Features • Smart Card Interface • • • • • • • • • – Compliance with ISO 7816, EMV2000, GIE-CB, GSM and WHQL Standards Card Clock Stop High or Low for Card Power-down Modes Support Synchronous Cards with C4 and C8 Contacts Card Detection and Automatic de-activation Sequence Programmable Activation Sequence – Direct Connection to the Smart Card Logic Level Shifters Short Circuit Current Limitation (see electrical characteristics) 8kV+ ESD Protection (MIL/STD 883 Class 3) – Programmable Voltage 5V ±5% at 65 mA (Class A) 3V ±0.2V at 65 mA (Class B) 1.8V ±0.14V at 40 mA – Low Ripple Noise: < 200 mV Versatile Host Interface – ICAM (Conditional Access) Compatible – Two Wire Interface (TWI) Link Programmable Address Allow up to 8 Devices – Programmable Interrupt Output – Automatic Level Shifter (1.6V to V CC) Reset Output Includes – Power-On Reset (POR) – Power-Fail Detector (PFD) High-efficiency Step-up Converter: 80 to 98% Efficiency Extended Voltage Operation: 3V to 5.5V Low Power Consumption – 180 mA Maximum In-rush Current – 30 µA Typical Power-down Current (without Smart Card) 4 to 48 MHz Clock Input, 7 MHz Min for Step-up Converter (for AT83C24) 18 to 48MHz Clock input (for AT83C24NDS) Industrial Temperature Range: -40 to +85°C Packages: SO28 and QFN28 Smart Card Reader Interface with Power Management AT83C24 AT83C24NDS Description The AT83C24 is a smart card reader interface IC for smart card reader/writer applications such as EFT/POS terminals and set top boxes. It enables the management of any type of smart card from any kind of host. Up to 8 AT83C24 can be connected in parallel using the programmable TWI address. Its high efficiency DC/DC converter, low quiescent current in standby mode makes it particularly suited to low power and portable applications. The reduced bill of material allows reducing significantly the system cost. A sophisticated protection system guarantees timely and controlled shutdown upon error conditions. The AT83C24NDS is a dedicated version approved by NDS for use with NDS VideoGuard conditional access software in set-top boxes. All AT83C24 datasheet is app licab le to AT83 C24N DS. The main difference s b etween AT83C2 4 and AT83C24NDS are listed below: 1/ CLASS A card supplied with CVCC = 4.75 to 5.25V for AT83C24NDS, CLASS A card supplied with CVCC = 4.6 to 5.25V for AT83C24 2/ 18MHz minimum on input clock for AT83C24NDS 3/ Up to 10µF for capacitor connected on CVCC pin for AT83C24, 3.3µF mandatory for AT83C24NDS 4234E–SCR–09/04 1 Acronyms TWI: Two-wire Interface POR: Power On Reset PFD: Power Fail Detect ART: Automatic Reset Transition ATR: Answer To Reset MSB: Most Significant Bit LSB: Least Significant bit SCIB: Smart Card Interface Bus Block Diagram VCC DVCC EVCC RESET VSS CVSS LI CVCC Voltage supervisor POR/PFD DC/DC Converter CVCCIN PRES/ INT A2/CK, A1/RST, A0/3V, CMDVCC SCL SDA TWI Controller Main Control & Logic Unit Timer 16 Bits Clocks Controller CLK Analog Drivers CPRES CRST CIO, CC4, CC8 I/O, C4, C8 2 CCLK AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Pin Description CVSS LI 7 8 22 21 A0 /3V 9 20 10 19 SCL SDA CRST 11 18 NC CCLK 17 CIO NC 12 13 16 CC8 CC4 14 15 CPRES CVCC CVCCin VCC 3 CVSS 4 LI CVCC CVCCin I/O C4 19 QFN 28 EVCC A2 /CK A1 /RST 18 A0 /3V 5 17 SCL 6 16 TOP VIEW 8 SDA 15 NC 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 CIO 6 VSS 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 1 21 20 2 CC8 VCC EVCC A2/CK A1 /RST 24 23 5 CMDVCC CPRES 25 CLK PRES/INT C4 I/O PRES/INT 3 4 CC4 RESET C8 CLK 27 26 NC 28 2 CCLK 1 CRST C8 DVCC CMDVCC VSS Note: QFN28 pinout RESET 28-pin SOIC Pinout DVCC Pinouts (Top View) 1. NC = Not Connected 2. SOIC and QFN packages are available for AT83C24 and for AT83C24NDS Signals Table 1. Ports Description Pad Name Pad Internal Power Supply ESD Limits Pad Type Description Microcontroller Interface Function: TWI bus slave address selection input. A2/CKA1/RST- EVCC 3 kV I A0/3V A2/CK and A1/RST pins are respectively connected to CCLK and CRST signals in “transparent mode” (see page 18 ). A0/3V is used for hardware activation to select CVCC voltage (3V or 5V). The slave address of the device is based on the value present on A2, A1, A0 on the rising edge of RESET pin (see Table 2). In fact, the address is taken internally at the 11th CLK rising edge. Microcontroller Interface Function: Depending on IT_SEL value (see CONFIG4 register), PRES/INT EVCC 3 kV O opendrain PRES/INT outputs card presence status or interruptions (page 9) An internal Pull-up (typ 330kΩ,see Table 18)to EVCC can be activated in the pad if necessary using INT_PULLUP bit (CONFIG4 register). Remark: during power up and before registers configuration, the PRES/INT signal must be ignored. Microcontroller Interface Function: • • I/O RESET VCC 3 kV opendrain • • Power-on reset A low level on this pin keeps the AT83C24 under reset even if applied on power-on. It also resets the AT83C24 if applied when the AT83C24 is running (see Power monitoring §). Asserting RESET when the chip is in Shut-down mode returns the chip to normal operation. AT83C24 is driving the Reset pin Low on power-on-reset or if power fail on VCC or DVCC (see POWERMON bit in CONFIG4 register), this can be used to reset or interrupt other devices. After reset, AT83C24 needs to be reconfigured before starting a new card session. 3 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 1. Ports Description (Continued) Pad Name Pad Internal Power Supply SDA VCC SCL VCC ESD Limits 3 kV 3 kV Pad Type I/O opendrain I/O opendrain Description Microcontroller Interface Function TWI serial data Microcontroller Interface Function TWI serial clock Microcontroller Interface Function I/O EVCC 3 kV Copy of CIO pin and high level reference for EVCC. I/O An external pull up to EVCC is needed on IO pin. I/O is the reference level for EVCC if EVCC is connected to a capacitor. This feature is unused if EVCC is connected to VCC. 3 kV C4 EVCC C8 EVCC CLK EVCC CIO CVCC 8 kV+ CC4 CVCC 8 kV+ CC8 CVCC 8 kV+ I/O Microcontroller Interface Function (pull-up) Copy of Card CC4. 3 kV I/O Microcontroller Interface Function (pull-up) Copy of Card CC8. 3 kV I I/O Microcontroller Interface Function Master Clock Smart card interface function (pull-up) Card I/O I/O Smart card interface function (pull-up) Card C4 I/O Smart card interface function (pull-up) Card C8 Smart card interface function I Card presence (pull-up) An internal Pull-up to VCC can be activated in the pad if necessary using PULLUP bit (CONFIG1 register). CPRES VCC 8 kV+ CCLK CVCC 8 kV+ O CRST CVCC 8 kV+ O CMDVCC EVCC VCC 3 kV+ 3 kV+ I (pull-up) PWR Smart card interface function Card clock Smart card interface function Card reset Microcontroller Interface Function: Activation/Shutdown of the smart card Interface. Supply Voltage VCC is used to power the internal voltage regulators and I/O buffers. DC/DC Input LI 4 3 kV+ PWR LI must be tied to VCC pin through an external coil (typically 4.7 µH) and provides the current for the charge pump of the DC/DC converter. It may be directly connected to VCC if the step-up converter is not used (see STEPREG bit in CONFIG4 register and see minimum VCC values in Table 20 (class A) and Table 21 (class B)). AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 1. Ports Description (Continued) Pad Name Pad Internal