Telefon: +49 (0) 6135 931069 Telefax: +49 (0) 6135 931070 [email protected] M5 SERIES P8SG-XXXXZH30M 3 KV ISOLATED 1.5 W REGULATED DUAL OUTPUT DIP24 Available Inputs: 5, 12 and 24 VDC Available Outputs: (+/-) 3.6, 5, 7.2, 12, 15 and 18 VDC Other specifications please enquire. Electrical Specifications (Typical at + 25° C, nominal input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise specified) Input Specifications Voltage range Filter Isolation Specifications Rated voltage Leakage current Resistance Capacitance Output Specifications Voltage accuracy Ripple and noise (at 20 MHz BW) Short circuit protection Line voltage regulation Load voltage regulation Temperature coefficient General Specifications Efficiency Switching frequency Environmental Specifications Operating temperature (ambient) Storage temperature Derating Humidity Cooling Physical Characteristics Dimensions +/- 10 % Pi Network 3000 Vdc 1 mA 109 Ohm 60 pF typ. +/- 2 %, max. 75 mV p-p, max. Continuous , restart automatic +/- 0,5 % max. +/- 0,5 % max. +/- 0,02 % / °C 65 % to 85 % 125 KHz, typ. -25°C to +71°C - 55 °C to + 125 °C See graph Up to 90 %, non condensing Free air convection 31,75 x 20,32 x 10,16 mm 1,25 x 0,80 x 0,40 inches 14,5 g Nickel Coated Copper Weight Case material Examples of Partnumbers/Modelcode PART NO. P8SG053R6ZH30M P8SG-0505ZH30M P8SG-1205ZH30M P8SG-1212ZH30M P8SG-2405ZH30M P8SG247R2ZH30M P8SG-2415ZH30M INPUT VOLTAGE (VDC) Nominal INPUT CURRENT NO LOAD INPUT CURRENT FULL LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VDC) OUTPUT CURRENT (max. mA) EFFICIENCY FULL LOAD (% TYP.) 5 78 443 +/- 3,6 +/- 200 65 5 12 12 24 24 75 70 67 32 29 454 184 181 96 91 +/- 5 +/- 5 +/- 12 +/- 5 +/- 7.2 +/- 150 +/- 150 +/- 63 +/- 150 +/- 100 66 68 69 65 66 24 26 91 +/- 15 +/- 50 69 M5 SERIES P8SG-XXXXZH30M 3 KV ISOLATED 1.5 W REGULATED DUAL OUTPUT DIP24 Dimensions Derating Graph and Pinning Temperature Derating Graph Output Ambient Temperature ° C 71 1.50 W Safe Operating Area -25 0 40 Specification can be changed without notice. REV:2 / 09.2001 80 100 Pin # 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 Connection Dual + V Input + V Input Omitted Common Common Omitted - V Output Omitted + V Output Omitted - V Input - V Input Copyright PEAK electronics GmbH