Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data Document Number: MC33903_4_5 Rev. 6.0, 4/2011 SBC Gen2 with CAN High Speed and LIN Interface 33903/ 33903/4/5 The 33903/4/5 is the second generation family of the System Basis Chip (SBC). It combines several features and enhances present module designs. The device works as an advanced power management unit for the MCU with additional integrated circuits such as sensors, and CAN transceivers. It has a built-in enhanced high speed CAN interface (ISO11898-2 and -5) with local and bus failure diagnostics, protection, and Fail Safe Operation Modes. The SBC may include zero, one or two LIN 2.1 interfaces with LIN output pin switches. It includes up to four Wake-Up input pins that can also be configured as output drivers for flexibility. This device implements multiple Low Power (LP) Modes, with very low-current consumption. In addition, the device is part of a family concept where pin compatibility adds versatility to module design. The 33903/4/5 also implements an innovative and advanced fail-safe state machine and concept solution. SYSTEM BASIS CHIP EK Suffix (Pb-Free) 98ASA10556D 32-PIN SOIC ORDERING INFORMATION Features See Table of Contents 2 • Voltage regulator for MCU, 5.0 or 3.3 V, part number selectable, with possibility of usage external PNP to extend current capability and share power dissipation • Voltage, current, and temperature protection • Extremely low quiescent current in (LP) Modes • Fully-protected embedded 5.0 V regulator for the CAN driver • Multiple under-voltage detections to address various MCU specifications and system operation modes (i.e. cranking) • Auxiliary 5.0 or 3.3 V SPI configurable regulator, for additional ICs, with over-current detection and under-voltage protection • MUX (except 33903) output pin for device internal analog signal monitoring and power supply monitoring • Advanced SPI, MCU, ECU power supply, and critical pins diagnostics and monitoring. • Multiple Wake-Up sources in (LP) Modes: CAN or LIN bus, I/O transition, automatic timer, SPI message, and VDD over-current detection. • ISO11898-5 high speed CAN interface compatibility for baud rates of 40 kb/s to 1.0 Mb/s Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change the detail specifications, as may be required, to permit improvements in the design of its products. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2010 - 2011. All rights reserved. EK Suffix (Pb-Free) 98ASA10506D 54-PIN SOIC TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Simplified Application Diagrams ................................................................................................................. 3 Device Variations ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Internal Block Diagrams ............................................................................................................................. 7 Pin Connections ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Electrical Characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 17 Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................................................. 17 Static Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 19 Dynamic Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 27 Timing Diagrams ................................................................................................................................... 30 Functional Description .............................................................................................................................. 34 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 34 Functional Pin Description ..................................................................................................................... 34 Functional Device Operation .................................................................................................................... 38 Mode and State Description .................................................................................................................. 38 LP Modes .............................................................................................................................................. 39 State Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Mode Change ........................................................................................................................................ 41 Watchdog Operation .............................................................................................................................. 41 Functional Block Operation Versus Mode ............................................................................................. 43 Illustration of Device Mode Transitions. ................................................................................................. 44 Cyclic Sense Operation During LP Modes ............................................................................................ 46 Behavior at Power Up and Power Down ............................................................................................... 48 Fail Safe Operation .................................................................................................................................. 50 CAN Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 54 CAN Interface Description ..................................................................................................................... 54 CAN Bus Fault Diagnostic ..................................................................................................................... 57 LIN Block .................................................................................................................................................. 60 LIN Interface Description ....................................................................................................................... 60 LIN Operational Modes .......................................................................................................................... 60 Serial Peripheral Interface ........................................................................................................................ 62 High Level Overview .............................................................................................................................. 62 Detail Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Detail of Control Bits And Register Mapping ......................................................................................... 66 Flags and Device Status ........................................................................................................................ 83 Typical Applications ................................................................................................................................. 90 Packaging ................................................................................................................................................ 97 33903/4/5 2 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS 33905D VBAT D1 * = Optional (5.0 V/3.3 V) Q2 Q1* VBAUX VCAUX VSUP1 VAUX VE VB VDD VSUP2 SAFE DBG VDD RST INT GND VSENSE MOSI SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT I/O-0 I/O-1 SPI MCU A/D 5V-CAN CANH TXD SPLIT CAN Bus CANL LIN-TERM 1 LIN Bus LIN-1 LIN-TERM 2 LIN Bus LIN-2 RXD TXD-L1 RXD-L1 TXD-L2 RXD-L2 Figure 1. 33905D Simplified Application Diagram 33905S VBAT D1 Q2 * = Optional (5.0 V/3.3 V) Q1* VBAUX VCAUX VSUP1 VAUX VE VB VDD VSUP2 SAFE DBG GND VSENSE I/O-0 I/O-1 VDD RST INT MOSI SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT SPI MCU A/D 5V-CAN CANH CAN Bus VBAT LIN Bus SPLIT TXD CANL LIN-T RXD TXD-L RXD-L LIN I/O-3 Figure 2. 33905S Simplified Application Diagram 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 3 SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS 33904 VBAT D1 * = Optional (5.0 V/3.3 V) Q2 Q1* VBAUX VCAUX VSUP1 VAUX VE VB VDD VSUP2 SAFE DBG VDD RST INT GND VSENSE MOSI SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT I/O-0 I/O-1 SPI MCU A/D 5V-CAN CANH VBAT TXD SPLIT CAN Bus RXD CANL I/O-2 I/O-3 Figure 3. 33904 Simplified Application Diagram 33903 VBAT D1 VSUP1 DBG RST INT GND MOSI SCLK MISO CS CANH SPLIT CANL VDD VDD SAFE I/O-0 CAN Bus VSUP2 SPI MCU 5V-CAN TXD RXD Figure 4. 33903 Simplified Application Diagram 33903/4/5 4 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS 33903D VBAT D1 * = Optional Q1* VSUP VE VB VDD VDD RST SAFE DBG INT GND VSENSE MOSI SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT IO-0 CANH SPI MCU A/D 5V-CAN SPLIT TXD CANL LIN-T1/I/O-2 CAN Bus LIN Bus RXD TXD-L1 RXD-L1 TXD-L2 RXD-L2 LIN-1 LIN-T2/IO-3 LIN Bus LIN-2 Figure 5. 33903D Simplified Application Diagram 33903S VBAT D1 * = Optional Q1* VSUP SAFE DBG GND VSENSE IO-0 CANH VE VB VDD VDD RST INT MOSI SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT SPI MCU A/D 5V-CAN SPLIT VBAT CANL LIN-T1/I/O-2 CAN Bus LIN Bus LIN-1 TXD RXD TXD-L1 RXD-L1 I/O-3 Figure 6. 33903S Simplified Application Diagram 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 5 DEVICE VARIATIONS DEVICE VARIATIONS Table 1. Device Variations - (All devices rated at TA = -40 TO 125 °C) Freescale Part Number VDD Output Voltage LIN Interface(s) Wake-up Input / LIN Master Termination Package VAUX VSENSE MUX 2 2 Wake-Up + 2 LIN terms or 3 Wake-Up + 1 LIN terms or 4 Wake-Up + no LIN terms SOIC 54 pin exposed pad Yes Yes Yes SOIC 32 pin exposed pad Yes Yes Yes MC33905D (Dual LIN) *MCZ33905BD3EK/R2 3.3 V MCZ33905D5EK/R2 *MCZ33905BD5EK/R2 5.0 V MC33905S (Single LIN) *MCZ33905BS3EK/R2 3.3 V MCZ33905S5EK/R2 *MCZ33905BS5EK/R2 5.0 V 3 Wake-Up + 1 LIN terms 1 or 4 Wake-Up + no LIN terms no 4 Wake-Up SOIC 32 pin exposed pad Yes Yes Yes no 1 Wake-Up SOIC 32 pin exposed pad No No No 2 1 Wake-Up + 2 LIN terms or 2 Wake-Up + 1 LIN terms or 3 Wake-Up + no LIN terms SOIC 32 pin exposed pad No Yes Yes 1 2 Wake-Up + 1 LIN terms or 3 Wake-Up + no LIN terms SOIC 32 pin exposed pad No Yes Yes MC33904 *MCZ33904B3EK/R2 3.3 V MCZ33904A5EK/R2 *MCZ33904B5EK/R2 5.0 V MC33903 *MCZ33903B3EK/R2 3.3 V(1) *MCZ33903B5EK/R2 (1) 5.0 V MC33903D (Dual LIN) *MCZ33903BD3EK/R2 *MCZ33903BD5EK/R2 3.3 V 5.0 V MC33903S (Single LIN) *MCZ33903BS3EK/R2 *MCZ33903BS5EK/R2 3.3 V 5.0 V Notes 1. VDD does not allow usage of an external PNP on the 33903. Output current limited to 100 mA. * “B” versions are recommended for new design. Design changes in the “B” version resolved VSUP slow ramp up issues, enhanced device current consumption and improved oscillator stability. 33903/4/5 6 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VSUP2 VSUP1 5 V Auxiliary Regulator VE VB VDD Regulator VDD VS2-INT RST SAFE Fail Safe GND INT Power Management DBG Oscillator VSENSE State Machine MOSI SPI Analog Monitoring Signals Condition & Analog MUX MISO CS MUX-OUT VS2-INT I/O-0 Configurable Input-Output I/O-1 CANH 5 V-CAN Regulator Enhanced High Speed CAN Physical Interface SPLIT CANL VS2-INT LIN-T1 5 V-CAN TXD RXD TXD-L1 LIN Term #1 LIN 2.1 Interface - #1 LIN Term #2 LIN 2.1 Interface - #2 LIN1 VS2-INT LIN-T2 SCLK RXD-L1 TXD-L2 LIN2 RXD-L2 Figure 7. 33905D Internal Block Diagram 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 7 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VSUP2 VSUP1 5 V Auxiliary Regulator VE VB VDD Regulator VDD VS2-INT RST SAFE Fail Safe DBG GND INT Power Management Oscillator VSENSE State Machine MOSI SPI Analog Monitoring Signals Condition & Analog MUX SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT VS2-INT I/O-0 Configurable Input-Output I/O-1 I/O-3 CANH 5 V-CAN Regulator Enhanced High Speed CAN Physical Interface SPLIT CANL 5 V-CAN TXD RXD VS2-INT LIN-T LIN Term #1 TXD-L LIN 2.1 Interface - #1 LIN RXD-L Figure 8. 33905S Internal Block Diagram 33903/4/5 8 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VSUP1 5 V Auxiliary Regulator VSUP2 VE VB VDD Regulator VDD VS2-INT RST SAFE Fail Safe DBG GND INT Power Management Oscillator VSENSE MOSI State Machine SPI Analog Monitoring Signals Condition & Analog MUX I/O-0 I/O-1 I/O-2 I/O-3 Configurable Input-Output CANH VS2-INT 5 V-CAN Regulator CANL MUX-OUT 5 V-CAN Enhanced High Speed CAN Physical Interface SPLIT SCLK MISO CS TXD RXD Figure 9. 33904 Internal Block Diagram VSUP1 VDD Regulator VSUP2 VDD VS2-INT RST SAFE INT Power Management State Machine DBG GND I/O-0 CANH SPLIT CANL MOSI SPI Oscillator Configurable Input-Output VS2-INT 5 V-CAN Regulator Enhanced High Speed CAN Physical Interface SCLK MISO CS 5 V-CAN TXD RXD Figure 10. 33903 Internal Block Diagram 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 9 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS VSUP VE VDD VDD Regulator VS-INT RST SAFE Fail-safe INT Power Management DBG GND VB Oscillator VSENSE State Machine MOSI SPI Analog Monitoring Signals Condition & Analog MUX SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT VS-INT Configurable Input-Output IO-0 CANH 5 V-CAN Regulator Enhanced High-speed CAN Physical Interface SPLIT CANL VS-INT LIN-T1 TXD RXD TXD-L1 LIN Term #1 LIN 2.1 Interface - #1 LIN Term #2 LIN 2.1 Interface - #2 LIN1 VS-INT LIN-T2 5 V-CAN RXD-L1 TXD-L2 LIN2 RXD-L2 Figure 11. 33903D Internal Block Diagram 33903/4/5 10 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS VSUP VS-INT VDD VDD Regulator RST SAFE Fail Safe INT Power Management DBG GND VE VB Oscillator VSENSE State Machine MOSI SPI Analog Monitoring Signals Condition & Analog MUX SCLK MISO CS MUX-OUT VS-INT I/O-0 Configurable Input-Output I/O-3 CANH 5 V-CAN Regulator Enhanced High Speed CAN Physical Interface SPLIT CANL 5 V-CAN TXD RXD VS-INT LIN-T LIN Term #1 TXD-L LIN 2.1 Interface - #1 LIN RXD-L Figure 12. 33903S Internal Block Diagram 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 11 PIN CONNECTIONS PIN CONNECTIONS MC33905D NC NC NC VSUP1 VSUP2 LIN-T2/I/O-3 LIN-T1/I/O-2 SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT V-BAUX V-CAUX V-AUX MUX-OUT I/O-0 DBG NC NC NC TXD-L2 GND RXD-L2 LIN-2 NC 1 54 2 53 3 52 4 51 5 50 6 49 7 48 8 47 9 46 10 45 11 44 12 43 13 42 14 GROUND 41 15 40 16 39 17 38 18 37 19 36 20 35 21 34 22 33 23 24 32 25 30 31 26 29 27 28 MC33905S NC NC NC VB VE RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST I/O-1 VSENSE RXD-L1 TXD-L1 LIN-1 NC NC NC NC GND NC NC NC VSUP1 VSUP2 I/O-3 LIN-T/I/O-2 SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT V-BAUX V-CAUX V-AUX MUX-OUT I/O-0 DBG VB VE RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST I/O-1 VSENSE NC NC NC VSUP1 VSUP2 NC NC SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT NC NC NC NC I/O-0 DBG 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 7 26 8 GROUND 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 VB VE RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST I/O-1 VSENSE RXD-L TXD-L LIN GND - LEAD FRAME 32 pin exposed package GND - LEAD FRAME 54 pin exposed package MC33904 VSUP1 VSUP2 I/O-3 I/O-2 SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT V-BAUX V-CAUX V-AUX MUX-OUT I/O-0 DBG MC33903 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 7 26 8 GROUND 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 7 26 8 GROUND 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 GND - LEAD FRAME GND - LEAD FRAME 32 pin exposed package 32 pin exposed package NC NC RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST NC NC NC NC NC Note: MC33905D, MC33905S, MC33904 and MC33903 are footprint compatible, Figure 13. 33905D, MC33905S, MC33904 and MC33903 Pin Connections 33903/4/5 12 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PIN CONNECTIONS MC33903D VB VSUP LIN-T2 / I/O-3 LIN-T1 / I/O-2 SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT MUX-OUT IO-0 DBG TXD-L2 GND RXD-L2 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 7 26 8 GROUND 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 MC33903S VE RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST VSENSE RXD-L1 TXD-L1 LIN1 GND LIN2 VB VSUP I/O-3 LIN-T / I/O-2 SAFE 5V-CAN CANH CANL GND CAN SPLIT MUX-OUT I/O-0 DBG NC GND NC 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 7 26 8 GROUND 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 VE RXD TXD VDD MISO MOSI SCLK CS INT RST VSENSE RXD-L TXD-L LIN GND NC GND - LEAD FRAME GND - LEAD FRAME 32 pin exposed package 32 pin exposed package Note: MC33903D and MC33903S are footprint compatible. Figure 14. 33905D, MC33905S, MC33904 and MC33903 Pin Connections 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 13 PIN CONNECTIONS Table 2. 33903/4/5 Pin Definitions A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 34. 54 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33905D 33905S 33904 32 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33903 33903D 33903S Formal Name 14, 16, 17 N/C No Connect - Definition No Connection N/A 4 1 1 1 2 2 VSUP/1 Power Battery Voltage Supply 1 Supply input for the device internal supplies, power on reset circuitry and the VDD regulator. VSUP and VSUP1 supplies are internally connected on part number MC33903BDEK and MC33903BSEK 5 2 2 2 N/A N/A VSUP2 Power Battery Voltage Supply 2 Supply input for 5 V-CAN regulator, VAUX regulator, I/O and LIN pins. VSUP1 and VSUP2 supplies are internally connected on part number MC33903BDEK and MC33903BSEK 6 3 3 N/A 3 3 LIN-T2 Output or or LIN Termination 2 33903D and 33905D - Output pin for the LIN2 master node termination resistor. I/O-3 Input/ Output 4 4 N/A N/A Pin Function 1-3,2022,2730,3235,5254 7 17, 18, 3-4,1119 14, 1721, 31, 32 Pin Name 4 4 33903S Only - Do NOT connect the N/ C pins to GND. Leave these pins Open. or or Input/Output 3 33903S, 33903D, 33904, 33905S and 33905D - Configurable pin as an input or HS output, for connection to external circuitry (switched or small load). The input can be used as a programmable Wake-Up input in (LP) Mode. When used as a HS, no over-temperature protection is implemented. A basic short to GND protection function, based on switch drain-source over-voltage detection, is available. LIN Termination 33905D - Output pin for the LIN1 master node termination resistor. LIN-T1 Output or or LIN-T Input/ Output or Input/Output 2 33903S, 33903D, 33904, 33905S and 33905D - Configurable pin as an input or HS output, for connection to external circuitry (switched or small load). The input can be used as a programmable Wake-Up input in (LP) Mode. When used as a HS, no over-temperature protection is implemented. A basic short to GND protection function, based on switch drain-source over-voltage detection, is available. 1 or I/O-2 or 8 5 5 5 5 5 SAFE Output Safe Output (Active LOW) Output of the safe circuitry. The pin is asserted LOW if a safe condition is detected (e.g.: software watchdog is not triggered, VDD low, issue on the RESET pin, etc.). Open drain structure. 9 6 6 6 6 6 5 V-CAN Output 5V-CAN Output voltage for the embedded CAN interface. A capacitor must be connected to this pin. 10 7 7 7 7 7 CANH Output CAN High CAN high output. 33903/4/5 14 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PIN CONNECTIONS Table 2. 33903/4/5 Pin Definitions (continued) A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 34. 54 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33905D 33905S 33904 32 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33903 33903D 33903S Pin Name Pin Function Formal Name Definition 11 8 8 8 8 8 CANL Output CAN Low CAN low output. 12 9 9 9 9 9 GND-CAN Ground GND-CAN Power GND of the embedded CAN interface 13 10 10 10 10 10 SPLIT Output SPLIT Output 14 11 11 N/A N/A N/A VBAUX Output VB Auxiliary Output pin for external path PNP transistor base 15 12 12 N/A N/A N/A VCAUX Output VCOLLECTO R Auxiliary Output pin for external path PNP transistor collector 16 13 13 N/A N/A N/A VAUX Output VOUT Auxiliary Output pin for the auxiliary voltage. 17 14 14 N/A 11 11 MUX-OUT Output Multiplex Output Multiplexed output to be connected to an MCU A/D input. Selection of the analog parameter available at MUX-OUT is done via the SPI. A switchable internal pull-down resistor is integrated for VDD current sense measurements. 18 15 15 15 12 12 I/O-0 Input/ Output Input/Output 0 Configurable pin as an input or output, for connection to external circuitry (switched or small load). The voltage level can be read by the SPI and via the MUX output pin. The input can be used as a programmable Wake-Up input in LP Mode. In LP, when used as an output, the High Side (HS) or Low Side (LS) can be activated for a cyclic sense function. 19 16 16 16 13 13 DBG Input Debug 23 N/A N/A N/A 14 N/A TXD-L2 Input LIN Transmit Data 2 24,31 N/A N/A N/A 15, 18 15, 18 GND Ground Ground 25 N/A N/A N/A 16 N/A RXD-L2 Output LIN Receive Data 26 N/A N/A N/A 17 N/A LIN2 Input/ Output LIN bus LIN bus input output connected to the LIN bus. 36 17 N/A N/A 19 19 33903D/5D LIN-1 33903S/5S LIN Input/ Output LIN bus LIN bus input output connected to the LIN bus. 37 18 N/A N/A 20 20 33903D/5D TXDL11 33903S/5S TXD-L Input LIN Transmit Data LIN bus transmit data input. Includes an internal pull-up resistor to VDD. 38 19 N/A N/A 21 21 33903D/5D RXDL1 33903S/5S RXD-L Output LIN Receive Data LIN bus receive data output. Output pin for connection to the middle point of the split CAN termination Input to activate the Debug Mode. In Debug Mode, no watchdog refresh is necessary. Outside of Debug Mode, connection of a resistor between DBG and GND allows the selection of Safe Mode functionality. LIN bus transmit data input. Includes an internal pull-up resistor to VDD. Ground of the IC. LIN bus receive data output. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 15 PIN CONNECTIONS Table 2. 33903/4/5 Pin Definitions (continued) A functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning on page 34. 54 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33905D 33905S 33904 32 Pin 32 Pin 32 Pin 33903 33903D 33903S Pin Name Pin Function Formal Name Definition 39 20 20 N/A 22 22 VSENSE Input Sense input Direct battery voltage input sense. A serial resistor is required to limit the input current during high voltage transients. 40 21 21 N/A N/A N/A I/O-1 Input/ Output Input Output 1 Configurable pin as an input or output, for connection to external circuitry (switched or small load). The voltage level can be read by the SPI and the MUX output pin. The input can be used as a programmable Wake-Up input in (LP) Mode. It can be used in association with I/O-0 for a cyclic sense function in (LP) Mode. 41 22 22 22 23 23 RST Output Reset Output (Active LOW) This is the device reset output whose main function is to reset the MCU. This pin has an internal pull-up to VDD. The reset input voltage is also monitored in order to detect external reset and safe conditions. 42 23 23 23 24 24 INT Output Interrupt Output (Active LOW) This output is asserted low when an enabled interrupt condition occurs. This pin is an open drain structure with an internal pull up resistor to VDD. 43 24 24 24 25 25 CS Input Chip Select (Active LOW) Chip select pin for the SPI. When the CS is low, the device is selected. In (LP) Mode with VDD ON, a transition on CS is a Wake-Up condition 44 25 25 25 26 26 SCLK Input Serial Data Clock Clock input for the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) of the device 45 26 26 26 27 27 MOSI Input Master Out / Slave In SPI data received by the device 46 27 27 27 28 28 MISO Output Master In / Slave Out SPI data sent to the MCU. When the CS is high, MISO is high-impedance 47 28 28 28 29 29 VDD Output Voltage Digital Drain 5.0 or 3.3 V output pin of the main regulator for the Microcontroller supply. 