SRN.KEN E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y , LTD, SANKlDl SWJ’KtIIlVG 1UWLAlOR HYRRTD lC Type: STR-S6301 1. The present specifications shall only apply to &Sanken SwitchinR Regulator Ilybrjd IC, type STR-S6301. 2. General Hybrid JC incorporated with a S-layer Silkon Transistor, . 2.2 Construction: Plastic Mold Package (‘kansfer Mold) _ . 2.3 Applicat,ion: Dire& control., RLC. type Swjtching RcguJator featuring Drjve Circuit and the Over Current Protecljon. (using Photo Couplerb as pri nrarykccondary isolation element,) 2.1 Category : 3. FTuivalent Circuit Trl 1 .Cogxtor i. !;h& ter/bnmon (Power Tr . > 4: ..- Drj ve Control 5. J 6. Current Detectm Base 7,EartWCurrent Detector 8 .lkive Tr2 Base 9 .YhoLo Coupler (-) 4. hw33rance and Outline 4 . 1. Appearance ‘J’he MY shall be clean and shall not bear any stiin, rust or flaw, 4.2 Outline Drawings Refer to PaEe 9, 4.3 Marking The type number and lot number shall be be marked by laser printing;, Refer to Page 9. Date: DecL 16, 1991 Specifhtion NO.: SW- 17J_7OE 1/Y 5, Maxhe Ratings (T&5r) .P--. - - - - __-I-____-___-. _--- -VP I _ _ .-Be I_. .--__ Unit --~;;;&y--;;--~DescripEion Symbol liat.i ng .- ----. _ .-_-. .--. ._-“- --- ------ .” . - . . __ . _ . . . . . . . __ . _ _._.I, Trl Colhc tor4hi ttor Voltage hx?% - - -v-.b.--- --I*- _- 500 V XI -.a*__ . w-w--. ,..--. --. Ph# 4-2 Applying Voktage 12 v2-d .--_-- ,.--A-B .-L-P-, .-_--v- - .-- -. . --- 1,,---WC_ V z- s Pin!! Z-5 Applying Vol tage 12 v * I-_s._---._..__---. ._ __-. G-s-- --*- -.-A.--_-. - ---- _- .---..--p-L 30 Yin# 5-8 Applying Voltage v Vs- 4 a. -Y-B--. _..- P.i.n# 7-6 Applying Voltage V 5 v7- 6 - ..-- ---- -*de--.._ .__- _.. - - _-.--. ..-.._-. . . _ . _ . ..I.. . --I* Tr 1 COJ. lector Current __Tr4 Collector Current _P -..-. brr4 I . _Y D2 Forward Current ZYNfD2) .I_- - Da Forward Current - - , _ -I INtD3) -. _ u p - Frame Temperature (Operating) Tc2 Storage Tempmature TatIs Max. 011 tput Curren I; 10 -. --- ----_ 8. bctrical Characterist.ic -.-_P - - - (T&!iV) - -WI-. ------. rnA- 500 mA 100 RIA +I50 %2 - - - .- - ---.I.--. I-- "C / -.. .-h__- -30 --- -_-.A Vo =115V %5 - ___. _ _ _.... _ _.--I Trl Characteristic __ ----. Symb0.I %1 , - +125 *c 1.7 -----_q .--C__v Description - _- .._-- .-.. . -_.. -.- . m.. . e-q.. . I 3.2 No fin F3 _--. _- W --“l”----r, ----.___ I -_ 2.7 T, r=lOO”C X3 -_--I -.-_ ._ A 500 --I. Max. Power Did paI.ion F’D -P-~--P”. Trl - Junction Temperature L - 1O(Pulse:20) ~(-II~LI Ratings Unit Conditions _- - - - _I__ --.------- _.-0.5 Max. *=6A, I,=I.2A . .--- ------_---~_-~..__ V 1c1-w-.- Cdlector Saturation Vollage VCatSATI -- L-p-- _-- . COllectOr Cut-Off Current ‘-4-m-p - ___..._, Rase-Emitter Sahraticjn Volt; Thermal Resistance .