8 r. ANALOG L.III DEVICES CMOS 10-BitMonolithic AID Converter FEATURES 8- and 10-Bit Resolution 20llS Conversion Time Microprocessor Compatibility Very Low Power Dissipation Parallel and Serial Outputs Ratiometric Operation TTL/DTL/CMOS Logic Compatibility CMOS Monolithic Construction OBS 8 GENERAL 8 8 DESCRIPTION OLE FUNCTIONAL The AD7570 is a monolithic CMOS 10-bit successive approximation AID converter on a 120 by 13 5 mil chip, requiring only an external comparator, reference and passive clocking components. Ratiometric operation is inherent, since an extremely accurate multiplying DAC is used in the feedback loop. The AD7570 parallel output data lines and Busy line utilize three-state logic to permit bussing with other AID output and control lines or with other I/O interface circuitry. Two enables are available: one controls the two MSBs; the second controls the remaining 8 LSBs. This feature provides the control interface for most microprocessors which can accept only an 8-bit byte. The AD7570 also provides a serial data output line to be used in conjunction with the serial synchronization line. The clock can be driven externally or, with the addition of a resistor and a capacitor, can run internally as high as 0.6MHz allowing a total conversion time (8 bits) of typically 201ls. An 8-bit short cycle control pin stops the clock after exercising 8 bits, normally used for the "J" version (8-bit resolution). The AD7570 requires two power supplies, a +15V main supply and a +5V (for TTL/DTL logic) to + 15V (for CMOS logic) supply for digital circuitry. Both analog and digital grounds are available. DIAGRAM OUT1 AIN VREF TE OUT2 I I 10 ,..,....--0 DB9 (MSB) DB8 18 DB1 19 28 DBO (lSBI BUSY 8 SRO CaMP STRT ClK 27 20 SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION lOGIC 21 9 L-221-13l-1l-6T220 Vcc 236 16 DGND voo BSEN HBEN lBEN - SYNC -l 66 AGND The AD7570 is a monolithic device using a proprietary CMOS process featuring a double layer metal interconnect, on-chip thin-film resistor network and silicon nitride passivation ensuring high reliability and excellent long term stability. 8 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringementS of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. -- P.O. Box 280; Tel:617/329-4700 Telex: 924491 Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 U.S. Twx: 710/394-65' Cables: ANALOG NORWOODMA: (VOO 0=+15V, VCC 0=+5V, VREF0=:!:lOV unless otherwise SPECIFICATIONS VERSIONS PARAMETERI ACCURACY Resolution OVER SPECIFIED TEMP. RANGE TA = +25°C ' noted) TEST CONDITIONS '-- - J L J, L 1.L J, L J, L ---------------- 8 Bits min 10 Bits min :!:1/2LSB max ILSB max J, L L J, L J, L 10kQ typ -150ppm/C typ 10kQ typ -I 5.9"p_n1/C- ty I' --------------- J, L J, L 1.L 1.L J, L lUnA typ 120pF typ 40pF typ 40pF typ 120pF typ VINL2 VINH2 IINL' IINH 3 CLK Input Current 1.L J, L J, L J, L J, L J, L +1.4V +2.4V +1.5V :!:O_IIlA typ, :!:IOIlA max +0.4011\ typ, +lmA max VIN = 0 to VCC During Conversion Vcc = +5V; 2_4V « VIN « Vcc CLK J, L +1.7m1\ 1.L :!:IIlA typ During Conversion VCC = +15V; 10V « VIN « VCC Vcc = +5V to +15V Conversion Complete or CLK IN « VINL J, L 2pF typ Relative Accuracy Differential Nonlinearity Gain Error Gain Temperature ANALOG INPUTS Coefficient Analog Input Resistance Analog Input Resistance Tempco Reference Input Resistance Reference Input Resistance Tempco ANALOG OUTPUTS Output Leakage Current (OUT!, OUT2) Output Capacitance OUTI OUT2 OUT! OUT2 1. 8 5ppm Reading per 0 C typ 10ppm Reading per --------.-.----------.------- 0 C max 5kQ Olin, 20kQ max 5kQ min, 20kQ max 200nA max Voun, 2 = OV DBOthrough DB9 = Logic "I" DBO through DB9 = Logic "0" ----------.