NS32202-10 Interrupt Control Unit General Description Features The NS32202 Interrupt Control Unit (ICU) is the interrupt controller for the Series 32000É microprocessor family. It is a support circuit that minimizes the software and real-time overhead required to handle multi-level, prioritized interrupts. A single NS32202 manages up to 16 interrupt sources, resolvesinterruptpriorities,andsuppliesasingle-byteinterrupt vector to the CPU. The NS32202 can operate in either of two data bus modes: 16-bit or 8-bit. In the 16-bit mode, eight hardware and eight software interrupt positions are available. In the 8-bit mode, 16 hardware interrupt positions are available, 8 of which can be used as software interrupts. In this mode, up to 16 additional ICUs may be cascaded to handle a maximum of 256 interrupts. Two 16-bit counters, which may be concatenated under program control into a single 32-bit counter, are also available for real-time applications. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 16 maskable interrupt sources, cascadable to 256 Programmable 8- or 16-bit data bus mode Edge or level triggering for each hardware interrupt with individually selectable polarities 8 software interrupts Fixed or rotating priority modes Two 16-bit, DC to 10 MHz counters, that may be concatenated into a single 32-bit counter Optional 8-bit I/O port available in 8-bit data bus mode High-speed XMOSTM technology Single, a 5V supply 40-pin, dual in-line package Basic System Configuration TL/EE/5117 – 1 Series 32000É is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corp. XMOSTM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp. C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/EE/5117 RRD-B30M105/Printed in U. S. A. NS32202-10 Interrupt Control Unit July 1991 Table of Contents 3.0 ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION (Continued) 3.9 FPRT - First Priority Registers (R14, R15) 3.10 MCTL - Mode Control Register (R16) 3.11 OSCASN - Output Clock Assignment (R17) 3.12 CIPTR - Counter Interrupt Pointer Register (R18) 3.13 PDAT - Port Dada Register (R19) 3.14 IPS - Interrupt/Port Select Register (R20) 3.15 PDIR - Port Direction Register (R21) 3.16 CCTL - Counter Control Register (R22) 3.17 CICTL - Counter Interrupt Control Register (R23) 3.18 LCSV/HCSV - L-Counter Starting Value/H-Counter Starting Value Registers (R24, R25, R26, and R27) 3.19 LCCV/HCCV - L-Counter Current Value/H-Counter Current Value Registers (R28, R29, R30, and R31) 3.20 Register Initialization 1.0 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 1.1 I/O Buffers 1.2 Read/Write Logic and Decoders 1.3 Timing and Control 1.4 Priority Control 1.5 Counters 2.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Reset 2.2 Initialization 2.3 Vectored Interrupt Handling 2.3.1 Non-Cascaded Operation 2.3.2 Cascade Operation 2.4 Internal ICU Operating Sequence 2.5 Interrupt Priority Modes 4.0 DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS 2.5.1 Fixed Priority Mode 4.1 NS32202 Pin Descriptions 2.5.2 Auto-Rotate Mode 2.5.3 Special Mask Mode 2.5.4 Polling Mode 4.1.1 Power Supply 4.1.2 Input Signals 4.1.3 Output Signals 4.1.4 Input/Output Signals 3.0 ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 HVCT - Hardware Vector Register (R0) 3.2 SVCT - Software Vector Register (R1) 3.3 ELTG - Edge/Level Triggering Registers (R2, R3) 3.4 TPL - Triggering Polarity Registers (R4, R5) 3.5 IPND - Interrupt Pending Registers (R6, R7) 3.6 ISRV - Interrupt In-Service Registers (R8, R9) 3.7 IMSK - Interrupt Mask Registers (R10, R11) 3.8 CSRC - Cascaded Source Registers (R12, R13) 4.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings 4.3 Electrical Characteristics 4.4 Switching Characteristics 4.4.1 Definitions Timing Tables Timing Diagrams List of Illustrations NS32202 ICU Block Diagram ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-1 Counter Output Signals in Pulsed Form and Square Waveform for Three Different Initial ValuesÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-2 Counter Configuration and Basic Operations ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-3 Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 16-Bit Bus Mode ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-1 Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 8-Bit Bus Mode ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-2 Cascaded Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 8-Bit Bus Mode ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-3 CPU Interrupt Acknowledge SequenceÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-4 Interrupt Dispatch and Cascade Tables ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-5 CPU Return from Interrupt Sequence ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-6 ICU Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-7 ICU Return from Interrupt Sequence ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ2-8 ICU Internal Registers ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ3-1 HVCT Register Data Coding ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ3-2 Recommended ICU’s Initialization Sequence ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ3-3 NS32202 ICU Connection Diagram ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-1 Timing Specification Standard ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-2 READ/INTA Cycle ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-3 Write CycleÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-4 Interrupt Timing in Edge Triggering ModeÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-5 Interrupt Timing in Level Triggering Mode ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-6 External Interrupt-Sampling-Clock to be Provided at Pin COUT/SCIN When in Test ModeÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-7 Internal Interrupt-Sampling-Clock to be Provided at Pin COUT/SCIN ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-8 Relationship Between Clock Input at Pin CLK and Counter Output Signals at Pins COUT/SCIN or G0/R0 – G3/R6, in Both Pulsed Form and Square Waveform ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-9 2 1.0 Product Introduction The NS32202 ICU functions as an overall manager in an interrupt-oriented system environment. Its many features and options permit the design of sophisticated interrupt systems. 1.4 PRIORITY CONTROL The Priority Control Block contains 16 units, one for each interrupt position. These units provide the following functions. # Sensing the various forms of hardware interrupt signals e.g. level (high/low) or edge (rising/falling) # Resolving priorities and generating an interrupt request to the CPU # Handling cascaded arrangements # Enabling software interrupts # Providing for an automatic return from interrupt # Enabling the assignment of any interrupt position to the internal counters # Providing for rearrangement of priorities by assigning the first priority to any interrupt position # Enabling automatic rotation of priorities Figure 1–1 shows the internal organization of the NS32202. As shown, the NS32202 is divided into five functional blocks. These are described in the following paragraphs: 1.1 I/O BUFFERS AND LATCHES The I/O Buffers and Latches block is the interface with the system data bus. It contains bidirectional buffers for the data I/O pins. It also contains registers and logic circuits that control the operation of pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G7/IR14 when the ICU is in the 8-bit bus mode. 1.2 READ/WRITE LOGIC AND DECODERS The Read/Write Logic and Decoders manage all internal and external data transfers for the ICU. These include Data, Control, and Status Transfers. This circuit accepts inputs from the CPU address and control buses. In turn, it issues commands to access the internal registers of the ICU. 1.5 COUNTERS This block contains two 16-bit counters, called the H-counter and the L-counter. These are down counters that count from an initial value to zero. Both counters have a 16-bit register (designated HCSV and LCSV) for loading their restarting values. They also have registers containing the current count values (HCCV and LCCV). Both sets of registers are fully described in Section 3. 