MQHE-28-P Passive Filter H igH R eliability eMi F ilteR -40V to +40V 10A 60mΩ @ 125°C >80dB @ 500kHz Continuous Input Output Current Max. DC Resistance Differential Attenuation F ull P oweR o PeRation : -55ºC to +125ºC The MilQor® series of high-reliability EMI filters brings SynQor’s field proven technology and manufacturing expertise to the Military/Aerospace industry. SynQor’s innovative QorSeal® packaging approach ensures survivability in the most hostile environments. Compatible with the industry standard format, these filters have high differential-mode and common-mode attenuation, low DC resistance, and a stabilizing bulk capacitor resistor. -HB P-Y 28HE- MQ TER 60W 1 I FIL EM n 10A i 28V They follow conservative component derating guidelines and they are designed and manufactured to comply with a wide range of military standards. Design Process MQHE series filters are: • Designed for reliability per NAVSO-P3641-A guidelines • Designed with components derated per: — MIL-HDBK-1547A — NAVSO P-3641A Qualification Process MQHE series filters are qualified to: • MIL-STD-810F — consistent with RTCA/DO-160E • SynQor’s First Article Qualification — consistent with MIL-STD-883F • SynQor’s Long-Term Storage Survivability Qualification • SynQor’s on-going life test DesigneD & ManufactureD in the usa featuring Qorseal® hi-rel asseMbly Features • 10 amps output current • Very low DC resistance • > 80 dB differential-mode attenuation at 500kHz • > 60 dB common-mode attenuation at 500kHz • Stabilizing bulk capacitor and damping resistor included • All capacitors are X7R multi-layer ceramic • Designed to meet all MIL-STD 461 EMI and most RTCA/ DO-160E Section 22 lightning requirements Specification Compliance In-Line Manufacturing Process • • • • • • AS9100 and ISO 9001 certified facility Full component traceability Temperature cycling Constant acceleration 24, 96, 160 hour burn-in Three level temperature screening Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 MQHE series filters (with MQHL converters) are designed to meet: • MIL-HDBK-704-8 (A through F) • RTCA/DO-160E Section 16 • MIL-STD-1275D for VIN > 16V • DEF-STAN 61-5 (part 6)/5 for VIN > 16V • MIL-STD-461 (C, D, E, F) • RTCA/DO-160E Section 22 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 1 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification BLOCK DIAGRAM POSITIVE OUTPUT POSITIVE INPUT RDAMPING PINS 1, 2, 3 PINS 4, 5, 6 PINS 10, 11, 12 PINS 7, 8, 9 CBULK INPUT RETURN OUTPUT RETURN TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM +VIN +VIN +VOUT MilQor DC-DC CONVERTER MQHE EMI FILTER -VIN +VOUT IN RTN -VOUT +VIN LOAD OUT RTN +VOUT MilQor DC-DC CONVERTER IN RTN LOAD OUT RTN TO OTHER LOADS Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 2 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification MQHE-28-P ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes & Conditions Specifications subject to change without notice ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage Continuous Transient (≤1 s) Isolation Voltage (Input/Output to case) Continuous Transient (≤1 s) Output Current Operating Case Temperature Storage Case Temperature Lead Temperature (20 s) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Input Voltage Continuous Transient (≤1 s, Rs* = 0 Ω) Transient (≤100 ms, Rs* = 0 Ω) Output Voltage (continuous) Output Current (continuous) DC Resistance RDC TCASE = 25°C TCASE = 125°C Power Dissipation (10A output current) TCASE = 25°C TCASE = 125°C Total Differential-Mode Capacitance Total Common-Mode Capacitance Bulk Capacitor Damping Resistor Noise Attenuation INPUT VOLTAGE SPIKE SUPPRESSION Output Voltage Deviation due to a Spike Input Voltage Spike (Centered on Vin) ±250V, 100µs, Emax = 15mJ ±600V, 10µs, Rs* = 50Ω ISOLATION CHARACTERISTICS Isolation Voltage (any pin to case) Continuous Transient (≤ 100 µs) Isolation Resistance (any pin to case) Vin=28V DC ±5%, Iout= 10A unless otherwise specified Group A Subgroup (See Note 3) See Note 1 -100 -200 100 200 V V -500 -1000 500 1000 10 125 135 300 V V A °C °C °C -55 -65 HB Grade Products, See Note 4 See Note 1 -40 40 -50 50 -100 100 Vout = Vin - (Iin x Rdc) 10 V V V V A 1, 2, 3 40 60 mΩ mΩ 1 3 4 6 W W µF µF µF Ω 54 0.29 41 0.3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 Measured