Freescale Semiconductor Order this document by MPC823ELE/D Revision 1 MPC823 AC Electrical Specifications Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This document contains detailed information on power considerations, DC/AC electrical characteristics, and AC timing specifications for the MPC823. Note: Visit our website at if you are using a frequency other than 25, 40, or 50MHz. Our website contains a spreadsheet that you can use to calculate the timing for your specific system frequency. This device contains circuitry protecting against damage from high-static voltage or electrical fields. However, it is advised that precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltages higher than the maximum-rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused inputs are tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (either GND or VCC). © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MAXIMUM RATINGS (GND = 0V) RATING SYMBOL VALUE UNIT VDDH -0.3 to 4.0 V VDD -0.3 to 4.0 V KAPWR -0.3 to 4.0 V VDDSYN -0.3 to 4.0 V Input Voltage (JTAG and GPIO) VIN -0.3 to 5.8 V Input Voltage (All other pins) VIN -0.3 to 3.3 V Operating Temperature TA 0 to 70û or -40û to 85û ûC TSTG -55 to +150 ûC Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Range NOTES: 1. Functional operating conditions are given in DC Electrical Characteristics (VCC = 3.0 - 3.6 V). Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maxima is not guaranteed. Stress beyond those listed may affect device reliability or cause permanent damage to the device. 2. CAUTION: The JTAG and GPIO input voltages cannot be more than 2.5 V greater than supply voltage, this restriction applies also on Òpower-onÓ as well as on normal operation. 3. 5 Volt friendly inputs are inputs that tolerate 5 volts for JTAG and GPIO pins. 4. If you are using Mask Revision Base #F98S (Revision 0), all pins except EXTAL and CLK4IN are 5V tolerant inputs. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC Thermal Resistance for BGA SYMBOL VALUE UNIT qJc ~30 °C/W MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. POWER CONSIDERATIONS The average chip-junction temperature, TJ, in °C can be obtained from TJ = TA + (PD ¥ qJA) (1) where Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TA = qJA = PD = PINT = PI/O = Ambient Temperature, ¥C Package Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient, ¥C/W PINT + PI/O IDD x VDD, WattsÑChip Internal Power Power Dissipation on Input and Output PinsÑUser Determined For most applications PI/O < 0.3 ¥ PINT and can be neglected. If PI/O is neglected, an approximate relationship between PD and TJ is: PD = K Õ (TJ + 273¥C) (2) Solving equations (1) and (2) for K gives K= PD ¥ (TA + 273¥C) + qJA ¥ PD 2 (3) where K is a constant pertaining to the particular part. K can be determined from equation (3) by measuring PD (at equilibrium) for a known TA. Using this value of K, the values of PD and TJ can be obtained by solving equations (1) and (2) iteratively for any value of TA. Layout Practices Each VCC pin on the MPC823 should be provided with a low-impedance path to the boardÕs supply. Each GND pin should be provided with a low-impedance path to ground. The power supply pins drive distinct groups of logic on chip. The VCC power supply should be bypassed to ground using at least four 0.1 mF bypass capacitors located as close as possible to the four sides of the package. The capacitor leads and associated printed circuit traces connecting to chip VCC and GND should be kept to less than half an inch per capacitor lead. A four-layer board that employs two inner layers as VCC and GND planes should be used. All output pins on the MPC823 have fast rise and fall times. Printed circuit (PC) trace interconnection length should be minimized in order to minimize undershoot and reflections caused by these fast output switching times. This recommendation particularly applies to the address and data busses. Maximum PC trace lengths of six inches are recommended. Capacitance calculations should consider all device loads as well as parasitic capacitances due to the PC traces. Attention to proper PCB layout and bypassing becomes especially critical in systems with higher capacitive loads because these loads create higher transient currents in the VCC and GND circuits. Pull up all unused inputs or signals that will be inputs during reset. Special care should be taken to minimize the noise levels on the PLL supply pins. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 3.0 - 3.6 V) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT Input High Voltage (for JTAG and GPIO) VIH 2.0 5.5 V Input High Voltage (all other pins) VIH 2.0 3.6 V Input Low Voltage VIL GND 0.8 V VIHC 0.7*(VCC) VCC+0.3 V Input Leakage Current, VIN = 5.5 V IIN Ñ ±10 µA Hi-z (Off State) Leakage Current, VIN = 3.5V IOZ Ñ ±10 µA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... EXTAL and EXTCLK Input High Voltage Signal Low Input Current, VIL = 0.8 V IL ±10 µA Signal High Input Current, VIH = 2.0 V IH ±10 µA Output High Voltage, IOH = Ð2.0 mA, VDDH = 3.0V Except XTAL, XFC, and Open-Drain Pins VOH 2.4 Ñ V Output Low Voltage IOL = 2.0 mA CLKOUT IOL = 3.2 mAA[6:31], TSIZ0/REG, TSIZ1, D(0:31), DP[0:3]/IRQ[3:6], RD/WR, BURST, RSV/IRQ2, IP_B[0:1]/IWP[0:1]/VFLS[0:1], IP_B2/ IOIS16_B/AT2, IP_B3/IWP2/VF2, IP_B4/LWP0/VF0, IP_B5/LWP1/ VF1, IP_B6/DSDI/AT0, IP_B7/PTR/AT3, USBRXD/PA15, RXD2/ PA13, SMRXD2/L1TXDA/PA9, SMTXD2/L1RXDA/PA8, IRQ4/KR/ SPKROUT, TIN1/L1RCLKA/BRGO1/CLK1/PA7, TIN3/TOUT1/ CLK2/PA6, TIN2/L1TCLKA/BRGO2/CLK3/PA5, TIN4/TOUT2/CLK4/ PA4, LCD_A/SPISEL/PB31, SPICLK/PB30, SPIMOSI/PB29, BRGO3/SPIMISO/PB28, BRGO1/I2CSDA/PB27, BRGO2/I2CSCL/ PB26, SMTXD1/PB25, SMRXD1/PB24, SMSYN1/SDACK1/PB23, SMSYN2/SDACK2/PB22, LCD_B/L1ST1/PB19, L1ST2/RTS2/ PB18, LCD_C/L1ST3/PB17, L1ST4/L1RQA/PB16, L1ST5/DREQ1/ PC15, L1ST6/RTS2/DREQ2/PC14, L1ST7/PC13, L1ST8/L1RQA/ PC12, USBRXP/PC11, USBRXN/TGATE1/PC10, CTS2/PC9, TGATE1/CD2/PC8, USBTXP/PC7, USBTXN/PC6, SDACK1/ L1TSYNCA/PC5, L1RSYNCA/PC4, LD8/VD7/PD15, LD7/VD6/ PD14, LD6/VD5/PD13, LD5/VD4/PD12, LD4/VD3/PD11, LD3/VD2/ PD10, LD2/VD1/PD9, LD1/VD0/PD8, FRAME/VSYNC/PD5, LCD_AC/LOE/BLANK/PD6, LD0/FIELD/PD7, LOAD/HSYNC/PD4, SHIFT/CLK/PD3 VOL Ñ 0.5 V IOL = 5.3 mABDIP/GPL_B5, BR, BG, FRZ/IRQ6, CS[0:5], CS6/ CE1_B, CS7/CE2_B, WE0/BS_AB0/IORD, WE1/BS_AB1/IOWR, WE2/BS_AB2/PCOE, WE3/BS_AB3/PCWE, GPL_A0/GPL_B0, OE/ GPL_A1/GPL_B1, GPL_A[2:3]/GPL_B[2:3]/CS[2:3], UPWAITA/ GPL_A4/AS, UPWAITB/GPL_B4, GPL_A5, ALE_B/DSCK/AT1, OP2/MODCK1/STS, OP3/MODCK2/DSDO IOL = 7.0 mA USBOE/PA14, TXD2/PA12 IOL = 8.9 mATS, TA, TEA, BI, BB, HRESET, SRESET NOTE: Input pin voltage specifications are VCC = +4 V or 5.8 V, whichever is less. AC timings are based on a 50 p¦ load. If you are using Mask Revision Base #F98S, all pins except EXTAL and CLK4IN are 5V tolerant inputs. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2.0V 2.0V CLKOUT 0.8V 0.8V A B Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... OUTPUTS 2.0V 2.0V 0.8V 0.8V A B OUTPUTS 2.0V 2.0V 0.8V 0.8V C D 2.0V 2.0V 0.8V 0.8V INPUTS C D 2.0V 2.0V 0.8V 0.8V INPUTS A = MAXIMUM OUTPUT DELAY SPECIFICATION B = MINIMUM OUTPUT HOLD TIME C = MINIMUM INPUT SETUP TIME SPECIFICATION D = MINIMUM INPUT HOLD TIME SPECIFICATION MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. EXTERNAL BUS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 1. Bus Operation Timing 25MHz Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHz 50MHz CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 40 Ñ 25 Ñ 20 Ñ ns B1 CLKOUT Period B1a EXTCLK to CLKOUT Phase Skew (EXTCLK>15MHz and MF £ 2) -0.9 0.9 -0.9 0.9 -0.9 0.9 ns B1b EXTCLK to CLKOUT Phase Skew (EXTCLK>10MHz and MF £ 10) -2.3 2.3 -2.3 2.3 -2.3 2.3 ns B1c CLKOUT Phase Jitter (EXTCLK>15MHz and MF£2) -0.6 0.6 -0.6 0.6 -0.6 0.6 ns B1d CLKOUT Phase Jitter (EXTCLK>10MHz and MF£10) -2 2 -2 2 -2 2 ns B1e CLKOUT Frequency Jitter (MF<10) Ñ 0.5 Ñ 0.5 Ñ 0.5 % B1f CLKOUT Frequency Jitter (10<MF<500) Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 % B1g CLKOUT Frequency Jitter (MF>500) Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 % B1h Frequency Jitter on EXTCLK Ñ 0.5 Ñ 0.5 Ñ 0.5 % B2 Clock Pulse Width Low 16 Ñ 10 Ñ 8 Ñ ns B3 Clock Pulse Width High 16 Ñ 10 Ñ 8 Ñ ns B4 CLKOUT Rise Time Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 ns B5 CLKOUT Fall Time Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 ns B6 N/A (Used on Interactive Spreadsheet) B7 CLKOUT to A(6:31), RD/WR, BURST, D(0:31), DP(0:3) Invalid 10 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns B7a CLKOUT to TSIZ(0:1),REG, RSV, AT(0:3),BDIP, PTR Invalid 10 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns B7b CLKOUT to BR, BG, FRZ, VFLS(0:1), VF(0:2), IWP(0:2), LWP(0:1), STS Invalid 10 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns B8 CLKOUT to A(6:31), RD/WR, BURST, D(0:31), DP(0:3) Valid 10 19 5 13 5 12 ns B8a CLKOUT to TSIZ(0:1),REG, RSV, AT(0:3), BDIP, PTR Valid 10 19 5 13 5 12 ns B8b CLKOUT to BR, BG, VFLS(0:1), VF(0:2), IWP(0:2), FRZ, LWP(0:1), STS Valid 10 19 5 13 5 12 ns B9 CLKOUT to A(6:31), RD/WR, BURST, D(0:31), DP(0:3), TSIZ(0:1),REG, RSV, AT(0:3), PTR Hi Z 10 19 5 13 5 12 ns B10 N/A B11 CLKOUT to TS, BB Assertion 10 19 5 12.25 5 12.25 ns 2.5 11 2.5 9.25 2.5 9.25 ns 10 19 5 13 5 12 ns 2.5 11 2.5 11 2.5 11 ns 10 24 5 21 5 19 ns to TA, BI Assertion (when driven by the B11a CLKOUT Memory Controller or PCMCIA Interface) B12 CLKOUT to TS, BB Negation to TA, BI Negation (when driven by the B12a CLKOUT Memory Controller or PCMCIA Interface) B13 CLKOUT to TS, BB Hi Z MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 1. Bus Operation Timing (Continued) 25MHz NUM to TA, BI Hi Z (When Driven by the Memory B13a CLKOUT Controller or PCMCIA Interface) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 40MHz 50MHz CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 2.5 15 2.5 15 2.5 16 ns B14 CLKOUT to TEA Assertion 2.5 11 2.5 11 2.5 10 ns B15 CLKOUT to TEA Hi Z 2.5 15 2.5 15 2.5 15 ns B16 TA, BI Valid to CLKOUT (Setup Time) 9.75 Ñ 9.75 Ñ 9.75 Ñ ns B16a TEA, KR, RETRY Valid to CLKOUT (Setup Time) 11 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ ns B16b BB, BG, BR Valid to CLKOUT (Setup Time) 8.5 Ñ 8.5 Ñ 8.5 Ñ ns 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ ns B17a CLKOUT to KR, RETRY Valid (Hold Time) 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ ns B18 D(0:31), DP(0:3) Valid to CLKOUT Rising Edge (Setup Time) 6 Ñ 6 Ñ 6 Ñ ns B19 CLKOUT Rising Edge to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Valid (Hold Time) 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ ns B20 D(0:31), DP(0:3) Valid to CLKOUT Falling Edge (Setup Time) 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ ns B21 CLKOUT Falling Edge to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Valid (Hold Time) 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ ns B22 CLKOUT Rising Edge to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 00 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns Falling Edge to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 10, B22a CLKOUT TRLX = 0 Ñ 10 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 ns Falling Edge to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 11, B22b CLKOUT TRLX = 0, EBDF = 0 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns B22c CLKOUT Falling Edge to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 11, TRLX = 0, EBDF = 1 14 25 7 16 7 16 ns B23 CLKOUT Rising Edge to CS Negated -GPCM-Read Access GPCM-Write Access, ACS=00, TRLX=0, CSNT=0 3 10 2 8 2 8 ns B24 A(6:31) to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 10, TRLX = 0 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns B24a A(6:31) to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 11, TRLX = 0 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns B25 CLKOUT Rising Edge to OE, WE(0:3) Asserted Ñ 11 Ñ 9 Ñ 9 ns B26 CLKOUT Rising Edge to OE Negated 3 11 2 9 2 9 ns B27 A(6:31) to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 10, TRLX = 1 48 Ñ 23 Ñ 23 Ñ ns B27a A(6:31) to CS Asserted -GPCM- ACS = 11, TRLX = 1 58 Ñ 28 Ñ 28 Ñ ns CLKOUT Rising Edge to WE(0:3) Negated -GPCM-Write Access CSNT = Ô0Ô Ñ 11 Ñ 9 Ñ 9 ns Falling Edge to WE(0:3) Negated -GPCM-Write B28a CLKOUT Access TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF=0 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns Falling Edge to CS Negated -GPCM-Write Access B28b CLKOUT TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF = 0 Ñ 20 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 ns B17 B28 CLKOUT to TA, TEA, BI , BB, BG, BR Valid (Hold Time) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 1. Bus Operation Timing (Continued) 25MHz NUM 50MHz UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 14 25 7 16 7 16 ns Ñ 25 Ñ 16 Ñ 16 ns WE(0:3) Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, CSNT = Ô0Õ 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write B29a WE(0:3) Access, TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF = 0 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, B29b CS ACS = Ô00Õ, TRLX = Ô0Õ & CSNT = Ô0Õ 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns CS Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF = 0 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns WE(0:3) Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write B29d Access, TRLX = Ô1Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF = 0 58 Ñ 28 Ñ 28 Ñ ns Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, B29e CS TRLX = Ô1Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF = 0 58 Ñ 28 Ñ 28 Ñ ns 12 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, B29g CS TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF = 1 12 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns WE(0:3) Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write B29h Access, TRLX = Ô1Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF = 1 52 Ñ 24 Ñ 24 Ñ ns ns B28c CLKOUT Falling Edge to WE(0:3) Negated -GPCM-Write Access TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF=1 Falling Edge to CS Negated -GPCM-Write Access B28d CLKOUT TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF = 1 B29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 40MHz CHARACTERISTIC B29c B29f WE(0:3) Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, TRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, EBDF = 1 B29i CS Negated to D(0:31), DP(0:3) Hi Z -GPCM- Write Access, TRLX = Ô1Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ or ACS=Õ11Õ, EBDF =1 52 Ñ 24 Ñ 24 Ñ B30 CS, WE(0:3) Negated to A(6:31) invalid -GPCM- Write Access. 