1.3 TIMING AND CONTROL The Timing and Control Block contains status elements that select the ICU operating mode. It also contains state machines that generate all the necessary sequencing and control signals. TL/EE/5117 – 2 FIGURE 1 – 1. NS32202 ICU Block Diagram 3 1.0 Product Introduction (Continued) 2.0 Functional Description The counters are under program control and can be used to generate interrupts. When the count reaches zero, either counter can generate an interrupt request to any of the 16 interrupt positions. The counter then reloads the start value from the appropriate registers and resumes counting. Figure 1–2 shows typical counter output signals available from the NS32202. The maximum input clock frequency is 2.5 MHz. A divide-by-four prescaler is also provided. When the prescaler is used, the input clock frequency can be up to 10 MHz. When intervals longer than provided by a 16-bit counter are needed, the L- and H-counters can be concatenated to form a 32-bit counter. In this case, both counters are controlled by the H-counter control bits. Refer to the discussion of the Counter Control Register in Section 3 for additional information. Figure 1-3 summarizes counter read/write operations. 2.1 RESET The ICU is reset when a logic low signal is present on the RST pin. At reset, most internal ICU registers are affected, and the ICU becomes inactive. 2.2 INITIALIZATION After reset, the CPU must initialize the NS32202 to establish its configuration. Proper initialization requires knowledge of the ICU register’s formats. Therefore, a flowchart of a recommended initialization sequence is shown in (Figure 3–3 ) after the discussion of the ICU registers. The operation sequence shown in Figure 3–3 ensures that all counter output pins remain inactive until the counters are completely initialized. 2.3 VECTORED INTERRUPT HANDLING For details on the operation of the vectored interrupt mode for a particular Series 32000 CPU, refer to the data sheet for TL/EE/5117 – 4 FIGURE 1 – 2. Counter Output Signals in Pulsed Form and Square Waveform for Three Different Initial Values 4 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) rupt Output (INT) pin and generates an interrupt vector byte. The interrupt vector byte identifies the interrupt source in its four least significant bits. When the CPU detects a low level on its Interrupt Input pin, it performs one or two interrupt acknowledge cycles depending on whether the interrupt request is from the master ICU or a cascaded ICU. Figure 2–4 shows a flowchart of a typical CPU Interrupt Acknowledge sequence. that CPU. In this discussion, it is assumed that the NS32202 is working with a CPU in the vectored interrupt mode. Several ICU applications are discussed, including non-cascaded and cascaded operation. Figures 2–1, 2–2, and 2–3 show typical configurations of the ICU used with the NS32016 CPU. A peripheral device issues an interrupt request by sending the proper signal to one of the NS32202 interrupt inputs. If the interrupt input is not masked, the ICU activates its Inter- TL/EE/5117 – 5 BASIC OPERATIONS: Af WRITING TO LCSV/HCSV w (IDB) x (IDB) B f w (IDB) C f w (IDB) C f x (IDB) Af READING LCSV/HCSV WRITING TO LCCV/HCCV (only possible when counters are halted) READING LCCV/HCCV (only possible when counter readings are frozen) COUNTER COUNTS AND READINGS ARE NOT FROZEN Cf COUNTER RELOADS STARTING VALUE Bf w Bf w Af (occurs on the clock cycle following the one in which it reaches zero) FIGURE 1–3. Counter Configuration and Basic Operations 5 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 6 FIGURE 2–1. Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 16-Bit Bus Mode TL/EE/5117 – 7 NOTE: In the 8-Bit Bus Mode the Master ICU Registers appear at even addresses (A0 e 0) since the ICU communicates with the least significant byte of the CPU data bus. FIGURE 2–2. Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 8-Bit Bus Mode 6 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 8 FIGURE 2–3. Cascaded Interrupt Control Unit Connections in 8-Bit Bus Mode 7 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) * Cond. A is true if current instruction is terminated or an interruptible point in a string instruction is reached. TL/EE/5117 – 9 FIGURE 2–4. CPU Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence 8 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) 2.3.2 Cascaded Operation. In cascaded operation, one or more of the interrupt inputs of the master ICU are connected to the Interrupt Output pin of one or more cascaded ICUs. Up to 16 cascaded ICUs may be used, giving a system total of 256 interrupts. In general, vectored interrupts are serviced by interrupt routines stored in system memory. The Dispatch Table stores up to 256 external procedure descriptors for the various service procedures. The CPU INTBASE register points to the top of the Dispatch Table. Figure 2–5 shows the layout of the Dispatch Table. This figure also shows the layout of the Cascade Table, which is discussed with ICU cascaded operation. Note: The number of cascaded ICUs is practically limited to 15 because the Dispatch Table for the NS32016 CPU is constructed with entries 1 through 15 either used for NMI and Trap descriptors, or reserved for future use. Interrupt position 0 of the master ICU should not be cascaded, so it can be vectored through Dispatch Table entry 0, reserved for non-vectored interrupts. In this case, the non-vectored interrupt entry (entry 0) is also available for vectored interrupt operation, since the CPU is operating in the vectored interrupt mode. 2.3.1 Non-Cascaded Operation. Whenever an interrupt request from a peripheral device is issued directly to the master ICU, a non-cascaded interrupt request to the CPU results. In a system using a single NS32202, up to 16 interrupt requests can be prioritized. Upon receipt of an interrupt request on the INT pin, the CPU performs a Master InterruptAcknowledge bus cycle, reading a vector byte from address FFFE0016. This vector is then used as an index into the dispatch table in order to find the External Procedure Descriptor for the proper interrupt service procedure. The service procedure eventually returns via the Return-from-Interrupt (RET) instruction, which performs a Return-from-Interrupt bus cycle, informing the ICU that it may re-prioritize any interrupt requests still pending. Figure 2–6 shows a typical