across input or output pins Measured between any pin to case See Figure 1 See Note 2 -5 -5 5 10 ΔV ΔV -500 -800 100 500 800 V V MΩ MIL-STD-1275B/D RTCA/DO-160E 1 1 * Rs = Source Impedance Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 3 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification MQHE-28-P ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes & Conditions Specifications subject to change without notice RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS Calculated MTBF (MIL-STD-217F2) GB @ Tcase = 70ºC AIF @ Tcase = 70ºC WEIGHT CHARACTERISTICS Device Weight Vin=28V DC ±5%, Iout= 10A unless otherwise specified 24.9 1.42 106 Hrs. 106 Hrs. 45 g Group A Subgroup (See Note 3) Electrical Characteristics Notes 1. While the filter will survive these input voltage limits, the filter’s output voltage will be outside the limits for an MQHL converter input voltage range. 2. Verified by qualification testing and analysis. 3. Only the ES and HB grade products are tested at three temperatures. The C grade products are tested at one temperature. Please refer to the Construction and Environmental Stress Screening Options table for details. 4. The specified operating case temperature for ES grade products is -45°C to 100°C. The specified operating case temperature for C grade products is 0°C to 70°C. * Rs = Source Impedance Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 4 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification 20 10 Output Impedance Magnitute (ohms) 0 -20 Attenuation (dB) -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 Differential Mode Common Mode -160 10 100 Frequency (kHz) 1000 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.01 -180 1 1 10000 0.1 1 10 Frequency (kHz) 100 1000 Figure 1: Simulation of calculated common-mode and differential-mode current attenuation. The curves plot the ratio of noise current in a 50Ω LISN sensing port connected to the noise output side of the filter to the noise current on the input side. The filter case is also connected to chassis ground. Refer to Figures A and B. Figure 2: Typical Output Impedance (magnitude) of the filter looking back into its output pins with the input pins connected to a source with zero source impedance. Figure 3: MIL-STD-461E Method CE101 Low Frequency Conducted Emissions of the MQHE-28-P filter with a MQHL-28-05S at 50W output. Limit line (in red) is the ‘Submarine Applications DC Curve’. Figure 4: MIL-STD-461E Method CE102 High Frequency Conducted Emissions of the MQHE-28-P filter with a MQHL-28-05S at 50W output. Limit line (in red) is the ‘Basic Curve’. Figure 5: MIL-STD-461E Method RE101 Low Frequency Radiated Emissions of the MQHE-28-P filter with a MQHL-28-05S at 50W output. Limit line (in red) is the ‘Standard Curve’ from MIL-STD461C Method RE01, which is more strict than all RE101 limits. Figure 6: MIL-STD-461E Method RE102 High Frequency Radiated Emissions of the MQHE-28-P filter with a MQHL-28-05S at 50W output. Limit line (in red) is the ‘Submarine External to Pressure Hull Curve’. Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 5 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification BASIC OPERATION AND FEATURES The MQHE is a multi-stage differential-mode and commonmode passive EMI filter designed to interface a power source with one or more SynQor DC/DC converters (or other loads that create EMI). Each stage of this filter is well damped to avoid resonances and oscillations, and only X7R multi-layer ceramic capacitors are used. Figure 1 shows the typical differential and common-mode attenuation provided by this filter when the source impedance is 50Ω to chassis ground on each input line. The MQHE EMI filter includes a large bulk capacitor (also X7R) with a series damping resistor to correct for the unstabilizing effect of a converter’s negative input resistance. A white paper discussing this negative input resistance and the need for corrective damping can be found on the SynQor website (see Input System Instability application note). Figure 2 shows the magnitude of the filter’s output impedance when the filter input is connected to a stiff voltage source. The input voltage surge and spike compliance matrix displays the worst case requirements listed in various 28V Military (Vehicle and