FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-16702-2E 32-bit Proprietary Microcontroller CMOS FR60Lite MB91265 Series MB91266/MB91F267/MB91F267N ■ DESCRIPTION The MB91265 series is a 32-bit RISC microcontroller designed by Fujitsu for embedded control applications which require high-speed processing. The CPU is used the FR family and the compatibility of FR60Lite. MB91F267N loads the C-CAN (1 channel) . ■ FEATURES • FR60Lite CPU • 32-bit RISC, load/store architecture with a five-stage pipeline • Maximum operating frequency : 33 MHz (oscillation frequency 4.192 MHz, oscillation frequency 8-multiplier (PLL clock multiplication method) • 16-bit fixed length instructions (basic instructions) • Execution speed of instructions : 1 instruction per cycle • Memory-to-memory transfer, bit handling, barrel shift instructions, etc. : Instructions suitable for embedded applications • Function entry/exit instructions, multiple-register load/store instructions : Instructions adapted for C-language (Continued) ■ PACKAGE 64-pin plastic LQFP (FPT-64P-M23) MB91265 Series (Continued) • Register interlock function : Facilitates coding in assembler. • Built-in multiplier with instruction-level support • 32-bit multiplication with sign : 5 cycles • 16-bit multiplication with sign : 3 cycles • Interrupt (PC, PS save) : 6 cycles, 16 priority levels • Harvard architecture allowing program access and data access to be executed simultaneously • Instruction compatible with FR family • Internal peripheral functions • Capacity of internal ROM and ROM type MASK ROM : 64 Kbytes (MB91266) FLASH ROM : 128 Kbytes (MB91F267/MB91F267N) • Capacity of internal RAM : 2 Kbytes (MASK product)/4 Kbytes (FLASH memory product) • A/D converter (sequential comparison type) Resolution : 8/10 bits : 4 channels × 1 unit, 7 channels × 1 unit Conversion time : 1.2 µs (Minimum conversion time system clock at 33 MHz) 1.35 µs (Minimum conversion time system clock at 20 MHz) • External interrupt input : 8 channels • Bit search module (for REALOS) Function for searching the MSB (upper bit) in each word for the first 1-to-0 inverted bit position • C-CAN 32MSB : 1 channel (loaded in MB91F267N only) • UART (Full-duplex double buffer) : 2 channels Selectable parity On/Off Asynchronous (start-stop synchronized) or clock-synchronous communications selectable Internal timer for dedicated baud rate (U-TIMER) on each channel External clock can be used as transfer clock Error detection function for parity, frame, and overrun errors • 8/16-bit PPG timer : 8 channels (at 8-bit) / 4 channels (at 16-bit) • Timing generator • 16-bit reload timer : 3 channels (with cascade mode, without output of reload timer 0) • 16-bit free-run timer : 3 channels • 16-bit PWC timer : 1 channel • Input capture : 4 channels (interface with free-run timer) • Output compare : 6 channels (interface with free-run timer) • Waveform generator Various waveforms which are generated by using output compare, 16-bit PPG timer 0, and 16-bit dead timer • SUM of products macro RAM : instruction RAM (I-RAM) 256 × 16-bit coefficient RAM (X-RAM) 64 × 16-bit variable RAM (Y-RAM) 64 × 16-bit Execution of 1 cycle MAC (16-bit × 16-bit + 40 bits) Operation results are extracted rounded from 40 to 16 bits • DMAC (DMA Controller) : 5 channels Operation of transfer and activation by internal peripheral interrupts and software • Watchdog timer • Low-power consumption mode Sleep/stop function • Package : LQFP-64P • Technology : CMOS 0.35 µm • Power supply : 1-power supply (Vcc = 4.0 V to 5.5 V) 2 MB91265 Series ■ PIN ASSIGNMENT 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 AVCC AVRH2 AVRH1 P43/INT3 P42/INT2 P41/INT1 P40/INT0 P30/RTO0 P31/RTO1 P32/RTO2 P33/RTO3 P34/RTO4 P35/RTO5 INIT P36/PPG7/INT7 P37/PPG4 (TOP VIEW) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 VSS X1 X0 MD0 MD1 MD2 PG1/PPG0 P27 P26/IC1 P25/IC0 P24/CKI P23/DTTI P22/PWI0 P21/ADTG2/IC3 P20/ADTG1/IC2 P17/PPG6/TX0* VCC P00/PPG1/INT4 P01/PPG2 P02/PPG3/INT5 P03/TIN0 P04/TIN1 P05/TIN2 P06/TOT1 P07/TOT2 P10/SOT0 P11/SIN0 P12/SCK0 P13/SOT1 P14/SIN1 P15/SCK1 P16/PPG5/INT6/RX0* 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AVSS ACC AN0/P50 AN1/P51 AN2/P52 AN3/P53 AN4/P54 AN5/P55 AN6/P56 AN7/P57 AN8/P44 AN9/P45 AN10/P46 NMI C VSS (FPT-64P-M23) * : C-CAN pin is loaded in only MB91F267N. 3 MB91265 Series ■ PIN DESCRIPTION Pin no. Pin Circuit name type AN0 3 G Description Analog input terminal of A/D converter 1. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR1 register to analog input. P50 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN1 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 1. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR1 register to analog input. 4 G P51 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN2 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 1. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR1 register to analog input. 5 G P52 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN3 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 1. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR1 register to analog input. 6 G P53 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN4 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 7 G P54 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN5 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 8 G P55 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN6 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 9 G P56 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN7 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 10 G P57 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN8 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 11 G P44 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. AN9 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. 12 G P45 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. (Continued) 4 MB91265 Series Pin no. Pin Circuit name type AN10 13 G NMI H PPG1 E PPG2 20 Output terminal of PPG timer 1. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 1 is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 1 and external interrupt input are set to disabled. P00 19 NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt) input terminal. External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. INT4 18 Analog input terminal of A/D converter 2. This function becomes valid when set the corresponding AICR2 register to analog input. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when analog input is set to disabled. P46 14 Description D Output terminal of PPG timer 2. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 2 is set to enabled. P01 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 2 is set to disabled. INT5 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. PPG3 E Output terminal of PPG timer 3. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 3 is set to enabled. P02 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 3 and external interrupt input are set to disabled. TIN0 External trigger input terminal of reload timer 0. Since this input is used as required while the trigger input is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 21 D P03 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external clock input of reload timer 0 is set to disabled. TIN1 External trigger input terminal of reload timer 1. Since this input is used as required while the trigger input is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 22 D P04 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external clock input of reload timer 1 is set to disabled. TIN2 External trigger input terminal of reload timer 2. Since this input is used as required while the trigger input is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 23 D P05 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external clock input of reload timer 2 is set to disabled. (Continued) 5 MB91265 Series Pin no. Pin Circuit name type TOT1 24 D Description Output terminal of reload timer 1. This function becomes valid when output of reload timer 1 is set to enabled. P06 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of reload timer 1 is set to disabled. TOT2 Output terminal of reload timer 2. This function becomes valid when output of reload timer 2 is set to enabled. 25 D P07 SOT0 26 D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of reload timer 2 is set to disabled. UART0 data output terminal. This function becomes valid when data output of UART0 is set to enabled. P10 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when data output of UART0 is set to disabled. SIN0 UART0 data input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the UART0 input is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 27 D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when data input of UART0 is set to disabled. P11 SCK0 28 D UART0 clock input/output terminal. This function becomes valid when clock output of UART0 is set to enabled. P12 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when clock output of UART0 is set to disabled. SOT1 UART1 data output terminal. This function becomes valid when data output of UART1 is set to enabled. 29 D P13 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when data output of UART1 is set to disabled. SIN1 UART1 data input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the UART1 input is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 30 D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when data input of UART1 is set to disabled. P14 SCK1 31 D UART1 clock input/output terminal. This function becomes valid when clock output of UART1 is set to enabled. P15 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when clock output of UART1 is set to disabled. INT6 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. PPG5 Output terminal of PPG timer 5. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 5 is set to enabled. 32 E RX0 RX0 input terminal of C-CAN0 (MB91F267N only ) . Since this input is used as required while the RX0 input is enabled, port output must remain off unless intentionally used. P16 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 5 and RX0 input* of C-CAN0 are set to disabled. (Continued) 6 MB91265 Series Pin no. Pin name Circuit type Output terminal of PPG timer 6. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 6 is set to enabled. PPG6 33 34 TX0 D TX0 output terminal of C-CAN0 (only MB91F267N) . This function becomes valid when TX0 output of C-CAN0 is set to enabled. P17 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 6 and TX0 output* of C-CAN0 are set to disabled. ADTG1 External trigger input terminal of A/D converter 1. Since this input is used as required while it selects as A/D activation trigger cause, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. IC2 Trigger input terminal of input capture 2. The port can serve as an input when set for input with the setting of the input capture trigger input. When the port is used for input capture input, this input is used as required. The port output must therefore remain off unless intentionally used. D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when the setting of the external trigger input of A/D converter 1 or the setting of the input capture trigger input is set to disabled. P20 35 Description ADTG2 External trigger input terminal of A/D converter 2. Since this input is used as required while it selects as A/D activation trigger cause, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. IC3 Trigger input terminal of input capture 3. The port can serve as an input when set for input with the setting of the input capture trigger input. When the port is used for input capture input, this input is used as required. The port output must therefore remain off unless intentionally used. D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when the setting of the external trigger input of A/D converter 2 or the setting of the input capture trigger input is set to disabled. P21 PWI0 36 D Pulse width counter input of PWC timer 0 This function becomes valid when pulse width counter input of PWC timer 0 is set to enabled. P22 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when pulse width counter input of PWC timer 0 is set to disabled. DTTI Control input signal of multi-function timer waveform generator output RTO0 to RTO5. This function becomes valid when DTTI input is set to enabled. 37 D P23 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when input of DTTI is set to disabled. CKI External clock input terminal of free-run timer. Since this input is used as required while the port is used for external clock input terminal of free-run timer, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 38 D P24 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external clock input of free-run timer is set to disabled. * : C-CAN is set in only MB91F267N. (Continued) 7 MB91265 Series Pin no. Pin Circuit name type IC0 39 D Trigger input terminal of input capture 0. The port can serve as an input when set for input with the setting of the trigger input of input capture 0. When the port is used for input capture input, this input is used as required. The port output must therefore remain off unless intentionally used. P25 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when trigger input of input capture 0 is set to disabled. IC1 Trigger input terminal of input capture 1. The port can serve as an input when set for input with the setting of the trigger input of input capture 1. When the port is used for input capture input, this input is used as required. The port output must therefore remain off unless intentionally used. 40 D General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when trigger input of input capture 1 is set to disabled. P26 41 Description P27 D PPG0 42 D PG1 General purpose input/output port. Output terminal of PPG timer 0. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 0 is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 0 is set to disabled. 43 MD2 H, K Mode terminal 2. Setting these pins determines the basic operation mode. Connect to VCC or VSS. The circuit type of flash memory models is K. 44 MD1 H, K Mode terminal 1. Setting these pins determines the basic operation mode. Connect to VCC or VSS. The circuit type of flash memory models is K. 45 MD0 H Mode terminal 0. Setting these pins determines the basic operation mode. Connect to VCC or VSS. 46 X0 A Clock (oscillation) output terminal. 47 X1 A Clock (oscillation) input terminal. PPG4 49 50 D P37 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 4 is set to disabled. INT7 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. PPG7 E INIT Output terminal of PPG timer 7. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 7 is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 7 is set to disabled. P36 51 Output terminal of PPG timer 4. This function becomes valid when output of PPG timer 4 is set to enabled. I External reset input terminal. (Continued) 8 MB91265 Series Pin no. Pin Circuit name type RTO5 52 J RTO4 J RTO3 J RTO2 J RTO1 J Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. P31 RTO0 57 Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. P32 56 Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. P33 55 Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. P34 54 Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. P35 53 Description J Waveform generator output terminal of multi-function timer. This terminal outputs waveform set at the waveform generator. This function becomes valid when waveform generator output of multi-function timer is set to enabled. P30 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when output of waveform generator is set to disabled. INT0 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 58 E P40 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external interrupt input is set to disabled. INT1 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 59 E P41 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external interrupt input is set to disabled. INT2 External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. 60 E P42 General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external interrupt input is set to disabled. (Continued) 9 MB91265 Series (Continued) Pin Circuit Pin no. name type INT3 61 E P43 Description External interrupt input terminal. Since this input is used as required while the corresponding external interrupt is enabled, the port output must remain off unless intentionally used. General purpose input/output port. This function becomes valid when external interrupt input is set to disabled. • Power supply and GND pins Pin no. Pin name 10 Description 16, 48 Vss GND pins. Apply equal potential to all of the pins. 17 Vcc Power supply pin. Apply equal potential to all of the pins. 64 AVcc 63 AVRH2 Analog reference power supply pin for A/D converter 2. 62 AVRH1 Analog reference power supply pin for A/D converter 1. 1 AVss 15 C 2 ACC Analog power supply pin for A/D converter. Analog GND pin for A/D converter. Condenser connection pin for internal regulator. Condenser connection pin for analog. MB91265 Series ■ I/O CIRCUIT TYPE Type Circuit type Remarks X1 Clock input A • Oscillation feedback resistance for high speed (main clock oscillation) : approx. 1 MΩ X0 Standby control P-ch Pull-up control • CMOS level output • CMOS level hysteresis input Digital output • With standby control • With Pull-up control P-ch D Digital output • IOL = 4 mA N-ch Digital input Standby control P-ch Pull-up control • CMOS level output • CMOS level hysteresis input Digital output • Without standby control • With Pull-up control P-ch E Digital output • IOL = 4 mA N-ch Digital input (Continued) 11 MB91265 Series Type Circuit type Remarks Digital output P-ch Digital output G N-ch Digital input Standby control Analog input • Analog/CMOS level hysteresis input/output pin • CMOS level output • CMOS level hysteresis input (attached with standby control) • Analog input (Analog input is enabled when AICR’s corresponding bit is set to “1”.) • IOL = 4 mA • CMOS level hysteresis input • Without standby control P-ch H N-ch Digital input • CMOS level hysteresis input P-ch • With pull-up resistor • Without standby control P-ch I N-ch Digital input (Continued) 12 MB91265 Series (Continued) Type Circuit type Remarks • CMOS level output • CMOS level hysteresis input Digital output • With standby control P-ch Digital output J • IOL = 12 mA N-ch Digital input Standby control FLASH memory product only • CMOS level input N-ch • High voltage control for test of FLASH N-ch K N-ch N-ch Control signal N-ch Mode input 13 MB91265 Series ■ HANDLING DEVICES Preventing Latch-up Latch-up may occur in a CMOS IC if a voltage greater than VCC or less than VSS is applied to an input or output pin or if an above-rating voltage is applied between VCC and VSS. A latch-up, if it occurs, significantly increases the power supply current and may cause thermal destruction of an element. When you use a CMOS IC, be very careful