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ WE(0:3) Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCM- Write Access, CSNT = '1Õ. CS Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCMB30a TRLX=Õ0Õ, Write Access, TRLX=Õ0Õ, CSNT = '1Õ, ACS = 10,ACS = =Õ11Õ, EBDF = 0 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns WE(0:3) Negated to A(6:31)Invalid -GPCM- Write Access, CSNT = '1Õ. CS Negated to A(6:31)Invalid -GPCMB30b TRLX=Õ1Õ, Write Access, TRLX=Õ1Õ, CSNT = '1Õ, ACS = 10,ACS = =Õ11Õ, EBDF = 0 58 Ñ 28 Ñ 28 Ñ ns WE(0:3) Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCM- Write Access, TRLX=Õ0Õ, CSNT = '1Õ. CS Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCMWrite Access, TRLX=Õ0Õ, CSNT = '1Õ, ACS = 10 ,ACS = =Õ11Õ, EBDF = 1 12 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ ns WE(0:3) Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCM- Write Access, CSNT = '1Õ. CS Negated to A(6:31) Invalid -GPCMB30d TRLX=Õ1Õ, Write Access, TRLX=Õ1Õ, CSNT = '1Õ, ACS = 10,ACS = =Õ11Õ, EBDF = 1 52 Ñ 24 Ñ 24 Ñ ns 1.5 10 1.5 8 1.5 8 ns B30c B31 CLKOUT Falling Edge to CS valid as requested by CST4 in the corresponding word of the UPM MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 1. Bus Operation Timing (Continued) 25MHz NUM 50MHz UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX Falling Edge to CS valid as requested by CST1 in B31a CLKOUT the corresponding word of the UPM, EBDF = 0 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns CLKOUT Rising Edge to CS valid as requested by CST2 in B31b the corresponding word of the UPM 1.5 10 1.5 8 1.5 8 ns CLKOUT Rising Edge to CS valid as requested by CST3 in the corresponding word of the UPM 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns Falling Edge to CS valid as requested by CST1 in B31d CLKOUT the corresponding word of the UPM, EBDF = 1 10 25 5 16 5 16 ns CLKOUT Falling Edge to BS valid as requested by BST4 in the corresponding word of the UPM 1.5 10 1.5 8 1.5 8 ns Falling Edge to BS valid as requested by BST1 in B32a CLKOUT the corresponding word of the UPM, EBDF = 0 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns CLKOUT Rising Edge to BS valid as requested by BST2 in the B32b corresponding word of the UPM 1.5 10 1.5 8 1.5 8 ns CLKOUT Rising Edge to BS valid as requested by BST3 in the corresponding word of the UPM 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns 10 25 5 16 5 16 ns CLKOUT Falling Edge to GPL valid as requested by GxT4 in the corresponding word of the UPM 1.5 10 1.5 8 1.5 8 ns Rising Edge to GPL valid as requested by GxT3 in B33a CLKOUT the corresponding word of the UPM 10 20 5 13 5 13 ns A(6:31) and D(0:31) to CS valid as requested by CST4 in the corresponding word of the UPM 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns and D(0:31) to CS valid as requested by CST1 in the B34a A(6:31) corresponding word of the UPM 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns and D(0:31) to CS valid as requested by CST2 in the B34b A(6:31) corresponding word of the UPM 28 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 Ñ ns A(6:31) and D(0:31) to BS valid as requested by BST4 in the corresponding word of the UPM 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns and D(0:31) to BS valid as requested by BST1 in the B35a A(6:31) corresponding word of the UPM 18 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns and D(0:31) to BS valid as requested by BST2 in the B35b A(6:31) corresponding word of the UPM 28 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 Ñ ns B36 A(6:31) and D(0:31) to GPL valid as requested by GxT4 in the corresponding word of the UPM 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns B37 UPWAIT Valid to CLKOUT Falling Edge 6 Ñ 6 Ñ 6 Ñ ns B38 CLKOUT Falling Edge to UPWAIT Valid 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ ns B39 AS Valid to CLKOUT Rising Edge 9 Ñ 7 Ñ 7 Ñ ns B31c Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 40MHz CHARACTERISTIC B32 B32c Falling Edge to BS valid as requested by BST1 in B32d CLKOUT the corresponding word of the UPM, EBDF = 1 B33 B34 B35 MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 1. Bus Operation Timing (Continued) 25MHz NUM 40MHz 50MHz CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX B40 A(6:31), TSIZ(0:1), RD/WR, BURST, Valid to CLKOUT Rising Edge 9 Ñ 7 Ñ 7 Ñ ns B41 TS Valid to CLKOUT Rising Edge (Setup Time) 9 Ñ 7 Ñ 7 Ñ ns B42 CLKOUT Rising Edge to TS Valid (Hold Time) 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ ns B43 AS Negation to Memory Controller Signals Negation Ñ 13 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 ns Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTES: 1. The timing for BR output is relevant when the MPC823 is selected to work with the external bus arbiter. The timing for BG output is relevant when the MPC823 is selected to work with the internal bus arbiter. 2. The setup times required for TA, TEA and BI are relevant only when they are supplied by an external device (and not when the memory controller or the PCMCIA interface drive them). 3. The timing required for BR input is relevant when the MPC823 is selected to work with the internal bus arbiter. The timing for BG input is relevant when the MPC823 is selected to work with the external bus arbiter. 4. The D(0:31) and DP(0:3) input timings B18 and B19 refer to the rising edge of the CLKOUT in which the TA input signal is asserted. 5. The D(0:31) and DP(0:3) input timings B20 and B21 refer to the falling edge of the CLKOUT. This timing is valid only under control of the UPM in the memory controller. 6. The timing B30 refers to CS when ACS = Ô00Õ and to WE(0:3) when CSNT = Ô0Õ. 7. The signal UPWAIT is considered asynchronous to the CLKOUT and synchronized internally. The timings speciÞed in B37 and B38 are speciÞed to enable the freeze of the UPM output signals. 