CX MINIATURE CRYSTALS CX-3H-SM EUROQUARTZ Telephone: +44(0)1460 230000 Fax: +44(0)1460 230001 Email: Web: Page 18kHz to 600kHz MINIATURE SMD CRYSTAL FOR SERIES OSCILLATORS 1 of 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! General Description The CX-3H-SM quartz crystals are leadless devices designed for surface-mounting on printed circuit boards or hybrid circuits. These miniature crystals are intended for use with series oscillators. Hermetically sealed in a rugged, ceramic package, the crystals are produced utilizing a photo-lithographic process giving excellent repeatability and consistent high quality. A D D B C Motional Capacitance (C1): Quality Factor (Q): E Outline Shunt Capacitance (C0): Drive Level: CX-3H-SM Package Dimensions Dimension Typical (mm) Turning Point (T0)**: Temperature Coefficient: Ageing, first year: Shock***: Vibration, survival: Operating Temperature: Maximum (mm) A 6.73 B 2.62 2.90 C - see below D 1.27 1.52 E 1.32 1.57 Specification Frequency Range: Functional Mode: Calibration Tolerance*: Motional Resistance (R1): D (TOP) Miniature tuning fork design High shock resistance Designed for low power applications Compatible with hybrid or PCB mounting Low ageing Full military environmental testing available Ideal for battery operated applications 7.11 Storage Temperature: Max. Process Temperature: 18kHz to 600kHz Tuning Fork (Flexure) A, B, or C (see below) See Figure 1 Max: 18-25kHz, 2 x typ. 25-600kHz, 2.5 x typ. See Figure 2 See Figure 3 min. is 0.25 x typ. 1.8pF max. 18-25kHz 0.5µW max. 25-600kHz 1.0µW max. See Figure 4 -0.035ppm/°C2 ±5ppm max. 1,500g peak, 0.3ms, ½ sine 10g rms 20-2,000Hz random -10°~+70°C (commercial) -40°~+85°C (industrial) -55°~+125°C (military) -55°C~+125°C 260°C for 20 seconds Specifications are typical at 25°C unless otherwise indicated. Dimension “C” Glass Lid (mm max.) Ceramic Lid (mm max.) SM1 1.47 1.75 SM2 1.52 1.80 SM3 1.60 1.88 * ** *** CX-3V Crystal Calibration Tolerance at 25°C Calibration Equivalent Circuit 1 L1 C1 Closer frequency calibration available Other turning point available A higher shock and vibration version is available. R1 2 Frequency Range (kHz) 18~74.9 75~169.9 L 1 Motional Inductance C 1 Motional Capacitance C0 Shunt Capacitance 250~600 A ±0.003% ±0.005% ±0.01% ±0.02% B ±0.01% ±0.01% ±0.02% ±0.05% C ±0.1% ±0.1% ±0.2% ±0.5% Terminations C0 R 1 Motional Resistance 170~249.9 Designation Termination SM1 Gold Plated SM2 Nickel, Silver Plated SM3 Nickel, Solder Plated and Solder Dipped CX MINIATURE CRYSTALS CX-3H-SM EUROQUARTZ Telephone: +44(0)1460 230000 Fax: +44(0)1460 230001 Email: Web: Page 18kHz to 600kHz MINIATURE SMD CRYSTAL FOR SERIES OSCILLATORS 2 of 2 Figure 2 - CX-3H Typical Motional Capacitance (C1) 5 Circuit Design C1 2 (fF) 1.0 Conventional Series Oscillator Circuit 0.5 18 50 100 200 600 Frequency (kHz) Figure 3 - CX-3H Typical Quality Factor (Q) Oscillator Buffer 50 20 CX-1H Crystal 10 in '000s 5 Figure 1 - CX-3H Typical Motional Resistance (R1) 2 1000 18 50 100 200 600 Frequency (kHz) 500 200 R1 (k Figure 4 - CX-3H Typical Turning Point Temp. (°C) 100 W) +80 +70 50 +60 +50 +40 20 To(°C) +30 +20 10 18 50 + 10 600 100 200 0 Frequency (kHz) - 10 -20 18 50 100 200 600 Frequency (kHz) Solder Pad Layout Packaging 1.78 CX-3H-SM- Bulk Pack (Standard) - 16mm tape, 178mm or 330mm reels (Optional) per EIA 481 - Tray Pack (Optional) 3.05 5.46 Order Code CX-3H C = Ceramic Lid Blank = Glass Lid “S” if special or custom design Blank if standard Frequency -SM1 32.768kHz ( A SM1 SM2 SM3 Calibration Tolerance* @ 25°C A, B, C *For other calibration tolerances enter figure in ppm / I ) Temperature Range: C = Commercial I = Industrial M = Military S = Specify