Power Supply ESD Limits Pad Type 8 kV+ PWR Description Card Supply Voltage CVCC CVCC is the programmable voltage output for the Card interface. It must be connected to external decoupling capacitors (see page 35 and page 36). CVCCin 8 kV+ PWR Card Supply Voltage This pin must be connected to CVCC. Digital Supply Voltage DVCC 3 kV+ PWR Is internally generated and used to supply the digital core. This pin has to be connected to an external capacitor of 100 nF and should not be connected to other devices. Extra Supply Voltage (Microcontroller power supply) EVCC is used to supply the internal level shifters of host interface pins. EVCC 3 kV+ PWR EVCC voltage can be supplied from the external EVCC pin connected to the host power supply. If EVCC cannot be connected to the host power supply, it must be tied to an external capacitor. EVCC voltage can be generated internally by an automatic follow up of the logic high level on the I/O pin. In this configuration, connect a 100 nF + 100kOhms in parallel between EVCC pin and VSS pin. CVSS 8 kV+ VSS GND GND Note: DC/DC Ground CVSS is used to sink high shunt currents from the external coil. Ground ESD Test conditions: 3 positive and 3 negative pulses on each pin versus GND. Pulses generated according to Mil/STD 883 Class3. Recommended capacitors soldered on CVCC and VCC pins. 5 4234E–SCR–09/04 Operational Modes TWI Bus Control The Atmel Two-wire Interface (TWI) interconnects components on a unique two-wire bus, made up of one clock line and one data line with speeds of up to 400 Kbits per second, based on a byte-oriented transfer format. The TWI-bus interface can be used: – To configure the AT83C24 – To select the operating mode of the card: 1.8V, 3V or 5V – To configure the automatic activation sequence – To start or stop sessions (activation and de-activation sequences) – To initiate a warm reset – To control the clock to the card in active mode – To control the clock to the card in stand-by mode (stop LOW, stop HIGH or running) – To enter or leave the card stand-by or power-down modes – To select the interface (connection to the host I/O / C4/ C8) – To request the status (card present or not, over-current and out of range supply voltage occurrence) – To drive and monitor the card contacts by software – To accurately measure the ATR delay when automatic activation is used TWI Commands Frame Structure The structure of the TWI bus data frames is made of one or a series of write and read commands completed by STOP. Write commands to the AT83C24 have the structure: ADDRESS BYTE + COMMAND BYTE + DATA BYTE(S) Read commands to the AT83C24 have the structure: ADDRESS BYTE + DATA BYTE(S) The ADDRESS BYTE is sampled on A2/CK, A1/RST, A0/3V after each reset (hard/soft/general call) but A2/CK, A1/RST, A0/3V can be used for transparent mode after the reset. Figure 1. Data transfer on TWI bus SDA Adresse byte SCL 1 start condition 6 acknowledgement from slave command and/or data 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 stop condition AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Address Byte The first byte to send to the device is the address byte. The device controls if the hardware address (A2/CK, A1/RST, A0/3V pins on reset) corresponds to the address given in the address byte (A2, A1, A0 bits). If the level is not stable on A2/CK pin (or A1/RST pin, or A0/3V pin) at reset, the user has to send the commands to the possible address taken by the device. If A2/CK to A0/3V are tied to the host microcontroller and their reset values are unknown, a general call on the TWI bus allows to reset all the AT83C24 devices and set their address after A2/CK to A0/3V are fixed. Figure 2. Address Byte b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 1 0 0 A2 A1 A0 R/W Slave Address on 7 Bits 1 for READ Command 0 for WRITE Command Up to 8 devices can be connected on the same TWI bus. Each device is configured with a different combination on A2/CK, A1/RST, A0/3V pins. The corresponding address byte values for read/write operations are listed below. Table 2. Address Byte Values A2 (A2/CK pin) A1 (A1/RST pin) A0 (A0/3V pin) Address Byte for Read Command Address Byte for Write Command 0 0 0 0x41 0x40 0 0 1 0x43 0x42 0 1 0 0x45 0x44 0 1 1 0x47 0x46 1 0 0 0x49 0x48 1 0 1 0x4B 0x4A 1 1 0 0x4D 0x4C 1 1 1 0x4F 0x4E 7 4234E–SCR–09/04 Write Commands The write commands are: 1. Reset: Initializes all the logic and the TWI interface as after a power-up or power-fail reset. If a smart card is active when RESET falls, a deactivation sequence is performed. This is a one-byte command. 2. Write Config: Configures the device according to the last six bits in the CONFIG0 register and to the following four bytes in CONFIG1, CONFIG2, CONFIG3 then CONFIG4 registers. This is a five bytes command. Figure 3. Command byte format for Write CONFIG0 command b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 1 0 X X X X X X CONFIG0 on 6 Bits 3. Write Timer: Program the 16-bit automatic reset transition timer with the following two bytes. This is a three bytes command. 4. Write Interface: Program the interface. This is a one-byte command. The MSB of the command byte is fixed at 0. 5. General Call Reset: A general call followed by the value 06h has the same effect as a Reset command. Table 3. Write Commands Description Address Byte Data Byte 2 Data Byte 3 Data Byte 4 (10 + CONFIG0 6 bits) CONFIG1 CONFIG2 CONFIG3 CONFIG4 0100 A2A1A00 1111 1100 TIMER1 TIMER0 0100 A2A1A00 (0+INTERFACE 7 bits) 0000 0000 0000 0110 Command Byte 1. Reset 0100 A2A1A00 1111 1111 2. Write config 0100 A2A1A00 3. Write Timer 4. Write Interface 5. General Call Reset 8 Data Byte 1 (See Table 2) AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Read Command After the slave address has been configured, the read command allows to read one or several bytes in the following order: • STATUS, CONFIG0, CONFIG1, CONFIG2, CONFIG3, INTERFACE, TIMER1, TIMER0, CAPTURE1, CAPTURE0 • FFh is completing the transfer if the microcontroller attempts to read beyond the last byte. Note: Flags are only reset after the corresponding byte read has been acknowledged by the master. Table 4. Read Command Description Interrupts Byte Description Byte Value Address byte 0100 A2A1A01 Data byte 1 STATUS Data byte 2 CONFIG0 Data byte 3 CONFIG1 Data byte 4 CONFIG2 Data byte 5 CONFIG3 Data byte 6 CONFIG4 Data byte 7 INTERFACE Data byte 8 TIMER 1 (MSB) Data byte 9 TIMER 0 (LSB) Data byte 10 CAPTURE 1 (MSB) Data byte 11 CAPTURE 0 (LSB) Data byte 12 0xFF The PRES/INT behavior depends on IT_SEL bit value (see CONFIG4 register). • If IT_SEL= 0, the PRES/INT output is High by default (on chip pull up or open drain). PRES/INT is driven Low by any of the following event: – INSERT bit set in CONFIG0 register (card insertion/extraction or bit set by software ) – VCARD_INT bit set in STATUS register (the DC/DC output voltage has settled) – over-current detection on CVCC – VCARDERR bit set in CONFIG0 register (out of range voltage on CVCC or bit set by software) – ATRERR bit set in CONFIG0 register (no ATR before the card clock counter overflows or bit set by software).This control of ATR timing is only available if ART bit =1. If IT_SEL=0, a read command of STATUS register and of CONFIG0 register will release PRES/INT pin to high level. Several AT83C24 devices can share the same interrupt and the microcontroller can identify the interrupt sources by polling the status of the AT83C24 devices using TWI commands. 