CPU RETI sequence. In a system with only one ICU, the vectors provided must be in the range of 0 through 127; this can be ensured by writing 0XXXXXXX into the SVCT register. By providing a negative vector value, the master ICU flags the interrupt source as a cascaded ICU (see below). The address of the master ICU should be FFFE0016. (*) Cascaded ICUs can be located at any system address. A list of cascaded ICU addresses is maintained in the Cascade Table as a series of sixteen 32-bit entries. (*)Note: The CPU status corresponding to both, master interrupt acknowledge and return from interrupt bus cycles, as well as address bit A8, could be used to generate the chip select (CS) signal for accessing the master ICU during one of the above cycles. In this case the master ICU can reside at any system address. The only limitation is that the least significant 5 or 6 address bits (6 in the 8-bit bus mode) must be zero. The address bit A8 must be decoded to prevent an NMI bus cycle from reading the hardware vector register of the ICU. This could happen, since the NS32016 CPU performs a dummy read cycle from address FFFF0016, with the same status as a master INTA cycle, when a non-maskable-interrupt is acknowledged. TL/EE/5117 – 10 * Table entries 1 to 15 should not be used by the ICU since they contain NMI and Trap Descriptors or are reserved for future use. (For more details refer to NS32016 data sheet.) FIGURE 2–5. Interrupt Dispatch and Cascade Tables 9 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) cascaded ICU, of course, has its own set of 16 unique interrupt vectors, one vector for each of its 16 interrupt positions. The CPU interprets the vector value read during a Cascaded Interrupt Acknowledge cycle as an unsigned number. Thus, this vector can be in the range 0 through 255. When a cascaded interrupt service routine completes its task, it must return control to the interrupted program with the same RETI instruction used in non-cascaded interrupt service routines. However, when the CPU performs a Master Return From Interrupt cycle, the CPU accesses the master ICU and reads the negative Cascade Table index identifying the cascaded ICU that originally received the interrupt request. Using the cascaded ICU address, the CPU now performs a Cascaded Return From Interrupt cycle, informing the cascaded ICU that the service routine is over. The byte provided by the cascaded ICU during this cycle is ignored. 2.4 INTERNAL ICU OPERATING SEQUENCE The NS32202 ICU accepts two interrupt types, software and hardware. Software interrupts are initiated when the CPU sets the proper bit in the Interrupt Pending (IPND) registers (R6, R7), located in the ICU. Bits are set and reset by writing the proper byte to either R6 or R7. Software interrupts can be masked, by setting the proper bit in the mask registers (R10, R11). Hardware interrupts can be either internal or external to the ICU. Internal ICU hardware interrupts are initiated by the onchip counter outputs. External hardware interrupts are initiated by devices external to the ICU, that are connected to any of the ICU interrupt input pins. Hardware interrupts can be masked by setting the proper bit in the mask registers (R10, R11). If the Freeze bit (FRZ), located in the Mode Control Register (MCTL), is set, all incoming hardware interrupts are inhibited from setting their corresponding bits in the IPND registers. This prevents the ICU from recognizing any hardware interrupts. Once the ICU is initialized, it is enabled to accept interrupts. If an active interrupt is not masked, and has a higher priority than any interrupt currently being serviced, the ICU activates its Interrupt Output (INT). Figure 2–7 is a flowchart showing the ICU interrupt acknowledge sequence. The CPU responds to the active INT line by performing an Interrupt Acknowledge bus cycle. During this cycle, the ICU clears the IPND bit corresponding to the active interrupt position and sets the corresponding bit in the Interrupt In-Service Registers (ISRV). The 4-bit in-service counter in the master ICU is also incremented by one if the fixed priority mode is selected and the interrupt is from a cascaded ICU. The ISRV bit remains set until the CPU performs a RETI bus cycle and the 4-bit in-service counter is decremented to zero. Figure 2–8 is a flowchart showing ICU operation during a RETI bus cycle. When the ISRV bit is set, the INT output is disabled. This output remains inactive until a higher priority interrupt position becomes active, or the ISRV bit is cleared. An exception to the above occurs in the master ICU when the fixed priority mode is selected, and the interrupt input is connected to the INT output of a cascaded ICU. In this case the ISRV bit does not inhibit an interrupt of the same priority. This is to allow nesting of interrupts in a cascaded ICU. TL/EE/5117–11 FIGURE 2 – 6. CPU Return from Interrupt Sequence The master ICU maintains a list (in the CSRC register pair) of its interrupt positions that are cascaded. It also provides a 4-bit (hidden) counter (in-service counter) for each interrupt position to keep track of the number of interrupts being serviced in the cascade ICUs. When a cascaded interrupt input is active, the master ICU activates its interrupt output and the CPU responds with a Master Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle. However, instead of generating a positive interrupt vector, the master ICU generates a negative Cascade Table index. The CPU interprets the negative number returned from the master ICU as an index into the Cascade Table. The Cascade Table is located in a negative direction from the Dispatch Table, and it contains the virtual addresses of the hardware vector registers for any cascaded NS32202s in the system. Thus, the Cascade Table index supplied by the master ICU identifies the cascaded ICU that requested the interrupt. Once the cascaded ICU is identified, the CPU performs a Cascaded Interrupt Acknowledge cycle. During this cycle, the CPU reads the final vector value directly from the cascaded ICU, and uses it to access the Dispatch Table. Each 10 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) * Cond. B is true if any one of the following conditions is satisfied. 1) No interrupt is being serviced 2) There is a pending unmasked interrupt with priority higher than that of the interrupt being serviced. 