8 Bit Monolithic Multiplying 0/ A Converter FEATURES ImprovedRepl~C8m~ntfor Industry Standard 1408/1508 ImprovedSettling Time: 250ns typ ImprovedLinearity: :to.1% Accuracy GuaranteedOver TemperatureRange(-9 Grade) HighOutput Voltage Compliance: +O.5V to -5.0V LoWpower Consumption: 157mW typ HighSpeed2.Quadrant Multiplying Input: 4.0mA/lls SlewRate SingleChip Monolithic Construction Hermetic16 Pin Ceramic DIP LoWCost OBS OLE PRODUCTDESCRIPTION TheAD1408 and AD1S08 are low cost monolithic integrated circUit8-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converters, consisting ofmatched bipolar switches, a precision resistor netWork and a controlamplifier. The single chip is mounted in a hermetically sealedceramic 16 lead dual-in-line package. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS 1. Monolithic IC construction makes the AD 1408/AD1S08 an optimum choice for applications where low cost is a major consideration. Advancedcircuit design and precision processing techniques resultin significant performance advantages over older industry standard 1408/1S08 devices. The maximum linearity error overthe specified operating temperatUre range is guaranteed to be less than :t%LSB (-9 grade) while settling time to :t'hLSB isreduced to 2S0ns. typo The temperature coefficient of gain istypically 2Oppm/C and monotonicity is guaranteed over the entire operating temperatUre range. TheAD1408/AD1S08 is recommended for all low-cost 8-bit DACrequirements; it is also suitable for upgrading overall performance where older, less accurate and slower 14O8/1S08 deviceshave been designed in. The AD14O8 series is specified for operation over the 0 to +7SoC temperature range, the ADlS08 series for operation over the entire militaty temperatUrerange of -SSoC to +12SoC. 3. Versatile design configuration allows voltage or current outputs, variable or fixed reference inputs, CMOS or TTL logic compatibility and a wide choice of accuracy and temperatUre range specifications. TE 2. The AD1408/AD1S08 directly replaces other devices of this type. 4. Accuracies within :t%LSB allow performance improvement of older applications without redesign. S. Faster settling time (2SOns typ) permits use in higher speed applications. 6. Low power consumption improves stability and reduces warm-up time. 7. The AD1408/AD1S08 multiplies in tWo quadrants when a varying reference voltage is applied. When multiplication is not required, a fixed reference is used. 8. The AD1408/AD1S08 is available in chip form; please consult factory for details. 9. The device is packaged in a hermetically-sealed ceramic 16 lead dual-in-line package. Processing to MIL-STD-883 level B is available. D/A CONVERTERS 295 SPECIFICA JIUNS (typical@+25°e andVee = +5.0Vdc, VEE= -15V deunlessotherwisenoted) MAXIMUM RATINGS RATING POWERSUPPLYVOLTAGE SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Vee VEE +5.5 -16.5 V de V de Vs thru V12 +5.5,0 V de Vo +0.5, -5.2 Vde 114 5.0 mA V14' VIS Vee, VEE Vde Po 1000 6.7 mW mWt"C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE ADI408 Series ADlS08 Series TA TA 0 to +75 -55 to +125 'c 'c STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE TG -6S to +150 'c DIGITAL INPUT VOLTAGE APPLIED OUTPUT VOLTAGE REFERENCE CURRENT REFERENCE AMPLIFIER INPUTS POWER DISSIPATION (Package Limitation) Derate: above TA = +2S.C OBS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vee = +S.OVdc:,VEE= -lSV ADI408 Series: TA = 0 to dc:, +7S.C VREF unfte otherwise All digital SYMBOL (Error Relative to Full Sc:ale '0) ADlS08-9, AD1408-9 ADlS08-8, ADI408-8 AD1408-7 SETTLINGTIME to Within 1I2LSB [Inc:ludesTpLH] (TA =+2S.C) E. E. E. ts PROPAGATION DELAY TIME TA = +2S.C OUTPUT FULL SCALE CURRENT DRIFT DIGITALINPUTWGIC LEVELS(MSB) High Levc:l,Logic:"I" Low Level,Logic "0" DIGITALINPUTCURRENT(MSB) High Levc:l,VIN= S.OV Low Levc:l, VIL = 0.8V REFERENCEINPUTBIASCURRENT (Pin IS) OUTPUTCURRENTRANGE VEE = -S.OV VEE=-6.0V to -ISV OUTPUTCURRENT R14 = l00on OUTPUTCURRENT (All BitSLow) OUTPUTVOLTAGECOMPLIANCE -(E, "0.19% OLE noted. RELATIVE ACCURACY =2.000V, ... .. 