ULTRA-SMALL PACKAGE ECO-GREEN RELAY AGN-Relays P PCB board type and surface mount type P Coil assembly molding technology P Micro-balanced armature mechanism P Twin crossbar contacts Unit weight: approx. 1.0 g Tentative data sheet Code No. PCB type Surface mount type monostable Nominal voltage (DC, V) bistable Nominal operating current (DC, mA) Coil resistance (Ω) (± 10% at 20°C) Nominal operating power (mW) (± 10% at 20°C) monostable bistable monostable bistable monostable bistable monostable AGN2001H AGN2101H AGN200A1H AGN210A1H 1.5 93.3 66.7 16 22.5 140 bistable 100 AGN20003 AGN21003 AGN200A03 AGN210A03 3 46.7 33.3 64.3 90 140 100 AGN2004H AGN2104H AGN200A4H AGN210A4H 4.5 31 22.2 145 202.5 140 100 AGN20006 AGN21006 AGN200A06 AGN210A06 6 23.3 16.7 257 360 140 100 AGN20009 AGN21009 AGN200A09 AGN210A09 9 15.5 11.1 579 810 140 100 AGN20012 AGN21012 AGN200A12 AGN210A12 12 11.7 8.3 1028 1440 140 100 AGN20024 AGN21024 AGN200A24 AGN210A24 24 9.6 5.0 2504 4800 230 120 SPECIFICATIONS (CONTACT AND CHARACTERISTICS) Coil data Pick-up voltage (initial) Drop-out voltage (initial) Max. allowable voltage Arrangement Contact material Contact data Expected life Breakdown voltage (initial, Detection current: 10mA) Surge withstand voltage (initial) Insulation resistance (initial) Contact resistance (initial) Max. switching power (resistive) Max. switching voltage Max. switching current Min. switching load Electric life (resistive) Mechanical life Between open contacts Between contact sets Between contacts and coil Between contacts and coil Coil temperature rise value Vibration resistance Shock resistance Operate time Release time Functional Destructive Functional Destructive less than 75% of nominal voltage (at 20%) (square, pulse drive) more than 10% of nominal voltage (at 20%) (square, pulse drive) 150% of nominal voltage (at 20%), (120% for 24V monostable type) 2c Au-clad, AgPd (stationary contact) AgPd (movable contact) Max. 100 mΩ (by voltage drop 6V DC 1A) 30W 110V DC/ 125 V AC 1A DC 10µA, 10 m V DC 1 x 105 ope. at 1A 30V DC (at 20 cpm) 5 x 107 ope. (at 180 cpm) AC 750 Vrms for 1 min. AC 1,000 Vrms for 1 min. AC 1,500 Vrms for 1 min. 1500 V (10 x 160 µs) [FCC P68], 2,500V (2 x 10µs) [Bellcore] Min. 1000 MΩ at 500 V DC Max. 50 K (resistance method) (Contact carry current: 1A, Coil: nominal voltage) 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 3 mm 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 5 mm Min. 750 m/s2 Min. 1,000 m/s2 Max. 4 ms (at nominal voltage, without bounce) Max. 4 ms (at nominal voltage, without bounce) (without diode) (If a diode is connected across the coil, the release time will be longer. DIMENSIONS (through hole type) (surface mounted type)* * special version (-SS) with reduced pin lenght (5.70 mm top – top) on request Electrical life (resistive load) Operations (x 10000) Switching current (A) Load limit curve (resistive load) Switching voltage (V) Switching current (V) Please contact our European Sales Companies in: I Austria I Benelux Matsushita Automation Controls Austria Ges.m.b.H., Stojanstraße 12, A-2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Tel. (0 22 36) 2 68 46, Fax (0 22 36) 4 61 33 Matsushita Automation Controls Benelux B.V., Nijverheidsweg 29, (Postbus 211), 5683 CJ Best, (5680 AE Best), Netherlands, Tel. (0 4 99) 37 27 27, Fax (0 4 99) 37 2185 I France Matsushita Automation Controls France SARL, B.P. 44, F-91371 Verrières le Buisson CEDEX, Tél. 01 60 13 57 57, Fax 01 69 20 38 97 I Germany Matsushita Automation Controls Deutschland GmbH, Rudolf-Diesel-Ring 2, D-83 607 Holzkirchen, Tel. (0 80 24) 6 48-0, Fax (0 80 24) 6 48-5 55, Postfach 1330, D-83 603 Holzkirchen I Ireland Matsushita Automation Controls Ltd., Irish Branch Office, Waverley, Old Naas Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12, Republic of Ireland, Tel: (01) 4600969, Fax: (01) 4601131 I Italy Matsushita Automation Controls Italia s.r.l., Via del Commercio 3–5 (Z.I. Ferlina), I-37012 Bussolengo (VR), Tel. (045) 6 70 04 40, Fax (045) 6 70 04 44 I Spain Matsushita Automation Controls España S.A., Rufino Gonzalez 40, E-28037 Madrid, Tel. (91) 327 1638, Fax (91) 327 2964 I Switzerland Matsushita Automation Controls (Schweiz) AG, Grundstrasse 8, CH-6343 Rotkreuz, Tel. (041) 799 70 50, Fax (041) 799 70 55 I United Kingdom Matsushita Automation Controls Ltd., Sunrise Parkway, Linford Wood East, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LF, England, Tel. (01908) 231555, Fax (019 08) 231599 is the new global brand for automation products. Printed in Germany Matsushita Automation Controls Group Europe © 1998 PDF-File generated March 1998, Data published may change due to technical improvements Copyright © 1998 1087 eu en 3/98