DESCRIPTION AND FEATURES CMD 15-21 CA T HO DE MA R K CMD15-22 BI-COLOR C A T H O DE MA SK 3.20± . 0 20 2. 70 1. 40 1.50± . 0 20 1. 10 2. 00 1.10± . 0 20 2.00± . 0 20 0. 60 3. 20 0. 60 0. 60 0. 40 R 1. 10 0. 90 2. 50 All dimensions in mm. Surface Mount Technology • Tape and reel packaged for high-speed autoinsertion. • Convection and vapor-phase reflow compatible. • Compact form enables high density placement. • Packaged 2000 pieces per reel. Leading Edge LED Optoelectronic Performance • Consistent high brightness. • Integral lensing for narrow angle light dispersion. • Bi-color available. Exceptional Reliability • Stringent process controls assure quality. • Extensive qualification testing to meet strictest requirements. • Designed to permit easy post-reflow solder joint inspection. CMD15-21 & 22 Series SMT LEDs 1 206 Package Size CMD15-21 & 22 Series SMT LEDs 1206 Package Size 0. 50 R 2. 10 • Solder pad geometry on page 1-X2. ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS Luminous Intensity Forward Volt age Ty p. Ma x . Min. Ty p. (V) (V) (m cd) (m cd) 6.0 Su pe r Re d Cl e a r 2.4 1.7 15.0 2.8 2.0 3.6 H.E . R e d Cl e a r 6.0 2.8 3.6 6.0 Ye llow Cl e a r 2.0 Green Cl e a r 2.1 2.8 10.0 6.0 4.9 5.5 45.0 19.0 Bl ue Cl e a r 2.1 12.0 7.0 Gr een Cl e a r 2.8 2.4 H.E . R e d Re d D iffuse d 2.8 2.0 4.0 6.5 2.8 2.1 5.5 Cl e a r Gr een Diffused 2.0 2.8 Cl e a r Yellow Diffused 4.0 3.7 Su pe r Yellow Cl e a r 2.8 2.1 47.0 27.0 31.0 2.1 17.0 Su nse t orange Cl e a r 2.8 H.E . R e d Cl e a r 2.8 2.8 3.6 20.0 10.0 Green Cl e a r 2.1 6.0 2.8 Re d Cl e a r 2.4 15.0 1.7 9.0 2.8 7.0 Gr een Cl e a r 2.1 12.0 Em i tted Co l or Part N umbe r CM D15-21S R C /T R 8 CM D15-21V R C /T R 8 CM D15-21V YC /T R 8 CM D15-21V G C /T R 8 CM D15-21U B C /T R 8 CM D15-21U G C /T R 8 CM D15-21V R D /T R 8 CM D15-21V G D /T R 8 CM D15-21V Y D /T R 8 CM D15-21U Y C /T R 8 CM D15-21U S O C/T R 8 CM D15-22V RVGC / TR8 CM D15-22S R U G C/TR 8 Le ns Co lor Pe a k Te s t Current Wa ve le ngth (n m) (m A ) 660 20 640 20 585 20 570 20 430 20 565 20 640 20 570 20 585 20 590 20 620 20 640 20 570 20 660 20 565 20 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Green H.E.Red Yellow Red Units Power Dissipation...................................................105...............105..................105..................100.............mW Storage/Operating Temperature...........................-40 to +85....-40 to +85.........-40 to +85........-40 to +85..........°C Peak Forward Current (1µs @ 10% duty cycle)...........150...............150..................150.................150..............mA Reverse Voltage (IR=100µA)....................................5.0................5.0...................5.0..................5.0................V Lead Solder Time @ 260°C........................................5...................5......................5....................5........Seconds Average Forward Current..........................................25.................30....................30...................30..............mA America: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 147 Central Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 -USA Tel:1-201-489 -8989 Fax:1-201-489 -6911 Europe: CML Technologies GmbH &Co.KG Robert-Bunsen-Str.1 67098 Bad Dürkheim -GERMANY Tel:+49 (0)6322 9567-0 Fax:+49 (0)6322 9567-88 Asia: CML Innovative Technologies,Inc. 61 Aida Street Singapore 459975 Tel:(65)9630 -5003 CML-IT reserves the right to make specification revisions that enhance the design and/or performance of the product