8. The AS signal is considered asynchronous to the CLKOUT signal. CLKOUT B1 B3 B2 B1 B4 B5 Figure 1. External Clock Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B8 B9 B7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... OUTPUT SIGNALS B8a B9 B7a OUTPUT SIGNALS B8b B7b OUTPUT SIGNALS Figure 2. Synchronous Output Signals Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B13 B11 B12 TS, BB Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B13a B11a B12a TA, BI B14 B15 TEA Figure 3. Synchronous Active Pull-Up and Open-Drain Outputs Signals Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B16 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B17 TA, BI, TEA B16a B17a TEA, RETRY, KR B16b B17 BB, BG, BR Figure 4. Synchronous Input Signals Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B16 B17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TA B18 B19 D(0:31), DP(0:3) Figure 5. Input Data In Normal Case Timing Diagram CLKOUT TA B20 B21 D(0:31), DP(0:3) Figure 6. Input Data When Controlled by the UPM Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B8 A(6:31) B23 B22a Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CSx B26 B25 OE B28 WE(0:3) B18 D(0:31), DP(0:3) B19 Figure 7. External Bus Read Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐACS = Ô00Õ) CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B8 A(6:31) B22b B23 B22c CSx B24a B25 B26 OE B18 D(0:31), DP(0:3) B19 Figure 8. External Bus Read Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô0Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B8 A(6:31) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B22b B23 B22c CSx B24a B26 B25 OE B18 D(0:31), DP(0:3) B19 Figure 9. External Bus Read Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô0Õ, ACS = Ô11Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B8 A(6:31) B22a Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CSx B23 B27 B26 B27a OE B18 B22b D(0:31), DP(0:3) B22c B19 Figure 10. External Bus Read Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô1Õ, ACS = Ô10Õ, ACS = Ô11Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B8 B30 A(6:31) B23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B22 B29b CSx B25 B28 WE(0:3) B26 OE B29 B8 D(0:31), DP(0:3) B9 Figure 11. External Bus Write Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô0Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B30 B30a Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B8 A(6:31) B23 B22 B28b CSx B28d B25 B29c B29g WE(0:3) B26 B29f B29a B28a OE B28c B8 D(0:31), DP(0:3) B9 Figure 12. External Bus Write Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô0Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B11 B12 TS B30d B8 B30b A(6:31) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B28d B22 B23 CSx B28b B25 B29f B29e B29h B29d WE(0:3) B26 B28a OE B29b B8 B28c D(0:31), DP(0:3) B9 Figure 13. External Bus Write Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐTRLX = Ô1Õ, CSNT = Ô1Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B8 A(6:31) B31d Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B31a B31 B31c B31b CSx B34 B34a B34b B32d B32c B32a B32 B32b BS_AB(0:3) B35 B35a B35b B33a B33 GPLA(0:5), GPLB(0:5) B36 Figure 14. External Bus Timing Diagram (UPM-Controlled Signals) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B37 B38 UPWAIT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CSx BS_AB(0:3) GPLA(0:5), GPLB(0:5) Figure 15. Asynchronous UPWAIT Asserted Detection in UPM Handled Cycles Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B37 B38 UPWAIT Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CSx BS_AB(0:3) GPLA(0:5), GPLB(0:5) Figure 16. Asynchronous UPWAIT Negated Detection in UPM Handled Cycles Timing Diagram CLKOUT B42 B41 TS B40 A(6:31), TSIZ(0:1), RD/WR, BURST B22 CSx Figure 17. Synchronous External Master Access Timing Diagram (GPCM HandledÐACS = Ô00Õ) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT B39 AS B40 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A(6:31), TSIZ(0:1), RD/WR B22 CSx Figure 18. Asynchronous External Master Memory Access Timing Diagram (GPCM ControlledÐACS = Õ00Õ) AS B43 CSx, WE(0:3), BS(0:3), OE, GPLx, Figure 19. Asynchronous External Master Timing Diagram (Control Signals Negation Time) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 2. Interrupt Timing 25MHZ NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX I39 IRQx valid to CLKOUT rising edge (setup time) 6 Ñ 6/6 Ñ 6/6 Ñ ns I40 IRQx hold time after CLKOUT 2 Ñ 2/2 Ñ 2/2 Ñ ns I41 IRQx pulse width low 3 Ñ 3/3 Ñ 3/3 Ñ ns I42 IRQx pulse width high 3 Ñ 3/3 Ñ 3/3 Ñ ns I43 IRQx edge to edge time 160 Ñ 80/80 Ñ 80/80 Ñ ns Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NOTES: 1. The timings I39 and I40 describe the testing conditions under which the IRQ lines are tested when defined as level sensitive. The IRQ lines are synchronized internally and do not have to be asserted or negated with reference to the CLKOUT. 2. The timings I41 and I42 are speciÞed to allow the correct function of the IRQ lines detection circuitry, and has no direct relation with the total system interrupt latency that the MPC823 can support. CLKOUT I39 I40 IRQx Figure 20. Interrupt Detection Timing Diagram for External Level-Sensitive Lines MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT I39 IRQx I43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... I41 I42 I43 Figure 21. Interrupt Detection Timing Diagram for External Edge-Sensitive Lines MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3. PCMCIA Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX P44 A(6:31), REG valid to PCMCIA strobe asserted 28 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 Ñ ns P45 A(6:31), REG valid to ALE negation 38 Ñ 18 Ñ 18 Ñ ns P46 CLKOUT to REG valid 10 19 5 13 5 13 ns P47 CLKOUT to REG invalid 11 Ñ 6 Ñ 6 Ñ ns P48 CLKOUT to CE1, CE2 asserted 10 19 5 13 5 13 ns P49 CLKOUT to CE1, CE2 negated 10 19 5 13 5 13 ns P50 CLKOUT to PCOE, IORD, PCWE, IOWR assert time Ñ 12 Ñ 11 Ñ 11 ns P51 CLKOUT to PCOE, IORD, PCWE, IOWR negate time 3 12 2 11 2 11 ns P52 CLKOUT to ALE assert time 10 19 5 13 5 13 ns P53 CLKOUT to ALE negate time Ñ 19 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 ns P54 PCWE, IOWR negated to D(0:31) invalid 8 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ ns P55 WAIT_B valid to CLKOUT rising edge 8 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns P56 CLKOUT rising edge to WAIT_B invalid 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ ns NOTES: 1. PSST = 1. Otherwise, add PSST times cycle time. 2. PSHT = 0. Otherwise, add PSHT times cycle time. 3. These synchronous timings deÞne when the WAIT_B signal is detected in order to freeze (or relieve) the PCMCIA current cycle. The WAIT_B assertion will be effective only if it is detected two cycles before the PSL timer expiration. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT TS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... P44 A(0:31) P45 P46 P47 REG CE[1:2] P49 P50 P48 P51 PCOE, PCOE, IORD P52 P53 P52 ALE B18 D(0:31) B19 Figure 22. PCMCIA Access Cycles Timing Diagram (External Bus Read) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT TS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... P44 A[0:31] P45 P46 P47 REG CE[1:2] P50 P49 P48 P51 PCOE, IORD P52 P53 P52 ALE P54 D[0:31] B8 B9 Figure 23. PCMCIA Access Cycles Timing Diagram (External Bus Write) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT P55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... P56 WAITx Figure 24. PCMCIA Wait Signals Detection Timing Diagram CLKOUT P55 P56 WAITx Figure 25. PCMCIA Wait Signals Detection Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4. PCMCIA Port Timing 25MHZ NUM 50MHZ UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX P57 CLKOUT to OPx Valid Ñ 25 Ñ 19 Ñ 19 ns P58 HRESET negated to OPx drive 30 Ñ 18 Ñ 18 Ñ ns P59 IP_Bx valid to CLKOUT Rising Edge 6 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns P60 CLKOUT Rising Edge to IP_Bx invalid 2 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ ns NOTE: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 40MHZ CHARACTERISTIC *OP2 and OP3 only. CLKOUT P57 OUTPUT SIGNALS HRESET P58 OP2, OP3 Figure 26. PCMCIA Output Port Timing Diagram CLKOUT P59 P60 INPUT SIGNALS Figure 27. PCMCIA Input Port Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5. Debug Port Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX D61 DSCK cycle time 120 Ñ 60 Ñ 60 Ñ ns D62 DSCK clock pulse width 50 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ ns D63 DSCK rise and fall times 0 3 0 3 0 3 ns D64 DSDI input data setup time 8 Ñ 8 Ñ 8 Ñ ns D65 DSDI data hold time 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns D66 DSCK low to DSDO data valid 0 15 0 15 0 15 ns D67 DSCK low to DSDO invalid 0 2 0 2 0 2 ns CLKOUT D61 D63 D62 D61 D62 D63 Figure 28. Debug Port Clock Input Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DSCK D64 D65 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DSDI D66 D67 DSDO Figure 29. Debug Port Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 33 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 6. Reset Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX R68 CLKOUT to HRESET high impedance Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns R69 CLKOUT to SRESET high impedance Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns R70 RSTCONF pulse width 680 Ñ 425 Ñ 340 Ñ ns R71 N/A R72 Configuration data to HRESET rising edge setup time 650 Ñ 425 Ñ 350 Ñ ns R73 Configuration data to RSTCONF rising edge setup time 650 Ñ 425 Ñ 350 Ñ ns R74 Configuration data hold time after RSTCONF negation 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns R75 Configuration data hold time after HRESET negation 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns R76 HRESET and RSTCONF asserted to data out drive Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 ns R77 RSTCONF negated to data out high impedance Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 ns R78 CLKOUT of last rising edge before chip three-states HRESET to data out high impedance Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 ns R79 DSDI and DSCK setup 120 Ñ 75 Ñ 60 Ñ ns R80 DSDI and DSCK hold time 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns R81 SRESET negated to CLKOUT rising edge for DSDI and DSCK sample 320 Ñ 200 Ñ 160 Ñ ns MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HRESET R71 RSTCONF Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... R76 R73 R75 D(0:31) (IN) R74 Figure 30. Reset Timing Diagram (Configuration from Data Bus) CLKOUT R69 HRESET RSTCONF R78 R77 R79 D(0:31) (OUT) (WEAK) Figure 31. Reset Timing DiagramÐMPC823 Data Bus Weak Drive During Configuration MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 35 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT R70 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... R82 SRESET R80 R80 R81 R81 DSCK, DSDI Figure 32. Reset Timing DiagramÐDebug Port Configuration MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 7. JTAG Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX J82 TCK cycle time 100 Ñ 100 Ñ 100 Ñ ns J83 TCK clock pulse width measured at 1.5V 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns J84 TCK rise and fall times 0 10 0 10 0 10 ns J85 TMS, TDI data setup time 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns J86 TMS, TDI data hold time 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ ns J87 TCK low to TDO data valid Ñ 27 Ñ 27 Ñ 27 ns J88 TCK low to TDO data invalid 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns J89 TCK low to TDO high impedance Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns J90 TRST assert time 100 Ñ 100 Ñ 100 Ñ ns J91 TRST setup time to TCK low 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns J92 TCK falling edge to output valid Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns J93 TCK falling edge to ouput valid out of high impedance Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns J94 TCK falling edge to output high impedance Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns J95 Boundary scan input valid to TCK rising edge 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ ns J96 TCK rising edge to boundary scan input invalid 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ ns TCK J84 J82 J84 J83 J83 J82 Figure 33. JTAG Test Clock Input Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 37 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TCK J85 J86 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TMS, TDI J87 J89 J88 TDO Figure 34. JTAGÐTest Access Port Timing Diagram TCK J91 J90 TRST Figure 35. JTAGÐTRST Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TCK J92 J94 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... OUTPUT SIGNALS J93 OUTPUT SIGNALS J96 J95 OUTPUT SIGNALS Figure 36. Boundary Scan (JTAG) Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 39 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. COMMUNICATION ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 8. Parallel Input/Output Port Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 29 Data-in setup time to clock high 20 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ ns 30 Data-in hold time from clock high 10 Ñ 7.5 Ñ 7.5 Ñ ns 31 Clock high to data-out valid (CPU writes data, control, or direction) Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 ns CLKOUT 29 30 DATA IN 31 DATA OUT Figure 37. Parallel Input/Output Data-In/Data-Out Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 9. IDMA Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 40 DREQ setup time to clock high 12 Ñ 7 Ñ 7 Ñ nsec 41 DREQ hold time from clock high 5 Ñ 3 Ñ 3 Ñ nsec 42 SDACK assertion delay from clock high Ñ 20 Ñ 12 Ñ 12 nsec 43 SDACK negation delay from clock low Ñ 20 Ñ 12 Ñ 12 nsec 44 SDACK negation delay from TA low Ñ 25 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 nsec 45 