9 4234E–SCR–09/04 • If IT_SEL= 1 (mandatory for NDS applications and for software compatibility with existing devices) the PRES/INT output is High to indicate a card is present and none of the following event has occured: – over-current detection on CVCC – VCARDERR bit set in CONFIG0 register (out of range voltage on CVCC or bit set by software) Card Presence Detection The card presence is provided by the CPRES pin. The polarity of card presence contact is selected with the CARDDET bit (see CONFIG1 register). A programmable filtering is controlled with the CDS[2-0] bits (see CONFIG1 register). An internal pull-up on the CPRES pin can be disconnected in order to reduce the consumption, an external pull-up must then be connected to VCC. The PULLUP bit (see CONFIG1 register) controls this feature. The card presence switch is usually connected to Vss (card present if CPRES=1). The CARDDET bit must be set. The internal pull up can be connected. If the card presence contact is connected to Vcc (card present if CPRES=0), the internal pull-up must be disconnected (see PULLUP bit) and an external pull-down must be connected to the CPRES pin. An interrupt can be generated if a card is inserted or extracted (see interrupts §). Figure 4. Card Presence Input VCC External Pull-up VCC (See Table 18) Card Contact Presence Internal Pull-up PULLUP Bit CARDDET Bit = 1 Closed = 0 Open VSS CPRES FILTERING VCC EVCC Card Contact Presence = 1 Closed = 0 Open INT_PULLUP Bit CDS[2-0] IT_SEL Bit CARDIN bit = 1 Card Inserted = 0 No Card PRES/INT External Pull-down = 1 No Card if CPRES = 0 = 0 No Card if CPRES = 1 IT Controller VSS 10 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 CIO, CC4, CC8 Controller The CIO, CC4, CC8 output pins are driven respectively by CARDIO, CARDC4, CARDC8 bits values or by I/O, C4, C8 signal pins. This selection depends of the IODIS bit value. If IODIS is reset, data are bidirectional between respectively I/O, C4, C8 pins and CIO, CC4, CC8 pins. Figure 5. CIO, CC4, CC8 Block Diagram CVCC I/O 0 EVCC CARDIO bit C4 CIO 1 CVCC 0 EVCC CARDC4 bit C8 CC4 1 CVCC 0 CARDC8 bit CC8 1 IODIS bit IO and CIO pins are linked together through the on chip level shifters if IODIS bit=0 in INTERFACE register. This is done automatically during an hardware activation. Their iddle level are 1. With IO high, CIO is pulled up. The same behavior is applicable on C4/ CC4 and C8/ CC8 pins. The maximum frequency on those lines depends on CLK frequency (3 clock rising edges to transfer). With CLK=27MHz, the maximum frequency on this line is 1.5MHz. Due to the minimum transfer delay allowed for NDS applications, the CLK minimum frequency is 18MHz. Clock Controller The clock controller generates two clocks (as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7): 1. a clock for the CCLK: Four different sources can be used: CLK pin, DCCLK signal, CARDCK bit or A2/CK pin (in transparent mode). 2. a clock for DC/DC converter. 11 4234E–SCR–09/04 Figure 6. Clock Block Diagram with Software Activation (see page 14) CLK A2/CK DCCLK DCK[2:0] DC/DC CKS[2:0] 0 CCLK 1 CARDCK bit CKSTOP bit Figure 7. Clock Block Diagram with Hardware Activation (see page 14) CLK A2/CK DCCLK DCK[2:0] DC/DC CKS[2:0] 0 CCLK 1 CARDCK bit CMDVCC Hardware activation A1/RST CKSTOP bit CRST_SEL bit CRST Controller The CRST output pin is driven by the A1/RST pin signal pin or by the CARDRST bit value. This selection depends of the CRST_SEL bit value (see CONFIG4 register). If the CRST pin signal is driven by the CARDRST bit value, two modes are available: 12 • If the ART bit is reset, CRST pin is driven by CARDRST bit. • If the ART bit is set, CRST pin is controlled and follows the “Automatic Reset Transition” (page 15). AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Figure 8. CRST Block Diagram with soft activation 0 CARDRST bit tb delay 1 see Fig 12 0 ART bit CRST 1 CRST_SEL bit = 0 Figure 9. CRST Block Diagram with Hardware Activation (CMDVCC pin used) 0 CARDRST bit 1 ART bit A1/RST 0 CRST 1 CMDVCC Hardware activation CRST_SEL bit = 1 CMDVCC deactivation activation 13 4234E–SCR–09/04 Activation Sequence Hardware Activation (DC/DC started with CMDVCC) Initial conditions: CARDDET bit must be configured in accordance to the smart card connector polarity. IT_SEL bit, CRST_SEL bit (see CONFIG4 register) must be set and CARDRST bit (see INTERFACE register) must be cleared. A smart card must be detected to enable to start the DC/DC (CVCC= 3V or 5V). The hardware activation sequence is started by hardware with CMDVCC pin going high to low. It follows this automatic sequence: • CIO / CC4 / CC8 and IO / C4 / C8 are respectively linked together (IODIS bit is cleared). • The DC/DC is started and CVCC is set according to the A0/3V pin: 5V (Class A) if A0/3V is High and 3V (Class B) is A0/3V is Low. • CCLK signal is enabled (CKSTOP bit cleared) when CVCC has settled to the programmed voltage (see Electrical Characteristics) and the level on A1/RST is 0. The CCLK source can be DCCLK signal, CLK signal , A2/CK signals or CARDCK bit (see Figures 5). • CRST signal is linked with A1/RST pin as soon as A1/RST pin level is 0. A rising edge on A1/RST pin set the CRST pin. Note: 1. The card must be deactivated to change the voltage. Figure 10. Activation sequence with CMDVCC CMDVCC A1/RST CCLK CVCC CRST CIO Note: 14 For NDS applications, the host usually starts activation with A1/RST = 0. AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Software Activation (DC/DC Started With Writing in VCARD[1:0] bits) and ART bit = 1 Initial conditions: CARDRST bit = 0, CKSTOP bit =1, IODIS bit = 1. The following sequence can be applied: 1. Card Voltage is set by software to the required value (VCARD[1:0] bits in CONFIG0 register). This writing starts the DC/DC. 2. Wait the end of the DC/DC init with a polling on VCARDOK bit (STATUS register) or wait for PRES/INT to go Low if enabled (if IT_SEL bit = 0 in CONFIG4 register). When VCARDOK bit is set (by hardware), CARDIO bit should be set by software. 3. CKSTOP, IODIS are programmed by software. CKSTOP bit is reset to have the clock running. IODIS is reset to drive the I/O, C4, C8 pins and the CIO,CC4, CC8 pins according to each other. 4. CARDRST bit (see INTERFACE register) is set by software. Automatic Reset Transition description: A 16-bit counter starts when CARDRST bit is set. It counts card clock cycles. The CRST signal is set when the counter reaches the TIMER[1-0] value which corresponds to the “tb” time (Figure 11).The counter is reseted when the CRST pin is released and it is stopped at the first start bit of the Answer To Request (ATR) on CIO pin. The CIO pin is not checked during the first 200 clock cycles (ta on Figure 11). If the ATR arrives before the counter reaches Timer[1-0] value, the activation sequence fails, the CRST signal is not set and the Capture[1-0] register contains the value of the counter at the arrival of the ATR. If the ATR arrives after the rising edge on CRST pin and before the card clock counter overflows (65535 clock cycles), the activation sequence completes. The Capture[1-0] register contains the value of the counter at the arrival of the ATR (tc time on Figure 11). 