not to exceed the absolute maximum rating. Treatment of Unused Input Pins Do not leave an unused input pin open, since it may cause a malfunction. Handle by, for example, using a pullup or pull-down resistor. About Power Supply Pins In products with multiple VCC or VSS pins, the pins of the same potential are internally connected in the device to avoid abnormal operations including latch-up. However, you must connect the pins to external power supply and a ground line to lower the electro-magnetic emission level, to prevent abnormal operation of strobe signals caused by the rise in the ground level, and to conform to the total output current rating. Moreover, connect the current supply source with the VCC and VSS pins of this device at the low impedance. It is also advisable to connect a ceramic bypass capacitor of approximately 0.1 µF between VCC and VSS near this device. About Crystal Oscillator Circuit Noise near the X0, X1, X0A and X1A pins may cause the device to malfunction. Design the printed circuit board so that X0, X1, X0A and X1A the crystal oscillator (or ceramic oscillator) , and the bypass capacitor to ground are located as close to the device as possible. It is strongly recommended to design the PC board artwork with the X0, X1, X0A and X1A pins surrounded by ground plane because stable operation can be expected with such a layout. Please ask the crystal maker to evaluate the oscillational characteristics of the crystal and this device. About Mode Pins (MD0 to MD2) These pins should be connected directly to VCC or VSS. To prevent the device erroneously switching to test mode due to noise, design the printed circuit board such that the distance between the mode pins and VCC or VSS is as short as possible and the connection impedance is low. Operation at Start-up Be sure to execute setting initialized reset (INIT) with INIT pin immediately after start-up. Also, in order to provide the oscillation stabilization wait time for the oscillation circuit immediately after start-up, hold the “L” level input to the INIT pin for the required stabilization wait time. (For INIT via the INIT pin, the oscillation stabilization wait time setting is initialized to the minimum value) . 14 MB91265 Series Order of power turning ON/OFF Use the following procedure for turning the power on or off. Note that, even if the A/D converter is not used, keep the following pins connected with the level as described below. AVCC = VCC level AVSS = VSS level • When Powering ON : VCC→AVCC→AVRH • When Powering OFF : AVRH→AVCC→VCC About Oscillation Input at Power On When turning the power on, maintain clock input until the device is released from the oscillation stabilization wait state. 15 MB91265 Series Caution for operation during PLL clock mode Even if the oscillator comes off or the clock input stops with the PLL clock selected for this device, the device may continue to operate at the free-run frequency of the PLL’s internal self-oscillating oscillator circuit. Performance of this operation, however, cannot be guaranteed. External clock When external clock is selected, the opposite phase clock to X0 pin must be supplied to X1 pin simultaneously. If the STOP mode (oscillation stop mode) is used simultaneously, the X1 pin is stopped with the "H" output. So, when STOP mode is specified, approximately 1 kΩ of resistance should be added externally to avoid the collision of output. The following figure shows using an external clock. X0 X1 MB91265 series Using an external clock C pin A bypass capacitor of approximately 0.1 µF should be connected the C pin for built-in regulator. C MB91265 series 0.1 µF VSS GND ACC pin A capacitor of approximately 0.1 µF should be inserted between the ACC pin and the AVSS pin as this product has built-in A/D converter. ACC MB91265 series 0.1 µF AVSS 16 MB91265 Series Clock Control Block Input the “L” signal to the INIT pin to assure the clock oscillation stabilization wait time. Switch Shared Port Function To switch between the use as a port and the use as a dedicated pin, use the port function register (PFR) . Low Power Consumption Mode To enter the standby mode, use the synchronous standby mode (set with the SYNCS bit as bit 8 in the TBCR : timebase counter control register) and be sure to use the following sequence (LDI #value_of_standby, R0) : value_of_standby is write data to STCR. (LDI #_STCR, R12) : _STCR is address (481H) of STCR. STB R0, @R12 : Writing to standby control register (STCR) LDUB @R12, R0 : STCR read for synchronous standby LDUB @R12, R0 : Dummy re-read of STCR NOP : NOP × 5 for arrangement of timing NOP NOP NOP NOP In addition, please set I flag, ILM, and ICR to diverge to the interruption handler that is the return factor after the standby returns. • Please do not do the following when the monitor debugger is used. • Break point setting for above instruction lines • Step execution for above instruction lines 17 MB91265 Series Notes on the PS register As the PS register is processed by some instructions in advance, exception handling below may cause the interrupt handling routine to break when the debugger is used or the display contents of flags in the PS register to be updated. As the microcontroller is designed to carry out reprocessing correctly upon returning from such an EIT event, it performs operations before and after the EIT as specified in either case. • The following operations may be performed when the instruction immediately followed by a DIVOU/DIVOS instruction is (a) acceptance of a user interrupt, (b) single-stepped, or (c) breaks in response to a data event or emulator menu : 1) The D0 and D1 flags are updated in advance. 2) An EIT handling routine (user interrupt or emulator) is executed. 3) Upon returning from the EIT, the DIVOU/DIVOS instruction is executed, and the D0 and D1 flags are updated to the same values as in 1). • The following operations are performed when the ORCCR/STILM/MOVRi and PS instructions are executed to allow the interrupt. 1) The PS register is updated in advance. 2) An EIT handling routine (user interrupt) is executed. 3) Upon returning from the EIT, the above instructions are executed, and the PS register is updated to the same value as in 1). Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer built in this model monitors a program that it defers a reset within a certain period of time. The watchdog timer resets the CPU if the program runs out of controls, preventing the reset defer function from being executed. Once the function of the watchdog timer is enabled, therefore, the watchdog timer keeps on operating programs until it resets the CPU. As an exception, the watchdog timer defers a reset automatically under the condition in which the CPU stops program execution. For those conditions to which this exception applies, see the function description of watchdog timer. 18 MB91265 Series ■ NOTE ON DEBUGGER • Step execution of RETI command If an interrupt occurs frequently during step execution, the corresponding interrupt handling routine is executed repeatedly after step execution. This will prevent the main routine and low-interrupt-level programs from being executed. Do not execute step of RETI instruction for escape. Disable the corresponding interrupt and execute debugger when the corresponding interrupt handling routine no longer needs debugging. • Operand break Do not apply a data event break to access to the area containing the address of a system stack pointer. • Execution in an unused area of FLASH memory Accidentally executing an instruction in an unused area of FLASH memory (with data placed at 0xFFFF) prevents breaks from being accepted. To prevent this, the code event address mask function of the debugger should be used to cause a break when accessing an instruction in an unused area. • Power-on debugging All of the following three conditions must be satisfied when the power supply is turned off by power-on debugging. (1) The time for the user power to fall from 0.9 VCC to 0.5 VCC is 25 µs or longer. Note : In a dual-power system, VCC indicates the external I/O power supply voltage. (2) CPU operating frequency must be higher than 1 MHz. (3) During execution of user program • Interrupt handler for NMI request (tool) Add the following program to the interrupt handler to prevent the device from malfunctioning in case the factor flag to be set only in response to a break request from the ICE is set, for example, by an adverse effect of noise to the DSU pin while the ICE is not connected. Enable to use the ICE while adding this program. Additional location Next interrupt handler Interrupt source : NMI request (tool) Interrupt number : #13 (decimal) , 0D (hexadecimal) Offset : 3C8H Address TBR is default : 000FFFC8H Additional program STM (R0, R1) LDI #B00H, R0; LDI #0, R1 STB R1, @R0 LDM (R0, R1) : B00H is the address of DSU break factor register. : Clear the break factor register. RETI 19 MB91265 Series ■ BLOCK DIAGRAM FR60 Lite CPU core 32 32 DMAC 5 channels Bit search module 16 bit MAC ROM 64 Kbytes/ FLASH 128 Kbytes Bus converter RAM 2 Kbytes/ RAM 4 Kbytes X0, X1 MD0 to MD2 INIT 32 16 bit ↔ 32 bit Adapter Interrupt controller SIN0, SIN1 SOT0, SOT1 SCK0, SCK1 TX0 RX0 (Built-in MB91F267N only) Clock control 16 INT0 to INT7 NMI 1 channel C-CAN 8 channels external interrupt Port I/F 3 channels 16-bit reload timer 1 channel 16-bit PWC timer 2 channels UART 4 channels 16-bit/ 8 channels 8-bit PPG timer PORT TIN0 to TIN2 TOT1, TOT2 PWI0 PPG0 to PPG7 2 channels U-TIMER AVCC ADTG1 AVRH1 AN0 to AN3 4 channels input 8/10-bit A/D converter-1 