LPM11162 Audio Module www.lpelettronica.it Firmware version.2.1R Doc. Rev.0 (04/12/10) Features Separate Analog/Digital Supplies for optimmum performance Typical 3.3V Supply Voltage Non-volatile audio storage Internal Flash Filesystem to store wave files 95 seconds of audio recording 11.025KHz sample rate High quality voice/sounds reproduction UART interface for programming/playback (SERIALMODE) Input PIN reading for playback (KEY-MODE) Analog audio output for playback 5KHz audio bandwidth Small footprint device (20x28mm) Low power consumption Applications: automatic distributors, robots, industrial controllers, entertainment, gadgets • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Description LPM11162 is a simple integrated solution to store and reproduce high quality audio wave files in electronic circuits. Typical applications are automatic distributors, robots, speaking devices, gadgets and in general all the devices where it is required to program and play audio wave files. The audio files (11KHz – 16bit) can be programmed in the internal 2Mbyte flash memory that is provided with an advanced filesystem. Programming is done on the UART port using simple filesystem commands. The baudrate for communication is programmable with the AutoBaudrate feature (up to 115200 bps). The audio files can be reproduced on the analog ouput using the playback commands (SERIAL-MODE) or driving some input PIN (pressing keys , driving relè or transistors, ecc). Typical Application DVCC-3.3V DVCC-3.3V AVCC-3.3V DVCC Microcontroller 4.7uF AVCC 100nF 100nF LPM11162 DGND DGND UART-TX UART-RX UART-RX UART-TX IN OUT /BUSY /RESET 4.7uF AGND AGND AUDIO-OUT AMP 100nF AGND DGND DGND AGND Figure 1 – Typical Application schematic LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Pin Diagram 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 4 5 6 2 3 Figure 2 – Pin Diagram (Top View) Pin Description Pin number 1 Pin Name Pin Type Description KEY2 - /BUSY IN - OUT 2 /RESET IN 3 4 5 DVCC DGND KEY1 - UART-TX POWER POWER IN / OUT In KEY-MODE this pin is named KEY2 and it is used in combination with other KEY pins to play wave files pressing keys. In SERIAL MODE this is an active low Busy pin. This signal is normally high, it is driven low by the module during a command execution (Busy condition). New commands are not accepted when the module is in Busy state. Active low Reset pin. Low level is reset condition, high level is running condition. Digital supply voltage. Digital ground. In KEY-MODE this pin is named KEY1 and it is used in combination with other KEY pins to play wave files pressing keys. In SERIAL-MODE this is the UART transmit pin. 1 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 6 KEY0 - UART-RX IN 7 8 9 10 11 12 NC AVCC AUDIO-OUT NC AGND NC POWER OUTPUT POWER - In KEY-MODE this pin is named KEY0 and it is used in combination with other KEY pins to play wave files pressing keys. In SERIAL-MODE this is the UART receive pin. Not connected Analog supply voltage. Analog audio output signal (single ended). Not connected Analog ground. Not connected Table 1 – Pin Description 2 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability. The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. Symbol DVCC AVCC VIN TA IOD IOA Parameter Digital supply voltage Analog supply voltage Digital input pin voltage Operating ambient temperature range DC maximum source/sink current from digital output pins DC maximum source/sink current from analog output pin Rating -0.3V to +4.0V 0V to +5.5V -0.3V to +4.0V -20°C to +85°C ±10mA ±10mA Recommended Operating Conditions The Recommended Operating Conditions table defines the conditions for actual device operation. Recommended operating conditions are specified to ensure optimal performance to the datasheet specifications. It is not recommended exceeding them or designing to absolute maximum ratings. Symbol DVCC AVCC VIN TA Parameter Digital supply voltage Analog supply voltage Digital input pin voltage Operating ambient temperature range Rating +2.7V to +3.6V +2.7V to +5.5V 0V to DVCC 0°C to +70°C Electrical Characteristics Symbol IDCC IACC BW VIH VIL VOH VOL Parameter DC maximum supply current on DVCC DC maximum supply current on AVCC Maximum analog output bandwidth High level input voltage on digital pin Low level input voltage on digital pin High level output voltage on digital pin Low level outputvoltage on digital pin 3 Min 0.8 DVCC 2.4V - Max 70mA 1 mA 5 KHz 0.2 DVCC 0.4V LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 1 – Introduction 1.1 – Filesystem LPM11162 is designed with an internal filesystem that is able to store standard 11025Hz-16bit wave files. The UART interface makes possible to program/playback the wave files connecting LPM11162 to another device (for example a small microcontroller or a PC). User’s board LPM11162 Module UART ( Playback Cmd) Microcontroller Figure 3 – Typical Programming and Playback block diagram LPM11162 is equiped with a 2Mbyte flash memory that in 11KHz-16bit wave format allows to store a maximum of 95 seconds (maximum time for all the files). The maximum number of files is 16 and there is no limitation on the size of each file. Parameter Max. number of files Max. file name lenght Audio files sample rate Audio files data bits Flash memory size Value 128 15 characters 11025 Hz 16 2.094.080 bytes Table 2 – Filesystem Specification 1.2 – SERIAL-MODE