48 29 29 29 30 30 TXD Input 49 30 30 30 31 31 RXD Output 50 31 31 N/A 32 32 VE 51 32 32 N/A 1 1 VB Output Voltage Base GND Ground Ground EX PAD EX PAD EX PAD EX PAD EX PAD EX PAD Transmit Data CAN bus transmit data input. Internal pull-up to VDD Receive Data Voltage Emitter CAN bus receive data output Connection to the external PNP path transistor. This is an intermediate current supply source for the VDD regulator Base output pin for connection to the external PNP pass transistor Ground 33903/4/5 16 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 3. Maximum Ratings All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device. Ratings ELECTRICAL Symbol Value Unit RATINGS(2) Supply Voltage at VSUP/1 and VSUP2 Normal Operation (DC) Transient Conditions (Load Dump) V VSUP1/2 -0.3 to 28 VSUP1/2TR -0.3 to 40 VBUSLIN -28 to 28 VBUSLINTR -28 to 40 DC voltage on LIN/1 and LIN2 Normal Operation (DC) Transient Conditions (Load Dump) V DC voltage on CANL, CANH, SPLIT Normal Operation (DC) Transient Conditions (Load Dump) V VBUS -28 to 28 VBUSTR -32 to 40 VSAFE -0.3 to 28 VSAFETR -0.3 to 40 DC Voltage at SAFE V Normal Operation (DC) Transient Conditions (Load Dump) DC Voltage at I/O-0, I/O-1, I/O-2, I/O-3 (LIN-T Pins) Normal Operation (DC) V VI/O -0.3 to 28 VI/OTR -0.3 to 40 VDIGLIN -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V VDIG -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V DC Voltage at INT VINT -0.3 to 10 V DC Voltage at RST VRST -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V DC Voltage at MOSI, MSIO, SCLK and CS VRST -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V DC Voltage at MUX-OUT VMUX -0.3 to VDD +0.3 V DC Voltage at DBG VDBG -0.3 to 10 V ILH 200 mA VREG -0.3 to 5.5 V VREG -0.3 to 40 V VE -0.3 to 40 V VSENSE -28 to 40 V Transient Conditions (Load Dump) DC voltage on TXD-L, TXD-L1 TXD-L2, RXD-L, RXD-L1, RXD-L2 DC voltage on TXD, RXD (4) Continuous current on CANH and CANL DC voltage at VDD, 5V-CAN, VAUX, VCAUX DC voltage at VBASE(3) DC voltage at VE and VBAUX (4) DC voltage at VSENSE Notes 2. The voltage on non-VSUP pins should never exceed the VSUP voltage at any time or permanent damage to the device may occur. 3. 4. If the voltage delta between VSUP/1/2 and VBASE is greater than 6.0 V, the external VDD ballast current sharing functionality may be damaged. Potential Electrical Over Stress (EOS) damage may occur if RXD is in contact with VE while the device is ON. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 17 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 3. Maximum Ratings (continued) All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device. Ratings Symbol Value ESD Capability Unit V AECQ100(5) Human Body Model - JESD22/A114 (CZAP = 100 pF, RZAP = 1500 Ω) VESD1-1 VESD1-2 ±8000 ±2000 VESD2-1 VESD2-2 ±750 ±500 VESD3-1 VESD3-2 VESD3-3 ±15000 ±15000 ±15000 VESD4-1 VESD4-2 VESD4-3 ±9000 ±12000 ±7000 Junction temperature TJ 150 °C Ambient temperature TA -40 to 125 °C Storage temperature TST -50 to 150 °C RθJA 50(8) °C/W TPPRT Note 7 °C CANH and CANL. LIN1 and LIN2, Pins versus all GND pins all other Pins including CANH and CANL Charge Device Model - JESD22/C101 (CZAP = 4.0 pF) Corner Pins (Pins 1, 16, 17, and 32) All other Pins (Pins 2-15, 18-31) Tested per IEC 61000-4-2 (CZAP = 150 pF, RZAP = 330 Ω) Device unpowered, CANH and CANL pin without capacitor, versus GND Device unpowered, LIN, LIN1 and LIN2 pin, versus GND Device unpowered, VS1/VS2 (100 nF to GND), versus GND Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor on VSUP/1/2 pins (See Typical Applications on page 90) CANH, CANL without bus filter LIN, LIN1 and LIN2 with and without bus filter I/O with external components (22 k - 10 nF) THERMAL RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Thermal resistance junction to ambient(8) Peak package reflow temperature during reflow (6), (7) Notes 5. ESD testing is performed in accordance with the Human Body Model (HBM) (CZAP = 100 pF, RZAP = 1500 Ω), the Charge Device Model (CDM), and Robotic (CZAP = 4.0 pF). 6. 7. 8. Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the device. Freescale’s Package Reflow capability meets Pb-free requirements for JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. For Peak Package Reflow Temperature and Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSL), Go to, search by part number [e.g. remove prefixes/suffixes and enter the core ID to view all orderable parts. (i.e. MC33xxxD enter 33xxx), and review parametrics. This parameter was measured according to Figure 15: PCB 100mm x 100mm Top side, 300 sq. mm (20mmx15mm) Bottom side 20mm x 40mm Bottom view Figure 15. PCB with Top and Bottom Layer Dissipation Area (Dual Layer) 33903/4/5 18 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Nominal DC Voltage Range(9) VSUP1/VSUP2 5.5 Extended DC Low Voltage Range(10) VSUP1/VSUP2 4.0 - 28 V - 5.5 V 5.5 0.22 6.0 0.35 6.5 6.6 0.5 POWER INPUT Under-voltage Detector Thresholds, at the VSUP/1 pin, VS1_LOW Low threshold (VSUP/1 ramp down) High threshold (VSUP/1 ramp up) Hysteresis Note: function not active in LP Modes Under-voltage Detector Thresholds, at the VSUP2 pin: V VS2_LOW Low threshold (VSUP2 ramp down) High threshold (VSUP2 ramp up) Hysteresis Note: function not active in LP Modes V 5.5 0.22 6.0 0.35 6.5 6.6 0.5 VS_HIGH 16.5 17 18.5 V Battery loss detection threshold, at the VSUP/1 pin. BATFAIL 2.0 2.8 4.0 V VSUP/1 to turn VDD ON, VSUP/1 rising VSUP-TH1 - 4.1 4.5 V VSUP-TH1HYST 150 180 - 2.0 0.05 4.0 0.85 - 2.8 - 4.5 5.0 5.5 8.0 VSUP Over-voltage Detector Thresholds, at the VSUP/1 pin: Not active in LP Modes VSUP/1 to turn VDD ON, hysteresis (Guaranteed by design) Supply current(11), (12) ISUP1 - from VSUP/1 - from VSUP2, (5V-CAN VAUX, I/O OFF) Supply current, ISUP1 + ISUP2, Normal Mode, VDD ON VSUP ≤ 18 V, -40 to 125 °C μA - 15 - 35 50 μA ILPM_ON - VSUP ≤ 18 V, -40 to 25 °C, IDD = 1.0 μA VSUP ≤ 18 V, -40 to 25 °C, IDD = 100 μA VSUP ≤ 18 V, 125 °C, IDD = 100 μA LP Mode, additional current for oscillator (used for: cyclic sense, forced WakeUp, and in LP VDD ON Mode cyclic interruption and watchdog) mA ILPM_OFF VSUP ≤ 18 V, -40 to 25 °C VSUP ≤ 18 V, 125 °C LP Mode VDD ON (5.0 V) with VDD under-voltage and VDD over-current monitoring, Wake-Up from CAN, I/O-x inputs mA ISUP1+2 - 5 V-CAN OFF, VAUX OFF - 5 V-CAN ON, CAN interface in Sleep Mode, VAUX OFF - 5 V-CAN OFF, Vaux ON - 5 V-CAN ON, CAN interface in TXD/RXD Mode, VAUX OFF, I/O-x disabled LP Mode VDD OFF. Wake-up from CAN, I/O-x inputs mV 20 40 - 65 85 μA IOSC - 5.0 9.0 Notes 9. All parameters in spec (ex: VDD regulator tolerance). 10. 11. 12. Device functional, some parameters could be out of spec. VDD is active, device is not in Reset Mode if the lowest VDD under-voltage reset threshold is selected (approx. 3.4 V). CAN and I/Os are not operational. In Run Mode, CAN interface in Sleep Mode, 5 V-CAN and VAUX turned OFF. IOUT at VDD < 50 mA. Ballast: turned OFF or not connected. VSUP1 and VSUP2 supplies are internally connected on part number MC33903BDEK and MC33903BSEK. Therefore, ISUP1 and ISUP2 cannot be measured individually. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 19 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max VDD = 5.0 V, VSUP 5.5 to 28 V, IOUT 0 to 150 mA VOUT-5.0 4.9 5.0 5.1 VDD = 3.3 V, VSUP 5.5 to 28 V, IOUT 0 to 150 mA VOUT-3.3 3.234 3.3 3.366 Unit VDD VOLTAGE REGULATOR, VDD PIN Output Voltage V Drop voltage without external PNP pass transistor(13) VDROP mV VDD = 5.0 V, IOUT = 100 mA - 330 450 VDD = 5.0 V, IOUT = 150 mA - - 500 - 350 500 VDD = 3.3 V, IOUT = 150 mA 4.0 - - VDD = 3.3 V, IOUT = 200 mA, external transistor implemented 4.0 - - K 1.5 2.0 2.5 Output Current limitation, without external transistor ILIM 150 350 550 mA Temperature pre-warning (Guaranteed by design) TPW - 140 - °C Thermal shutdown (Guaranteed by design) TSD 160 - - °C Range of decoupling capacitor (Guaranteed by design)(14) CEXT 4.7 - 100 μF LP Mode VDD ON, IOUT ≤ 50 mA (time limited) VDDLP VDD = 5.0 V, 5.6 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V 4.75 5.0 5.25 VDD = 3.3 V, 5.6 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V 3.135 3.3 3.465 - - 50 Over-current Wake-Up threshold. 1.0 3.0 - Hysteresis 0.1 1.0 - Drop voltage with external transistor (13) VDROP-B IOUT = 200 mA (I_BALLAST + I_INTERNAL) VSUP/1 to maintain VDD within VOUT-3.3 specified voltage range External ballast versus internal current ratio (I_BALLAST = K x Internal current) LP Mode VDD ON, dynamic output current capability (Limited duration. Ref. to device description). LP VDD ON Mode: mV VSUP1-3.3 LP-IOUTDC V V LP-ITH mA mA LP Mode VDD ON, drop voltage, at IOUT = 30 mA (Limited duration. Ref. to device description) (13) LP-VDROP - 200 400 mV LP Mode VDD ON, min VSUP operation (Below this value, a VDD, under-voltage reset may occur) LP-MINVS 5.5 - - V VDD_OFF - - 0.3 V VDD_START UP 3.0 - - V VDD when VSUP < VSUP-TH1, at I_VDD ≤ 10 μA (Guaranteed by design) VDD when VSUP ≥ VSUP-TH1, at I_VDD ≤ 40 mA (Guaranteed with parameter VSUP-TH1 Notes 13. For 3.3 V VDD devices, the drop-out voltage test condition leads to a VSUP below the min VSUP threshold (4.0 V). As a result, the dropout voltage parameter cannot be specified. 14. The regulator is stable without an external capacitor. Usage of an external capacitor is recommended for AC performance. 33903/4/5 20 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max 4.75 5.0 5.25 Unit VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR CAN INTERFACE SUPPLY, 5.0 V-CAN PIN Output voltage, VSUP/2 = 5.5 to 40 V IOUT 0 to 160 mA 5V-C OUT V Output Current limitation (15) 5V-C ILIM 160 280 - mA Under-voltage threshold 5V-C UV 4.1 4.5 4.7 V 5V-CTS 160 - - °C CEXT-CAN 1.0 - 100 μF VAUX = 5.0 V, VSUP = VSUP2 5.5 to 40 V, IOUT 0 to 150 mA 4.75 5.0 5.25 VAUX = 3.3 V, VSUP = VSUP2 5.5 to 40 V, IOUT 0 to 150 mA 3.135 3.3 3.465 Low Threshold 4.2 4.5 4.70 Hysteresis 0.06 - 0.12 2.75 3.0 3.135 Thermal shutdown (Guaranteed by design) External capacitance (Guaranteed by design) V AUXILIARY OUTPUT, 5.0 AND 3.3 V SELECTABLE PIN VB-AUX, VC-AUX, VAUX VAUX output voltage VAUX under-voltage detector (VAUX configured to 5.0 V) VAUX VAUX-UVTH VAUX under-voltage detector (VAUX configured to 3.3 V, default value) VAUX over-current threshold detector V V VAUX-ILIM mA VAUX set to 3.3 V 250 360 450 VAUX set to 5.0 V 230 330 430 VAUX CAP 2.2 - 100 μF VRST-TH1 4.5 4.65 4.85 V - - 4.90 2.75 3.0 3.135 - - 3.135 2.95 3.2 3.45 for threshold 90% VDD, 5.0 V device 20 - 150 for threshold 70% VDD, 5.0 V device 10 - 150 10 - 150 (Note: device change to Normal Request Mode). VDD 5.0 V 4.0 4.5 4.85 (Note: device change to Normal Request Mode). VDD 3.3 V 2.75 3.0 3.135 External capacitance (Guaranteed by design) UNDER-VOLTAGE RESET AND RESET FUNCTION, RST PIN VDD under-voltage threshold down - 90% VDD (VDD 5.0 V)(16), (18) VDD under-voltage threshold up - 90% VDD (VDD 5.0 V) VDD under-voltage threshold down - 90% VDD (VDD 3.3 V)(16), (18) VDD under-voltage threshold up - 90% VDD (VDD 3.3 V) VDD under-voltage reset threshold down - 70% VDD (VDD 5.0 V)(17), (18) VRST-TH2-5 Hysteresis VRST-HYST V mV Hysteresis 3.3 V VDD for threshold 90% VDD, 3.3 V device VDD under-voltage reset threshold down - LP VDD ON Mode Notes 15. 16. 17. 18. VRST-LP V Current limitation will be reported by setting a flag. Generate a Reset or an INT. SPI programmable Generate a Reset In Non-LP Modes 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 21 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit UNDER-VOLTAGE RESET AND RESET FUNCTION, RST PIN (CONTINUED) Reset VOL @ 1.5 mA, VSUP 5.5 to 28 V VOL - 300 500 mV IRESET LOW 2.5 7.0 10 mA Pull-up resistor (to VDD pin) RPULL-UP 8.0 11 15 kΩ VSUP to guaranteed reset low level(19) VSUP-RSTL 2.5 - - V Reset input threshold VRST-VTH Low threshold, VDD = 5.0 V 1.5 1.9 2.2 High threshold, VDD = 5.0 V 2.5 3.0 3.5 Low threshold, VDD = 3.3 V 0.99 1.17 1.32 High threshold, VDD = 3.3 V 1.65 2.0 2.31 VHYST 0.5 1.0 1.5 V VI/O-0 HSDRP - 0.5 1.4 V Current limitation, Reset activated, VRESET = 0.9 x VDD Reset input hysteresis V I/O PINS WHEN FUNCTION SELECTED IS OUTPUT I/O-0 HS switch drop @ I = -12 mA, VSUP = 10.5 V I/O-2 and I/O-3 HS switch drop @ I = -20 mA, VSUP = 10.5 V VI/O-2-3 HSDRP - 0.5 1.4 V I/O-1, HS switch drop @ I = -400 μA, VSUP = 10.5 V VI/O-1 HSDRP - 0.4 1.4 V I/O-0, I/O-1 LS switch drop @ I = 400 μA, VSUP = 10.5 V VI/O-01 LSDRP - 0.4 1.4 V II/O_LEAK - 0.1 3.0 μA Negative threshold VI/O_NTH 1.4 2.0 2.9 V Positive threshold VI/O_PTH 2.1 3.0 3.8 V Hysteresis Leakage current, I/O-x ≤ VSUP I/O PINS WHEN FUNCTION SELECTED IS INPUT VI/O_HYST 0.2 1.0 1.4 V Input current, I/O ≤ VSUP/2 II/O_IN -5.0 1.0 5.0 μA I/O-0 and I/O-1 input resistor. I/O-0 (or I/O-1) selected in RI/O-X - 100 - kΩ 8.1 8.6 9.0 register, 2.0 V < VI/O-X <16 V (Guaranteed by design). VSENSE INPUT VSENSE under-voltage threshold (Not active in LP Modes) VSENSE_TH Low Threshold High threshold Hysteresis Input resistor to GND. In all modes except in LP Modes. (Guaranteed by design). RVSENSE V - - 9.1 0.1 0.25 0.5 - 125 - kΩ Notes 19. Reset must be kept low 33903/4/5 22 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Output Voltage Range, with external resistor to GND >2.0 kΩ VOUT_MAX Internal pull-down resistor for regulator output current sense RMI CMUX Unit 0.0 - VDD - 0.5 V 0.8 1.9 2.8 kΩ - - 1.0 ANALOG MUX OUTPUT External capacitor at MUX OUTPUT(20) (Guaranteed by design) Chip temperature sensor coefficient (Guaranteed by design and device characterization) TEMP-COEFF VDD = 5.0 V 20 21 22 VDD = 3.3 V 13.2 13.9 14.6 Chip temperature: MUX-OUT voltage VTEMP V VDD = 5.0 V, TA = 125 °C 3.6 3.75 3.9 VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 125 °C 2.45 2.58 2.65 Chip temperature: MUX-OUT voltage (guaranteed by design and characterization) VTEMP(GD) V TA = -40 °C, VDD = 5.0 V 0.12 0.30 0.48 TA = 25 °C, VDD = 5.0 V 1.5 1.65 1.8 TA = -40 °C, VDD = 3.3 V 0.07 0.19 0.3 TA = 25 °C, VDD = 3.3 V 1.08 1.14 1.2 VDD = 5.0 V 5.42 5.48 5.54 VDD = 3.3 V 8.1 8.2 8.3 -20 - 20 VDD = 5.0 V 5.335 5.5 5.665 VDD = 3.3 V 7.95 8.18 8.45 3.8 4.0 4.2 - 2.0 - 5.6 5.8 6.2 - 1.3 - VDD = 5.0 V 2.45 2.5 2.55 VDD = 3.3 V 1.64 1.67 1.7 Gain for VSENSE, with external 1.0 k 1% resistor Offset for VSENSE, with external 1.0 k 1% resistor Divider ratio for VSUP/1 Attenuation/Gain ratio for I/O-0 and I/O-1 actual voltage: VSENSE GAIN VSENSE OFFSET VI/O RATIO VDD = 5.0 V, (Gain, MUX-OUT register bit 3 set to 0) VDD = 3.3 V, I/O = 16 V (Attenuation, MUX-OUT register bit 3 set to 1) VDD = 3.3 V, (Gain, MUX-OUT register bit 3 set to 0) Current ratio between VDD output & IOUT at MUX-OUT mV VSUP/1 RATIO VDD = 5.0 V, I/O = 16 V (Attenuation, MUX-OUT register bit 3 set to 1) Internal reference voltage nF mv/°C VREF V IDD_RATIO (IOUT at MUX-OUT = IDD out / IDD_RATIO) At IOUT = 50 mA 80 97 115 62.5 97 117 VOL 0.0 0.2 1.0 V ISAFE-IN - 0.0 1.0 μA I_OUT from 25 to 150 mA SAFE OUTPUT SAFE low level, at I = 500 μA Safe leakage current (VDD low, or device unpowered). VSAFE 0 to 28 V. Notes 20. When C is higher than CMUX, a serial resistor must be inserted 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 23 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit INTERRUPT Output low voltage, IOUT = 1.5 mA VOL - 0.2 1.0 V Pull-up resistor RPU 6.5 10 14 kΩ Output high level in LP VDD ON Mode (Guaranteed by design) VOH-LPVDDON 3.9 4.3 Leakage current INT voltage = 10 V (to allow high-voltage on MCU INT pin) VMAX - 35 100 μA Sink current, VINT > 5.0 V, INT low state I SINK 2.5 6.0 10 mA Output low voltage, IOUT = 1.5 mA (MISO) VOL - - 1.0 V Output high voltage, IOUT = -0.25 mA (MISO) VOH VDD -0.9 - Input low voltage (MOSI, SCLK,CS) VIL - - Input high voltage (MOSI, SCLK,CS) VIH 0.7 x VDD - - V Tri-state leakage current (MISO) IHZ -2.0 - 2.0 μA Pull-up current (CS) IPU 200 370 500 μA High Level Input Voltage VIH 0.7 x VDD - VDD + 0.3 V Low Level Input Voltage VIL -0.3 - 0.3 x VDD V VDD =5.0 V -850 -650 -200 VDD =3.3 V -500 -250 -175 0.0 - 0.3 x VDD 0.7 x VDD - VDD V MISO, MOSI, SCLK, CS PINS V 0.3 x VDD V CAN LOGIC INPUT PINS (TXD) Pull-up Current, TXD, VIN = 0 V IPDWN µA CAN DATA OUTPUT PINS (RXD) Low Level Output Voltage VOUTLOW IRXD = 5.0 mA High Level Output Voltage VOUTHIGH IRX = -3.0 mA High Level Output Current VRXD = 0.4 V V IOUTHIGH VRXD = VDD - 0.4 V Low Level Input Current V mA 2.5 5.0 9.0 IOUTLOW mA 2.5 5.0 9.0 33903/4/5 24 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VCOM -12 - 12 V VCANH-VCANL 500 - 900 mV VDIFF-HYST 50 - - mV RIN 5.0 - 50 kΩ CAN OUTPUT PINS (CANH, CANL) Bus pins common mode voltage for full functionality Differential input voltage threshold Differential input hysteresis Input resistance Differential input resistance RIN-DIFF 10 - 100 kΩ RIN-MATCH -3.0 0.0 3.0 % TXD dominant state 2.75 3.5 4.5 TXD recessive state 2.0 2.5 3.0 TXD dominant state 0.5 1.5 2.25 TXD recessive state 2.0 2.5 3.0 TXD dominant state 1.5 2.0 3.0 TXD recessive state -0.5 0.0 0.05 Input resistance matching CANH output voltage (45 Ω < RBUS < 65 Ω) CANL output voltage (45 Ω < RBUS < 65 Ω) Differential output voltage (45 Ω < RBUS < 65 Ω) VCANH V VCANL V VOH-VOL V CAN H output current capability - Dominant state ICANH - - -30 mA CAN L output current capability - Dominant state ICANL 30 - - mA CANL over-current detection - Error reported in register ICANL-OC 75 120 195 mA CANH over-current detection - Error reported in register ICANH-OC -195 -120 -75 mA CANH, CANL input resistance to GND, device supplied, CAN in Sleep Mode, V_CANH, V_CANL from 0 to 5.0 V RINSLEEP 5.0 - 50 kΩ CANL, CANH output voltage in LP VDD OFF and LP VDD ON modes VCANLP -0.1 0.0 0.1 V CANH, CANL input current, VCANH, VCANL = 0 to 5.0 V, device unpowered (VSUP, VDD, 5V-CAN: open).(21) ICAN-UN_SUP1 - 3.0 10 µA CANH, CANL input current, VCANH, VCANL = -2.0 to 7.0 V, device unpowered (VSUP, VDD, 5V-CAN: open).(21) ICAN-UN_SUP2 - - 250 µA Differential voltage for recessive bit detection in LP Mode(22) VDIFF-R-LP - - 0.4 V Differential voltage for dominant bit detection in LP Mode(22) VDIFF-D-LP 1.15 - - V CANL to GND detection threshold VLG 1.6 1.75 2.0 V CANH to GND detection threshold VHG 1.6 1.75 2.0 V CANL to VBAT detection threshold, VSUP/1 and VSUP2 > 8.0 V VLVB - VSUP -2.0 - V CANH to VBAT detection threshold, VSUP/1 and VSUP2 > 8.0 V VHVB - VSUP -2.0 - V CANL to VDD detection threshold VL5 4.0 VDD -0.43 - V CANH to VDD detection threshold VH5 4.0 VDD -0.43 - V CANH AND CANL DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION Notes 21. VSUP, VDD, 5V-CAN: shorted to GND, or connected to GND via a 47 k resistor instances are guaranteed by design and device characterization. 22. Guaranteed by design and device characterization. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 25 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued) Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit SPLIT Output voltage VSPLIT Loaded condition ISPLIT = ±500 µA Unloaded condition Rmeasure > 1.0 MΩ Leakage current V 0.3 x VDD 0.5 x VDD 0.45 x VDD 0.7 x VDD 0.5 x VDD 0.55 x VDD ILSPLIT µA -12 V < VSPLIT < +12 V - 0.0 5.0 -22 to -12 V < VSPLIT < +12 to +35 V - - 200 - 1.0 1.4 V LIN TERMINALS (LIN-T/1, LIN-T2) LIN-T1, LIN-T2, HS switch drop @ I = -20 mA, VSUP > 10.5 V VLT_HSDRP LIN1 & LIN2 33903D/5D PIN - LIN 33903S/5S PIN (Parameters guaranteed for VSUP/1, VSUP2 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V) Operating Voltage Range VBAT 8.0 - 18 V Supply Voltage Range VSUP 7.0 - 18 V 40 90 200 -1.0 - - - - 20 Current Limitation for Driver Dominant State IBUS_LIM Driver ON, VBUS = 18 V Input Leakage Current at the receiver IBUS_PAS_DOM Driver off; VBUS = 0 V; VBAT = 12 V Leakage Output Current to GND VBAT Disconnected; VSUP_DEVICE = GND; 0 < VBUS < 18 V (Node has to sustain the current that can flow under this condition. Bus must remain operational under this condition). (Guaranteed by design) mA -1.0 - 1.0 - - 100 IBUSNO_BAT VBUSDOM Receiver Recessive State VBUSREC µA VSUP - - 0.4 0.6 - - 0.475 0.5 0.525 - - 0.175 VSUP VBUS_CNT (VTH_DOM + VTH_REC)/2 Receiver Threshold Hysteresis µA IBUS_NO_GND Receiver Dominant State Receiver Threshold Center mA IBUS_PAS_REC Driver Off; 8.0 V < VBAT < 18 V; 8.0 V < VBUS < 18 V; VBUS ≥ VBAT Control unit disconnected from ground (Loss of local ground must not affect communication in the residual network) GNDDEVICE = VSUP; VBAT = 12 V; 0 < VBUS < 18 V (Guaranteed by design) mA VSUP VHYS (VTH_REC - VTH_DOM) VSUP LIN Wake-up threshold from LP VDD ON or LP VDD OFF Mode VBUSWU - 5.3 5.8 V LIN Pull-up Resistor to VSUP RSLAVE 20 30 60 kΩ TLINSD 140 160 180 °C TLINSD_HYS - 10 - °C Over-temperature Shutdown (Guaranteed by design) Over-temperature Shutdown Hysteresis (Guaranteed by design) 33903/4/5 26 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 5. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit SPI Operation Frequency (MISO cap = 50 pF) FREQ 0.25 - 4.0 MHz SCLK Clock Period tPCLK 250 - N/A ns SCLK Clock High Time tWSCLKH 125 - N/A ns SCLK Clock Low Time tWSCLKL 125 - N/A ns Falling Edge of CS to Rising Edge of SCLK tLEAD 30 - N/A ns Falling Edge of SCLK to Rising Edge of CS tLAG 30 - N/A ns MOSI to Falling Edge of SCLK tSISU 30 - N/A ns Falling Edge of SCLK to MOSI tSIH 30 - N/A ns MISO Rise Time (CL = 50 pF) tRSO - - 30 ns MISO Fall Time (CL = 50 pF) tFSO - - 30 ns Time from Falling to MISO Low-impedance tSOEN - - 30 ns Time from Rising to MISO High-impedance tSODIS - - 30 Time from Rising Edge of SCLK to MISO Data Valid tVALID - - 30 ns Delay between rising and falling edge on CS tD2CS 1.0 - - μs CS low timeout detection tCS-TO 2.5 - - ms tVS_LOW1/ 30 50 100 μs SPI TIMING SUPPLY, VOLTAGE REGULATOR, RESET VSUP under-voltage detector threshold deglitcher 2_DGLT Rise time at turn ON. VDD from 1.0 to 4.5 μV. 2.2 μF at the VDD pin. tRISE-ON 50 250 800 μs Deglitcher time to set RESET pin low tRST-DGLT 20 30 40 μs 0.9 4.0 8.5 17 1.0 5.0 10 20 1.4 6.0 12 24 tRST-WD 0.9 1.0 1.4 ms tIODT 19 30 41 μs tBFT 30 - 100 μs RESET PULSE DURATION VDD under-voltage (SPI selectable) tRST-PULSE short, default at power on when BATFAIL bit set medium medium long long Watchdog reset ms I/O INPUT Deglitcher time (Guaranteed by design) VSENSE INPUT Under-voltage deglitcher time 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 27 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 5. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit short (25 to 125 °C) 20 25 35 short (-40 °C) long (25 to 125 °C) 20 90 25 100 40 130 long (-40 °C) 90 100 140 60 - - μs -10 - 10 % INTERRUPT INT pulse duration (refer to SPI for selection. Guaranteed by design) μs tINT-PULSE STATE DIGRAM TIMINGS Delay for SPI Timer A, Timer B or Timer C write command after entering Normal Mode tD_NM (No command should occur within tD_NM. tD_NM delay definition: from CS rising edge of “Go to Normal Mode (i.e. 0x5A00)” command to CS falling edge of “Timer write” command) Tolerance for: watchdog period in all modes, FWU delay, Cyclic sense period tTIMING-ACC and active time, Cyclic Interrupt period, LP Mode over-current (unless otherwise noted)(26) CAN DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS TXD Dominant State Timeout tDOUT 300 600 1000 µs Bus dominant clamping detection tDOM 300 600 1000 µs Propagation loop delay TXD to RXD, recessive to dominant (Fast slew rate) tLRD 60 120 210 ns Propagation delay TXD to CAN, recessive to dominant tTRD - 70 110 ns Propagation delay CAN to RXD, recessive to dominant tRRD - 45 140 ns Propagation loop delay TXD to RXD, dominant to recessive (Fast slew rate) tLDR 100 120 200 ns Propagation delay TXD to CAN, dominant to recessive tTDR - 75 150 ns Propagation delay CAN to RXD, dominant to recessive tRDR - 50 140 ns Loop time TXD to RXD, Medium Slew Rate (Selected by SPI) tLOOP-MSL ns Recessive to Dominant - 200 - Dominant to Recessive - 200 - - 300 - - 300 - tCAN-WU1-F 0.5 2.0 5.0 μs tCAN-WU3-F 300 - - ns tCAN-WU3-TO - - 120 μs Loop time TXD to RXD, Slow Slew Rate (Selected by SPI) tLOOP-SSL Recessive to Dominant Dominant to Recessive CAN Wake-Up filter time, single dominant pulse detection CAN Wake-Up filter time, 3 dominant pulses detection CAN Wake-Up filter time, 3 dominant pulses detection Figure 38) (23) (See Figure 37) (24) timeout(25) (See ns Notes 23. No Wake-Up for single pulse shorter than tCAN-WU1 min. Wake-up for single pulse longer than tCAN-WU1 max. 24. Each pulse should be greater than tCAN-WU3-F min. Guaranteed by design, and device characterization. 25. The 3 pulses should occur within tCAN-WU3-TO. Guaranteed by design, and device characterization. 26. Guaranteed by design. 33903/4/5 28 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 5. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics Characteristics noted under conditions 5.5 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 28 V, - 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ 125 °C, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at TA = 25 °C under nominal conditions, unless otherwise noted. Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit LIN PHYSICAL LAYER: DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS FOR NORMAL SLEW RATE - 20.0 KBIT/SEC ACCORDING TO LIN PHYSICAL LAYER SPECIFICATION BUS LOAD RBUS AND CBUS 1.0 NF / 1.0 KΩ, 6.8 NF / 660 Ω, 10 NF / 500 Ω. SEE Figure 20, PAGE 31. Duty Cycle 1: D1 THREC(MAX) = 0.744 * VSUP THDOM(MAX) = 0.581 * VSUP D1 = tBUS_REC(MIN)/(2 x tBIT), tBIT = 50 µs, 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V Duty Cycle 2: 0.396 - - - - 0.581 D2 THREC(MIN) = 0.422 * VSUP THDOM(MIN) = 0.284 * VSUP D2 = tBUS_REC(MAX)/(2 x tBIT), tBIT = 50 µs, 7.6 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V LIN PHYSICAL LAYER: DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS FOR SLOW SLEW RATE - 10.4 KBIT/SEC ACCORDING TO LIN PHYSICAL LAYER SPECIFICATION BUS LOAD RBUS AND CBUS 1.0 NF / 1.0 KΩ, 6.8 NF / 660 Ω, 10 NF / 500 Ω. MEASUREMENT THRESHOLDS. SEE Figure 21, PAGE 32. Duty Cycle 3: D3 THREC(MAX) = 0.778 * VSUP THDOM(MAX) = 0.616 * VSUP D3 = tBUS_REC(MIN)/(2 x tBIT), tBIT = 96 µs, 7.0 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V Duty Cycle 4: 0.417 - - - - 0.590 - 20 - D4 THREC(MIN) = 0.389 * VSUP THDOM(MIN) = 0.251 * VSUP D4 = tBUS_REC(MAX)/(2 x tBIT), tBIT = 96 µs, 7.6 V ≤ VSUP ≤ 18 V LIN PHYSICAL LAYER: DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS FOR FAST SLEW RATE LIN Fast Slew Rate (Programming Mode) SRFAST V / μs LIN PHYSICAL LAYER: CHARACTERISTICS AND WAKE-UP TIMINGS VSUP FROM 7.0 TO 18 V, BUS LOAD RBUS AND CBUS 1.0 NF / 1.0 KΩ, 6.8 NF / 660 Ω, 10 NF / 500 Ω. SEE Figure 20, PAGE 31. Propagation Delay and Symmetry (See Figure 20, page 31 and Figure 21, page 32) Propagation Delay of Receiver, tREC_PD = MAX (tREC_PDR, tREC_PDF) μs t REC_PD - 4.2 6.0 t REC_SYM - 2.0 - 2.0 t PROPWL 42 70 95 From LP VDD OFF Mode t WAKE_LPVDD - - 1500 From LP VDD ON Mode t WAKE_LPVDD 1.0 - 12 0.65 1.0 1.35 Symmetry of Receiver Propagation Delay, tREC_PDF - tREC_PDR Bus Wake-up Deglitcher (LP VDD OFF and LP VDD ON modes) (See Figure 22, page 31 for LP VDD OFF Mode and Figure 23, page 32 for LP Mode) Bus Wake-up Event Reported μs μs OFF ON TXD Permanent Dominant State Delay (Guaranteed by design) t TXDDOM s 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 29 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS TIMING DIAGRAMS tPCLK CS tWCLKH tLEAD tLAG SCLK tWCLKL tSISU MOSI Undefined tSIH Di 0 Di n Don‚ÄöÐÑÐ¥ Don‚ÄöÐÑÐ¥ tVALID tSODIS tSOEN MISO Do 0 Do n Figure 16. SPI Timings tLRD TXD 0.7 x VDD tLDR 0.3 x VDD RXD 0.7 x VDD 0.3 x VDD Figure 17. CAN Signal Propagation Loop Delay TXD to RXD TXD tTRD 0.7 x VDD tTDR 0.3 x VDD VDIFF RXD 0.9 V tRRD 0.3 x VDD 0.5 V tRDR 0.7 x VDD Figure 18. CAN Signal Propagation Delays TXD to CAN and CAN to RXD 33903/4/5 30 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS . 12 V 10 ¬¨ VSUP 5 V_CAN 22 ¬¨ 100 nF CANH Signal generator TXD RBUS 60 Ω CBus 100 pF CANL RXD 15 pF GND SPLIT All pins are not shown Figure 19. Test Circuit for CAN Timing Characteristics TXD tBIT tBIT tBUS_DOM(MAX) VLIN_REC THREC(MAX) 74.4% VSUP THDOM(MAX) 58.1% VSUP tBUS_REC(MIN) Thresholds of receiving node 1 LIN THREC(MIN) THDOM(MIN) Thresholds of receiving node 2 42.2% VSUP 28.4% VSUP tBUS_DOM(MIN) tBUS_REC(MAX) RXD Output of receiving Node 1 tREC_PDF(1) tREC_PDR(1) RXD Output of receiving Node 2 tREC_PDR(2) tREC_PDF(2) Figure 20. LIN Timing Measurements for Normal Slew Rate 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 31 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS TXD tBIT tBIT tBUS_DOM(MAX) VLIN_REC THREC(MAX) 77.8% VSUP THDOM(MAX) 61.6% VSUP tBUS_REC(MIN) Thresholds of receiving node 1 LIN THREC(MIN) THDOM(MIN) Thresholds of receiving node 2 38.9% VSUP 25.1% VSUP tBUS_DOM(MIN) tBUS_REC(MAX) RXD Output of receiving Node 1 tREC_PDF(1) tREC_PDR(1) RXD Output of receiving Node 2 tREC_PDF(2) tREC_PDR(2) Figure 21. LIN Timing Measurements for Slow Slew Rate V REC V BUSWU LIN 0.4 V SUP Dominant level 3V VDD T PROPWL T WAKE Figure 22. LIN Wake-up LP VDD OFF Mode Timing 33903/4/5 32 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TIMING DIAGRAMS V LIN_REC LIN V BUSWU 0.4 V SUP Dominant level IRQ T PROPWL T WAKE IRQ stays low until SPI reading command Figure 23. LIN Wake-up LP VDD ON Mode Timing 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 33 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The MC33903_4_5 is the second generation of System Basis Chip, combining: - Advanced power management unit for the MCU, the integrated CAN interface and for the additional ICs such as sensors, CAN transceiver. - Built in enhanced high speed CAN interface (ISO118982 and -5), with local and bus failure diagnostic, protection and fail-safe operation mode. - Built in LIN interface, compliant to LIN 2.1 and J2602-2 specification, with local and bus failure diagnostic and protection. - Innovative hardware configurable fail-safe state machine solution. - Multiple LP Modes, with low current consumption. - Family concept with pin compatibility; with and without LIN interface devices. FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION POWER SUPPLY (VSUP/1 AND VSUP2) Note: VSUP1 and VSUP2 supplies are internally connected on part number MC33903BDEK and MC33903BSEK. VSUP1 is the input pin for the internal supply and the VDD regulator. VSUP2 is the input pin for the 5 V-CAN regulator, LIN’s interfaces and I/O functions. The VSUP block includes over and under-voltage detections which can generate interrupt. The device includes a loss of battery detector connected to VSUP/1. Loss of battery is reported through a bit (called BATFAIL). This generates a POR (Power On Reset). VDD VOLTAGE REGULATOR (VDD) The regulator has two main modes of operation (Normal Mode and LP Mode). It can operate with or without an external PNP transistor. In Normal Mode, without external PNP, the max DC capability is 150 mA. Current limitation, temperature prewarning flag and over-temperature shutdown features are included. When VDD is turned ON, rise time from 0 to 5.0 V is controlled. Output voltage is 5.0 V. A 3.3 V option is available via dedicated part number. If current higher than 150 mA is required, an external PNP transistor must be connected to VE (PNP emitter) and VB (PNP base) pins, in order to increase total current capability and share the power dissipation between internal VDD transistor and the external transistor. See External Transistor Q1 (VE and VB). The PNP can be used even if current is less than 150 mA, depending upon ambient temperature, maximum supply and thermal resistance. Typically, above 100-200 mA, an external ballast transistor is recommended. VDD REGULATOR IN LP MODE When the device is set in LP VDD ON Mode, the VDD regulator is able to supply the MCU with a DC current below typically 1.5 mA (LP-ITH). Transient current can also be supplied up to a tenth of a mA. Current in excess of 1.5 mA is detected, and this event is managed by the device logic (Wake-Up detection, timer start for over-current duration monitoring or watchdog refresh). EXTERNAL TRANSISTOR Q1 (VE AND VB) The device has a dedicated circuit to allow usage of an external “P” type transistor, with the objective to share the power dissipation between the internal transistor of the VDD regulator and the external transistor. The recommended bipolar PNP transistor is MJD42C or BCP52-16. When the external PNP is connected, the current is shared between the internal path transistor and the external PNP, with the following typical ratio: 1/3 in the internal transistor and 2/3 in the external PNP. The PNP activation and control is done by SPI. The device is able to operate without an external transistor. In this case, the VE and VB pins must remain open. 5 V-CAN VOLTAGE REGULATOR FOR CAN AND ANALOG MUX This regulator is supplied from the VSUP/2 pin. A capacitor is required at 5 V-CAN pin. Analog MUX and part of the LIN interfaces are supplied from 5 V-CAN. Consequently, the 5 V-CAN must be ON in order to have Analog MUX operating and to have the LIN interface operating in TXD/RXD Mode. The 5 V-CAN regulator is OFF by default and must be turned ON by SPI. In Debug Mode, the 5 V-CAN is ON by default. V AUXILIARY OUTPUT, 5.0 AND 3.3 V SELECTABLE (VB-AUX, VC-AUX, AND VCAUX) Q2 The VAUX block is used to provide an auxiliary voltage output, 5.0 or 3.3 V, selectable by the SPI. It uses an external PNP pass transistor for flexibility and power dissipation constraints. The external recommended bipolar transistors are MJD42C or BCP52-16. An over-current and under-voltage detectors are provided. 33903/4/5 34 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION VAUX is controlled via the SPI, and can be turned ON or OFF. VAUX low threshold detection and over-current information will disable VAUX, and are reported in the SPI and can generate INT. VAUX is OFF by default and must be turned ON by the SPI. UNDER-VOLTAGE RESET AND RESET FUNCTION (RST) The RESET pin is an open drain structure with an internal pull-up resistor. The LS driver has limited current capability when asserted low, in order to tolerate a short to 5.0 V. The RESET pin voltage is monitored in order to detect failure (e.g. RESET pin shorted to 5.0 V or GND). The RESET pin reports an under-voltage condition to the MCU at the VDD pin, as well as failure in the watchdog refresh operation. VDD under-voltage reset also operates in LP VDD ON Mode. Two VDD under-voltage thresholds are included. The upper (typically 4.65 V, RST-TH1-5) can lead to a Reset or an Interrupt. This is selected by the SPI. When “RST-TH2-5“is selected, in Normal Mode, an INT is asserted when VDD falls below “RST-TH1-5“, then, when VDD falls below “RST-TH2-5” a Reset will occur. This will allow the MCU to operate in a degraded mode (i.e., with 4.0 V VDD). I/O PINS (I/O-0: I/O-3) I/Os are configurable input/output pins. They can be used for small loads or to drive external transistors. When used as output drivers, the I/Os are either a HS or LS type. They can also be set to high-impedance. I/Os are controlled by the SPI and at power on, the I/Os are set as inputs. They include over-load protection by temperature or excess of a voltage drop. When I/O-0/-1/-2/-3 voltage is greater than VSUP/2 voltage, the leakage current (II/O_LEAK) parameter is not applicable • I/O-0 and I/O-1 will have current flowing into the device through three diodes limited by an 80 kOhm resistor (in series). • I/O-2 and I/O-3 will have unlimited current flowing into the device through one diode. In LP Mode, the state of the I/O can be turned ON or OFF, with extremely low power consumption (except when there is a load). Protection is disabled in LP Mode. When cyclic sense is used, I/O-0 is the HS/LS switch, I/O1, -2 and -3 are the wake inputs. I/O-2 and I/O-3 pins share the LIN Master pin function. VSENSE INPUT (VSENSE) This pin can be connected to the battery line (before the reverse battery protection diode), via a serial resistor and a capacitor to GND. It incorporates a threshold detector to sense the battery voltage and provide a battery early warning. It also includes a resistor divider to measure the VSENSE voltage via the MUX-OUT pin. MUX-OUTPUT (MUXOUT) The MUX-OUT pin (Figure 24) delivers an analog voltage to the MCU A/D input. The voltage to be delivered to MUXOUT is selected via the SPI, from one of the following functions: VSUP/1, VSENSE, I/O-0, I/O-1, Internal 2.5 V reference, die temperature sensor, VDD current copy. Voltage divider or amplifier is inserted in the chain, as shown in Figure 24. For the VDD current copy, a resistor must be added to the MUX-OUT pin, to convert current into voltage. Device includes an internal 2.0 k resistor selectable by the SPI. Voltage range at MUX-OUT is from GND to VDD. It is automatically limited to VDD (max 3.3 V for 3.3 V part numbers). The MUX-OUT buffer is supplied from 5 V-CAN regulator, so the 5 V-CAN regulator must be ON in order to have: 1) MUX-OUT functionality and 2) SPI selection of the analog function. If the 5 V-CAN is OFF, the MUX-OUT voltage is near GND and the SPI command that selects one of the analog inputs is ignored. Delay must be respected between SPI commands for 5 VCAN turned ON and SPI to select MUX-OUT function. The delay depends mainly upon the 5 V-CAN capacitor and load on 5 V-CAN. The delay can be estimated using the following formula: delay = C(5 V-CAN) x U (5.0 V) / I_lim 5 V-CAN. C = cap at 5 V-CAN regulator, U = 5.0 V, I_LIM 5 V-CAN = min current limit of 5 V-CAN regulator (parameter 5 V-C ILIM). 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 35 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION VBAT D1 S_in VSUP/1 VSENSE VDD-I_COPY Multiplexer S_iddc S_in 5 V-CAN 5 V-CAN RSENSE 1.0 k MCU MUX-OUT I/O-0 A/D in buffer S_in S_g3.3 S_g5 S_I/O_att I/O-1 S_in Temp VREF: 2.5 V S_I/O_att RMI S_ir RM(*) (*)Optional All swicthes and resistor are configured and controlled via the SPI RM: internal resistor connected when VREG current monitor is used S_g3.3 and S_g5 for 5.0 V or 3.3 V VDD versions S_iddc to select VDD regulator current copy S_in1 for LP Mode resistor bridge disconnection S_ir to switch on/off of the internal RMI resistor S_I/O_att for I/O-0 and I/O-1 attenuation selection Figure 24. Analog Multiplexer Block Diagram DGB (DGB) AND DEBUG MODE Primary Function It is an input used to set the device in Debug Mode. This is achieved by applying a voltage between 8.0 and 10 V at the DEBUG pin and then, powering up the device (See State Diagram 40). When the device leaves the INIT Reset Mode and enters into INIT Mode, it detects the voltage at the DEBUG pin to be between a range of 8.0 to 10 V, and activates the Debug Mode. When Debug Mode is detected, no Watchdog SPI refresh commands are necessary. This allows an easy debug of the hardware and software routines (i.e. SPI commands). When the device is in Debug Mode it is reported by the SPI flag. While in Debug Mode, and the voltage at DBG pin falls below the 8.0 to 10 V range, the Debug Mode is left, and the device starts the watchdog operation, and expects the proper watchdog refresh. The Debug Mode can be left by SPI. This is recommended to avoid staying in Debug Mode when an unwanted Debug Mode selection (FMEA pin) is present. The SPI command has a higher priority than providing 8.0 to 10 V at the DEBUG pin. Secondary Function The resistor connected between the DBG pin and the GND selects the Fail-Safe Mode operation. DBG pin can also be connected directly to GND (this prevents the usage of Debug Mode). Flexibility is provided to select SAFE output operation via a resistor at the DBG pin or via a SPI command. The SPI command has higher priority than the hardware selection via Debug resistor. When the Debug Mode is selected, the SAFE modes cannot be configured via the resistor connected at DBG pin. SAFE Safe Output Pin This pin is an output and is asserted low when a fault event occurs. The objective is to drive electrical safe circuitry and set the ECU in a known state, independent of the MCU and SBC, once a failure has been detected. The SAFE output structure is an open drain, without a pullup. INTERRUPT (INT) The INT output pin is asserted low or generates a low pulse when an interrupt condition occurs. The INT condition is enabled in the INT register. The selection of low level or pulse and pulse duration are selected by SPI. No current will flow inside the INT structure when VDD is low, and the device is in LP VDD OFF Mode. This allows the connection of an external pull-up resistor and connection of an INT pin from other ICs without extra consumption in unpowered mode. 33903/4/5 36 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTION INT has an internal pull-up structure to VDD. In LP VDD ON Mode, a diode is inserted in series with the pull-up, so the high level is slightly lower than in other modes. CANH, CANL, SPLIT, RXD, TXD These are the pins of the high speed CAN physical interface, between the CAN bus and the micro controller. A detail description is provided in the document. LIN, LIN-T, TXDL AND RXDL These are the pins of the LIN physical interface. Device contains zero, one or two LIN interfaces. The MC33903 and MC33904 do not have a LIN interface. However, the MC33903S/5S (S = Single) and MC33903D/5D (D=Dual) contain 1 and 2 LIN interfaces, respectively. LIN, LIN1 and LIN2 pins are the connection to the LIN sub buses. LIN interfaces are connected to the MCU via the TXD, TXD-L1 and TXD-L2 and RXD, RXD-L1 and RXD-L2 pins. The device also includes one or two HS switches to VSUP/ 2 pin which can be used as a LIN master termination switch. Pins LINT, LINT-1 and LINT-2 pins are the same as I/O-2 and I/O-3. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 37 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION MODE AND STATE DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION MODE AND STATE DESCRIPTION The device has several operation modes. The transitions and conditions to enter or leave each mode are illustrated in the state diagram. INIT RESET This mode is automatically entered after the device is “powered on”. In this mode, the RST pin is asserted low, for a duration of typically 1.0 ms. Control bits and flags are “set” to their default reset condition. The BATFAIL is set to indicate the device is coming from an unpowered condition, and all previous device configurations are lost and “reset” the default value. The duration of the INIT reset is typically 1.0 ms. INIT reset mode is also entered from INIT Mode if the expected SPI command does not occur in due time (Ref. INIT Mode), and if the device is not in the debug mode. INIT This mode is automatically entered from the INIT Reset Mode. In this mode, the device must be configured via SPI within a time of 256 ms max. Four registers called INIT Wdog, INIT REG, INIT LIN I/O and INIT MISC must be, and can only be configured during INIT Mode. Other registers can be written in this and other modes. Once the INIT register configuration is done, a SPI Watchdog Refresh command must be sent in order to set the device into Normal Mode. If the SPI watchdog refresh does not occur within the 256 ms period, the device will return into INIT Reset Mode for typically 1.0 ms, and then re enter into INIT Mode. Register read operation is allowed in INIT Mode to collect device status or to read back the INIT register configuration. When INIT Mode is left by a SPI watchdog refresh command, it is only possible to re-enter the INIT Mode using a secured SPI command. In INIT Mode, the CAN, LIN1, LIN2, VAUX, I/O_x and Analog MUX functions are not operating. The 5 V-CAN is also not operating, except if the Debug Mode is detected. RESET In this mode, the RST pin is asserted low. Reset Mode is entered from Normal Mode, Normal Request Mode, LP VDD on Mode and from the Flash Mode when the watchdog is not triggered, or if a VDD low condition is detected. The duration of reset is typically 1.0 ms by default. You can define a longer Reset pulse activation only when the Reset Mode is entered following a VDD low condition. Reset pulse is always 1.0 ms, when reset mode is entered due to wrong watchdog refresh command. Reset Mode can be entered via the secured SPI command. NORMAL REQUEST This mode is automatically entered after RESET Mode, or after a Wake-Up from LP VDD ON Mode. A watchdog refresh SPI command is necessary to transition to NORMAL Mode. The duration of the Normal request mode is 256 ms when Normal Request Mode is entered after RESET Mode. Different durations can be selected by SPI when normal request is entered from LP VDD ON Mode. If the watchdog refresh SPI command does not occur within the 256 ms (or the shorter user defined time out), then the device will enter into RESET Mode for a duration of typically 1.0 ms. Note: in init reset, init, reset and normal request modes as well as in LP Modes, the VDD external PNP is disabled. NORMAL In this mode, all device functions are available. This mode is entered by a SPI watchdog refresh command from Normal Request Mode, or from INIT Mode. During Normal Mode, the device watchdog function is operating, and a periodic watchdog refresh must occur. When an incorrect or missing watchdog refresh command is initiated, the device will enter into Reset Mode. While in Normal Mode, the device can be set to LP Modes (LP VDD ON or LP VDD OFF) using the SPI command. Dedicated, secured SPI commands must be used to enter from Normal Mode to Reset Mode, INIT Mode or Flash Mode. FLASH In this mode, the software watchdog period is extended up to typically 32 seconds. This allow programming of the MCU flash memory while minimizing the software over head to refresh the watchdog. The flash mode is entered by Secured SPI command and is left by SPI command. Device will enter into Reset Mode. When an incorrect or missing watchdog refresh command device will enter into Reset Mode. An interrupt can be generated at 50% of the watchdog period. CAN interface operates in Flash Mode to allow flash via CAN bus, inside the vehicle. DEBUG Debug is a special operation mode of the device which allows for easy software and hardware debugging. The debug operation is detected after power up if the DBG pin is set to 8.0 to 10 V range. When debug is detected, all the software watchdog operations are disabled: 256 ms of INIT Mode, watchdog refresh of Normal Mode and Flash Mode, Normal Request time out (256 ms or user defined value) are not operating and will not lead to transition into INIT reset or Reset Mode. When the device is in Debug Mode, the SPI command can be sent without any time constraints with respect to the watchdog operation and the MCU program can be “halted” or “paused” to verify proper operation. 33903/4/5 38 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION LP MODES Debug can be left by removing 8 to 10 V from the DEBUG pin, or by the SPI command (Ref. to MODE register). The 5 V-CAN regulator is ON by default in Debug Mode. LP MODES The device has two main LP modes: LP Mode with VDD OFF, and LP Mode with VDD ON. Prior to entering into LP Mode, I/O and CAN Wake-Up flags must be cleared (Ref. to mode register). If the Wake-Up flags are not cleared, the device will not enter into LP Mode. In addition, the CAN failure flags (i.e. CAN_F and CAN_UF) must be cleared, in order to meet the LP current consumption specification. LP - VDD OFF In this mode, VDD is turned OFF and the MCU connected to VDD is unsupplied. This mode is entered using SPI. It can also be entered by an automatic transition due to fail safe management. 