SMV1845 9 939 Via Pasar • San Die go, CA 921 26 TEL (61 9) 62 1-2700 FAX (6 19) 6 21-27 22 VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR Rev B2 PHASE NOISE (1 Hz BW, typical) -20 -40 -60 FEAT URES -80 1815 - 1875 MHz • Frequency Range: • Tuning Voltage: 0.3-4.7 Vdc • - Style Package SUB APPLICATIONS • PCS Handhelds • Portable Receivers • Mobile Comunications -100 -120 100 1K 10K 100K OFFSET (Hz) VALUE UNIT S 1815 - 1875 MHz -92 dBc/Hz Harmonic Suppression (2nd, typ.) Tuning Voltage Tuning Sensitivity (avg.) -12 0.3-4.7 58 dBc Vdc MHz/V Power Output 8±2.5 dBm Load Impedance 50 Ω Input Capacitance (max.) 50 pF Pushing <9 MHz/V Pulling (14 dB Return Loss, Any Phase) <25 MHz -20 to 85 °C PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Oscillation Frequency Range Phase Noise @ 10 kHz offset (1 Hz BW, typ.) Operating Temperature Range Package Style SUB POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENT S Supply Voltage (Vcc, nom.) Supply Current (Icc, typ.) 5 Vdc 14 mA All specifi cations are typ ica l un less oth erwi se n oted and sub ject to cha nge wi thou t no tice. APPLICATION NOTES • AN-100/1 : Mounting and Grounding of VCOs • AN-102 : Proper Output Loading of VCOs • AN-107 : How to Solder Z-COMM VCOs NOTES: © Z-Comm unicati ons, Inc. Page 1 Al l rig hts reserved - 19 96 LOW COST - HIGH PERFORMANCE VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR SMV1845 PAGE 2 T UNING CURVE, typ. 2000 1950 1900 -20 °c °c °c 25 °c 1850 70 1800 25 1750 1700 1650 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 TUNING VOLTAGE (Vdc) POWER CURVE, typ. 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1693 1710 1726 1741 1758 1774 1792 1810 1829 1848 1868 1886 1904 1921 1938 1953 1967 FREQUENCY (MHz) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS © Z-Comm unicati ons, Inc. Page 2 Z-COMM