and KEY-MODE LPM11162 has to working modes: SERIAL-MODE and KEY-MODE. In SERIAL-MODE it is able to receive commands from UART port in order to program audio wave files in the internal Flash memory or to reproduce them on the analog audio output. This mode is the most flexible and the user can program/reproduce a large quantity of wave files sending simple commands from a host microcontroller or a PC (download the LPM11162 ToolKit PC application). There are cases where you don’t have a microcontroller in your circuit, but would be nice to reproduce wave file if you have already programmed them on LPM11162. This is the case of KEY-MODE, where 3 pins of LPM11162 are configured as input pins and the audio module is able to reproduce wave file when the pin’s status changes. With KEY-MODE you can put LPM11162 in your circuit with a few of other components and reproduce audio wave files. 4 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 1.2 – KEY-MODE KEY-MODE is the default working mode of the module at startup. After power-on the module’s pins 1, 5, 6 are configured as input pins and the module consider them as “not pressed” in high voltage level. No wave files are played until one or more pins change state. If one ore more pins becomes low voltage level then LPM11162 will reproduce a wave file accordingly to the following table: KEY2 (pin 1) KEY1 (pin 5) KEY0 (pin 6) Wave File Name L L L L H H H H L L H H L L H H L H L H L H L H File0.wav File1.wav File2.wav File3.wav File4.wav File5.wav File6.wav - Table 3 – Filesystem Specification When all the KEY pins are high level the LPM11162 is not reproducing any audio file, while in all other pin’s configurations there is an associated wave file to be reproduced. Of course each wave file can be reproduced only if it was previously programmed using the proper commands in SERIAL-MODE. In a typical application each KEY pin can be connected to the supply voltage with a pull-up resistor. Then some external keys, or open-collector transistors, or relè can drive the KEY pins low to enable the playback of a specific wave file. The interesting LOOP function allows to reproduce a wave file in loop, so at the end of a file the playback will restart from the beginning if the pin’s configuration that activated playback is still present. 1.3 – SERIAL-MODE SERIAL-MODE can be entered after power-on by sending the auto-baudrate character. When this caracter is received LPM11162 switched to SERIAL-MODE, configuring the pin 1 and pin 5 as outputs for /BUSY and UART-TX functions and configuring pin 6 as UART-RX. 5 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2 – SERIAL-MODE 2.1 – Writing files Wave files can be programmed on LPM11162 with only 3 simple commands: File Open, File Write, File Close. The File Write command permits to write the content of the audio files on the Flash memory if LPM11162. Each File Write command permits to transfer a maximum of 256 bytes, so if the file size if greater than 256 bytes it is required to send more File Write commands in sequence for a complete file transfer. The File Write commands are accepted only after the file has been opened with the File Open command that communicates to the module the name of the file that will be written. The file must be properly closed after all the data have been transferred by sending the File Close command. For example suppose to write the file audio.wav that is a 612 bytes file, the sequence of commands is the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) File Open command (audio.wav) File Write command (first 256 data block) File Write command (second 256 data block) File Write command (last 100 data block) File Close command It is not possible to have two file with identical file name, so the File Open command will fail in case the file name is the same of another file that is already present in the Flash. 2.2 – Formatting memory The entire content of the Flash memory can be erased with the File Format command. This command erases all the files that are present in the Flash memory. During the format procedure the /BUSY line is driven low to indicate the module cannot receive other commands. The duration of the format procedure can take up to several seconds (see Timing Specifications). 2.3 – Power-up sequence with auto-baudrate In the figure below shows the power-up sequence with autobaudrate feature that allows to connect the module to different host devices without any hardware configuration. After the module is removed from reset, the first operation to do is to send the auto-baudrate character 0x55 (ASCII “U”). When this character is received the module is able to understand the baudrate of the transmitter device and to configure itself to work at the same baudrate. After the auto-baudrate character is received the /BUSY line is driven low to indicate that the module cannot accept commands. It sends a Module ID response and Module Firmware Version response, then the /BUSY line is driven high and the module is ready to receive commands. 