5 V-CAN and VAUX regulators are also turned OFF. When the device is in LP VDD OFF Mode, it monitors external events to Wake-Up and leave the LP Mode. The Wake-Up events can occur from: • CAN • LIN interface, depending upon device part number • Expiration of an internal timer • I/O-0, and I/O-1 inputs, and depending upon device part number and configuration, I/O-2 and/or -3 input • Cyclic sense of I/O-1 input, associated by I/O-0 activation, and depending upon device part number and configuration, cyclic sense of I/O-2 and -3 input, associated by I/O-0 activation When a Wake-Up event is detected, the device enters into Reset Mode and then into Normal Request Mode. The WakeUp sources are reported to the device SPI registers. In summary, a Wake-Up event from LP VDD OFF leads to the VDD regulator turned ON, and the MCU operation restart. LP - VDD ON In this mode, the voltage at the VDD pin remains at 5.0 V (or 3.3 V, depending upon device part number). The objective is to maintain the MCU powered, with reduced consumption. In such mode, the DC output current is expected to be limited to 100 μA or a few mA, as the ECU is in reduced power operation mode. During this mode, the 5 V-CAN and VAUX regulators are OFF. The optional external PNP at VDD will also be automatically disabled when entering this mode. The same Wake-Up events as in LP VDD OFF Mode (CAN, LIN, I/O, timer, cyclic sense) are available in LP VDD on Mode. In addition, two additional Wake-Up conditions are available. • Dedicated SPI command. When device is in LP VDD ON Mode, the Wake-Up by SPI command uses a write to “Normal Request Mode”, 0x5C10. • Output current from VDD exceeding LP-ITH threshold. In LP VDD ON Mode, the device is able to source several tenths of mA DC. The current source capability can be time limited, by a selectable internal timer. Timer duration is up to 32 ms, and is triggered when the output current exceed the output current threshold typically 1.5 mA. This allows for instance, a periodic activation of the MCU, while the device remains in LP VDD on Mode. If the duration exceed the selected time (ex 32 ms), the device will detect a Wake-Up. Wake-up events are reported to the MCU via a low level pulse at INT pulse. The MCU will detect the INT pulse and resume operation. Watchdog Function in LP VDD ON Mode It is possible to enable the watchdog function in LP VDD ON Mode. In this case, the principle is timeout. Refresh of the watchdog is done either by: • a dedicated SPI command (different from any other SPI command or simple CS activation which would WakeUp - Ref. to the previous paragraph) • or by a temporary (less than 32 ms max) VDD over current Wake-Up (IDD > 1.5 mA typically). As long as the watchdog refresh occurs, the device remains in LP VDD on Mode. Mode Transitions Mode transitions are either done automatically (i.e. after a timeout expired or voltage conditions), or via a SPI command, or by an external event such as a Wake-Up. Some mode changes are performed using the Secured SPI commands. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 39 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION STATE DIAGRAM STATE DIAGRAM VSUP/1 rise > VSUP-TH1 & VDD > VDD_UVTH VSUP fall POWER DOWN INIT Reset start T_IR (T_IR = 1.0 ms) T_INIT expired or VDD<VDD_UVTH VSUP fall watchdog refresh by SPI T_IR expired INIT FLASH start T_WDF (config) Ext reset SPI secured or T_WDF expired or VDD<VDD_UVTH start T_INIT (T_INIT = 256ms) SPI secured (3) SPI write (0x5A00) (watchdog refresh) SPI secured (3) NORMAL (4) RESET Wake-up Debug mode detection start T_R (1.0 ms or config) VDD<VDD_UVTH or T_WD expired or watchdog failure (1) or SPI secured T_NR expired T_R expired & VDD>VDD_UVTH start T_WDN (T_WDN = config) SPI write (0x5A00) (watchdog refresh) NORMAL REQUEST start T_NR (256 ms or config) SPI LP VDD ON Wake-up (5) if enable watchdog refresh by SPI start T_WDL (2) T_OC expired or Wake-up VDD<VDD_UVTHLP watchdog refresh by SPI I-DD<IOC (1.5 mA) LP VDDON IDD > 1.5 mA I-DD>IOC (1.5 mA) start T_OC time T_WDL expired or VDD<VDD_UVTHLP SPI LP VDD OFF (1) watchdog refresh in closed window or enhanced watchdog refresh failure FAIL SAFE DETECTED (2) If enable by SPI, prior to enter LP VDD ON Mode (3) Ref. to “SPI secure” description (4) VDD external PNP is disable in all mode except Normal and Flash modes. (5) Wake-up from LP VDD ON Mode by SPI command is done by a SPI Mode change: 0X5C10 Figure 25. State Diagram 33903/4/5 40 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION MODE CHANGE MODE CHANGE “SECURED SPI” DESCRIPTION: A request is done by a SPI command, the device provide on MISO an unpredictable “random code”. Software must perform a logical change on the code and return it to the device with the new SPI command to perform the desired action. The “random code” is different at every exercise of the secured procedure and can be read back at any time. The secured SPI uses the Special MODE register for the following transitions: - from Normal Mode to INT Mode - from Normal Mode to Flash Mode - from Normal Mode to Reset Mode (reset request). “Random code” is also used when the “advance watchdog” is selected. CHANGING OF DEVICE CRITICAL PARAMETERS Some critical parameters are configured one time at device power on only, while the batfail flag is set in the INIT Mode. If a change is required while device is no longer in INIT Mode, device must be set back in INIT Mode using the “SPI secure” procedure. WATCHDOG OPERATION IN NORMAL REQUEST MODE In Normal Request Mode, the device expects to receive a watchdog configuration before the end of the normal request time out period. This period is reset to a long (256 ms) after power on and when BATFAIL is set. The device can be configured to a different (shorter) time out period which can be used after Wake-Up from LP VDD on Mode. After a software watchdog reset, the value is restored to 256 ms, in order to allow for a complete software initialization, similar to a device power up. In Normal Request Mode the watchdog operation is “timeout” only and can be triggered/observed any time within the period. WATCHDOG TYPE SELECTION Three types of watchdog operation can be used: - Window watchdog (default) - Timeout operation - Advanced The selection of watchdog is performed in INIT Mode. This is done after device power up and when the BATFAIL flag is set. The Watchdog configuration is done via the SPI, then the Watchdog Mode selection content is locked and can be changed only via a secured SPI procedure. Window Watchdog Operation The window watchdog is available in Normal Mode only. The watchdog period selection can be kept (SPI is selectable in INIT Mode), while the device enters into LP VDD ON Mode. The watchdog period is reset to the default long period after BATFAIL. The period and the refresh of watchdog are done by the SPI. A refresh must be done in the open window of the period, which starts at 50% of the selected period and ends at the end of the period. If the watchdog is triggered before 50%, or not triggered before end of period, a reset has occurred. The device enters into Reset Mode. Watchdog in Debug Mode When the device is in Debug Mode (entered via the DBG pin), the watchdog continues to operate but does not affect the device operation by asserting a reset. For the user, operation appears without the watchdog. When Debug Mode is set by software (SPI Mode reg), the watchdog period starts at the end of the SPI command. When Debug Mode is set by hardware (DBG pin below 810 V), the device enters into Reset Mode. Watchdog in Flash Mode During Flash Mode, watchdog can be set to a long timeout period. Watchdog is timeout only and an INT pulse can be generated at 50% of the time window. Advance Watchdog Operation When the Advance watchdog is selected (at INIT Mode), the refresh of the watchdog must be done using a random number and with 1, 2, or 4 SPI commands. The number for the SPI command is selected in INIT Mode. The software must read a random byte from the device, and then must return the random byte inverted to clear the watchdog. The random byte write can be performed in 1, 2, or 4 different SPI commands. If one command is selected, all eight bits are written at once. If two commands are selected, the first write command must include four of the eight bits of the inverted random byte. The second command must include the next four bits. This completes the watchdog refresh. If four commands are selected, the first write command must include two of the eight bits of the inverted random byte. The second command must include the next two bits, the 3rd command must include the next two, and the last command, 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 41 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION WATCHDOG OPERATION must include the last two. This completes the watchdog refresh. When multiple writes are used, the most significant bits are sent first. The latest SPI command needs to be done inside the open window time frame, if window watchdog is selected. DETAIL SPI OPERATION AND SPI COMMANDS FOR ALL WATCHDOG TYPES. All SPI commands and examples do not use parity functions. In INIT Mode, the watchdog type (window, timeout, advance and number of SPI commands) is selected using the register Init watchdog, bits 1, 2 and 3. The watchdog period is selected using the TIM_A register. The watchdog period selection can also be done in Normal Mode or in Normal Request Mode. Transition from INIT Mode to Normal Mode or from Normal Request Mode to Normal Mode is done using a single watchdog refresh command (SPI 0x 5A00). While in Normal Mode, the Watchdog Refresh Command depends upon the watchdog type selected in INIT Mode. They are detailed in the paragraph below: Simple Watchdog The Refresh command is 0x5A00. It can be send any time within the watchdog period, if the timeout watchdog operation is selected (INIT-watchdog register, bit 1 WD N/Win = 0). It must be send in the open window (second half of the period) if the Window Watchdog operation was selected (INITwatchdog register, bit 1 WD N/Win = 1). Advance Watchdog The first time the device enters into Normal Mode (entry on Normal Mode using the 0x5A00 command), Random (RNDM) code must be read using the SPI command, 0x1B00. The device returns on MISO second byte the RNDM code. The full 16 bits MISO is called 0x XXRD. RD is the complement of the RD byte. Advance Watchdog, Refresh by 1 SPI Command The refresh command is 0x5ARD. During each refresh command, the device will return on MISO, a new Random Code. This new Random Code must be inverted and send along with the next refresh command. It must be done in an open window, if the Window operation was selected. Advance Watchdog, Refresh by two SPI Commands: The refresh command is split in two SPI commands. The first partial refresh command is 0x5Aw1, and the second is 0x5Aw2. Byte w1 contains the first four inverted bits of the RD byte plus the last four bits equal to zero. Byte w2 contains four bits equal to zero plus the last four inverted bits of the RD byte. During this second refresh command the device returns on MISO a new Random Code. This new random code must be inverted and send along with the next two refresh commands and so on. The second command must be done in an open window if the Window operation was selected. Advance Watchdog, Refresh by four SPI Commands The refresh command is split into four SPI commands. The first partial refresh command is 0x5Aw1, the second is 0x5Aw2, the third is 0x5Aw3, and the last is 0x5Aw4. Byte w1 contains the first two inverted bits of the RD byte, plus the last six bits equal to zero. Byte w2 contains two bits equal to zero, plus the next two inverted bits of the RD byte, plus four bits equal to zero. Byte w3 contains four bits equal to zero, plus the next two inverted bits of the RD byte, plus two bits equal to zero. Byte w4 contains six bits equal to zero, plus the next two inverted bits of the RD byte. During this fourth refresh command, the device will return, on MISO, a new Random Code. This new Random Code must be inverted and send along with the next four refresh commands. The fourth command must be done in an open window if the Window operation was selected. PROPER RESPONSE TO INT During a device detect upon an INT, the software handles the INT in a timely manner: Access of the INT register is done within two watchdog periods. This feature must be enabled by SPI using the INIT watchdog register bit 7. 33903/4/5 42 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK OPERATION VERSUS MODE FUNCTIONAL BLOCK OPERATION VERSUS MODE Table 6. Device Block Operation for Each State State VDD 5 V-CAN I/O-X VAUX CAN LIN1/2 Power down OFF Init Reset ON OFF OFF OFF High-impedance High-impedance OFF HS/LS off Wake-up disable OFF OFF: CAN termination 25 k to GND Transmitter / receiver /Wake-Up OFF OFF: internal 30k pull-up active. Transmitter: receiver / Wake-Up OFF. LIN term OFF INIT ON OFF (28) OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF WU disable (29)(30)(31) Reset ON Keep SPI config WU disable (29)(30)(31) Normal Request ON Keep SPI config WU disable (29)(30)(31) Normal ON SPI config SPI config WU SPI config SPI config SPI config SPI config LP VDD OFF OFF OFF user defined WU SPI config OFF OFF + Wake-Up en/dis OFF + Wake-Up en/dis LP VDD ON ON(27) OFF user defined WU SPI config OFF OFF + Wake-Up en/dis OFF + Wake-Up en/dis SAFE output low: Safe case A safe case A:ON safe case B: OFF A: Keep SPI config, B: OFF HS/LS off Wake-Up by change state OFF OFF + Wake-Up enable OFF + Wake-Up enable FLASH ON SPI config SPI config SPI config SPI config OFF Notes 27. With limited current capability 28. 5 V-CAN is ON in Debug Mode. 29. I/O-0 and I/O-1, configured as an output high-side switch and ON in Normal Mode will remain ON in RESET, INIT or Normal Request. 30. I/O-0, configured as an output low-side switch and ON in Normal mode will turn OFF when entering Reset mode, resume operation in Normal Mode. 31. I/O-1, configured as an output low-side switch and ON in Normal mode will remain ON in RESET, INIT or Normal Request. The 5 V-CAN default is ON when the device is powered-up and set in Debug Mode. It is fully controllable via the SPI command. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 43 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION ILLUSTRATION OF DEVICE MODE TRANSITIONS. ILLUSTRATION OF DEVICE MODE TRANSITIONS. B C B VDD-UV (4.5 V typically) VDD-UV VDD VAUX RST RST RST INT INT INT MODE RESET BATFAIL INIT s_1: go to Normal Mode s_11: write INT registers legend: NORMAL s_2 VAUX s_12 VAUX s_1 5V-CAN s_11 5V-CAN SPI D VDD 5V-CAN SPI Normal to LP VDD ON Mode VSUP VSUP >4.0 V VDD Normal to LP VDD OFF Mode NORMAL LP VDD OFF s_2: go to LP VDD OFF Mode s_12: LP Mode configuration SPI s_3 VSUP B s_13 A Power up to Normal Mode NORMAL LP VDD On s_3: go to LP Mode s_13: LP Mode configuration Series of SPI Single SPI Figure 26. Power Up Normal and LP Modes 33903/4/5 44 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION ILLUSTRATION OF DEVICE MODE TRANSITIONS. Wake-up from LP VDD OFF Mode C Wake-up from LP VDD ON Mode D VSUP VSUP VDD-UV (4.5 V typically) VDD Based on reg configuration 5V-CAN VAUX Based on reg configuration VAUX RST INT INT SPI LP VDD_OFF MODE RESET s_4 s_14 RST NORMAL REQUEST CAN Wake-Up pattern LIN Bus LIN Wake-Up filter I/O-x toggle FWU timer Start . Based on reg configuration SPI MODE NORMAL Available Wake-Up events (exclusive) CAN bus Based on reg configuration NORMAL REQUEST LP VDD ON NORMAL CAN bus CAN Wake-Up pattern LIN Bus LIN Wake-Up filter I/O-x toggle FWU timer Stop Start FWU timer duration (50-8192 ms) SPI selectable FWU timer duration (50-8192 ms) SPI selectable Wake-up detected s_4 5V-CAN s_14 VDD IDD current IDD-OC (3.0 mA typically) IDD OC deglitcher or timer (100 us typically, 3 -32 ms) SPI Wake-up detected Figure 27. Wake-up from LP Modes 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 45 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION CYCLIC SENSE OPERATION DURING LP MODES CYCLIC SENSE OPERATION DURING LP MODES This function can be used in both LP Modes: VDD OFF and VDD ON. Cyclic sense is the periodic activation of I/O-0 to allow biasing of external contact switches. The contact switch state can be detected via I/O-1, -2, and -3, and the device can Wake-Up from either LP Mode. Cyclic sense is optimized and designed primarily for closed contact switch in order to minimize consumption via the contact pull-up resistor. transistor can be activated. The selection is done by the state of I/O-0 prior to entering in LP Mode. During the T-CSON duration, the I/O-x’s are monitored. If one of them is high, the device will detect a Wake-Up. (Figure 28). Cyclic sense period is selected by the SPI configuration prior to entering LP Mode. Upon entering LP Mode, the I/O-0 should be activated. The level of I/O-1 is sense during the I/O-0 active time, and is deglitched for a duration of typically 30 μs. This means that I/O-1 should be in the expected state for a duration longer than the deglitch time. The diagram below (Figure 28) illustrates the cyclic sense operation, with I/O-0 HS active and I/O-1 Wake-Up at high level. Principle A dedicated timer provides an opportunity to select a cyclic sense period from 3.0 to 512 ms (selection in timer B). At the end of the period, the I/O-0 will be activated for a duration of T_CSON (SPI selectable in INIT register, to 200 μs, 400 μs, 800 μs, or 1.6 ms). The I/O-0 HS transistor or LS I/O-0 HS active in Normal Mode I/O-0 HS active during cyclic sense active time I/O-0 S1 S1 closed Zoom S1 open Cyclic sense active time (ex 200 us) I/O-1 I/O-0 I/O-1 high => Wake-Up I/O-1 Cyclic sense period state of I/O-1 low => no Wake-Up I/O-1 deglitcher time (typically 30 us) Cyclic sense active time NORMAL MODE LP MODE RESET or NORMAL REQUEST MODE Wake-up event detected Wake-up detected. R R R R R R I/O-0 I/O-0 I/O-1 I/O-1 S1 S1 I/O-2 I/O-2 S2 S2 I/O-3 S3 Upon entering in LP Mode, all 3 contact switches are closed. S3 I/O-3 In LP Mode, 1 contact switch is open. High level is detected on I/O-x, and device wakes up. Figure 28. Cyclic Sense Operation - Switch to GND, Wake-up by Open Switch 33903/4/5 46 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION CYCLIC INT OPERATION DURING LP VDD ON MODE CYCLIC INT OPERATION DURING LP VDD ON MODE Principle This function can be used only in LP VDD ON Mode (LP VDD ON). When Cyclic INT is selected and device is in LP VDD ON Mode, the device will generate a periodic INT pulse. Upon reception of the INT pulse, the MCU must acknowledge the INT by sending SPI commands before the end of the next INT period in order to keep the process going. When Cyclic INT is selected and operating, the device remains in LP VDD ON Mode, assuming the SPI commands are issued properly. When no/improper SPI commands are sent, the device will cease Cyclic INT operation and leave LP VDD ON Mode by issuing a reset. The device will then enter into Normal Request Mode. VDD current capability and VDD regulator behavior is similar as in LP VDD ON Mode. Operation Cyclic INT period selection: register timer B SPI command in hex 0x56xx [example; 0x560E for 512ms cyclic Interrupt period (SPI command without parity bit)]. This command must be send while the device is in Normal Mode. Prepare LP VDD ON with Cyclic INT SPI commands to acknowledge INT: (2 commands) - read the Random code via the watchdog register address using the following command: MOSI 0x1B00 device report on MISO second byte the RNDM code (MISO bit 0-7). - write watchdog refresh command using the random code inverted: 0x5A RNDb. These commands can occur at any time within the period. Initial entry in LP Mode with Cyclic INT: after the device is set in LP VDD ON Mode, with cyclic INT enable, no SPI command is necessary until the first INT pulse occurs. The acknowledge process must start only after the 1st INT pulse. Leave LP Mode with Cyclic INT: This is done by a SPI Wake-Up command, similar to SPI Wake-Up from LP VDD ON Mode: 0x5C10. The device will enter into Normal Request Mode. Improper SPI command while Cyclic INT operates: When no/improper SPI commands are sent, while the device is in LP VDD ON Mode with Cyclic INT enable, the device will cease Cyclic INT operation and leave LP VDD ON Mode by issuing a reset. The device will then enter into Normal Request Mode. The figure below (Figure 29) describes the complete Cyclic Interrupt operation. Leave LP VDD ON Mode In LP VDD ON with Cyclic INT INT LP VDD ON Mode SPI Timer B Cyclic INT period 1st period Cyclic INT period NORMAL MODE 2nd period Cyclic INT period 3rd period Cyclic INT period NORMAL REQUEST MODE LP VDD ON MODE Legend for SPI commands Leave LP VDD ON and Cyclic INT due to improper operation Write Timer B, select Cyclic INT period (ex: 512 ms, 0x560E) Write Device Mode: LP VDD ON with Cyclic INT enable (example: 0x5C90) Read RNDM code INT SPI Improper or no acknowledge SPI command Write RNDM code inv. SPI Wake-Up: 0x5C10 RST Cyclic INT period LP VDD ON MODE RESET and NORMAL REQUEST MODE Figure 29. Cyclic Interrupt Operation 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 47 FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN DEVICE POWER UP This section describe the device behavior during ramp up, and ramp down of VSUP/1, and the flexibility offered mainly by the Crank bit and the two VDD under-voltage reset thresholds. The figures below illustrate the device behavior during VSUP/1 ramp up. As the Crank bit is by default set to 0, VDD is enabled when VSUP/1 is above VSUP TH 1 parameters. VSUP_NOMINAL (ex 12 V) VDD NOMINAL (ex 5.0 V) VSUP slew rate VBAT D1 VDD_UV TH (typically 4.65 V) VSUP/1 VDD VSUP_TH1 3390X VDD_START UP I_VDD 90% VDD_START UP VSUP/1 Gnd 10% VDD_START UP VDD VDD_OFF RESET 1.0 ms Figure 30. VDD Start-up Versus VSUP/1 Tramp DEVICE POWER DOWN The figures below illustrate the device behavior during VSUP/1 ramp down, based on Crank bit configuration, and VDD under-voltage reset selection. Crank Bit Reset (INIT Watchdog Register, Bit 0 =0) Bit 0 = 0 is the default state for this bit. During VSUP/1 ramp down, VDD remain ON until device enters in Reset Mode due to a VDD under-voltage condition (VDD < 4.6 V or VDD < 3.2 V typically, threshold selected by the SPI). When device is in Reset, if VSUP/1 is below “VSUP_TH1”, VDD is turned OFF. Crank Bit Set (INIT Watchdog Register, Bit 0 =1) The bit 0 is set by SPI write. During VSUP/1 ramp down, VDD remains ON until device detects a POR and set BATFAIL. This occurs for a VSUP/1 approx 3.0 V. 33903/4/5 48 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN VBAT VSUP_NOMINAL (ex 12 V) VBAT VSUP_NOMINAL (ex 12 V) VSUP/1 VSUP/1 VDD (5.0 V) VSUP_TH1 (4.1 V) VDD (5.0 V) VDD_UV TH (typically 4.65 V) VDD_UV TH (typically 4.65 V) VDD VDD RESET RESET Case 1: “VDD UV TH 4.6V”, with bit Crank = 0 (default value) VBAT VSUP_NOMINAL (ex 12 V) BATFAIL (3.0 V) Case 2: “VDD UV 4.6V”, with bit Crank = 1 VBAT VSUP_NOMINAL (ex 12 V) VSUP/1 VSUP/1 VSUP_TH1 (4.1 V) VDD (5.0 V) VDD (5.0 V) VDD_UV TH (typically 4.65 V) VDD_UV TH (typically 4.65 V) VDD VDD VDD_UV TH2 (typically 3.2 V) BATFAIL (3.0 V) VDD_UV TH2 (typically 3.2 V) (2) INT INT RESET (1) RESET (1) reset then (2) VDD turn OFF Case 1: “VDD UV TH 3.2V”, with bit Crank = 0 (default value) Case 2: “VDD UV 3.2V”, with bit Crank = 1 Figure 31. VDD Behavior During VSUP/1 Ramp Down 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 49 FAIL SAFE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN FAIL SAFE OPERATION OVERVIEW Fail Safe Mode is entered when specific fail conditions occur. The “Safe state” condition is defined by the resistor connected at the DGB pin. Safe Mode is entered after additional event or conditions are met: time out for CAN communication and state at I/O-1 pin. Exiting the safe state is always possible by a Wake-Up event: in the safe state, the device can automatically be awakened by CAN and I/O (if configured as inputs). Upon Wake-Up, the device operation is resumed: enter in Reset Mode. FAIL SAFE FUNCTIONALITY Upon dedicated event or issue detected at a device pin (i.e. RESET), the Safe Mode can be entered. In this mode, the SAFE pin is active low. Description Upon activation of the SAFE pin, and if the failure condition that make the SAFE pin activated have not recovered, the device can help to reduce ECU consumption, assuming that the MCU is not able to set the whole ECU in LP Mode. Two main cases are available: Mode A to properly control the device and properly refresh the watchdog). Modes B1, B2 and B3 Upon SAFE activation, the system continues to monitor external event, and disable the MCU supply (turn VDD OFF). The external events monitored are: CAN traffic, I/O-1 low level or both of them. 3 sub cases exist, B1, B2 and B3. Note: no CAN traffic indicates that the ECU of the vehicle are no longer active, thus that the car is being parked and stopped. The I/O low level detection can also indicate that the vehicle is being shutdown, if the I/O-1 pin is connected for instance to a switched battery signal (ignition key on/off signal). The selection of the monitored events is done by hardware, via the resistor connected at DBG pin, but can be over written by software, via a specific SPI command. By default, after power up the device detect the resistor value at DBG pin (upon transition from INIT to Normal Mode), and, if no specific SPI command related to Debug resistor change is send, operates according to the detected resistor. The INIT MISC register allow you to verify and change the device behavior, to either confirm or change the hardware selected behavior. Device will then operate according to the SAFE Mode configured by the SPI. Table 7 illustrates the complete options available: Upon SAFE activation, the MCU remains powered (VDD stays ON), until the failure condition recovers (i.e. S/W is able Table 7. Fail Safe Options Resistor at DBG pin SPI coding - register INIT MISC bits [2,1,0] (higher priority that Resistor coding) Safe Mode code VDD status <6.0 k bits [2,1,0) = [111]: verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 0 kohm (RA) - Selection of SAFE Mode A A remains ON typically 15 k bits [2,1,0) = [110]: verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 15 kohm (RB1) - Selection of SAFE Mode B1 B1 Turn OFF 8.0 s after CAN traffic bus idle detection. typically 33 k bits [2,1,0) = [101]: verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 33 kohm (RB2 - Selection of SAFE Mode B2 B2 Turn OFF when I/O-1 low level detected. typically 68 k bits [2,1,0) = [100]: verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 68 kohm (RB3) - Selection of SAFE Mode B3 B3 Turn OFF 8.0 s after CAN traffic bus idle detection AND when I/O-1 low level detected. Exit of Safe Mode Exit of the safe state with VDD OFF is always possible by a Wake-Up event: in this safe state the device can automatically awakened by CAN and I/O (if I/O Wake-Up was enable by the SPI prior to enter into SAFE Mode). Upon Wake-Up, the device operation is resumed, and device enters in Reset Mode. The SAFE pin remains active, until there is a proper read and clear of the SPI flags reporting the SAFE conditions. 