15 4234E–SCR–09/04 Figure 11. Software activation with ART bit = 1 CARDRST bit set CVCC 4 3 1 CRST CCLK CIO ta 2 tb tc ISO 7816 constraints: ta = 200 card clock cycles 400 card clock cycles< = tb 400 card clock cycles< = tc < = 40000 card clock cycles Note: Timer[1-0] reset value is 400. Software Activation (DC/DC Started by Writing in VCARD[1:0] bits) and ART bit = 0 The activation sequence is controlled by software using TWI commands, depending on the cards to support. For ISO 7816 cards, the following sequence can be applied: 1. Card Voltage is set by software to the required value (VCARD[1:0] bits in CONFIG0 register). This writing starts the DC/DC. 2. Wait of the end of the DC/DC init with a polling on VCARDOK bit (STATUS register) or wait for PRES/INT to go Low if enabled (if IT_SEL bit = 0 in CONFIG4 register). When VCARDOK bit is set (by hardware), CARDIO bit should be set by software. 3. CKSTOP, IODIS are programmed by software. CKSTOP bit is reset to have the clock running. IODIS is reset to drive the I/O, C4, C8 pins and the CIO,CC4, CC8 pins according to each other. 4. CRST pin is controlled by software using CARDRST bit (see INTERFACE register). 16 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Figure 12. Software activation without automatic control (ART bit = 0) CVCC CRST 4 1 3 CCLK CIO ATR 2 Note: It is assumed that initially VCARD[1:0], CARDCK, CARDIO and CARDRST bits are cleared, CKSTOP and IODIS are set (those bits are further explained in the registers description) Note: The user should check the AT83C24 status and possibly resume the activation sequence if one TWI transfer is not acknowledged during the activation sequence. Deactivation Sequence The card automatic deactivation is triggered when one the following condition occurs: • ICARDERR bit is set by hardware • VCARDERR bit is set by hardware (or by software) • INSERT is set and CARDIN is cleared (card extraction) • SHUTDOWN is set by software • CMDVCC goes from Low to High • Power fail on VCC (see POWERMON bit in CONFIG4 register) • Reset pin going low It is a self-timed sequence which cannot be interrupted when started (see Figure 13). Each step is separated by a delay based on Td equal to 8 periods of the DC/DC clock, typically 2 µs: 1. T0: CARDRST is cleared, SHUTDOWN bit set. 2. T0 + 5 x Td:CARDCK is cleared, CKSTOP, CARDIO and IODIS are set. 3. T0 + 6 x Td: CARDIO is cleared. 4. T0 + 7 x Td: VCARD[1-0] = 00. 17 4234E–SCR–09/04 Figure 13. Deactivation Sequence CVCC CRST CCLK CIO, CC4, CC8 t1 Notes: Transparent Mode t2 Td 1. Setting ICARDERR by software does not trigger a deactivation. VCARDERR can be used to deactivate the card by software. 2. t1=5 to 5.5*Td, and t2=0.5*Td to Td. If the microcontroller outputs ISO 7816 signals, a transparent mode allows to connect RST/CLK and I/O/C4/C8 signals after an electrical level control. The AT83C24 level shifters adapt the card signals to the smart card voltage selection. The CRST and CCLK microcontroller signals can be respectively connected to the A1/RST and A2/CK pins. The CRST_SEL bit (in CONFIG4 register) selects standard or transparent configuration for the CRST pin. CKS in CONFIG2 allows to select standard or transparent configuration for the CCLK pin. So CCLK and CRST are independent. A2/CK to A0/3V inputs always give the TWI address at reset. The A0/3V pin can be used for TWI addressing and easily connect two AT83C24 devices on the same TWI bus. Figure 14. Transparent Mode Description Microcontroller 18 AT83C24 CCLK A2/CK CCLK CRST A1/RST CRST CIO I/O CIO CC4 C4 CC4 CC8 C8 CC8 SMART CARD AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Power Modes Two power-down modes are available to reduce the AT83C24 power consumption (see STUTDOWN bit in CONFIG1 register and LP bits in CONFIG3 register). To enter in the mode number 4 (see Table 5), the sequence is the following: – First select the Low-power mode by setting the LP bit – The activation of the SHUTDOWN bit can then be done. The AT83C24 exits Power-down if a software/hardware reset is done or if SHUTDOWN bit is cleared. The AT83C24 is then active immediately. Either a hardware reset or a TWI command clearing the SHUTDOWN bit can cause an exit from Power-down. The internal registers retain their value during the shutdown mode. In Power-down mode, the device is sleeping and waiting for a wake up condition. To reduce power consumption, the User should stop the clock on the CLK input after setting the SHUTDOWN bit. The clock can be enabled again just before exiting SHUTDOWN (at least 10 µs before a START bit on SDA). Table 5. Power Modes Description Typical Mode Number Shutdown LP Bit Bit 1 0 X STEPREG VCARD[1:0] Supply Description Current 0 11 160 mA 30 mA Step up mode: VCC = 3V, CVCC = 5V, Icard = 65mA Icard = 0 2 0 X 1 11 70 mA Regulator mode: VCC = 5.25V, CVCC = 5V, Icvcc = 65mA 3 0 X X 00 3 mA DC/DC off, CLK = 10MHz, VCC=3V to 5V 4 1 0 X 00 90 µA The TWI interface of the AT83C24 is active but its analog blocs are switched off to reduce the consumption 5 1 1 X 00 30 µA Pulsed mode of the internal 3V logic regulator Power Monitoring The AT83C24 needs only one power supply to run: VCC. If the microcontroller outputs signals with a different electrical level, the host positive supply is connected to EVCC. EVCC and VCC pins can be connected together if they have the same voltage. • If EVCC and VCC have different electrical levels: The EVCC pin and RESET pin should be connected with a resistor bridge. RESET pin high level must be higher than VIH (see Table 19). When EVCC drops, RESET pin level drops too. A deactivation sequence starts if a card was active. 19 4234E–SCR–09/04 Then the AT83C24 resets if RESET pin stays low. • If EVCC and VCC have the same value, then they should be connected: The AT83C24 integrates an internal 3V regulator to feed its logic from the VCC supply. The bit powermon allows the user to select if the internal PFD monitors VCC or the internal regulated 3V. If the PFD monitors VCC (POWERMON bit=0), a deactivation is performed if VCC falls below VPFDP (see VPFDP value in the datasheet). Same deactivation is performed if the internal 3V falls below VPFDP and POWERMON bit = 1. 20 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Registers Table 6. CONFIG0 (Config Byte 0) 7 6 5 4 1 0 ATRERR INSERT Bit Number 7-6 3 2 ICARDERR VCARDERR 1 0 VCARD1 VCARD0 Bit Mnemonic Description 1-0 These bits cannot be programmed and are read as 1-0. Answer to Reset Interrupt 5 ATRERR This bit is set when the card clock counter overflows (no falling edge on CIO is received before the overflow of the card clock counter). This bit is cleared by hardware when this register is read. It can be set by software for test purpose. The reset value is 0. Card Insertion Interrupt This bit is set when a card is inserted or extracted: a change in CARDIN value filtered according to CDS[2-0]. After power up, if the level on CPRES pin is 0, then INSERT bit is set. 4 INSERT It can be set by software for test purpose. This bit is cleared by hardware when this register is read. It cannot be cleared by software. The reset value is 0. 3 ICARDERR Card Over Current Interrupt This bit is set when an over current is detected on CVCC. It can be set by software for test purpose (no card deactivation is performed, no IT is performed). This bit is cleared by hardware when this register is read. It cannot be cleared by software. The reset value is 0. 