ADTG2 AVRH2 AN4 to AN10 7 channels input 8/10-bit A/D converter-2 Timing generator Multi-function timer 16-bit Free-run timer 3 channels CKI Input capture 4 channels IC0 to IC3 Output compare 6 channels RTO0 to RTO5 Waveform generator 20 DTTI MB91265 Series ■ MEMORY SPACE 1. Memory space The FR family has 4 Gbytes of logical address space (232 addresses) available to the CPU by linear access. • Direct Addressing Areas The following address space areas are used as I/O areas. These areas are called direct addressing areas, in which the address of an operand can be specified directly during an instruction. The size of directly addressable areas depends on the data size to be being accessed as follows. → byte data access : 000H to 0FFH → half word data access : 000H to 1FFH → word data access : 000H to 3FFH 2. Memory Map MB91F267/MB91F267N MB91266 Single chip mode Single chip mode 0000 0000H 0000 0000H I/O Direct addressing area 0000 0400H I/O 0001 0000H Access disallowed 0003 F000H Internal RAM 4 Kbytes 0004 0000H Refer to ■ I/O Map I/O Refer to ■ I/O Map 0001 0000H 0003 F800H Access disallowed Internal RAM 2 Kbytes 0004 0000H Access disallowed 000F 0000H 000E 0000H Internal ROM 128 Kbytes 0010 0000H Internal ROM 64 Kbytes Access disallowed Access disallowed FFFF FFFFH Direct addressing area 0000 0400H Access disallowed 0010 0000H I/O FFFF FFFFH 21 MB91265 Series ■ MODE SETTINGS The FR family uses mode pins (MD2 to MD0) and a mode data to set the operation mode. • Mode Pins The MD2 to MD0 pins specify how the mode vector fetch and reset vector fetch is performed. Setting is prohibited other than that shown in the following table. Mode Pins Mode name Reset vector access area 0 Internal ROM mode vector Internal 1 External ROM mode vector External MD2 MD1 MD0 0 0 0 0 Remarks Not supported by this model. • Mode data Data written to the internal mode register (MODR) by a mode vector fetch is called mode data. After an operation mode has been set in the mode register, the device operates in the operation mode. The mode data is set by all reset source. User programs cannot set data to the mode register. Details of mode data description bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Operation mode setting bits Bit31 to bit24 are all reserved bits. Be sure to set this bit to “00000111”. Operation is not guaranteed when any value other than “00000111” is set. Note : Mode data set in the mode vector must be placed as byte data at 0x000FFFF8H. Use the highest byte from bit31 to bit24 for placement as the FR family uses the big endian for byte endian. bit 31 Incorrect 16 15 87 0 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Mode Data 0x000FFFF8H Mode Data XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Correct 0x000FFFFCH 22 24 23 0x000FFFF8H Reset Vector MB91265 Series ■ I/O MAP [How to read the table] Address 000000H Register +0 +1 +2 +3 PDR0 [R/W] B PDR1 [R/W] B PDR2 [R/W] B PDR3 [R/W] B XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Block T-unit Port data register Read/write attribute Access unit (B : byte, H : half word, W : word) Initial value of register after reset Register name (column 1 of the register is at address 4n, column 2 is at address 4n + 1...) Leftmost register address (For word-length access, column 1 of the register becomes the MSB of the data.) Note : Initial values of register bits are represented as follows : “ 1 ” : Initial Value “ 1 ” “ 0 ” : Initial Value “ 0 ” “ X ” : Initial Value “ undefined” “ - ” : No physical register at this location Access is barred with an undefined data access attribute. 23 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 000000H PDR0 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PDR1 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PDR2 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PDR3 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000004H PDR4 [R/W] B, H, W -XXXXXXX PDR5 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX ⎯ ⎯ 000008H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00000CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000010H PDRG [R/W] B, H, W ------X- ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000014H to 00003CH ⎯ 000040H EIRR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ENIR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 000044H DICR [R/W] B, H, W -------0 HRCL [R/W, R] B, H, W 0--11111 ELVR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ TMR0 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00004CH ⎯ TMCSR0 [R/W, R] B, H, W ---00000 00000000 000050H TMRLR1 [W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX TMR1 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000054H ⎯ TMCSR1 [R/W, R] B, H, W ---00000 00000000 000058H TMRLR2 [W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX TMR2 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ⎯ TMCSR2 [R/W, R] B, H, W ---00000 00000000 00005CH 000060H 000064H 000068H 00006CH 000070H to 00007CH SSR0 [R/W, R] B, H, W 00001000 SIDR0 [R]/SODR0[W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX UTIM0 [R] H / UTIMR0 [W] H 00000000 00000000 SSR1 [R/W, R] B, H, W 00001000 SIDR1 [R]/SODR1[W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX UTIM1 [R] H / UTIMR1 [W] H 00000000 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ Port data register Reserved TMRLR0 [W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000048H Block External interrupt (INT0 to INT7) Delay interrupt/ Hold request Reload timer 0 Reload timer 1 Reload timer 2 SCR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000100 SMR0 [R/W, W] B, H, W 00--0-0- UART0 DRCL0 [W] B -------- UTIMC0 [R/W] B 0--00001 U-TIMER 0 SCR1 [R/W] B, H, W SMR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000100 00--0-0- UART1 DRCL1 [W] B -------- UTIMC1 [R/W] B 0--00001 U-TIMER 1 ⎯ ⎯ Reserved (Continued) 24 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 000080H ADCH1 [R/W] B, H, W XXXX0XX0 ADMD1 [R/W] B, H, W 00001111 ADCD11 [R] B, H, W XXXXXXXX ADCD10 [R] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000084H ADCS1 [R/W, W] B, H, W 00000X00 ⎯ AICR1 [R/W] B, H, W ----0000 ⎯ 000088H ADCH2 [R/W] B, H, W XXXX0XX0 ADMD2 [R/W] B, H, W 00001111 ADCD21 [R] B, H, W XXXXXXXX ADCD20 [R] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 00008CH ADCS2 [R/W, W] B, H, W 00000X00 ⎯ AICR2 [R/W] B, H, W -0000000 ⎯ 000090H OCCPBH0, OCCPBL0[W] / OCCPH0, OCCPL0[R] H, W 00000000 00000000 OCCPBH1, OCCPBL1[W] / OCCPH1, OCCPL1 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 000094H OCCPBH2, OCCPBL2[W] / OCCPH2, OCCPL2 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 OCCPBH3, OCCPBL3[W] / OCCPH3, OCCPL3 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 000098H OCCPBH4, OCCPBL4[W] / OCCPH4, OCCPL4 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 OCCPBH5, OCCPBL5[W] / OCCPH5, OCCPL5 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 00009CH OCSH1 [R/W] B, H, W X1100000 OCSL0 [R/W] B, H, W 00001100 0000A0H OCSH5 [R/W] B, H, W X1100000 OCSL4 [R/W] B, H, W OCMOD [R/W] B, H, W 00001100 XX000000 0000A4H 0000A8H CPCLRBH0, CPCLRBL0[W]/ CPCLRH0, CPCLRL0[R] H, W 11111111 11111111 TCCSH0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 TCCSL0 [R/W] B, H, W 01000000 OCSH3 [R/W] B, H, W X1100000 ADTRGC [R/W] B, H, W XXXX0000 IPCPH0, IPCPL0 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX IPCPH1, IPCPL1 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0000B0H IPCPH2, IPCPL2 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX IPCPH3, IPCPL3 [R] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0000B4H PICSH01 [W] B, H, W 00000000 PICSL01 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ICSH23 [R] B, H, W XXXXXX00 ICSL23 [R/W]B, H, W 00000000 0000B8H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ TMRRH0, TMRRL0 [R/W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0000C0H TMRRH2, TMRRL2 [R/W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX A/D converter 2/ AICR2 16-bit output compare ⎯ 0000ACH 0000BCH A/D converter 1/ AICR1 OCSL2 [R/W] B, H, W 00001100 TCDTH0, TCDTL0 [R/W] H, W 00000000 00000000 ⎯ Block 16-bit free-run timer 0 16-bit input capture Reserved TMRRH1, TMRRL1 [R/W] H, W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ⎯ ⎯ 0000C4H DTCR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 DTCR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 DTCR2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ⎯ 0000C8H ⎯ SIGCR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ⎯ SIGCR2 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXX1 Waveform generator (Continued) 25 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 ADCOMP1 [R/W] H, W 00000000 00000000 0000CCH ⎯ 0000D0H ADCOMP2 [R/W] H, W 00000000 00000000 ADCOMPC2 [R/W] B, H, W XX000000 ADCOMPC1 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXX000 0000D4H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0000D8H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0000DCH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0000E0H PWCSR0 [R/W, R] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 0000E4H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0000E8H ⎯ PDIVR0 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXX000 ⎯ ⎯ 0000ECH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0000F0H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ A/D COMP Reserved PWCR0 [R] H, W 00000000 00000000 16-bit PWC timer Reserved 000F4H to 000FCH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000100H PRLH0 