308 0.34308 4.68 - 4.00 1.17 32 702 35 913 55.0 28 156 0.28156 4.98 - 3.90 1.28 26 752 29 559 60.0 23 222 0.23222 5.28 - 3.80 1.39 21 996 24 449 65.0 19 246 0.19246 5.57 - 3.71 1.50 18 174 20 318 70.0 16 025 0.16025 5.85 - 3.62 1.62 15 088 16 961 75.0 13 402 0.13402 6.12 - 3.53 1.73 12 582 14 222 80.0 11 258 0.11258 6.38 - 3.45 1.85 10 539 11 976 85.0 9495.8 0.094958 6.64 - 3.36 1.97 8865.6 10 126 90.0 8042.0 0.080420 6.89 - 3.28 2.10 7488.3 8595.7 95.0 6837.3 0.068373 7.13 - 3.21 2.22 6350.0 7324.7 100.0 5835.1 0.058351 7.36 - 3.13 2.35 5405.4 6264.7 105.0 4997.8 0.049978 7.59 - 3.06 2.48 4618.4 5377.3 Revision: 12-Oct-12 Document Number: 29078 9 For technical questions, contact: nlr@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Material Category Policy Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as Halogen-Free follow Halogen-Free requirements as per JEDEC JS709A standards. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to IEC 61249-2-21 conform to JEDEC JS709A standards. Revision: 02-Oct-12 1 Document Number: 91000