6 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it RESET AUTOBAUD POWER-UP INFO READY TO OPERATE DVcc /RESET UART-TX Module ID response FW Version response ID VER Auto-baudrate character UART-RX Command Command 0x55 /BUSY Figure 4 – Power-up sequence 2.4 – /BUSY Signal The /BUSY signal indicates when the module is able to receive commands or when it is busy to execute the previous command and cannot accept a new incoming command. The /BUSY line is normally high and it is driven low by the module when the first character of a command is received to indicate that the command processing is going on. The line will reamain low for the time required to receive the entire command and to exeute it. After the command execution is terminated the /BUSY line will go high and another command can be accepted. Exception is made for STOP and VOLUME commands. After the PLAY command is received the module is considered busy until the playback of the audio file is completed. During this time the /BUSY signal remains low, however the STOP and VOLUME commands can be sent in order to stop the file playback or adjust the volume level while playback is in progress. 7 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2.5 - General Commands/Responses Format The module’s operations are controlled via a simple UART protocol where another device can send commands to the module and the module can reply with responses. The commands are divided in Filesystem commands and Playback commands. Using Filesystem commands another device can program wave files with voice messages on the module and then using the Playback commands it is very simple to reproduce the voice messages. All the commands/responses have the same general structure: the first byte indicates the command/responses type, the second and third bytes indicates the number of data bytes that will be sent into the command/response, then the data bytes are transmitted. The general commands/responses structure is illustrated here: Cmd/Res (1 byte) Cmd Len (2 bytes) Len H Len L Data (N bytes) Data 1 Data 2 .... Data N Cmd/Res (1 byte): • 0x01 – File Open command • 0x02 – File Write command • 0x03 – File Close command • 0x04 – File Format command • 0x10 – Play command • 0x11 – Stop command • 0x12 – Volume command • 0x81 – Module ID response • 0x82 – Module Firmware Version response Len (2 bytes): • Number of data bytes in the command/response. Len is sent as high byte first. Data 1…Data N (N bytes): • Sequence of generic N data bytes. Data bytes can be present or not (Len=0) depending on the command/response. 8 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Command File Open Description Open a new file on the module. Required before writing data into the file. Write data bytes into the file that is currently open for writing. Cmd 0x01 File Close Close the file. Required after writing all data bytes into the file. File Format Play Stop File Write Volume 0x03 Len Number of characters in the file name. Number of data bytes in current command to write in the file. 0x0000 Not present. Erase all the files that are currently present in Flash memory. Start playback of a selected file. 0x04 0x0000 Not present. 0x10 File name characters. Stop playback of the file that is currently playing. Set the playback volume level 0x11 Number of characters in the name file to be played. 0x0000 Not present. 0x12 0x0001 0-100 0x02 Data File name characters. Data bytes. Table 4 – Commands Table Response Module ID Module Firmware Version Description Send to the host device the module’s ID. Send to the host device the module’s firmware version and date. Res 0x81 0x0002 Len 0x82 0x000D Table 5 – Responses Table 9 Data Module’s ID Module’s firmware version and date.. LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2.6 - File Open command The first operation to do to access a file is send the File Open command. This command informs the module that a new file must be created with file name that is specified by the data bytes in the command. The general format of File Open command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x01 Len (2 bytes) Len H Len L Data (N bytes) Char 1 Char 2 .... Char N Cmd (1 byte): • 0x01 – File Open Len (2 bytes): • Number of characters in the file name (N≤15). Char 1…Char N (N bytes): • Sequence of N characters of the file name (no terminating char). Here is shown an example of creating a new file called “f1.wav”: 0x01 0x00 0x06 ‘f ’ ‘1‘ ‘.‘ ‘w ‘ ‘a‘ ‘v ‘ 2.7 - File Write command After a file has been opened the File Write command can be used to write the file’s data bytes on the internal memory of the audio module. The general format of File Write command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x02 Len (2 bytes) Len H Len L Data (N bytes) Data 1 Data 2 .... Cmd (1 byte): • 0x02 – File Write Len (2 bytes): • Number of data bytes in current command to write in the file (N≤256). 10 Data N LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Data 1…Data N (N bytes): • Sequence of N data bytes to write in the open file. Here is shown an example of writing 4 bytes (0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D) to an open file: 0x02 0x00 0x04 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 2.8 - File Close command After finished to write all the data bytes to an open file, the file must be closed by sending the File Close command. The general format of File Close command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x03 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 0x00 Cmd (1 byte): • 0x03 – File Close Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0000 because no data bytes are present in the command. 