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL0 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLH1 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL1 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000104H PRLH2 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL2 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLH3 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL3 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000108H PPGC0 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC1 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC2 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC3 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00010CH PRLH4 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL4 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLH5 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL5 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000110H PRLH6 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL6 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLH7 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX PRLL7 [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000114H PPGC4 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC5 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC6 [R/W] B, H, W PPGC7 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000118H to 00012CH Block ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 8/16-bit PPG timer 0 to 7 Reserved 000130H TRG [R/W] B, H, W -------- 00000000 ⎯ GATEC [R/W] B, H, W XXXXXX00 000134H REVC [R/W] B, H, W -------- 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ 8/16-bit PPG timer 0 to 7 ⎯ ⎯ Reserved 000138H to 000140H ⎯ ⎯ (Continued) 26 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 000144H TTCR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ TSTPR0 [R] B, H, W 00000000 000148H COMP0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00014CH ⎯ 000150H ⎯ 000154H 000158H 00015CH COMP2 [R/W] B, H, W COMP4 [R/W] B, H, W COMP6 [R/W] B, H, W Timing 00000000 00000000 00000000 generator ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ CPCLRBH1, CPCLRBL1 [W] / CPCLRH1, CPCLRL1 [R] H, W 11111111 11111111 TCCSH1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 Block ⎯ TCDTH1, TCDTL1 [R/W] H, W 00000000 00000000 TCCSL1 [R/W] B, H, W 01000000 CPCLRBH2, CPCLRBL2 [W] / CPCLRH2, CPCLRL2 [R] H, W 11111111 11111111 ⎯ ⎯ TCDTH2, TCDTL2 [R/W] H, W 00000000 00000000 16-bit free-run timer 1 16-bit free-run timer 2 000160H TCCSH2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 TCCSL2 [R/W] B, H, W 01000000 ⎯ ⎯ 000164H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ Reserved 000168H ⎯ FSR2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 FSR1 [R/W] B, H, W ----0000 FSR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 FRT selector 00016CH to 0001A4H 0001A8H ⎯ CANPRE [R, R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ⎯ Reserved ⎯ 0001ACH to 0001FCH ⎯ 000200H DMACA0 [R/W] B, H, W *2 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000204H DMACB0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000208H DMACA1 [R/W] B, H, W*2 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00020CH DMACB1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000210H DMACA2 [R/W] B, H, W *2 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000214H DMACB2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000218H DMACA3 [R/W] B, H, W *2 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00021CH DMACB3 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000220H DMACA4 [R/W] B, H, W *2 00000000 0000XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 000224H DMACB4 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 00000000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ⎯ C-CAN*1 prescaler Reserved DMAC (Continued) 27 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 Block 000228H to 00023CH ⎯ Reserved 000240H DMACR [R/W] B 0XX00000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX DMAC 000244H to 00024CH ⎯ 000250H ⎯ ⎯ 000254H to 000398H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00039CH ⎯ ⎯ 0003A0H DSP-PC [R/W] XXXXXXXX DSP-CSR [R/W, R, W] 00000000 DSP-LY [R/W] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003A4H DSP-OT0 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX DSP-OT1 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003A8H DSP-OT2 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX DSP-OT3 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003ACH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0003B0H DSP-OT5 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003B4H DSP-OT6[R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX DSP-OT7 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0003BCH to 0003ECH ⎯ 0003F0H BSD0 [W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003F4H BSD1 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003F8H BSDC [W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003FCH BSRR [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 16 bit MAC ⎯ DSP-OT4 [R] XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 0003B8H Reserved ⎯ Reserved Bit search module 000400H DDR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 DDR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 DDR2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 DDR3 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 000404H DDR4 [R/W] B, H, W -0000000 DDR5 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ 000408H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00040CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000410H DDRG [R/W] B, H, W ------0- ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ Data direction register (Continued) 28 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 000414H to 00041CH +2 +3 ⎯ Block Reserved 000420H PFR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00------ PFR1 [R/W] B, H, W 0-0-00-0 ⎯ ⎯ 000424H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000428H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00042CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000430H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ PTFR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 000434H to 00043CH ⎯ 000440H ICR00 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR01 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR02 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR03 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000444H ICR04 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR05 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR06 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR07 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000448H ICR08 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR09 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR10 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR11 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 00044CH ICR12 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR13 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR14 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR15 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000450H ICR16 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR17 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR18 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR19 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000454H ICR20 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR21 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR22 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR23 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000458H ICR24 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR25 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR26 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR27 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 00045CH ICR28 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR29 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR30 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR31 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000460H ICR32 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR33 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR34 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR35 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000464H ICR36 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR37 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR38 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR39 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000468H ICR40 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR41 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR42 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR43 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 00046CH ICR44 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR45 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR46 [R/W, R] B, H, W ICR47 [R/W, R] B, H, W ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 ----1111 000470H to 00047CH ⎯ Port function register Reserved Interrupt control unit Reserved (Continued) 29 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 +2 +3 000480H RSRR [R/W] B, H, W 10000000 STCR [R/W] B, H, W 00110011 TBCR [R/W] B, H, W 00XXXX00 CTBR [W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX 000484H CLKR [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 WPR [W] B, H, W XXXXXXXX DIVR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000011 