18.725 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Substrate 2 Pin 3 #0-80 internal Thread brass insert, Press fit 9.60 4.4250 2.4375 Material 3.18mm ±0.125mm [0.125" ±0.005"] FR4/G10 or equivalent high temp material. Non-clad. Brass - PS-2 Plating: 10u" Au over 50u" Ni min. Brass 2.0625 0.4826 (x169) 4.80 18.725 9.60 3 0.80 typ. 2.50 2.50 1 13.725 TOP VIEW ISO VIEW 5.588 2.413 FRONT VIEW 0.2032±0.0127 2 Description: 169 position SMT land pattern to terminal pins (0.80mm center, 13x13 array) - To be used with GHz sockets Primary dimension units are millimeters, Secondary dimension units are [inches], Weight is in grams. Tolerances: Hole diameters ±0.03mm [±0.001"], Pitches (from true position) ±0.025mm [±0.001"], substrate thickness tolerance ±10%, all other tolerances ±0.13mm [±0.005"] unless stated otherwise. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. LS-BGA169L-05 Drawing Ironwood Electronics, Inc. Tele: (800) 404-0204 www.ironwoodelectronics.com Material: N/A Finish: N/A Weight: 2.33 STATUS: Released SHEET: 1 OF 1 REV. A ENG: S. Faiz DRAWN BY: M. Raske SCALE: 3:1 FILE: LS-BGA169L-05 Dwg DATE: 09/17/2013