Pomona ® Model 1442 Adapter, Phono Jack To Double Banana Plug FEATURES: • Permits phono plug to be used with equipment having standard banana jacks or binding posts. MATERIALS: Upper Connector: Phono Jack Insulation: Polypropylene molded to phono jack and banana plug bodies. Color: Black Marking: “POMONA ELECTRONICS MODEL 1442 POMONA CALIFORNIA” Lower Connector: Double Banana Plug Spring – Beryllium Copper per QQ-C-533, Alloy 172, Cond. HT. Plug Body – Brass per QQ-B-626, Alloy 360, ½ Hard. Finish: Nickel plated per QQ-N-290, Class 2, 200/300 microinches. RATINGS: Operating Temperature: +50°C. (+122°F.) Max. Operating Voltage: 500VDC ORDERING INFORMATION: Model 1442 All dimensions are in inches. Tolerances (except noted): .xx = ±.02” (,51 mm), .xxx = ± .005” (,127 mm). All specifications are to the latest revisions. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies/ Made in USA 6/9/99 SY/EH/LS Sales: 800-490-2361 Fax: 888-403-3360 Technical Assistance: 800-241-2060 S:\Engineering \Release\DataSheets\FlukeDataSheet\d1442_1_01.doc PomonaACCESS 90830 (800) 444-6785 or (425) 446-6010 More drawings available at www.pomonaelectronics.com Page 1 of 1