, One.. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. MAC97 Series Preferred Device TRIACS 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200 thru 600 VOLTS Sensitive Gate Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors Designed for use in solid state relays, MPU interface, TTL logic and any other light industrial or consumer application. Supplied in an Inexpensive TO-92 package which is readly adaptable for use in automatic insertion equipment. • One-piece,Injection-Molded Package • Blocking Village to 600 \6lts • Sensitive Gate Triggering in Four Trigger Modes (Quadrants) for all possible Combinations ofTriggcr Sources, and especially for Circuits that Source date Drives • All Diffused and Glassivated Junctions for Maximum Uniformity of Parameters and Reliability • Device Marking: Device Type, e.g., MAC97A4, Date Code MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol VDRM VRRM On-State RMS Current Full Cycle Sine Wave 50 to 60 Hz (TC = +50"C) h~(RMS) MT1 G TO-92 (Tj = 25"C unless otherwise noted) Peak Repetitive Off-State Voltage (Tj = -40to+100"C) (Motel) Sire Wave 50 to 60 Hz, Gate Open MAC97A4 MAC97A6 MAC97-8, MAC97A8 o MT2 value Unit Volts PIN ASSIGNMENT 200 1 400 2 Gate 600 3 Main Terminal 2 0.6 Main Terminal 1 Amp ORDERING INFORMATION 'TSM 8.0 Amps See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 8 of this data sheet. I2t 0.26 A^s Preferred devices are recommended choices for future use and best overal! value Peak Gate Voltage (t -= 2.0 s, Tc = +80"C) VGM 5.0 Volts Peak Gate Power (t -= 2.0 s, Tc = +80"C) PGM 5.0 Watts Average Gate Power (Tc = 80"C, t * 8.3 ms) PG(AV) 0.1 Watt Peak Gate Current ( t * 2.0)JS. Tc = +80"C) IGM 1.0 Amp Operating Junction Temperature Range Tj -4010 + 100 "C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 t o * 150 "C Peak Non-Repetitive Surge Current One Full Cycle, Sine Wave 60 Hz (T C =110"C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (t = 8.3 ms) 1 • VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Blocking voltages shall not be tested with a constant current source such that the voltage ratings of the devices are exceeded. NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. N.I Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors MAC97 Series THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Max Unit Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Characteristic ROJC 75 Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RSJA 200 TL 260 'c/w -cm c Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes for 10 Seconds = 25 C unless otherwise noted; Electricals apply in both directions) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Characteristic | Min iyp - - Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICS Peak Repetitive Blocking Current (VD = Rated VDRM. V RRM ; Gate Open) Tj = 25 C !DRM, !RRM J 10 MA 100 MA ON CHARACTERISTICS Peak On-State Voltage OTM = ± .85 A Peak; Pulse Width * 2.0 ms, Duty Cycle ^ 2.0%) VTM Gate Trigger Current (Continuous dc) (VD - 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2 + ) G(+) MT2 + ).G(-) MT2 -) G(-) MT2 -).G(+) IGT MT2 +), G(+) MT2 + ) G(-) MT2 MT2 MAC97-8 Device MAC97A4,A6,A8 Devices — — 1.9 Volts — — — 10 10 10 10 mA — — — — — — — 5.0 5.0 5.0 70 -j.G(-) Gate Trigger Voltage (Continuous dc) (VD = 12 Vdc, RL = 100 Ohms) MT2i +), G(+) All Types MT2 + ),G(-) All Types MT2 -),G(-)AIITypes MT2 -),G( + )AII Types VGT Gate Non-Trigger Voltage (VD = 12 V RL = 100 Ohms, Tj = 110 "C) All Four Quadrants Holding Current (VD = 12 Vdc, Initiating Current = 200 mA, Gate Open) Turn-On Time (VD = Rated VDRM, ITM = 1.0 A pk, ! G = 25mA) Volts — — .66 .77 2.0 2.0 - .84 .88 2.0 2.5 VGD 0.1 - _ Volts IH _ 1.5 10 mA tgt - 2.0 dV/dt(c) - 5.0 - V/us dv/dt - 25 - V/us _ Ms DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Critical Rate-of-Rise of Commutation Voltage (VD = Rated VDRM. ITM = -84 A, Commutating di/dt = .3 A/ms, Gate Unenergized, TC = 50 C) Critical Rate of Off-State voltage (VD = Rated VDRM. Tc = 110 C, Gate Open. Exponential Waveform