Bothhand USA. e-mail: [email protected] HOME LAN NETWORKING BANDPASS FILTER Page : 1/1 P/N:HR004M: APPLY TO GENERIC IC Feature z z z z z Design for Home LAN Networking , Phone line & Ethernet. Supports TUT system Home LAN Technology. Surface mountable. Operating temperature range: 0°C to +70°C. Storage temperature range: -25°C to +125°C. Electrical Specifications @ 25°C Part Number HR004M Turns Ratio 1CT:1CT Insertion Loss Return Loss (dB Normal/Max) (dB Min) 6.0 MHz 7.5 MHz 9.0 MHz 6.0 MHz –9.0MHz -2.5/-3 -2.2/-2.5 -2.5/-3 -10 Continue Attenuation Part Number (Vrms) 1.0MHz HR004M HI-POT (dB) -65( Min) Schematic -70(Normal) 27MHz -47( Min) -55(Normal) 1500 Mechanical 462 Boston St - Topsfield, MA 01983 - Phone: 978-887-8050 - Fax: 978-887-5434 A8(02/08)