147 Central Avenue Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 Tel: 201-489-8989 • Fax: 201-489-6911 CHICAGO MINIATURE LAMP, INC. WHERE INNOVATION COMES TO LIGHT 5620 Series Rectangular Right Angle LED Assembly DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES .370 .520 .095±.005 .560 .470 .010±.002 .140 .200 .260 .080 .100 Features •Block mounting design assures height and side-by-side spacing. •Large 2.4mm x 7.3mm flat LED face has even light distribution. •High light intensity output-ideal for back lighting legends. •Holding/press-in pins secure block to board while being soldered. •Standoffs prevent flux entrapment. .150 MIN. ANODE (+) .020 S T AND-OF F F OR P OS T C LE ANING .230 .200 .040 Housing: Black Nylon, UL94V-O Mounting hole pattern on page 1-X7. .300 .285±.010 .020 S UP E R B R IT E LE D 4306 S E R . All dimensions in inches. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND RATINGS P art Number 5620R 1 5620R 5 5620R 7 E mitted C olor R ed G reen Y ellow T ypical Intensity (mcd) 5 3 5 R ated C urrent (mA) 20 20 20 C ontinuous F orward C urrent Max. (mA) T yp. (V ) 30 30 20 2.1 2.3 2.2 Max. (V ) R everse B reakdown V oltage Min. (V ) P eak Wavelength (nm) 3.0 3.0 3.0 5 5 5 635 565 585 F orward V oltage Chicago Miniature Lamp reserves the right to make specification revisions that enhance the design and/or performance of the product 1-179