SDACK negation delay from clock high Ñ 20 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 nsec 46 TA assertion to falling edge of the clock setup time 12 Ñ 7 Ñ 7 Ñ nsec NOTE: Applies to external TA. CLKOUT (OUTPUT) 41 DREQ (INPUT) 40 Figure 38. IDMA External Requests Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 41 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT (OUTPUT) TS (OUTPUT) RD / WR (OUTPUT) 42 43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DATA 46 TA (OUTPUT) SDACK Figure 39. SDACK Timing DiagramÐPeripheral Write, TA Sampled Low at the Falling Edge of the Clock MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT (OUTPUT) TS (OUTPUT) RD / WR (OUTPUT) 42 44 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DATA TA (OUTPUT) SDACK Figure 40. SDACK Timing DiagramÐPeripheral Write, TA Sampled High at the Falling Edge of the Clock MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLKOUT (OUTPUT) TS (OUTPUT) RD / WR (OUTPUT) 42 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DATA TA (OUTPUT) SDACK Figure 41. SDACK Timing DiagramÐPeripheral Read MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 45 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 10. Baud Rate Generator Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ UNIT CHARACTERISTIC MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 50 BRGO rise and fall times Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 ns 51 BRGO duty cycle 40 60 40 60 40 60 % 52 BRGO cycle 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 50 50 BRGOx 51 51 52 Figure 42. Baud Rate Generator Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 45 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 11. General-Purpose Timers Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 61 TIN/TGATE rise and fall times 12 10 7 10 7 10 ns 62 TIN/TGATE low time 5 1 3 1 3 1 clk 63 TIN/TGATE high time Ñ 20 Ñ 12 Ñ 12 clk 64 TIN/TGATE cycle time Ñ 20 Ñ 12 Ñ 12 clk 65 CLKO low to TOUT valid Ñ 25 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns 60 CLKOUT 61 63 62 TIN / TGATE (INPUT) 61 64 TOUT (OUTPUT) 65 Figure 43. General-Purpose Timers Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 12. Serial Interface Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 MHz 70 L1RCLK and L1TCLK frequency (DSC=0)1,3 71 L1RCLK and L1TCLK width low (DSC=0)3 P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ ns 71a L1RCLK and L1TCLK width high (DSC=0)2 P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ ns 72 L1TXD, L1ST(1Ð8), L1RQ, L1CLKO rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 73 L1RSYNC, L1TSYNC valid to L1CLK edge (SYNC setup time) 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ ns 74 L1CLK edge to L1RSYNC and L1TSYNC invalid (SYNC hold time) 35 Ñ 35 Ñ 35 Ñ ns 75 L1RSYNC and L1TSYNC rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 76 L1RXD valid to L1CLK edge (L1RXD setup time) 42 Ñ 42 Ñ 42 Ñ ns 77 L1CLK edge to L1RXD invalid (L1RXD hold time) 35 Ñ 35 Ñ 35 Ñ ns 78 L1CLK edge to L1ST(1Ð8) valid 10 45 10 45 10 45 ns 78a L1SYNC valid to L1ST(1Ð8) valid4 10 45 10 45 10 45 ns 79 L1CLK edge to L1ST(1Ð8) invalid 10 45 10 45 10 45 ns 80 L1CLK edge to L1TXD valid 10 65 10 65 10 65 ns 80a L1TSYNC valid to L1TXD valid4 10 65 10 65 10 65 ns 81 L1CLK edge to L1TXD high impedance 0 42 0 42 0 42 ns 82 L1RCLK and L1TCLK frequency (DSC=1) Ñ 12.5 Ñ 16 Ñ 16 MHz 83 L1RCLK and L1TCLK width low (DSC=1) P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ ns 83a L1RCLK and L1TCLK width high (DSC=1)2 P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ P+10 Ñ ns 84 L1CLK edge to L1CLKO valid (DSC=1) Ñ 30 Ñ 30 Ñ 30 ns 85 L1RQ valid before falling edge of L1TSYNC3 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ L1TCLK 86 L1GR setup time3 42 Ñ 42 Ñ 42 Ñ ns 87 L1GR hold time3 42 Ñ 42 Ñ 42 Ñ ns 88 L1CLK edge to L1SYNC valid (FSD = 00, CNT = 0000, BYT = 0, DSC=0) Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 ns NOTES: 1. The ratio SyncCLK/L1RCLK must be greater than 2.5/1. 2. Where P=1/CLKO1. For a 25MHz CLKO1 rate, P=40ns. 3. These electrical speciÞcations are only valid for IDL mode. 4. The strobes and TXD2 on the Þrst bit of the frame becomes valid after L1CLK edge or L1SYNC, whichever is later. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 47 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 70 71 L1RCLK (FE=0, CE=0) (INPUT) 72 L1RCLK (FE=1, CE=1) (INPUT) 75 RFCD=1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... L1RSYNC (INPUT) 77 73 74 L1RXD (INPUT) BIT0 76 L1ST(1-4) (OUTPUT) 78 79 Figure 44. Serial Interface Receive Timing Diagram With Normal Clocking (DSC =0) MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 70 71 L1TCLK (FE=0, CE=0) (INPUT) 72 L1TCLK (FE=1, CE=1) (INPUT) 73 75 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... L1TSYNC (INPUT) 74 TFCD=0 81 80a L1TXD (OUTPUT) BIT0 80 79 78a L1ST(1-4) (OUTPUT) 78 Figure 45. Serial Interface Transmit Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 49 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 13. Serial Communication Controller in NMSI External Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 100 RCLK1 and TCLK1 width high1 CLKOUT F Ñ CLKOUT F Ñ CLKOUT F Ñ MHz 101 RCLK1 and TCLK1 width low CLKOUT +5ns Ñ CLKOUT +5ns Ñ CLKOUT +5ns Ñ ns 102 RCLK1 and TCLK1 rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 103 TXD2 active delay (from TCLK1 falling edge) 0 50 0 50 0 50 ns 104 RTS1 active/inactive delay (from TCLK1 falling edge) 0 50 0 50 0 50 ns 105 CTS1 setup time to TCLK1 rising edge 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns 106 RXD2 setup time to RCLK1 rising edge 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns 107 RXD2 hold time from RCLK1 rising edge2 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns 108 CD1 setup time to RCLK1 rising edge 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns NOTES: 1. The ratio SyncCLK/RCLK1 and SyncCLK/TCLK1 must be greater than or equal to 2.25/1. 2. Applies to CD and CTS hold time when they are used as external sync signals. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 14. Serial Communication Controller in NMSI Internal Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 100 RCLK1 and TCLK1 frequency1 0 8.3 0 13 0 16 MHz 102 RCLK1 and TCLK1 rise and all times Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ ns 103 TXD2 active delay (from TCLK1 falling edge) 0 30 0 30 0 30 ns 104 RTS1 active/inactive delay (from TCLK1 falling edge) 0 30 0 30 0 30 ns 105 CTS1 setup time to TCLK1 rising edge 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 106 RXD2 setup time to RCLK1 rising edge 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 107 RXD2 hold time from RCLK1 rising edge2 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns 108 CD1 setup time to RCLK1 rising edge 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns NOTES: 1. The ratio SyncCLK/RCLK1 and SyncCLK/TCLK1 must be greater than or equal to 3/1. 