Device 400TO220 Dice Material Light Color GaN UV UV-LED Package Dimensions: cathode - anode + n.c. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C Parameter Max. DC Forward Current 20 Operation Temperature Topr: -25 ~ +85 Storage emperature Topr: -25 ~ +100 Reverse Voltage 5 Lead Soldering Temperature [1.6mm From Body] 260°C for 3 seconds Unit mA °C °C V Electrical Optical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C Description Spectral Line Half-Width Forward Voltage Reverse Current Peak Emission Wavelength Viewing Angle Optical Power Symbol ∆λ Vf Ir λp 2θ1/2 Po Min. 390 2.5 Typ. 5 3.8 395 60 3.5 Max. 10 400 4.5 Unit nm V µA nm ° mW Test Condition If = 20 mA If = 20 mA Vr = 5 V If = 20 mA If = 20 mA If = 20 mA Notes: 1. Soldering shall be performed after lead forming. 2. All dimensions are in millimeters. 3. Static electricity damages the LEDs. It is recommended to take full care when handling products. ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK A-1040 Vienna, Austria Schönbrunner Straße 7 Tel.: +43-1-586 52 43 - 0 Fax.: +43-1-586 52 43 44 e-mail: