Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JRC FEATURES Ø Load life of 2000 hours at 105℃ Ø Switch power supply Ø High Frequency Ø Low Impedance SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range (℃) Rated Voltage Range (V) Capacitance Range (μF) Capacitance Tolerance (25℃, 120Hz) Leakage Current (μA) Dissipation Factor (25℃, 120Hz) -55℃ ~ +105℃ 6.3 ~ 100 0.47 ~ 15000 ±20% 1=0.02CV or 3 whichever is greater (at 25℃, after 2 minutes), C: Nominal Capacitance (μF) V: Rated Voltage (V) Rated Voltage 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Tan δ 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 Add 0.02 per 1000μF or move. Characteristics of Low Temperature Load Life (+105℃) Impedance at -10℃, 100KHz<200% of initial specified value at +20℃, 100KHz (Impedance ratio at 100KHz) After life test at condition stated in the table below, the capacitors shall meet the following requirement. Case Dia Test time (hrs) ΦD≤8 1000 ΦD>8 2000 Ripple current applied Shelf Life (+105℃) Leakage Current Not more than the specified value. Capacitance Change Within±20% of the initial value Dissipation Factor Not more than 200% of the specified value. 1000 hours. No voltage applied. After test:UR to be applied for 30 minutes, 24 to 48 hours before measurement DIMENSIONS (mm) MULTIPLIER FOR RIPPLE CURRENT Frequency coefficient Freq(Hz) 120 1K 10K 100K 0.47~4.7 0.40 0.68 0.78 1.0 5.6~47 0.50 0.76 0.87 1.0 56~270 0.70 0.85 0.90 1.0 330~1000 0.80 0.93 0.98 1.0 1200~15000 0.90 0.95 1.0 1.0 Cap(μF) ØD 5 F 2.0 Ød 0.5 a 6.3 2.5 8 10 3.5 12.5 16 5.0 7.5 0.6 1.0 18 0.8 Temperature coefficient 2.0 Temperature(℃) +70 +85 +105 Factor 1.96 1.68 1.0 Please visit our website to get more update data, those data & specification are subject to change without notice. www.jbcapacitors.com www.jbcapacitors.hk E-mail: info@jbcapacitors.com Tel : (852)2790 5091 Fax: (852)8169 8283 Leaded Radial Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor – JRC STANDARD RATINGS V μF 6.3V 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V 63V 1 -- -- -- -- -- 5x11 -- 2.2 -- -- -- -- -- 5x11 -- 3.3 -- -- -- -- -- 5x11 -- 4.7 -- -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 -- 6.8 -- -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 -- 10 -- -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 5x11 15 -- -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 -- 18 -- -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 -- 22 -- -- -- 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 27 -- -- -- -- 5x11 6.3x11 -- 33 -- -- -- -- 6.3x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 39 -- -- -- -- 6.3x11 6.3x11 -- 47 -- -- 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 56 -- -- 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 -- 68 -- -- 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 10x12 82 -- -- -- 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 -- 100 -- 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 10x16 120 -- 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 -- 150 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 8x19 -- 180 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x14 8x19 -- 220 6.3x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 10x16 10x16 10x20 270 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x14 10x16 10x20 -- 330 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 10x12 10x16 10x20 13x20 390 6.3x11 8x11.5 -- 8x20 10x16 13x20 -- 470 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 10x16 10x16 13x20 13x20 560 8x11.5 8x11.5 8x16 8x20 10x24 13x20 -- 680 8x11.5 8x11.5 8x16 10x16 13x20 13x25 16x25 820 8x14 8x16 8x20 10x25 13x20 13x25 -- 1000 8x16 8x16 10x16 10x20 13x25 13x25 16x25 1200 8x16 10x16 10x20 13x20 16x20 13x30 16x30 1500 8x16 10x20 13x20 13x20 16x20 16x25 -- 1800 10x16 10x25 13x20 13x25 16x25 16x30 -- 2200 10x16 13x20 13x20 13x25 16x25 16x35 18x40 2700 10x20 13x20 16x25 13x25 16x35 18x40 -- 3300 13x20 13x20 13x30 16x25 16x35 18x40 -- 3900 13x25 13x25 16x25 16x25 18x40 -- -- 4700 13x25 -- 16x25 16x25 -- -- -- 5600 16x25 16x30 16x35 -- -- -- -- 6800 16x25 16x30 18x25 -- -- -- -- 8200 16x30 16x35 -- -- -- -- -- 10000 16x35 16x40 -- -- -- -- -- 100V 6.3x11 8x11.5 10x12 10x16 10x20 13x20 16x25 16x25 16x30 Please visit our website to get more update data, those data & specification are subject to change without notice. www.jbcapacitors.com www.jbcapacitors.hk E-mail: info@jbcapacitors.com Tel : (852)2790 5091 Fax: (852)8169 8283