3) There is a pending unmasked interrupt from a cascaded ICU with priority higher or same as that of the highest priority interrupt position in the master ICU with the ISRV bit set. TL/EE/5117 – 12 FIGURE 2–7. ICU Interrupt Acknowledge Sequence 11 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 13 FIGURE 2–8. ICU Return from Interrupt Sequence 12 2.0 Functional Description (Continued) The bits of the ISRV registers are changed with either the Set Bit Interlocked or Clear Bit Interlocked instructions (SBITIW or CBITIW). The in-service bit is cleared to enable lower priority interrupts and set to disable them. 2.5 INTERRUPT PRIORITY MODES The NS32202 ICU can operate in one of four interrupt priority modes: Fixed Priority; Auto-Rotate; Special Mask; and Polling. Each mode is described below. Note: For proper operation of the ICU, an interrupt service routine must set its ISRV bit before executing the RETI instruction. This prevents the RETI cycle from clearing the wrong ISRV bit. 2.5.1 Fixed Priority Mode In the Fixed Priority Mode (also called Fully Nested Mode), each interrupt position is ranked in priority from 0 to 15, with 0 being the highest priority. In this mode, the processing of lower priority interrupts is nested with higher priority interrupts. Thus, while an interrupt is being serviced, any other interrupts of the same or lower priority are inhibited. The ICU does, however, recognize higher priority interrupt requests. When the interrupt service routine executes its RETI instruction, the corresponding ISRV bit is cleared. This allows any lower priority interrupt request to be serviced by the CPU. At reset, the default priority assignment gives interrupt IR0 priority 0 (highest priority), interrupt IR1 priority 1, and so forth. Interrupt IR15 is, of course, assigned priority 15, the lowest priority. The default priority assignment can be altered by writing an appropriate value into register FPRT (L) as explained in Section 3.9. 2.5.4 Polling Mode The Polling Mode gives complete control of interrupt priority to the system software. Either some or all of the interrupt positions can be assigned to the polling mode. To assign all interrupt positions to the polling mode, the CPU interrupt enable flag is reset. To assign only some of the interrupt positions to the polling mode, the desired interrupt positions are masked in the Interrupt Mask registers (IMSK). In either case, the polling operation consists of reading the Interrupt Pending (IPND) registers. If necessary, the IPND read can be synchronized by setting the Freeze (FRZ) bit in the Mode Control register (MCTL). This prevents any change in the IPND registers during the read. The FRZ bit must be reset after the polling operation so the IPND contents can be updated. If an edge-triggered interrupt occurs while the IPND registers are frozen, the interrupt request is latched, and transferred to the IPND registers as soon as FRZ is reset. The polling mode is useful when a single routine is used to service several interrupt levels. Note: When the ICU generates an interrupt request to the CPU for a higher priority interrupt while a lower priority interrupt is still being serviced by the CPU, the CPU responds to the interrupt request only if its internal interrupt enable flag is set. Normally, this flag is reset at the beginning of an interrupt acknowledge cycle and set during the RETI cycle. If the CPU is to respond to higher priority interrupts during any interrupt service routine, the service routine must set the internal CPU interrupt enable flag, as soon during the service routine as desired. 3.0 Architectural Description 2.5.2 Auto-Rotate Mode The Auto Rotate Mode is selected when the NTAR bit is set to 0, and is automatically entered after Reset. In this mode an interrupt source position is automatically assigned lowest priority after a request at that position has been serviced. Highest priority then passes to the next lower priority position. For example, when servicing of the interrupt request at position 3 is completed (ISRV bit 3 is cleared), interrupt position 3 is assigned lowest priority and position 4 assumes highest priority. The nesting of interrupts is inhibited, since the interrupt being serviced always has the highest priority. This mode is used when the interrupting devices have to be assigned equal priority. A device requesting an interrupt, will have to wait, in the worst case, until each of the 15 other devices has been serviced at most once. The NS32202 has thirty-two 8-bit registers that can be accessed either individually or in pairs. In 16-bit data bus mode, register pairs can be accessed with the CPU word or double-word reference instructions. Figure 3–1 shows the ICU internal registers. This figure summarizes the name, function, and offset address for each register. Because some registers hold similar data, they are grouped into functional pairs and assigned a single name. However, if a single register in a pair is referenced, either an L or an H is appended to the register name. The letters are placed in parentheses and stand for the low order 8 bits (L) and the high order 8 bits (H). For example, register R6, part of the Interrupt Pending (IPND) register pair, is referred to individually as IPND(L). The following paragraphs give detailed descriptions of the registers shown in Figure 3–1. 2.5.3 Special Mask Mode The Special Mask Mode is used when it is necessary to dynamically alter the ICU priority structure while an interrupt is being serviced. For example, it may be desired in a particular interrupt service routine to enable lower priority interrupts during a part of the routine. To do so, the ICU must be programmed in fixed priority mode and the interrupt service routine must control its own in-service bit in the ISRV registers. 3.1 HVCT Ð HARDWARE VECTOR REGISTER (R0) The HVCT register is a single register that contains the interrupt vector byte supplied to the CPU during an Interrupt Acknowledge (INTA) or Return From Interrupt (RETI) cycle. The HVCT bit map is shown below: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 B 13 B B B V V V V 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) REG. NUMBER AND ADDRESS IN HEX. REG. NAME REG. FUNCTION R0 (0016) HVCT Ð HARDWARE VECTOR R1 (0116) SVCT Ð SOFTWARE VECTOR R3 (0316) R2 (0216) ELTG Ð EDGE/LEVEL TRIGGERING R5 (0516) R4 (0416) TPL Ð TRIGGERING POLARITY R7 (0716) R6 (0616) IPND Ð INTERRUPTS PENDING R9 (0916) R8 (0816) ISRV Ð INTERRUPTS IN-SERVICE R11 (0B16) R10 (0A16) IMSK Ð INTERRUPT MASK R13 (0D16) R12 (0C16) CSRC Ð CASCADED SOURCE R15 (0F16) R14 (0E16) FPRT Ð FIRST PRIORITY R16 (1016) MCTL Ð MODE CONTROL R17 (1116) OCASN Ð OUTPUT CLOCK ASSIGNMENT R18 (1216) CIPTR Ð COUNTER INTERRUPT POINTER R19 (1316) PDAT Ð PORT DATA R20 (1416) IPS Ð INTERRUPT/PORT SELECT R21 (1516) PDIR Ð PORT DIRECTION R22 (1616) CCTL Ð COUNTER CONTROL R23 (1716) CICTL Ð COUNTER INTERRUPT CONTROL R25 (1916) R24 (1816) LCSV Ð L-COUNTER STARTING VALUE R27 (1B16) R26 (1A16) HCSV Ð H-COUNTER STARTING VALUE R29 (1D16) R28 (1C16) LCCV Ð L-COUNTER CURRENT VALUE R31 (1F16) R30 (1E16) HCCV Ð H-COUNTER CURRENT VALUE FIGURE 3–1. ICU Internal Registers 14 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) The BBBB field is the bias which is programmed by writing BBBB00002 to the SVCT register (R1). The VVVV field identifies one of the 16 interrupt positions. The contents of the HVCT register provide various information to the CPU, as shown in Figure 3–2 : TL/EE/5117 – 14 3.3 ELTG Ð EDGE/LEVEL TRIGGERING REGISTERS (R2, R3) The ELTG registers determine the input trigger mode for each of the 16 interrupt inputs. Each input is assigned a bit in this register pair. An interrupt input is level-triggered if its bit in ELTG is set to 1. The input is edge-triggered if its bit is cleared. At reset, all bits in ELTG are set to 1. If odd-numbered interrupt positions must be used for software interrupts, the edge triggering mode must be selected and the corresponding interrupt inputs should be prevented from changing state. Note 1: The ICU always interprets a read of the HVCT register as either an INTA or RETI cycle. Since these cycles cause internal changes to the ICU, normal programs must never read the ICU HVCT register. Note 2: If the HVCT register is read with ST1 e 0 (INTA cycle) and no unmasked interrupt is pending, the binary value BBBB1111 is returned and any pending edge-triggered interrupt in position 15 is cleared. If the auto-rotate priority mode is selected, the FPRT register is also cleared, thus preventing any interrupt from being acknowledged. In this case a re-intialization of the FPRT register is required for the ICU to acknowledge interrupts again. If a read of the HVCT register is performed with ST1 e 1 (RETI cycle), the binary value BBBB1111 is returned. 