Aircraft) and Civil Aircraft standards. The MQHE EMI filter is designed to handle all of the short duration voltage spike requirements of these standards (with certain assumptions regarding DEF-STAN 61-5). Some of the long duration voltage surge requirements remain within the 50V maximum transient rating of a SynQor MQHL-28 DC/DC converter. L I SN Source 50Ω I meas V in(+) When used with SynQor’s DC/DC converters, the MQHE EMI filter is designed to pass all of the relevant MIL-STD-461C/D/E/F requirements to their most stringent limits. The MIL-STD-461 Compliance Matrix Table lists these requirements and describes the setup used to pass them. Figures 3 - 6 show results from selected conductive and radiated emissions tests. The filter is also designed to pass the waveform types and applications specified in RTCA/DO-160E Section 22 (Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility) to Level 4. The Section 22 Compliance Matrix Table lists these waveforms and applications and describes the setup used to pass them. A typical application would place the MilQor filter close to the input of the DC/DC converter, with the cases of the filter and the converter connected together through a ground plane. Both cases are electrically conductive, so connection to the cases can be made with the fasteners used to secure the device. Do not connect the outputs of multiple MQHE filters in parallel. Connecting filters in this manner may result in slightly unequal currents to flow in the positive and return paths of each filter. These unequal currents may cause the internal common-mode chokes to saturate and thus cause degraded common-mode rejection performance. L I SN V out(+) E M I F ilter I noise Source 50Ω I meas L I SN V out(-) L I SN Figure A: Differential-Mode Current Attenuation, Imeas / Inoise Product # MQHE-28-P E M I F ilter Phone 1-888-567-9596 I noise Case 50Ω V in(-) V out(+) Case Case 50Ω V in(+) V in(-) V out(-) Figure B: Common-Mode Current Attenuation, Imeas / Inoise Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 6 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification MIL-STD-461 COMPLIANCE MATRIX This table shows the MIL-STD-461 requirements/limits that have been met* by a stand-alone setup comprised of: - MQHE-28-P Filter MQHL-28-05S DC/DC Converter Resistive Load Metal Chassis Plane -461C Requirement -461D/E/F Most Stringent Limit Listed CE01 CE03 CE07 Class A5 (Submarine) Class A5 (Submarine) Class A1 (Aircraft) CS01 CS02 Class A5 (Submarine) Class A5 (Submarine) CS06 Class A1/A5 (Aircraft/Sub) CS10 CS11 Radiated Emissions Radiated Susceptibility Conducted Emissions Conducted Susceptibility Requirement Most Stringent Limit Listed CE101 CE102 Submarine Basic Curve CS101 Curve #2 CS106 (461F Only) Class A5 (Submarine) Class A5 (Submarine) CS114 CS115 CS116 Curve #5 Basic Waveform IMAX = 10A RE01 RE02† Class A5 (Submarine) Class A5 (Submarine) RE101 RE102† Navy Submarine RS01 RS02 RS03 Class A5 (Submarine) Class A1/A5 (Aircraft/Sub) Class A4 (Surface Ship) RS101 RS103 Army Aircraft External Met by any MQME/MQHE Filter Met by an MQME Filter having the Transient Suppression and Reverse Polarity Protection Features * Susceptibility requirements/limits are deemed to have been met as long as transient deviations in the converter’s output voltage remain within ±10% of its initial value. † Met with metal screen shield covering the filter, converter, and resistive load. Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 7 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification RTCA/DO-160E SECTION 22 COMPLIANCE MATRIX (LIGHTNING INDUCED TRANSIENT SUSCEPTIBILITY) The following table shows the RTCA/DO-160 Section 22 requirements that have been met* by a stand-alone setup comprised of: - MQME-28-P (or –T) Filter - MQFL-28-05S DC/DC Converter - Resistive Load - Metal Chassis Plane - Unshielded Power Cable Bundle Pin Injection Single- and Multiple-Stroke Cable Induction Single- and Multiple-Stroke Ground Injection Multiple-Burst Cable Induction Waveform Maximum Level Passed 3 4 4 4† 5a 4† 2 4** 3 4 4 4 5a 4 3 4 Met by any MQME/MQHE Filter Test Conditions Signal applied to +Vin pin. Input Return pin connected to system ground Signal applied to unshielded power cable bundle Signal applied between metal ground plane and system