MICRONAS Edition Dec. 20, 1999 6251-456-2DS HAL114, HAL115 Hall Effect Sensor Family MICRONAS HAL11x Contents Page Section Title 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. Introduction Features Family Overview Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range Hall Sensor Package Codes Solderability 4 2. Functional Description 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. Specifications Outline Dimensions Dimensions of Sensitive Area Positions of Sensitive Areas Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions Electrical Characteristics Magnetic Characteristics 10 10 12 4. 4.1. 4.2. Type Descriptions HAL114 HAL115 14 14 14 14 14 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. Application Notes Application Circuit Ambient Temperature Extended Operating Conditions Start-up Behavior 16 6. Data Sheet History 2 Micronas HAL11x Hall Effect Sensor Family in CMOS technology 1.2. Family Overview The types differ according to the mode of switching. Release Notes: Revision bars indicate significant changes to the previous edition. Type Switching Behavior see Page 1. Introduction HAL114 unipolar 10 The HAL 11x family consists of different Hall switches produced in CMOS technology. HAL115 bipolar 12 All sensors include a temperature-compensated Hall plate, a comparator, and an open-drain output transistor. The comparator compares the actual magnetic flux through the Hall plate (Hall voltage) with the fixed reference values (switching points). Accordingly, the output transistor is switched on or off. The sensors of this family differ in the switching behavior. The sensors are designed for industrial and automotive applications and operate with supply voltages from 4.5 V to 24 V in the ambient temperature range from –40 °C up to 125 °C. All sensors are available in an SMD-package (SOT-89B) and in a leaded version (TO-92UA). Bipolar Switching Sensors: The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the branded side of the package and turns high with the magnetic north pole on the branded side. The output state is not defined for all sensors if the magnetic field is removed again. Some sensors will change the output state and some sensors will not. Unipolar Switching Sensors: The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the branded side of the package and turns high if the magnetic field is removed. The sensor does not respond to the magnetic north pole on the branded side. 1.1. Features 1.3. Marking Code – operates from 4.5 V to 24 V supply voltage – overvoltage protection – reverse-voltage protection at VDD-pin – short-circuit protected open-drain output by thermal shut down All Hall sensors have a marking on the package surface (branded side). This marking includes the name of the sensor and the temperature range. Type – operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic magnetic fields up to 20 kHz – stable switching points over a wide supply voltage range – the decrease of magnetic flux density caused by rising temperature in the sensor system is compensated by a built-in negative temperature coefficient of the magnetic characteristics Micronas Temperature Range K E C HAL114 114K 114E 114C HAL115 115K 115E 115C 3 HAL11x 1.4. Operating Junction Temperature Range 2. Functional Description The Hall sensors from Micronas are specified to the chip temperature (junction temperature TJ). The HAL 11x sensors are monolithic integrated circuits which switch in response to magnetic fields. If a magnetic field with flux lines perpendicular to the sensitive area is applied to the sensor, the biased Hall plate forces a Hall voltage proportional to this field. The Hall voltage is compared with the actual threshold level in the comparator. The temperature-dependent bias increases the supply voltage of the Hall plates and adjusts the switching points to the decreasing induction of magnets at higher temperatures. If the magnetic field exceeds the threshold levels, the open drain output switches to the appropriate state. The built-in hysteresis eliminates oscillation and provides switching behavior of output without bouncing. K: TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C E: TJ = –40 °C to +100 °C C: TJ = 0 °C to +100 °C The relationship between ambient temperature (TA) and junction temperature is explained in section 5.2. on page 14. 1.5. Hall Sensor Package Codes HALXXXPA-T Temperature Range: K, E, or C Package: SF for SOT-89B UA for TO-92UA (SO for SOT-89A) Type: 11x Shunt protection devices clamp voltage peaks at the Output-pin and VDD-pin together with external series resistors. Reverse current is limited at the VDD-pin by an internal series resistor up to –15 V. No external reverse protection diode is needed at the VDD-pin for reverse voltages ranging from 0 V to –15 V. Example: HAL114UA-E → Type: 114 → Package: TO-92UA → Temperature Range: TJ = –40 °C to +100 °C Hall sensors are available in a wide variety of packaging versions and quantities. For more detailed information, please refer to the brochure: “Ordering Codes for Hall Sensors”. 1.6. Solderability HAL11x VDD 1 Reverse Voltage & Overvoltage Protection Temperature Dependent Bias Hall Plate Hysteresis Control Short Circuit & Overvoltage Protection Comparator OUT Output 3 GND 2 Fig. 2–1: HAL11x block diagram all packages: according to IEC68-2-58 During soldering reflow processing and manual reworking, a component body temperature of 260 °C should not be exceeded. Components stored in the original packaging should provide a shelf life of at least 12 months, starting from the date code printed on the labels, even in environments as extreme as 40 °C and 90% relative humidity. VDD 1 3 OUT 2 GND Fig. 1–1: Pin configuration 4 Micronas HAL11x 3. Specifications 4.06 ±0.1 1.5 ±0.05 sensitive area x1 0.3 3.1. Outline Dimensions x2 y 3.05 ±0.1 4.55 ±0.1 x1 x2 0.125 sensitive area 3.1 ±0.2 1.7 0.48 0.7 y 2 0.55 2.6 ±0.1 min. 0.25 2 3 0.75 ±0.2 4 ±0.2 1 0.36 14.0 min. top view 1 2 3 0.42 0.4 1.53 ±0.05 0.4 1.27 1.27 0.4 1.5 (2.54) 3.0 branded side branded side 45° 0.8 SPGS7002-7-A/2E 0.06 ±0.04 SPGS7001-7-A3/2E Fig. 3–3: Plastic Transistor Single Outline Package (TO-92UA) Weight approximately 0.12 g Dimensions in mm Fig. 3–1: Plastic Small Outline Transistor Package (SOT-89A) Weight approximately 0.04 g Dimensions in mm Note: The SOT-89A package will be discontinued in 2000 and be replaced by the SOT-89B package. Note: For all package diagrams, a mechanical tolerance of ±50 µm applies to all dimensions where no tolerance is explicitly given. 4.55 ±0.1 x1 0.125 x2 sensitive area 1.7 0.3 y 2 4 ±0.2 0.4 mm x 0.2 mm 2.55 ±0.1 min. 0.25 3.2. Dimensions of Sensitive Area 3.3. Positions of Sensitive Areas top view 1 1.15 ±0.05 2 0.4 3 SOT-89A 0.4 SOT-89B TO-92UA |x2 – x1| / 2 < 0.2 mm 0.4 1.5 y = 0.98 mm ± 0.2 mm 3.0 y = 0.95 mm ± 0.2 mm y = 1.0 mm ± 0.2 mm branded side 0.06 ±0.04 SPGS0022-3-A3/2E Fig. 3–2: Plastic Small Outline Transistor Package (SOT-89B) Weight approximately 0.035 g Dimensions in mm Micronas 5 HAL11x 3.4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Max. Unit VDD Supply Voltage 1 –15 281) V –VP Test Voltage for Supply 1 –242) – V –IDD Reverse Supply Current 1 – 501) mA IDDZ, IOZ Current through Protection Devices 1 or 3 –2003) 2003) mA VO Output Voltage 3 –0.3 281) V IO Continuous Output On Current 3 – 301) mA IOmax Peak Output On Current 3 – 2503) mA TS Storage Temperature Range –65 150 °C TJ Junction Temperature Range –40 150 °C 1) as long as T max is not exceeded J 2) with a 220 Ω series resistor at pin 1 3) t < 2 ms Stresses beyond those listed in the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the “Recommended Operating Conditions/Characteristics” of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 3.5. Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Max. Unit VDD Supply Voltage 1 4.5 24 V IO Continuous Output On Current 3 0 20 mA VO Output Voltage (output switched off) 3 0 24 V RV Series Resistor1) 1 270 Ω 1) 6 see Fig. 5–1 on page 14 Micronas HAL11x 3.6. Electrical Characteristics at TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C , VDD = 4.5 V to 24 V, as not otherwise specified in Conditions Typical Characteristics for TJ = 25 °C and VDD = 12 V Symbol Parameter Pin No. Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions IDD Supply Current 1 6 8.2 11 mA TJ = 25 °C IDD Supply Current over Temperature Range 1 3.9 8.2 12 mA VOL Output Voltage over Temperature Range 3 – 120 400 mV IOL = 12.5 mA VOL Output Voltage over Temperature Range 3 – 190 500 mV IOL = 20 mA IOH Output Leakage Current 3 – 0.06 1 µA B < Boff, TJ = 25 °C, VOH = 0 to 24 V IOH Output Leakage Current over Temperature Range 3 – – 10 µA B < Boff, VOH = 0 to 24 V ten(O) Enable Time of Output after Setting of VDD 1 – 6 10 µs VDD = 12 V B > BON + 2 mT or B < BOFF – 2 mT tr Output Rise Time 3 – 0.08 0.4 µs VDD = 12 V, RL = 820 Ohm, CL = 20 pF tf Output Fall Time 3 – 0.06 0.4 µs VDD = 12 V, RL = 820 Ohm, CL = 20 pF RthJSB case SOT-89A SOT-89B Thermal Resistance Junction to Substrate Backside – – 150 200 K/W Fiberglass Substrate 30 mm x 10 mm x 1.5mm, pad size see Fig. 3–4 RthJA case TO-92UA Thermal Resistance Junction to Soldering Point – – 150 200 K/W 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 Fig. 3–4: Recommended pad size SOT-89x Dimensions in mm Micronas 7 HAL11x 3.7. Magnetic Characteristics at TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C, VDD = 4.5 V to 24 V, Typical Characteristics for VDD = 12 V Magnetic flux density values of switching points. Positive flux density values refer to the magnetic south pole at the branded side of the package. Sensor Parameter Switching type TJ Hysteresis BHYS Unit Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 7.5 21.5 36 4.3 17.4 33.2 2.8 4.1 5 mT 7 21.1 34 4 17.1 31.2 2.8 4 4.5 mT 140 °C 6.1 19.4 31.3 3.6 16.1 28.8 2.2 3.3 4 mT –40 °C –10.7 1.4 12.5 –12.5 –1.4 10.7 1.8 2.8 7 mT 25 °C –10.7 1.2 12.5 –12.5 –1.2 10.7 1.8 2.4 7 mT 140 °C –10.7 0.9 12.5 –12.5 –0.9 10.7 1 1.8 7 mT –40 °C unipolar 25 °C bipolar Off point BOFF Min. HAL 114 HAL 115 On point BON Note: For detailed descriptions of the individual types, see pages 10 and following. The magnetic limits given above refer to parts in the original packaging. Mechanical stress on the hall sensitive areas on the chip surface may generate an additional magnetic offset, which can slightly change the magnetic switching points. This behavior is a physical phenomenon and not a malfunction of the sensor. Mechanical stress on the hall plates can be caused, for example, by overmoulding the plastic package or by wide range temperature changes like soldering or operating the parts at extreme temperatures. Please use a sensor of the HAL 5xx family if higher robustness against mechanical stress is required. mA 15 IDD mA 12 HAL 11x TA = –40 °C 10 IDD HAL 11x TA = –40 °C 10 TA = 25 °C TA = 140 °C 5 TA = 25 °C 8 TA = 140 °C 0 6 –5 4 –10 2 –15 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 V VDD Fig. 3–5: Typical supply current versus supply voltage 8 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 V VDD Fig. 3–6: Typical supply current versus supply voltage Micronas HAL11x mA 12 mV 500 HAL 11x HAL 11x VDD = 12 V IDD 10 VOL 400 VDD = 4.5 V 8 VDD = 24 V 300 IO = 20 mA 6 200 4 IO = 12.5 mA 100 2 0 –50 0 50 0 –50 150 °C 100 0 50 150 °C TA TA Fig. 3–9: Typical output low voltage versus temperature Fig. 3–7: Typical supply current versus temperature mV 500 100 µA 2 10 HAL 11x HAL 11x IO = 12.5 mA VOL 400 IOH VOH = 24 V VDD = 5 V 1 10 0 10 300 –1 10 TA = 140 °C –2 10 200 TA = 25 °C –3 10 TA = –40 °C –4 10 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 VDD Fig. 3–8: Typical output low voltage versus supply voltage Micronas 30 V –50 0 50 100 150 °C TA Fig. 3–10: Typical output leakage current versus temperature 9 HAL114 4. Type Description Applications 4.1. HAL 114 The HAL 114 is the optimal sensor for applications with one magnetic polarity such as: The HAL 114 is a unipolar switching sensor (see Fig. 4–1). – solid state switches, The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the branded side of the package and turns high if the magnetic field is removed. The sensor does not respond to the magnetic north pole on the branded side. – position and end-point detection, and – contactless solution to replace micro switches, – rotating speed measurement. For correct functioning in the application, the sensor requires only the magnetic south pole on the branded side of the package. Output Voltage VO BHYS Magnetic Features: – switching type: unipolar VOL – typical BON: 21.1 mT at room temperature 0 – typical BOFF: 17.1 mT at room temperature – operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic magnetic fields up to 20 kHz BOFF BON B Fig. 4–1: Definition of magnetic switching points for the HAL 114 Magnetic Characteristics at TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C, VDD = 4.5 V to 24 V, Typical Characteristics for VDD = 12 V Magnetic flux density values of switching points. Positive flux density values refer to the magnetic south pole at the branded side of the package. Parameter TJ On point BON Off point BOFF Hysteresis BHYS Unit Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. 