2 VCARDERR Card Out of Range Voltage Interrupt This bit is set when the output voltage goes out of the voltage range specified by VCARD field. It can be set by software for test purpose and deactivate the card. This bit is cleared by hardware when this register is read. It cannot be cleared by software. The reset value is 0. Card Voltage Selection VCARD[1:0] = 00: 0V VCARD[1:0] = 01: 1.8V (see STEPREG bit) VCARD[1:0] = 10: 3V VCARD[1:0] = 11: 5V 1-0 VCARD[1:0] VCARD[1:0] writing to 1.8V, 3V, 5V starts the DC/DC if a card is detected. VCARD[1:0] writing to 0 stops the DC/DC. No card deactivation is performed when the voltage is changed between 1.8V, 3V or 5V. The microcontroller should deactivate the card before changing the voltage. The reset value is 00. 21 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 7. CONFIG 1 (Config Byte 1) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X ART SHUTDOWN CARDDET PULLUP CDS2 CDS1 CDS0 Bit Number 7 Bit Mnemonic Description X This bit should not be set. Automatic Reset Transition Set this bit to have the CRST pin changed according to activation sequence. 6 ART Clear this bit to have the CRST pin immediately following the value programmed in CARDRST. The reset value is 0. Shutdown 5 SHUTDOWN Set this bit to reduce the power consumption. An automatic de-activation sequence will be done. Clear this bit to enable VCARD[1:0] selection. The reset value is 0. Card Presence Detection Polarity Set this bit to indicate the card presence detector is closed when no card is inserted (CPRES is low). 4 CARDDET Clear this bit to indicate the card presence detector is open when no card is inserted (CPRES is high).Changing CARDDET will set INSERT bit (see CONFIG0) even if no card is inserted or extracted. The reset value is 0. Pull-up Enable Set this bit to enable the internal pull-up on the CPRES pin. This allows to minimize the number of external components. 3 PULLUP Clear this bit to disable the internal pull-up and minimize the power consumption when the card detection contact is on. Then an external pull-up must be connected to VCC (typically a 1 MΩ resistor). The reset value is 1. Card Detection filtering CPRES is sampled by the master clock provided on CLK input. A change on CPRES is detected after: CDS[2-0] = 0: 0 sample(1) CDS[2-0] = 1: 4 identical samples CDS [2-0] = 2: 8 identical samples (reset value) CDS[2-0] = 3: 16 identical samples CDS[2-0] = 4: 32 identical samples CDS[2-0] = 5: 64 identical samples 2-0 CDS[2:0] CDS[2-0] = 6: 128 identical samples CDS[2-0] = 7: 256 identical samples The reset value is 2. Note: When CDS[2-0] = 0 and IT_SEL = 0, PRES/INT = 1 when no card is present and PRES/INT = 0 when a card is inserted even if CLK is STOPPED. This can be used to wake up the external microcontroller and restart CLK when a card is inserted in the AT83C24. If CDS[2-0] = 0, IT_SEL = 1 and CLK is stopped, a card insertion or extraction has no effect on PRES/INT pin. 22 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 8. CONFIG2 (Config Byte 2) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X DCK2 DCK1 DCK0 X CKS2 CKS1 CKS0 Bit Number 7 Bit Mnemonic Description X This bit should not be set. DC/DC Clock prescaler factor DCCLK is the DC/DC clock. It is the division of CLK input by DCK prescaler. DCK = 0: prescaler factor equals 1 (CLK = 4 to 4.61MHz) DCK [2:0] = 1: prescaler factor equals 2 (CLK = 7 to 9.25MHz) DCK [2:0] = 2: prescaler factor equals 4 (CLK = 14 to 18.5 MHz) DCK [2:0] = 3: prescaler factor equals 6 (CLK = 21 to 27.6 MHz) DCK [2:0] = 4: prescaler factor equals 8 (CLK = 28 to 34.8 MHz) 6-4 DCK[2:0] DCK [2:0] = 5: prescaler factor equals 10 (CLK = 35 to 43 MHz) DCK [2:0] = 6: prescaler factor equals 12 (CLK = 43.1 to 48 MHz) DCK [2:0] = 7: reserved The reset value is 1. DCCLK must be as close as possible to 4 MHz with a duty cycle of 50%. DCK must be programmed before starting the DC/DC. The other values of CLK are not allowed. DCK has to be properly configured before resetting the STEPREG bit. 3 X This bit should not be set. Card Clock prescaler factor CKS [2:0] = 0: CCLK = CLK (then the maximum frequency on CLK is 24 MHz) CKS [2:0] = 1: CCLK = DCCLK (DC/DC clock) CKS [2:0] = 2: CCLK = DCCLK / 2 2-0 CKS[2:0] CKS [2:0] = 3: CCLK = DCCLK / 4 CKS [2:0] = 4: CCLK = A2 CKS [2:0] = 5: CCLK = A2 / 2 CKS [2:0] = 6: CCLK = CLK / 2 CKS [2:0] = 7: CCLK = CLK / 4 The reset value is 0. Notes: 1. When this register is changed, a special logic insures no glitch occurs on the CCLK pin and actual configuration changes can be delayed by half a period to two periods of CCLK. 2. CCLK must be stopped with CKSTOP bit before switching from CKS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) to CKS = (4, 5) or vice versa. 3. When DCK = 0, only CKS=4 and CKS=5 are allowed. 4. The user can’t directly select A2 or A2/2 after a reset or when switching from CKS = (0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) to CKS = (4, 5). To select A2, the user should select A2/2 first and after A2. To select A2/2, the user should select A2 first and after A2/2. 23 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 9. CONFIG3 (Config Byte 3) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 EAUTO VEXT1 VEXT0 ICCADJ LP X X X Bit Number Bit Mnemonic Description EVCC voltage configuration: EAUTO VEXT1 VEXT0 EAUTO 7-5 VEXT1 VEXT0 0 0 0 EVCC = 0 the regulator is switched off. 0 0 1EVCC = 2.3V 0 1 0 EVCC = 1.8V 0 1 1 X 1 EVCC = 2.7V X EVCC voltage is the level detected on I/O input pin. if EVCC is supplied from the external EVCC pin, the user can switch off the internal EVCC regulator to decrease the consumption. If EVCC is switched off, and no external EVCC is supplied, the AT83C24 is inactive until a hardware reset is done. The reset value is 100. CICC overflow adjust This bit controls the DC/DC sensitivity to any overflow current . 4 ICCADJ Set this bit to decrease the DC/DC sensitivity (CICC_ovf is increased by about 20%, see Electrical Characteristics). The start of the DC/DC with a high current load is easier. Clear this bit to have a normal configuration. The reset value is 0. Low-power Mode Set this bit to enable low-power mode during shutdown mode (pulsed mode activated). Clear this bit to disable low-power mode during shutdown mode. 3 LP The activation reference is the following: • First select the Low-power mode by setting LP bit. • The activation of SHUTDOWN bit can then be done. This bit as no effect when SHUTDOWN bit is cleared. The reset value is 0. 24 2 X This bit should not be set. 1 X This bit should not be set. 0 X This bit should not be set. AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 10. CONFIG4 (Config Byte 4) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X X X STEPREG INT_PULLUP POWERMON IT_SEL CRST_SEL Bit Number Bit Mnemonic 7-5 X-X-X Description These bits should not be set. Step Regulator mode Clear this bit to enable the automatic step-up converter (CVCC is stable even if VCC is not higher than CVCC). 