33903/4/5 50 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FAIL SAFE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN . SAFE Operation Flow Chart Legend: Failure events Device state: RESET NR RESET bit 4, INIT watchdog = 1 (1) bit 4, INIT watchdog = 0 (1) SAFE high Reset: 1.0 ms pulse SAFE low Reset: 1.0 ms pulse detection of 2nd consecutive watchdog failure SAFE low a) Evaluation of Resistor detected at DBG pin during power up, or SPI watchdog failure VDD low: VDD <VDD_UVTH INIT, Normal Request Normal, FLASH register content - Reset low - SAFE low - VDD ON Rst s/c GND: Rst <2.5 V, t >100 ms b) ECU external signal monitoring (7): - bus idle time out - I/O-1 monitoring RESET safe state B SPI (3) safe state A 8 consecutive watchdog failure (5) SAFE pin release (SAFE high) (6) State A: RDBG <6.0 k AND watchdog failure - SAFE low - VDD ON - Reset: 1.0 ms periodic pulse State A: RDBG <6.0 k AND (VDD low or RST s/c GND) failure - SAFE low - VDD ON - Reset low State B1: RDBG = 15 k AND Bus idle timeout expired State B2: RDBG = 33 k AND I/O-1 low State B3: RDBG = 47 k AND I/O-1 low AND Bus idle time out expired - SAFE low - Reset low - VDD OFF Wake-up (2), VDD ON, SAFE pin remains low failure recovery, SAFE pin remains low 1) bit 4 of INIT Watchdog register 2) Wake-up event: CAN, LIN or I/O-1 high level (if I/O-1 Wake-Up previously enabled) 3) SPI commands: 0xDD00 or 0xDD80 to release SAFE pin 4) Recovery: reset low condition released, VDD low condition released, correct SPI watchdog refresh 5) detection of 8 consecutive watchdog failures: no correct SPI watchdog refresh command occurred for duration of 8 x 256 ms. 6) Dynamic behavior: 1.0 ms reset pulse every 256 ms, due to no watchdog refresh SPI command, and device state transition between RESET and NORMAL REQUEST Mode, or INIT RESET and INIT modes. 7) 8 second timer for bus idle timeout. I/O-1 high to low transition. Figure 32. Safe Operation Flow Chart Conditions to Set SAFE Pin Active Low Watchdog refresh issue: SAFE activated at 1st reset pulse or at the second consecutive reset pulse (selected by bit 4, INIT watchdog register). VDD low: VDD < RST-TH. SAFE pin is set low at the same time as the RESET pin is set low. The RESET pin is monitored to verify that reset is not clamped to a low level preventing the MCU to operate. If this is the case, the Safe Mode is entered. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 51 FAIL SAFE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN SAFE Mode A Illustration Figure 33 illustrates the event and consequences when SAFE Mode A is selected via the appropriate debug resistor or SPI configuration. Behavior Illustration for Safe State A (RDG < 6.0 kohm), or Selection by the SPI step 2: Consequence on VDD, RST and SAFE step 1: Failure illustration VDD failure event, i.e. watchdog VDD 8th 2nd 1st RST SAFE RST SAFE OFF state ON state 8 x 256 ms delay time to enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at DBG pin and monitor ECU external events failure event, VDD low GND VDD VDD_UV TH VDD RST RST SAFE VDD < VDD_UV TH GND SAFE OFF state ON state 100ms 100 ms delay time to enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at DBG pin and monitor ECU external events failure event, Reset s/c GND VDD VDD SAFE RST 2.5 V RST ON state OFF state SAFE 100ms 100 ms deglitcher time to activate SAFE and enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at the DBG pin and monitor ECU external events Figure 33. SAFE Mode A Behavior Illustration 33903/4/5 52 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor FAIL SAFE OPERATION BEHAVIOR AT POWER UP AND POWER DOWN SAFE Mode B1, B2 and B3 Illustration Figure 34 illustrates the event, and consequences when SAFE Mode B1, B2, or B3 is selected via the appropriate debug resistor or SPI configuration. Behavior illustration for the safe state B (RDG > 10 kohm) CAN bus DBG resistor => safe state B1 step 2: Exclusive detection of ECU external event to disable VDD based on RDBG resistor or SPI configuration CAN bus idle time I/O-1 I/O-1 high to low transition DBG resistor => safe state B2 CAN bus DBG resistor => safe state B3 CAN bus idle time I/O-1 I/O-1 high to low transition step 1: Failure illustration step 3: Consequences for VDD VDD failure event, i.e. watchdog VDD 8th 2nd 1st RST SAFE RST SAFE OFF state ON state 8 x 256 ms delay time to enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at the DBG pin and monitor ECU external events failure event, VDD low If VDD failure recovered VDD VDD_UV TH VDD GND VDD VDD 2.5 V OFF state 100 ms p If Reset s/c GND recovered failure event, Reset s/c GND RST ak eU and monitor ECU external events W 100 ms E m CU et e => xte V rna D l D di c on sa d bl itio e n SAFE OFF state ON state 100 ms delay time to enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at DBG pin SAFE VDD OFF RST RST SAFE VDD < VDD_UV TH GND VDD OFF RST ON state SAFE 100 ms deglitcher time to activate SAFE and enter in SAFE Mode to evaluate resistor at DBG pin and monitor ECU external events Figure 34. SAFE Modes B1, B2, or B3 Behavior Illustration 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 53 CAN INTERFACE CAN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION CAN INTERFACE CAN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION internal 2.5 V reference provides the 2.5 V recessive levels via the matched RIN resistors. The resistors can be switched to GND in CAN Sleep Mode. A dedicated split buffer provides a low-impedance 2.5 V to the SPLIT pin, for recessive level stabilization. The figure below is a high level schematic of the CAN interface. It exist in a LS driver between CANL and GND, and a HS driver from CANH to 5 V-CAN. Two differential receivers are connected between CANH and CANL to detect a bus state and to Wake-Up from CAN Sleep Mode. An VSUP/2 Pattern SPI & State machine Detection Wake-up Receiver 5 V-CAN Driver QH RIN 2.5 V CANH Differential Receiver RXD RIN CANL 5 V-CAN TXD Driver SPI & State machine SPI & State machine Thermal QL 5 V-CAN Failure Detection Buffer SPLIT & Management Figure 35. CAN Interface Block Diagram Can Interface Supply The supply voltage for the CAN driver is the 5 V-CAN pin. The CAN interface also has a supply pass from the battery line through the VSUP/2 pin. This pass is used in CAN Sleep Mode to allow Wake-Up detection. During CAN communication (transmission and reception), the CAN interface current is sourced from the 5 V-CAN pin. During CAN LP Mode, the current is sourced from the VSUP/ 2 pin. TXD/RXD Mode In TXD/RXD Mode, both the CAN driver and the receiver are ON. In this mode, the CAN lines are controlled by the TXD pin level and the CAN bus state is reported on the RXD pin. The 5 V-CAN regulator must be ON. It supplies the CAN driver and receiver.The SPLIT pin is active and a 2.5 V biasing is provided on the SPLIT output pin. Receive Only Mode This mode is used to disable the CAN driver, but leave the CAN receiver active. In this mode, the device is only able to report the CAN state on the RXD pin. The TXD pin has no effect on CAN bus lines. The 5 V-CAN regulator must be ON. The SPLIT pin is active and a 2.5 V biasing is provided on the SPLIT output pin. Operation in TXD/RXD Mode The CAN driver will be enabled as soon as the device is in Normal Mode and the TXD pin is recessive. 33903/4/5 54 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor CAN INTERFACE CAN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION When the CAN interface is in Normal Mode, the driver has two states: recessive or dominant. The driver state is controlled by the TXD pin. The bus state is reported through the RXD pin. When TXD is high, the driver is set in the recessive state, and CANH and CANL lines are biased to the voltage set with 5 V-CAN divided by 2, or approx. 2.5 V. When TXD is low, the bus is set into the dominant state, and CANL and CANH drivers are active. CANL is pulled low and CANH is pulled high. The RXD pin reports the bus state: CANH minus the CANL voltage is compared versus an internal threshold (a few hundred mV). If “CANH minus CANL” is below the threshold, the bus is recessive and RXD is set high. If “CANH minus CANL” is above the threshold, the bus is dominant and RXD is set low. The SPLIT pin is active and provides a 2.5 V biasing to the SPLIT output. TXD/RXD Mode and Slew Rate Selection The CAN signal slew rate selection is done via the SPI. By default and if no SPI is used, the device is in the fastest slew rate. Three slew rates are available. The slew rate controls the recessive to dominant, and dominant to recessive transitions. This also affects the delay time from the TXD pin to the bus and from the bus to the RXD. The loop time is thus affected by the slew rate selection. Minimum Baud Rate The minimum baud rate is determined by the shortest TXD permanent dominant timing detection. The maximum number of consecutive dominant bits in a frame is 12 (6 bits of active error flag and its echo error flag). The shortest TXD dominant detection time of 300 μs lead to a single bit time of: 300 μs / 12 = 25 μs. So the minimum Baud rate is 1 / 25 μs = 40 kBaud. Sleep Mode Sleep Mode is a reduced current consumption mode. CANH and CANL drivers are disabled and CANH and CANL lines are terminated to GND via the RIN resistor, the SPLIT pin is high-impedance. In order to monitor bus activities, the CAN Wake-Up receiver can be enabled. It is supplied internally from VSUP/2. Wake-up events occurring on the CAN bus pin are reporting by dedicated flags in SPI and by INT pulse, and results in a device Wake-Up if the device was in LP Mode. When the device is set back into Normal Mode, CANH and CANL are set back into the recessive level. This is illustrated in Figure 36. . TXD Dominant state Recessive state CANH-DOM CANH 2.5 V CANL CANL/CANH-REC CANH-CANL CANL-DOM High ohmic termination (50 kohm) to GND RXD SPLIT 2.5 V Bus Driver Receiver (bus dominant set by other IC) Normal or Listen Only Mode High-impedance Go to sleep, Sleep or Stand-by Mode Normal or Listen Only Mode Figure 36. Bus Signal in TXD/RXD and LP Mode Wake-up When the CAN interface is in Sleep Mode with Wake-Up enabled, the CAN bus traffic is detected. The CAN bus Wake- Up is a pattern Wake-Up. The Wake-Up by the CAN is enabled or disabled via the SPI. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 55 CAN INTERFACE CAN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION CAN bus CANH Dominant Pulse # 1 Dominant Pulse # 2 CANL Internal differential Wake-Up receiver signal Internal Wake-Up signal Can Wake-Up detected tCAN WU1-F Figure 37. Single Dominant Pulse Wake-up Pattern Wake-up In order to Wake-Up the CAN interface, the Wake-Up receiver must receive a series of three consecutive valid dominant pulses, by default when the CANWU bit is low. CANWU bit can be set high by SPI and the Wake-Up will occur after a single pulse duration of 2.0 μs (typically). A valid dominant pulse should be longer than 500 ns. The three pulses should occur in a time frame of 120 μs, to be considered valid. When three pulses meet these conditions, the wake signal is detected. This is illustrated by the following figure. . CAN bus Dominant Pulse # 1 CANH Dominant Pulse # 3 Dominant Pulse # 2 CANL Dominant Pulse # 4 Internal differential Wake-Up receiver signal Internal Wake-Up signal Can Wake-Up detected tCAN WU3-F tCAN WU3-F tCAN WU3-F tCAN WU3-TO Dominant Pulse # n: duration 1 or multiple dominant bits Figure 38. Pattern Wake-up - Multiple Dominant Detection BUS TERMINATION The device supports the two main types of bus terminations: • Differential termination resistors between CANH and CANL lines. • SPLIT termination concept, with the mid point of the differential termination connected to GND through a capacitor and to the SPLIT pin. • In application, the device can also be used without termination. • Figure 39 illustrates some of the most common terminations. 33903/4/5 56 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor CAN INTERFACE CAN BUS FAULT DIAGNOSTIC CANH SPLIT CANH No connect 120 CANL No connect SPLIT CAN bus CAN bus CANL ECU connector ECU connector No termination Standard termination CANH 60 SPLIT CAN bus 60 CANL ECU connector Figure 39. Bus Termination Options CAN BUS FAULT DIAGNOSTIC The device includes diagnostic of bus short-circuit to GND, VBAT, and internal ECU 5.0 V. Several comparators are implemented on CANH and CANL lines. These comparators Vr5 H5 Hb TXD Hg Logic Diag Lg VBAT (12-14 V) Vrvb VDD Vrg L5 VRVB (VSUP-2.0 V) CANH CANL Vrg Lb monitor the bus level in the recessive and dominant states. The information is then managed by a logic circuitry to properly determine the failure and report it. VDD (5.0 V) VR5 (VDD-.43 V) CANH dominant level (3.6 V) Recessive level (2.5 V) VRG (1.75 V) Vrvb CANL dominant level (1.4 V) Vr5 GND (0.0 V) Figure 40. CAN Bus Simplified Structure Truth Table for Failure Detection The following table indicates the state of the comparators when there is a bus failure, and depending upon the driver state. Table 8. Failure Detection Truth Table Failure Description Driver Recessive State Driver Dominant State Lg (threshold 1.75 V) Hg (threshold 1.75 V) Lg (threshold 1.75 V) No failure 1 1 0 1 CANL to GND 0 0 0 1 CANH to GND Hg (threshold 1.75 V) 0 0 0 0 Lb (threshold VSUP -2.0 V) Hb (threshold VSUP -2.0 V) Lb (threshold VSUP -2.0 V) Hb (threshold VSUP -2.0 V) 0 No failure 0 0 0 CANL to VBAT 1 1 1 1 CANH to VBAT 1 1 0 1 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 57 CAN INTERFACE CAN BUS FAULT DIAGNOSTIC Table 8. Failure Detection Truth Table Driver Recessive State Failure Description Driver Dominant State Lg (threshold 1.75 V) Hg (threshold 1.75 V) Lg (threshold 1.75 V) Hg (threshold 1.75 V) L5 (threshold VDD -0.43 V) H5 (threshold VDD -0.43 V) L5 (threshold VDD -0.43 V) H5 (threshold VDD -0.43 V) 0 No failure 0 0 0 CANL to 5.0 V 1 1 1 1 CANH to 5.0 V 1 1 0 1 DETECTION PRINCIPLE In the recessive state, if one of the two bus lines are shorted to GND, VDD (5.0 V), or VBAT, the voltage at the other line follows the shorted line, due to the bus termination resistance. For example: if CANL is shorted to GND, the CANL voltage is zero, the CANH voltage measured by the Hg comparator is also close to zero. In the recessive state, the failure detection to GND or VBAT is possible. However, it is not possible with the above implementation to distinguish which of the CANL or CANH lines are shorted to GND or VBAT. A complete diagnostic is possible once the driver is turned on, and in the dominant state. Number of Samples for Proper Failure Detection The failure detector requires at least one cycle of the recessive and dominant states to properly recognize the bus failure. The error will be fully detected after five cycles of the recessive-dominant states. As long as the failure detection circuitry has not detected the same error for five recessivedominant cycles, the error is not reported. BUS CLAMPING DETECTION If the bus is detected to be in dominant for a time longer than (TDOM), the bus failure flag is set and the error is reported in the SPI. TXD This condition could occur when the CANH line is shorted to a high-voltage. In this case, current will flow from the highvoltage short-circuit, through the bus termination resistors (60 Ω), into the SPLIT pin (if used), and into the device CANH and CANL input resistors, which are terminated to internal 2.5 V biasing or to GND (Sleep Mode). Depending upon the high-voltage short-circuit, the number of nodes, usage of the SPLIT pin, RIN actual resistor and mode state (Sleep or Active) the voltage across the bus termination can be sufficient to create a positive dominant voltage between CANH and CANL, and the RXD pin will be low. This would prevent start of any CAN communication and thus, proper failure identification requires five pulses on TXD. The bus dominant clamp circuit will help to determine such failure situation. RXD PERMANENT RECESSIVE FAILURE The aim of this detection is to diagnose an external hardware failure at the RXD output pin and ensure that a permanent failure at RXD does not disturb the network communication. If RXD is shorted to a logic high signal, the CAN protocol module within the MCU will not recognize any incoming message. In addition, it will not be able to easily distinguish the bus idle state and can start communication at any time. In order to prevent this, RXD failure detection is necessary. CANL&H Diag TXD driver Logic Diff output VDD/2 VDD Sampling VDD Rxsense RXD RXD output CANH RXD driver 60 Diff CANL Sampling RXD short to VDD RXD flag latched RXD flag Prop delay The RXD flag is not the RXPR bit in the LPC register, and neither is the CANF in the INTR register. Figure 41. RXD Path Simplified Schematic, RXD Short to VDD Detection Implementation for Detection The implementation senses the RXD output voltage at each low to high transition of the differential receiver. Excluding the internal propagation delay, the RXD output should be low when the differential receiver is low. When an external short to VDD at the RXD output, RXD will be tied to a high level and can be detected at the next low to high transition of the differential receiver. As soon as the RXD permanent recessive is detected, the RXD driver is deactivated. Once the error is detected the driver is disabled and the error is reported via SPI in CAN register. 33903/4/5 58 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor CAN INTERFACE CAN BUS FAULT DIAGNOSTIC Recovery Condition The internal recovery is done by sampling a correct low level at TXD as shown in the following illustration. CANL&H Diff output Sampling RXD output Sampling RXD short to VDD RXD flag latched RXD no longer shorted to VDD RXD flag The RXD flag is not the RXPR bit in the LPC register, and neither is the CANF in the INTR register. Figure 42. RXD Path Simplified Schematic, RXD Short to VDD Detection TXD PERMANENT DOMINANT Principle If the TXD is set to a permanent low level, the CAN bus is set into dominant level, and no communication is possible. The device has a TXD permanent timeout detector. After the timeout, the bus driver is disabled and the bus is released into a recessive state. The TXD permanent flag is set. Recovery The TXD permanent dominant is used and activated when there is a TXD short to RXD. The recovery condition for a TXD permanent dominant (recovery means the re-activation of the CAN drivers) is done by entering into a Normal Mode controlled by the MCU or when TXD is recessive while RXD change from recessive to dominant. TXD TO RXD SHORT-CIRCUIT low and drives CANH and CANL into a dominant state. Thus the bus is stuck in dominant. No further communication is possible. Detection and Recovery The TXD permanent dominant timeout will be activated and release the CANL and CANH drivers. However, at the next incoming dominant bit, the bus will then be stuck in dominant again. The recovery condition is same as the TXD dominant failure IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BUS DRIVER REACTIVATION The driver stays disabled until the failure is/are removed (TXD and/or RXD is no longer permanent dominant or recessive state or shorted) and the failure flags cleared (read). The CAN driver must be set by SPI in TXD/RXD Mode in order to re enable the CAN bus driver. Principle When TXD is shorted to RXD during incoming dominant information, RXD is set to low. Consequently, the TXD pin is 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 59 LIN BLOCK LIN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION LIN BLOCK LIN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION The physical interface is dedicated to automotive LIN subbus applications. The interface has 20 kbps and 10 kbps baud rates, and includes as well as a fast baud rate for test and programming modes. It has excellent ESD robustness and immunity against disturbance, and radiated emission performance. It has safe behavior when a LIN bus short-to-ground, or a LIN bus leakage during LP Mode. Digital inputs are related to the device VDD pin. POWER SUPPLY PIN (VSUP/2) The VSUP/2 pin is the supply pin for the LIN interface. To avoid a false bus message, an under-voltage on VSUP/2 disables the transmission path (from TXD to LIN) when VSUP/2 falls below 6.1 V. GROUND PIN (GND) When there is a ground disconnection at the module level, the LIN interface do not have significant current consumption on the LIN bus pin when in the recessive state. LIN BUS PIN (LIN, LIN1, LIN2) The LIN pin represents the single-wire bus transmitter and receiver. It is suited for automotive bus systems, and is compliant to the LIN bus specification 2.1 and SAEJ2602-2. The LIN interface is only active during Normal Mode. Driver Characteristics The LIN driver is a LS MOSFET with internal over-current thermal shutdown. An internal pull-up resistor with a serial diode structure is integrated so no external pull-up components are required for the application in a slave node. An additional pull-up resistor of 1.0 kΩ must be added when the device is used in the master node. The 1.0 kΩ pull-up resistor can be connected to the LIN pin or to the ECU battery supply. The LIN pin exhibits no reverse current from the LIN bus line to VSUP/2, even in the event of a GND shift or VSUP/2 disconnection. The transmitter has a 20 kbps, 10 kbps and fast baud rate, which are selected by SPI. Receiver Characteristics The receiver thresholds are ratiometric with the device VSUP/2 voltage. If the VSUP/2 voltage goes below typically 6.1 V, the LIN bus enters into a recessive state even if communication is sent on TXD. If LIN driver temperature reaches the over-temperature threshold, the transceiver and receiver are disabled. When the temperature falls below the over-temperature threshold, LIN driver and receiver will be automatically enabled. DATA INPUT PIN (TXD-L, TXD-L1, TXD-L2) The TXD-L,TXD-L1 and TXD-L2 input pin is the MCU interface to control the state of the LIN output. When TXD-L is LOW (dominant), LIN output is LOW. When TXD-L is HIGH (recessive), the LIN output transistor is turned OFF. This pin has an internal pull-up current source to VDD to force the recessive state if the input pin is left floating. If the pin stays low (dominant sate) more than t TXDDOM, the LIN transmitter goes automatically in recessive state. This is reported by flag in LIN register. DATA OUTPUT PIN (RXD-L, RXD-L1, RXD-L2) This output pin is the MCU interface, which reports the state of the LIN bus voltage. LIN HIGH (recessive) is reported by a high voltage on RXD, LIN LOW (dominant) is reported by a low voltage on RXD. LIN OPERATIONAL MODES The LIN interface have two operational modes, Transmit receiver and LIN disable modes. TRANSMIT RECEIVE In the TXD/RXD Mode, the LIN bus can transmit and receive information. When the 20 kbps baud rate is selected, the slew rate and timing are compatible with LIN protocol specification 2.1. When the 10 kbps baud rate is selected, the slew rate and timing are compatible with J2602-2. When the fast baud rate is selected, the slew rate and timing are much faster than the above specification and allow fast data transition. The LIN interface can be set by the SPI command in TXD/RXD Mode, only when TXD-L is at a high level. When the SPI command is send while TXD-L is low, the command is ignored. SLEEP MODE This mode is selected by SPI, and the transmission path is disabled. Supply current for LIN block from VSUP/2 is very low (typically 3.0 μA). LIN bus is monitor to detect Wake-Up 33903/4/5 60 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor LIN BLOCK LIN OPERATIONAL MODES event. In the Sleep Mode, the internal 725 kOhm pull-up resistor is connected and the 30 kOhm disconnected. The LIN block can be awakened from Sleep Mode by detection of LIN bus activity. LIN Bus Activity Detection The LIN bus Wake-Up is recognized by a recessive to dominant transition, followed by a dominant level with a duration greater than 70 μs, followed by a dominant to Table 9. recessive transition. This is illustrated in Figures 22 and 23. Once the Wake-Up is detected, the event is reported to the device state machine. An INT is generated if the device is in LP VDD ON Mode, or VDD will restart if the device was in LP VDDOFF Mode. The Wake-Up can be enable or disable by the SPI. Fail safe Features Table 9 describes the LIN block behavior when there is a failure. LIN Block Failure FAULT FUNCTIONNAL MODE LIN supply under-voltage TXD Pin Permanent Dominant LIN Thermal Shutdown TXD RXD TXD RXD CONDITION CONSEQUENCE RECOVERY LIN supply voltage < 6.0 V (typically) LIN transmitter in recessive State Condition gone TXD pin low for more than t TXDDOM LIN transmitter in recessive State Condition gone LIN driver temperature > 160°C (typically) LIN transmitter and receiver disabled HS turned off Condition gone 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 61 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE HIGH LEVEL OVERVIEW SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE HIGH LEVEL OVERVIEW The device uses a 16 bits SPI, with the following arrangements: MOSI, Master Out Slave In bits: • bits 15 and 14 (called C1 and C0) are control bits to select the SPI operation mode (write control bit to device register, read back of the control bits, read of device flag). • bit 13 to 9 (A4 to A0) to select the register address. • bit 8 (P/N) has two functions: parity bit in write mode (optional, = 0 if not used), Next bit ( = 1) in read mode. Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 MOSI C1 C0 A4 S15 S14 A2 A1 A0 register address control bits MISO A3 S13 S12 S11 S10 • bit7 to 0 (D7 to D0): control bits MISO, Master In Slave Out bits: • bits 15 to 8 (S15 to S8) are device status bits • bits 7 to 0 (Do7 to Do0) are either extended device status bits, device internal control register content or device flags. The SPI implementation does not support daisy chain capability. Figure 43 is an overview of the SPI implementation. Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 P/N D7 S9 S8 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D4 D2 D1 D0 Do2 Do1 Do0 D3 data Do7 Do6 Do5 Do4 Do3 Extended Device Status, Register Control bits or Device Flags CS active low. Must rise at end of 16 clocks, for write commands, MOSI bits [15, 14] = ¬¨‚Ć[0 CS SCLK MISO Tri-state D5 Parity (optional) or Next bit = 1 Device Status MOSI Don’t Care D6 Bit 5 SCLK signal is low outside of CS active C1 S15 C0 D0 S14 Do0 Don’t Care Tri-state MOSI and MISO data changed at SCLK rising edge and sampled at falling edge. Msb first. MISO tri-state outside of CS active SPI Wave Form, and Signals Polarity Figure 43. SPI Overview 33903/4/5 62 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OPERATION DETAIL OPERATION BITS 15, 14 AND 8 FUNCTIONS Table 10 summarizes the various SPI operation, depending upon bit 15, 14, and 8. Table 10. SPI Operations (bits 8, 14 & 15) Parity/Next MOSI[8] P/N Control Bits MOSI[15-14], C1-C0 Type of Command 00 Read back of register content and block (CAN, I/O, INT, LINs) real time state. See Table 37. 1 Bit 8 must be set to 1, independently of the parity function selected or not selected. 01 Write to register address, to control the device operation 0 If bit 8 is set to “0”: means parity not selected OR 10 Reserved 11 Read of device flags form a register address Note for Bit 8 P/N parity is selected AND parity = 0 1 if bit 8 is set to “1”: means parity is selected AND parity = 1 1 Bit 8 must be set to 1, independently of the parity function selected or not selected. BITS 13-9 FUNCTIONS Device Status on MISO The device contains several registers coded on five bits (bits 13 to 9). Each register controls or reports part of the device’s function. Data can be written to the register to control the device operation or to set the default value or behavior. Every register can also be read back in order to ensure that it’s content (default setting or value previously written) is correct. In addition, some of the registers are used to report device flags. When a write operation is performed to store data or control bits into the device, the MISO pin reports a 16 bit fixed device status composed of 2 bytes: Device Fixed Status (bits 15 to 8) + extended Device Status (bits 7 to 0). In a read operation, MISO will report the Fixed device status (bits 15 to 8) and the next eight bits will be the content of the selected register. REGISTER ADRESS TABLE Table 11 is a list of device registers and addresses, coded with bits 13 to 9. Table 11. Device Registers with Corresponding Address Address MOSI[13-9] A4...A0 Description Quick Ref. Name 0_0000 Analog Multiplexer MUX 1) Write “device control bits” to register address. 2) Read back register “control bits” 0_0001 Memory byte A RAM_A 0_0010 Memory byte B RAM_B 1) Write “data byte” to register address. 2) Read back “data byte” from register address 0_0011 Memory byte C RAM_C 0_0100 Memory byte D RAM_D 0_0101 Initialization Regulators Init REG 0_0110 Initialization Watchdog Init watchdog 0_0111 Initialization LIN and I/O Init LIN I/O 0_1000 Initialization Miscellaneous functions Init MISC 0_1001 Specific modes SPE_MODE Functionality 1) Write “device initialization control bits” to register address. 2) Read back “initialization control bits” from register address 1) Write to register to select device Specific mode, using “Inverted Random Code”. 2) Read “Random Code” 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 63 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OPERATION Table 11. Device Registers with Corresponding Address 0_1010 Timer_A: watchdog & LP MCU consumption TIM_A 1) Write “timing values” to register address. 2) Read back register “timing values” 0_1011 Timer_B: Cyclic Sense & Cyclic Interrupt TIM_B 0_1100 Timer_C: watchdog LP & Forced Wake-up TIM_C 0_1101 Watchdog Refresh watchdog Watchdog Refresh Commands 0_1110 Mode register MODE 1) Write to register to select LP Mode, with optional “Inverted Random code” and select Wake-Up functionality 2) Read operations: Read back device “Current Mode” Read “Random Code”, Leave “Debug Mode” 0_1111 Regulator Control REG 1_0000 CAN interface control CAN 1_0001 Input Output control I/O 1_0010 Interrupt Control Interrupt 1_0011 LIN1 interface control LIN1 1_0100 LIN2 interface control LIN2 1) Write “device control bits” to register address, to select device operation. 2) Read back register “control bits”. 3) Read device flags from each of the register addresses. COMPLETE SPI OPERATION Table 12 is a compiled view of all the SPI capabilities and options. Both MOSI and MISO information are described. Table 12. SPI Capabilities with Options Type of Command Read back of “device control bits” (MOSI bit 7 = 0) OR Read specific device information (MOSI bit 7 = 1) MOSI/ MISO Control bits [15-14] Address [13-9] Parity/Next bits [8] Bit 7 Bits [6-0] MOSI 00 address 1 0 000 0000 MISO MOSI MISO MOSI Write device control bit to address selected by bits (13-9). MISO return 16 bits device status MISO Reserved MOSI Device Fixed Status (8 bits) 00 address 1 MISO MOSI MISO MOSI 1 000 0000 Device Fixed Status (8 bits) 01 address Device ID and I/Os state (note) Control bits Device Fixed Status (8 bits) Device Extended Status (8 bits) 10 Reserved MISO Read device flags and Wake-Up flags, from register address (bit 13-9), and sub address (bit 7). MISO return fixed device status (bit 15-8) + flags from the selected address and sub-address. Register control bits content Reserved 11 address Reserved 0 Read of device flags form a register address, and sub address LOW (bit 7) 1 Read of device flags form a register address, and sub address HIGH (bit 7) Device Fixed Status (8 bits) 11 address 1 Device Fixed Status (8 bits) Note: P = 0 if parity bit is not selected or parity = 0. P = 1 if parity is selected and parity = 1. Flags Flags PARITY BIT 8 contained in bits 15-9,7-0 sequence (this is the entire 16 bits of the write command except bit 8). Bit 8 must be set to 0 if the number of 1 is odd. Bit 8 must be set to 1if the number of 1 is even. Calculation Examples 1: The parity is used for the write-to-register command (bit 15,14 = 01). It is calculated based on the number of logic one MOSI [bit 15-0] = 01 00 011 P 01101001, P should be 0, because the command contains 7 bits with logic 1. Thus the Exact command will then be: MOSI [bit 15-0] = 01 00 011 0 01101001 33903/4/5 64 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OPERATION Examples 2: Parity Function Selection MOSI [bit 15-0] = 01 00 011 P 0100 0000, P should be 1, because the command contains 4 bits with logic 1. Thus the Exact command will then be: MOSI [bit 15-0] = 01 00 011 1 0100 0000 All SPI commands and examples do not use parity functions. The parity function is optional. It is selected by bit 6 in INIT MISC register. If parity function is not selected (bit 6 of INIT MISC = 0), then Parity bits in all SPI commands (bit 8) must be “0”. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 65 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING The following tables contain register bit meaning arranged by register address, from address 0_000 to address 1_0100 MUX AND RAM REGISTERS Table 13. MUX Register(32) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_0000 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 00 _ 000 P MUX_2 MUX_1 MUX_0 Int 2K I/O-att 0 0 0 Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR, 5 V-CAN off, any mode different from Normal Bits Description b7 b6 b5 MUX_2, MUX_1, MUX_0 - Selection of external input signal or internal signal to be measured at MUX-OUT pin 000 All functions disable. No output voltage at MUX-OUT pin 001 VDD regulator current recopy. Ratio is approx 1/97. Requires an external resistor or selection of Internal 2.0 K (bit 3) 010 Device internal voltage reference (approx 2.5 V) 011 Device internal temperature sensor voltage 100 Voltage at I/O-0. Attenuation or gain is selected by bit 3. 101 Voltage at I/O-1. Attenuation or gain is selected by bit 3. 110 Voltage at VSUP/1 pin. Refer to electrical table for attenuation ratio (approx 5) 111 Voltage at VSENSE pin. Refer to electrical table for attenuation ratio (approx 5) b4 INT 2k - Select device internal 2.0 kohm resistor between AMUX and GND. This resistor allows the measurement of a voltage proportional to the VDD output current. 0 Internal 2.0 kohm resistor disable. An external resistor must be connected between AMUX and GND. 1 Internal 2.0 kohm resistor enable. b3 I/O-att - When I/O-0 (or I/O-1) is selected with b7,b6,b5 = 100 (or 101), b3 selects attenuation or gain between I/O-0 (or I/O-1) and MUX-OUT pin 0 Gain is approx 2 for device with VDD = 5.0 V (Ref. to electrical table for exact gain value) Gain is approx 1.3 for device with VDD = 3.3 V (Ref. to electrical table for exact gain value) 1 Attenuation is approx 4 for device with VDD = 5.0 V (Ref. to electrical table for exact attenuation value) Attenuation is approx 6 for device with VDD = 3.3 V (Ref. to electrical table for exact attenuation value) Notes 32. The MUX register can be written and read only when the 5V-CAN regulator is ON. If the MUX register is written or read while 5V-CAN is OFF, the command is ignored, and the MXU register content is reset to default state (all control bits = 0). 33903/4/5 66 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 14. Internal Memory Registers A, B, C and D, RAM_A, RAM_B, RAM_C and RAM_D MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_0xxx [P/N] Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 01 00 _ 001 P Ram a7 Ram a6 Ram a5 Ram a4 Ram a3 Ram a2 Ram a1 Ram a0 Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR 01 00 _ 010 P Ram b7 Ram b6 Ram b5 Ram b4 Ram b3 Ram b2 Ram b1 Ram b0 Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ram c3 Ram c2 Ram c1 Ram c0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR 01 00 _ 011 P Ram c7 Ram c6 Ram c5 Ram c4 Default state 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR 01 00 _ 100 P Ram d7 Ram d6 Ram d5 Ram d4 Ram d3 Ram d2 Ram d1 Ram d0 Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 67 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING INIT REGISTERS Note: these registers can be written only in INIT Mode Table 15. Initialization Regulator Registers, INIT REG (note: register can be written only in INIT Mode) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_0101 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 00 _ 101 P I/O-x sync VDDL rst[1] VDDL rst[0] VDD rstD[1] VDD rstD[0] VAUX5/3 Cyclic on[1] Cyclic on[0] Default state 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Bit Description b7 I/O-x sync - Determine if I/O-1 is sensed during I/O-0 activation, when cyclic sense function is selected 0 I/O-1 sense anytime 1 I/O-1 sense during I/O-0 activation b6, b5 VDDL RST[1] VDDL RST[0] - Select the VDD under-voltage threshold, to activate RESET pin and/or INT 00 Reset at approx 0.9 VDD. 01 INT at approx 0.9 VDD, Reset at approx 0.7 VDD 10 Reset at approx 0.7 VDD 11 Reset at approx 0.9 VDD. b4, b3 VDD RSTD[1] VDD RSTD[0] - Select the RESET pin low lev duration, after VDD rises above the VDD under-voltage threshold 00 1.0 ms 01 5.0 ms 10 10 ms 11 20 ms b2 [VAUX 5/3] - Select Vauxilary output voltage 0 VAUX = 3.3 V 1 VAUX = 5.0 V b1, b0 Cyclic on[1] Cyclic on[0] - Determine I/O-0 activation time, when cyclic sense function is selected 00 200 μs (typical value. Ref. to dynamic parameters for exact value) 01 400 μs (typical value. Ref. to dynamic parameters for exact value) 10 800 μs (typical value. Ref. to dynamic parameters for exact value) 11 1600 μs (typical value. Ref. to dynamic parameters for exact value) 33903/4/5 68 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 16. Initialization Watchdog Registers, INIT watchdog (note: register can be written only in INIT Mode) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_0110 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 00 _ 110 P WD2INT MCU_OC OC-TIM WD Safe WD_spi[1] WD_spi[0] WD N/Win Crank Default state 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Condition for default POR Bit Description b7 WD2INT - Select the maximum time delay between INT occurrence and INT source read SPI command 0 Function disable. No constraint between INT occurrence and INT source read. 1 INT source read must occur before the remaining of the current watchdog period plus 2 complete watchdog periods. b6, b5 MCU_OC, OC-TIM - In LP VDD ON, select watchdog refresh and VDD current monitoring functionality. VDD_OC_LP threshold is defined in device electrical parameters (approx 1.5 mA) no watchdog + 00 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD over-current has no effect no watchdog + 01 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD over-current has no effect no watchdog + 10 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold for a time > 100 μs (typically) is a Wake-Up event In LP Mode, when watchdog is not selected no watchdog In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold for a time > I_mcu_OC is a Wake-Up event. I_mcu_OC time is selected in Timer register (selection range from 3.0 to 32 ms) + 11 In LP Mode when watchdog is selected watchdog + 00 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold has no effect. watchdog refresh must occur by SPI command. watchdog + 01 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold has no effect. watchdog refresh must occur by SPI command. watchdog + 10 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD over-current for a time > 100 μs (typically) is a Wake-Up event. watchdog + 11 In LP VDD ON Mode, VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold for a time < I_mcu_OC is a watchdog refresh condition. VDD current > VDD_OC_LP threshold for a time > I_mcu_OC is Wake-Up event. I_mcu_OC time is selected in Timer register (selection range from 3.0 to 32 ms) b4 WD Safe - Select the activation of the SAFE pin low, at first or second consecutive RESET pulse 0 SAFE pin is set low at the time of the RESET pin low activation 1 SAFE pin is set low at the second consecutive time RESET pulse b3, b2 WD_spi[1] WD_spi[0] - Select the Watchdog (watchdog) Operation 00 Simple Watchdog selection: watchdog refresh done by a 8 bits or 16 bits SPI 01 Enhanced 1: Refresh is done using the Random Code, and by a single 16 bits. 10 Enhanced 2: Refresh is done using the Random Code, and by two 16 bits command. 11 Enhanced 4: Refresh is done using the Random Code, and by four 16 bits command. b1 WD N/Win - Select the Watchdog (watchdog) Window or Timeout operation 0 Watchdog operation is TIMEOUT, watchdog refresh can occur anytime in the period 1 Watchdog operation is WINDOW, watchdog refresh must occur in the open window (second half of period) 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 69 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Bit Description b0 Crank - Select the VSUP/1 threshold to disable VDD, while VSUP1 is falling toward GND 0 VDD disable when VSUP/1 is below typically 4.0 V (parameter VSUP-TH1), and device in Reset Mode 1 VDD kept ON when VSUP/1 is below typically 4.0 V (parameter VSUP_TH1) Table 17. Initialization LIN and I/O Registers, INIT LIN I/O (note: register can be written only in INIT Mode) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_0111 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 00 _ 111 P I/O-1 ovoff LIN_T2[1] LIN_T2[0] LIN_T/1[1] LIN_T/1[0] I/O-1 out-en I/O-0 out-en Cyc_Inv Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Bit Description b7 I/O-1 ovoff - Select the deactivation of I/O-1 when VDD or VAUX over-voltage condition is detected 0 Disable I/O-1 turn off. 1 Enable I/O-1 turn off, when VDD or VAUX over-voltage condition is detected. b6, b5 LIN_T2[1], LIN_T2[0] - Select pin operation as LIN Master pin switch or I/O 00 pin is OFF 01 pin operation as LIN Master pin switch 10 pin operation as I/O: HS switch and Wake-Up input 11 N/A b4, b3 LIN_T/1[1], LIN_T/1[0] - Select pin operation as LIN Master pin switch or I/O 00 pin is OFF 01 pin operation as LIN Master pin switch 10 pin operation as I/O: HS switch and Wake-Up input 11 N/A b2 I/O-1 out-en- Select the operation of the I/O-1 as output driver (HS, LS) 0 Disable HS and LS drivers of pin I/O-1. I/O-1 can only be used as input. 1 Enable HS and LS drivers of pin I/O-1. Pin can be used as input and output driver. b1 I/O-0 out-en - Select the operation of the I/O-0 as output driver (HS, LS) 0 Disable HS and LS drivers of I/O-0 can only be used as input. 1 Enable HS and LS drivers of the I/O-0 pin. Pin can be used as input and output drivers. b0 Cyc_Inv - Select I/O-0 operation in device LP Mode, when cyclic sense is selected 0 During cyclic sense active time, I/O is set to the same state prior to entering in to LP Mode. During cyclic sense off time, I/O-0 is disable (HS and LS drivers OFF). 1 During cyclic sense active time, I/O is set to the same state prior to entering in to LP Mode. During cyclic sense off time, the opposite driver of I/ O_0 is actively set. Example: If I/0_0 HS is ON during active time, then I/O_O LS is turned ON at expiration of the active time, for the duration of the cyclic sense period. 33903/4/5 70 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 18. Initialization Miscellaneous Functions, INIT MISC (Note: Register can be written only in INIT Mode) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 0_1000 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 000 P LPM w RNDM SPI parity INT pulse INT width INT flash Dbg Res[2] Dbg Res[1] Dbg Res[0] Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Bit Description b7 LPM w RNDM - This enables the usage of random bits 2, 1 and 0 of the MODE register to enter into LP VDD OFF or LP VDD ON. 0 Function disable: the LP Mode can be entered without usage of Random Code 1 Function enabled: the LP Mode is entered using the Random Code b6 SPI parity - Select usage of the parity bit in SPI write operation 0 Function disable: the parity is not used. The parity bit must always set to logic 0. 1 Function enable: the parity is used, and parity must be calculated. b5 INT pulse -Select INT pin operation: low level pulse or low level 0 INT pin will assert a low level pulse, duration selected by bit [b4] 1 INT pin assert a permanent low level (no pulse) b4 INT width - Select the INT pulse duration 0 INT pulse duration is typically 100 μs. Ref. to dynamic parameter table for exact value. 1 INT pulse duration is typically 25 μs. Ref. to dynamic parameter table for exact value. b3 INT flash - Select INT pulse generation at 50% of the Watchdog Period in Flash Mode Function disable Function enable: an INT pulse will occur at 50% of the Watchdog Period when device in Flash Mode. b2, b1, b0 Dbg Res[2], Dbg Res[1], Dbg Res[0] - Allow verification of the external resistor connected at DBG pin. Ref. to parametric table for resistor range value.(33) 0xx Function disable 100 100 verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 68 kohm (RB3) - Selection of SAFE Mode B3 101 101 verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 33 kohm (RB2 - Selection of SAFE Mode B2 110 110 verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 15 kohm (RB1) - Selection of SAFE Mode B1 111 111 verification enable: resistor at DBG pin is typically 0 kohm (RA) - Selection of SAFE Mode A Notes 33. Bits b2,1 and 0 allow the following operation: First, check the resistor device has detected at the DEBUG pin. If the resistor is different, bit 5 (Debug resistor) is set in INTerrupt register (Ref. to device flag table). Second, over write the resistor decoded by device, to set the SAFE Mode operation by SPI. Once this function is selected by bit 2 = 1, this selection has higher priority than “hardware”, and device will behave according to b2,b1 and b0 setting 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 71 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING SPECIFIC MODE REGISTER Table 19. Specific Mode Register, SPE_MODE MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_001 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 001 P Sel_Mod[1] Sel_Mod[0] Rnd_C5b Rnd_C4b Rnd_C3b Rnd_C2b Rnd_C1b Rnd_C0b Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Bit Description b7, b6 Sel_Mod[1], Sel_Mod[0] - Mode selection: these 2 bits are used to select which mode the device will enter upon a SPI command. 