- INPUTS VINL 2 VINH2 Input Current CLK Input Current Cm u DIGITAL ---. OUTPUTS J, L 1.L 1.L J, L J, L VOUTL YOUTH VOUTL YOUTH CoUT (Floating) (SYNC, SRO, DBO thro~gh BUSY, LBEN, HBEN Propagation tON IoFF BSEN Propagation tON tOFF Duration + 1.5V max + 13.5V min Requirement Vcc = +15V OLE +13-5V min typ, +3mA max +0.5V max +2.4V min +1.5V max +13.5V min 5pF typ +0_8V max +2.4V +1.5V +13.5V min max min TE Vcc = +5V, ISINK = 1.6mA VCC = +5V, IsOURCE = 40llA VCC = +15V, ISINK = 3mA VCC = +15V, ISOURCE = ImA VCC = +5V to +15V SRO and SYNC; Conversion Complete BUSY; BSEN = Logic "0" DBO-DB9; HBEN, LBEN = Logic "0" VCC = +5V to +15V SRO and SYNC; Conversion Complete BUSY; BSEN = Logic "0" DBO-DB9; HBEN, LBEN = Logic "0" VOUT = OV and VCC J L J, L 20lls typ, 40lls max 40lls typ, 120lls max 100kHz typ 1.L 100kHz typ J, L 1.L 650ns typ 200ns typ J, L 1.L 450ns typ 200ns ryp 40lls I t See Figure 5 Vcc = +5V; CLK Duty Cycle = 50%, R = 33k, C = 760pF VCC = +15V, CLK Duty Cycle = 50%, R = lOk; C = 2500pF Vcc = +5V LBEN, HBEN = OV to +3V Data Bit Load = 5k, 16pF Measured from 50% of Enable Input to 50% Point of Data Bit Output Delay J, L max I 120llS max Delay (STRT)4 Vcc = +5V Olin :!:5nA typ Internal CLK Frequency (See Figure 2, and Section 6 of Pin Function Description) Start +2.4V and DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Conversion Time Convert +0_8V max typ, +0.8V max min, + 1.4V typ max DB9) ILKG (Floating) (SYNC, SRO, BUSY and DBO through DB9) Pulse SC8 = Logic "0" SC8 = Logic "I" fCLK = 100kHz See Figure 5 0.3% Reading typ OBS DIGITAL 8 Bits min 10 Bits min :!:1/2LSB max ILSB max Vcc = +5V BSEN = OV to +3V BUSY Load = 5k, 16pF Measured from 50% Point of BSEN Input Waveform to 50% Point of BUSY Output Waveform , ' -~ 0.51ls Olin .-- ~ " -2-- W i - ---------- 8 PARAMETER VERSIONS I - ------ TA OVER SPECIFIED TEMP_RANGE ~ +25°C TEST CONDITIONS POWER SUPPLIES VDD VCC IDD J. L J. L J. L +5V to +15V typ +5V to VDD typ 0.2mA typo 2mA max See Figures 3 and 4 Icc J. L 0.02mA typ, 2mA max VCC ~ +5V. fcLK ~ 0 to 100kHz Continuous Conversion (80% Duty J, L O_lmA typ, 2mA max VCC = +15V, Continuous Cycle) VDD ~ +15V, Continuous Cycle) fCLK ~ 0 to 100kHz Conversion (80% Duty Cycle) fcLK = 0 to 100kHz Conversion (80% Duty , "J" version parameters specified for SC8 ~ O. VJNL and VJNH specifications applicable to all digital inputs except COMP. COMP terminal must be driven with CMOS levels (i.e., comparator output pullup must be tied to VCc). 'IJNL,IJNH specifications not applicable to CLK terminal. See "CLK input current" in specifications table. . STRT falling edge should not coincide with CLK in falling edge. 2 .. OBS Specifications subject to change without notice. 8 ABSOLUTE 8 MAXIMUM OLE RATINGS VootoGND VcctoGND VcctoVOO"""""""""""""'" VREFtoGND AnaloglnputtoGND Digital Input Voltage Range. ORDERING INFORMATION +17V +17V +OAV :t25V :t25V Resolution ---- 8-Bit la-Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . VOO to GND 'oUTl,'oUTZ O.3V,VoO Power Dissipation (package) upto+50°c IOOOmW Derate above +50°C by. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOmW/C Operating Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -25°C to +85°C Storage Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +150°C Suffix D: PIN CONFIGURATION 8 CAUTION: apply voltages higher GND to any input/output or AIN. than terminal V cc or less than except VREF 2. The digital control inputs are zener protected; however permanent damage may occur on unconnected units under high energy electrostatic fields. Keep unused units in conductive foam at all times. Range to +85°C AD7570j AD7570L Ceramic Package 1. 2a rmw VREF 27 BSEN AIN 26 oun 25 STAT OUT2 24 ClK AGND 23 DGND COMP 22 Vcc SAD 21 lBEN 20 HBEN SYNC (MSB)DB9 DBa DB7 3. Vcc should never exceed Voo by more than OAV, especially during power ON or OFF sequencing. 8 - -25°C TOP VIEW VDD 1. Do not TE Temperature -3- 10 11 12 19 DBa IlSB) 18 DBI 17 DB2 DB6 16 DB3 DB5 15 DB4 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1000.0 +0.25 VDD : +15V CLK IN : 0 TO +3V (VCC : +5VI, 0 TO +15V IVcc : +15VI CONVERSION.TO.STANDBY DUTY CYCLE: HBEN, LBEN, BSEN, COMP, 100,0 +0.20 80% +0.15 SClf. Vcc : >- AD7570J ~ t +0,10 ~ ~ .y ;::. +0.05 ~'jj 0'" z= 0 10.0 0 _0 <!