7.5 21.5 36 4.3 17.4 33.2 2.8 4.1 5 mT 7 21.1 34 4 17.1 31.2 2.8 4 4.5 mT 100 °C 6.3 19.9 31.5 3.6 16.4 28.9 2.6 3.5 4 mT 140 °C 6.1 19.4 31.3 3.6 16.1 28.8 2.2 3.3 4 mT –40 °C 25 °C The hysteresis is the difference between the switching points BHYS = BON – BOFF The magnetic limits given above refer to parts in the original packaging. Mechanical stress on the hall sensitive areas on the chip surface may generate an additional magnetic offset, which can slightly change the magnetic switching points. This behavior is a physical phenomenon and not a malfunction of the sensor. Mechanical stress on the hall plates can be caused, for example, by overmoulding the plastic package or by wide range temperature changes like soldering or operating the parts at extreme temperatures. Please use a sensor of the HAL 5xx family if a robustness against mechanical stress is required. 10 Micronas HAL114 mT 30 HAL 114 mT 30 HAL 114 VDD = 12 V BON BOFF 25 BON BOFF 25 20 20 15 15 BON BOFF TA = –40 °C 10 10 TA = 25 °C TA = 140 °C 5 0 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 V VDD BON BOFF 0 50 100 150 °C TA Fig. 4–2: Typical magnetic switching points versus supply voltage mT 30 0 –50 Fig. 4–4: Typical magnetic switching points versus temperature HAL 114 25 20 15 TA = –40 °C 10 TA = 25 °C TA = 140 °C 5 0 3 4 5 6 V VDD Fig. 4–3: Typical magnetic switching points versus supply voltage Micronas 11 HAL115 4.2. HAL 115 Applications The HAL 115 is a bipolar switching sensor (see Fig. 4–5). The HAL 115 is the optimal sensor for all applications with alternating magnetic signals at the sensor position such as: The output turns low with the magnetic south pole on the branded side of the package and turns high with the magnetic north pole on the branded side. The output state is not defined for all sensors if the magnetic field is removed again. Some sensors will change the output state and some sensors will not. – rotating speed measurement, – commutation of brushless DC-motors and cooling fans. For correct functioning in the application, the sensor requires both magnetic polarities (north and south) on the branded side of the package. Output Voltage VO BHYS Magnetic Features: – switching type: bipolar VOL – high sensitivity – typical BON: 1.2 mT at room temperature BOFF – typical BOFF: –1.2 mT at room temperature 0 BON B Fig. 4–5:Definition of magnetic switching points for the HAL115 – operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic magnetic fields up to 20 kHz Magnetic Characteristics at TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C, VDD = 4.5 V to 24 V, Typical Characteristics for VDD = 12 V Magnetic flux density values of switching points. Positive flux density values refer to the magnetic south pole at the branded side of the package. Parameter TJ On point BON Off point BOFF Hysteresis BHYS Unit Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. –40 °C –10.7 1.4 12.5 –12.5 –1.4 10.7 1.8 2.8 7 mT 25 °C –10.7 1.2 12.5 –12.5 –1.2 10.7 1.8 2.4 7 mT 100 °C –10.7 1 12.5 –12.5 –1 10.7 1.5 2 7 mT 140 °C –10.7 0.9 12.5 –12.5 –0.9 10.7 1 1.8 7 mT The hysteresis is the difference between the switching points BHYS = BON – BOFF The magnetic limits given above refer to parts in the original packaging. Mechanical stress on the hall sensitive areas on the chip surface may generate an additional magnetic offset, which can slightly change the magnetic switching points. This behavior is a physical phenomenon and not a malfunction of the sensor. Mechanical stress on the hall plates can be caused, for example, by overmoulding the plastic package or by wide range temperature changes like soldering or operating the parts at extreme temperatures. Please use a sensor of the HAL 5xx family if higher robustness against mechanical stress is required. 12 Micronas HAL115 mT 6 HAL 115 VDD = 12 V BON, 4 BOFF 2 BON 0 BOFF –2 –4 –6 –50 0 50 100 150 °C TA Fig. 4–6:Typical magnetic switching points versus ambient temperature Micronas 13 HAL11x 5. Application Notes 5.2. Ambient Temperature 5.1. Application Circuit Due to the internal power dissipation, the temperature on the silicon chip (junction temperature TJ) is higher than the temperature outside the package (ambient temperature TA). The HAL 11x sensors can operate without external components. For applications with disturbances on the supply line or radiated disturbances, a series resistor and a capacitor are recommended (see Fig. 5–1). The series resistor and the capacitor