00 RESET Mode 01 INIT Mode 10 FLASH Mode 11 N/A b5....b0 [Rnd_C4b... Rnd_C0b] - Random Code inverted, these six bits are the inverted bits obtained from the SPE-MODE Register read command. The SPE MODE Register is used for the Following Operation - Set the device in RESET Mode, to exercise or test the RESET functions. - Go to INIT Mode, using the Secure SPi command. - Go to FLASH Mode (in this mode the watchdog timer can be extended up to 32 s). - Activate the SAFE pin by S/W. This mode (called Special Mode) is accessible from the secured SPI command, which consist of 2 commands: 1) reading a random code and 2) then write the inverted random code plus mode selection or SAFE pin activation: Return to INIT Mode is done as follow (this is done from Normal Mode only): 1) Read random code: MOSI : 0001 0011 0000 0000 [Hex:0x 13 00] MISO report 16 bits, random code are bits (5-0) miso = xxxx xxxx xxR5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 (RXD = 6 bits random code) 2) Write INIT Mode + random code inverted MOSI : 0101 0010 01 Ri5 Ri4 Ri3 Ri2 Ri1 Ri0 [Hex 0x 52 HH] (RIX = random code inverted) MISO : xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (don’t care) SAFE pin activation: SAFE pin can be set low, only in INIT Mode, with following commands: 1) Read random code: MOSI : 0001 0011 0000 0000 [Hex:0x 13 00] MISO report 16 bits, random code are bits (5-0) miso = xxxx xxxx xxR5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 (RXD = 6 bits random code) 2) Write INIT Mode + random code bits 5:4 not inverted and random code bits 3:0 inverted MOSI : 0101 0010 01 R5 R4 Ri3 Ri2 Ri1 Ri0 [Hex 0x 52 HH] (RIX = random code inverted) MISO : xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (don’t care) Return to Reset or Flash Mode is done similarly to the go to INIT Mode, except that the b7 and b6 are set according to the table above (b7, b6 = 00 - go to reset, b7, b6 = 10 - go to Flash). 33903/4/5 72 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING TIMER REGISTERS Table 20. Timer Register A, LP VDD Over-current & Watchdog Period Normal Mode, TIM_A MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_010 [P/N] bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 010 P I_mcu[2] I_mcu[1] I_mcu[1] watchdog Nor[4] W/D_N[4] W/D_Nor[3] W/D_N[2] W/D_Nor[0] Default state 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Condition for default POR LP VDD Over-current (ms) b6, b5 b7 00 01 10 11 0 3 (def) 6 12 24 1 4 8 16 32 Watchdog Period in Device Normal Mode (ms) b2, b1, b0 b4, b3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 00 2.5 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 01 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 10 3.5 7 14 28 56 112 224 448 11 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 (def) 512 Table 21. Timer Register B, Cyclic Sense and Cyclic INT, in Device LP Mode, TIM_B MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_011 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 011 P Cyc-sen[3] Cyc-sen[2] Cyc-sen[1] Cyc-sen[0] Cyc-int[3] Cyc-int[2] Cyc-int[1] Cyc-int[0] Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Cyclic Sense (ms) b6, b5, b4 b7 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 1 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 Cyclic Interrupt (ms) b2, b1, b0 b3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 6 (def) 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1 8 16 32 64 128 258 512 1024 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 73 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 22. Timer Register C, Watchdog LP Mode or Flash Mode and Forced Wake-up Timer, TIM_C MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_100 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 100 P WD-LP-F[3] WD-LP-F[2] WD-LP-F[1] WD-LP-F[0] FWU[3] FWU[2] FWU[1] FWU[0] Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Table 23. Typical Timing Values Watchdog in LP VDD ON Mode (ms) b6, b5, b4 b7 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 12 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 1 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 Watchdog in Flash Mode (ms) b6, b5, b4 b7 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 48 (def) 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 6144 1 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 Forced Wake-up (ms) b2, b1, b0 b3 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 0 48 (def) 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 6144 1 64 128 258 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 33903/4/5 74 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING WATCHDOG AND MODE REGISTERS Table 24. Watchdog Refresh Register, watchdog(34) MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_101 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 101 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Notes 34. The Simple Watchdog Refresh command is in hexadecimal: 5A00. This command is used to refresh the watchdog and also to transition from INIT Mode to Normal Mode, and from Normal Request Mode to Normal Mode (after a Wake-Up of a reset) . Table 25. MODE Register, MODE MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_110 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 01_ 110 P mode[4] mode[3] mode[2] mode[1] mode[0] Rnd_b[2] Rnd_b[1] Rnd_b[0] Default state N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Table 26. LP VDD OFF Selection and FWU / Cyclic Sense Selection b7, b6, b5, b4, b3 FWU Cyclic Sense 0 1100 OFF OFF 0 1101 OFF ON 0 1110 ON OFF 0 1111 ON ON Table 27. LP VDD ON selection and operation mode b7, b6, b5, b4, b3 FWU Cyclic Sense Cyclic INT Watchdog 1 0000 OFF OFF OFF OFF 1 0001 OFF OFF OFF ON 1 0010 OFF OFF ON OFF 1 0011 OFF OFF ON ON 1 0100 OFF ON OFF OFF 1 0101 OFF ON OFF ON 1 0110 OFF ON ON OFF 1 0111 OFF ON ON ON 1 1000 ON OFF OFF OFF 1 1001 ON OFF OFF ON 1 1010 ON OFF ON OFF 1 1011 ON OFF ON ON 1 1100 ON ON OFF OFF 1 1101 ON ON OFF ON 1 1110 ON ON ON OFF ON ON ON ON 1 1111 b2, b1, b0 Random Code inverted, these 3bits are the inverted bits obtained from the previous SPI command. The usage of these bits are optional and must be previously selected in the INIT MISC register [See bit 7 (LPM w RNDM) in Table 18] 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 75 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Prior to enter in LP VDD ON or LP VDD OFF, the Wake-Up flags must be cleared or read. This is done by the following SPI commands (See Table 37, Device Flag, I/O Real Time and Device Identification): 0xE100 for CAN Wake-Up clear 0xE380 for I/O Wake-Up clear - release or turn off SAFE pin - read a 3 bit Random Code to enter in LP Mode These global commands are built using the MODE register address bit [13-9], along with several combinations of bit [1514] and bit [7]. Note, bit [8] is always set to 1. Entering into LP Mode using Random Code 0xE700 for LIN1 Wake-Up clear 0xE900 for LIN2 Wake-Up clear If Wake-Up flags are not cleared, the device will enter into the selected LP Mode and immediately Wake-Up. In addition, the CAN failure flags (i.e. CAN_F and CAN_UF) must be cleared in order to meet the low power current consumption specification. This is done by the following SPI command: 0xE180 (read CAN failure flags) When the device is in LP VDD ON Mode, the Wake-Up by a SPI command uses a write to “Normal Request Mode”, 0x5C10. - LP Mode using Random Code must be selected in INIT Mode via bit 7 of the INIT MISC register. - In Normal Mode, read the Random Code using 0x1D00 or 0x1D80 command. The 3 Random Code bits are available on MISO bits 2,1 and 0. - Write LP Mode by inverting the 3 random bits. Example - Select LP VDD OFF without cyclic sense and FWU: 1. in hex: 0x5C60 to enter in LP VDD OFF Mode without using the 3 random code bits. 2. if Random Code is selected, the commands are: - Read Random Code: 0x1D00 or 0x1D80, MISO report in binary: bits 15-8, bits 7-3, Rnd_[2], Rnd_[1], Rnd_[0]. - Write LP VDD OFF Mode, using Random Code inverted: in binary: 0101 1100 0110 0 Rnd_b[2], Rnd_b[1], Rnd_b[0]. Table 28 summarizes these commands Mode Register Features The mode register includes specific functions and a “global SPI command” that allow the following: - read device current mode - read device Debug status - read state of SAFE pin - leave Debug state Table 28. Device Modes Global commands and effects Read device current mode, Leave debug mode. Keep SAFE pin as is. MOSI in hexadecimal: 1D 00 MOSI bits 15-14 bits 13-9 bit 8 bit 7 bits 6-0 00 01 110 1 0 000 0000 MISO Read device current mode Release SAFE pin (turn OFF). MOSI in hexadecimal: 1D 80 MOSI Read device current mode, Leave debug mode. Keep SAFE pin as is. MOSI in hexadecimal: DD 00 MISO reports Debug and SAFE state (bits 1,0) Read device current mode, Keep DEBUG mode Release SAFE pin (turn OFF). MOSI in hexadecimal: DD 80 MISO reports Debug and SAFE state (bits 1,0) MISO bit 2-0 Fix Status device current mode Random code bits 13-9 bit 8 bit 7 bits 6-0 00 01 110 1 1 000 0000 bit 15-8 bit 7-3 Fix Status device current mode bits 15-14 bits 13-9 bit 8 11 01 110 1 MISO MOSI bit 7-3 bits 15-14 MISO MOSI bit 15-8 bit 2-0 bit 7-3 Fix Status device current mode bits 13-9 bit 8 11 01 110 1 bits 6-0 0 bit 15-8 bits 15-14 Random code bit 7 000 0000 bit 2 X bit 7 bit 1 bit 0 SAFE DEBUG bits 6-0 1 000 0000 bit 15-8 bit 7-3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 Fix Status device current mode X SAFE DEBUG 33903/4/5 76 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING The Tables below describes MISO bits 7-0, used to decode the device’s current mode. The Table below describes the SAFE and DEBUG bit decoding. Table 29. MISO bits 7-3 Table 30. SAFE and DEBUG status Device current mode, any of the above command SAFE and DEBUG bits b7, b6, b5, b4, b3 MODE b1 description 0 0000 INIT 0 SAFE pin OFF, not activated 0 0001 FLASH 1 SAFE pin ON, driver activated. 0 0010 Normal Request b0 description 0 0011 Normal Mode 0 Debug Mode OFF 1 Debug Mode Active REGULATOR, CAN, I/O, INT AND LIN REGISTERS Table 31. Regulator Register MOSI First Byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 01_111 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 01 01_ 111 P VAUX[1] Default state 0 Condition for default bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 VAUX[0] - 5V-can[1] 5V-can[0] VDD bal en VDD bal auto VDD OFF en 0 N/A 0 0 N/A N/A N/A POR Bits b7 b6 POR Description VAUX[1], VAUX[0] - Vauxilary regulator control 00 Regulator OFF 01 Regulator ON. Under-voltage (UV) and Over-current (OC) monitoring flags not reported. VAUX is disabled when UV or OC detected after 1.0 ms blanking time. 10 Regulator ON. Under-voltage (UV) and over-current (OC) monitoring flags active. VAUX is disabled when UV or OC detected after 1.0 ms blanking time. 11 Regulator ON. Under-voltage (UV) and over-current (OC) monitoring flags active. VAUX is disabled when UV or OC detected after 25 μs blanking time. b4 b3 5 V-can[1], 5 V-can[0] - 5V-CAN regulator control 00 Regulator OFF 01 Regulator ON. Thermal protection active. Under-voltage (UV) and over-current (OC) monitoring flags not reported. 1.0 ms blanking time for UV and OC detection. 10 Regulator ON. Thermal protection active. Under-voltage (UV) and over-current (OC) monitoring flags active. 1.0 ms blanking time for UV and OC detection. 11 Regulator ON. Thermal protection active. Under-voltage (UV) and over-current (OC) monitoring flags active. 5 V-CAN disable when UV or OC detected after 25 μs blanking time. b2 VDD bal en - Control bit to Enable the VDD external ballast transistor 0 External VDD ballast disable 1 External VDD ballast Enable b1 VDD bal auto - Control bit to automatically Enable the VDD external ballast transistor, if VDD is > typically 60 mA 0 Disable the automatic activation of the external ballast 1 Enable the automatic activation of the external ballast, if VDD > typically 60 mA b0 VDD OFF en - Control bit to allow transition into LP VDD OFF Mode (to prevent VDD turn OFF) 0 Disable Usage of LP VDD OFF Mode 1 Enable Usage of LP VDD OFF Mode 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 77 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 32. CAN Register(35) MOSI First byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 10_000 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 10_ 000P CAN mod[1] CAN mod[0] Slew[1] Slew[0] Wake-Up 1/3 - - CAN int Default state 1 0 0 0 0 - - 0 Condition for default note POR Bits b7 b6 POR POR Description CAN mod[1], CAN mod[0] - CAN interface mode control, Wake-Up enable / disable 00 CAN interface in Sleep Mode, CAN Wake-Up disable. 01 CAN interface in receive only mode, CAN driver disable. 10 CAN interface is in Sleep Mode, CAN Wake-Up enable. In device LP Mode, CAN Wake-Up is reported by device Wake-Up. In device Normal Mode, CAN Wake-Up reported by INT. 11 CAN interface in transmit and receive mode. b5 b4 Slew[1] Slew[0] - CAN driver slew rate selection 00 FAST 01 MEDIUM 10 SLOW 11 SLOW b3 Wake-up 1/3 - Selection of CAN Wake-Up mechanism 0 3 dominant pulses Wake-Up mechanism 1 Single dominant pulse Wake-Up mechanism b0 CAN INT - Select the CAN failure detection reporting 0 Select INT generation when a bus failure is fully identified and decoded (i.e. after 5 dominant pulses on TxCAN) 1 Select INT generation as soon as a bus failure is detected, event if not fully identified Notes 35. The first time the device is set to Normal Mode, the CAN is in Sleep Wake-Up enabled (bit7 = 1, bit 6 =0). The next time the device is set in Normal Mode, the CAN state is controlled by bits 7 and 6. 33903/4/5 78 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 33. I/O Register MOSI First byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 10_001 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 10_ 001P I/O-3 [1] I/O-3 [0] I/O-2 [1] I/O-2 [0] I/O-1 [1] I/O-1 [0] I/O-0 [1] I/O-0 [0] Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default Bits b7 b6 Description I/O-3 [1], I/O-3 [0] - I/O-3 pin operation 00 I/O-3 driver disable, Wake-up capability disable 01 I/O-3 driver disable, Wake-up capability enable. 10 I/O-3 HS driver enable. 11 I/O-3 HS driver enable. b5 b4 I/O-2 [1], I/O-2 [0] - I/O-2 pin operation 00 I/O-2 driver disable, Wake-up capability disable 01 I/O-2 driver disable, Wake-up capability enable. 10 I/O-2 HS driver enable. 11 I/O-2 HS driver enable. b3 b2 I/O-1 [1], I/O-1 [0] - I/O-1 pin operation 00 I/O-1 driver disable, Wake-up capability disable 01 I/O-1 driver disable, Wake-up capability enable. 10 I/O-1 LS driver enable. 11 I/O-1 HS driver enable. b1 b0 POR I/O-0 [1], I/O-0 [0] - I/O-0 pin operation 00 I/O-0 driver disable, Wake-up capability disable 01 I/O-0 driver disable, Wake-up capability enable. 10 I/O-0 LS driver enable. 11 I/O-0 HS driver enable. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 79 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 34. INT Register MOSI First byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 10_010 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 10_ 010P CAN failure MCU req LIN2 fail LIN1fail I/O SAFE - Vmon Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default POR Bits Description b7 CAN failure - control bit for CAN failure INT (CANH/L to GND, VDD or VSUP, CAN over-current, Driver Over Temp, TXD-PD, RXD-PR, RX2HIGH, and CANBUS Dominate clamp) 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b6 MCU req - Control bit to request an INT. INT will occur once when the bit is enable 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b5 LIN2 fail - Control bit to enable INT when of failure on LIN2 interface 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b4 LIN/1 fail - Control bit to enable INT when of failure on LIN1 interface 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b3 I/O - Bit to control I/O interruption: I/O failure 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b2 SAFE - Bit to enable INT when of: Vaux over-voltage, VDD over-voltage, VDD Temp pre warning, VDD under-voltage(36), SAFE resistor mismatch, RST terminal short to VDD, MCU request INT.(37) 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. b0 VMON - enable interruption by voltage monitoring of one of the voltage regulator: VAUX, 5 V-CAN, VDD (IDD Over-current, VSUV, VSOV, VSENSELOW, 5V-CAN low or thermal shutdown, VAUX low or VAUX over-current 0 INT disable 1 INT enable. Notes 36. If VDD under-voltage is set to 70% of VDD, see bits b6 and b5 in Table 15 on page 68. 37. Bit 2 is used in conjunction with bit 6. Both bit 6 and bit 2 must be set to 1 to activate the MCU INT request. 33903/4/5 80 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 35. LIN/1 Register(39) MOSI First byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 10_010 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 10_ 011P LIN mode[1] LIN mode[0] Slew rate[1] Slew rate[0] - LIN T/1 on - Vsup ext Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default Bits b7 b6 Description LIN Mode [1], LIN Mode [0] - LIN/1 interface mode control, Wake-Up enable / disable 00 LIN/1 disable, Wake-Up capability disable 01 not used 10 LIN/1 disable, Wake-Up capability enable 11 LIN/1 Transmit Receive Mode(38) b5 b4 Slew rate[1], Slew rate[0] LIN/1 slew rate selection 00 Slew rate for 20 kbit/s baud rate 01 Slew rate for 10 kbit/s baud rate 10 Slew rate for fast baud rate 11 Slew rate for fast baud rate b2 LIN T/1 on 0 LIN/1 termination OFF 1 LIN/1 termination ON b0 POR VSUP ext 0 LIN goes recessive when device VSUP/2 is below typically 6.0 V. This is to meet J2602 specification 1 LIN continues operation below VSUP/2 6.0 V, until 5 V-CAN is disabled. Notes 38. The LIN interface can be set in TXD/RXD Mode only when the TXD-L input signal is in recessive state. An attempt to set TXD/RXD Mode, while TXD-L is low, will be ignored and the LIN interface remains disabled. 39. In order to use the LIN interface, the 5V-CAN regulator must be set to ON. 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 81 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE DETAIL OF CONTROL BITS AND REGISTER MAPPING Table 36. LIN2 Register(41) MOSI First byte [15-8] [b_15 b_14] 10_010 [P/N] MOSI Second Byte, bits 7-0 bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 01 10_ 100P LIN mode[1] LIN mode[0] Slew rate[1] Slew rate[0] - LIN T2 on - Vsup ext Default state 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Condition for default Bits b7 b6 Description LIN mode [1], LIN mode [0] - LIN 2 interface mode control, Wake-Up enable / disable 00 LIN2 disable, Wake-Up capability disable 01 not used 10 LIN2 disable, Wake-Up capability enable 11 LIN2 Transmit Receive Mode(40) b5 b4 Slew rate[1], Slew rate[0] LIN 2slew rate selection 00 Slew rate for 20 kbit/s baud rate 01 Slew rate for 10 kbit/s baud rate 10 Slew rate for fast baud rate 11 Slew rate for fast baud rate b2 LIN T2 on 0 LIN 2 termination OFF 1 LIN 2 termination ON b0 POR VSUP ext 0 LIN goes recessive when device VSUP/2 is below typically 6.0 V. This is to meet J2602 specification 1 LIN continues operation below VSUP/2 6.0 V, until 5 V-CAN is disabled. Notes 40. The LIN interface can be set in TXD/RXD Mode only when the TXD-L input signal is in a recessive state. An attempt to set TXD/RXD Mode while TXD-L is low, will be ignored and the LIN interface will remain disabled. 41. In order to use the LIN interface, the 5V-CAN regulator must be set to ON. 33903/4/5 82 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS DESCRIPTION • - [0 0] for I/O real time status, device identification and CAN LIN driver receiver real time state. • bit 13 to 9 are the register address from which the flags is to be read. • bit 8 = 1 (this is not parity bit function, as this is a read command). When a failure event occurs, the respective flag is set and remains latched until it is cleared by a read command (provided the failure event has recovered). The table below is a summary of the device flags, I/O real time level, device Identification, and includes examples of SPI commands (SPI commands do not use parity functions). They are obtained using the following commands. This command is composed of the following: bits 15 and 14: • [1 1] for failure flags Table 37. Device Flag, I/O Real Time and Device Identification Bits 15-14 13-9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit 1 bit 0 IDD-OCNORMAL MODE MOSI bits 15-7 MOSI MISO REG bits [15, 14] Address [13-9] bit 8 Next 7 MOSI bits (bits 6.0) should be “000_0000” bit 7 MISO bits [7-0], device response on MISO pin 8 Bits Device Fixed Status (bits 15...8) 11 0_1111 REG 1 11 0 1 bit 7 bit 6 VAUX_LOW - bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 VAUX_OVER- 5V-CAN_ 5V-CAN_ 5V-CAN_ VSENSE_ VSUP_ CURRENT THERMAL SHUTDOWN UV OVERCURRENT LOW UNDERVOLTAGE - - VDD_ RST_LOW (<100 ms) THERMAL SHUTDOWN BATFAIL VSUP_ IDD-OC-LP VDDON MODE Hexa SPI commands to get Vreg Flags: MOSI 0x DF 00, and MOSI Ox DF 80 CAN 11 1_0000 CAN 1 0 CAN Wake-Up - CAN Overtemp RXD low Rxd high TXD dom Bus Dom clamp CAN Overcurrent 1 CAN_UF CAN_F CANL to VBAT CANL to VDD CANL to GND CANH to VBAT CANH to VDD CANH to GND - - Hexa SPI commands to get CAN Flags: MOSI 0x E1 00, and MOSI 0x E1 80 00 1_0000 CAN 1 1 CAN Driver CAN Receiver State State CAN WU en/dis - - - Hexa SPI commands to get CAN real time status: MOSI 0x 21 80 I/O 11 1_0001 I/O 1 0 HS3 short to HS2 short to GND GND 1 I/O_1-3 Wake-Up I/O_0-2 Wake-Up SPI parity error CSB low >2ms SPI WakeUp FWU VSUP/2-UV VSUP/1-OV I/O_O thermal watchdog flash mode 50% INT service LP VDD OFF Reset request Hardware Timeout Leave Debug Hexa SPI commands to get I/O Flags and I/O Wake-Up: MOSI 0x E3 00, and MOSI 0x E3 80 00 1_0001 I/O 1 1 I/O_3 state I/O_2 state I/O_1 state I/O_0 state Hexa SPI commands to get I/O real time level: MOSI 0x 23 80 INT 11 1_0010 Interrupt 1 0 INT request 1 - 1 VDD (5.0 V or 3.3 V) RST high - DBG resistor - VDD temp Pre-warning VDD UV VDD low >100 ms VDD low RST VDD Overvoltage VAUX_OVER- - RST low >100 ms multiple Resets watchdog refresh failure id1 id0 VOLTAGE Hexa SPI commands to get INT Flags: MOSI 0x E5 00, and MOSI 0x E5 80 00 1_0010 Interrupt 1 device p/n 1 device p/n 0 id4 id3 id2 Hexa SPI commands to get device Identification: MOSI 0x 25 10 example: MISO bit [7-0] = 1011 0010: MC33904, 5.0 V version, silicon pass 3.1 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 83 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS Table 37. Device Flag, I/O Real Time and Device Identification LIN/1 11 1_0011 LIN 1 1 0 - LIN1 Wake-Up LIN1 Term short to GND LIN 1 Over-temp RXD1 low RXD1 high TXD1 dom LIN1 bus dom clamp - - - RXD2 high TXD2 dom LIN2 bus dom clamp - - - Hexa SPI commands to get LIN 2 Flags: MOSI 0x E7 00 00 1_0011 LIN 1 1 1 LIN1 State LIN1 WU en/dis - - - Hexa SPI commands to get LIN1 real time status: MOSI 0x 27 80 LIN2 11 1_0100 LIN 2 1 0 - LIN2 Wake-Up 00 1_0100 LIN 2 1 1 LIN2 State LIN2 Term short to GND LIN 2 Over-temp RXD2 low Hexa SPI commands to get LIN 2 Flags: MOSI 0x E9 00 LIN2 WU en/dis - - - Hexa SPI commands to get LIN2 real time status: MOSI 0x 29 80 Table 38. Flag Descriptions Flag Description REG VAUX_LOW Description Reports that VAUX regulator output voltage is lower than the VAUX_UV threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: VAUX below threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VAUX above threshold and flag read (SPI) VAUX_OVER- Description Report that current out of VAUX regulator is above VAUX_OC threshold. CURRENT Set / Reset condition Set: Current above threshold for t >100 μs. Reset: Current below threshold and flag read by SPI. 5 V-CAN_ Description Report that the 5 V-CAN regulator has reached over-temperature threshold. THERMAL Set / Reset condition Set: 5 V-CAN thermal sensor above threshold. Reset: thermal sensor below threshold and flag read (SPI) Description Reports that 5 V-CAN regulator output voltage is lower than the 5 V-CAN UV threshold. SHUTDOWN 5V-CAN_UV Set / Reset condition Set: 5V-CAN below 5V-CAN UV for t >100 μs typically. Reset: 5V-CAN > threshold and flag read (SPI) 5V-can_ Description Report that the CAN driver output current is above threshold. over-current Set / Reset