~ ~', -0.05 ~ -0.10 is -0,15 ~ 1.0 }AD7570L .0.20 0.1 100 lk 10k -0,25 lOOk 5 10 CLOCK FREOUENCY - H, OBS Figure " IDD, Ice vs. fCLK at Different Temperatures Figure 1M VDD: +15V TA:25C , Vcc ~ u R 10k ~ ~ ~ 22 24 C GENERATING [ lk 10 AD7570 INTERNAL CLK Differential ~ ." 2. fCLK vs. Rand Cat 15 Nonlinearity vs. VDD 8 0.25 ~ " 0.20 , 0: 0 0: 0: w z 0.15 0.10 0.00 10k 5 Vce = +5V, +15V Figure 4, TE 10 pF VDD Figure 14 0.30 lk - 3, 0.05 II CAPACITANCE 13 0.35 ~ 100 12 OLE lOOk 1---,- :I: 11 VDD - VOL TS - 11 12 14 15 VOL TS Gain Error vs. VDD (Normalized TEST CIRCUITS -10V 13 8 for VDD = 15V) 8 +15V 0 TO .10V +5V SW.l 3k -- BIT 1 I (MSBI ~3 I BIT 10 - BIT 11 LBENI 21 12 BIT DAC HBEN 20 BSEN 27 BIT 12 1M 250k (LSBI 10 BIT TEST rv 8 BIT TEST ANALOG DITHER INPUT 5-40 H, SINE WAVE. lOV P1' 100kH, DUT 23 10.BIT, TEST sc8126 AD7570 8B'J1, TESV 7 161 DB3 18 ..9:.!i CLOCK STRT CONVERT START 0.5", PULSE DN 130", INTERVALS. TRAILING EDGE SYNCED TO CLOCK LEADING EDGEI D80 (LSB) 24 19 25 28 I BUSY 10 BIT TEST OSCILLOSCOPE 20k HORIZONTAL (X) INPUT NOTE, ADJUST COMPARATOR 6 01 02 VERTICAL (YI INPUT 10k IAD311 I OFFSET TO LESS THAN O1mV. e DUAL "D" TYPE LATCH Figure 5. Dynamic Crossplot Accuracy Test -4III 8 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 8. Vcc (pin 22) Vcc is the logic power supply. If +5V is used, all control inputs/outputs (with the exception of comparator terminal) are DTL/TTL compatible. If +15V is applied, control inputs/outputs are CMOS compatible. INPUT CONTROLS 1. Convert Start (pin 25 - STRT) When the start inpu t goes to Logical" 1 ", the MS B data latch is set to Logic "1" and all other data latches are set to Logic "0". When the start input returns low, the conversion sequence begins. The start command must remain high for at least 500 nanoseconds. If a start command is reinitiated during conversion, the conversion sequence OUTPUT 1. Busy (pin 28 - BUSY) The Busy line indicates whether conversion is complete or in process. Busy is a three-state output and floats until the Busy-Enable line is addressed with a Logic "1 ". When addressed, Busy will indicate either a "1" (conversion complete) or a "0" (conversion in process). starts over. 2. High Byte Enable (pin 20 - HBEN) This is a three-state enable for the bit 9 (MSB) and bit 8. When the control is low, the output data lines for bits 9 and 8 are floating. When the control is high, digital data from the latches appears on the data lines. ~ ~ ~ OBS 8 <8 3. Low Byte Enable (pin 21 - LBEN) Same as High Byte Enable pin, but controls through 7. 2. Serial Output (pin 8 bits 0 (LSB) 4. Busy Enable (pin 27 - BSEN) This is an interrogation input which requests the status of the converter, i.e., conversion in process or convert complete. The converter status is addressed by applying a Logic "1" to the Busy Enable. (See Busy under Output Functions.) SRO) OLE 3. Serial Synchronization (pin 9 - SYNC) Provides 10 positive edges, which are synchronized to the Serial Output pin. Serial Sync is floating if conversion is not taking place. 5. Short Cycle 8 Bits (pin 26 - SCS) With a Logic "0" input, the conversion stops after 8 bits reducing the conversion time by 2 clock periods. This control should be exercised for proper operation of the "J" version. When a Logic "1" is applied, a complete 10-bit conversion takes place ("L" version). shows the is <4.75V, internal CLK the internal frequency versus Rand PIN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C. If V cc CLK will not operate. ( R 24 TE Note that all digital inputs/outputs are TTL/DTL when Vcc is +5V, and CMOS compatible +5V AD7570 CI Generating Internal Clock Frequency 8 - Provides output data in serial format. Data is available only during conversion. When the A/D is not converting, the Serial Output line "floats." The Serial Sync (see next