2.OmA,AD1508 Series: TA= -SS C to +12S C CHARACTERISTIC VREF at TA TpLH ,TpHL TClo MIN TYP MAX UNIT - - - - - - :to.l0 :to.19 :to.39 % % % - 2S0 - ns 30 100 ns - -20 - ppmrc 2.0 - - Vde Vde - 0 -0.4 0.04 -0.8 mA mA - -1.0 -3.0 p.A. 'oR 'oR 0 0 2.0 2.0 2.1 4.2 mA mA '0 1.9 1.99 2.1 mA '0 (min) - 0 4.0 p.A. - - - -0.6, +0.5 -S.O, +O.S Vde Vde 4.0 - mAills - O.S 2.7 p.A./V - +9 -7.S +14 -13 mA mA +4.S -4.S +S.O -IS +S.S -16.S Vde V de - 82 IS7 13S 26S mW mW - 70 132 - mW mW IJH IlL lIS Va Va SRIREF PSS'o Ice lEE - POWERSUPPLYVOLTAGERANGE = +2S.C) VeeR VEER POWERDISSIPATION All BitSLow VEE = -S.OVde VEE= -ISV de Po Po All BitS High VEE =-5.0V dc: VEE -15V de Po Po = spccif"JCatioassubject to elwlF without notice. 296 D/A CONVERTERS TE - 0.8 OUTPUT CURRENT POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY POWERSUPPLYCURRENT (All BitSLow) inputS at high logic: leve1.) - VJH VIL = +2S.C) VEE= -SV VEEbelow-l0V REFERENCECURRENTSLEWRATE (TA - - GTHEAD1408/lS08 #"",(11J\JIIplifierDriveand Compensation 16 COMPEN ~ f~s d 2b are the connection diagrams for using the Z~1508 in basic voltage output modes. In Figure 2a, a tJJl4f)8/f rencevoltage, VREF'is converted to a current by ~ifie rei:. This reference current determines the scale ~or R the output current such that the full scale output i,&torfO(1/256) less than the reference current. R15 provides 61(,58 t compensation to the reference control amplifier biJ5cU~'~etemperatUre drift; it is nominally equal to R14 toIIIj/I~~tneedn't be a stable precision resistor. This conptbOU~on a negative output voltage across RL and ratJ develops .' V '9- ireSa pOSluve REF' rei!" ative VREF is to be used, connections to the reference If'II~ amplifier must be reversed as shown in Figure 2b. This coII~~alsodelivers a negative output voltage, but presents '~ impedance to the reference source. The negative VREF . e at least 4 volts above the VEE supply. lIIustb quadrant multiplication may be performed by applying r;';olar ac signal as the reference as long as pin 14 is positive ~tive to pin 15 (reference current must flow into pin 14). If theat:reference is applied to pin 14 through R14, a negative lcageequal to the negative peak of the ac reference must be ;plied through RlS to pin IS; ifthe ac reference is applied to iJ115through RlS, a positive voltage equal to the positive ~ofthe ac reference must be applied through R14 to pin 14. Whena dc reference is used, capacitive bypass from reference toground will improve noise rejection. Thecompensation capacitor, C, provides proper phase margin forthe reference control amplifier. As R14 is increased, the dosed-loopgain of the amplifier is decreased, therefore C must beincreased. For R14 = 1.0kO, 2.SkO and S.OkO,minimum valuesof capacitance are 1SpF, 37pF and 7SpF respectively. Cmaybe tied to either VEEor ground, but tying it to VEE increasesnegative supply noise rejection. If the reference is drivenby a high-impedance current source, heavy compensationof the amplifier is required; this causes a reduction in overallbandwidth. OBS 15 VREF (-) 14 VREF (+1 13 Vcc 12 AS ILSSI 11 A7 10 A6 9AS TOP VIEW Figure 1. Pin Connections Vcc OLE 13 A1 (MSSI VREF 1+1 14 1+1 VREF J"'L R14 VREF I-I 15 4 - 10 AS (LSS) R15 ~ TE RL "l.J'" ~ R14-R15 C (SEE TEXT) VEE a. Connections for Use with Positive Reference Vcc I . Output Current Range Thenominal value for output current range is 0 to 1.992mA asdetermined by a 2mA reference current. If VEE is more negativethan -7.0 voltS, this range may be