ground Signal applied to unshielded power cable bundle Met by an MQME Filter having the Transient Suppression and Reverse Polarity Protection Features * Requirement is deemed to have been met as long as transient deviations in the converter’s output voltage remain within ±10% of its initial value. † For these waveforms at Level 3 and above, an external transient suppressor of sufficient energy rating must placed across the filter’s input pins to keep the differential transient input voltage below +200V/-50V. Negative polarity waveforms may cause power flow to the converter to be interrupted long enough to cause a graceful shutdown and restart of the converter. Also, the reverse voltage protection feature of the -T filter is required to protect the converter (but not the filter) from negative polarity waveform. ** For this waveform at a Level 4 and above, external transient suppressors of sufficient energy rating must be added between the filter’s input power pins and its case to keep the common-mode transient input voltage below +800V. Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 8 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification VOLTAGE SURGE AND SPIKE COMPLIANCE MATRIX These tables show the Voltage Surge and Spike requirements/limits that have been met* by a stand-alone setup comprised of: - MQME-28-P (or –T) Filter MQFL-28-05S DC/DC Converter 120W Resistive Load Metal Chassis Plane Vehicle 28Vin Worst Case Over-Voltage Surge Part (Voltage/Duration) (Gen. + Bat.) MIL-STD-1275D 40V / 50ms (Bat. only) 100V / 50ms (Gen. only) 100V / 50ms +70V to -40V / 5ms § (Bat. Only) (Bat. Only, Non-Regen. Ld. Sw.) (Gen. only) 80V / 80ms § 40V / 50ms 80V / 80ms § 100V / 50ms +110V to -50V / 5ms § +280V to -220V max § +130V to -70V / 10µs § +174V / 350ms ±200V / 200ns / 50Ω DIT08.B, DIT07.B DET03.A 40V / 50ms § DET04.A +70V to -40V / 1ms § DIT04.A +110V / 300ms § Aircraft 28Vin MIL-HDBK-704-8 Part (Voltage/Duration) Short Duration Spikes (Voltage/Duration/Impedance) 80V / 50ms (704A) 60V / 550ms N/A 50V / 50ms 47V / 100ms (Cat A) ±600V / 10µs / 50Ω 38V / 1s 60V / 100ms (Cat B) ±200V / 10µs / 50Ω 40V / 1s 80V / 100ms (Cat C) Met by any Hi-Rel Filter +90V to -60V / 10µs § Worst Case Over-Voltage Surge (704B, C, D, E, F) RTCA/DO-160E +130V to -100V max § +90V to -60V / 10µs § +70V to -40V / 5ms § (Bat. Only, Regen. Ld. Sw.) DEF STAN 61-5 (PART 6)/6† ±250V / 15mJ / 0.5Ω 40V / 50ms (Gen. + Bat.) DEF STAN 61-5 (PART 6)/5† Short Duration Spikes (Voltage/Duration/Impedance) N/A 48V / 1s Met by an MQME-28-T Filter having the Transient Suppression and Reverse Polarity Protection Features Met by MQME-28E-T6 Filter Only: Performance Criteria C * Surge/spike requirements/limits are deemed to have been met as long as transient deviations in the converter’s output voltage remain within ±10% of its initial value. § These are defined as the maximum disturbances that equipment can inflict upon the power system, not as disturbances imposed upon utilization equipment. To ensure compatablitily, however, these are within the designed stress envelope of the indicated filters & converters. † For the DEF STAN 61-5 specification: 1) Negative surges require reverse voltage protection circuitry to protect the converter (but not the filter) from a negative input. This circuitry is included in the MQME-28-T but not the MQME-28-P and MQHE-28-P filters. 2) The negative surges may cause the converter to shut down unless additional holdup capacitance is included. 3) Maximum spike voltages are assumed to last <1µs Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 9 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS SCREENING OPTIONS Consistent with MIL-STD-883F Screening ( C-Grade specified from 0 °C to +70 °C Element Evaluation Internal Visual IPC-A-610 Class 3 No Yes Temperature Cycle Method 1010 No ) ( ES-Grade specified from -45 °C to +100 °C ) ( ) No 500 g Burn-in Method 2001 (Y1 Direction) Method 1015 24 Hrs @ +125 °C 96 Hrs @ +125 °C Yes Yes Condition C (-65 °C to +150 °C) Condition A (5000 g) 160 Hrs @ +125 °C Final Electrical Test Method 5005 (Group A) +25 °C -45, +25, +100 °C -55, +25, +125 °C Full QorSeal Full QorSeal Yes QorSeal Yes QorSeal Constant Acceleration Mechanical Seal, Thermal, and Coating Process External Visual Construction Process