function) must be used, along with the Serial Output terminal to avoid misinterpreting data. 6. Clock (pin 24 - CLK) With an external RC connected, as shown in the figure below, clock activity begins upon receipt of a Convert-Start command to the A/D and ceases upon completion of conversion. An external clock (CMOS or TTL/DTL levels) can directly drive the clock terminals, if required. Figure 2 8 FUNCTIONS 7. VDD (pin 1) VDD is the positive supply for all analog circuitry plus some digital logic circuits that are not part of the TTL compatible input/output lines (back-gates to the P-channel devices). Nominal supply voltage is +15V. MNEMONIC VDD VREF AIN oun OUT2 AGND COMP SRO SYNC DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DBO HBEN LBEN VCC DGND CLK STRT SC8 BSEN BUSY FUNCTION Positive Supply (+ 15V) Voltage REFerence (:t10V) Analog INput DAC Current OUTput 1 DAC Current OUTput 2 Analog GrouND COMParator SeRial Output Serial SYNChronization Data Bit 9 (MSB) Data Bit 8 Data Bit 7 Data Bit 6 Data Bit 5 Data Bit 4 Data Bit 3 Data Bit 2 Data Bit 1 Data Bit 0 (LSB) High Byte ENable Low Byte ENable Logic Supply (+ 5V to + 15V) Digital GrouND CLocK STaRT Short Cycle 8 Bits BuSy ENable BUSY Table 1. Function -5- compatible when VCC is +15V. Table FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS BASIC DESCRIPTION The AD7570 is a monolithic CMOS AID converter (STRT) goes HIGH, the MSB(DB9) is set to the Logic "1" state, while DBO through DB8 are reset to the "0" state. which uses the successive approximations technique to provide up to 10 bits of digital data in a serial and parallel format. Most AID applications require the addition of only a comparator and a voltage or current reference. Two clock pulses plus 200ns after STRT retUrns LOW, the MSB decision is made, and DB8 is tried. Each succeeding trial and decision 8-BIT SHORT CYCLE NOTES If the AD7570 is short cycled to 8 bits (SC8 = OV), the following will occur: OBS Each successive bit is tried, compared to AIN, and set or reset in this manner until the least significant bit (DBO) decision is made. At this time, the AD7570 output is a valid digital representation of the analog input, and will remain in the data latches until another convert start (STRT) is applied. DESCRIPTION 1. The SYNC terminal output pulses. II STRT2 OLE , SROS,8 0B87 :///////1 IMSBI8 17 f6l RY'DBB-! OB77 ////////1 E TRYDB7--/ OB67 ////////1 DB8DECISION I~ DB7 DECISION E TRY DB6==:/ OB57 ///////~ TRY DB5 0B47 ////////1 DB6 DECISION ~ TRY DB4 OB37 :///////~ E DB4 DECISION E TRY DB2==:1 OB17 ////////1 DB3 DECISION EDB2 E TRY DB1 ==:/ all////~ TRY LSB ==:/ BSEN2 BUSY ~ t DBS DECISION E d TRY DB3 OB27 ////////1 DBa (lSB)7 TE t !LSBr--------- 5 14 13 1211 TRYMSB1-- MSBDECISION ////////1T t 3. BUSY goes "high" one clock period after the DB2 (DB2 is the LSB when short cycled) decision is made. --------- SYNC3, 4,8 OB9 (MSB)6,7 will provide 8, instead of 10, positive 2. OBI goes "high" coincident with the LSB (DB2 is the LSB when short cycled to 8 bits) decision, and remains high until another STRT is initiated. DBO remains in the "0" state. Figure 6 is the AD7570 timing diagram, showing the successive trials and decisions for each data bit. When convert start ClK1 is made at tCLK + 200ns. Serial NRZ data is available during conversion at the SRO terminal. SYNC provides 10 positive edges which occur in the middle of each serial output bit. SYNC out must be used in conjunction with SRO to avoid misinterpretation of data. Both SYNC and SRO "float" when conversion is not taking place. In the successive approximations technique, successive bits, starting with the most significant bit (DB9) are applied to the input of the 01 A converter. The DAC output is then compared to the unknown analog input voltage (AIN) using a zero crossing detector (comparator). If the DAC output is greater than AIN, the data latch for the trial bit is reset to zero, and the next smaller data bit is tried. If the DAC output is less than AIN, the trial data bit stays in the "1" state, and the next smaller data bit is tried. TIMING t , -- DECISION DB1 DECISION E BUSY DBO (LSBI DECISION JCOMPLETE CONVERT L..- - - - NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. INTERNAL CLOCK RUNS ONLY DURING CONVERSION CYCLE (EXTERNAL CLOCK SHOWN!. EXTERNALLY INITIATED. SERIAL SYNC LAGS CLOCK BY '" 200ns. DOTTED LINES INDICATE "FLOATING" STATE. 5. FOR ILLUSTRATIVEPURPOSES,SERIAL OUTSHOWNAS 1101001110. 6. CROSS HATCHING INDICATES "DON'T CARE" STATE. 7. SET AND RESET OF OUTPUT DATA BITS LAGS CLOCK POSITIVE EDGE BY '" 200ns. 8. SHOWN FOR sca = 1. Figure 6. AD7570 Conversion Timing Sequence -6-- 411 DYNAMIC (8 ~ PERFORMANCE The upper clock frequency limitation (hence the conversion speed limitation) of the AD7570 is due to the output settling characteristics of the current weighting DAC in conjunction with the propagation delay of the comparator, not to speed limitations in the digital logic. DAC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT The Df A converter section of the AD75 70 is a precision lO-bit multiplying DAc. The simplified DAC circuit, shown in Figure 7, consists of ten single-pole-double-throw current steering switches and an "inverted" R-2R current weighting network. (For a complete description of the DAC, refer to the AD7520 data sheet.) OBS The output resistance and capacitance at OUTI (and OUT2) are code dependent, exhibiting resistive variations from 0.5 "R" to 0.75 uR", and capacitive variations from 40pF to l20pF. J . , (8 10k 10k VREF 20k 2Ok . - . I I oB9 8 10k I I oB8 20k I I oB7 Worst case settling requirements occur when a trial bit causes the OUTI terminal to charge towards a final value which is precisely 1/2 LSB beyond zero crossing. When this occurs, the trial bit must settle and remain within 1/2 LSB of final val ue, or an incorrect 1. Load OUTI with a lk resistor. the time OLE 20k 2. Use a zero input impedance comparator. Figure 9 illustrates a comparator circuit which has an input impedance of approximately 26D.. Proper circuit layout will provide lO-bit accuracy for clock frequencies >500kHz. 20k A / ANALOG GNo OUT2 TE 1 ClK IN oun COMPARATOR INPUT louni NOTES' TIME ANALYSIS 1 "',mUNG" "1 . '01 IS THE TIME REOUIRED FOR THE oun TERMINAL TO SETTLE WITHIN .1/2LS6 OF THE FINAL VALUE. 2. "'COM'" 11, . 1, I IS THE COMPARATOR SWITCHING TIME 3 "'O'lAY" 11, - 1,IIS AN INTERNAllY GENERATED TIME DELAY EOUAL TO APPROXIMATEL Y 400 NANOSECONDS. Due to the changing COUTI and ROUTl, the time constant on OUTI falls anywhere between 250 and 900ns, depending on the instantaneous state of the AD7570 digital output code. 8 4 COMPARATOR OUTPUT IS LATCHES Vcc R2 1k 0.01% R6 1k OUT1 R4 I OUT2 CaMP \AI 7.5k 0.05% R5 100 7.5k 0.05% R3U ! -15V Figure 9. Current Comparator With Low Input Impedance -7- AT TIME " Figure 8. Expanded Timing Diagram +5V R1 1k 0.01% (8 This reduces constant by a factor of 10. Further reduction of the lkD. load reduces the amount of comparator overdrive, thus increasing the comparator propagation delay, resulting in a reduction of available settling time (tl - to on Figure 8). AIN AD7570 will be made by the comparator. For 10-bit accuracy, the first MSB must settle to within 0.1 % of final value; the second MSB to within 0.2%. The LSB settling requirement is only 50% of the LSB value. Figure 8 illustrates the settling time available during a given clock period. The pulse shown on the OUTI terminal falling midway between to and q is a feed through from internal clock mechanisms and is due primarily to bonding wire and header capacitance. Two methods may be used to reduce the OUTI settling time: Figure 7. DAC Circuit SETTLING decision OPERATION UNIPOLAR GUIDELINES BINARY ADJUSTMENT OPERATION Figure 10 shows the circuit connections required for unipolar analog inputs. If positive analog inputs