■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Chopper Stabilized Amplifier Stage CMOS for Optimum Stability, Quality and Cost Dual Output 4.5V to 28V Operation Phase/Direction Detection (B) Pulse Doubling Output (C) ■ ■ ■ ■ Direction Detector Speed Sensor Shaft Encoding Position Sensing Part No. MLX90224 A MLX90224 B MLX90224 C Temperature Suffix L L L Package VA VA VA 1 Voltage Regulator V DD Replaced with Logic for MLX90224 B 2 Chopper OUTPUT 1 4 Chopper OUTPUT 2 3 Temperature Range -40oC to 150oC Automotive -40oC to 150oC Automotive -40oC to 150oC Automotive The MLX90224 series are dual Hall effect latches. It includes two Hall effect latch functions of which typical thresholds are +/- 2.0 mT. In each latch, the magnetic flux detection is performed by a switched silicon Hall plate. The BOP and BRP are temperature-compensated and give a sensitivity temperature coefficient of 500 ppm/oC to compensate popular magnets. The MLX90224 A, C output transistor will be “latched on” (BOP) in the presence of a sufficiently strong South pole magnetic field facing the marked side of the package. Similarly, the output will be “latched off” (BRP) in the presence of a North field. Spacing on the plates is 1.85mm. The MLX90224 B series are designed for direction detection with a high speed chopper which provides 15µs delay. GND Note: Static sensitive device, please observe ESD precautions. MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 1 ! " o DC Operating Parameters TA = -40 C to 150oC, VDD = 4.5V to 28V (Unless otherwise specified) ! "# $ % # $ , - ". / & & & & ! " µ '( ) '( '( ) '( !*+ !*+ µ" µ" DC Operating Parameters TA = -40oC to 150oC, VDD = 4.5V to 28V (Unless otherwise specified) 0 , " 0 *" "" & & & & & & '( ) '( '( ) '( '( ) '( 2 3 3 1 2 1 / / / / / / # $1mT=10Gauss Melexis Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Melexis does not assume any liability arising from the use of any product or application of any product or circuit described herein. MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 2 % & Typical Magnetic Switch Points versus Supply Voltage Typical Magnetic Switch Points versus Supply Voltage 90224 A, B 5 90224 C 50 3 30 Flux Density (mT) Flux Density (mT) B OP 1 0 -1 B RP -3 B OP 10 0 -10 B RP -30 -5 -50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 Supply Voltage (V) 90224 20 25 30 90224 500 8 400 T A = -40 oC VDS(ON) (mV) Supply Current (mA) 15 Typical Saturation Voltage versus Temperature V DD = 12 V, I OUT = 20mA Typical Supply Current versus Supply Voltage 10 10 Supply Voltage (V) 6 T A = 25 oC T A = 125 oC 4 2 300 V DS(ON) 200 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -40 40 80 120 160 200 o Supply Voltage (V) MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch 0 Temperature ( C) Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 3 % & Typical Magnetic Switch Points versus Temperature Typical Magnetic Switch Points versus Temperature 90224 A, B 5 90224 C 50 3 30 Flux Density (mT) Flux Density (mT) B OP 1 0 -1 B OP 10 0 -10 B RP B RP -3 -30 -5 -50 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 -40 0 Temperature ( o C) Output Voltage versus Flux Density 80 120 160 200 Output Voltage versus Flux Density 90224 A, B 25 90224 C 25 VDD VDD 20 Output Voltage (V) 20 Output Voltage (V) 40 Temperature ( o C) 15 B RP BOP 10 5 15 B RP BOP 10 5 V sat V sat 0 -6 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -60 Flux Density (mT) MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Flux Density (mT) Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 4 % & Min/Max Magnetic Switch Range versus Temperature Min/Max Magnetic Switch Range versus Temperature 90224 A, B Only 5 90224 C 50 3 B OP M a x 30 1 Flux Density (mT) Flux Density (mT) B OP M a x B OP M i n 0 B RP M i n -1 B OP M i n 10 0 -10 B RP M i n B RP M a x -3 -30 B RP M a x -5 -50 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 -40 0 Temperature ( o C) Power Dissipation versus Temperature 120 160 200 All Devices 280 400 260 Solder Temperature (oC) Package Power Dissipation (mW) 80 Wave Soldering Parameters All Devices 500 40 Temperature ( o C) 300 200 100 240 220 200 VA Package R θJA =175 oC / W 0 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 0 Temperature ( o C) MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time in Wave Solder (Seconds) Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 5 & +, The MLX 90224 Speed and Direction Sensor is designed for use with Multipole ring magnet targets having evenly distributed North and South magnetic poles on the circumference of the magnet. An example of the basic physical arrangement of the sensor and magnet is shown in Fig. 1. The MLX90224 is available in 3 versions. The first version will provide the user with two digital output signals. Output S1 will provide a speed pulse from the changing magnetic flux at sensing element S1. Output S2 will provide a phase shifted output identical in pulse width and period to S1. This version is referred to as MLX90224 A. The MLX90224 B version will provide an output signal that decodes the phase shifted signals to directly provide an output for the speed which is twice the natural frequency of the alternating magnetic field from the pole spacing of the multipole ring magnet. The other output pin will represent the direction and will change from logic high to logic low when the direction of rotation of the magnet is reversed. This then allows to directly see the condition of the speed with twice the resolution of the MLX90224 A and to also know directly the direction of rotation of the target. The third version of this product the MLX90224 C will be identical in function of the A but with less sensitive magnetic switch points. The MLX90224 A has Latching magnetic Bop and Brp values of typically +/- 2mT as does the internal circuitry of the B. The C version has also Latching magnetic trip points but with the thresholds set to +/- 25mT. N N S S N Fig. 1 '( The MLX90224LVA can replace the following Hall effect devices: Allegro A3421KA /A3422KA ) *( 4 5) , 6 " 3 0 # 3 ) 7 7 ) 08 9"" ) 0 3: / , ) / / , ) / 2; ; 2<; <; & = ># / ) / ?1; @9 " 6 ?A2 1B Multipole Ring Magnet and MLX90224BA or BC Sensor S1 Sensor S2 Digital Output S1 Flux Density Digital Output S2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Degrees of Rotation MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 6 # Severe Environment and Automotive Protection Circuit Microcontroller Application Schematic with EMC Protection V DD R1 MLX 90224 R1 R1 MLX 90224 R2 Controller = 5.6kΩ = 3 3 2Ω = 10nF = 2.2nF Direction-Detection Circuit S N S N Timing Diagram N S S N +B N S B OP1 0 S N S S N +B N S S N S N -B B RP2 Latch Output 1 MLX90224 B Clock Input B OP2 0 S N B R P1 -B N CHANGE IN DIRECTION R L =3.3 kΩ R 1 =100Ω C 1 = 10nf C 2 = 2.2nf C2 R1 R2 C1 C2 C1 C2 Output C1 RL C2 Output C2 RL D Input Latch Output 2 Positive Edge Triggered D Flip Flop DIRECTION Direction Output DC Level SPEED MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 7 % , ' 5.33 5.43 VA Package Dimensions 5.08 5.24 VA Hall Plate / Chip Location 3.615 2.69 1.765 45 o 1.22 1.32 Hall Plates 0.25 x 0.25 3.76 3.86 4.50 4.10 2.700 1.700 A 0.387 0.289 B 45 o X 1mm Bevel 2.180 C 5o (2x) 9836 * 24A88 5o (2x) Marked Surface 3.46 3.79 3.30 3.63 0.387 0.289 D 0.40 0.60 0.35 0.25 All Dimensions in millimeters 0.10 0.00 1.0 MAX 1 2 3 E 0.22 REF 4 15.50 14.50 0.45 0.35 A 1.20 1.10 B 0.66 0.61 C 0.29 0.24 D 45 o E 0.31 0.18 18.5 17.5 * MARKING: Line 1: 1 st and 2nd digits (98) 3rd and 4th digits (36) = Year (1998 ) = Week of Year Line 2: 1st and 2nd digits (15) 3rd digit (A) 4th and 5th digits(88) = Chip I.D. (9022 4 ) = Chip Revision = Lot Number Tape Line PINOUT: P in 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 5.60 6.50 18.5 17.5 0.40 0.25 6.39 6.31 13.00 12.40 4.30 3.70 V DD Output 1 GND Output 2 NOTES: 1.) Controlling dimension: mm 2.) Leads must be free of flash and plating voids 3.) Leads must not arc toward the rear of package 4.) Lead frame material: EFTEC 64T 5.) Molding compound: Sumitomo EME 6300H 6.) Package dimensions exclude molding flash 7.) Tolerance is 0.254mm unless otherwise specified 24.3 23.3 9.76 8.95 1.00 0.00 38.00 MAX VA Tape Dimensions 0.60 0.40 For more information, please contact: Melexis, Inc. 41 Locke Road Concord, NH 03301 Phone: (603) 223-2362 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.melexis.com MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch Fax: (603) 223-9614 Rev 1.2 8/May/99 Page 8