3.4 TPL Ð TRIGGERING POLARITY REGISTERS (R4, R5) The TPL registers determine the polarity of either the active level or the active edge for each of the 16 interrupt inputs. As with the ELTG registers, each input is assigned a bit. Possible triggering modes for the various combinations of ELTG and TPL bits are shown below. ELTG BIT TPL BIT TRIGGERING MODE 0 0 Falling Edge 0 1 Rising Edge 1 0 Low Level 1 1 High Level Software interrupt positions are not affected by their TPL bits. At reset, all TPL bits are set to 0. If the auto-rotate mode is selected, a priority rotation is also performed. 3.2 SVCT Ð SOFTWARE VECTOR REGISTER (R1) The SVCT register is a copy of the HVCT register. It allows the programmer to read the contents of the HVCT register without initiating a INTA or RETI cycle in the ICU. It also allows a programmer to change the BBBB field of the HVCT register. The bit map of the SVCT register is the same as for the HVCT register. During a write to SVCT, the four least significant bits are unaffected while the four most significant bits are written into both SVCT and HVCT (R1 and R0). The SVCT register is updated dynamically by the ICU. The four least significant bits always contain the vector value that would be returned to the CPU if a INTA or RETI cycle were executed. Therefore, when reading the SVCT register, the state of the CPU ST1 pin is used to select either pending interrupt data or in-service interrupt data. For example, if the SVCT register is read with ST1 e 0 (as for an INTA cycle), the VVVV field contains the encoded value of the highest priority pending interrupt. On the other hand, if the SVCT register is read with ST1 e 1, the VVVV field contains the encoded value of the highest priority in-service interrupt. Note 1: If edged-triggered interrupts are to be handled, the TPL register should be programmed before the ELTG register. This prevents spurious interrupt requests from being generated during the ICU initialization from edge-triggered interrupt positions. Note 2: Hardware interrupt inputs connected to cascaded ICUs must have their TPL bits set to 0. 3.5 IPND Ð INTERRUPT PENDING REGISTERS (R6, R7) The IPND registers track interrupt requests that are pending but not yet serviced. Each interrupt position is assigned a bit in IPND. When an interrupt is pending, the corresponding bit in IPND is set. The IPND data are used by the ICU to generate interrupts to the CPU. These data are also used in polling operations. Note: If the CPU ST1 output is connected directly to the ICU ST1 input, the vector read from SVCT is always the RETI vector. If both the INTA and RETI vectors are desired, additional logic must be added to drive the ICU ST1 input. A typical circuit is shown below. In this circuit, the state of the ICU ST1 input is controlled by both the CPU ST1 output and the selected address bit. INTA CYCLE (ST1 e 0) BBBB VVVV RETI CYCLE (ST1 e 1) Highest priority pending interrupt is from: Highest priority in-service interrupt was from: cascaded ICU any other source cascaded ICU any other source 1111 programmed bias* 1111 programmed bias* encoded value of the highest priority pending interrupt encoded value of the highest priority in-service interrupt *The Programmed bias for the master ICU must range from 0000 to 01112 because the CPU interprets a one in the most significant bit position as a Cascade Table Index indicator for a cascaded ICU. FIGURE 3 – 2. HVCT Register Data Coding 15 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) The IPND registers are also used for requesting software interrupts. This is done by writing specially formatted data bytes to either IPND(L) or IPND(H). The formats differ for registers R6 and R7. These formats are shown below: IPND(L) (R6) Ð S0000PPP IPND(H) (R7) Ð S0001PPP Where: S e Set (S e 1) or Clear (S e 0) 3.7 IMSK Ð INTERRUPT MASK REGISTERS (R10, R11) Each NS32202 interrupt position can be individually masked. A masked interrupt source is not acknowledged by the ICU. The IMSK registers store a mask bit for each of the ICU interrupt positions. If an interrupt position’s IMSK bit is set to 1, the position is masked. The IMSK registers are controlled by the system software. At reset, all IMSK bits are set to 1, disabling all interrupts. PPP e is a binary number identifying one of eight bits Note: If an interrupt must be masked off, the CPU can do so by setting the corresponding bit in the IMSK register. However, if an interrupt is set pending during the CPU instruction that masks off that interrupt, the CPU may still perform an interrupt acknowledge cycle following that instruction since it might have sampled the INT line before the ICU deasserted it. This could cause the ICU to provide an invalid vector. To avoid this problem, the above operation should be performed with the CPU interrupt disabled. Note: The data read from either R6 or R7 are different from that written to the register because the ICU returns the register contents, rather than the formatted byte used to set the register bits. The ICU automatically clears a set IPND bit when the pending interrupt request is serviced. All pending interrupts in a register can be cleared by writing the pattern ‘X1XXXXXX’ to it (X e don’t care). To avoid conflicts with asynchronous hardware interrupt requests, the IPND registers should be frozen before pending interrupts are cleared. Refer to the Mode Control Register description for details on freezing the IPND registers. At reset, all IPND bits are set to 0. 3.8 CSRC Ð CASCADED SOURCE REGISTERS (R12, R13) The CSRC registers track any cascaded interrupt positions. Each interrupt position is assigned a bit in the CSRC registers. If an interrupt position’s CSRC bit is set, that position is connected to the INT output of another NS32202 ICU, i.e., it is a cascaded interrupt. At reset, the CSRC registers are set to 0. Note: The edge sensing mechanism used for hardware interrupts in the NS32202 ICU is a latching device that can be cleared only by acknowledging the interrupt or by changing the trigger mode to level sensing. Therefore, before clearing pending interrupts in the IPND registers, any edge-triggered interrupt inputs must first be switched to the level-triggered mode. This clears the edge-triggered interrupts; the remaining interrupts can then be cleared in the manner described above. This applies to clearing the interrupts only. Edge-triggered interrupts can be set without changing the trigger mode. Note 1: If any cascaded ICU is used, the CSRC register should be cleared during initialization (if the initialization does not follow a hardware reset) by writing zeroes into it. This should be done before setting the bits corresponding to the cascaded interrupt positions. This operation ensures that the 4-bit in-service counters (associated with each interrupt position to keep track of cascaded interrupts) always get cleared when the ICU is re-initialized. 3.6 ISRV Ð INTERRUPT IN-SERVICE REGISTERS (R8, R9) The ISRV registers track interrupt requests that are currently being serviced. Each interrupt position is assigned a bit in ISRV. When an interrupt request is serviced by the ICU, its corresponding bit is set in the ISRV registers. Before generating an interrupt to the CPU, the ICU checks the ISRV registers to ensure that no higher priority interrupt is currently being serviced. Each time the CPU executes an RETI instruction, the ICU clears the ISRV bit corresponding to the highest priority interrupt in service. The ISRV registers can also be written into by the CPU. This is done to implement the special mask priority mode. At reset, the ISRV registers are set to 0. Note 2: Only the Master ICU should have any CSRC bits set. If CSRC bits are set in a cascaded ICU, incorrect operation results. 3.9 FPRT Ð FIRST PRIORITY REGISTERS (R14, R15) The FPRT registers track the ICU interrupt position that currently holds first priority. Only one bit of the FPRT registers is set at one time. The set bit indicates the interrupt position with first (highest) priority. The FPRT registers are automatically updated when the ICU is in the auto-rotate mode. The first priority interrupt can be determined by reading the FPRT registers. This operation returns a 16-bit word with only one bit set. An interrupt position can be assigned first priority by writing a formatted data byte to the FPRT(L) register. The format is shown below: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 X Note: If the ICU initialization does not follow a hardware reset, the ISRV register should be cleared during initialization by writing zeroes into it. X X Where: XXXX e FFFF e X F F F F Don’t Care A binary number from 0 to 15 indicating the interrupt position assigned first priority. Note: The byte above is written only to the FPRT(L) register. Any data written to FPRT(H) is ignored. At reset the FFFF field is set to 0, thus giving interrupt position 0 first priority. 3.10 MCTL Ð MODE CONTROL REGISTER (R16) The contents of the MCTL set the operating mode of the NS32202 ICU. The MCTL bit map is shown below. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CFRZ COUTD COUTM CLKM FRZ unused NTAR T16N8 16 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) CFRZ COUTD COUTM CLKM FRZ NTAR Note: The interrupt sensing mechanism on pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G3/IR6 is not disabled when any of these pins is programmed as clock output. Thus, to avoid spurious interrupts, the corresponding bits in register IPS should also be set to zero. Determines whether or not the NS32202 counter readings are frozen. When frozen, the counters continue counting but the LCCV and HCCV registers are not updated. Reading of the true value of LCCV and HCCV is possible only while they are frozen. CFRZ e 0 e l LCCV and HCCV Not Frozen 3.12 CIPTR Ð COUNTER INTERRUPT POINTER REGISTER (R18) The CIPTR register tracks the assignment of counter outputs to interrupt positions. A bit map of this register is shown below. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CFRZ e 1 e l LCCV and HCCV Frozen Determines whether the COUT/SCIN pin is an input or an output. COUT/SCIN should be used as an input only for testing purposes. In this case an external sampling clock must be provided otherwise hardware interrupts will not be recognized. COUTD e 0 e l COUT/SCIN is Output H H H H L L L L Where: HHHH e A 4-bit binary number identifying the interrupt position assigned to the HCounter (or the H a L-counter if the counters are concatenated). LLLL e A 4-bit binary number identifying the interrupt position assigned to the Lcounter. COUTD e 1 e l COUT/SCIN is Input When the COUT/SCIN pin is programmed as an output (COUTD e 0), this bit determines whether the output signal is in pulsed form or in square wave form. COUTM e 0 e l Square Wave Form Note: Assignment of a counter output to an interrupt position also requires control bits to be set in the CICTL register. If a counter output is assigned to an interrupt position, external hardware interrupts at that position are ignored. COUTM e 1 e l Pulsed Form Used only in the 8-bit Bus Mode. This bit controls the clock wave form on any of the pins GO/IRO, . . . ,G3/IR6 programmed as counter output. CLKM e 0 e l Square Wave Form At reset, all bits in the CIPTR are set to 1. (This means both counters are assigned to interrupt position 15.) 3.13 PDAT Ð PORT DATA REGISTER (R19) Used only in the 8-bit Bus Mode. This register is used to input or output data through any of the pins G0/ IR0, . . . ,G7/IR14 programmed as I/O ports by the IPS register. Any pin programmed as an output delivers the data written into PDAT. The input pins ignore it. Reading PDAT provides the logical value of all I/O pins, INPUT and OUTPUT. CLKM e 1 e l Pulsed Form Freeze Bit. In order to allow a synchronous reading of the interrupt pending registers (IPND), their status may be frozen, causing the ICU to ignore incoming requests. This is of special importance if a polling method is used. FRZ e 0 e l IPND Not Frozen 3.14 IPS Ð INTERRUPT/PORT SELECT REGISTER (R20) Used only in the 8-bit Bus Mode. This register controls the function of the pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G7/IR14. Each of these pins is individually programmed as an I/O port, if the corresponding bit of IPS is 0; as an interrupt source, if the corresponding bit is 1. The assignment of the H-Counter output to G0/IR0, . . . ,G3/IR6 by means of reg. OCASN overrides the assignment to these pins as I/O ports or interrupt inputs. At Reset, all the IPS bits are set to 1. FRZ e 1 e l IPND Frozen Determines whether the ICU is in the AUTOROTATE or FIXED Priority Mode. In AUTOROTATE mode, the interrupt source at the highest priority position, after being serviced, is assigned automatically lowest priority. In this mode, the interrupt in service always has highest priority and nesting of interrupts is therefore inhibited. NTAR e 0 e l Auto-Rotate Mode Note: Whenever a bit in the IPS register is set to zero, to program the corresponding pin as an I/O port, any pending interrupt on the corresponding interrupt position will be cleared. NTAR e 1 e l Fixed Mode Controls the data bus mode of operation. T16N8 e 0 e l 8-Bit Bus Mode T16N8 e 1 e l 16-Bit Bus Mode At reset, all MCTL bits except COUTD, are reset to 0. COUTD is set to 1. 3.15 PDIR Ð PORT DIRECTION REGISTER (R21) Used only in the 8-bit Bus Mode. This register determines the direction of any of the pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G7/IR14 programmed as I/O ports by the IPS register. A logic 1 indicates an input, while a logic 0 indicates an output. At Reset, all the PDIR bits are set to 1. 3.11 OCASN Ð OUTPUT CLOCK ASSIGNMENT REGISTER (R17) Used only in the 8-bit Bus Mode. The four least significant bits of this register control the output clock assignments on pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G3/IR6. If any of these bits is set to 1, the clock generated by either the H-Counter or the H a L-Counter will be output to the corresponding pin. The four most significant bits of OCASN are not used. At Reset the four least significant bits are set to 0. 