MTRONPTI M7R62TAJ M7r series 5.0 volt hcmos/ttl compatible surface mount oscillator Datasheet

M7R Series 5.0 Volt HCMOS/TTL
Compatible Surface Mount Oscillators
These are non-PLL based high frequency
oscillators intended for applications that require
low phase jitter. For frequencies 80.000 MHz and
below, please see the M7S series.
*Consult factory for availability.
Pin Connections
1. Symmetry is measured at 1.4 V with TTL load, and at 50% Vdd with HCMOS load.
2. TTL load - See load circuit diagram #1 on page 92. HCMOS load - See load circuit diagram #2 on page 92.
3. Rise/Fall times are measured between 0.5 V and 2.4 V with TTL load, and between 10% Vdd and 90% Vdd with HCMOS load.
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