should be placed as closely as possible to the sensor. TJ = TA + ∆T At static conditions, the following equation is valid: ∆T = IDD * VDD * Rth For typical values, use the typical parameters. For worst case calculation, use the max. parameters for IDD and Rth, and the max. value for VDD from the application. RV 220 Ω 1 OUT For all sensors, the junction temperature range TJ is specified. The maximum ambient temperature TAmax can be calculated as: 3 TAmax = TJmax – ∆T RL VDD VDD 4.7 nF 2 5.3. Extended Operating Conditions GND All sensors fulfill the electrical and magnetic characteristics when operated within the Recommended Operating Conditions (see page 6). Fig. 5–1: Recommended application circuit Please use the sensors of the HAL 5xx family if lower operation voltage, lower current consumption or tighter magnetic specifications required. VDD 5.4. Start-up Behavior L2 L1 3.3 k 1 HAL115 3 R1 The sensors have an initialization time (enable time ten(O)) after applying the supply voltage. This parameter ten(O) is specified in the Electrical Characteristics (see page 7). R2 3.3 k 2 2.2 µ/50 V C1 Fig. 5–2: Recommended application circuit for DC fans 14 2.2 µ /50 V C2 During the initialization time, the output state is not defined and can toggle. After ten(O), the output will be low if the applied magnetic field B is above BON or high if B is below BOFF. For magnetic fields between BOFF and BON, the output state of the HAL sensor after applying VDD will be either low or high. In order to achieve a well-defined output state, the applied magnetic field must be above BONmax, respectively, below BOFFmin. Micronas HAL11x Micronas 15 HAL11x 6. Data Sheet History 1. Final data sheet: “HAL114 Unipolar Hall Switch IC”, June 10, 1998, 6251-456-1DS. First release of the final data sheet. 2. Final data sheet: “HAL115 Hall Effect Sensor IC”, May 7, 1997, 6251-414-1DS. First release of the final data sheet. 3. Final data sheet: “HAL114, HAL 115 Hall Effect Sensor Family, Dec. 20, 1999, 6251-456-2DS. Second release of the final data sheet. Major changes: – additional package SOT-89B – temperature range “A” replaced by “K” for HAL114 – additional temperature range “K” for HAL115 – outline dimensions for SOT-89A and TO-92UA changed – supply voltage range changed for HAL115 Micronas GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19 D-79108 Freiburg (Germany) P.O. Box 840 D-79008 Freiburg (Germany) Tel. +49-761-517-0 Fax +49-761-517-2174 E-mail: docservice@micronas.com Internet: www.micronas.com Printed in Germany by Systemdruck+Verlags-GmbH, Freiburg (12/1999) Order No. 6251-456-2DS 16 All information and data contained in this data sheet are without any commitment, are not to be considered as an offer for conclusion of a contract, nor shall they be construed as to create any liability. Any new issue of this data sheet invalidates previous issues. Product availability and delivery are exclusively subject to our respective order confirmation form; the same applies to orders based on development samples delivered. By this publication, Micronas GmbH does not assume responsibility for patent infringements or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. Further, Micronas GmbH reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted without the express written consent of Micronas GmbH. Micronas HAL 11x, HAL 5xx, HAL 62x Data Sheet Supplement Subject: Improvement of SOT-89B Package Data Sheet Concerned: HAL 114, 115, 6251-456-2DS, Dec. 20, 1999 HAL 50x, 51x, 6251-485-1DS, Feb. 16, 1999 HAL 55x, 56x, 6251-425-1DS, April 6, 1999 HAL 621, 629, 6251-504-1DS, Feb. 3, 2000 Supplement: No. 1/ 6251-531-1DSS Edition: July 4, 2000 Changes: – position tolerance of the sensitive area reduced – tolerances of the outline dimensions reduced – thickness of the leadframe changed to 0.15 mm (old 0.125 mm) – SOT-89A will be discontinued in December 2000 sensitive area 4.55 0.15 ∅ 0.2 1.7 0.3 y 2 4 ±0.2 2.55 min. 0.25 top view 1 1.15 2 3 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.5 3.0 branded side 0.06 ±0.04 SPGS0022-5-A3/2E Position of sensitive area HAL 114, 115 HAL 50x, 51x HAL 621, 629 HAL 55x, HAL 56x x center of the package center of the package y 0.95 mm nominal 0.85 mm nominal Note: A mechanical tolerance of ±0.05 mm applies to all dimensions where no tolerance is explicitly given. Position tolerance of the sensitive area is defined in the package diagram. Micronas page 1 of 1