3.16 CCTL Ð COUNTER CONTROL REGISTER (R22) The CCTL register controls the operating modes of the counters. A bit map of CCTL is shown below. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 T16N8 CCON CFNPS COUT1 COUT0 CRUNH CRUNL CDCRH CDCRL CCON 17 Determines whether the counters are independent or concatenated to form a single 32-bit counter (H a L-Counter). If a 32-bit counter is selected, the bits corresponding to the H- 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) control bits. In this case the CIEL bit should be set to zero to avoid spurious interrupts from the L-Counter. A bit map of the CICTL register is shown following. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Counter will control the H a L-Counter, while the bits corresponding to the L-Counter are not used. CFNPS CCON e 0 e l Two 16-bit Counters CCON e 1 e l One 32-bit Counter Determines whether the external clock is prescaled or not. CFNPS e 0 e l Clock Prescaled (divided by 4) CERH CIRH CIEH WENH CERL CIRL CIEL WENL CERH CFNPS e 1 e l Clock Not Prescaled. COUT1 & COUT0 CIRH These bits are effective only when the COUT/ SCIN pin is programmed as an OUTPUT (COUTD bit in reg. MCTL is 0). Their logic levels are decoded to provide different outputs for COUT/SCIN, as detailed in the table below: CIEH COUT1 COUT0 COUT/SCIN Output Signal 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 WENH Internal Sampling Oscillator Zero Detect Of L-Counter Zero Detect Of H-Counter Zero Detect Of H a L-Counter* CERL *If the H- and L-Counters are not concatenated and COUT1/COUT0 are both 1, the COUT/SCIN pin is active when either counter reaches zero. CRUNH CRUNL CDCRH CDCRL CIRL Determines the state of either the H-Counter or the H a L-Counter, depending upon the status of CCON. CRUNH e 0 e l H-Counter or H a L-Counter Halted CRUNH e 1 e l H-Counter or H a L-Counter Running Effective only when CCON e 0. This bit determines whether the L-Counter is running or halted. CRUNL e 0 e l L-Counter Halted CIEL WENL H-Counter Error Flag. This bit is set (1) when a second interrupt request from the H-Counter (or H a L-Counter) occurs before the first request is acknowledged. H-Counter Interrupt Request. It is set (1) when an interrupt is pending from the H-Counter (or H a L-Counter). It is automatically reset when the interrupt is acknowledged. H-Counter Interrupt Enable. When it is set, the H-Counter (or H a L-Counter) interrupt is enabled. H-Counter Control Write Enable. When WEHN is set (1), bits CERH, CIRH, and CIEH can be written. L-Counter Error Flag. This bit is set (1) when a second interrupt request from the L-Counter occurs before the first request is acknowledged. L-Counter Interrupt Request. It is set (1) when an interrupt is pending from the L-Counter. It is automatically reset when the interrupt is acknowledged. L-Counter Interrupt Enable. When it is set (1), the L-Counter interrupt is enabled. L-Counter Control Write Enable. When WENL is set (1), bits CERL, CIRL, and CIEL can be written. Note: Setting the write enable bits (WENH or WENL) and writing any of the other CICTL bits are concurrent operations. That is, the ICU will ignore any attempt to alter CICTL bits if the proper write enable bit is not set in the data byte. CRUNL e 1 e l L-counter Running Effective only when CRUNH e 0 (Counter Halted). This bit is the single cycle decrement signal for either the H-Counter or the H a L-Counter. CDCRH e 0 e l No Effect At reset, all CICTL bits are set to 0. However, if the counters are running, the bits CIRL, CERL, CIRH and CERH may be set again after the reset signal is removed. 3.18 LCSV/HCSV Ð L-COUNTER STARTING VALUE/ H-COUNTER STARTING VALUE REGISTERS (R24, R25, R26, AND R27) The LCSV and HCSV registers store the start values for the L-Counter and H-Counter, respectively. Each time a counter reaches zero, the start value is automatically reloaded from either LCSV or HCSV, one clock cycle after zero count is reached. Loading LCSV or HCSV from the CPU must be synchronized to avoid writing the registers while the reloading of the counters is occurring. One method is to halt the counters while the registers are loaded. When the 16-bit counters are concatenated, the LCSV and HCSV registers hold the 32-bit start count, with the least significant byte in R24 and the most significant byte in R27. CDCRH e 1 e l Decrement H-Counter or H a L-Counter Effective only when CRUNL e 0 and CCON e 0. This bit is the single cycle decrement signal for the L-Counter. CDCRL e 0 e l No Effect CDCRL e 1 e l Decrement L-Counter Note: The bits CDCRL and CDCRH are set when a logic 1 is written into them, but, they are automatically cleared after the end of the write operation. This is needed to accomplish the decrement operation. Therefore, these bits always contain 0 when read. Reset does not affect the CCTL bits. 3.19 LCCV/HCCV Ð L-COUNTER CURRENT VALUE/ H-COUNTER CURRENT VALUE REGISTERS (R28, R29, R30, AND R31) The LCCV and HCCV registers hold the current value of the counters. If the CFRZ bit in the MCTL register is reset (0), these registers are updated on each clock cycle with the current value of the counters. LCCV and HCCV can be read only when the counter readings are frozen (CFRZ bit in the 3.17 CICTL Ð COUNTER INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER (R23) The CICTL register controls the counter interrupts and records counter interrupt status. Interrupts can be generated from either of the 16-bit counters. When the counters are concatenated, the interrupt control is through the H-Counter 18 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 15 FIGURE 3–3. Recommended ICU’s Initialization Sequence 19 Status (ST1): Status signal from the CPU. When the Hardware Vector Register is read, this signal differentiates an INTA cycle from an RETI cycle. If ST1 e 0 the ICU initiates an INTA cycle. If ST1 e 1 an RETI cycle will result. Interrupt Requests (IR1, IR3 . . . , IR15): These eight inputs are used for hardware interrupts. Each may be individually triggered in one of four modes: Rising Edge, Falling Edge, Low Level, or High Level. Counter Clock (CLK): External clock signal to drive the ICU internal counters. 3.0 Architectural Description (Continued) MCTL register is 1). They can be written only when the counters are halted (CRUNL and/or CRUNH bits in the CCTL register are 0). This last feature allows new initial count values to be loaded immediately into the counters, and can be used during initialization to avoid long initial counts. When the 16-bit counters are concatenated, the LCCV and HCCV registers hold the 32-bit current value, with the least significant byte in R28 and the most significant byte in R31. 4.1.3 Output Signals Interrupt Output (INT): Active low. This signal indicates that an interrupt is pending. 3.20 REGISTER INITIALIZATION Figure 3–3 shows a recommended initialization procedure for the ICU that sets up all the ICU registers for proper operation. 