2. Applies to CD and CTS hold time when they are used as external sync signals. 101 102 102 RCLK1 100 106 RXD2 (INPUT) 107 108 CD1 (INPUT) 107 CD1 (SYNC INPUT) Figure 46. SCC NMSI Receive Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 51 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 102 101 TCLK1 102 100 103 TXD2 (OUTPUT) 105 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RTS1 (OUTPUT) 104 104 CTS1 (INPUT) 107 CTS1 (SYNC INPUT) Figure 47. SCC NMSI Transmit Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 102 101 TCLK1 100 102 103 TXD2 (OUTPUT) 104 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RTS1 (OUTPUT) 107 105 104 CTS1 (ECHO INPUT) Figure 48. HDLC Bus Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 53 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 15. Ethernet Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 120 CLSN (CTS2) width high 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 121 RCLK1 rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 122 RCLK1 width low 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 123 RCLK1 clock period1 80 120 80 120 80 120 ns 124 RXD2 setup time 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ ns 125 RXD2 hold time 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns 126 RENA (CD2) active delay (from RCLK1 rising edge of the last data bit) 10 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ ns 127 RENA (CD2) width low 100 Ñ 100 Ñ 100 Ñ ns 128 TCLK1 rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 129 TCLK1 width low 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ ns 130 TCLK1 clock period1 99 101 99 101 99 101 ns 131 TXD2 active delay (from TCLK1 rising edge) 10 50 10 50 10 50 ns 132 TXD2 inactive delay (from TCLK1 rising edge) 10 50 10 50 10 50 ns 133 TENA (RTS2) active delay (from TCLK1 rising edge) 10 50 10 50 10 50 ns 134 TENA (RTS2) inactive delay (from TCLK1 rising edge) 10 50 10 50 10 50 ns 135 N/A 136 N/A 137 N/A 138 CLKx low to SDACK asserted2 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns 139 CLKx low to SDACK negated3 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns NOTES: 1. The ratio SyncCLK/RCLK1 and SyncCLK/TCLK1 must be greater than or equal to 2/1. 2. SDACK is asserted when the SDMA writes the incoming frame DA into memory. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CLSN (CTS1) (INPUT) 120 Figure 49. Ethernet Collision Timing Diagram 121 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 121 RCLK1 124 123 RXD2 (INPUT) LAST BIT 125 127 RENA (CD1) (INPUT) 126 Figure 50. Ethernet Receive Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 128 128 129 TCLK1 121 131 132 TXD2 (OUTPUT) 134 133 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TENA (RTS1) (INPUT) RENA (CD1) (INPUT) (NOTE 2) NOTES: 1. TRANSMIT CLOCK INVERT (TCI) BIT IN THE GSMR IS SET. 2. IF RENA IS DEASSERTED BEFORE TENA, OR RENA IS NOT ASSERTED AT ALL DURING TRANSMIT, THEN THE CSL BIT IS SET IN THE BUFFER DESCRIPTOR AT THE END OF FRAME TRANSMISSION. Figure 51. Ethernet Transmit Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 16. Serial Peripheral Interface Master Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 160 Master cycle time 4 1,024 4 1,024 4 1,024 tcyc 161 Master clock (SCK) high or low time 2 512 2 512 2 512 tcyc 162 Master data setup time (inputs) 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ ns 163 Master data hold time (inputs) 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns 164 Master data valid (after SCK edge) Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 ns 165 Master data hold time (outputs) 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns 166 Rise time output Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 167 Fall time output Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns NOTE: The ratio SyncCLK/SMCLK must be greater than or equal to 2/1. 160 161 166 167 161 SPICLK CI=0 (OUTPUT) 167 163 SPICLK CI=1 (OUTPUT) 166 162 SPIMISO (INPUT) DATA MSB IN LSB IN MSB IN 164 165 SPIMOSI (OUTPUT) MSB OUT DATA LSB OUT MSB OUT 166 167 Figure 52. SPI Master (CP=0) Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 57 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 160 161 166 167 161 SPICLK CI=0 (OUTPUT) 163 167 SPICLK CI=1 (OUTPUT) 166 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 162 SPIMISO (INPUT) MSB IN DATA LSB IN MSB IN 164 165 SPIMOSI (OUTPUT) MSB OUT DATA LSB OUT 167 MSB OUT 166 Figure 53. SPI Master (CP=1) Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 17. Serial Peripheral Interface Slave Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 170 Slave cycle time 2 Ñ 2 Ñ 2 Ñ tcyc 171 Slave enable lead time 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ ns 172 Slave enable lag time 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ ns 173 Slave clock (SPICLK) high or low time 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ tcyc 174 Slave sequential transfer delay (does not require deselect) 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ tcyc 175 Slave data setup time (inputs) 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ ns 176 Slave data hold time (inputs) 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ ns 177 Slave access time Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns 178 Slave SPI MISO disable time Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns 179 Slave data valid (after SPICLK edge) Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 ns 180 Slave data hold time (outputs) 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ns 181 Rise time (input) Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 182 Fall time (input) Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 59 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 171 172 SPISEL (INPUT) 170 173 174 181 182 173 SPICLK CI=0 (INPUT) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SPICLK CI=1 (INPUT) 177 178 181 182 180 SPIMISO (OUTPUT) MSB OUT DATA 175 LSB OUT UNDEF MSB OUT 179 176 SPIMOSI (INPUT) MSB IN DATA 182 LSB IN 181 Figure 54. SPI Slave (CP=0) Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: MSB IN Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 172 SPISEL (INPUT) 170 173 174 182 173 SPICLK CI=0 (INPUT) 181 171 181 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SPICLK CI=1 (INPUT) 182 177 SPIMISO (OUTPUT) 178 180 UNDEF MSB OUT DATA LSB OUT DATA LSB IN MSB OUT 179 175 176 SPIMOSI (INPUT) MSB IN 182 MSB IN 181 Figure 55. SPI Slave (CP=1) Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 61 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 18. I2C TimingÑSCL < 100 kHz 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 100 0 100 0 100 kHz 200 SCL clock frequency (slave) 200 SCL clock frequency (master) 1.5 100 1.5 100 1.5 100 kHz 