LP2950/LP2951 Solved by TM 100mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators • • • • • • • µ • Lead Free, RoHS Compliant Packages: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Now Available in Lead Free Packaging UNREGULATED DC 8 INPUT OUTPUT 7 + FEEDBACK 5V @ 00mA MAX 2 SENSE FROM CMOS OR TTL + _ 80kΩ ERROR AMPLIFIER 0kΩ 5V TAP SHUTDOWN 0kΩ 0 mV + + _ + .2V + 5 ______ ERROR DETECTION COMPARATOR ERROR µF . . TO CMOS OR TTL REFERENCE Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator GROUND © 2007 Sipex Corporation ≤ ≤ µ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ µ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ µ ≤ ≤ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation LP2950/51 PARAMETER CONDITIONS (Note 2) LP2951AC Min. Typ. Max. 8-Pin Versions only (Continued) Reference Voltage Temperature Coefficient Feedback Pin Bias Current Temperature Coefficient Error Comparator Output Leakage Current Output Low Voltage Upper Threshold Voltage Lower Threshold Voltage Hysteresis Min. LP2951C Typ. Max. UNITS 20 50 ppm/°C 0.1 0.1 nA/°C VOH = 30V 0.01 1 0.01 1 μA VIN= 4.5V IOL= 400 μA 150 250 150 250 mV (Note 7) 40 60 (Note 7) 75 (Note 7) 15 40 95 60 75 mV 95 15 mV mV Shutdown Input Input logic Voltage Shut down Pin Input Current Regulator Output Current in Shutdown Thermal Resistance θJA Low (Regulator ON) High (Regulator OFF) VS= 2.4V VS= 30V (Note 8) 8 Pin SOIC 3 Pin TO-92 2.0 1.3 0.7 30 675 3 50 800 10 2.0 1.3 0.7 30 675 3 50 800 10 V V μA μA μA 128. 4 °C/W 131.9 °C/W Note 1: Output or reference voltage temperature coefficients defined as the worst case voltage change divided by the total temperature range. Note 2: Unless otherwise specified all limits guaranteed for T J = 25°C, VIN= 6V, I L= 100 μA and CL = 1μF. Additional conditions for the 8-pin versions are feedback tied to 5V tap and output tied to output sense (VOUT= 5V) and V SHUTDOWN ≤0.8V. Note 3: Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low duty cycle. Changes i n output voltage due to heating effects are covered under the specification for thermal regulation. Note 4: Line regulation for the LP2951 is tested at IL= 1mA. For I L= 100 μA and TJ = 125°C, line regulation is guaranteed by design to 0.2%. See typical performance characteristics for line regulation versus temperature and load current. Note 5: Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 100 mV below its nominal value measured at 1V differential. At very low values of programmed output voltage, the minimum input supply voltage of 2V (2.3V over temperature) must be taken into account. Note 6: V REF ≤V OUT ≤(V IN- 1V), 2.3 ≤VIN≤30V, 100μA≤IL≤100mA, T J ≤T JMAX. Note 7: Comparator thresholds are expressed in terms of a voltage differential at the feedback terminal below the nomi nal reference voltage measured at 6V input. To express these thresholds in terms of output voltage change, multiply by the error amplifier gain = V OUT/VREF= (R 1+ R 2)/R2. For example, at a programmed output voltage of 5V, the error output is guaranteed to go low when the output drops by 95 mV x 5V/1.235 = 384 mV. Thresholds remain constant as a percent of V OUTas V OUT is varied, with the dropout warning occurring at typically 5% below nominal, 7.5% guaranteed. Note 8: VSHUTDOWN ≥2V, V IN ≤30V, V OUT=0, Feedback pin tied to 5V Tap. Note 9: All typical values are not guaranteed. The value could vary from lot to lot. Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation 225 R L= 3 R L =50kΩ 2 R L = 50k Ω 175 150 125 100 RL = 75 50 1 1 0.1 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 6 2 280 INPUT CURRENT (mA) 240 I L = 1mA 200 160 IL= 0 120 80 40 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 5 0.01 0.1 9 10 6 7 INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 100 16 R L =50 Ω VOUT = 5V 12 V IN = 6V I L = 100mA 8 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (ºC) INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Ground Current 10 Quiescent Current 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 8 1 LOAD CURRENT (mA) Input Current 320 0 4 INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Dropout Characteristics 0 3 GROUND CURRENT (mA) 0 INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) GROUND CURRENT (µA) GROUND PIN CURRENT (mA) 4 8 INPUT CURRENT (µA) 200 8 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 5 0 10 250 6 Ground Current Input Current 16 190 12 10 QUIESCENT CURRENT (µA) GROUND CURRENT (mA) 14 I L =100mA 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 170 V IN =6V I L =100uA 150 130 -75 -50 -25 Ground Current Mar8-07 Rev E 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (ºC) INPUT VOLTAGE Quiescent Current LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation 170 500 600 I L = 100mA 100 ~ ~ 50 I L = 100 µA 300 200 TJ = 25ºC 100 0 0 -75 -50 -25 0 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (mA) 400 300 160 400 DROP-OUT VOLTAGE (mV) 100µA 25 50 75 100 125 150 1mA TEMPERATURE (ºC) 10mA 120 110 2.5 T A = 125ºC SINK CURRENT (mA) 2.0 4 HYSTERESIS 2 0 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 1.0 T A = -55ºC 0.0 5 RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) I O = 1mA I O = 100mA 1 0.5 V OUT = 5V C L = 1 µF 0.2 0.1 0.05 1K 10K FREQUENCY (Hz) Output Impedance Mar8-07 Rev E 200 80 80 70 70 IL= 0 60 50 I L = 100 µA C L = 1 µF V IN = 6V V OUT = 5V 100K 1M 800 C L = 1µF V IN = 6V V OUT = 5V I L = 1mA 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 600 Line Transient Response 90 40 400 TIME(µs) 20 100 6V 0 90 30 0.02 10 8V 4V LP2951 Comparator Sink Current IO = 100 µA 2 C L = 1 µF I L = 1mA V OUT = 5V -50 mV ~ ~ OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V) Error Comparator Output 5 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 10 50 mV T A = 25ºC 0.5 PULLUP RESISTOR TO SEPARATE 5V SUPPLY -2 25 50 75 100 125 150 100 mV INPUT OUTPUT VOLTAGE VOLTAGE CHANGE 6 0 Short Circuit Current V OUT = 5V COMPARATOR OUTPUT (V) 130 TEMPERATURE (ºC) Drop-Out Voltage 8 OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (OHMS) 140 OUTPUT CURRENT Drop-Out Voltage 0.01 150 110 -75 -50 -25 100mA RIPPLE REJECTION (dB) DROP-OUT VOLTAGE (mV) 500 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 FREQUENCY (Hz) Ripple Rejection 10 6 I L = 10mA 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 5 10 4 10 6 FREQUENCY (Hz) Ripple Rejection LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation 20 50 1.9 FEEDBACK CURRENT (µA) 2.1 0 -10 -20 -30 1.7 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 40 100 20 100 ~~ mA 0 -60 ~ ~ 100 µA 100 µA µA 0 1 2 3 4 5 Load Transient Response 4 8 12 TIME (ms) 16 80 Vout=5V 60 40 100 T A = 85 ºC 20 0 5 10 15 20 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) LP2950 Maxium Rated Output 25 30 I L = 10mA V IN = 8V V OUT = 5V C L= 10 µF 0 2 0 Enable Transient 8-PIN MOLDED DIP SOLDERED TO PC BOARD T JMAX = 125º C V OUT = 5V 80 60 T A = 25ºC 40 T A = 50ºC 20 0 0 1 100 200 T A =25 ºC 2 TIME (us) 300 T JMAX = 125 ºC 3 120 PIN 2 TO PIN 4 RESISTANCE (kΩ) 100 4 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 400 TO-92 PACKAGE 0.25" LEADS SOLDERED TO PC BOARD 5 20 Load Transient Response 120 C L= 1 µF -2 0 TIME (ms) Mar8-07 Rev E C L = 10 µF V OUT = 5V OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) -100 SHUTDOWN OUTPUT PINOUT VOLTAGE (V) VOLTAGE (V) 6 150 LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE CURRENT CHANGE (mV) LOAD OUTPUT VOLTAGE CURRENT CHANGE (mV) 7 -40 1.0 LP2951 Feedback Pin Current 80 C L = 1 µF V OUT = 5V 0.5 FEEDBACK VOLTAGE (V) 60 -20 0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 -2.0 250 -50 T A = 55ºC -200 200 0 T A = 25ºC -150 -250 LP2951 Feedback Bias Current 50 TA=1 25ºC -100 TEMPEATURE (ºC) 100 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) -50 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE LP2951 Minimum Operating Voltage PIN 7 DRIVEN BY EXTERNAL SOURCE (REGULATOR RUN OPEN LOOP) 0 10 BIAS CURRENT (nA) MINIMUM OPERATING VOLTAGE (V) 2.3 T A = 85ºC 0 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (ºC) LP2951 Divider Resistance LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 0 5 10 15 20 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 25 30 LP2950 Maxium Rated Output Current © 2007 Sipex Corporation µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ µ Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation µ ° ° Ω µ µ µ µ Ω µ µ × µ Ω µ µ µ µ µ µ µ ≅ π × µ µ µ µ Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation +V IN 100K 8 +V IN 5 ______ ERROR ERROR OUTPUT V OUT 1.24 to 2 9V 1 LP2951 SHUTDOWN 3 INPUT + R1 SD GND 4 3.3µF .01µF FB 7 1.23V R2 V REF +V IN 470kΩ +V IN 8 5 ______ 470kΩ ERROR +V IN V OUT V OUT 1 8 3 RESET SD 4 ERROR OUTPUT R1 GND 5 ______ ERROR LP2951 +V IN V OUT + LP2951 1µF FB SHUTDOWN 7 INPUT 3 SD GND 4 R2 FB 7 *MINIMUM INPUT-OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGES FROM 40mV to 400mV. DEPENDING ON LOAD CURRENT. CURRENT LIMIT IS TYPICALLY 150mA Mar8-07 Rev E *V OUT = V IN 1 LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator © 2007 Sipex Corporation + 6V SEALED LEADACID BATTERY SOURCE 1.5kΩ 120kΩ 8 1N457 FB +V IN SPX385 V OUT 1 MAIN V+ LP2951 SENSE 400kΩ FOR 5.5 V 3 MEMORY V+ 2 + 1µF SD 100kΩ GND 20kΩ NI-CAD BACKUP BATTERY 4 Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 10 © 2007 Sipex Corporation +V IN 8 AUX SHUTDOW INPUT 0K Ω. +V IN _______ 5 ERROR SD OFF . LP295 ON V OUT GND FB + TEMP SENSOR 5 DEGREE SHUTDOWN FLAG EXTERNAL CIRCUIT PROTECTED FROM OVER TEMPERATURE (V+ GOES OFF WHEN TEMP > 25) 7 AS5 - OR RELAY 8.2K Ω +5V UNREGULATED INPUT .7mA 20mA 8 OUTPUT 8 +V IN V OUT N00 LP295 0.