Low Noise Amplifier The content of this specification may change without notification 8/01/09 Low Noise Amplifier P/N: JXWBLA-T-10-1300-25 Frequency Range(MHz) Gain(dB) Noise Figure(dB) P-1dB(dBm) Input Power(dBm) VSWR Supply Voltage(V) Supply Current(mA) Operating Temperature(°C) Connector RoHS Net Weight(Kg) 10-1300 25 min 5.0 max +22 min -3 1.8 max 24 200 Typ. -40 ~ +70 SMA-Female Yes 0.08 Around For current data sheets, please contact: sales@aacix.com American Accurate Components, Inc. 188 Technology Drive, Unit H, Irvine, CA 92618 Tel: 949-453-9888 Fax: 949-453-8889 Email: sales@aacix.com 1