2.9 - File Format command The File Format command is used to erase all the file that are present in the internal memory. This command is accepted only when there are no open files. The general format of File Format command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x04 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 0x00 Cmd (1 byte): • 0x04 – File Format Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0000 because no data bytes are present in the command. 11 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2.10 - Play command The Play command starts playing an audio file that was previously written to the internal memory. The Play command for an audio file is accepted only if no other audio files are currently playing. The general format of Play command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x10 Len (2 bytes) Len H Len L Data (N bytes) Char 1 Char 2 .... Char N Cmd (1 byte): • 0x10 – Play Len (2 bytes): • Number of characters in the audio file name (N≤15). Char 1…Char N (N bytes): • Sequence of N characters of the audio file name (no terminating char). Here is shown an example of playing the file “f1.wav”: 0x10 0x00 0x06 ‘f ’ ‘1‘ ‘.‘ 2.11 - Stop command The play of an audio file can be stopped sending the Stop command. The general format of Stop command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x11 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 0x00 Cmd (1 byte): • 0x11 – Stop Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0000 because no data bytes are present in the command. 12 ‘w ‘ ‘a‘ ‘v ‘ LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2.12 - Volume command The Volume command allows to set the volume level for audio reproduction. The volume level is expressed in the range 0-100: The general format of Volume command is composed as follows: Cmd 0x12 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 0x01 Data Vol Cmd (1 byte): • 0x12 – Volume Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0001 because there is only 1 data byte for the volume value. Vol (1 byte): • Volume level in the range 0-100 (default is 50). Here is shown an example of setting volume to 70%: 0x12 0x00 0x01 0x46 13 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 2.13 - Module ID response Each module has a unique ID that permits to recognize the module. The module’s ID is sent by the module to the host controller during the power-up sequence.. The general format of Module ID response is composed as follows: Res 0x81 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 Data (2 bytes) 0x04 ID 1 ID 2 Res (1 byte): • 0x81 – Module’s ID Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0002 because the module’s ID is 2 bytes long. ID 1…ID 2 (2 bytes): • Sequence of 2 module’s ID bytes. 2.14 - Module Firmware Version response The module’s firmware version and release date are sent by the module to the host controller during the power-up sequence. The general format of Module Firmware Version response is composed as follows: Res 0x82 Len (2 bytes) 0x00 Data (9 bytes) 0x09 ........... Ver Day 1 Rev Day 2 Status Month 1 ........... Month 2 Year 1 Res (1 byte): • 0x82 – Module’s Firmware Version Len (2 bytes): • Len is 0x0009 because there are 3 bytes for the firmware version and 6 bytes for the date. 14 Year 2 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Ver...Status (3 bytes): • The firmware version is composed by one Version character, one Revision character and one Status character. Each character is expresses in ASCII format, so for example the firmware version 1.0R will be expressed by the characters ‘10R’ in the response. Day 1...Year 2 (6 bytes): • The firmware release date is two bytes for the day, two bytes for the month and two bytes for the year. For example the date 15/10/09 is expressed by characters ‘151009’ in the response. Here is shown an example of firmware version 1.0R (15/10/09): 0x82 0x00 0x09 ........... 1 0 1 ........... R 5 15 1 0 0 9 LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 3 – Timing Specifications 3.1 – Reset Timing Specifications Symbol tVR tRL Parameter Minimum time between DVCC and /RESET high Minimum /RESET low time Min 1 ms 10 ms Max - DVcc tRL tVR /RESET 3.2 – Commands Timing Specifications Symbol tFF tFO tFC tFW tSTOP tVOL tBC Parameter Maximum File Format command time (/BUSY low) Maximum File Open command time (/BUSY low) Maximum File Close command time (/BUSY low) Maximum File Write command time (/BUSY low) Maximum Stop command time (/BUSY low) Maximum Volume command time (/BUSY low) Minimum time between /BUSY high and next command Min 200 µs Command UART-RX Cmd Len Command Data Cmd tFF, tFO, tFC, tFW, tVOL, tSTOP /BUSY tBC 16 Len Data Max 65 sec 40 µs 25 µs 2.5 ms 250 ms 25 µs - LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it 3.3 – Power-up Timing Specifications Symbol tRA tAC Parameter Minimum time between /RESET high and auto-baudrate character Maximum time between auto-baudrate character and module ready to receive commands (1200 bps worst case) Baudrate values Min 600 ms - Max 150 ms 1200 bps 115200 bps /RESET Module ID response FW Version response ID VER UART-TX Command Auto-baudrate character UART-RX 0x55 Cmd /BUSY tRA tAC 17 Len Data Command Cmd Len Data LPM11162 www.lpelettronica.it Packaging Informations E 12 11 10 9 8 7 F G A 1 D 2 3 4 5 6 C B Dim A B C D E F G Millimeters 28.0 20.0 2.54 1.40 3.53 12.0 6.0 Inches 1.100 0.787 0.100 0.550 0.139 0.472 0.236 Figure 5 – Package Dimensions 18