DIVR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 000488H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00048CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000490H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000494H to 0005FCH ⎯ Block Clock control Reserved 000600H PCR0 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 PCR1 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 PCR2 [R/W] B, H, W 00000000 PCR3 [R/W] B, H, W 00------ 000604H PCR4 [R/W] B, H, W ----0000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000608H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00060CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000610H PCRG [R/W] B, H, W ------0- ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 000614H to 00063CH ⎯ 000640H to 000FFCH ⎯ 001000H DMASA0 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001004H DMADA0 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001008H DMASA1 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00100CH DMADA1 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001010H DMASA2 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001014H DMADA2 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001018H DMASA3 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 00101CH DMADA3 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001020H DMASA4 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 001024H DMADA4 [R/W] W XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Pull-up Control Unit Reserved DMAC (Continued) 30 MB91265 Series Address Register +0 +1 001028H to 006FFCH +2 +3 ⎯ Block Reserved 007000H FLCR [R/W] B 01101000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 007004H FLWC [R/W] B 00000011 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 007008H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 00700CH ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 007010H ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ FLASH 007014H to 00BFFCH ⎯ 00C000H to 00C07CH X-RAM (coefficient RAM) [R/W] 64 × 16 bit 00C080H to 00C0FCH Y-RAM (variable RAM) [R/W] 64 × 16 bit 00C100H to 00C2FCH I-RAM (instruction RAM) [R/W] 256 × 16 bit 00C300H to 00FFFCH ⎯ Reserved 16 bit MAC Reserved 020000H CTRLR0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000001 STATR0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020004H ERRCNT0 [R] 00000000 00000000 BTR0 [R, R/W] 00100011 00000001 020008H INTR0 [R] 00000000 00000000 TESTR0 [R, R/W] 00000000 X0000000 02000CH BRPER0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020010H IF1CREQ0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF1CMSK0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020014H IF1MSK20 [R, R/W] 11111111 11111111 IF1MSK10 [R/W] 11111111 11111111 020018H IF1ARB20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF1ARB10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 02001CH IF1MCTR0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020020H IF1DTA10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF1DTA20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 020024H IF1DTB10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF1DTB20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ C-CAN*1 ⎯ (Continued) 31 MB91265 Series (Continued) Address 020030H Register +0 +1 +2 IF2CREQ0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF2CMSK0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020044H IF2MSK20 [R, R/W] 11111111 11111111 IF2MSK10 [R/W] 11111111 11111111 020048H IF2ARB20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF2ARB10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 02004CH IF2MCTR0 [R, R/W] 00000000 00000000 020050H IF2DTA10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF2DTA20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 020054H IF2DTB10 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 IF2DTB20 [R/W] 00000000 00000000 020080H 020084H 020090H 020094H 0200A0H 0200A4H 0200B0H 0200B4H Block Reserved (IF1 data mirror, little endian byte ordering) 020040H 020060H +3 ⎯ ⎯ Reserved (IF2 data mirror, little endian byte ordering) TREQR20 [R] 00000000 00000000 C-CAN*1 TREQR10 [R] 00000000 00000000 Reserved (>32..128 Message buffer) NEWDT20 [R] 00000000 00000000 NEWDT10 [R] 00000000 00000000 Reserved (>32..128 Message buffer) INTPND20 [R] 00000000 00000000 INTPND10 [R] 00000000 00000000 Reserved (>32..128 Message buffer) MESVAL20 [R] 00000000 00000000 MESVAL10 [R] 00000000 00000000 Reserved (>32..128 Message buffer) *1 : C-CAN is loaded in only MB91F267N. *2 : The lower 16 bits (DTC[15: 0]) of DMACA0 to DMACA4 cannot be accessed in bytes. Notes : • The initial value of FLWC (7004H) is “00010011B” on EVA tool. Writing “00000011B” on the evaluation model has no effect on its operation. • Do not execute Read Modify Write instructions on registers having a write-only bit. • Data is undefined in reserved or (-) area. 32 MB91265 Series ■ INTERRUPT VECTOR Interrupt number Interrupt source HexaDecimal decimal Interrupt level Offset TBR default address Reset 0 00 ⎯ 3FCH 000FFFFCH Mode vector 1 01 ⎯ 3F8H 000FFFF8H System reserved 2 02 ⎯ 3F4H 000FFFF4H System reserved 3 03 ⎯ 3F0H 000FFFF0H System reserved 4 04 ⎯ 3ECH 000FFFECH System reserved 5 05 ⎯ 3E8H 000FFFE8H System reserved 6 06 ⎯ 3E4H 000FFFE4H Coprocessor absent trap 7 07 ⎯ 3E0H 000FFFE0H Coprocessor error trap 8 08 ⎯ 3DCH 000FFFDCH INTE instruction 9 09 ⎯ 3D8H 000FFFD8H Instruction break exception 10 0A ⎯ 3D4H 000FFFD4H Operand break trap 11 0B ⎯ 3D0H 000FFFD0H Step trace trap 12 0C ⎯ 3CCH 000FFFCCH NMI request (tool) 13 0D ⎯ 3C8H 000FFFC8H Undefined instruction exception 14 0E ⎯ 3C4H 000FFFC4H NMI request 15 0F 15 (FH) fixed 3C0H 000FFFC0H External interrupt 0 16 10 ICR00 3BCH 000FFFBCH External interrupt 1 17 11 ICR01 3B8H 000FFFB8H External interrupt 2 18 12 ICR02 3B4H 000FFFB4H External interrupt 3 19 13 ICR03 3B0H 000FFFB0H External interrupt 4 20 14 ICR04 3ACH 000FFFACH External interrupt 5 21 15 ICR05 3A8H 000FFFA8H External interrupt 6/C-CAN wake up* 22 16 ICR06 3A4H 000FFFA4H External interrupt 7 23 17 ICR07 3A0H 000FFFA0H Reload timer 0 24 18 ICR08 39CH 000FFF9CH Reload timer 1 25 19 ICR09 398H 000FFF98H Reload timer 2 26 1A ICR10 394H 000FFF94H UART0(Reception completed) 27 1B ICR11 390H 000FFF90H UART0 (RX completed) 28 1C ICR12 38CH 000FFF8CH DTTI 29 1D ICR13 388H 000FFF88H DMAC0 (end, error) 30 1E ICR14 384H 000FFF84H DMAC1 (end, error) 31 1F ICR15 380H 000FFF80H DMAC2/DMAC3/DMAC4 (end, error) 32 20 ICR16 37CH 000FFF7CH (Continued) 33 MB91265 Series Interrupt number Interrupt level Offset TBR default address 21 ICR17 378H 000FFF78H 34 22 ICR18 374H 000FFF74H C-CAN0* 35 23 ICR19 370H 000FFF70H System reserved 36 24 ICR20 36CH 000FFF6CH 16 bit MAC 37 25 ICR21 368H 000FFF68H PPG0/PPG1 38 26 ICR22 364H 000FFF64H PPG2/PPG3 39 27 ICR23 360H 000FFF60H PPG4/PPG5/PPG6/PPG7 40 28 ICR24 35CH 000FFF5CH System reserved 41 29 ICR25 358H 000FFF58H Waveform0/1/2 (underflow) 42 2A ICR26 354H 000FFF54H Free-run timer 1 (compare clear) 43 2B ICR27 350H 000FFF50H Free-run timer 1 (zero detection) 44 2C ICR28 34CH 000FFF4CH Free-run timer 2 (compare clear) 45 2D ICR29 348H 000FFF48H Free-run timer 2 (zero detection) 46 2E ICR30 344H 000FFF44H Timebase timer overflow 47 2F ICR31 340H 000FFF40H Free-run timer 0 (compare clear) 48 30 ICR32 33CH 000FFF3CH Free-run timer 0 (zero detection) 49 31 ICR33 338H 000FFF38H System reserved 50 32 ICR34 334H 000FFF34H A/D1 51 33 ICR35 330H 000FFF30H A/D2 52 34 ICR36 32CH 000FFF2CH PWC0 (measurement completed) 53 35 ICR37 328H 000FFF28H System reserved 54 36 ICR38 324H 000FFF24H PWC0 (overflow) 55 37 ICR39 320H 000FFF20H System reserved 56 38 ICR40 31CH 000FFF1CH ICU0 (capture) 57 39 ICR41 318H 000FFF18H ICU1 (capture) 58 3A ICR42 314H 000FFF14H ICU2/3 (capture) 59 3B ICR43 310H 000FFF10H OCU0/1 (match) 60 3C ICR44 30CH 000FFF0CH OCU2/3 (match) 61 3D ICR45 308H 000FFF08H OCU4/5 (match) 62 3E ICR46 304H 000FFF04H Delay interrupt source bit 63 3F ICR47 300H 000FFF00H System reserved (Used by REALOS) 64 40 ⎯ 2FCH 000FFEFCH System reserved (Used by REALOS) 65 41 ⎯ 2F8H 000FFEF8H Interrupt source Decimal Hexadecimal UART1(Reception completed) 33 UART1 (RX completed) (Continued) 34 MB91265 Series (Continued) Interrupt number Interrupt level Offset TBR default address 42 ⎯ 2F4H 000FFEF4H 67 43 ⎯ 2F0H 000FFEF0H System reserved 68 44 ⎯ 2ECH 000FFEECH System reserved 69 45 ⎯ 2E8H 000FFEE8H System reserved 70 46 ⎯ 2E4H 000FFEE4H System reserved 71 47 ⎯ 2E0H 000FFEE0H System reserved 72 48 ⎯ 2DCH 000FFEDCH System reserved 73 49 ⎯ 2D8H 000FFED8H System reserved 74 4A ⎯ 2D4H 000FFED4H System reserved 75 4B ⎯ 2D0H 000FFED0H System reserved 76 4C ⎯ 2CCH 000FFECCH System reserved 77 4D ⎯ 2C8H 000FFEC8H System reserved 78 4E ⎯ 2C4H 000FFEC4H System reserved 79 4F ⎯ 2C0H 000FFEC0H Used by INT instruction 80 to 255 50 to FF ⎯ 2BCH to 000H 000FFEBCH to 000FFC00H Interrupt source Decimal Hexadecimal System reserved 66 System reserved * : C-CAN interrupt is only loaded in MB91F267N. 35 MB91265 Series ■ PIN STATUS IN EACH CPU STATE Terms used as the status of pins mean as follows. • Input enabled Indicates that the input function can be used. • Input 0 fixed Indicates that the input level has been internally fixed to be 0 to prevent leakage when the input is released. • Output Hi-Z • Output is maintained. Indicates the output in the output state existing immediately before this mode is established. If the device enters this mode with an internal output peripheral operating or while serving as an output