Method 2009 Yes Yes Yes Condition B (-55 °C to +125 °C) HB-Grade specified from -55 °C to +125 °C MilQor® Hi-Rel converters and filters are offered in three variations of environmental stress screening options. All ES-Grade and HB-Grade MilQor Hi-Rel converters use SynQor’s proprietary QorSeal® Hi-Rel assembly process that includes a Parylene-C coating of the circuit, a high performance thermal compound filler, and a nickel barrier gold plated aluminum case. Each successively higher grade has more stringent mechanical and electrical testing, as well as a longer burn-in cycle. The ES- and HB-Grades are also constructed of components that have been procured through an element evaluation process that pre-qualifies each new batch of devices. Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 10 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification MIL-STD-810F Test MIL-STD-810F Qualification Testing Method Description Fungus 508.5 500.4 - Procedure I Altitude 500.4 - Procedure II Rapid Decompression 500.4 - Procedure III Acceleration 513.5 - Procedure II Salt Fog 509.4 501.4 - Procedure I High Temperature 501.4 - Procedure II 502.4 - Procedure I Low Temperature 502.4 - Procedure II Temperature Shock 503.4 - Procedure I - C Rain 506.4 - Procedure I Immersion 512.4 - Procedure I Humidity 507.4 - Procedure II Random Vibration 514.5 - Procedure I 516.5 - Procedure I 516.5 - Procedure VI Shock Sinusoidal vibration 514.5 - Category 14 Sand and Dust 510.4 - Procedure I 510.4 - Procedure II Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Table 508.5-I Storage: 70,000 ft / 2 hr duration Operating: 70,000 ft / 2 hr duration; Ambient Temperature Storage: 8,000 ft to 40,000 ft Operating: 15 g Storage Storage: 135 °C / 3 hrs Operating: 100 °C / 3 hrs Storage: -65 °C / 4 hrs Operating: -55 °C / 3 hrs Storage: -65 °C to 135 °C; 12 cycles Wind Blown Rain Non-Operating Aggravated cycle @ 95% RH (Figure 507.5-7 aggravated temp humidity cycle, 15 cycles) 10 - 2000 Hz, PSD level of 1.5 g2/Hz (54.6 grms), duration = 1 hr/axis 20 g peak, 11 ms, Functional Shock (Operating no load) (saw tooth) Bench Handling Shock Rotary wing aircraft - helicopter, 4 hrs/axis, 20 g (sine sweep from 10 - 500 Hz) Blowing Dust Blowing Sand Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 11 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification First Article Testing consistent with MIL-STD-883F MIL-STD-883F Test Electrical Tests Physical Dimensions test Resistance to Solvents test Solderability test Lead Integrity test Salt Atmosphere test Adhesion of Lead Finish test Altitude Operation test ESD Sensitivity Stabilization Bake test Vibration Fatigue test Random Vibration test Sequential Test Group #1 Life Test – Steady State test Life Test – Intermittent Duty test Sequential Test Group #2 Temperature Cycle test Constant Acceleration test Sequential Test Group #3 Thermal Shock test Temperature Cycle test Moisture Resistance test Sequential Test Group #4 Mechanical Shock test Variable Frequency Vibration test Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Method 5005 2016 2015.13 2003.8 2004.5 1009.8 2025.4 1001 3015.7 1008.2 2005.2 2026 Description Condition “A” Condition “C” Class 2 Condition “C” Condition “A” Condition “II K” 1005.8 1006 1010.8 2001.2 Condition “C” Condition “A” 1011.9 1010.8 1004.7 Condition “B” Condition “C” With Sub cycle 2002.4 2007.3 Condition “B” Condition “A” Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 12 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin # Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Case U Positive input Positive input Positive input Input return Input return Input return Output return Output return Output return Positive output Positive output Positive output NOTES 1) Case: Aluminum with gold over nickel plate finish for the C-, ES-, and HB-Grade products. 