SWDT-1C B O WEI PIN SPDT Switches BOWEI INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CO.,LTD. Typical Performance Insertion Loss VS. Frequency Features INSERTION LOSS(dB) -0.4 range:20~2000MHz isolation ●Internal TTL driver ●Thin film construction,Absorptive design ●Operating temperature range:-55℃~+85℃ ●Frequency ●High Inter -1.4 20 Specifications( measured in a 50Ωsystem VCC=±5V, -55℃≤TA≤+85℃) Symbol Typical Guaranteed Unit 0.6 0.8 IL Insertion loss Isolation Frequency range f L ~f H VSWR of Input/Output VSWR VSWRO VSWR of Isolation - T on T off (20~200)MHz (0.2~1.0)MHz 1.6 (1.0~2.0)MHz 2.5 65 . 0 (20~200)MHz dB (0.2~1.0)MHz 60 . 0 50 . 0 (1.0~2.0)MHz MHz (20~2000)MHz 2.0:1 2.0:1 dB Iso us 0.4 2000 1000 Frequency(MHz) VSWR VS . Frequency 1.3 2.3 65.0 55 . 0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.5 : 1 1.0 20 1.3 : 1 △ VSWRi VSWRo(on) VSWRo(off) 2.0 70 . 0 VSWR Parameter Ta=+25℃ Ta=+85℃ Ta= - 55℃ 0.3 2000 1000 Frequency(MHz) “△” Measured at T C = 24±1℃ Isolation vs. Frequency Absolute Maximum Ratings 1 dB comp ression Input power:+ 18dBm Storage Temp:+125℃ TTL 8 9 11 7 4 RFin V - V+ 13 14 1 1 14 RF1 11 9 8 7 4,13 RF2 DIP-14C ISOLATION(dB) 45 55 65 Ta=+25℃ Ta=+85℃ Ta= - 55℃ 75 20 1000 2000 Frequency(MHz) Application Notes 1 . ESD observe handling precantions . Overtime soldering may cause Permanent damage 2 . The high level of TTL control signal should be higher than 3 . 5V and 2~3mA to provide 3 . When higher operating frequency and isolation and required , isolation measures should be used between input and output ports to abtain the guaranteed performance 4 . The decoupling capacitors (> 0 . 1uF and 10000pF ) are required to filter the iterference on the power port Switching Time 100nS/DIV TTL signal Output ● TEL:+86-311-87091891 87091887 ● FAX:+86-311-87091282 ● http://www.cn-bowei.com ● E-mail:cjian@cn-bowei.com 45