4.1.4 Input/Output Signals Data Bus 0 – 7 (D0 through D7): Eight low-order data bus lines used in both 8-bit and 16-bit bus modes. General Purpose I/O Lines (G0/IR0, G1/IR2, . . . ,G7/ IR14): These pins are the high-order data bits when the ICU is in the 16-bit bus mode. When the ICU is in the 8-bit bus mode, each of these can be individually assigned one of the following functions: # Additional Hardware Interrupt Input (IR0 through IR14) # General Purpose Data Input # General Purpose Data Output # Clock Output from H-Counter (Pins G0/IR0 through G3/IR6 only) It should be noted that, for maximum flexibility in assigning interrupt priorities, the interrupt positions corresponding to pins G0/IR0, . . . ,G7/IR14 and IR1, . . . ,IR15 are interleaved. 4.0 Device Specifications 4.1 NS32202 PIN DESCRIPTIONS 4.1.1 Power Supply Power (VCC): a 5V DC Supply Ground (GND): Power Supply Return 4.1.2 Input Signals Reset (RST): Active low. This signal initializes the ICU. (The ICU initializes to the 8-bit bus mode.) Chip Select (CS): Active low. This signal enables the ICU to respond to address, data, and control signals from the CPU. Addresses (A0 through A4): Address lines used to select the ICU internal registers for read/write operations. High Byte Enable (HBE): Active low. Enables data transfers on the most-significant byte of the Data Bus. If the ICU is in the 8-bit Bus Mode, this signal is not used and should be connected to either GND or VCC. Read (RD): Active low. Enables data to be read from the ICU’s internal registers. Write (WR): Active low. Enables data to be written into the ICU’s internal registers. Counter or Oscillator Output/Sampling Clock Input (COUT/SCIN): As an output, this pin provides either a clock signal generated by the ICU internal oscillator, or a zero detect signal from one or both of the ICU counters. As an input, it is used for an external clock, to override the internal oscillator used for interrupt sampling. This is done only for testing purposes. 20 4.0 Device Specifications (Continued) 4.2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Temperature Under Bias Storage Temperature All Input or Output Voltages with Respect to GND Power Dissipation Note: Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which permanent damage may occur. Continuous operation at these limits is not intended; operation should be limited to those conditions specified under Electrical Characteristics. 0§ C to a 70§ C b 65§ C to a 150§ C b 0.5V to a 7.0V 1.5 Watt 4.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA e 0§ to 70§ C, VCC e a 5V g 5%, GND e 0V Symbol Parameter Conditions VIL Input Low Voltage VIH Input High Voltage VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage IOH e b400 mA IL Leakage Current (Output and I/O Pins in TRI-STATE/Input mode) 0.4 s VIN s VCC II Input Load Current Vin e 0 to VCC ICC Power Supply Current Iout e 0, T e 0§ C Min Typ Max Units 0.8 V 0.45 V 2.0 IOL e 2 mA 2.4 b 20 b 20 Connection Diagram Top View Order Number NS32202D-10 See NS Package Number D40C FIGURE 4 – 1 21 V TL/EE/5117 – 3 V 20 mA 20 mA 300 mA 4.0 Device Specifications (Continued) 4.4 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS 4.4.1 Definitions Abbreviations: All the timing specifications given in this section refer to 0.8V or 2.0V on the input and output signals as illustrated in Figure 1 , unless specifically stated otherwise. L.E.Ðleading edge T.E.Ðtrailing edge R.E.Ðrising edge F.E.Ðfalling edge TL/EE/5117–16 FIGURE 4 – 2. Timing Specification Standard Timing Tables Symbol Figure Description Reference/Conditions NS32202-10 Min Units Max READ CYCLE tAhRDia 4-3 Address Hold Time After RD T.E. 10 tAsRDa 4-3 Address Setup Time Before RD L.E. 35 ns ns tCShRDia 4-3 CS Hold Time After RD T.E. 15 ns tCSsRDa 4-3 CS Setup Time Before RD L.E. 30 tDhRDia 4-3 Data Hold Time After RD T.E. 5 tRDaDv 4-3 Data Valid After RD L.E. tRDw 4-3 RD Pulse Width At 0.8V (Both Edges) 160 ns tSsRDa 4-3 ST1 Setup Time Before RD L.E. 35 ns tShRDia 4-3 ST1 Hold Time After RD T.E. b 30 ns tAhWRia 4-4 Address Hold Time After WR T.E. 10 ns tAsWRa 4-4 Address Setup Time Before WR L.E. 35 ns tCShWRia 4-4 CS Hold Time After WR T.E. 15 ns tCSsWRa 4-4 CS Setup Time Before WR L.E. 30 ns tDhWRia 4-4 Data Hold Time After WR T.E. 30 ns tDsWRia 4-4 Data Setup Time Before WR T.E. 70 ns tWRiaPf 4-4 Port Output Floating After WR T.E. (To PDIR) 200 ns tWRiaPv 4-4 Port Output Valid After WR T.E. 200 ns tWRw 4-4 WR Pulse Width At 0.8V (Both Edges) ns 50 ns 150 ns WRITE CYCLE 22 160 ns 4.0 Device Specifications (Continued) Timing Tables (Continued) Symbol Figure Description Reference/Conditions NS32202-10 Min Units Max OTHER TIMINGS tCOUTI 4-8 Internal Sampling Clock Low Time tCOUTp 4-8 Internal Sampling Clock Period tSCINh 4-7 External Sampling Clock High Time At 2.0V (Both Edges) tSCINI 4-7 External Sampling Clock Low Time At 0.8V (Both Edges) 100 ns tSCINp 4-7 External Sampling Clock Period 800 ns tCh 4-9 External Clock High Time (Without Prescaler) At 2.0V (Both Edges) 100 ns tChp 4-9 External Clock High Time (With Prescaler) At 2.0V (Both Edges) 40 ns tCI 4-9 External Clock Low Time (Without Prescaler) At 0.8V (Both Edges) 100 ns tCIp 4-9 External Clock Low Time (With Prescaler) At 0.8V (Both Edges) 40 ns tCy 4-9 External Clock Period (Without Prescaler) 400 ns tCyp 4-9 External Clock Period (With Prescaler) 100 ns tGCOUTI 4-9 Counter Output Transition Delay After CLK F.E. tCOUTw 4-9 Counter Output Pulse Width in Pulsed Form At 0.8V (Both Edges) tACKIR 4-5 Interrupt Request Delay After Previous Interrupt Acknowledge tIRId 4-5 INT Output Delay After Interrupt Request Active tIRw 4-5 Interrupt Request Pulse Width in Edge Trigger At 0.8V (Both Edges) RST Pulse Width At 0.8V (Both Edges) tRSTw At 0.8V (Both Edges) 50 ns 400 ns 100 ns 300 ns 50 ns 500 ns 800 ns 50 ns 400 ns Timing Diagrams TL/EE/5117 – 17 FIGURE 4 – 3. READ/INTA Cycle 23 4.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 18 FIGURE 4 – 4. Write Cycle TL/EE/5117 – 19 FIGURE 4–5. Interrupt Timing in Edge Triggering Mode TL/EE/5117 – 20 FIGURE 4–6. Interrupt Timing in Level Triggering Mode 24 4.0 Device Specifications (Continued) TL/EE/5117 – 21 Note: Interrupts are sampled on the rising edge of CLK. FIGURE 4–7. External Interrupt-Sampling-Clock to be Provided at Pin COUT/SCIN When in Test Mode TL/EE/5117 – 22 FIGURE 4–8. Internal Interrupt-Sampling-Clock Provided at Pin COUT/SCIN TL/EE/5117 – 23 FIGURE 4–9. Relationship Between Clock Input at Pin CLK and Counter Output Signals at Pins COUT/SCIN or G0/R0,...,G3/R6, in Both Pulsed Form and Square Waveform 25 NS32202-10 Interrupt Control Unit Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) Lit. Ý 114298 Hermetic Dual-In-Line Package (D) Order Number NS32202D-10 NS Package Number D40C Ordering Information NS32202D-10 LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. National Semiconductor Corporation 1111 West Bardin Road Arlington, TX 76017 Tel: 1(800) 272-9959 Fax: 1(800) 737-7018 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. National Semiconductor Europe Fax: (a49) 0-180-530 85 86 Email: cnjwge @ tevm2.nsc.com Deutsch Tel: (a49) 0-180-530 85 85 English Tel: (a49) 0-180-532 78 32 Fran3ais Tel: (a49) 0-180-532 93 58 Italiano Tel: (a49) 0-180-534 16 80 National Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 13th Floor, Straight Block, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd. Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2737-1600 Fax: (852) 2736-9960 National Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Tel: 81-043-299-2309 Fax: 81-043-299-2408 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.