2) Pins: 3) Diameter: 0.040’’ (1.02mm) Material: Copper Finish: Gold over Nickel plate, followed by Sn/Pb dip All dimensions in inches (mm) 4) Tolerances: 5) Weight: 1.6 oz (45.4 g) typical 6) Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class III 7) Pin 1 identification hole, not intended for mounting a) x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) b) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) Case W Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 13 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin # Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Case X Positive input Positive input Positive input Input return Input return Input return Output return Output return Output return Positive output Positive output Positive output NOTES 1) Case: Aluminum with gold over nickel plate finish for the C-, ES-, and HB-Grade products. 2) Pins: 3) 4) Diameter: 0.040’’ (1.02mm) Material: Copper Finish: Gold over Nickel plate, followed by Sn/Pb dip All dimensions in inches (mm) Tolerances: a) x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) b) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) 5) Weight: 1.6 oz (45.4 g) typical 6) Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class III Pin 1 identification hole, not intended for mounting 7) Case Y Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 14 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification PIN DESIGNATIONS Pin # Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Case Z Positive input Positive input Positive input Input return Input return Input return Output return Output return Output return Positive output Positive output Positive output NOTES 1) Case: Aluminum with gold over nickel plate finish for the C-, ES-, and HB-Grade products. 2) Pins: 3) 4) 5) Weight: 1.6 oz (45.4 g) typical 6) Workmanship: Meets or exceeds IPC-A-610C Class III Pin 1 identification hole, not intended for mounting 7) Product # MQHE-28-P Phone 1-888-567-9596 Diameter: 0.040’’ (1.02mm) Material: Copper Finish: Gold over Nickel plate, followed by Sn/Pb dip All dimensions in inches (mm) Tolerances: a) x.xx +/-0.02 in. (x.x +/-0.5mm) b) +/-0.010 in. (x.xx +/-0.25mm) Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 15 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification MilQor Filter FAMILY MATRIX The tables below show the array of MilQor filters available. When ordering SynQor converters, please ensure that you use the complete part number according to the table in the last page. Contact the factory for other requirements. Features Available Product Family Continuous Designator Input Voltage MQME-28 40V MQME-28E 70V MQHE-28 40V MQHE-28E 70V MQHE-270 Power (Amperage) Rating Version (see table below) Enable PassThrough Circuitry Transient Suppression Circuitry Soft-Start Circuitry Reverse Polarity Protection Circuitry • • • • • • • • P 320W (20A) T T6 160W (10A) P 400V 160W (1A) P MQME-270 400V 320W (2A) MQME-270L 400V 200W (3A) Product # MQHE-28-P (In Addition to Passive Filter Components) Phone 1-888-567-9596 P • R P • R Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 16 MQHE-28-P Current: 10A Technical Specification PART NUMBERING SYSTEM The part numbering system for SynQor’s MilQor DC-DC converters follows the format shown in the table below. Model Name Input Voltage Range Version 28 28E P T T6 270 270L P R MQME MQHE Package Outline/Pin Configuration Screening Grade U X Y W Z C ES HB Not all combinations make valid part numbers, please contact SynQor for availability. See the Product Summary web page for more options. Example: MQHE-28-P-Y-ES APPLICATION NOTES A variety of application notes and technical white papers can be downloaded in pdf format from the SynQor website. Contact SynQor for further information and to order: Phone: Toll Free: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address: Product # MQHE-28-P 978-849-0600 888-567-9596 978-849-0602 155 Swanson Road Boxborough, MA 01719 USA Phone 1-888-567-9596 PATENTS SynQor holds numerous U.S. patents, one or more of which apply to most of its power conversion products. Any that apply to the product(s) listed in this document are identified by markings on the product(s) or on internal components of the product(s) in accordance with U.S. patent laws. SynQor’s patents include the following: 5,999,417 6,222,742 6,545,890 6,594,159 6,894,468 6,896,526 6,927,987 7,050,309 7,072,190 7,085,146 7,119,524 7,269,034 7,272,021 7,272,023 7,558,083 7,564,702 7,765,687 7,787,261 8,023,290 8,149,597 8,493,751 8,644,027 9,143,042 WARRANTY SynQor offers a two (2) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website or is available upon request from SynQor. Doc.# 005-0005267 Rev. G 05/27/16 Page 17