4 STEPREG Set this bit to permanently disable the step-up converter (CVCC is stable only if VCC is sufficiently higher than CVCC). This bit must be set before activating the DC/DC converter if no external coil is present. The reset value is 0. This bit must always be set if no external coil is used Internal pull-up Set this bit to activate the internal pull-up (connected internally to EVCC) on PRES/INT pin. 3 INT_PULLUP Clear this bit to deactivate the internal pull-up. PRES/INT is an open drain output with a programmable internal pull up. The reset value is 0. Power monitor 2 POWERMON Set this bit to monitor any glitch on the Digital Supply Voltage (DVCC) of the AT83C24. Clear this bit to monitor any glitch on VCC. The reset value is 0. Interrupt Select 1 IT_SEL Set this bit to disable INSERT and VCARD_INT interrupts. Then PRES/INT is pulled up when a card is present and no error is detected. Clear this bit to have all the interrupt sources enabled and active Low. IT_SEL must be set to enable a hardware activation with CMDVCC. The reset value is 0. Card Reset Selection Set this bit to have the CRST pin driven by hardware through the A1 pin (only with hardware activation). 0 CRST_SEL Clear this bit to have the CRST pin driven by software through the CARDRST bit. CRST_SEL must be set when CMDVCC is used (hardware activation). The reset value is 0. 25 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 11. INTERFACE (Interface Byte) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 IODIS CKSTOP CARDRST CARDC8 CARDC4 CARDCK CARDIO Bit Number Bit Mnemonic 7 0 Description This bit should not be set. Card I/O isolation 6 IODIS Set this bit to drive the CIO, CC4, CC8 pins according to CARDIO, CARDC4, CARDC8 respectively and to put I/O, C4, C8 in Hi-Z. This can be used to have the I/O, and C4 and C8 pins of the host communicating with another AT83C24 interface, while CIO, CC4 and CC8 are driven by software (or if the card is in standby or power-down modes). Clear this bit to drive the I/O/CIO, C4/CC4 and C8/CC8 pins according to each other. This can be used to activate asynchronous cards. The reset value is 1. CARD Clock Stop Set this bit to stop CCLK according to CARDCK. This can be used to set asynchronous cards in power-down mode (GSM) or to drive CCLK by software. Clear this bit to have CCLK running according to CKS. This can be used to activate asynchronous cards. 5 CKSTOP Note: 1. When this bit is changed a special logic ensures that no glitch occurs on the CCLK pin and actual configuration changes can be delayed by half a period to two periods of CCLK. 2. CKSTOP must be set before switching on the DC/DC with VCARD[1:0]. The reset value is 1. Card Reset 4 CARDRST Set this bit to enter a reset sequence according to ART bit value. Clear this bit to drive a low level on the CRST pin. The reset value is 0. Card C8 3 CARDC8 Set this bit to drive the CC8 pin High with the on-chip pull-up (according to IODIS bit value). The pin can then be an input (read in STATUS register). Clear this bit to drive a low level on the CC8 pin (according to IODIS bit value). The reset value is 0. Card C4 2 CARDC4 Set this bit to drive the CC4 pin High with the on-chip pull-up (according to IODIS bit value). The pin can then be an input (read in STATUS register). Clear this bit to drive a low level on the CC4 pin (according to IODIS bit value). The reset value is 0. Card Clock 1 CARDCK Set this bit to set a high level on the CCLK pin (according to CKSTOP bit value). Clear this bit to drive a low level on the CCLK pin. The reset value is 0. Card I/O 0 CARDIO Set this bit to drive the CIO pin High with the on-chip pull-up (according to IODIS bit value). The pin can then be an input (read in STATUS register). Clear this bit to drive a low level on the CIO pin (according to IODIS bit value). The reset value is 0. 26 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 12. STATUS (Status Byte) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CC8 CC4 CARDIN VCARDOK X VCARD_INT CRST CIO Bit Number Bit Mnemonic 7 CC8 Description Card CC8 This bit provides the actual level on the CC8 pin when read. The reset value is 0. Card CC4 6 CC4 This bit provides the actual level on the CC4 pin when read. The reset value is 0. Card Presence Status 5 CARDIN This bit is set when a card is detected. It is cleared otherwise. Card Voltage Status 4 This bit is set by the DCDC when the output voltage remains within the voltage range specified by VCARD[1:0] bits. It is cleared otherwise. VCARD_OK The reset value is 0. 3 X This bit should not be set. Card voltage interrupt 2 This bit is set when VCARD_OK bit is set. VCARD_INT This bit is cleared when read by the microcontroller. The reset value is 0. Card RST 1 CRST This bit provides the actual level on the CRST pin when read. The reset value is 0. Card I/O 0 CIO This bit provides the actual level on the CIO pin when read. The reset value is 0. Table 13. TIMER 1 (Timer MSB) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit Number 7-0 Bit Mnemonic Description Bits 15 - 8 Timer MSB (bits 15 to 8) Reset value = 0x00000001 27 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 14. TIMER 0 (Timer LSB) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit Number 7-0 Bit Mnemonic Description bits 7 - 0 Timer LSB (bits 7to 0) Reset value = 0x10010000 Table 15. CAPTURE 1 (Capture MSB) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit 15 bit 14 bit 13 bit 12 bit 11 bit 10 bit 9 bit 8 Bit Number 7-0 Bit Mnemonic Description bits 15 - 8 See “software activation with ART = 1”, page 15. Reset value = 0x00000000 Table 16. CAPTURE 0 (Capture LSB) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Bit Number 7-0 Bit Mnemonic Description bits 7 - 0 See “software activation with ART = 1”, page 15. Reset value = 0x00000000 28 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings * *NOTICE: Ambient Temperature Under Bias: .....................-40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature: ................................... -65°C to +150°C Voltage on VCC: ........................................ VSS -0.5V to +6.0V Voltage on SCIB pins (***): ......... CVSS -0.5V to CVCC + 0.5V Voltage on host interface pins:.......VSS -0.5V to EVCC + 0.5V Voltage on other pins: ...................... VSS -0.5V to VCC + 0.5V Stresses at or above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability. Power Dissipation value is based on the maximum allowable die temperature and the thermal resistance of the package. Power Dissipation: .......................................................... 1.5W Thermal resistor of QFN package..