µF FB V OUT 7 2 N57 SENSE V TAP 0KΩ 2N52 (2) 27KΩ LP295 GND IN FB GND 7 5V 2 OUTPUT + 0K Ω .7µF LOAD 50mA TO 00 mA MIN VOLTAGE = V Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 11 © 2007 Sipex Corporation Package: 3 Pin TO-92 Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 12 © 2007 Sipex Corporation Package: 8 Pin NSOIC Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 13 © 2007 Sipex Corporation ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Accuracy Output Package Shipping Status Voltage LP2950ACN-L-3-3 0.50% 3.3V Lead Free 3 Pin TO-92 LP2950ACN-L-3-3/TR 0.50% 3.3V Lead Free Tape & Reel 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950ACN-L-5-0 0.50% 5.0V Lead Free 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950ACN-L-5-0/TR 0.50% 5.0V Lead Free Tape & Reel 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950CN-L-3-3 1% 3.3V Lead Free 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950CN-L-3-3/TR 1% 3.3V Lead Free Tape & Reel 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950CN-L-5-0 1% 5.0V Lead Free 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2950CN-L-5-0/TR 1% 5.0V Lead Free Tape & Reel 3 Pin TO-92 Active LP2951ACS-L-3-3 0.50% 3.3V Lead Free 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951ACS-L-3-3/TR 0.50% 3.3V Lead Free Tape & Reel 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951ACS-L-5-0 0.50% 5.0V/ADJ Lead Free 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951ACS-L-5-0/TR 0.50% 5.0V/ADJ Lead Free Tape & Reel 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951CS-L-3-3 1% 3.3V Lead Free 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951CS-L-3-3/TR 1% 3.3V Lead Free Tape & Reel 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951CS-L-5-0 1% 5.0V/ADJ Lead Free 8 Pin SOIC Active LP2951CS-L-5-0/TR 1% 5.0V/ADJ Lead Free Tape & Reel 8 Pin SOIC Solved by Bulk Active Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk Bulk Active Sipex Corporation TM Headquarters and Sales Office 233 South Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 TEL: (408) 934-7500 FAX: (408) 935-7600 Sipex Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein. Sipex does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 14 © 2007 Sipex Corporation ORDERING INFORMATION (continued) Part Number Accuracy Output Package Shipping Status Voltage LP2950ACN-3-3 0.50% 3.3V 3 Pin TO-92 Bulk EOL LP2950ACN-5-0 0.50% 5.0V 3 Pin TO-92 Bulk EOL LP2950CN-3-3 1% 3.3V 3 Pin TO-92 Bulk EOL LP2950CN-3-3/TR 1% 3.3V 3 Pin TO-92 Tape & Reel EOL LP2950CN-5-0 1% 5.0V 3 Pin TO-92 EOL LP2950CN-5-0/TR 1% 5.0V 3 Pin TO-92 Tape & Reel EOL LP2951ACS-3-3 0.50% 3.3V 8 Pin SOIC Bulk EOL LP2951ACS-5-0 0.50% 5.0V/ADJ 8 Pin SOIC Bulk EOL Bulk EOL Bulk LP2951CS-3-3 1% 3.3V 8 Pin SOIC LP2951CS-3-3/TR 1% 3.3V 8 Pin SOIC Tape & Reel LP2951CS-5-0 1% 5.0V/ADJ 8 Pin SOIC LP2951CS-5-0/TR 1% 5.0V/ADJ 8 Pin SOIC Tape & Reel Bulk EOL EOL EOL LP2950ACN-3-3/TR 0.50% 3.3V 3 Pin TO-92 Tape & Reel OBS LP2950ACN-5-0/TR 0.50% 5.0V 3 Pin TO-92 Tape & Reel OBS LP2951ACS-3-3/TR 0.50% 3.3V 8 Pin SOIC Tape & Reel OBS LP2951ACS-5-0/TR 0.50% 5.0V/ADJ 8 Pin SOIC Tape & Reel OBS Solved by Sipex Corporation TM Headquarters and Sales Office 233 South Hillview Drive Milpitas, CA 95035 TEL: (408) 934-7500 FAX: (408) 935-7600 Sipex Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein. Sipex does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Mar8-07 Rev E LP2950-51 Low Dropout Linear Regulator 15 © 2007 Sipex Corporation