Model. No. FYL-5483UBC1A Rev. A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Model No.: No.:FYLFYL-548 5483UBC1A Descriptions: ■Dice material: InGaN. ■Emitting Color: Super bright Blue. ■Device Outline: Φ5*4 mm ellipse type. ■Lens Type: Water clear. CUSTOMER APPROVED SIGNATURES APPROVED BY CHECKED BY NINGBO FORYARD OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. Add:NO.115 Qixin Road Ningbo Zhejiang China Tel: 0086-574-87933652 87927870 87922206 Fax: 0086-574-87927917 E-mail: (General) Http:// Http:// PREPARED BY Zip:315051 Model. No. FYL-5483UBC1A Rev. A Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low power consumption. High efficiency. General purpose leads. High intensity. RoHs compliant. Package configura tion CATHODE Notes: 1. All dimensions are millimeters (inches) 2. Tolerance is ±0.25mm(.010”) unless otherwise noted. 3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice. Http:// Model. No. FYL-5483UBC1A Rev. A Absolute maximum ratings(Ta=25゜ с) Parameter MAX. Unit Power Dissipation 90 mW Peak Forward Current (1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width) 100 mA Continuous Forward Current 25 mA Derating Linear From 50℃ 0.4 mA/℃ 5 V Reverse Voltage Operating Temperature Range -40℃ to +85℃ Storage Temperature Range -40℃ to +100℃ Lead Soldering Temperature[4mm(.157”) From Body] 260℃ for 5 Seconds Electrical and optical characteristics(Ta=25゜ с) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Luminous Intensity IV -- 1000 -- mcd X -- 45 -- Y -- 80 -- Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 Test Condition Deg Peak Emission Wavelength λp -- 470 -- nm Dominant Wavelength λd 464 468 474 nm Spectral Line Half-Width △λ -- 30 -- nm Forward Voltage VF 2.8 3.2 3.6 V Reverse Current IR 10 µA Http:// IF=20mA VR=5V Model. No. FYL-5483UBC1A Rev. A Typical Electrical Characteristics Curves (25゜ (25゜с Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted) O3 l2 A / N a G n I Radiation Radiation pattern. Relative Lumionous Intensity(LOP @max=1) Http:// Model. No. FYL-5483UBC1A Rev. A LAMP PACKING. FORYARD RoHS Part NO: FYL-XXXXXX QC: PASS QC xxxx/xx/xx OUTSIDE LABEL FORYARD O P T O E L E C T R O N I C S FORYARD O P T O E L E C T R O N I C S LED PN:FYL-xxxxxxxx-xx Qty:XXXXX PCS Date:xxxx/xx/xx GW: xx KG NW: xx KG PASS QC: QC RoHS ATTENTION xxxxxxxxxx OUTSIDE LABEL Http:// xxxxxxxxxx