condition Set: 5V-CAN current above threshold for t>100 μs. Reset: 5V-CAN current below threshold and flag read (SPI) VSENSE_ Description Reports that VSENSE pin is lower than the VSENSE LOW threshold. LOW Set / Reset condition Set: VSENSE below threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VSENSE above threshold and flag read (SPI) VSUP_ Description Reports that VSUP/1 pin is lower than the VSUP/1 LOW threshold. UNDER- Set / Reset condition Set: VSUP/1 below threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VSUP/1 above threshold and flag read (SPI) VOLTAGE IDD-OC- Description Report that current out of VDD pin is higher that IDD-OC threshold, while device is in Normal Mode. NORMAL MODE Set / Reset condition Set: current above threshold for t>100 μs typically. Reset; current below threshold and flag read (SPI) VDD_ Description Report that the VDD has reached over-temperature threshold, and was turned off. THERMAL Set / Reset condition Set: VDD OFF due to thermal condition. Reset: VDD recover and flag read (SPI) RST_LOW Description Report that the RESET pin has detected a low level, shorter than 100 ms (<100 ms) Set / Reset condition Set: after detection of reset low pulse. Reset: Reset pulse terminated and flag read (SPI) VSUP_ Description Report that the device voltage at VSUP/1 pin was below BATFAIL threshold. BATFAIL Set / Reset condition Set: VSUP/1 below BATFAIL. Reset: VSUP/1 above threshold, and flag read (SPI) IDD-OC-LP VDDON Mode Description Report that current out of VDD pin is higher that IDD-OC threshold LP, while device is in LP VDD ON Mode. Set / Reset condition Set: current above threshold for t>100 μs typically. Reset; current below threshold and flag read (SPI) SHUTDOWN 33903/4/5 84 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS Table 38. Flag Descriptions Flag Description CAN CAN driver state Description Report real time CAN bus driver state: 1 if Driver is enable, 0 if driver disable Set / Reset condition Set: CAN driver is enable. Reset: CAN driver is disable. Driver can be disable by SPI command (ex CAN set in RXD only Mode) or following a failure event (ex: TXD Dominant). Flag read SPI command (0x2180) do not clear the flag, as it is “real time” information. CAN receiver state Description Report real time CAN bus receiver state: 1 if Enable, 0 if disable Set / Reset condition Set: CAN bus receiver is enable. Reset: CAN bus receiver is disable. Receiver disable by SPI command (ex: CAN set in sleep Mode). Flag read SPI command (0x2180) do not clear the flag, as it is “real time” information. CAN WU enable Description Report real time CAN bus Wake-Up receiver state: 1 if WU receiver is enable, 0 if disable Set / Reset condition Set: CAN Wake-Up receiver is enable. Reset: CAN Wake-Up receiver is disable. Wake-Up receiver is controlled by SPI, and is active by default after device Power ON. SPI command (0x2180) do not change flag state. CAN Description Report that Wake-Up source is CAN Wake-Up Set / Reset condition Set: after CAN wake detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) CAN Overtemp Description Report that the CAN interface has reach over-temperature threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: CAN thermal sensor above threshold. Reset: thermal sensor below threshold and flag read (SPI) RXD low Description Report that RXD pin is shorted to GND. Set / Reset condition Set: RXD low failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) Description Report that RXD pin is shorted to recessive voltage. Set / Reset condition Set: RXD high failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) Description Report that TXD pin is shorted to GND. Rxd high TXD dom Set / Reset condition Set: TXD low failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) Bus Dom clamp Description Report that the CAN bus is dominant for a time longer than tDOM Set / Reset condition Set: Bus dominant clamp failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CAN Overcurrent Description Report that the CAN current is above CAN over-current threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: CAN current above threshold. Reset: current below threshold and flag read (SPI) CAN_UF Description Report that the CAN failure detection has not yet identified the bus failure Set / Reset condition Set: bus failure pre detection. Reset: CAN bus failure recovered and flag read Description Report that the CAN failure detection has identified the bus failure CAN_F Set / Reset condition Set: bus failure complete detetction.Reset: CAN bus failure recovered and flag read CANL Description Report CAN L short to VBAT failure to VBAT Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CANL to VDD Description Report CANL short to VDD Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CANL to GND Description Report CAN L short to GND failure Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CANH Description Report CAN H short to VBAT failure to VBAT Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CANH to VDD Description Report CANH short to VDD Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) Description Report CAN H short to GND failure Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) CANH to GND 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 85 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS Table 38. Flag Descriptions Flag Description I/O HS3 short to GND Description Report I/O-3 HS switch short to GND failure Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) HS2 short to GND Description Report I/O-2 HS switch short to GND failure Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) SPI parity error Description Report SPI parity error was detected. Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset: flag read (SPI) CSB low >2.0 ms Description Report SPI CSB was low for a time longer than typically 2.0 ms Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset: flag read (SPI) Description Report that VSUP/2 is below VSUP/2-UV threshold. Set / Reset condition Set VSUP/2 below VSUP/2-UV thresh. Reset VSUP/2 > VSUPUV thresh and flag read (SPI) Description Report that VSUP/1 is above VSUP/1-OV threshold. Set / Reset condition Set VSUP/1 above VSUP/1-OV threshold. Reset VSUP/1 < VSUPOV thresh and flag read (SPI) Description Report that the I/O-0 HS switch has reach over-temperature threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: I/O-0 HS switch thermal sensor above threshold. Reset: thermal sensor below threshold and flag read (SPI) Description Report that the watchdog period has reach 50% of its value, while device is in Flash Mode. Set / Reset condition Set: watchdog period > 50%. Reset: flag read VSUP/2-UV VSUP/1-OV I/O-0 thermal watchdog flash mode 50% I/O-1-3 Wake- Description Up Set / Reset condition Report that Wake-Up source is I/O-1 or I/O-3 I/O-0-2 Wake- Description Up Set / Reset condition Report that Wake-Up source is I/O-0 or I/O-2 SPI Wake-Up Description Report that Wake-Up source is SPI command, in LP VDD ON Mode. Set / Reset condition Set: after SPI Wake-Up detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) Description Report that Wake-Up source is forced Wake-Up FWU Set: after I/O-1 or I/O-3 wake detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) Set: after I/O-0 or I/O-2 wake detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) Set / Reset condition Set: after Forced Wake-Up detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) INT service Timeout Description Report that INT timeout error detected. Set / Reset condition Set: INT service timeout expired. Reset: flag read. LP VDD OFF Description Report that LP VDD OFF Mode was selected, prior Wake-Up occurred. Set / Reset condition Set: LP VDD OFF selected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) Description Report that RST source is an request from a SPI command (go to RST Mode). Set / Reset condition Set: After reset occurred due to SPI request. Reset: flag read (SPI) Description Report that the device left the Debug Mode due to hardware cause (voltage at DBG pin lower than typically 8.0 V). Set / Reset condition Set: device leave debug mode due to hardware cause. Reset: flag read. Reset request Hardware Leave Debug 33903/4/5 86 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS Table 38. Flag Descriptions Flag Description INT INT request RST high DBG resistor Description Report that INT source is an INT request from a SPI command. Set / Reset condition Set: INT occurred. Reset: flag read (SPI) Description Report that RST pin is shorted to high voltage. Set / Reset condition Set: RST failure detection. Reset: flag read. Description Report that the resistor at DBG pin is different from expected (different from SPI register content). Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset: correct resistor and flag read (SPI). VDD TEMP PRE- Description Report that the VDD has reached over-temperature pre-warning threshold. WARNING Set / Reset condition Set: VDD thermal sensor above threshold. Reset: VDD thermal sensor below threshold and flag read (SPI) VDD UV Description Reports that VDD pin is lower than the VDDUV threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: VDD below threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VDD above threshold and flag read (SPI) Description Reports that VDD pin is higher than the typically VDD + 0.6 V threshold. I/O-1 can be turned OFF if this function is selected in INIT register. Set / Reset condition Set: VDD above threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VDD below threshold and flag read (SPI) Description Reports that VAUX pin is higher than the typically VAUX + 0.6 V threshold. I/O-1 can be turned OFF if this function is selected in INIT register. Set / Reset condition Set: VAUX above threshold for t >100 μs typically. Reset: VAUX below threshold and flag read (SPI) VDD LOW >100 ms Description Reports that VDD pin is lower than the VDDUV threshold for a time longer than 100 ms Set / Reset condition Set: VDD below threshold for t >100 ms typically. Reset: VDD above threshold and flag read (SPI) VDD LOW Description Report that VDD is below VDD under-voltage threshold. Set / Reset condition Set: VDD below threshold. Reset: fag read (SPI) Description 0: mean 3.3V VDD version VDD OVERVOLTAGE VAUX_OVERVOLTAGE VDD (5.0 V or 3.3 V) Device P/N1 and 0 1: mean 5V VDD version Set / Reset condition N/A Description Describe the device part number: 00: MC33903 01: MC33904 10: MC33905S 11: MC333905D Device id 4 to 0 Set / Reset condition N/A Description Describe the silicon revision number 10001: silicon revision 3.0 10010: silicon revision 3.1 10011: silicon revision 3.2 Set / Reset condition N/A RST low >100 ms Description Report that the RESET pin has detected a low level, longer than 100 ms (Reset permanent low) Set / Reset condition Set: after detection of reset low pulse. Reset: Reset pulse terminated and flag read (SPI) Multiple Resets Description Report that the more than 8 consecutive reset pulses occurred, due to missing or wrong watchdog refresh. Set / Reset condition Set: after detection of multiple reset pulses. Reset: flag read (SPI) Description Report that a wrong or missing watchdog failure occurred. Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. reset: flag read (SPI) watchdog refresh failure 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 87 SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS Table 38. Flag Descriptions Flag Description LIN/1/2 LIN/1/2 bus dom clamp Description Report that the LIN/1/2 bus is dominant for a time longer than tDOM Set / Reset condition Set: Bus dominant clamp failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) LIN/1/2 State Description Report real time LIN interface TXD/RXD Mode. 1 if LIN is in TXD/RXD Mode. 0 is LIN is not in TXD/ RXD Mode. Set / Reset condition Set: LIN in TXD RXD Mode. Reset: LIN not in TXD/RXD Mode. LIN not in TXD/RXD Mode by SPI command (ex LIN set in Sleep Mode) or following a failure event (ex: TxL Dominant). Flag read SPI command (0x2780 or 0x2980) do not clear it, as it is “real time” flag. Description Report real time LIN Wake-Up receiver state. 1 if LIN Wake-Up is enable, 0 if LIN Wake-Up is disable (means LIN signal will not be detected and will not Wake-Up the device). Set / Reset condition Set: LIN WU enable (LIN interface set in Sleep Mode Wake-Up enable). Reset: LIN Wake-Up disable (LIN interface set in Sleep Mode Wake-Up disable). Flag read SPI command (0x2780 or 0x2980) do not clear the flag, as it is “real time” information. LIN/1/2 Description Report that Wake-Up source is LIN/1/2 Wake-Up Set / Reset condition Set: after LIN/1/2 wake detected. Reset: Flag read (SPI) LIN/1/2 Term short to GND Description Report LIN/1/2 short to GND failure Set / Reset condition Set: failure detected. Reset failure recovered and flag read (SPI) LIN/1/2 Description Report that the LIN/1/2 interface has reach over-temperature threshold. Over-temp Set / Reset condition Set: LIN/1/2 thermal sensor above threshold. Reset: sensor below threshold and flag read (SPI) RXD-L/1/2 low Description Report that RXD/1/2 pin is shorted to GND. Set / Reset condition Set: RXD low failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) RXD-L/1/2 high Description Report that RXD/1/2pin is shorted to recessive voltage. Set / Reset condition Set: RXD high failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) TXD-L/1/2 dom Description Report that TXD/1/2 pin is shorted to GND. Set / Reset condition Set: TXD low failure detected. Reset: failure recovered and flag read (SPI) LIN/1/2 WU 33903/4/5 88 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE FLAGS AND DEVICE STATUS FIX AND EXTENDED DEVICE STATUS One Byte Fix Status: when a device read operation is performed (MOSI bits 15-14, bits C1 C0 = 00 or 11). For every SPI command, the device response on MISO is fixed status information. This information is either: Two Bytes Fix Status + Extended Status: when a device write command is used (MOSI bits 15-14, bits C1 C0 = 01) Table 39. Status Bits Description Bits 15 14 13 12 11 10 MISO INT WU RST CAN-G LIN-G I/O-G 9 8 7 SAFE-G VREG-G CAN-BUS Bits 6 5 4 3 CAN-LOC LIN2 LIN1 I/O-1 2 I/O-0 VREG-1 0 VREG-0 Description INT Indicates that an INT has occurred and that INT flags are pending to be read. WU Indicates that a Wake-Up has occurred and that Wake-Up flags are pending to be read. RST Indicates that a reset has occurred and that the flags that report the reset source are pending to be read. CAN-G The INT, WU or RST source is CAN interface. CAN local or CAN bus source. LIN-G The INT, WU or RST source is LIN2 or LIN1 interface I/O-G 1 The INT, WU or RST source is I/O interfaces. SAFE-G The INT, WU or RST source is from a SAFE condition VREG-G The INT, WU or RST source is from a Regulator event, or voltage monitoring event CAN-LOC The INT, WU or RST source is CAN interface. CAN local source. CAN-BUS The INT, WU or RST source is CAN interface. CAN bus source. LIN2 The INT, WU or RST source is LIN2 interface LIN/LIN1 The INT, WU or RST source is LIN1 interface I/O-0 The INT, WU or RST source is I/O interface, flag from I/O sub adress Low (bit 7 = 0) I/O-1 The INT, WU or RST source is I/O interface, flag from I/O sub adress High (bit 7 = 1) VREG-1 The INT, WU or RST source is from a Regulator event, flag from REG register sub adress high (bit 7 = 1) VREG-0 The INT, WU or RST source is from a Regulator event, flag from REG register sub adress low (bit 7 = 0) 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 89 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS TYPICAL APPLICATIONS * Optional 5.0 V (3.3 V) Q2 RF module Switch Detection Interface eSwitch Safing Micro Controller CAN xcvr >2.2 μF <10 k VBAT VBAUX VCAUX VAUX D1 VSUP 22 μF (42) 1.0 k 22 k VSUP VB VDD VSUP1 >1.0 μF 100 nF 100 nF DBG 5V-CAN VSENSE I/O-0 CANH 4.7 nF 60 SPLIT CANL LIN TERM1 VSUP1/2 1.0 k option 1 RST INT INT MUX A/D 4.7 k * MCU SPI TXD RXD 60 CAN BUS VDD >4.7 μF RST MOSI SCLK MISO CS I/O-1 CAN TXD-L1 RXD-L1 LIN1 TXD-L2 RXD-L2 LIN2 1.0 k option 2 LIN1 LIN TERM2 VSUP1/2 1.0 k LIN BUS 1 Q1* VSUP2 100 nF VBAT LIN BUS 1 VE option 1 1.0 k option 2 LIN2 GND SAFE VSUP VSUP Safe Circuitry Notes 42. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP1/VSUP2 pins Figure 44. 33905D Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 90 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 5.0 V (3.3 V) Q2 >2.2 μF <10 k VBAT VBAUX VCAUX VAUX D1 VSUP VSUP2 22 μF 100 nF (43) 1.0 k VBAT >1.0 μF 22 k 100 nF VSUP 5V-CAN VSENSE I/O-0 4.7 nF INT INT MUX A/D TXD RXD 4.7 k * CAN LIN1 RXD-L1 SPLIT MCU SPI TXD-L1 60 VDD RST I/O-3 CANH >4.7 μF RST I/O-1 VSUP 60 VDD MOSI SCLK MISO CS 100 nF CAN BUS Q1* VB VSUP1 DBG CANL LIN TERM1 VSUP1/2 1.0 k LIN BUS 1 VE RF module Switch Detection Interface eSwitch Safing Micro Controller CAN xcvr 1.0 k option 1 option 2 LIN1 GND SAFE VSUP VSUP Safe Circuitry Notes 43. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP1/VSUP2 pins Figure 45. 33905S Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 91 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS * Optional 5V (3.3 V) Q2 RF module Switch Detection Interface eSwitch Safing Micro Controller CAN xcvr >2.2 μF <10 k VBAT VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VE D1 VSUP 22 μF (44) VBAT 100 nF >1.0 μF 1.0 k 100nF VSUP 22 k VSUP2 VB VSUP1 VDD VDD >4.7 μF DBG 5V-CAN VSENSE RST RST INT INT MUX A/D MOSI SCLK MISO CS I/O-0 100 nF I/O-1 VBAT 22 k 4.7 k * MCU SPI TXD RXD I/O-2 VSUP Q1* 100 nF CAN I/O-3 CANH 60 CAN BUS 60 SPLIT 4.7 nF CANL GND SAFE VSUP VSUP OR function Safe Circuitry Notes 44. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP1/VSUP2 pins Figure 46. 33904 Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 92 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor TYPICAL APPLICATIONS VBAT D1 VSUP VSUP1 22 μF 100 nF (45) >1.0 μF VSUP2 VDD >4.7 μF DBG VDD RST RST INT INT MOSI SCLK MISO CS SPI 5V-CAN VBAT I/O-0 22 k 100 nF MCU CANH 60 CAN BUS 60 TXD RXD SPLIT 4.7 nF CAN CANL GND SAFE VSUP VSUP OR function Safe Circuitry Notes 45. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP1/VSUP2 pins Figure 47. 33903 Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 93 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS VBAT Q1* D1 VSUP 22 μF VBAT VSUP 100 nF 1.0 k 22 k >1.0 μF 100 nF 100 nF 5V-CAN VSENSE CAN BUS VSUP 1.0 k LIN BUS 1 option1 RST INT INT MUX A/D CANL TXD RXD 4.7 k (optional) SPI MCU CAN LIN-T1 TXD-L1 RXD-L1 LIN1 LIN1 TXD-L2 RXD-L2 LIN2 LIN-T2 VSUP 1.0 k LIN BUS 2 RST SPLIT 1.0 k option2 VDD >4.7 μF MOSI SCLK MISO CS CANH 4.7 nF VDD IO-0 60 60 VB VE DBG * = Optional option1 1.0 k option2 LIN2 GND SAFE VSUP VSUP Safe Circuitry Notes 46. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP pin Figure 48. 33903D Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 94 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor TYPICAL APPLICATIONS VBAT Q1* D1 VSUP 22 μF VBAT VSUP 100 nF 1.0 k 22 k VSUP >1.0 μF 100 nF 100 nF VE DBG 5V-CAN CANH CAN BUS SPLIT VDD RST RST INT INT MUX A/D 4.7 k (optional) SPI MCU CAN TXD-L RXD-L CANL LIN LIN-T VSUP 1.0 k LIN BUS >4.7 μF TXD RXD 60 4.7 nF VDD MOSI SCLK MISO CS IO-3 60 VB VSENSE IO-0 * = Optional 1.0 k option2 option1 LIN GND SAFE VSUP VSUP Safe Circuitry Notes 47. Tested per specific OEM EMC requirements for CAN and LIN with additional capacitor > 10 μF on VSUP pin Figure 49. 33903S Typical Application Schematic 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 95 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS The following figure illustrates the application case where two reverse battery diodes can be used for optimization of the filtering and buffering capacitor at the VDD pin. This allows using a minimum value capacitor at the VDD pin to guarantee reset-free operation of the MCU during the cranking pulse and temporary (50 ms) loss of the VBAT supply. Applications without an external ballast on VDD and without using the VAUX regulator are illustrated as well. Q2 5.0 V/3.3 V Q2 VBAT 5.0 V/3.3 V D2 VBAT VBAUX VCAUX D1 C2 VAUX VSUP2 VE VSUP1 VB Q1 VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VSUP2 D1 VE VSUP1 VB C1 VDD Q1 VDD Partial View Partial View ex2: Split VSUP Supply ex1: Single VSUP Supply Optimized solution for cranking pulses. C1 is sized for MCU power supply buffer only. Q2 5.0 V/3.3 V VBAT VBAT D1 VBAUX VCAUX VAUX D1 VSUP2 VE VSUP2 VSUP1 VBAUX VCAUX VAUX VE VSUP1 VB VB VDD VDD Partial View Partial View ex 3: No External Transistor, VDD ~100 mA Capability delivered by internal path transistor. ex 4: No External Transistor - No VAUX Figure 50. Application Options 33903/4/5 96 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING SOIC 32 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS PACKAGING SOIC 32 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS For the most current package revision, visit and perform a keyword search using the “98A” listed below. EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 32-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10556D REVISION D 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 97 PACKAGING SOIC 32 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 32-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10556D REVISION D 33903/4/5 98 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING SOIC 32 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 32-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10556D REVISION D 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 99 PACKAGING SOIC 54 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SOIC 54 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 54-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10506D REVISION D 33903/4/5 100 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor PACKAGING SOIC 54 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 54-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10506D REVISION D 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 101 PACKAGING SOIC 54 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS EK SUFFIX (PB-FREE) 54-PIN SOIC WIDE BODY EXPOSED PAD 98ASA10506D REVISION D 33903/4/5 102 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor REVISION HISTORY REVISION HISTORY REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 4.0 9/2010 • • Initial Release - This document supersedes document MC33904_5. Initial release of document includes the MC33903 part number, the VDD 3.3 V version description, and the silicon revision rev. 3.2. Change details available upon request. 5.0 12/2010 • • • • • • • • Added Cyclic INT Operation During LP VDD ON Mode 47 Changed VSUP pin to VSUP1 and pin 2 (NC) to VSUP2 for the 33903 device Removed Drop voltage without external PNP pass transistor(13) 20 for VDD=3.3 V devices Added VSUP1-3.3 to VDD Voltage regulator, VDD pin 20. Added Pull-up Current, TXD, VIN = 0 V 24 for VDD=3.3 V devices Revised MUX and RAM registers 66 Revised Status Bits Description 89 Added Entering into LP Mode using Random Code 76. 6.0 4/2011 • Removed part numbers MCZ33905S3EK/R2, MCZ33904A3EK/R2 and MCZ33905D3EK/R2, and added part numbers MCZ33903BD3EK/R2, MCZ33903BD5EK/R2, MCZ33903BS3EK/R2 and MCZ33903BS5EK/R2. Votalge Supply was improved from 27V to 28V. Changed Classification from Advance Information to Technical Data. Updated Notes in Tables 6. Revised Tables 6 ; Attenuation/Gain ratio for I/O-0 and I/O-1 actual voltage: to reflect a Typical value. Corrected typographical errors throughout. Added Chip temperature: MUX-OUT voltage (guaranteed by design and characterization) parameter to Tables 6. Updated I/O pins (I/O-0: I/O-3) on page 35. • • • • • • • 33903/4/5 Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data Freescale Semiconductor 103 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Information Center, EL516 2100 East Elliot Road Tempe, Arizona 85284 1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. 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Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2010 - 2011. All rights reserved. MC33903_4_5 Rev. 6.0 4/2011