increased to a maximumof 0 to 4.2mA. An increase in speed may be realized at increasedoutput current levels, but power consumption will increase,possibly causing small shifts in linearity. Pin 1, range control, may be grounded or unconnected. Although other older devices of this type require different terminations for various applications, the AD 1408/ AD 1S08 compensates automatically. This pin is not connected internally,therefore any previously installed connections will be tolerated. Output Vol. Range Thevoltage on pin 4 is resmcted to a +O.S to -0.6 volt range when VEE = -SV. When VEE is more negative than -10 volts, this range is extended to +O.S to -S.O voltS. If the current into pin 14 is 2mA (full-scale output current = 1.992mA), a 2.SkO resistor betWeen the output, pin 4, and ground will provide a 0 to -4.980 volt full-scale. If ~ exceeds soon however, the settling time of the device is increased. 13 A1 IMSS) VREF 1+1 14 ~ VREF I-I 15 -VREF 1..I R15 4 A6 C (SEE TEXT - 10 ILSSI ~ "l.J'" ~ R14-R15 I VEE b. Connections for Use with Negative Reference Figure 2. Basic Connections D/A CONVERTERS 297 ~ Voltage Output A low impedance voltage output may be derived from the output current of the AD 1408/ADI508 by using an output amplifier as shown in Figure 3. The output current 10 flows in Ro to create a positiv~oingvoltage range at the output of amplifier AI. Ro may be chosen for the desired range of output voltage; the complete circuit transfer function is given in Figure 3. "- VREF (-) A1 CMSBI::J6 A2 8 VREF C+I 14 t5V 7 8 AD1408/ M:' ..... A7 A8 (LSBI CaMP Calibration for Unipolar Outputs (No RsP) OBS 1.21ikf! .. 6.CIOItri -16pF - 2.fiOkn Ro C Rs.. If a bipolar output voltage range is desired, Rsp, shown dotted, must be installed. Its purpose is to provide an offset equal to one-half of full-scale at the output of AI. The procedure for calibrating the circuit of Figure 3 is as follows: 1. With all bits "OFF", adjust the Al null-pot, Rl, for VOUT = O.OOV. . - RtlEF "- 11 12 4 Your I +1&V . C CSEETExn" 2. With all bits "ON", adjust RREF for VOUT = (Nominal lLSB =+9.961 volts Full Scale) - o.MN'=' -15V 2OOk +16V Calibration for Bipolar Outputs (Rsp installed, R 1 not required) y 1. With all bits "OFF", adjust Rsp for VOUT = -F.S. = -5.000 volts ADJUST VREF, R,.EFORRo so THAT WITH ALL DIGITAL INPUTS AT LOGIC "1", VOUT- 9.961 VOLTS: 2. With Bit 1 (MSB) "ON", and all other Bits "OFF", adjust RREF for VOUT = O.OOOV. YOUT A1 ua A2 KJ AA AS A6 A7 AS .~CR R,.EF 0 [ I ~+E+~+..M.+~+~+.B...+~ 2 4 8 18 OLE 3. With all bits "ON", verify that EoUT = +5.000VlLSB = 4.961V. MSB OUT -- f 2.6 1 1 1 (6knl -+-+-+-+-+-+-+1.25kS1 2 4 8 1 18 32 84 1 32 128 1 84 1 128 ] 258 1 258 ]-9.981VOLTS Figure 3. Typical Connection Diagram, AD 1408/AD 1508, Voltage Output, Fixed Reference TE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). 16-PIN DUAL-IN-LINE VREF 1+) a.14 Vcc =:~{~~~~::J#:; It 16 L VREF(-) MAX COMPEN 3 AS AA KJ LSB AS.8. Gr........ mlll.lrU "f: ~0.381 ~ ~JtJ..:::::: 0.01410.38: ADl408/AD1508 MODEL LIlliLLIT.LIiIIr...alla COMP I.. GND 0.096 (2.441 THE AD1408fAD1508 IS AVAILABLE IN CHIP FORM GUARANTEED TO -7 LEVEL PERFORMANCE. CONSULT FACTORY FOR APPLICATION AND PRICING DETAILS. Figure 5. Chip Dimensions and Pad Layout. Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). 298 D/A CONVERTERS ACCURACY (:1:%F.5.1 10 AD1408-7D AD1408-8D AD 1408-9D AD1508-8D AD 1508-9D AD 1508-8DI 883B AD1508-9DI 883B .. I. 0.306 (7.771 TEMP. RANGE (OCI 0.39 0.19 0.10 0.19 0.10 0 to +75. 0 to +75 Oto+75 -55 to +125 -55 to +125 0.19 -55 to +125 0.10 -55 to +125 \\ -I 0.2!M (7.471 ORDERING GUIDE A1 MSB Vcc 0.074 . .10612.671 ...~,-1 A2 ' ,:R 0.03510.891 15" " Figure 4. Simplified Block Diagram I 0.725 11...21 O"J2,:'~ ~~~ VEE A7 A8 0.825 120.961 I - O.o1SfO.JIJ