- 1.0 Mm, .7_ m-m-_ VDe (3ATj mA VcE=.soov,_-vrse =-I ,sv 1.5 Max. + Ic =fiA, Jn=1.2A WI_ _--1 . . -__--_ 15-40 VCE=/IV, Tc=lA -- --P.. - --_ --. LCZ 0.7 “C/W Junction--Internal Frame _-- - - - - --..--_- - - - .--.. ,._-_, I,_.._ - - - _ _ .-I-. IX: Current Gain - . - - I - . _ - - - ,--.--- .P -_ Swi tchi nB Time ICEX -. _-_he .--.- L <-. --.- -I-, _- _ _. ._P*- - - .____I___ tr 10 Max. 0.6 Max. vs Measuring Circuit #I -.- ----- ---. .-___ _.___. ___ - --a___ 2) Suggedd Sikone Grease: C-746 YG6260 SW?2 WTN-ETSU CIKMITAlS TUSIIT~A SIIJCON~ I’ORAY SILICONE 8. Other Conditions l.)This product is designed and built, for use under the normal environment. It is susceptible tokhe rad.iation. 2)AS ‘$j.s PrC$Ct is recomized as the S t r a t e g i c M a t e r i a l which is un&p control of I& Iradc & LJWrt Law, an export khxmce granted bi the govern-t j,s r&uj,ed for exportation, VOUT 0 ,/ 1 1 Rc 1 I I I I I Da lx! : Speci.f’.i~lion No. : 1 * Measuring circuit, (Svitching time) Base Current ---I- _Lt IBZ tb- 432 ~llector Current I . 2ops Rz -bBl 90% a h=800mA Dir Le : kc. 18, 1991 1 o- GND C Ic = 3.5 F k I : ‘ON A , Rr, = 2&6n , 182 Speci f icatioll No. I xse =80CI mA ss1+ 1 7 1 7 0 I’ rr/sl b.- 0 SANKEN E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y , STR-S6301 Reverse Bias A-S-0. curve LTD. h=100 p.sec (duky : 1% or less no fin natural cooling (Ta=Z!YC Lq ._ 6 mtl, Iel =3.&i, Iee =0.5A 2 cl H 4-l E 153 $ 48 3 I / 0.1 0 100 200 300 400 SOrJ 600 Collector-Emitter vohge V,, (V) Date: kc, 16, 1991 Spmzihation No. : SSIFl.7170E 7/9 SANKEN ELECTR 1 C C O M P A N Y , LTU- STR-S6000 series derating curve 5- S- i.- 0 20 46 Ambht tzmperatwe Dale: rl=. IG, 1991 Spet5fication No. : 80 60 Ta 100 125 (“Cl sm- 1 7 1 7 0 E.': I B/9 SANKEN ELECTRIC COMPANY. LTD. unit : mm 1 (1) Part Number : S6301 (2) Lut Number : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 1st digit : The last digit of AD y-1 2nd digit : yonth 5 9 : Jan, - Sept. N n 3rd & 4th digits : The :OclLokr 5 November ; December date 01 - 31 *I :The lead center is offset by 0.4m hxn the center of the package. *2 :The dimension measured at the closest point to the My. Date: Dec. 16, 1991 Specification No.: SSE-'L7170E g/9 5aG SAN'KEN ELEGTRfC ATTN : MT, Paul J . s¶ms FROM: Peter Chew CI3MPANY, L-TD. ALLegro H!LCrOayBtemB Sanken, Tokyo Inc. , CC: . FAX: DATE : 3u1, 4 , 1995 , W: Your fax 6129195 at 1334 DIE-fereace of STR-S630L. and STR-S6301A ’ Ikegardrlng the above meutioas that ~.he STIbS6301A hpE 20-40 (VCE -#4V , 1~ - 1A) *he STR-86301 hFE 15-40 (VCE = 4V , Tc = 1A) sre differsnca place. Best regarda,