port, the output is performed by the internal peripheral or the port output is maintained, respectively. • State existing immediately before is maintained. When the device serves for output or input immediately before entering this mode, the device maintains the output or is ready for the input, respectively. • List of pin status (single chip mode) Pin no. Pin name Function 3 to 10 P50 to P57 AN0 to AN7 11 to 13 P44 to P46 AN8 to AN10 14 NMI NMI 18 P00 PPG1/INT4 19 P01 PPG2 20 P02 PPG3/INT5 At initializing INIT = L* 1 INIT = H* 2 Output Hi-Z/ Output Hi-Z/ Input Input disabled enabled Input enabled Input enabled At Stop mode At sleep mode Hi-Z = 0 Hi-Z = 1 Retention of the immediately prior state Retention of the immediately prior state Output Hi-Z/ Input 0 fixed Input enabled Input enabled Input enabled Retention of the immediately prior state Retention of the immediately prior state Output Hi-Z/ Input 0 fixed Input enabled Input enabled Input enabled 21 to 23 P03 to P05 TIN0 to TIN2 24, 25 P06, P07 TOT1, TOT2 26 P10 SOT0 27 P11 SIN0 28 P12 SCK0 29 P13 SOT1 30 P14 SIN1 31 P15 SCK1 32 P16 PPG5/INT6/ RX0*3 Output Hi-Z/ Output Hi-Z/ Input Input disabled enabled Retention of the immediately prior state Retention of the immediately prior state Output Hi-Z/ Input 0 fixed Input enabled Input enabled Input enabled (Continued) 36 MB91265 Series (Continued) Pin no. Pin name At initializing Function INIT = L* INIT = H* 2 At Stop mode At sleep mode Hi-Z = 0 Hi-Z = 1 Retention of the immediately prior state Retention of the immediately prior state Output Hi-Z/ Input 0 fixed 3 33 P17 PPG6/TX0* 34 P20 ADTG1/IC2 35 P21 ADTG2/IC3 36 P22 PWI0 37 P23 DTTI 38 P24 CKI 39 P25 IC0 40 P26 IC1 41 P27 General port 42 PG1 PPG0 49 P37 PPG4 50 P36 PPG7/INT7 52 to 57 P35 to P30 1 Output Hi-Z/ Output Hi-Z/ Input Input disabled enabled RTO5 to RTO0 58 to 61 P40 to P43 INT0 to INT3 Input enabled Input enabled Input enabled Retention of the immediately prior state Retention of the immediately prior state Output Hi-Z/ Input 0 fixed Input enabled Input enabled Input enabled *1 : INIT = L : Indicates the pin status with INIT remaining at the “L” level. *2 : INIT = H : Indicates the pin status existing immediately after INIT transition from “L” to “H” level. *3 : C-CAN terminal is only loaded in MB91F267N. 37 MB91265 Series ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Remarks Min Max VCC VSS − 0.5 VSS + 6.0 V AVCC VSS − 0.5 VSS + 6.0 V *2 AVRHn*6 VSS − 0.5 VSS + 6.0 V *2 VI VSS − 0.3 VCC + 0.3 V VIA VSS − 0.3 AVcc + 0.3 V VO VSS − 0.3 VCC + 0.3 V IOL ⎯ 10 mA *3 “L” level average output current IOLAV ⎯ 8 mA *4 “L” level total maximum output current ΣIOL ⎯ 60 mA ΣIOLAV ⎯ 30 mA *5 IOH ⎯ − 10 mA *3 “H” level average output current IOHAV ⎯ −4 mA *4 “H” level total maximum output current ΣIOH ⎯ − 30 mA ΣIOHAV ⎯ − 12 mA Power consumption PD ⎯ 600 mW Operating temperature Ta − 40 + 105 °C Tstg − 55 + 125 °C Power supply voltage*1 Analog power supply voltage* 1 Analog reference voltage*1 Input voltage*1 Analog pin input voltage*1 Output voltage* 1 “L” level maximum output current “L” level total average output current “H” level maximum output current “H” level total average output current Storage temperature *5 At single chip operating *1 : The parameter is based on VSS = AVSS = 0 V. *2 : Be careful not to exceed VCC + 0.3 V, for example, when the power is turned on. Be careful not to let AVCC exceed VCC, for example, when the power is turned on. *3 : The maximum output current is the peak value for a single pin. *4 : The average output current is the average current for a single pin over a period of 100 ms. *5 : The total average output current is the average current for all pins over a period of 100 ms. *6 : AVRHn = AVRH1, AVRH2 WARNING: Semiconductor devices can be permanently damaged by application of stress (voltage, current, temperature, etc.) in excess of absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed these ratings. 38 MB91265 Series 2. Recommended Operating Conditions (Vss = AVss = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Value Min Max Unit Remarks Power supply voltage VCC 4.0 5.5 V Analog power supply voltage AVCC VSS + 4.0 VSS + 5.5 V AVRH1 AVSS AVCC V For A/D converter 1 AVRH2 AVSS AVCC V For A/D converter 2 Ta − 40 + 105 °C At single chip operating Analog reference voltage Operating temperature At normal operating Note : Upon power up, it takes approx. 100 µs for stabilization of internal power supply after the VCC power supply is stabilized. Keep applying “L” to INIT signal during that period. WARNING: The recommended operating conditions are required in order to ensure the normal operation of the semiconductor device. All of the device’s electrical characteristics are warranted when the device is operated within these ranges. Always use semiconductor devices within their recommended operating condition ranges. Operation outside these ranges may adversely affect reliability and could result in device failure. No warranty is made with respect to uses, operating conditions, or combinations not represented on the data sheet. Users considering application outside the listed conditions are advised to contact their FUJITSU representatives beforehand. 39 MB91265 Series 3. DC Characteristics (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Pin Value Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Remarks "H" level input voltage VIHS Hysteresis input pin ⎯ Vcc × 0.8 ⎯ Vcc + 0.3 V "L" level input voltage VILS Hysteresis input pin ⎯ Vss − 0.3 ⎯ Vss × 0.2 V VOH Other than P30 to P35 VCC = 5.0 V, IOH = 4.0 mA Vcc − 0.5 ⎯ ⎯ V VOH2 P30 to P35 VCC = 5.0 V, IOH = 8.0 mA Vcc − 0.7 ⎯ ⎯ V VOL Other than P30 to P35 VCC = 5.0 V, IOL = 4.0 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.4 V VOL2 P30 to P35 VCC = 5.0 V, IOL = 12 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.6 V VCC = 5.0 V, VSS < VI < VCC −5 ⎯ 5 µA ⎯ ⎯ 50 ⎯ kΩ "H" level output voltage "L" level output voltage Input leak current ILI Pull-up resistance RPULL Power supply current Input capacitance ⎯ INIT, Pull-up pin ICC VCC VCC = 5.0 V, 33 MHz ⎯ 90 100 mA ICCS VCC VCC = 5.0 V, 33 MHz ⎯ 60 80 mA At SLEEP ICCH VCC VCC = 5.0 V, Ta = + 25 °C ⎯ 300 ⎯ µA CIN Other than VCC, VSS, AVCC, AVSS, AVRH1, AVRH2 ⎯ 5 15 pF ⎯ At STOP 4. FLASH MEMORY write/erase characteristics Parameter Conditions Sector erase time (4 Kbytes sector) Byte write time Erase/write cycle Flash memory data retention time Value Unit Remarks Min Typ Max Ta = + 25 °C, Vcc = 5.0 V ⎯ 0.2 0.5 s Not including time for internal writing before deletion. Ta = + 25 °C, Vcc = 5.0 V ⎯ 32 3,600 µs Not including system-level overhead time. ⎯ 10,000 ⎯ ⎯ cycle 20 ⎯ ⎯ year Average Ta = + 85 °C * * : This value comes from the technology qualification (using Arrhenius equation to translate high temperature measurements into normalized value at + 85 °C) . 40 MB91265 Series 5. AC Characteristics (1) Clock Timing Ratings (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Pin Clock frequency fC X0 X1 Clock cycle time tC X0 X1 Input clock pulse width PWH PWL X0 Input clock rising, falling time tCF tCR X0 Internal operating clock frequency fCP Internal operating clock cycle time fCPP ⎯ tCP tCPP ⎯ Value Conditions Unit Remarks Min Typ Max 3.6*2 ⎯ 12 MHz 83.3 ⎯ 278*2 ns ⎯ 100 ⎯ ⎯ ns The standard of the duty ratio is 40 % to 60 %. ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 5 ns At external clock ⎯ 33 ⎯ 33 ⎯ When 4.125 MHz is 2.06*1 input as the X0 clock 2.06*1 frequency and ×8 30.3 multiplication is set for the PLL of the 30.3 oscillator circuit. For using the PLL within the self-oscillation enabled range, set the multiplier for the internal clock not to let the operating frequency exceed 33 MHz. MHz CPU MHz Peripheral ⎯ 1 485* ns CPU ⎯ 485*1 ns Peripheral *1 : The values assume a gear cycle of 1/16. *2 : When the PLL is used, the lower-limit frequency of the input clock to the X0 and X1 pins determines depending on the PLL multiplication. At × 1 multiplication : more than 8 MHz At × 2 to × 8 multiplication : more than 4 MHz • Conditions for measuring the clock timing ratings tC 0.8 VCC 0.2 VCC Output pin C = 50 pF PWL PWH tCF tCR 41 MB91265 Series • Operation Assurance Range Power supply voltage VCC (V) 5.5 4.0 0 0.25 33 fCP , fCPP (MHz) Internal clock • Internal clock setting range (MHz) CPU (CLKB) : Internal clock 33 Peripheral (CLKP) : 16.5 Oscillation input clock fC = 4.192 MHz (PLL multiplied by 8) 4.125 8:8 4:4 1:1 CPU : Divided ratio for peripherals. Notes : • Oscillation stabilization time of PLL > 600 µs • The internal clock gear setting should be within the value shown in clock timing ratings table. 