are to be quantized, VREF must be negative, and the OUT1 (pin 4) terminal of the AD7570 must be connected to the "+" comparator input. For negative analog inputs, VREF must be positive, and the OUT1 terminal connected to the "-" input of the comparator. Gain Adjustment 1. Apply continuous AD7570. OPERATION to the STRT input of the t to AIN. as described under zero offset procedure above, and adjust the gain potentiometer (R4) until the LSB flickers between 0 and I, and all other data bits equal "I". An alternate instead of using R4. method is to adjust VREF vcc +5V TO +15V VDD +15V +15V R2 3k 22 OBS BINARY) start commands 3. Observe the S RO terminal The input voltage/output code relationship for unipolar operation is shown in Table 2. Due to the inherent multiplying capability of the internal D/A converter, the AD7570 can accurately quantize full scale ranges of 10V to 1V. It should be noted, however, that for smaller full scale ranges, the resolution and speed limitations of the comparator impose a limitation on the maximum conversion rate. (OFFSET UNIPOLAR 2. Apply full scale minus 1-1/2LSB For clarity, the digital control functions have been omitted from the diagram. For proper use of the digital input/output control functions, refer to the pin function description. BIPOLAR PROCEDURES 4 VREF. 2 ~fJv OPERATION ~N:ci"~~o~N I oun R3 20011 ~ AD7570 t 3 R4 OLE Figure 11 shows the AD7570 configured for offset binary (modified 2's complement) operation. Input voltage/output codes are shown in Table 3. I GAI~kADJ Amplifier AI, in conjunction with resistors R1, R2, and R3, 0ffsets the bipolar analog input by full scale, and reduces its gain by a factor of 2. The analog signal applied to the AIN terminal is, therefore, a unipolar signal of 0 to +V or 0 to -V, depending on the polarity of VREF' 23 TE NOTE: IF POSITIVE VREF IS USED. THE ANALOG INPUT RANGE IS 0 TO -VREF. AND THE COMPARATOR'S (-) INPUT SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO oun (PIN 4) OF THE AD7570. Figure 10. Unipolar Operation VREF -10V VDD +15V Vcc +5V TO +15V t +15V R6 3k R2 20k 20k 2 R3 10k VREFI R5 200 2 22 R5 4 rUTl1k t 3 5 OUT2' R1 AD7570 BIPOLAR ANALOG INPUT AGND 3 +10V TO -10V 7 COMP A NOTE: IF POSITIVE VREF IS USED, CONNECT TO oun (PIN 4) OF THE AD7570. Figure 11. Bipolar Operation -8- MINUS INPUT OF COMPARATOR I Analog Input (AIN) Digital Output Code Notes MSB LSB 1, 2, 3 FS - lLSB FS - 2LSB 3/4 FS 1/2 FS + lLSB 1/2 FS 1/2 FS - lLSB 1/4 FS lLSB 0 Analog Input (AIN) Notes 1, 2, 3 1111111111 +(FS - 2LSB) +(1/2 FS) 1111111110 1000000000 +(1LSB) 0 1000000001 1000000000 01111 -(1LSB) 0111111111 -(1/2 0100000000 1000000001 11 111 0100000000 0000000001 0000000000 shown are nominal (8 ADJUSTMENT BIPOLAR Gain Adjustment center 0000000001 0000000000 NOTES: 1. Analog inputs of code. values shown are nominal 2. "FS" is full scale; i.e., (VREF)' 3. For 8-bit operation, lLSB equals (Z-7); for to-bit operation, lLSB start commands (-VREF) to the STRT input of OPERA TING PRECAUTIONS 1. Do not allow Vcc to exceed VDD' In cases where Vcc could exceed VDD' the diode protection scheme in Figure 12 is recommended. 2. Do not HINTS apply voltages greater 3. Load the OUTI time constant >50kHz. terminal Vcc retUrns. V cc or lower Voo HP5082-2811 at clock frequencies 22 (8 than which can sup- 1N459, 1N914 with a 1k resistor to reduce the when operating than from sources 3. Do not apply voltages (from a source which can supply more than SmA) lower than ground to the OUTI or OUT2 terminal (see Figure 12). 1. Unused CMOS digital inputs should be tied to their appropriate logic level and not left floating. Open digital inputs may cause undesired digital activity in the presence of noise. should have separate (-VREF) equals TE ground to any digital output ply >20mA. 2. Analog and digital grounds values 6. If an external clock is used, the negative transition of STRT should not coincide with the trailing edge of the clock input. 