(**)............................35°C/W Thermal resistor of SO package.................................48°C/W (**) Exposed die attached pad must be soldered to ground Thermal resistor are measured on multilayer PCB with 0 m/s air flow. (***) including shortages between any groups of smart card pins. AC/DC Parameters EVCC connected to host power supply: from 1.6V to 5.5V. TA = -40°C to +85°C; VSS = 0V; VCC = 3V to 5.5V. CLASS A card supplied with CVCC = 4.75 to 5.25V for AT83C24NDS CLASS A card supplied with CVCC = 4.6 to 5.25V for AT83C24 CLASS B card supplied with CVCC = 2.8V to 3.2V CLASS C card supplied with CVCC = 1.68V to 1.92V Table 17. Core (VCC) Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VPFDP Power fail high level threshold 2.4 2.5 2.6 V VPFDM Power fail low level threshold 2.25 2.35 2.45 V trise, tfall VDD rise and fall time 1 µs 600s Test Conditions Not tested. Table 18. Host Interface (I/O, C4, C8, CLK, A2, A1, A0, CMDVCC, PRES/INT) Symbol Parameter Min VIL Input Low-voltage -0.5 VIH Input High Voltage 0.7 x EVCC Typ Max 0.3 x EVCC 0.25 x EVCC Unit V Test Conditions EVCC from 2.7V to VCC EVCC from 1.6 to 2.7V EAUTO=0 EVCC + 0.5 V EAUTO=1 EVCC from 1.6V to VCC 29 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 18. Host Interface (I/O, C4, C8, CLK, A2, A1, A0, CMDVCC, PRES/INT) (Continued) Symbol Parameter VOL Min Typ Output Low-voltage (I/O, C4, C8, PRES/INT) Output High Voltage (C4, C8, PRES/INT) VOH VOH on I/O depends on external pull up value EICC 0.8 x EVCC Extra Supply Current Max Unit Test Conditions 0.05 V IOL = -100 µA 0.4 V IOL = -1.2 mA EVCC V +3 mA 360 κΩ EVCC from 1.6V to VCC IOH = 100 µA CL = 100 nF Short to VSS RPRES/INT PRES/INT weak pull-up output current 300 330 INT_PULLUP = 0: Internal pull-up active. CL = 100 nF, EIcc = +3 mA Vpeak on I/O from 1.6V to VCC EVCC EVCC pin not connected to a power supply Vpeak - 10 mV Vpeak Vpeak + 25 mV V EAUTO = 1: min duration 1µs, min frequency 0.1Hz, spikes <50ns are filtered. EVCC EVCC pin connected to a power supply Vpeak 200mV EAUTO = 1 CLK Clock signal for AT83C24 4 48 If DCK[2:0] =0 (CLK=4MHz to 4.61MHz), MHz a duty cycle of 50% is needed. CLK Clock signal for AT83C24NDS 18 48 MHz no constrainst on duty cycle Max Unit Test Conditions Table 19. Host Interface (SCL, SDA, RESET) Symbol Parameter VIL Input Low-voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low-voltage VHIST Min Typ 1.9 -0.5 3 0.7 x VCC Input trigger hysteresis V 0.3 x VCC VCC + 0.5 V 0.4 V VCC > 4.5V VCC <= 4.5V VCC > 4.5V VCC <= 4.5V IOL = -3 mA 0.1 x VCC Table 20. Smart Card Class A Symbol CICC Parameter Min Card Supply Current Capability 65 Typ Max Unit Test Conditions VCC=3V to 5.5V, mA 65 STEPREG=0 VCC > 5.35V, STEPREG = 1 Card Supply Current Overflow: CICC_ovf 30 ICCADJ = 0 (reset value) 66 120 130 ICCADJ = 1 66 130 150 mA VCC from 3 to 5.5V AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 20. Smart Card Class A Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max 60 200 150 350 Unit Test Conditions 0 < Icard < 60mA CL =10µF Ripple on CVCC mV for AT83C24 0 < Icard < 65mA CL = 3.3µF for AT83C24NDS Max. charge 40 nA.s Spikes on CVCC 4.6 5.3 V Max. duration 400 ns Max. Icard variation 200 mA Vcardok up Vcardok high level threshold Vcardok down Vcardok low level threshold 4.8 4.9 4.6 4.8 4.75 4.8 V V AT83C24 AT83C24NDS Icard = 0, VCC > V PFDP TVHL CVCC valid to 0 180 250 500 750 µs CL = 3.3 µF Icard = 0 CL = 10 µF Icard = 0 (see note 1) VCC = 3V, CL = 3.3µF TVLH Notes: CVCC 0 to Valid Icard = 65mA 180 250 110 250 240 300 Icard = 65mA 170 250 Icard = 0mA µs Icard = 0mA VCC = 3V, CL = 10µF 1. Capacitor: X7R type or X5R type, max ESR value is 30mΩ (100kHz-100MHz), Replacing 3.3µF by 2.2µF in parrallel with 1µF is better for ESR and noise reduction. Table 21. Smart Card Class B Symbol CICC Parameter Card Supply Current Capability Min Typ Max 65 Unit mA 65 Test Conditions VCC=3V to 5.5V, STEPREG=0 VCC > 5.35V, STEPREG = 1 Card Supply Current Overflow: CICC _ovf ICCADJ = 0 (reset value) 66 130 140 ICCADJ = 1 66 140 150 Ripple on CVCC 60 200 350 mA mV VCC from 3.0 to 5.5V 0 < Icard < 65mA CL =10µF 0 < Icard < 65mA CL = 3.3µF Maxi. charge 40 nA.s Spikes on CVCC 2.76 3.24 V Max. duration 400 ns Max. variation Icard 200mA Vcardok up Vcardok high level threshold Vcardok down Vcardok low level threshold 2.8 3 V 2.76 2.9 V Icard = 0, VCC > VPFDP TVHL CVCC valid to 0 130 250 400 500 µs CL = 3.3 µF Icard = 0 (see note 1) CL = 10 µF Icard = 0 31 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 21. Smart Card Class B Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max 140 250 110 250 Unit Test Conditions VCC = 3V, CL = 3.3µF TVLH Icard = 65mA Icard = 0mA µs CVCC 0 to Valid VCC = 3V, CL = 10µF Notes: 130 250 Icard = 60mA 100 250 Icard = 0mA 1. Capacitor: X7R type or X5R type, max ESR value is 30mΩ (100kHz-100MHz), Replacing 3.3µF by 2.2µF in parrallel with 1µF is better for ESR and noise reduction. Table 22. Smart Card Class C Symbol CICC Parameter Min Card Supply Current Capability Typ Max 40 Unit mA Test Conditions VCC = 3V Card Supply Current Overflow: CICC_ovf ICCADJ = 0 (reset value) 45 mA ICCADJ = 1 Spikes on CVCC Vcardok up Vcardok high level threshold Vcardok down TVHL TVLH 1.68 1.92 V 1.75 1.8 V 1.7 1.75 V Vcardok low level threshold CVCC valid to 0 CVCC 0 to valid 180 300 200 300 100 150 50 80 60 100 µs Icard = 0, CL = 10 µF(1) CVCC = 1.8V to 0.4V Icard = 40mA, CL = 10 µF(1) Icard = 0, CL = 10 µF(1) µs Icard = 40mA, CL = 3.3 µF(1) Icard = 0, CL = 3.3 µF(1) CVCC = 0.4 to VCARDOK Notes: 1. Capacitor: X7R type or X5R type, max ESR value is 30mΩ (100kHz-100MHz), Replacing 3.3µF by 2.2µF in parrallel with 1µF is better for ESR and noise reduction. Table 23. Smart Card Clock (CCLK pin) Symbol Parameter VOL Output Low-voltage VOH Output High Voltage IOS Short Circuit Current Min Typ Max Unit 0 0.4 V CVCC - 0.45 CVCC V 0.7CVCC CVCC -30 30 32 Rise and Fall time 22.5 50 IOL = -200 µA CLASS A&B&C IOH = +200 µA CLASS A&B CLASS C mA Short to GND or CVCC CL = 30 pF CLASS A 16 tR tF Test Conditions ns CL = 30 pF CLASS B CL = 30 pF CLASS C measurement between 10% and 90% of CVCC AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Table 23. Smart Card Clock (CCLK pin) (Continued) Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit 0.2 Test Conditions CLASS A CCLK from 0.5 to 4.2V Rise and Fall Slew rate 0.12 V/ns CLASS B CCLK from 0.5 to 0.85 x CVCC Low level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) High level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) CCLK -0.25 0.5 4.2 CVCC+0.25 2.35 CVCC+0.25 CVCC-0.4 CVCC+0.25 Smart card clock frequency 24 V CLASS A&B&C CVCC = CLASS A V CVCC = CLASS B CLASS C MHz CL = 30pF, CLK=48MHz Table 24. Smart Card I/O (CIO, CC4, CC8 pins) Symbol Parameter Min VIL Input Low-voltage -0.3V IIL Input Low Current VIH Input High Voltage IIH VOL Typ Max Unit 0.8 V IIL = 500 µA 700 µA CVCC = CLASS A&B&C 0.6 x CVCC CVCC 0.7 x CVCC CVCC Input High Current -20 +20 Output Low-voltage 0 V Output High Voltage IOS Output Short Circuit Current Low level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) High level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) 0.75 x CVCC CVCC 0.9 x CVCC CVCC -15 +15 -0.25 0.6 -0.25 0.4 -0.25 0.4 CVCC-0.5 CVCC+0.25 CVCC = CLASS B & C IOL = -1 mA CLASS A V 0.3 VOH CVCC = CLASS A µA 0.45 0.3 Test Conditions IOL = -1 mA CLASS B IOL = -1 mA CLASS C V IOH = 40 µA CLASS A&B&C IOH = 0µA, CLASS A&B mA Short to GND or CVCC CLASS A V CLASS B CLASS C V CVCC = CLASS A&B&C C L = 65 pF CLASS A: tR tF Output rise and fall time 0.1 µs measurement between 0.6V and 70% of CVCC CLASS B & C: measurement between 0.4V and 70% of CVCC tR tF Input rise and fall time 1 µs C L = 65 pF 33 4234E–SCR–09/04 Table 25. Smart Card RST (CRST pin) Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit 0.12 x CVCC VOL Output Low-voltage 0 0.4 0 Test Conditions IOL = -20 µA CLASS A&B&C V 0.2 IOL = -200 µA CLASS A IOL = -200 µA CLASS B&C VOH Output High Voltage 0.9*CVCC CVCC V IOS Output High Current -15 +15 mA tR tF Rise and Fall time 0.1 µs IOH = 200 µA CLASS A&B&C Short to GND or CVCC C L = 30pF Low