MSM-2210M Threaded Magnet M10 Data Housing Material Potting Material Orientation brass H59, Nickel plated Epoxy, black axially Magnetic Material Remanence Br Coercivity HcB Coercitivity HcJ Energy Product (BH) max. Magnetic Moment M Operating Temperature Temperature Coefficient Tk(Br) N30H mT kA/m kA/m kJ/m3 x10-6 Vs cm °C %/°C 1105 836 1274 235 43,6 -20 to 85 -0.11 Nominal values unless otherwise specified Dimensions in mm 38 M 10 x 1 6 SW 16 5 Customized types, other magnet materials and high temperature grades available. Page 1 of 1 Rev. 1.4, 17.11.2016, (000, 001, 009) msm2210m_ds_e_1.4 PIC Proximity Instrumentation Controls Kontaktbauelemente GmbH Nibelungenstr. 5A 90530 Wendelstein, Germany Phone +49 911 99 59 06-0 Fax +49 911 99 59 06-99