202 Bus free time between transmissions 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ ms 203 Low period of SCL 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ ms 204 High period of SCL 4.0 Ñ 4.0 Ñ 4.0 Ñ ms 205 Start condition setup time 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ ms 206 Start condition hold time 4.0 Ñ 4.0 Ñ 4.0 Ñ ms 207 Data hold time 0 Ñ 0 Ñ 0 Ñ ms 208 Data setup time 250 Ñ 250 Ñ 250 Ñ ns 209 SDL/SCL rise time Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 ms 210 SDL/SCL fall time Ñ 300 Ñ 300 Ñ 300 ns 211 STOP condition setup time 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ 4.7 Ñ ms NOTE: SCL frequency is given by SCL = BRGCLK_frequency/((BRG register + 3) * pre_scaler * 2 ). The ratio SyncClk/(BRGCLK/pre_scaler) must be greater than or equal to 4/1. Table 19. I2C TimingÑSCL > 100 kHz NUM CHARACTERISTIC MINIMUM MAXIMUM UNIT 0 BRGCLK/48 Hz BRGCLK/16512 BRGCLK/48 Hz 200 SCL clock frequency (slave) 200 SCL clock frequency (master) 202 Bus free time between transmissions 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec 203 Low period of SCL 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec 204 High period of SCL 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec 205 Start condition setup time 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec 206 Start condition hold time 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec 207 Data hold time 0 Ñ sec 208 Data setup time 1/(40 * fSCL) Ñ sec 209 SDL/SCL rise time Ñ 1/(10 * fSCL) sec 210 SDL/SCL fall time Ñ 1/(33 * fSCL) sec 211 Stop condition setup time 1/(2.2 * fSCL) Ñ sec MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SDA 202 203 204 207 205 208 SCL 209 210 211 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 206 Figure 56. I2C Bus Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 63 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 20. Serial Management Controller Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 150 CLK1 clock period 100 Ñ 100 Ñ 100 Ñ ns 151 CLK1 width low 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ ns 151A CLK1 width high 50 Ñ 50 Ñ 50 Ñ ns 152 CLK1 rise and fall times Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 ns 153 SMTXDx active delay (from CLK1 falling edge) 10 50 10 50 10 50 ns 154 SMRXDx/SYNC1 setup time 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ ns 155 SMRXDx/SYNC1 hold time 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ ns NOTE: The ratio SyncCLK/SMCLK must be greater than or equal to 2/1. 152 152 151 161a SMCLK 150 SMTXDX (OUTPUT) 154 * 153 155 SYNC1 154 155 SMRXDX (INPUT) NOTE: * THIS DELAY IS EQUAL TO AN INTEGER NUMBER OF ÒCHARACTER LENGTHÓ CLOCKS. Figure 57. SMC Transparent Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 21. LCD Controller Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 220 Shift clock cycle time 40 Ñ 40 Ñ 40 Ñ nsec 221 Shift clock high time 20 Ñ 20 Ñ 20 Ñ nsec 223 CLOCK/HSYNC/VSYNC/OE rise and fall times Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 nsec 224 Data valid delay from shift clock high Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 nsec 225 VSYNC to HSYNC setup time1 5 Ñ 5 Ñ 5 Ñ T 226 VSYNC hold time 1 Ñ 1 Ñ 1 Ñ T 227 HSYNC pulse width 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ T 228 Time from clock falling edge to HSYNC rising edge 4.5 Ñ 4.5 Ñ 4.5 Ñ T 229 Time from HSYNC falling edge to clock rising edge2 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ T 230 AC active delay Ñ 25 Ñ 25 Ñ 25 nsec 231 VSYNC pulse width (TFT) 1 16 1 16 1 16 Line 232 HSYNC to OE delay3 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ T 233 OE to HSYNC delay 4 Ñ 4 Ñ 4 Ñ T 234 VSYNC to OE delay (TFT) 0 1,023 0 1,023 0 1,023 T 235 VSYNC/HSYNC/OE active delay (TFT) Ñ 15 Ñ 15 Ñ 15 nsec 236 Wait between frames4 WBF Ñ WBF Ñ WBF Ñ Line NOTES: 1. T = shift clock cycle (220). 2. This number is given for wbl(wait between lines) £ 2. For wbl=n {n>2} the timing will be (n+2)T. 3. This number is given for wbl(wait between lines) £ 2. For wbl=n {n>2} the timing will be (n+2)T. 4. Wait Between Frames (WBF) is a programmable parameter. Tcyc is the cycle time of the LCD clock (shift clock). Tdelay is a circuit delay that is specified in the AC electrical specifications. 1Ð16 lines is a time period that can vary between one scan line and 16, depending on how the LCD controller is programmed in the VPW field of the LCVCR. 0Ð1,023 lines is a time period that can vary between 0 and 1,023 scan lines in the WBF field of the LCVCR. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 65 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 220 223 221 223 224 SHIFT CLOCK DATA 228 227 229 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 225 SHIFT CLOCK 226 HSYNC VSYNC LCD_AC 230 NTH LINE 236 FIRST LINE SECOND LINE VSYNC HSYNC SHIFT CLOCK Figure 58. Passive Panel Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 233 227 235 224 SHIFT DATA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 235 OE 232 231 234 HSYNC VSYNC 225 OE NTH LINE 235 FIRST LINE VSYNC HSYNC OE Figure 59. TFT Panel Timing Diagram MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 67 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 22. Video Controller Timing 25MHZ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... NUM 40MHZ 50MHZ CHARACTERISTIC UNIT MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 240 Clock cycle time 32 Ñ 32 Ñ 32 Ñ nsec 241 Clock high time 13 Ñ 13 Ñ 13 Ñ nsec 242 CLK/HSYNC/VSYNC/BLANK/FIELD rise and fall times Ñ 10 Ñ 10 Ñ 10 nsec 243 Clock high to data valid 10 25 10 25 10 25 nsec 242 240 242 243 241 CLK DATA HSYNC VSYNC FIELD BLANK Figure 60. Video Controller Timing MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC823 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS For More Information On This Product, Go to: 69 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. How to Reach Us: Home Page: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... E-mail: RoHS-compliant and/or Pb- free versions of Freescale products have the functionality and electrical characteristics of their non-RoHS-compliant and/or non-Pb- free counterparts. For further information, see or contact your Freescale sales representative. For information on Freescale.s Environmental Products program, go to USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370 1300 N. Alma School Road Chandler, Arizona 85224 +1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130 Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbH Technical Information Center Schatzbogen 7 81829 Muenchen, Germany +44 1296 380 456 (English) +46 8 52200080 (English) +49 89 92103 559 (German) +33 1 69 35 48 48 (French) Japan: Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd. 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Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.