level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) High level voltage stability (taking into account PCB design) 0.50V -0.25 0.30V measurement between 10% and 90% of CVCC CLASS A V 0.30V CLASS B CLASS C 4.2 CLASS A 2.35 CVCC+0.25 V CVCC-0.4 CLASS B CLASS C Table 26. Card Presence Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit CPRES weak pull-up output current 300 330 360 κΩ Test Conditions Short to VSS RCPRES PULLUP = 1: Internal pull-up active Table 27. TWI (SDA, SCL pins) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions tSU;DAT Data set-up time 20 10 ns Not tested tHD;DAT Data hold time 10 0 ns Not tested ns Not tested tfDA 34 Parameter Fall time on SDA signal 50 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 Typical Application Figure 1. Typical Standard Mode Application Diagram for 3 AT83C24 (up to 8 AT83C24 if needed) VCC EVCC 100nF L1 4.7µH C1 C13 LI VSS A1/RST CVSS A2/CK See note for I/O pull up CRST CIO, CC4, CC8 CPRES CCLK A0/3V SDA, SCL pullups Reset pullup TWI SCL SDA RST RESET 2.2µF VSS VCC VCC VCC EVCC VCC VSS Card 1 CVCC, CVCCin AT83C24 100nF 2.2uF 1uF C2 C3 C10 CVSS CVSS CVSS INT0 Px.y DVCC PRES/INT I/O, C4, C8 100nF CLK VSS VCC EVCC L2 VSS SCL SDA 4 to 48 MHz LI VSS CVSS A2/CK 2.2µF VSS VCC VCC A1/RST XTAL2 C4 VSS A0/3V XTAL1 4.7µH C14 EVCC Host MICROCONTROLLER 100nF CRST CIO, CC4, CC8 CPRES CCLK AT83C24 Card 2 CVCC, CVCCin RESET 100nF 2.2uF 1uF C5 C6 C11 CVSS CVSS CVSS VSS DVCC PRES/INT I/O, C4, C8 VSS 100nF CLK VSS VCC 100nF EVCC L3 4.7µH C15 C5 LI VSS A1/RST VCC A2/CK EVCC VCC 2.2µF VSS CVSS VSS CRST CIO, CC4, CC8 CPRES CCLK A0/3V VSS SCL SDA AT83C24 RESET PRES/INT I/O, C4, C8 CVCC, CVCCin DVCC Card 3 100nF 2.2uF 1uF C8 C9 C12 CVSS CVSS CVSS 100nF CLK Note: 1. The external resistor on I/O can be removed if the host pin has an internal resistor. VSS Typical NDS Application Figure 2. Typical NDS Standard Mode Application Diagram for 1 AT83C24NDS. VCC EVCC 100nF L1 4.7µH C1 C13 See note 2 SDA, SCL pullups CVSS Reset pullup TWI SCL SDA RST RESET INT0 Px.y VSS See note1 for I/O pull up VCC VCC EVCC VCC CRST CIO, CC4, CC8 CCLK Host MICROCONTROLLER XTAL1 Smart Card 1 PRES/INT I/O, C4, C8 CVCCin CVCC CLK Px.y Px.y Px.y 2.2µF VSS LI VSS A2/CLK A1/RST A0/3V 1uF 2.2uF 100nF C2 C3 C10 CVSS CVSS CVSS AT83C24NDS XTAL2 DVCC CPRES card present 18.432 or 27MHz 100nF VSS VSS VSS VSS Note: 1. The external resistor on I/O can be removed if the host pin has an internal resistor. 2. The internal pull up on PRES/INT is disabled during reset (recommended external 20kOhms pull up). 3. Refer to application note for AT83C24NDS software configuration. 36 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Ordering Information Part Number Supply Voltage Temperature Range Package Packing AT83C24-PRTIL(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24-PRRIL(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-PRTIM (2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24-PRRIM(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-TISIL 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24-TIRIL 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-TISIM 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24-TIRIM 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-PRTIL (1)(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray (1)(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-PRTIM (1)(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray (1)(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-TISIL (1) 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24NDS-TIRIL (1) 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-TISIM (1) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24NDS-TIRIM (1) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-PRTUL(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24-PRRUL(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-PRTUM(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24-PRRUM(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-TISUL 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24-TIRUL 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24-TISUM 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24-TIRUM 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-PRTUL (1)(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24NDS-PRRUL (1)(2) 3V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-PRTUM(1)(2) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tray AT83C24NDS-PRRIL AT83C24NDS-PRRIM LEAD FREE/ HALOGEN FREE: 37 4234E–SCR–09/04 Part Number Supply Voltage Temperature Range Package Packing 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial QFN28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-TISUL (1) 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24NDS-TIRUL (1) 3V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-TISUM (1) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Stick AT83C24NDS-TIRUM (1) 4.00V to 5.5V Industrial SO28 Tape&Reel AT83C24NDS-PRRUM Note: (1)(2) 1. Enhanced AC/DC parameters, see first page for differences between AT83C24 and AT83C24NDS. 2. Refer to index mark for proper placement. 38 AT83C24 4234E–SCR–09/04 AT83C24 Package Drawings QFN28 39 4234E–SCR–09/04 SO28 AT83C24 Datasheet Change Log Changes from 4234A05/03 to 4234B-02/04 1. Addition of CRST, CIO, CCLK controllers descriptions, page 10. 2. Update of Hardware\Software activation description, page 14. 3. Suppression of low voltage regulator mode for power down modes, page 19. 4. Modification of clock values in CONFIG2 regsiter, page 22. 5. Addition of a point on QFN pinout view, page2. 6. Update of electrical characteristics, page 29. Changes from 4234B02/04 to 4234C - 04/04 1. Addition of references in ordering information 2. Update of EVCC description 3. Update of CARDDET bit and INSERT bit description Changes from 4234C04/04 to 4234D - 07/04 1. Update for Rev 4 silicon version (index 4 on component). 2. Software workaround for A2 or A2/2 selection in CKS register. 3. Max speed on IO/CIO transfer 4. New conditions for hardware activation (see IT_SEL). 5. SO28 drawing package (error with SO32). 6. Adjusted electrical parameters for NDS compliance, pages 28, 29, 30. Changes from 4234D04/04 to 4234E - 09/04 1. QFN28 new package drawing. 2. Clock input parameters for AT83C24 and AT83C24NDS. 41 4234E–SCR–09/04 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High Speed Converters/RF Datacom Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-76-58-30-00 Fax: (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France Tel: (33) 4-42-53-60-00 Fax: (33) 4-42-53-60-01 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Tel: 1(719) 576-3300 Fax: 1(719) 540-1759 Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland Tel: (44) 1355-803-000 Fax: (44) 1355-242-743 e-mail literature@atmel.com Web Site http://www.atmel.com Disclaimer: Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company’s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel’s Terms and Conditions located on the Company’s web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. © Atmel Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Atmel ® logo and combinations thereof are registered trademarks, and Everywhere You Are sm are the trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 4234E–SCR–09/04 /xM