, Line. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212) 227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. MCR3835 Series MCR3935 Series Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristor .,. designed for industrial and consumer applications such as power supplies, battery chargers, temperature, motor, light and welder controls. • Economical for a Wide Range of Uses • High Surge Current — IjSM = 35° Amps • Low Forward "On" Voltage — 1.2 V (Typ) @ IJM = 35 Amps • Practical Level Triggering and Holding Characteristics — 10 rnA {Typ) @ TC = 25°C • Rugged Construction In Either Pressfit or Stud Package • Glass Passivated Junctions for Maximum Reliability SCRs 35 AMPERES RMS 50 thru 800 VOLTS MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Peak Repetitive Forward and Reverse Blocking Voltage Note 1 MCR3835-2 Symbol VDRM VRRM Value -8 50 600 -10 800 MCR393B-2 50 100 200 400 600 800 -3 -4 -6 -8 -10 Peak Non-Repetitive Reverse Blocking Voltage (t s; 5 ms) MCR3835-2 VRSM UU-2U3) STYLE 1 MCR3835 Series CASE 175-03 STYLE 1 MCR3935 Series Volts -8 35 700 -10 900 MCR3935-2 76 150 300 GOO 700 900 -3 -4 •6 -8 -10 Unit Volts Forward Current RMS 35 Amps 'TIRMS) 350 Peak Surge Current Amps ITSM (One Cycle, 60 Hz, Tj = -40 to + 125°C) 610 A2S ft Circuit Fusing (Tj = -40 to -t- 100°C, t = 1 to 8.3 ms) 5 Watts Peak Gate Power PGFM 0.6 Watt Average Gate Power PQF(AV) | Peak Forward Gate Current 2 Amps IGFM 10 Volt Peak Gate Voltage — Forward VGFM 10 Reverse VGRM -40 to +125 •C Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ Note 1. VQRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous dc basis without Incurring damage. Ratings apply for zero or negative gate voltage. Devices shall not have a positive bias applied to the gate concurrently with a negative potential on the anode. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Ounlifv MCR3835 Series • MCR3935 Series MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Storage Temperature Range Stud Torque Symbol Value Tstg -40 to +150 •c - 30 in. Ib. Symbol Max Unit THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case MCR3835 MCR3936 Unit •c/w R&JC 1.2 1.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 26°C unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Mln Symbol Peak Forward or Reverse Blocking Current (Rated VDRM or VRRM, flate open) Tj = 26"C Tj = 100°C TVP Max Unit 1 10 5 /*A mA IDRM- IRRM - Forward "On" Voltage (ITM - 35 A Peak) Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VD - 7 v, HL - 100 ni VTM — 1.2 1.5 Volts IQT — 10 40 mA 0.7 1.5 Volts VGT Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VD = 7 v, RL = 100 n) (Vo = Rated VDRM, RL = 10° ft' TJ " 100°cl VGD 0.2 IH — 10 50 mA ton — 1 — MS - 20 30 - — 50 — Holding Current (VD = 7 V, gate open) Turn-On Time (tj + tr) (ITM = 35 Adc, IQT = 40 mAdc) Turn-Off Time <ITM = 10A, |R = 10A) Its <q (iTM = 10 A, IR = 10 A. TJ = ioo°o dv/dt Forward Voltage Application Rate (VD = Rated VDRM, Tj = 100-C) FIGURE 1 -CURRENT DERATING i 90 r1CR3B3S ^H&^ m ^ ^\^ \^ =\ 3- ?o is 0° Bll 50 40 3a xJ Kxlx i ' *?%?• v X 12 16 20 24 f ((/^. 0° 32 ITIAV}, AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP] ' / 91 / / / '// dc 28 y^ 180 \ n 8.0 d OHDU ;TION ,NGLE MCR3! 135 must be derated on addition IOK, >. ., in Figure 1, the max TC of MCR3135at24Adcr!s70°C,:deratin of 30" , below Tj max. MCR3935derating v njuld be 33° C. inj TC mix E}°c. 4.U FIGURE 2 - TYPICAL POWER DISSIPATION «-a-» an V/jis vx s/ ^r A& 4.0 8.0 { w. "™" "^^ — o- CONDUCTION ANGLE 12 IB 20 24 28 32 IT(AV). AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (AMP) 36 40