3. Trim the gain potentiometer R4 for a flickering LSB, and all other data bits equal to Logic "1". Observe the SRO terminal, as described in zero offset procedure above. APPLICATION center (2-9). OPERATION 2. Apply 1-1/2LSB less than positive full scale (FS = VREF) to the bipolar analog input of Figure 11. (8 FS) OLE (2-10). PROCEDURES 1. Apply continuous the AD7570. 1100000000 -(FS - lLSB) -FS 2. "FS" is full scale, i.e., (-VREF)' 3. For 8-bit operation, lLSB equals (-VREF) (Z-8); for to-bit operation, lLSB equals (-VREF) LSB +(FS - 1LSB) 1100000000 Code MSB 1111111110 NOTES: 1. Analog inputs of code. Digital Output 1111111111 OBS (8 Table 3. Bipolar Operation Table 2. Unipolar Operation (8 4 .OUT1 4. For 10-bit operation, the comparator offset should be adjusted to less than ImV. Each millivolt of comparator offset will cause approximately 0.015% of differential nonlinearity when a 10V reference is used. AD7570 5. The comparator input and output should be isolated to prevent oscillations due to stray capacitance. (See layout on the next page). Figure 12. Diode Protection Scheme -9- APPLICA nONS OPTIMIZED LAYOUT 'j t i ~ .. ~ ~ AD7570-t oun Ik LOAD OBS - t ~ NOTES: 1. ALL PC TRACES ON BOTTOM OF BOARD. 2. LAYOUT SHOWN TERMINATES oun INTO + INPUT OF AD311 TYPE COMPARATOR. IVREF BUSING MULTIPLE AD7570 . OLE -JOY. AIN' OUTPUTS 0 TO +IOV). Figure 13. PC Layout (Top View) TE available at the AID output only after conversion is complete, and until another "convert start" is initiated. The timing diagram of Figure 15 illustrates how the STRT signals of the twelve AD7570's might be staggered to provide a total system throughput twelve times as great as the classic method of data acquisition (an analog multiplexer feeding multichannel analog data to a single AID converter). Several AD7570's may be paralleled to a data bus to provide an AID converter per analog channel, this providing increased system throughput rate. For example, Figure 14 shows such a system for 12 AD7570's in parallel. The three-state output logic enables of each AD7570 is controlled by its own BUSY (status) outputs. Thus, data is STRT 1 t . OB9 (MSB) BSEN1 I I AIN 1 LBEN A07570 NO.1 t lOBO (LSB) I I BUSY 1 CLK 0 --, I CLK I/O -11 DATA STRn CD REA01 BUSS. VREF BUSY 1 STRT12 STRn OB9 (MSB) . I I AIN 12 A07570 LBEN NO. lOBO (LSB) I 12 READ1 BUSY2 STRT 12 ~ REA02 ~ ---1L READ 2 ~ CONVERSION IN PROCESS n CD READ 12 I BUSY BUSY 12 3 CONVERSION IN PROCESS NOTE: STRT SIGNAL 0.5!,s PULSE WIDTH, LEADING EDGE SYNCHRONIZED TO CLK TRAILING EDGE. NOTE: ~ CONVERSION IN PROCESS CD I BSEN 12 ~ L- ,OB9,OB8,OB7,OB6,OB5,084,OB3,OB2,081,OBO, BSEN ON EACH A07570 IS "ENABLEO" (LOGIC 1). Figure 14. Busing Multiple AD7570's Figure 15. Timing Diagram -10- ~ 8 MICROPROCESSOR 8 INTERFACE 3. LBEN is enabled, and the eight least significant data bits (DBO-DB7) are applied to the data bus for subsequent transfer to the 8080. When the data transfer is complete, LBEN is disabled, and DBO-DB7 return to their floating state. Since most 8-bitmicroprocessors utilize a bidirectio~al data bus, each input peripheral (such as the AD7570) must be capable of isolating itself from the data bus when other I/O devices, memory, or the CPU takes control of the bus. The AD7570 output data and status (BUSY) lines all utilize threestate logic to provide this requirement. 4. HBEN is enabled, and the two most significant AD7570 data bits (DB8 and DB9) are applied to the data bus for subsequent transfer to the 8080. When the data transfer is complete, HBEN is disabled, and DB8 and DB9 return to their floating state. Figure 16 illustrates a method of interfacing a TTY keyboard and printer to the AD7570, using an 8080 microprocessor as the interface controller. 