Macroblock MBI6010 Advance Information 3-Channel Driver for RGB LED Cluster Features z 3 constant current channels for RGB LED cluster z Output current invariant to load voltage change: 5V~ 12V z Constant output current range: 3~ 60mA z Output buffers for CLK, SDI, LE, and OE z Output current accuracy: MBI5168CP MBI6010CP between channels: < ±5% (max.), and between ICs: < ±5% (max.) z Built-in voltage regulator for 5~ 12V supply voltage z 5 MHz clock frequency SSOP16-150-0.64 Weight:0.07g Applications z Ground/Wall indicator z Architectural lighting z Entertainment lighting z City beautification z Landscape lighting z Signage/sign board Macroblock, Inc. 2004 Floor 6-4, No.18, Pu-Ting Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077, ROC. TEL: +886-3-579-0068, FAX: +886-3-579-7534 E-mail: [email protected] -1September 2004, V0.5 MBI6010 3-Channel RGB LED Cluster Driver Block Diagram R-EXT0 R-EXT1 R-EXT2 OUT0 OUT1 Output Driver Output Driver OUT 2 IO Regulator Voltage VDD (5V~ 12V) 5V Regulator 5V OE 3-bit Data Latch LE Output Driver OE _ OUT LE_OUT 3 GND 3-bit Shift Register SDI SDO CLK_OUT CLK Terminal Description Pin No. 1 2, 15 3, 14 4 5, 12 6~ 8 9~ 11 Pin Name Pin Configuration Function Ground terminal for control logic and current sink Output enable terminal OE , When(active)low, the output drivers are OE _ OUT enabled; when high, all output drivers are turned OFF (blanked) Data strobe input terminal Serial data is transferred to the output LE, LE_OUT latch when LE is high. The data is latched when LE goes low. GND SDI CLK, CLK_OUT R-EXT0, R-EXT1, R-EXT2 Serial-data input to the shift register Clock input terminal for data shift on rising edge Input terminal used to connect an external resistor for setting up output current for all output channels OUT0 ~ OUT 2 Constant current output terminal 13 SDO Serial-data output to the following SDI of next driver IC 16 VDD 5- 12V supply voltage terminal -2- September 2004, V0.5 MBI6010 3-Channel RGB LED Cluster Driver Equivalent Circuits of Inputs and Outputs LE terminal OE terminal 5V 12V 5V 12V IN IN CLK, SDI terminal SDO terminal 5V 5V 12V 12V OUT IN Timing Diagram N= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …. …. N-2 N-1 N CLK SDI LE OE OUT0 OUT1 OUT2 -3- September 2004, V0.5 MBI6010 3-Channel RGB LED Cluster Driver Maximum Ratings Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit Supply Voltage VDD 5~12 V Input Voltage VIN -0.4~VDD + 0.4 V Output Current IOUT +60 Output Voltage VDS -0.5~+12.0 GND Terminal Current IGND 180 mA Operating Temperature Topr -40~+85 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -55~+150 °C mA V Electrical Characteristics Characteristic Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply Voltage VDD - 4.5 - 12 V Output Voltage VDS OUT0 ~ OUT2 - - 17.0 V IOUT DC Test Circuit 3 - 60 mA - - TBD mA - - TBD mA IOL SDO, LE_OUT, OE_OUT, CLK_OUT SDO, LE_OUT, OE_OUT, CLK_OUT “H” level VIH Ta = -40~85ºC 0.8VDD - VDD V “L” level VIL Ta = -40~85ºC GND - 0.3VDD V Output Leakage Current IOH VOH=17.0V - - 0.5 µA SDO, LE_OUT, Output Voltage OE_OUT, CLK_OUT VOL IOL=+1.0mA - - 0.4 V VOH IOH=-1.0mA 4.6 - - V Output Current 1 IOUT1 VDS=0.6V Rext=TBD - 26.25 - mA Current Skew dIOUT1 IOL=26.25mA VDS=0.6V Rext=TBD - - ±5 % Output Current 2 IOUT2 VDS=0.8V Rext=TBD - 52.5 - mA dIOUT2 IOL=52.5mA VDS=0.8V Rext=TBD - - ±5 % IOH Output Current Input Voltage Current Skew Output Current vs. Output Voltage Regulation Output Current vs. Supply Voltage Regulation %/dVDS VDS within 1.0V and 3.0V - ±0.1 - %/V %/dVDD VDD within 4.5V and 12V - ±1 - %/V Pull-up Resistor RIN(up) OE 250 500 800 KΩ Pull-down Resistor RIN(down) LE 250 500 800 KΩ -4- September 2004, V0.5