TABLE 5 © 2013 Rochester Electronics, LLC. All Rights Reserved 03252013 54/74C89 For complete Rochester ordering guide, please refer to page 2 Please consult factory for specific package availability Rochester Electronics guarantees performance of its semiconductor products to the original OEM specifications. “Typical” values are for reference purposes only. Certain minimum or maximum ratings may be based on product characterization, design, simulation, or sample testing. Rochester Electronics reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any specification herein. Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 9 of Page 14 1 of 6 54/74C89 Rochester Ordering Guide Rochester Part Number National Semiconductor Part Number Package Temperature MM54C89J MM54C89J CDIP-16 -55° to +125°C MM54C89J/B MM54C89J/883 CDIP-16 -55° to +125°C MM54C89W MM54C89W SOP-16, Ceramic -55° to +125°C MM54C89W/B MM54C89W/883 SOP-16, Ceramic -55° to +125°C MM54C89D MM54C89D CDIP-16 -55° to +125°C MM54C89D/B MM54C89D/883 CDIP-16 -55° to +125°C MM54C89F MM54C89F FP-16, Ceramic -55° to +125°C MM74C89J MM74C89J CDIP-16 -40° to +85°C MM74C89N MM74C89N PDIP-16 -40° to +85°C Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C Page 2 of 6 TABLE 5 TABLE 5 54/74C89 SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 10 of 14 Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C Page 3 of 6 SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 10 of 14 TABLE 5 54/74C89 Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C Page 4 of 6 SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 11 of 14 TABLE 5 54/74C89 Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C Page 5 of 6 SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 12 of 14 TABLE 5 54/74C89 Rochester Electronics guarantees performance of its semiconductor products to the original OEM specifications. “Typical” values are for reference purposes only. Certain minimum or maximum ratings may be based on product characterization, design, simulation, or sample testing. Rochester Electronics reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any specification herein. Specification Number 54_74C89-CM(N) REV C Page 6 of 6 SPECIFICATION NUMBER: 54C89J/B REV. - PAGE: 13 of 14