5. The 8080 (in conjunction with the programmed Read Only Memory) performs a binary to decimal conversion. The program (stored in Read Only Memory) waits for a keystroke on the TTY keyboard. When a keystroke is detected, an AID conversion is started. When conversion is complete, the 8080 reads in the binary data from the AD7570, converts it to ASCII, and prints out the decimal number (preceded by a carriage return and line feed) on the teletype printer. OBS 8 ~ More specifically, follows: the main sequence 6. SWE (Status Word Enable) on the UAR/T transmitter of events would be as 7. TDS (Transmitter Data Strobe) strobes the converted decimal number into the UAR/T transmitter for subsequent OLE 1. When a TTY keystroke is detected by the CPU (via the UAR/T Receiver), a "convert start" (STRT) is applied to the AD7570. serial clocking into the keyboard. The interface scheme shown below is only one example of a myriad of possible data acquisition/control systems which could conveniently use the AD7570 to provide digital data to a microprocessor or minicomputer bus. 2. BSEN is enabled, placing BUSY (conversion status) on the data bus. When the 8080 detects BUSY = 1, conversion is complete, and BSEN is disabled, its floating state. 8 ~ A15 causing BUSY to return TE to A8 DBFLlN . MEMR . A2 I DBFLlN . MEMR . A4 A7 ADDRESS BUSS AO DBFLlN HBEN BSEN 8 ~ AD7570 ADC -, (MSBI BOSY DB9 8 7 , . MEMR DBFLlN 6 5 4 (lSB) BDO 3 2 1 03 D2 D1 8080 DATA BUSS DO DO-D7 DO DO D1 D7 Dol UAR/T RDAR UAR/T REC RDE SWE XMT WR 8 Figure 16. . AO TO PRINTER . MEMR . AO :J1 ClK O.MEMR . SYNC . MEMR . AT Microprocessor Controlled -11.. Q WR A2 DBFLlN DBFLlN D TDS DBFLlN SYNC DO 07' MEMR RSI WR DO D7 D6 XBMT RDA FROM KEYBOARD . is enabled, applying XBMT (Transmitter Buffer Empty) to the data bus. When a Logic "1" is detected by the 8080, SWEis disabled, and XBMT returns to a floating state. TTY IADC Interface TERMINOLOGY Resolution Resolution is the relative value of the LSB, or Z-n for binary devices, for n-bit converters. It may be expressed as 1 part in Zn, as a percentage, in parts-per-million, or simply by "n bits." Differential Nonlinearity In a converter, differential linearity error describes the variation in the analog value of transitions between adjacent pairs of digital numbers, over the full range of the digital input or output. If each transition is equal to its neighbors (i.e., 1LSB), the differential nonlinearity is zero. If a transition differs from one of its neighbors by more than 1LSB (e.g., if, at the transition OIl. .11 to 100. . .00, the MSB is low by 1.1LSB), a DI A converter can be non-monotonic, or an AID converter Relative Accuracy Relative accuracy error is the difference between the nominal and actUal ratios to full scale of the analog value corresponding to a given digital input, independently of the full-scale calibration. This error is a function of the linearity of the converter, and is usually specified at less than :!:l/2LSB. 4 using it may miss one or more codes. A sp,ecified maximum differential nonlinearity of 1 LSB ensures that monotonic behavior exists. Gain Error The "gain" of a converter is that analog scale factor setting that establishes the nominal conversion relationship, e.g., lOV full scale. It is adjusted either by setting the feedback resistor of a DAC, the input resistor in a current-comparing ADC, or the reference (voltage or current). OBS [2.j~1 M.AX L Output Leakage Current Current which appears at the OUT1 terminal when all digital output (DBO through DB9) are LOW, or on the OUTZ terminal when all digital outputs are HIGH. The effect of output leakage current will be on the offset of the AID converter. OUTLINE DIMENSIONS shown in inches and (mm). ~~~~~c=J~~~~li~ . 1414[35921 138 135061' I " ~012 I , . r 4 OLE Dimensions ~.-- ~ --11-- --1 f-- 0.065 [1.661 0.02 10.5081 0105 [2671 0.045 [1151 0015 [0381} 0.095 12.42} LEADS ~ 0125 I t 0.606 1--~--1 [1541 1 1318} LEAD NO 1 IDENTIFIED BY DOT OR NOTCH ARE GOLD PLATED [50 MICROINCHES MIN[ KOVAR OR ALLOY 42 [1531 L TE 4 ::::::::: 28 Pin Ceramic Dip 4 ~ -12-