LED LAMP FYLFYL-5013IRCC 5013IRCC1C Package configuration Features: 5.8(.23) Single color High Power output Low power consumption High reliability and long long life General purpose leads RoHs complant. 5.0(.197) Descriptions: 7.7(.3) Dice material: AlGaAs Emitting Color: Infrared Device Outline: Φ5mm Round Type. Lens Type: Water clear. Max1.0(.04) 4.98(.196) Radiation pattern. CATHODE 1.0(.04) 25.4(1.0) 0.5(.02) ) 1 = x a m @ P O L y t i s n e t n I s u o n o i m u L e v i t a l e R ( 1.0(.04) 2.54(.1) All dimensions are millimeters (inches) Tolerance is ±0.25mm(.010”) unless otherwise noted. Absolute maximun ratings(Ta=25゜ ratings(Ta=25゜с) Parameter Symb Symb Test Condition MAX. Unit Power Dissipation pd Forward Current IFM Reverse Voltage VR -Duty=0.01ms 1khz IR=10UA 100 1000 9 mW mA V -30℃ to +80℃ -40℃ to +100℃ 260℃ for 5 Seconds Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Lead Soldering Temperature[4mm(.157”) From Electrical and optical characteristics(Ta=25゜ characteristics(Ta=25゜с) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Radiant Intensity Ee 70 90 -- Mw/sr Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 20 25 30 Deg Peak Emission λp - 850 - nm Spectral Line Half-Width △λ 40 45 50 nm Forward Voltage VF -- 1.5 1.8 V 10 uA Reverse Current 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com Test Condition IF=50mA 9V LED LAMP Typical Electrical Characteristics Curves (25゜ (25゜с Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted) Spectral Reduance (2) Normalized Response (1) (1)peak@850nm (2)peak@940nm Wave Length(nm) Forward Voltage Vs.Ambient Temperature 3 . 1 1000 Relative Forward Voltage Ie-Radiant Intensity(mW/sr) Relative Intensity Vs.Forward Current 100 10 100 1 10000 1000 25 50 If-Forward Current(mA) 0 5 1 10 5 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.2 75 Ambient Temperature C e r u t r e p m e T t n e i b m A . s V y t i s n e t n I e v i t a l e R 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 -40 C 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com -20 0 20 Ambient Temperature China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com 40 80 100 LED LAMP LAMP PACKING. Label 1 FORYARD Pb OPTOELECTRONICS Part No: Quanlity: Date: Q.A: QC1 PASSED 3mm.5mm.10mm Polybag ) s c p ( Y T ' Q 5 . 1 1 * 9 1 * 0 3 : ) m c ( n o i s n e m xi o BD . O N T R A P Label 2 FORYARD Pb OPTOELECTRONICS Part No: Quanlity: Date: Q.A: QC1 PASSED Anti-electrostatic bag DEVICE QTY/polybag(pcs) Polybag/box A 1000 8 bags Label 1 3mm(T-1 ) 1000 10 bags Label 1 10mm(T-1) 250 8 bags Label 1 500pcs 8 bags Label 2 5mm(T-1 3/4) Blue/Green/White Fig CARTON Dimension(cm):39*32*38 ) s c p ( Y T ' Q R E B M U N T R A P S G K 115 QiXin Road, NingBo, Zhejiang, TEL:86-574-87927870, 87933652 E-mail:sales@foryard.com S G K M C 8 3 * 1 3 * 8 3 W W : S . G . N A E M C/NO China 315051 FAX:86-574-87927917 http:/www.foryard.com 6 Boxes/Carton 5mm:48,000pcs 3mm:60,000pcs 10mm:12,000pcs Blue/Pure Green/bluish Green /White:24,000pcs