42 MB91265 Series (2) Reset Input Ratings (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter INIT input time (at power-on and STOP mode) INIT input time (other than the above) Symbol tINTL Pin INIT Value Conditions ⎯ Unit Min Max Oscillation time of oscillator + tC × 10 ⎯ ns tC × 10 ⎯ ns Remarks * * : After the power is stable, L level is kept inputting to INIT for the duration of approximately 100 µs until the internal power is stabilized. tINTL INIT 0.2 VCC 43 MB91265 Series (3) UART Timing (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Pin Serial clock cycle time tSCYC SCK0, SCK1 SCK ↓ → SOT delay time tSLOV SCK0, SCK1, SOT0, SOT1 Conditions Internal shift clock mode Unit Remarks Min Max 8 tCYCP ⎯ ns − 80 80 ns 100 ⎯ ns Valid SIN → SCK ↑ tIVSH SCK0, SCK1, SIN0, SIN1 SCK ↑ → valid SIN hold time tSHIX SCK0, SCK1, SIN0, SIN1 60 ⎯ ns Serial clock “H” pulse width tSHSL SCK0, SCK1 4 tCYCP ⎯ ns Serial clock “L” pulse width tSLSH SCK0, SCK1 4 tCYCP ⎯ ns SCK ↓ → SOT delay time tSLOV SCK0, SCK1, SOT0, SOT1 ⎯ 150 ns Valid SIN → SCK ↑ tIVSH SCK0, SCK1, SIN0, SIN1 60 ⎯ ns SCK ↑ → valid SIN hold time tSHIX SCK0, SCK1, SIN0, SIN1 60 ⎯ ns External shift clock mode Notes : • The above ratings are the values for clock synchronous mode. • tCYCP indicates the peripheral clock cycle time. 44 Value MB91265 Series • Internal shift clock mode tSCYC SCK0, SCK1 VOH VOL VOL tSLOV VOH VOL SOT0, SOT1 tIVSH tSHIX VOH VOL SIN0, SIN1 VOH VOL • External shift clock mode tSLSH tSHSL VOH SCK0, SCK1 VOL VOL VOL tSLOV SOT0, SOT1 VOH VOL tIVSH SIN0, SIN1 VOH VOL tSHIX VOH VOL 45 MB91265 Series (4) Free-run Timer Clock, PWC Input, and Reload Timer Trigger Timing (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Pin Conditions Input pulse width tTIWH tTIWL CKI, PWI0, TIN0 to TIN2 ⎯ Value Min Max 4 tCYCP ⎯ Unit Remarks ns Note : tCYCP indicates the peripheral clock cycle time. VOH VOH VOL VOL tTIWL tTIWH (5) Trigger Input Timing (VCC = 4.0 V to 5.5 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Input capture trigger input A/D activation trigger input Symbol Pin Conditions tIC IC0 to IC3 tADTG ADTG1, ADTG2 Value Max ⎯ 5 tCYCP ⎯ ns ⎯ 5 tCYCP ⎯ ns Note : tCYCP indicates the peripheral clock cycle time. tADTG, tIC IC0 to IC3 ADTG1, ADTG2 46 VOL Unit Min VOL Remarks MB91265 Series 6. Electrical Characteristics for the A/D Converter (VCC = AVcc = 5.0 V, VSS = AVSS = 0 V) Parameter Symbol Pin ⎯ Value Unit Min Typ Max ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 10 bit ⎯ ⎯ −4 ⎯ 4 LSB ⎯ ⎯ − 3.5 ⎯ 3.5 LSB ⎯ ⎯ −3 ⎯ 3 LSB Zero transition voltage*1 VOT AN0 to AN10 Full transition voltage*1 VFST AN0 to AN10 AVRH − 5.5 AVRH − 1.5 AVRH + 2.5 LSB Conversion time ⎯ ⎯ 1.2*2 ⎯ ⎯ µs Analog port Input current IAIN AN0 to AN10 ⎯ ⎯ 10 µA Analog input voltage VAIN AN0 to AN10 AVss ⎯ AVRH V Reference voltage ⎯ AVRHn*4 AVss ⎯ AVcc V Analog power supply current (analog + digital) IA ⎯ 2 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 100 ⎯ 1 ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 100 µA Resolution Total error* 1 Linearity error* 1 Differential linearity error*1 IAH*3 Remarks At AVRHn*4 = 5.0 V AVss − 3.5 AVss + 0.5 AVss + 4.5 LSB AVcc mA Per 1 unit µA Per 1 unit mA AVRHn*4 = 5.0 V, at AVSS = 0 V Reference power supply current (between AVRH and AVSS) IRH*3 Analog input capacitance ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 10 ⎯ pF Inter-channel disparity ⎯ AN0 to AN10 ⎯ ⎯ 4 LSB IR AVRHn*4 Per 1 unit Per 1 unit at STOP *1 : Measured in the CPU sleep state *2 : Vcc = AVcc = 5.0 V, machine clock at 33 MHz *3 : The current when the CPU is in stop mode and the A/D converter is not operating (at Vcc = AVcc = AVRHn = 5.0 V) *4: AVRHn = AVRH1, AVRH2 Note : The above does not guarantee the inter-unit accuracy. Set the output impedance of the external circuit ≤ 2 kΩ. 47 MB91265 Series Definition of A/D Converter Terms • Resolution : Analog variation that is recognized by an A/D converter. • Linearity error : Zero transition point (00 0000 0000 ←→ 00 0000 0001) and full-scale transition point. Difference between the line connected (11 1111 1110 ←→ 11 1111 1111) and actual conversion characteristics. • Differential linearity error : Deviation of input voltage, that is required for changing output code by 1 LSB, from an ideal value. • Total error : This error indicates the difference between actual and ideal values, including the zero transition error/full-scale transition error/linearity error. Total error 3FFH Digital output 1.5 LSB' Actual conversion characteristics 3FEH 3FDH {1 LSB' (N − 1) + 0.5 LSB'} 004H VNT (measurement value) 003H Actual conversion characteristics 002H Ideal characteristics 001H 0.5 LSB' AVSS AVRH Analog input 1LSB’ (Ideal value) = AVRH − AVSS 1024 [V] Total error of digital output N = VNT − {1 LSB’ × (N − 1) + 0.5 LSB’} 1 LSB’ VOT’ (Ideal value) = AVSS + 0.5 LSB’ [V] VFST’ (Ideal value) = AVRH − 1.5 LSB’ [V] VNT : A voltage at which digital output transits from (N + 1) to N. (Continued) 48 MB91265 Series (Continued) Linearity error 3FFH Actual conversion characteristics 3FEH Actual conversion characteristics N+1 {1 LSB (N − 1) + VOT} 3FDH Ideal characteristics VFST (measurement value) Digital output Digital output Differential linearity error 004H VNT 003H (measurement value) 002H Actual conversion characteristics Ideal characteristics N N−1 VFST (measurement value) VNT (measurement value) N−2 001H Actual conversion characteristics VOT (measurement value) AVSS AVSS AVRH Analog input AVRH Analog input Linearity error in digital output N = Differential linearity error in digital output N = 1 LSB = VNT − { 1 LSB × (N − 1) + VOT } 1 LSB V (N + 1) T − VNT 1 LSB VFST − VOT 1022 −1 [LSB] [LSB] [V] VOT : A voltage at which digital output transits from 000H to 001H. VFST : A voltage at which digital output transits from 3FEH to 3FFH . 49 MB91265 Series • Example characteristics “L” Level Output Voltage vs. “H” Level Output Voltage vs. Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Voltage 6 400 5 350 300 VOL (mV) VOH (V) 4 3 2 250 200 150 1 100 50 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 0 4.0 VCC (V) 4.5 5.0 5.5 VCC (V) Pull-up Resistor vs. Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Current vs. Power Supply Voltage 80 100 70 90 80 70 50 ICC (mA) R (kΩ) 60 40 30 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 10 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 4.0 5.5 VCC (V) 4.5 5.0 5.5 VCC (V) Power Supply Current vs. Internal Operating Clock Frequency (MB91266) 100 90 80 ICC (mA) 70 Power Supply Voltage 60 4.0 V 4.5 V 5.0 V 5.5 V 50 40 30 20 10 0 15 20 25 30 35 Internal Operating Clock Frequency [MHz] (Continued) 50 MB91265 Series (Continued) Power Supply Current (at sleep) vs. Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Current (at stop) vs. Power Supply Voltage 100 80 90 70 80 70 ICCH (µA) ICCS (mA) 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 4.0 5.5 4.5 VCC (V) 2 1.0 1.5 0.8 1 5.5 A/D Conversion Block Per 1 Unit (33 MHz) Reference Power Supply Current (IR) vs. Power Supply Voltage IR (mA) IA (mA) A/D Conversion Block Per 1 Unit (33 MHz) Analog Power Supply Current vs. Power Supply Voltage 5.0 VCC (V) 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 VCC (V) 5.5 0.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VCC (V) 51 MB91265 Series ■ ORDERING INFORMATION Part number Package Remarks MB91266PMC-G-XXX MB91266PMC-GS-XXX MB91266PMC-G-XXXE1 Lead-free Package MB91266PMC-GS-XXXE1 Lead-free Package MB91F267PMC-G MB91F267PMC-GS MB91F267PMC-GE1 MB91F267PMC-GSE1 52 64-pin plastic LQFP (FPT-64P-M23) Lead-free Package Lead-free Package MB91F267NPMC-G Package loaded C-CAN MB91F267NPMC-GS Package loaded C-CAN MB91F267NPMC-GE1 Lead-free Package, Package loaded C-CAN MB91F267NPMC-GSE1 Lead-free Package, Package loaded C-CAN MB91265 Series ■ PACKAGE DIMENSION Note 1) * : These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. Note 2) Pins width and pins thickness include plating thickness. Note 3) Pins width do not include tie bar cutting remainder. 64-pin plastic LQFP (FPT-64P-M23) 14.00±0.20(.551±.008)SQ *12.00±0.10(.472±.004)SQ 48 0.145±0.055 (.0057±.0022) 33 32 49 0.10(.004) Details of "A" part +0.20 1.50 –0.10 +.008 (Mounting height) .059 –.004 0.25(.010) INDEX 0~8˚ 17 64 1 0.65(.026) C "A" 16 0.32±0.05 (.013±.002) 0.13(.005) 0.50±0.20 (.020±.008) 0.60±0.15 (.024±.006) 0.10±0.10 (.004±.004) (Stand off) M 2003 FUJITSU LIMITED F64034S-c-1-1 Dimensions in mm (inches). Note: The values in parentheses are reference values. 53 MB91265 Series The information for microcontroller supports is shown in the following homepage. FUJITSU LIMITED All Rights Reserved. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with FUJITSU sales representatives before ordering. The information, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples, in this document are presented solely for the purpose of reference to show examples of operations and uses of Fujitsu semiconductor device; Fujitsu does not warrant proper operation of the device with respect to use based on such information. When you develop equipment incorporating the device based on such information, you must assume any responsibility arising out of such use of the information. Fujitsu assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information. Any information in this document, including descriptions of function and schematic diagrams, shall not be construed as license of the use or exercise of any intellectual property right, such as patent right or copyright, or any other right of Fujitsu or any third party or does Fujitsu warrant non-infringement of any third-party’s intellectual property right or other right by using such information. Fujitsu assumes no liability for any infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties which would result from the use of information contained herein. The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for use requiring extremely high reliability (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite). Please note that Fujitsu will not be liable against you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products. Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions. If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictions on export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, the prior authorization by Japanese government will be required for export of those products from Japan. F0510 © 2005 FUJITSU LIMITED Printed in Japan