DL4728-DL4764 Zener Diodes POWER DISSIPATION: 1.0 W MELF Features Silicon planar power zener diodes For use in stabilizing and clipping circuits with high Cathode indification φ2.4±0.15 power rating. Standard zener voltage tolerance is ±10%. Add suffix "A" for ±5% tolerance. other zener voltage and tolerances are available upon request. 0.4±0.1 5.3±0.2 Mechanical Data Case:MELF, glass case Terminals: solderable per MIL-STD-202, method 208 Polarity: cathode band Dimensions in millimeters Marking: type number Approx. weight: 0.25 grams. MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25 ambient temperature unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL VALUE UNIT PDiss 1.01) W Z-current IZ PV/VZ mA Junction temperature TJ 175 Storage temperature range Ts -55---+175 RThJA 170 K/W TYP MAX UNIT 1.2 V Zener current (see Table "Characteristics") Pow er dissipation @ Tamb 50 Junction ambient I=9.5mm(3/8 ), TL=constant SYMBOL Forw ard voltage at IF=200mA VF MIN 1)Valid provided that electrodes re kept at ambient temperature. http://www.luguang.cn mail:lge@luguang.cn 1) DL4728-DL4764 Zener Diodes ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA=25 ) Max surge current 8.3ms Maximum regulator current 2) @V R IR@Tamb =25 IZM @Tamb =50 (μA ) (V ) (mA ) (mA ) 1.0 100 1 1380 276 Nominal zener voltage 1) Test current V z@IZT IZT IZT @Z ZT Z ZK@IZK IZK IR (V ) (mA ) (Ω) (Ω) (m A) 3.3 76 10 400 Maximum dynamic impedance Maximum reverse leakage current Type DL4728 DL4729 3.6 69 10 400 1.0 100 1 1260 252 DL4730 3.9 64 9 400 1.0 50 1 1190 234 DL4731 4.3 58 9 400 1.0 10 1 1070 217 DL4732 4.7 53 8 500 1.0 10 1 970 193 DL4733 5.1 49 7 550 1.0 10 1 890 178 DL4734 5.6 45 5 600 1.0 10 2 810 462 DL4735 6.2 41 2 700 1.0 10 3 730 146 DL4736 6.8 37 3.5 700 1.0 10 4 660 133 DL4737 7.5 34 4.0 700 0.5 10 5 605 121 DL4738 8.2 31 4.5 700 0.5 10 6 550 110 DL4739 9.1 28 5.0 700 0.5 10 7 500 100 DL4740 10 25 7 700 0.25 10 7.6 454 91 DL4741 11 23 8 700 0.25 5 8.4 414 83 DL4742 12 21 9 700 0.25 5 9.1 380 76 DL4743 13 19 10 700 0.25 5 9.9 344 69 DL4744 15 17 14 700 0.25 5 11.4 304 61 DL4745 16 15.5 16 700 0.25 5 12.2 285 57 DL4746 18 14 20 750 0.25 5 13.7 250 50 DL4747 20 12.5 22 750 0.25 5 15.2 225 45 DL4748 22 11.5 23 750 0.25 5 16.7 205 41 DL4749 24 10.5 25 750 0.25 5 18.2 190 38 DL4750 27 9.5 35 750 0.25 5 20.6 170 34 DL4751 30 8.5 40 1000 0.25 5 22.8 150 30 DL4752 33 7.5 45 1000 0.25 5 25.1 135 27 DL4753 36 7.0 50 1000 0.25 5 27.4 125 25 DL4754 39 6.5 60 1000 0.25 5 29.7 115 23 DL4755 43 6.0 70 1500 0.25 5 32.7 110 22 DL4756 47 5.5 80 1500 0.25 5 35.8 95 19 DL4757 51 5.0 95 1500 0.25 5 38.8 90 18 DL4758 56 4.5 110 2000 0.25 5 42.6 80 16 DL4759 62 4.0 125 2000 0.25 5 47.1 70 14 DL4760 68 3.7 150 2000 0.25 5 51.7 65 13 DL4761 75 3.3 175 2000 0.25 5 56.0 60 12 DL4762 82 3.0 200 3000 0.25 5 62.2 55 11 DL4763 91 2.8 250 3000 0.25 5 69.2 50 10 DL4764 100 2.5 350 3000 0.25 5 79.0 45 9 1)Based on dc_m easurem ent at theral equilibrium while m aitaining the lead tem perature (TL) at 30 2)Valid prov ided that electrodes at a distance of 10 m m f orm case kept at am bient tem perature. *)Additionnal m easurem ent of v oltage gruup 9v 1 to 75 at 95% V ZMIN 35nA at TJ25 +1 ,9.5m m (3/8")f rom the D iode body . DL4728-DL4764 Zener Diodes Ratings AND Charactieristic Curves FIG.1 -- BREAKDOWN CHARACTERISTICS mA 5 100 15 10 20 25 30 V 80 IZ 60 40 20 DL4750 DL4749 DL4748 DL4747 DL4744 DL4741 DL4742 DL4739 DL4735 DL4733 DL4732 DL4728 DL4731 0 VZ FIG.2 -- ADMISSIBLE POWER DISSIPATION VERSUS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE W 1.0 0.8 Ptot 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 100 200℃ Tamb http://www.luguang.cn mail:lge@luguang.cn