PRODUCT BRIEF LX6523A High Performance CCFL Controller DESCRIPTION CCFL Controller for Next Generation of 37 inch and Smaller LCD TVs, Monitors or All-in-One PCs with Ultra-Realistic Display Quality and Performance Integrates JIN’s PureBLACK KTMM Megacontrast Dimming The LX6523A is a high performance CCFL controller optimized for small or medium size LCD-TV and other multi-lamp LCD display systems. It enables cost competitive solutions for off-PFC HV-LIPS inverter applications. The controller provides a pair of SXVKSXOO3:0GULYHVLJQDOV7KHRXWSXWGULYHUVFDQGULYHDSXVKSXOOKDOIEULGJHRUIXOOEULGJH&&)/LQYHUWHUFRQ¿JXUDWLRQZLWK the addition of simple external circuitry. An on-chip regulator supplies both the operating voltage for the output gate drive and bias to the internal control FLUFXLWU\7KLVDOORZVDGLUHFWFRQQHFWLRQRIWKHFRQWUROOHUWRWKHV\VWHPVXSSO\H[WHQGLQJWKHYROWDJHXSWR9ZLWKRXWH[WHUQDO UHJXODWRUV7KHODPSFXUUHQWUHJXODWLRQFLUFXLWFRPSULVHVDVLPSOHDQGUREXVWFRQWUROORRSGHVLJQZLWKJRRGUHJXODWLRQDFFXUDF\DQG G\QDPLFUHVSRQVHDWWUDQVLHQWFRQGLWLRQV$VRIWVWDUWIHDWXUHSURYLGHVPRUHUHOLDEOHODPSVWULNHDQGDOORZVHIIHFWLYHFRQWURORIWKH possible inverter start up surge current and lamp current/voltage overshoot. The LX6523A integrates JIN’s PureBLACKTM megacontrast digital burst dimming functionality to provide true black mega contrast capabilities for CCFL based displays. In addition, reliable fault detection and protection functions are facilitated including open lamp, over voltage, short circuit, and over current protection. Furthermore, programmable striking frequency, programmable VWULNHDQGSURWHFWLRQWLPLQJDQGIDXOWLQGLFDWLRQDUHDOOEXLOWLQZLWKWKHYHU\FRPSDFWFKLSGHVLJQ7KHGHYLFHLVDYDLODEOHLQD OHDGQDUURZERG\62,&VXUIDFHPRXQWSDFNDJHZLWKDQLQGXVWULDOWHPSHUDWXUHJUDGHUDWLQJ %HQH¿WV Key Features 400V Off-PFC HV-LIPS Support Optimal System Cost and Increased Efficiency > Half-bridge or Full-Bridge drive support for inverters > Reduced number of power stages increase efficiency at a reduced overall system BOM – easier regulatory agency compliance Integrated JIN’s PureBLACKTM Mega Dimming Enhanced Image Quality and more Realistic Video > Supports BURST PWM dimming for ‘true zero’ percent duty cycle operation > Superior black levels for increased dynamic contrast ratio > Great shadow detail for a more enjoyable viewing experience Comprehensive Brightness Control Modes Increased Flexibility and Performance > Analog only @ adjust lamp current only > Analog BURST Dimming @ analog voltage to BURST PWM > Digital BURST Dimming @ Direct PWM BURST input Multiple Drive Topologies Supported > Push-Pull, Half-bridge, and Full-bridge > Wide dimming range and multiple architecture support > Ease of implementation > Reduced cost with reduction of external components Ease of Use and Flexibility > 600mA sourcing or sinking gate drivers > One device supports multiple inverter architectures and applications > Reduces cost by eliminating need for high current external buffer Protection, Lamp Strike, Detection, and Operation Reliability, Flexibility, Ease of Use, and Reduced Cost > OLP, OVP (regulation/protection), OIP and Short Circuit > Programmable STRIKE and Fault time (run mode) > Programmable STRIKE frequency > User configurable, supports multiple panel types and customer need > Enhanced operation at very low duty cycles to avoid false open lamp protection while detecting true open lamp detection APPLICATIONS > Small to medium size LCD televisions > 19” to 30” Multi-lamp LCD monitors > High end graphics and medical imaging monitors requiring highest image quality !$OOLQ2QH3&V > CCFL, EEFL, FFL Backlight systems PRODUCT BRIEF LX6523A 6LPSOLÀHG%ORFN'LDJUDP Additional Features !9WR9SRZHUUDLORSHUDWLRQ ® LX 6523A Supports 400V PFC or 24V Inverter Applications 9DEVROXWHPD[LPXP AC Rectification, PFC, TV SMPS Voltages !2QFKLSYROWDJHUHJXODWRU :LWK89/2SURWHFWLRQ325 POWER STAGE POWER INPUT > Soft Start Control VDD Regulator Control / Reset PWM DRIVER PWM Steering Shut Down CONTROL PROTECTION OR CCFL LAMPS 400V PFC Inverter Supply Inverter Transformer A_OUT B_OUT AC+ ISOLATION, DRIVE and POWER Stage Circuitry AC- PWM_DIM > Highly accurate lamp operation &XUUHQWFRQWURO @ +/- 2% ANALOG_DIM ENABLE PureBLACK™ Voltage Sense Current Sense Soft Start COMP Fault Megacontrast Dimming FREQUENCY ENABLE RS1 VSNS Voltage and Current Sensing RS2 ISNS JIN Current Balancing 24V Inverter Supply VIN ISNS L1B1 L1B2 CCFL LAMPS L1B1 )UHTXHQF\VHW @ +/- 3% L1B2 ® LX 6523A ! 3URJUDPPDEOH675,.(WLPHDQG 675,.(IUHTXHQF\ ! 3URJUDPPDEOH)$8/7WLPH HV-LIPS Overall System Diagram !3URJUDPPDEOH%8567GLPPLQJ frequency > ENABLE control signal ! 6XSSRUWV6WULNH5XQIUHTXHQF\ ratios (typical) > JIN Balancer optimized to support µWUXH¶]HUR%8567GXW\F\FOH dimming > Industrial Temperature Grade &WR& ! OHDGQDUURZERG\62,& Ordering Information LX6523AID SOIC, 14 lead, Narrow Body, RoHS compliant, Pb-free, Industrial Temperature, Tubes LX6523AID – TR SOIC, 14 lead, Narrow Body, RoHS compliant, Pb-free, Industrial Temperature, Tape and Reel @ 2500 pcs/reel eJA = 86°C/W eJA = 86°C/W Technical Support Information: For LX6503A / LX6523A and other CCFL or Display family of products, please contact your local Microsemi Field Applications Engineer. For more information about Microsemi products and the name of a local representative, distributor or sales person, SOHDVHYLVLWZZZPLFURVHPLFRPRUFRQWDFWXVDW RU Microsemi Corporation, Analog Mixed Signal Group, 11861 Western Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841 Ph: +1 (714) 898-8121