Type SN 85 ºC Non-Polar Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 85 ºC, Radial Leaded Non-Polar Aluminum Electrolytic Y OR LL M A SN Type SN is a non-polar radial leaded aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a +85 ºC, 1000 hours life rating. The SN is ideal for applications where the polarity is unknown or reversed such as signal coupling circuits and speakers. Highlights • • • • Specifications Capacitance Range: Voltage Range: Capacitance Tolerance: Operating Temperature Range: DC Leakage Current: Dissipation Factor @ 120 Hz, +25 ºC: Non-polar +85 ºC Good for unknown polarity applications Available in T&R and ammo pack 0.47 to 2200 µF 6.3 to 100 WVNP ±20% –40 ºC to +85 ºC After 2 minutes, +20 ºC at rated voltage I = .03CV + 4 µA Max C = Capacitance in (µF) V = Rated voltage I = Leakage current in µA WV (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 100 DF(%) 24 20 17 15 14 12 10 For capacitance values > 1000 µF, the DF (%) value is increased 2% for every additional 1000 µF Load Life: Apply WVNP for 1,000 hours at +85 ºC with polarity inverted every 250 hours Capacitance change within 20% of initial limit DC leakage current meets initial limits ESR ≤ 200% of initial value Shelf Life: 500 hrs with no voltage applied at +85 ºC Cap change within 25% from initial limits DC leakage ≤ 200% of initial value ESR ≤ 200% of initial value Outline Drawing PVC Sleeve S 앐0.5 d 앐0.05 L Case vented on diameters 6.3 and greater. 15 Min. 5 D Vinyl sleeve adds .5 Max. to diameter and 2.0 Max. to length. Dimensions in (millimeters) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com Type SN 85 ºC Non-Polar Aluminum Electorlytic Capacitors Part Numbering System SN Type 100 M 100 Capacitance Rated Capacitance Tolerance (µF) SN S Voltage T Lead Packaging Configuration (%) (Vdc) M = ±20 6R3 = 6.3 A = Tape & Ammo 1 = Lead cut 100 = 10 010 = 10 E = Different Characteristic 2 = Lead form 101 = 100 100 = 100 R = Tape & Reel 1R0 = 1 102 = 1000 S = Standard 4 = Lead crimp & cut (form) T = Standard Ratings Cap RoHS Compliant Max ESR Max Ripple Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) (µF) (Ω) Size in. (mm) 6.3 WVNP (8 VNP Surge) 33 SN330M6R3ST 9.65 63 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 47 SN470M6R3ST 6.78 84 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 100 SN101M6R3ST 3.18 140 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 220 SN221M6R3ST 1.45 235 .394 (10.0) .472 (12.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SN331M6R3ST 0.97 310 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SN471M6R3ST 0.68 400 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SN102M6R3ST 0.32 690 .512 (13.0) .984 (25.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 2200 SN222M6R3ST 0.16 1250 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10 WVNP (13 VNP Surge) 10 SN100M010ST 26.54 42 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M010ST 12.06 57 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 33 SN330M010ST 8.04 77 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 47 SN470M010ST 5.65 93 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 100 SN101M010ST 2.65 193 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 220 SN221M010ST 1.21 255 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SN331M010ST 0.80 380 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SN471M010ST 0.56 470 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SN102M010ST 0.27 885 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 2200 SN222M010ST 0.13 1450 .630 (16.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 16 WVNP (20 VNP Surge) 10 SN100M016ST 22.56 42 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M016ST 10.25 69 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 33 SN330M016ST 6.84 98 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 47 SN470M016ST 4.80 115 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 100 SN101M016ST 2.26 205 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SN221M016ST 1.03 330 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SN331M016ST 0.68 445 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SN471M016ST 0.48 570 .512 (13.0) .984 (25.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SN102M016ST 0.23 1020 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com Type SN 85 ºC Non-Polar Aluminum Electorlytic Capacitors Ratings Max ESR Max Ripple Cap Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) (µF) Size in. (mm) 25 WVNP (32 VNP Surge) 1.0 SN010M025ST 199.04 17 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SN2R2M025ST 90.47 25 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SN4R7M025ST 42.35 34 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 10 SN100M025ST 19.90 50 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M025ST 9.05 86 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 33 SN330M025ST 6.03 105 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 47 SN470M025ST 4.23 140 .394 (10.0) .472 (12.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SN101M025ST 1.99 240 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SN221M025ST 0.90 390 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SN331M025ST 0.60 580 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 470 SN471M025ST 0.42 690 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 35 WVNP (44 VNP Surge) 3.3 SN3R3M035ST 56.30 27 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SN4R7M035ST 39.53 34 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 10 SN100M035ST 18.58 54 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M035ST 8.44 94 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 33 SN330M035ST 5.63 125 .394 (10.0) .472 (12.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SN470M035ST 3.95 165 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SN101M035ST 1.86 285 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SN221M035ST 0.84 520 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SN331M035ST 0.56 630 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 470 SN471M035ST 0.40 820 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 50 WVNP (63 VNP Surge) 0.47 SNR47M050ST 338.80 11 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SN010M050ST 159.24 17 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SN2R2M050ST 72.38 25 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SN3R3M050ST 48.25 31 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SN4R7M050ST 33.88 41 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 10 SN100M050ST 15.92 70 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M050ST 7.24 115 .394 (10.0) .472 (12.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SN330M050ST 4.83 150 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SN470M050ST 3.39 190 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SN101M050ST 1.59 310 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SN221M050ST 0.72 570 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 330 SN331M050ST 0.48 790 .630 (16.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 1.0 SN010M063ST 159.24 17 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SN2R2M063ST 72.38 25 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SN3R3M063ST 48.25 37 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SN4R7M063ST 33.88 44 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 10.0 SN100M063ST 15.92 74 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 22 SN220M063ST 7.24 130 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SN330M063ST 4.83 175 .394 (10.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SN470M063ST 3.39 230 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SN101M063ST 1.59 410 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 220 SN221M063ST 0.72 660 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 63 WVNP (79 VNP Surge) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com Type SN 85 ºC Non-Polar Aluminum Electorlytic Capacitors Ratings Max ESR Max Ripple Cap Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (µF) Size in. (mm) Lead Space Lead Dia. (S) (d) 100 WVNP (125 VNP Surge) 0.5 SNR47M100ST 282.33 14 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SN010M100ST 132.70 21 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SN2R2M100ST 60.32 34 .236 (6.0) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SN3R3M100ST 40.21 49 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SN4R7M100ST 28.23 58 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0197 (0.5) 10.0 SN100M100ST 13.27 100 .394 (10.0) .472 (12.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SN220M100ST 6.03 180 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SN330M100ST 4.02 220 .512 (13.0) .787 (20.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SN470M100ST 2.82 285 .512 (13.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 100 SN101M100ST 1.33 510 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com